170610 found the secret world (SW) patcher on hd, selected 'minimal' patch; 8.26GB @ 300KB/s (on a 37MB/s connection) so it will be a few hours befor i even see how large this beta update is. Or does one have to d/l a new/different patcher-client for the "SW Legends" beta? and have to create a new funcom account/name?
The SW client on hd was already over 32GB.
SWL while it re-uses a lot of the TSW code base and assets is a completely differrent game client, you can't patch a TSW install to SWL. If you get an invite to CBT you will be given a link and a code to set up an account & once this goes through will be sent a link to download the SWL beta installer.
As a life-time subscriber that hasn't been playing as of late or visiting the site, I'm a fair bit annoyed that I didn't get an email regarding the SWL beta so I could log in during the magical time of counting. Being so valued by them suggests I should value them likewise.
As a lifetime subscriber to TSW you will get perma Patron (pseudo-sub that removes a bunch of F2P inconveniences) in SWL, regarded of how active or otherwise you have been in the old game lately.
I didn't care for the base tsw game much myself, I don't think the "new" version is going to be much better. From what I gather from my breif look into is they bascally took tsw and dumbed it down world of warcraft style for morons.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
I didn't care for the base tsw game much myself, I don't think the "new" version is going to be much better. From what I gather from my breif look into is they bascally took tsw and dumbed it down world of warcraft style for morons.
I didn't care for the base tsw game much myself, I don't think the "new" version is going to be much better. From what I gather from my breif look into is they bascally took tsw and dumbed it down world of warcraft style for morons.
What I hear is that they took the MMO out of it and turned it into more of a coop style experience. Took the MMO out of it. You have lobby areas where you can group up, then go into instanced areas for you and your group.
SWL while it re-uses a lot of the TSW code base and assets is a completely differrent game client, you can't patch a TSW install to SWL. If you get an invite to CBT you will be given a link and a code to set up an account & once this goes through will be sent a link to download the SWL beta installer.
As a lifetime subscriber to TSW you will get perma Patron (pseudo-sub that removes a bunch of F2P inconveniences) in SWL, regarded of how active or otherwise you have been in the old game lately.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!