Each and every month, Steam
conducts a survey to collect data about what kinds of computer hardware and software its customers are using. And according to the March survey, the most popular OS is Microsoft’s Windows 10 64bit. In addition, NVIDIA and Intel are still dominant as most PC gamers are still using Intel’s CPUs and NVIDIA’s GPUs.
W10, on the other hand, looks like its getting better that more people are using it. I went back to 7 a while ago. Still not sold on their privacy and auto update things. Have they addressed that? W10 itself was fine, some of MS decisions were not.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
The issues I have with 10 will be ironed out by third party developers eventually, but I value my privacy more than Windows 10 offers.
I actually have two computers still on Windows 7. One is a laptop that I very rarely use (the last time it was turned on was probably last December) and see no reason to go through the fuss of upgrading and hope that everything still works. The other is my previous desktop that crashed three times in nearly six years--much better stability than my current Windows 10 rig has had--but also hasn't been used in quite a while and is really just a backup computer at this point in case my main one unexpectedly fails.
lol just run Lynx this will solve most if not all concerns regarding this post.
Why should I upgrade to Windows 10? What will I gain?
2025: 48 years on the Net.
2025: 48 years on the Net.
Notice my OS install date. Not sure I would put a lot of credence to the steam survey.
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