The hits just keep on coming. Seems the goons dug in and found the fancy door is not just a piece of wood and garage door opener like we were told.
The picture here seems to be from the other side of the door showing the slide mechanism. When researched and discussed with a Staney Access sales person the door could have cost up to $20,000 for the custom work on the doors.
More info on Dereks site here: You have to hand it to the goons, they are exceptional about finding those dirty things that people want to hide...
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
And btw, i wonder why they build all these things when the game will never be released.
- Albert Einstein
Is this the new armament of arguments for the anti SC crowd ? A door ?
This puts tabloid news approach to a whole new level.
And you link us DS, a clinical liar and narcissist. The one who refers to SC backers as shitizens..
What the hell.... is MMORPG staff going to let this shit going on ?
You talk about lies and your heralds are DS and the goons ? Really ?
This is beyond low...
I'm no fan of Star Citizen and co. but this is ridiculous. All those $100kk are going for salaries and OFFICE EXPENSES and licenses that means rent and interior. All those three are what drives the costs for game development.
You probably work in some factory and you don't know it but creative people need decent offices to work optimally. My company alone invests thousands of dollars for office perks and we have nowhere near $100kk budget.
It's not like everybody at RSI is driving latest model BMW or something.
Got it.
And dont you think they already earned the money with their hard work? Even if the money is from other people and not "investors" or publishers?
Seems like you think they get money and do nothing for it.
Not true. Yes, designing and modelling these ships is work, developing and programming this game is work.
Only the source of the money is different.
- Albert Einstein
Chris has said on many occasions that all funds donated would go directly to development. I dont see how buying a $16,000 coffee machine, a $20,000 door and other expensive office decorations can be seen as spending backer money directly on game development.
This have been a good conversation
but that picture doesn't lie, it's a sliding-glass door setup by a company that puts them on buildings all over the country. It would be very easy to call them for a quote on a similar project. Also need to take into consideration that this is in L.A. Where everything costs more.
@Shodanas you need to be more objective. No offense, this should be a cause for concern to any backer. I am a backer...more than most, I expect. 20k on one door where it could have been 7k? How many other items in the offices are a premium nice-to-have item. If you doubt it, maybe call this company and ask for. Quote on something similar. See for yourself.
'if you seriously don't care how then are spending your money before they've finished the game they are making for you...can I borrow some money from you? ;-)
Meantime, I might not get my carrack at launch because...not enough money? Let's face it, they are working their asses long as they are getting paid.
I am a fan of this game...but not so much that my eyes are closed and my mouth open.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
I would say the only evidence I have that backer money paid for that door is the fact they tried to hide it when questioned about it. If Chris or some backer decided to buy the door for them, why not say that? Why lie and say it was just a regular door with a garage door opener that the staff installed?
- Albert Einstein
They are now caught in a LIE!!!! Looking forward to the spin on this one.
Just click bait and sensationalism then. No hard facts... =P
That would be the classic DS MO.
Now with that said i have no doubt that in some way or another backer money have gone in to that door... even if it is by the way of a payout on a investment or from the actual "sack of money'". I could also go on a tirade on "want the best, look the best" but i know that is wasted on the nay-side of the debate as this is a emotional debate and not a factual one.
So yeah... they might have paid 20k for a door. Does not really impact me or in reality anyone else (apart from the lucky sods who get to work in a nice office) and in the grand scheme of things it is pocket change.
This have been a good conversation
With actual info and data please.
If you only believe what comes out of Chris' mouth then watch this video with links to lies Chris has told us.
Its not the best quality but you can follow the links and verify Chris has said these things and then completely changed the story later.