Probably first and foremost...technical issues! Anyone remember UO:AOS launch? That killed the game for me, not to mention the price increase that was uncalled for.
Next poorly implemented or missing features (read UO:AOS and Horizons).
Variety of reasons for me, but usually its because the company pissed me off in some fashion.
UO-my first expierence with online games. Was pretty cool, PKing from mobs of middle schoolers got old, but I dealt with it. But the lag, omg the lag. it got better eventually, but by that time, I just couldn't stand it anymore.
EQ-Nerfs. Required raiding to have anything worth while. Arrogance of VI in claiming alchemy was working as intended, calling the player base liars and idiots...3 months later addressing alchemy with fixes to its bugs. Bugs? Thought we were all lying? Cancelled.
DAoC-Started as Midgard Shadowblade from day one. Had a good time, remembered the bump the other two assassin classes got and thought they needed it. Game was a lot of fun then, I got as good as I gave. Then the nerf to SBs while leaving Infilterators untouched. Tried the other style of SB play, and still got my ass handed to me by Infils. Infils were saying that Mythic overdid it, that SBs were gimp. Mythic's lead developer says it will stay and get used to it. Despite exhaustive number crunching showing a clear discrepancy of significant magnitude, Mythic stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the fact. Cancelled.
Horizons-The game had potential, but it was all about crafting. Ugh. Spending time in a game creating virtual items and nonfunctional housing. Broke classes, the supposedly aggressive and reactive world AI never existed, long long list of features that were never present. Cancelled after 3 months.
CoH-I actually had a blast with this game. After a while though, it did get repetitive. I probably would've stayed with it though, had my closet friend not jumped on WoW. Playing alone brought that redundancy up sharp and hard, so I too cancelled, though I left with warm feelings for the game. In hindsight though, it was little more than a social fighting game.
WoW-Started with a NE Rogue. Had a blast, hit 52 and suddenly couldn't get groups anymore. Why? Too many damn rogues in the game. Rerolled as Warlock. Got to 43 and decided it wasn't for me. Paladin, Warrior, and Shaman, all to level 20 before I got bored with their play style. Mage to 30, again, playstyle wasn't me. Then finally tried a Druid, I like grouping, but I like soloing too, Druids very soloable I heard. Got to 18 and just couldn't do the same old quests again. Buckled and tried Troll Hunter. Had it to 33 before I got bored with WoW in general. The PvP was pointless (pre BGs obviously) but while I heard good things about the BGs they had, I just don't feel like going back to the game.
SHadowbane-Had several cool features to the game, but documentation on the game was piss poor. I couldn't even find how to rest to restore hits in the game. Quit the trial as it would require me to spend way too many hours hunting through forums on how to do various basic things, let alone the more advanced interests.
Anarchy Online-Just couldn't get into it. Cancelled trial.
Matrix Online-Again, just couldn't get into it. Great movies do not necessarily make a great game, especially with so little content.
Guild Wars-I suppose if I steadily belonged to a guild like some people I know, who as a guild migrate from game to game, I probably would've enjoyed it a lot more. As it was, my reaction was meh.
Final Fantasy XI-Had several nice features I hoped would make it into other games, but economy was brutal. Still, I was willing to deal with that, but the one thing that bugged the hell out of me was not being able to decide what server I could play on. And having to go with hat in hand to a server and request someone helping me out with a pass just rankled me to no end. Cancelled after 3 months.
SWG-Didn't actually play it, but my room mate did. My god, the hours he invested into his character only to have it hosed. I watched him play and admit to occassionally being tempted to join him, but the weight of bugs he constantly dealt with, and the fact that it was SOE, still keep me away from it.
Ascheron's Call-I guess I got in on this one waaaaay too late. I couldn't find anyone my level, most people were level 60+ if not well beyond that. Cancelled after less than 2 months.
Over all, I think I must be getting bored with the style of gaming, as I've found NWN and it's persistant world community to be more interesting. It has its flaws to be sure, and I'd like to find a MMOG that I can really get obsessed about, but to be honest, everything I see in the works is just more of the same.
Even peace may be purchased at too high a price, and the only time you are completely safe is when you lie in the grave.
I've been playing MMOs for about 3 years, but have only played 2 and a half.
I played the MCO (Motor City Online for those who don't know) from a month after release till 3 months before it closed down (didn't want to sit around knowing it was going to die). MCO is still my favorite game of all time during it's golden age. The golden age was about a month when people seemed to all race PVP style instead of the time trials. I became king of Tornado Alley on Uptown Pacific server.
I doubt anyone else played this game on this message board, so that's why I'm going into detail here
Anyway, after I raced and beat this guy who was a club leader, he recruited me into his club. We hand picked about 3 more racers, and formed a team that was dedicated to taking a few turf races. Sadly EA cancelled the game since too many people were leaving, and they stopped selling it on the shelves so no new people could ever join.
Then I read about a fantastic game called EVE Online. I was too late for beta, so had to join and learn from scractch on release day. Been playing ever since.
I quit MMOs because I don't find what I am looking for.
Saturn....How to say this...You definatly don't give up at the first signs of trouble in a game but changing out rogue cause someone told you it wasnt good was dumb, you should ride the horse todeath.
I did something with in the same subject as you. I made a character, warrior, on hyjal and leveld to 60. Server had some nice people but it wasn't for me, I was looking for soemthing specific in a guild. So I server jumped to doomhammer, and 9 days later 60 hunter. It was fun, raided, had a guild. Still not quite what I was looking for, raiding the same things over and over was too boring so I actually sold my account. 115 bucks!
I played EQ until basically everyone i liked to play with left, went to FFXI. Unlike you though I didn't care what anyone told me about job/subjob combos and I did very well being creative, had a blast. But XI had some problems, like no server selection, and their huge problems wiht people selling gil on the net.
Tried EQ2, couldn't get into it. Leveled to 20, did my guardian quest. Leveled to 15 in artisan as a craftsman. Just was missing something. I also didnt like the graphical appeal of the game. It had a high poly count but looked bad, i prefered the EQ1 modles over EQ.
I am installing the Irth Online beta now, I rescribed to FFXI. For better or worse I really like FFXI even if it takes forever to level. Sorry but a tarutaru in the opaline dress is just too damn cute.
My very first MMO will more than likely always be my favorite, and will continue going back to it until it's finally cancelled. Anarchy Online. I end up quitting every once in a while from just getting burnt out. as you can tell from my x fire account, I can play in big spurts. but inbetween my spurts in AO, I've played a myriad of MMO's with similiar outcomes.
My second MMO, and probably my second favorite, was Daoc. Pvp wasn't really my thing back then, and I got bored pretty quick. since then i've reactivated it once, had a lot of fun, and got tired of it, quit. (best pvp mmo out there i've played.)
the rest I can't remember the order, but i'll try. Planetside, got old quick, left pre core combat.
City of Heroes, read the rest of the people's posts on why they left, self explanatory. I can't believe it's in the top 6. last few days spent mindlessly super jumping around, bored.
Eve Online- just not my style. games revolving around 'casual players' just screams lack of content for me. I didn't like that after setting my skill to be trained, there was absolutely nothing I could do to speed up the process, so If I do stay on, i'm progressing as fast as the guy that sleeps late. I enjoyed the eye candy though.
Earth and Beyond. If it wasn't cancelled, I'd probably reactivate now. got an itch for it. but eventually just got tired of it, even though I loved my jenquai.
Neocron- I just beta'd for it, but it was ugly and blocky, but I liked the setting (sci fi).
SWG- I played pre-jump to lightspeed, but the lack of content just made me more disgruntled with SOE. I've heard it's made leaps and bounds and it sounds tempting to play again, but i'm too stubborn.
MxO beta- mission system left something to be desired, along with combat that got boring after a couple weeks. My last few days in beta before uninstalling were spent mindlessly super jumping across the city scape.
Second Life- the community kept me for so long. I once subscribed and even built a tiki bar on an island for small gatherings, but I got tired paying for it, so I switched to free mode, and I rarely visit these days.
There Online beta- cool community, but the greed of the company just sickened me. requiring you to pay fee's to enable features that should come with the game, and are of no real cost. like paying real $$ to be able to bookmark favorite locations. just pure robbery, when that's stacked with paying real $$ for items. that's just ridiculous.
Maplestory-awful grind, worse community.
that's all I can remember right now, i'm sure there's more. good to know i'm not miserable alone
--------------------------------------- All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity -Anarchyart
Runescape was my first, I reached lvl 95 and had about 2 mill in items and a white phat. Currently in standby, and not planning on selling/giving away my equips just yet. After 2+ years of playing.
Ragnarok Online was a good game at first. However, after reaching lvl 96 and a few high lvled 80 characters after a few months of playing. WoE and PvP were the only aspects of the game left worth playing imo. Accounts are inactive, but I keep them incase I return to them once again.
FFXI: Friend let me try it out. Good interface and community based, very world like atmosphere. However, combat didn't fit my style and afterwards I quit after only a week.
Guild Wars: Reached lvl 20 with a W/Mo in 2-3 weeks and 15k armor. RPing became repetitive, and slowed down on playing. I plan on returning to complete my E/Mo sometime.
EVE Online: In to my 1st few days. I own a Comorant Destroyer and working towards being a full fledged miner. This game has a lot of potential for me. I'm able to set my own pace and it's atmosphere and community is very inviting. I don't have to play hours on end to lvl up skills or become necessarily better. This is a plus, since I'm going to college soon. I plan on staying with this game for awhile.
Active games atm: EVE Online Semi Active: Call of Duty/Step Mania/DDR Standby: Ragnarok Online In Question: Runescape/Guild Wars Cut: FFXI
I'm playing my first ever MMO, WoW. Been playing since December with one break lasting about a month. I will move on to another MMO when I find one I like better. I might quit WoW after I get my character up to LvL 60, or I may just take another extended break and then come back to it.
I'd like to say I quit due to lack of time but really I usually played in the early mornings on weekends or at night before going to sleep. It's been rare that I've played during other times due to school, social life, etc. Sometimes on weekends I'd play a LOT on Sundays.
Though usually I quit when the game stops being fun and becomes more of a grind. Every game is a grind but it takes a while for it to really feel like on in different games. This is the reasons I played Everquest 1 off and on for so long. I'd play for about a month or two, stop then go back several months later, etc. Some games I just play for a month with the free month. Usually never full price for the game. If I feel the need I go back at a later time for a month here or there.
Lately becoming bored has been the main reason even when it doesn't feel like a grind. I haven't been able to be pulled into a game lately. Played SWG: Total Experience for a month and then quit. Got up to the point where I was working on unlocking force powers in the village. Didn't want to deal with the grind and pretty much had visted everywhere else in the game save for places like Dathomir. Doing the badges takes you to a lot of places, epsecially when you have to travel to the airs in vehicles.
Everquest 2, simply bored me. I got tired of the lag problems in the inner city. That and after playign World of Warcraft, City of Heroes I got tried of the time it took to level after level 9. I like to see my character progress in a timely fashion. Either progress via quest, mini-levels between major levels, gaining of spells, etc. The most enjoyable time I had in Everquest 2 was going around the villages and gathering quest and completing them in the monster areas near the villages. Outside of that I disliked playing the game to be honest. Sure outside the city was huge but it didn't matter since I wasn't having fun anymore. I like zoing between the areas, seeing how different each of the areas got and talking to the different NPCs and actually questing.
I guess after years of playing thee games I"m less tolerant of lone level grinds. Evne Star Wars Galaxies had the formula right. I felt I was making progress as I fought. Maybe that was due to going to Dantooine as soon as I hit combat level 10 and actually gaining experience from fighting creatures and groups and learning from other players and trainers in player cities but I was having fun. I loved exploring, etc. IN fact I'd still be doing more exploring if they added new worlds. While I usually play during certain times. The month I played SWG I played everyday since I had a break between college and waiting for my summer classes to start up. So I had a lot of free time outside of doing work inside the house or around it. So normally that would have been months of work if I played it casually. Even then the grind still made it feel as if I was making progress, I think I just burnt out to fast on that due to hardcoring it.
If a game doesn't have decent quest and progress from those quest and I don't feel like I'm advancing then a game doesn't really get much of my attention anymore. It's like that with single player games as well. Which is why I like to play RPGs above all else. I feel I'm getting my money worth and always feel progress due to gaining levelings, exploring dungeons, doing quest, etc.
ShadowBane: Game was always full of technical problems. Server and client crashes were expected with the worst of timing. Still an awesome game.
PlanetSide: Massive PvP was awesome, but the world was not persistant. I can play musical bases in Battlefield.
SWG: I hated everything about this terrain generator with IRC, could never get into it.
Knight Online: Free, but horrible grind, PvP suked.
WoW: I like a lot about this game. Fast leveling, not too much grinding, stable game, awesome support from Blizzard. I reached level 32 with an undead warlock and had a fun time along the way. But the game was getting stale. And more importantly, the endgame PvP sucked. Battlegrounds was a neat idea, but I'd like to PvP in the game world. If I wanted to play PvP matches in enclosed instances I'd rather be playing on a Quake server or something.
World of Warcraft- I played a hunter to about 19 then went to a pvp server (warsong) where i made a Night Elf rogue. It started fun but got boring.. it was either solo or do instances and it got repetitive quickly.
Final Fantasy XI- too much grind for me
Lineage II- Got bored fast
Everquest 2- I keep trying to get into it again.. i play a 23 ranger on Innothule server and i can NEVER seem to get a group anywhere, so i always just log off.
Planetside- I played to about BR17 and got bored of the same thing over and over. get a group, take over the base, then repeat.
SWG- Tried but never got into it, all i did was solo and die a ton and it got boring
EverQuest- Personally the best MMORPG in my opinion, i played for 3 almost 4 years now.. lack of population on my un-mergable server (Firiona Vie) makes me stop playing a lot (no groups etc.) But i keep trying to go back
Fairyland- Was cool cause of the FF type fighting, but like all you could do was grind and it got old
after 2 years of SWG the combat upgrade came out....all my friends left so that sorta made it boring cause i had everything i wanted maxed all the professions yeah and so on.
I started from AO and played it over 2 years (or something like that). When Shadowlands was released I was first excited, but it turned out to be camp fest - so it ended my intrest (also AOs game engine started to be really old...)
Then I played EvE-Online some time, but I quited it when I realised that I am paying from mining simulator and I can't really explore 0.0 space unless I join to one of the uber guild and sacrifice my real life to game. Also missing human avatars and social aspects of game was huge letdown. Community was also ready to use any exploit and do anything to get some ISKs.
After that I have tried City of Heroes multiple times. Everytime I will get bored, because game is astonishing simple (just missions and killing). Also game community is mostly unmatured and just power leveling by using different variations of tactics to get maximal amount xp in minimal amount of time (result: most of high level players really don't know how to play).
Also tried WoW one month - but this game is just simple copy from CoH (with more intresting quest system and world). Horizons of Ishataria did have intresting concept but missing implementation. Dark Age of Camelot was empty and world was spiritless (grind also seemed to be endless). AC2 was WoW 0.5Beta.
Star Wars Galaxies was great and I played 6 month it. Character customization, housing and crafting was wonderful when it worked. It was also great joy to fly in space and shot down TIEs. But... there was just horrible bugs (for example last month I needed to reorganize my chat windows everytime when I logged in), there was alpha class (Jedis) that were winning every PvP fight and community was horrible full of SW geeks, cheaters and min-max players. Final nail in the coffin was information that my guild leaders were buying credits and using all possible ways to cheat if game allowed it.
Currently I am experiencing MMORPG burn out... I just cancelled my CoH subscription (third time if I have count right). Generally MMORPG community seems to be heading to simpler games, min-max players and communites that are supporting all possible ways to gain advantage from another player (cheating, anti-social behaviour and ebaying).
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482
I think perhaps we are just gamed out. Nothing seems to keep my intrest anymore, console or computer. I have a similar background of jumping from mmo to mmo, and I have found that the games seem to bad these days. I thought for a while that it was just the devs and shoddy game design, but I am starting to think that I am just uber spoiled, and really want a game so special that its just not practical to make yet. I would hope that is not the case, and really we just need a revolution in the the market. Someone to really break the mold you know. I can dream cant I? Maby full emersion VR when ever it might come out will offer some solace, but that will be a while
Been thinking when we say "lack of content" do you think we should be saying "lack of worthwhile content" instead?
Sure they can add new things but usually it's the same stuff. New areas to hunt int, etc. Monsters that might look similar and fight similar but have a new image model. I guess for different people it takes a while for everyone to notice this or have it affect them.
I played World of Warcraft and I am happy to quit it.
Reasons I played
1. Questing with my friends, exploring the world and developing a craft skill.
Reasons I quit.
1. My crafting skill was next to useless. ( Killed crafting)
2. All that was left to do was Raid molten core and the bugged Black wing lair ( I do not like raiding). This killed exploring and made me feel very bored.
What I did for 3 months was raid to collect a "epic set" to do what ..... Please tell me what a epic set does ??? 50 runs in molten core should drive anyone insane its such a boring place. Just as you get one crap "epic" set Black wing lair has the mark 2 set. Then that was time to quit. Leveled 2 characters to 60 so I explored the world and did probably 75 % of the quests.
Looking forward to a game with a ton of exploring ( at least a years worth of walking around). Dark and Light comes to mind fingers crossed.
Dark Age of Camelot: Buffbots, ToA and the nasty social cliques at the upper tier of playing. If you were in a small guild that you enjoyed, you were completely screwed when it came to the endgame. It was either join up with a bunch of douchebags, or be completely steamrolled.
Final Fantasy XI: Too many reasons to list.
World of Warcraft: Terrible community, very little feeling of accomplishment.
Camped out overnight for that game. After two weeks I had to leave for about a month, came back looked around everyone was L60.
When I got to 60,like everyone else.. it sor tof lost its luster.
For as pretty as it was to look at, to me there is just something silly about having an enemy follow me around (while I can't touch him) while he waits for his friends to show up so they can attack me.... and for no reason, it's not like they could loot.
I guess I long for the early days of OU or even the EQ PvP servers.
I'd have to say mainly two things... 1. Repetitiveness 2. Too laggy
When I played ROSE, there was this huge issue, where everyone would set up shop right in the middle of a huge market place, and since i was a hawker(archer) I always needed arrows so it would literally take me ONE HOUR!!!! just to buy arrows, so then i started buying so many, but it just got too repetitive after a while, even when i was partying.
Probably first and foremost...technical issues! Anyone remember UO:AOS launch? That killed the game for me, not to mention the price increase that was uncalled for.
Next poorly implemented or missing features (read UO:AOS and Horizons).
Boring repetitive game play (Guild Wars).
Probably the oddest...but too addictive (EVE)
Variety of reasons for me, but usually its because the company pissed me off in some fashion.
UO-my first expierence with online games. Was pretty cool, PKing from mobs of middle schoolers got old, but I dealt with it. But the lag, omg the lag. it got better eventually, but by that time, I just couldn't stand it anymore.
EQ-Nerfs. Required raiding to have anything worth while. Arrogance of VI in claiming alchemy was working as intended, calling the player base liars and idiots...3 months later addressing alchemy with fixes to its bugs. Bugs? Thought we were all lying? Cancelled.
DAoC-Started as Midgard Shadowblade from day one. Had a good time, remembered the bump the other two assassin classes got and thought they needed it. Game was a lot of fun then, I got as good as I gave. Then the nerf to SBs while leaving Infilterators untouched. Tried the other style of SB play, and still got my ass handed to me by Infils. Infils were saying that Mythic overdid it, that SBs were gimp. Mythic's lead developer says it will stay and get used to it. Despite exhaustive number crunching showing a clear discrepancy of significant magnitude, Mythic stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the fact. Cancelled.
Horizons-The game had potential, but it was all about crafting. Ugh. Spending time in a game creating virtual items and nonfunctional housing. Broke classes, the supposedly aggressive and reactive world AI never existed, long long list of features that were never present. Cancelled after 3 months.
CoH-I actually had a blast with this game. After a while though, it did get repetitive. I probably would've stayed with it though, had my closet friend not jumped on WoW. Playing alone brought that redundancy up sharp and hard, so I too cancelled, though I left with warm feelings for the game. In hindsight though, it was little more than a social fighting game.
WoW-Started with a NE Rogue. Had a blast, hit 52 and suddenly couldn't get groups anymore. Why? Too many damn rogues in the game. Rerolled as Warlock. Got to 43 and decided it wasn't for me. Paladin, Warrior, and Shaman, all to level 20 before I got bored with their play style. Mage to 30, again, playstyle wasn't me. Then finally tried a Druid, I like grouping, but I like soloing too, Druids very soloable I heard. Got to 18 and just couldn't do the same old quests again. Buckled and tried Troll Hunter. Had it to 33 before I got bored with WoW in general. The PvP was pointless (pre BGs obviously) but while I heard good things about the BGs they had, I just don't feel like going back to the game.
SHadowbane-Had several cool features to the game, but documentation on the game was piss poor. I couldn't even find how to rest to restore hits in the game. Quit the trial as it would require me to spend way too many hours hunting through forums on how to do various basic things, let alone the more advanced interests.
Anarchy Online-Just couldn't get into it. Cancelled trial.
Matrix Online-Again, just couldn't get into it. Great movies do not necessarily make a great game, especially with so little content.
Guild Wars-I suppose if I steadily belonged to a guild like some people I know, who as a guild migrate from game to game, I probably would've enjoyed it a lot more. As it was, my reaction was meh.
Final Fantasy XI-Had several nice features I hoped would make it into other games, but economy was brutal. Still, I was willing to deal with that, but the one thing that bugged the hell out of me was not being able to decide what server I could play on. And having to go with hat in hand to a server and request someone helping me out with a pass just rankled me to no end. Cancelled after 3 months.
SWG-Didn't actually play it, but my room mate did. My god, the hours he invested into his character only to have it hosed. I watched him play and admit to occassionally being tempted to join him, but the weight of bugs he constantly dealt with, and the fact that it was SOE, still keep me away from it.
Ascheron's Call-I guess I got in on this one waaaaay too late. I couldn't find anyone my level, most people were level 60+ if not well beyond that. Cancelled after less than 2 months.
Over all, I think I must be getting bored with the style of gaming, as I've found NWN and it's persistant world community to be more interesting. It has its flaws to be sure, and I'd like to find a MMOG that I can really get obsessed about, but to be honest, everything I see in the works is just more of the same.
Even peace may be purchased at too high a price, and the only time you are completely safe is when you lie in the grave.
Well I guess I'm a MMO noob.
I've been playing MMOs for about 3 years, but have only played 2 and a half.
I played the MCO (Motor City Online for those who don't know) from a month after release till 3 months before it closed down (didn't want to sit around knowing it was going to die). MCO is still my favorite game of all time during it's golden age. The golden age was about a month when people seemed to all race PVP style instead of the time trials. I became king of Tornado Alley on Uptown Pacific server.
I doubt anyone else played this game on this message board, so that's why I'm going into detail here
Anyway, after I raced and beat this guy who was a club leader, he recruited me into his club. We hand picked about 3 more racers, and formed a team that was dedicated to taking a few turf races. Sadly EA cancelled the game since too many people were leaving, and they stopped selling it on the shelves so no new people could ever join.
Then I read about a fantastic game called EVE Online. I was too late for beta, so had to join and learn from scractch on release day. Been playing ever since.
Fore me, in list format,...
I quit MMOs because I don't find what I am looking for.
Saturn....How to say this...You definatly don't give up at the first signs of trouble in a game but changing out rogue cause someone told you it wasnt good was dumb, you should ride the horse todeath.
I did something with in the same subject as you. I made a character, warrior, on hyjal and leveld to 60. Server had some nice people but it wasn't for me, I was looking for soemthing specific in a guild. So I server jumped to doomhammer, and 9 days later 60 hunter. It was fun, raided, had a guild. Still not quite what I was looking for, raiding the same things over and over was too boring so I actually sold my account. 115 bucks!
I played EQ until basically everyone i liked to play with left, went to FFXI. Unlike you though I didn't care what anyone told me about job/subjob combos and I did very well being creative, had a blast. But XI had some problems, like no server selection, and their huge problems wiht people selling gil on the net.
Tried EQ2, couldn't get into it. Leveled to 20, did my guardian quest. Leveled to 15 in artisan as a craftsman. Just was missing something. I also didnt like the graphical appeal of the game. It had a high poly count but looked bad, i prefered the EQ1 modles over EQ.
I am installing the Irth Online beta now, I rescribed to FFXI. For better or worse I really like FFXI even if it takes forever to level. Sorry but a tarutaru in the opaline dress is just too damn cute.
My very first MMO will more than likely always be my favorite, and will continue going back to it until it's finally cancelled. Anarchy Online. I end up quitting every once in a while from just getting burnt out. as you can tell from my x fire account, I can play in big spurts. but inbetween my spurts in AO, I've played a myriad of MMO's with similiar outcomes.
My second MMO, and probably my second favorite, was Daoc. Pvp wasn't really my thing back then, and I got bored pretty quick. since then i've reactivated it once, had a lot of fun, and got tired of it, quit. (best pvp mmo out there i've played.)
the rest I can't remember the order, but i'll try. Planetside, got old quick, left pre core combat.
City of Heroes, read the rest of the people's posts on why they left, self explanatory. I can't believe it's in the top 6. last few days spent mindlessly super jumping around, bored.
Eve Online- just not my style. games revolving around 'casual players' just screams lack of content for me. I didn't like that after setting my skill to be trained, there was absolutely nothing I could do to speed up the process, so If I do stay on, i'm progressing as fast as the guy that sleeps late. I enjoyed the eye candy though.
Earth and Beyond. If it wasn't cancelled, I'd probably reactivate now. got an itch for it. but eventually just got tired of it, even though I loved my jenquai.
Neocron- I just beta'd for it, but it was ugly and blocky, but I liked the setting (sci fi).
SWG- I played pre-jump to lightspeed, but the lack of content just made me more disgruntled with SOE. I've heard it's made leaps and bounds and it sounds tempting to play again, but i'm too stubborn.
MxO beta- mission system left something to be desired, along with combat that got boring after a couple weeks. My last few days in beta before uninstalling were spent mindlessly super jumping across the city scape.
Second Life- the community kept me for so long. I once subscribed and even built a tiki bar on an island for small gatherings, but I got tired paying for it, so I switched to free mode, and I rarely visit these days.
There Online beta- cool community, but the greed of the company just sickened me. requiring you to pay fee's to enable features that should come with the game, and are of no real cost. like paying real $$ to be able to bookmark favorite locations. just pure robbery, when that's stacked with paying real $$ for items. that's just ridiculous.
Maplestory-awful grind, worse community.
that's all I can remember right now, i'm sure there's more. good to know i'm not miserable alone
All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity -Anarchyart
I've played many different MMORPG online games.
Heres a short summary of my online gaming career.
Runescape was my first, I reached lvl 95 and had about 2 mill in items and a white phat. Currently in standby, and not planning on selling/giving away my equips just yet. After 2+ years of playing.
Ragnarok Online was a good game at first. However, after reaching lvl 96 and a few high lvled 80 characters after a few months of playing. WoE and PvP were the only aspects of the game left worth playing imo. Accounts are inactive, but I keep them incase I return to them once again.
FFXI: Friend let me try it out. Good interface and community based, very world like atmosphere. However, combat didn't fit my style and afterwards I quit after only a week.
Guild Wars: Reached lvl 20 with a W/Mo in 2-3 weeks and 15k armor. RPing became repetitive, and slowed down on playing. I plan on returning to complete my E/Mo sometime.
EVE Online: In to my 1st few days. I own a Comorant Destroyer and working towards being a full fledged miner. This game has a lot of potential for me. I'm able to set my own pace and it's atmosphere and community is very inviting. I don't have to play hours on end to lvl up skills or become necessarily better. This is a plus, since I'm going to college soon. I plan on staying with this game for awhile.
Active games atm: EVE Online
Semi Active: Call of Duty/Step Mania/DDR
Standby: Ragnarok Online
In Question: Runescape/Guild Wars
I'm playing my first ever MMO, WoW. Been playing since December with one break lasting about a month. I will move on to another MMO when I find one I like better. I might quit WoW after I get my character up to LvL 60, or I may just take another extended break and then come back to it.
"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Demo"
I'd like to say I quit due to lack of time but really I usually played in the early mornings on weekends or at night before going to sleep. It's been rare that I've played during other times due to school, social life, etc. Sometimes on weekends I'd play a LOT on Sundays.
Though usually I quit when the game stops being fun and becomes more of a grind. Every game is a grind but it takes a while for it to really feel like on in different games. This is the reasons I played Everquest 1 off and on for so long. I'd play for about a month or two, stop then go back several months later, etc. Some games I just play for a month with the free month. Usually never full price for the game. If I feel the need I go back at a later time for a month here or there.
Lately becoming bored has been the main reason even when it doesn't feel like a grind. I haven't been able to be pulled into a game lately. Played SWG: Total Experience for a month and then quit. Got up to the point where I was working on unlocking force powers in the village. Didn't want to deal with the grind and pretty much had visted everywhere else in the game save for places like Dathomir. Doing the badges takes you to a lot of places, epsecially when you have to travel to the airs in vehicles.
Everquest 2, simply bored me. I got tired of the lag problems in the inner city. That and after playign World of Warcraft, City of Heroes I got tried of the time it took to level after level 9. I like to see my character progress in a timely fashion. Either progress via quest, mini-levels between major levels, gaining of spells, etc. The most enjoyable time I had in Everquest 2 was going around the villages and gathering quest and completing them in the monster areas near the villages. Outside of that I disliked playing the game to be honest. Sure outside the city was huge but it didn't matter since I wasn't having fun anymore. I like zoing between the areas, seeing how different each of the areas got and talking to the different NPCs and actually questing.
I guess after years of playing thee games I"m less tolerant of lone level grinds. Evne Star Wars Galaxies had the formula right. I felt I was making progress as I fought. Maybe that was due to going to Dantooine as soon as I hit combat level 10 and actually gaining experience from fighting creatures and groups and learning from other players and trainers in player cities but I was having fun. I loved exploring, etc. IN fact I'd still be doing more exploring if they added new worlds. While I usually play during certain times. The month I played SWG I played everyday since I had a break between college and waiting for my summer classes to start up. So I had a lot of free time outside of doing work inside the house or around it. So normally that would have been months of work if I played it casually. Even then the grind still made it feel as if I was making progress, I think I just burnt out to fast on that due to hardcoring it.
If a game doesn't have decent quest and progress from those quest and I don't feel like I'm advancing then a game doesn't really get much of my attention anymore. It's like that with single player games as well. Which is why I like to play RPGs above all else. I feel I'm getting my money worth and always feel progress due to gaining levelings, exploring dungeons, doing quest, etc.
EQ2 : I quit this game because it was a non-stop boring grind fest. I felt like I should be punching in
some sort of time clock while working on this job.
WoW : Damn pain in the butt kids. I hate kids in mmorpg's. They dont belong in most of them. I was
growing tired of hearing "I owned you Noob" and sexual comments about my deceased
Mother. They also whine alot.
DAoC : Now this game rocked. I voluntarily didnt quit this one. At the time I got a computer virus
and had to stop playing.
ShadowBane: Game was always full of technical problems. Server and client crashes were expected with the worst of timing. Still an awesome game.
PlanetSide: Massive PvP was awesome, but the world was not persistant. I can play musical bases in Battlefield.
SWG: I hated everything about this terrain generator with IRC, could never get into it.
Knight Online: Free, but horrible grind, PvP suked.
WoW: I like a lot about this game. Fast leveling, not too much grinding, stable game, awesome support from Blizzard. I reached level 32 with an undead warlock and had a fun time along the way. But the game was getting stale. And more importantly, the endgame PvP sucked. Battlegrounds was a neat idea, but I'd like to PvP in the game world. If I wanted to play PvP matches in enclosed instances I'd rather be playing on a Quake server or something.
These are my reasons-
World of Warcraft- I played a hunter to about 19 then went to a pvp server (warsong) where i made a Night Elf rogue. It started fun but got boring.. it was either solo or do instances and it got repetitive quickly.
Final Fantasy XI- too much grind for me
Lineage II- Got bored fast
Everquest 2- I keep trying to get into it again.. i play a 23 ranger on Innothule server and i can NEVER seem to get a group anywhere, so i always just log off.
Planetside- I played to about BR17 and got bored of the same thing over and over. get a group, take over the base, then repeat.
SWG- Tried but never got into it, all i did was solo and die a ton and it got boring
EverQuest- Personally the best MMORPG in my opinion, i played for 3 almost 4 years now.. lack of population on my un-mergable server (Firiona Vie) makes me stop playing a lot (no groups etc.) But i keep trying to go back
Fairyland- Was cool cause of the FF type fighting, but like all you could do was grind and it got old
<img src=''>
after 2 years of SWG the combat upgrade came out....all my friends left so that sorta made it boring cause i had everything i wanted maxed all the professions yeah and so on.
Currently Playing:
I started from AO and played it over 2 years (or something like that). When Shadowlands was released I was first excited, but it turned out to be camp fest - so it ended my intrest (also AOs game engine started to be really old...)
Then I played EvE-Online some time, but I quited it when I realised that I am paying from mining simulator and I can't really explore 0.0 space unless I join to one of the uber guild and sacrifice my real life to game. Also missing human avatars and social aspects of game was huge letdown. Community was also ready to use any exploit and do anything to get some ISKs.
After that I have tried City of Heroes multiple times. Everytime I will get bored, because game is astonishing simple (just missions and killing). Also game community is mostly unmatured and just power leveling by using different variations of tactics to get maximal amount xp in minimal amount of time (result: most of high level players really don't know how to play).
Also tried WoW one month - but this game is just simple copy from CoH (with more intresting quest system and world). Horizons of Ishataria did have intresting concept but missing implementation. Dark Age of Camelot was empty and world was spiritless (grind also seemed to be endless). AC2 was WoW 0.5Beta.
Star Wars Galaxies was great and I played 6 month it. Character customization, housing and crafting was wonderful when it worked. It was also great joy to fly in space and shot down TIEs. But... there was just horrible bugs (for example last month I needed to reorganize my chat windows everytime when I logged in), there was alpha class (Jedis) that were winning every PvP fight and community was horrible full of SW geeks, cheaters and min-max players. Final nail in the coffin was information that my guild leaders were buying credits and using all possible ways to cheat if game allowed it.
Currently I am experiencing MMORPG burn out... I just cancelled my CoH subscription (third time if I have count right). Generally MMORPG community seems to be heading to simpler games, min-max players and communites that are supporting all possible ways to gain advantage from another player (cheating, anti-social behaviour and ebaying).
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482
My reason is massiv! Dont know if I can fit it here but here goes...
I didnt enjoy it anymore.
Wow! I did it!
Hey there,
I think perhaps we are just gamed out. Nothing seems to keep my intrest anymore, console or computer. I have a similar background of jumping from mmo to mmo, and I have found that the games seem to bad these days. I thought for a while that it was just the devs and shoddy game design, but I am starting to think that I am just uber spoiled, and really want a game so special that its just not practical to make yet. I would hope that is not the case, and really we just need a revolution in the the market. Someone to really break the mold you know. I can dream cant I? Maby full emersion VR when ever it might come out will offer some solace, but that will be a while
no one likes change
and expansions
usually change stuff and ruin everything
1. Downtime. If the game has too much downtime then forget it.
2. Lack of content. Self explainitory
3. Nerfs. Don't Nerf My Class!
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
Been thinking when we say "lack of content" do you think we should be saying "lack of worthwhile content" instead?
Sure they can add new things but usually it's the same stuff. New areas to hunt int, etc. Monsters that might look similar and fight similar but have a new image model. I guess for different people it takes a while for everyone to notice this or have it affect them.
more mmorpgs than i can list
when they become tired and boring and when the progression of your char becomces more of a chore / job than a game
I played World of Warcraft and I am happy to quit it.
Reasons I played
1. Questing with my friends, exploring the world and developing a craft skill.
Reasons I quit.
1. My crafting skill was next to useless. ( Killed crafting)
2. All that was left to do was Raid molten core and the bugged Black wing lair ( I do not like raiding). This killed exploring and made me feel very bored.
What I did for 3 months was raid to collect a "epic set" to do what ..... Please tell me what a epic set does ??? 50 runs in molten core should drive anyone insane its such a boring place. Just as you get one crap "epic" set Black wing lair has the mark 2 set. Then that was time to quit. Leveled 2 characters to 60 so I explored the world and did probably 75 % of the quests.
Looking forward to a game with a ton of exploring ( at least a years worth of walking around). Dark and Light comes to mind fingers crossed.
Dark Age of Camelot: Buffbots, ToA and the nasty social cliques at the upper tier of playing. If you were in a small guild that you enjoyed, you were completely screwed when it came to the endgame. It was either join up with a bunch of douchebags, or be completely steamrolled.
Final Fantasy XI: Too many reasons to list.
World of Warcraft: Terrible community, very little feeling of accomplishment.
Camped out overnight for that game. After two weeks I had to leave for about a month, came back looked around everyone was L60.
When I got to 60,like everyone else.. it sor tof lost its luster.
For as pretty as it was to look at, to me there is just something silly about having an enemy follow me around (while I can't touch him) while he waits for his friends to show up so they can attack me.... and for no reason, it's not like they could loot.
I guess I long for the early days of OU or even the EQ PvP servers.
I'd have to say mainly two things...
1. Repetitiveness
2. Too laggy
When I played ROSE, there was this huge issue, where everyone would set up shop right in the middle of a huge market place, and since i was a hawker(archer) I always needed arrows so it would literally take me ONE HOUR!!!! just to buy arrows, so then i started buying so many, but it just got too repetitive after a while, even when i was partying.