Looks generic and bland. Did not even make it through the whole video. This is a fail waiting to happen.
Gloria Victis is undergoing heavy development changes constantly and it's currently in an alpha stage.
More content that was talked about in early September is still under construction. They have been focusing on the inventory rework since items disappear in the current build. It was only a short while ago that they released feints to cancel your swing. Fortifications have been implemented into the game not too long ago, and many other changes that you can find in the patch notes. Guild System, Inventory Rework, Shops Interfaces, Crafting system updates, will likely make it's way into the game before the end of the year.
As a backer of the game the current combat while slightly sluggish and slow is perfectly fine, but could use some animation tweaking and other fixes to sproof it up a bit. Combat is not an issue for me, and only continues to get better with many stamina changes, and new things like kicking someones shield which was very recently introduced. Passive abilities were released not too long ago too. A entirely newly hand drawn map was included which was pretty awesome to see!
2016 and beyond will probably have another roadmap set out for the plan
ahead. After they release the above very important, and much needed updates into the
game. I'm pretty sure they will focus on implementing many tweaks, and
fixes that will address backer interests behind the scenes on the
forums. Assuming you have backed the game which is only a measly $10 minimum to gain access to the game. These developers have made tons of progress in the past few months.
We will probably see things such as mounts, alongside many core gameplay changes, and many combat additions/changes, trade routes, possibly player controlled kings that own the land, and player armies that defend active player farmers, and probably far more exciting things in the road ahead. I wouldn't mind mounted combat (shooting a crossbow from a steed) and many other fun changes that will hopefully make it's way into the game sometime in the year 2016.
My biggest issue is the player population which is currently low. The game has yet to hit steam and won't come to steam anytime soon. I'm perfectly fine with waiting, as long as noticeable progress is being made. It's being worked on by such a small development team, and the current state of the game is pretty impressive. Though it isn't enough to keep me playing, and the near incoming updates might not be enough to update the game.
The game has a massive potential to be fun in the future.I hope with my backing it will help them push development in the right direction for 2016 and beyond. I'm happy with backing them, and hope others will decide to back them as well! For a game in Pre-Alpha stages the game is looking pretty good to me. Also the trailer music is awesome, just like all of the other quality music, and sounds inside Gloria Victis.
Combat looks more realistic than most games, its not a clicking spaz fest like most games that try to pull off melee combat. Humans don't have the strength to flick swords around like toothpicks the way most game portray it. They are heavy, they have tons of momentum and it takes time to reposition for another swing, this game seems to mimic that well. Not to mention the weight of the armor your encumbered with.
My guess is allot of people don't understand what they are seeing and will just say combat looks slow and clunky. And I would say your right sword play is unless your jousting with feather weight fencing swords in your underwear.
This is the current MMO scene at it's finest. On one hand the gamers are jaded, making comments about the unpolished state of a game, completely ignoring the fact that it's not even into beta yet. On the other hand developers wanting quick cash to further invest into their game by giving players acces to an unfinished product, possibly destroying the rep of their game before it has even reached beta.
Both developers and players need a reality check here. One side too lazy to do a proper job, the other too downright ignorant to put things into perspective. Neither party has any appeal to me.
Looking better and better.
Here you can see that to make an mmo you dont need a budget exceeding 250 million euro.
Fantastic improvements and haters gonne hate.
How is this game even top 3 on the polls. I mean props for what this small team has done with the game, but I don't think its a top 3 hyped game.
Hype has nothing to do with quality.
You can hype up a potato to be the best game ever, you just need people to jump on the bandwagon.
Hype is a marketing tool used to sell a product - it is not indicative of anything else.
Agreed. I guess I just don't see the quality of this game then what its competition is doing to justify a top 3 spot. Other games are pre-alpha/alpha look and feel better than GV.
How is this game even top 3 on the polls. I mean props for what this small team has done with the game, but I don't think its a top 3 hyped game.
Hype has nothing to do with quality.
You can hype up a potato to be the best game ever, you just need people to jump on the bandwagon.
Hype is a marketing tool used to sell a product - it is not indicative of anything else.
Agreed. I guess I just don't see the quality of this game then what its competition is doing to justify a top 3 spot. Other games are pre-alpha/alpha look and feel better than GV.
Part of it is the team working on it. I've been a part of dozens of alphas and betas and so far the team working on GV has been better than any other as far as their involvement with their community, responding to feedback both directly (via chat, forums, PMs) and via game updates, proving that features they want to implement aren't just wishful thinking but actual goals they're capable of pulling off, and just overall putting everything theyve got into making the game more enjoyable.
I've been playing on and off for over a year and every time I check back in there are great additions to the game. I can't think of anything I have run into yet that they implemented where, unlike many other games, they went ahead with something even though it was obviously undesired by their playerbase. Too many dev teams develop a god complex where they think they know better than us what we will find fun or enjoyable, and no matter how much we tell them "Don't make this change. It's horrible and will ruin the experience" they do it anyway and then get an attitude about it when it sucks and people say "We told you so".
When going to back the game, one of the "items" listed on the backer page is "Influence on game's development". When they say that, they actually mean it. Many great suggestions have been made by both players and devs, votes / polls have been held, etc and BEG has actually followed through on what we as players have asked for.
The game still has a long way to go, but it has also come a very long way in the past year or 2. It's one of the few games around that actually has the ability to reach it's full potential, unlike most other past games of this type. Darkfall is a perfect example. It COULD have been an amazing game. But it was destroyed by incompetence and inability to work with the players to make it better, all while stringing players along with promises of improvements that never came to be.
Even in it's current state, lacking some features, needing lots of polish, etc it is still more enjoyable to play than many fully released games. A lot of that comes from not only the game itself but also the community and the team involved.
People that are bashing, are people that do not understand, what real skill based combat is, they are used to tab target or soft lock.. I been in the gaming industry as a developer for a decade, for AAA and indie, this stuff takes time, and to get it 100% right in the time allowed and money, good luck... Just like art, there are many things looked over... When you have gamers crying that a 20 dollar game is to much, you are limited time on what you can complete and get the way you really want.... I wish many of these people would make a game even 1/10 of this and then come back and talk to any dev for that matter.....
They have no clue how hard games are to make , programming these games are no joke..
How is this game even top 3 on the polls. I mean props for what this small team has done with the game, but I don't think its a top 3 hyped game.
Hype has nothing to do with quality.
You can hype up a potato to be the best game ever, you just need people to jump on the bandwagon.
Hype is a marketing tool used to sell a product - it is not indicative of anything else.
e pre-alpha/alpha look and feel better than GV. Agreed. I guess I just don't see the quality of this game then what its competition is doing to justify a top 3 spot. Other games ar
Kudos to the indie team, game is coming along, but they have at least another 3 years in development from the look of this trailer. Don't know if they can wait that long and if not, they will get bad reviews, the game still needs a lot of work.
This is the current MMO scene at it's finest. On one hand the gamers are jaded, making comments about the unpolished state of a game, completely ignoring the fact that it's not even into beta yet. On the other hand developers wanting quick cash to further invest into their game by giving players acces to an unfinished product, possibly destroying the rep of their game before it has even reached beta.
Both developers and players need a reality check here. One side too lazy to do a proper job, the other too downright ignorant to put things into perspective. Neither party has any appeal to me.
Third aspect - sometimes some people have an idea and knowledge how to bring it to life, but couldn't do it without support of the gamers because they don't have even the minimal funds required, and thanks to crowdfunding they actually can start working on their dream, in return giving the backers early access to their game.
This is the current MMO scene at it's finest. On one hand the gamers are jaded, making comments about the unpolished state of a game, completely ignoring the fact that it's not even into beta yet. On the other hand developers wanting quick cash to further invest into their game by giving players acces to an unfinished product, possibly destroying the rep of their game before it has even reached beta.
Both developers and players need a reality check here. One side too lazy to do a proper job, the other too downright ignorant to put things into perspective. Neither party has any appeal to me.
Well your statement is FAIR ,you need to remember that on the gamer's side we have seen nothing but the same unfinished product come out of 99.9% of these early release games.So what they come off to almost everyone are nothing but quick promises to bait out a cash grab,then take the money and run.
I don't like to talk about other games not related but in a way they are and give a good example.SC has 90 million and falls under this same type of game promises and early access,they are still struggling badly with plenty of money up front.The reason is imo simple,developers like this that start with literally nothing,hoping to gain some cash along the way,CANNOT design a game properly.That is because they have no idea how much money will come in,so they have to start VERY small,basically a real bad game,then if money comes in try to rehash the game into something better.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
GV is going in the right direction, sometimes slowly but alwoays going forward. Devs are active in the community and overall experience with this game has been pleasant. I have been supporter from the early beginning and have seen the progress. Some folk here sees this one trailer and yell "OMG FAIL LOALAOLLOO!!!!111!1"... Grow a pair and give respect to those who are busting their becks for you leisure...
Looks like a mmo version of the steam game chivalry.
I thought the same thing. While I love chivalry, I kind of doubt this game has the depth of combat that chivalry has, though, especially since it's not based on first-person perspective.
As for the video, well, it looks decent considering it's a very small dev company.
By gamers, For gamers....
ROG should sue these asshats for trademark dilution. I confused the two slogans, and thats all you need for association! International Arbitration here we come!
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
....Being Banned from MMORPG's forums since 2010, for Trolling the Trolls!!!
More content that was talked about in early September is still under construction. They have been focusing on the inventory rework since items disappear in the current build. It was only a short while ago that they released feints to cancel your swing. Fortifications have been implemented into the game not too long ago, and many other changes that you can find in the patch notes. Guild System, Inventory Rework, Shops Interfaces, Crafting system updates, will likely make it's way into the game before the end of the year.
As a backer of the game the current combat while slightly sluggish and slow is perfectly fine, but could use some animation tweaking and other fixes to sproof it up a bit. Combat is not an issue for me, and only continues to get better with many stamina changes, and new things like kicking someones shield which was very recently introduced. Passive abilities were released not too long ago too. A entirely newly hand drawn map was included which was pretty awesome to see!
2016 and beyond will probably have another roadmap set out for the plan ahead. After they release the above very important, and much needed updates into the game. I'm pretty sure they will focus on implementing many tweaks, and fixes that will address backer interests behind the scenes on the forums. Assuming you have backed the game which is only a measly $10 minimum to gain access to the game. These developers have made tons of progress in the past few months.
We will probably see things such as mounts, alongside many core gameplay changes, and many combat additions/changes, trade routes, possibly player controlled kings that own the land, and player armies that defend active player farmers, and probably far more exciting things in the road ahead. I wouldn't mind mounted combat (shooting a crossbow from a steed) and many other fun changes that will hopefully make it's way into the game sometime in the year 2016.
My biggest issue is the player population which is currently low. The game has yet to hit steam and won't come to steam anytime soon. I'm perfectly fine with waiting, as long as noticeable progress is being made. It's being worked on by such a small development team, and the current state of the game is pretty impressive. Though it isn't enough to keep me playing, and the near incoming updates might not be enough to update the game.
The game has a massive potential to be fun in the future. I hope with my backing it will help them push development in the right direction for 2016 and beyond. I'm happy with backing them, and hope others will decide to back them as well! For a game in Pre-Alpha stages the game is looking pretty good to me. Also the trailer music is awesome, just like all of the other quality music, and sounds inside Gloria Victis.
Yea compared to all the other mmo's that have player unit collision it is horrible. Oh wait there is no other mmo with unit character collision.
I have at least enough interest in this game to take notice,i cannot say that for 99% of the games in this market.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Agreed. I guess I just don't see the quality of this game then what its competition is doing to justify a top 3 spot. Other games are pre-alpha/alpha look and feel better than GV.
I've been playing on and off for over a year and every time I check back in there are great additions to the game. I can't think of anything I have run into yet that they implemented where, unlike many other games, they went ahead with something even though it was obviously undesired by their playerbase. Too many dev teams develop a god complex where they think they know better than us what we will find fun or enjoyable, and no matter how much we tell them "Don't make this change. It's horrible and will ruin the experience" they do it anyway and then get an attitude about it when it sucks and people say "We told you so".
When going to back the game, one of the "items" listed on the backer page is "Influence on game's development". When they say that, they actually mean it. Many great suggestions have been made by both players and devs, votes / polls have been held, etc and BEG has actually followed through on what we as players have asked for.
The game still has a long way to go, but it has also come a very long way in the past year or 2. It's one of the few games around that actually has the ability to reach it's full potential, unlike most other past games of this type. Darkfall is a perfect example. It COULD have been an amazing game. But it was destroyed by incompetence and inability to work with the players to make it better, all while stringing players along with promises of improvements that never came to be.
Even in it's current state, lacking some features, needing lots of polish, etc it is still more enjoyable to play than many fully released games. A lot of that comes from not only the game itself but also the community and the team involved.
They have no clue how hard games are to make , programming these games are no joke..
I don't like to talk about other games not related but in a way they are and give a good example.SC has 90 million and falls under this same type of game promises and early access,they are still struggling badly with plenty of money up front.The reason is imo simple,developers like this that start with literally nothing,hoping to gain some cash along the way,CANNOT design a game properly.That is because they have no idea how much money will come in,so they have to start VERY small,basically a real bad game,then if money comes in try to rehash the game into something better.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Herald of innovation, Vanquisher of the old! - Awake a few hours almost everyday!
As for the video, well, it looks decent considering it's a very small dev company.
What if I make a mmoRPG called Hype and the game revolves around players building Hype as a part of their careers in a marketing department?
Epic Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAigCvelkhQ&list=PLo9FRw1AkDuQLEz7Gvvaz3ideB2NpFtT1
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
Hrmpff... Years I mean.