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Last week I wrote about exploiting in Black Desert Online and how it’s seemingly rife throughout the game. With the latest expansion pack also delayed due to it, I feel there’s certainly a need for Daum to change the reputation of the game. Not only is it becoming well known for exploiting, but it being a grind is well documented.
Anyone that plays/played the game would know what I'm talking about by simple attempting to fight against a world boss with a lot of people around.
There was a lot to like. The game looks amazing and many of the quests and content were interesting and fun but oooh the grind....and the exploits; those are a game-killer always..
I'm back to "Not for me.."
Playing ESO on my X-Box
You might as well ask for for a free gaming computer.
If I were Daum, I would do exactly what they are doing now. Take the money...maybe start working on a new project.
"It just launched"
"It's only been on for x months"
"It's not even that bad"
Video games have been around long enough, it's time to grow up and act like adults.
One thing, though- it's important to differentiate between hacking and exploiting. I mentioned this in the comments to your last article. BDO's main problem is hacking, which is worse than exploiting, requires 3rd party programs to do it, and is more unusual when it comes to MMOs, mostly because most MMOs don't check things client-side as much as BDO does.
I'm not sure how easy it is to recode the game to make more server side checks, but if they can do it, they should.
All the other suggestions are definitely doable, and should be done.
- change developer
- move content away from client side
- perma-ban anyone who is found to have hacked, no matter if it was for a minute or two
- add meaningful end content
- remove open world pvp
there you go - popcorn ready.
Reinstate the people banned unjustly by ineffective anti-cheat programs.
Ban the obvious hackers that were reinstated for reasons known only to the devs.
Make the client more stable so that people don't get kicked off randomly.
Alternatively, don't bother because once you've got a reputation, you're not going to shift it.
KR games have NO DEPTH in systems,they create very fast shallow designs.In this case BDO ,all they did was create several different key presses,that is just manual memorizing and NOT depth of systems.Look no further than the Ranger/Archer class,NO AMMO ,that is like a HUGE massive LAZY fail on creating what COULD have been depth,example piercing arrows,blunt arrows,fire arrows,Ice arrows,sleep arrows etc etc,instead they have ZERO depth.No only is it a lazy approach to a system,that same singular idea of ammo COULD have also opened up a large crafting base/depth,so yet again they missed the boat.
There is more to gaming than simply dotting down some mobs and a player and allow you to kill them.
Even the NODES idea that so many thought was great was again a LAZY design,nothing more than a stat,automated stats to boot.There is soooo much more that could have been done with that idea and in the game world ,NOT just in some statistical make believe stat sheet.
So if i did not make it clear enough,BDO like all KR games needs to put some quality into their game,some DEPTH in systems.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
The game is revolutionary in many aspects. It's a shame it is all going to be for nothing, due to the easy client side hacks. You would think PA would be super aggressive about a fix...but they aren't. Sigh.
I also believe we should bring back public executions... but, anyway... I digress.
Either one of two things is happening behind the doors right now:
1) They actually are frantically trying to re-code all that client-side hackable stuff. This would be quite a tedious thing to do, one would assume.
2) They've realized what a lost cause it is, and have chosen to cover their ears and hope for the best.
Obviously, #1 seems like the only choice a smart developer could make, but it also seems like an improbability. Re-coding your game's design structure this late in the game seems rather unlikely.
It's just a sad example of "Too little; too late". I'd say the main developers should just put the focus back on the Korean version and abandon this one, but haven't most of these new Western ports already failed spectacularly in Korea?
By the way, I completely agree with your post.
It just highlights that this game, like several others, has just been ported over here with limited thought to the actual preferences of a western playerbase.
Unfortunately this leads to the perception that this raft of imports are nothing more than short term cash grabs.
Too far into the development cycle and after release.
At least that's what previous experience shows us.
These are fundamental design issues.Developers are much more aware of their games than players.They knew very well their weaknesses and limitations with regards to hacking and preventing it,and they chose to develop the game that way and/or anyway.
This game will probably become a AA no2.
It will milk players for as much time and money as possible,and after it loses a lot of it's players,then it will rely mostly on the loyal to death whales to make money on.
While I'm not a huge fan of the game, though I am still playing it atm. I've heard this argument several times and find it to be quite untrue. While there was channel lag for the bottom couple channels for a while till they switched where they were hosted, there is not typical server lag in these situations. I go to Kzarka 5-6 times a week and have minimum lag with anywhere from 80-120+ people on the screen each time.
I've also partaken in 3 of the largest pvp battles to date on the Edan server and found very little lag. A month and a half ago I was in a 300-325 total fight consisting of 7 guilds and the fight lasted over 2 hours. No performance decreasing lag to speak of, it was great uninterrupted pvp. Around a month ago I was also in a 300-400 player fight at the Mediah castle that consisted of 9 guilds. The fight lasted 3 hours and once again no server lag that hindered pvp to speak of.
Don't get me wrong the game's got a ton of faults, and that's why I've been playing much more casually for the past several weeks. Yet, when it comes to actual lag I get very little. Bear in mind all of this was with medium - max settings.
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