for the first time they seem to be going to let people in citcon to play through stuff, certainly 3.0 that by the time to citcon should still be evocati, at max opening public PTU.
One of the things to be announced this citcon is indeed their partnership with Intel on their new SSDs.
On other citcon news as the new format of the conference, a 24 pc setup to play through stuff, from what's said is 3.0 but with some new stuff still to be shown.
There are already quite a few people in the community speaking Xi'an quite well. I admire people that can learn a language that fast. But of course those are the same people that can curse in Klingon and debate quantum chromo dynamics in Vulcan.
For those who want to be polite in Xi'an ... here are some tips.
Have fun
Frontier 17 Trailer (FanArt)
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One of the things to be announced this citcon is indeed their partnership with Intel on their new SSDs.
On other citcon news as the new format of the conference, a 24 pc setup to play through stuff, from what's said is 3.0 but with some new stuff still to be shown.
fan made SC card game - exploring the SC map
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Fan-made Cutlass Black Brochure. Quite well made IMHO.
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The text reads "The beast is in the house" and is a Xian "macho" slogan ;-)
Once you have mastered Klingon, you can learn Xian
Have fun,3321647.html
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Great screen
CIG is offering discounted starter packages during the Anniversary Sale.
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This is the next rover on its way to Mars - and NO .. that is NOT a joke ;-)
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For those who want to be polite in Xi'an ... here are some tips.
Have fun
Hmmmm...Interesting grammar.
Pilot 1: "Permission to blow something up?"
Wing Leader : "Permission granted."
Yes, we have been at the cinema earlier that day ;-)
Have fun
Cringe Citizen!
Also it's just me.
Not sure why you're seeing double.
Have fun