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Everyone loves pirates, I know. But there are some things which sound questionable to say the least. I still cannot believe they mean to release the game on a "one player per ship only" basis. If you don't have a living crew (at least some friends) on board what is the point of a pirate MMO? How exactly are they planning to avoid swamping the seas with ships, I wonder?
Moreover, some of the devs statements sound outright arrogant to me...
Key Features: A game for serious gamers. Gorgeous graphics using the latest high-end hardware. Broadband connections required for smooth play. We're making this game for those who want the best experience possible.
Read: A game for those loaded with cash. We can't be bothered to optimize our engine or our lag-handling routines. We're making this game for an elite few.
A game for "serious gamers"? Who do these people think they are anyway? Of course you require broadband for smooth play! It is like saying you need a sports car to race and win. The point is that when devs say such things it usually spells trouble for the average gamer...
I can see the difficulty in having multi-player ship combat. At least with current tech and when starting out. Personally I don't like it and would at least like to be able to carry other players. If they have it so you enter your vessel and immediately control the ship rather than be able to walk around on deck and such I will be miffed.
But as long as the game is solid I will have confidence in the company to deliver.
I don't get why people have problems with the fact that everyone gets their own ship. I mean, who would like to be 'that guy that hauls on a given rope' instead of the captain?
Also I don't see any problem with the world getting filled up by ships. The game world encompasses all of the caribbean. Just look up how big the area is, divide it by any realistic area of vision for a single ship and you will see how many fit in without even being able to see each other.
Now that's a new one. Arrogant? Riiiiight.
You would have preferred?
Key Features: A game for silly gamers. Crappy graphics using the oldest low-end hardware. 28.8k dialup connections required for laggy play. We're making this game for those who want the WORST experience possible.
They're programmers and artists making a hell of a good game. Who the hell are you?
This quote's my favourite! Hey Silver, you want to race me in your Pinto? Drive any fast Tempos lately?
Now that's a new one. Arrogant? Riiiiight.
You would have preferred?
Key Features: A game for silly gamers. Crappy graphics using the oldest low-end hardware. 28.8k dialup connections required for laggy play. We're making this game for those who want the WORST experience possible.
They're programmers and artists making a hell of a good game. Who the hell are you?
This quote's my favourite! Hey Silver, you want to race me in your Pinto? Drive any fast Tempos lately?
R O F L!!!
Arguing over the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you are still a retard.
if you really want to sail the seas with other people on your puzzle pirates
Personaly i like a good Sim, but the developers are players themself. Therefore they really pushed the game specs to keep the lag monster as low possible. It started out as a FPS naval simulation and is getting more and more a fast game as all other Mmorpg's
You will like it or not. If you don't like it DONOT play it !
High speed connections is rather normal amongst the population in an advanced country and it's cheap.
Like here in Sweden we got alot of people with 10Mbit, 100Mbit.
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
This game will be a niche game only, and as such they dont need to have 'mainstream' appeal -- they know their target demographic. Players who stay with their game wil llikely be hardcore "Pirate"-game / mythos fans, and thus they want to give them the best experience possible. Pulling out all the bells and whistles basically.
This game will have more appeal than just a niche game, as the anticipation list indicates. This game has moved up to the #1 spot for several reasons.
Real PvP with significant loss and gain.
Historical setting.
Low subscription rate.
Sweet graphics.
Trade or adventure options.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Im glad they are going for a "higher end" gamer.Much like EvE online it will keep the kiddies away.I hope the learning curve is high as well.This will force a more serious dedication to it.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Have you not heard or read about "The Line of Battle"? Read up on it on the POBS home site in About POBS-Ship Guide. If you and your friends have formed a guild and an event is planned to battle another guild, the sea battle will have to be according to The Line of Battle if you really want to win the fight. Additionally, with one player per ship a guild can form a fleet to attack their foes or if you want to go your own way for awhile you have the option to sail off alone for adventure as you see it.
Do I think the seas of the Carribean will be nothing but a floating bridge of ships from island to island? NO! Multiple servers, and the vastness of the sea will negate that situation. Think of how big one ship is in relation to the Carribean. In reality, the word big should not even be used. It's more like miniscule would be the proper word.
Well, that's my 2 pieces of eight, for what it's worth.
If you read the offical forums you'll see why they won't do this.
What if your guild is from all over the world and you want to raid a port, but only 4 of you are on-line and it takes 15 to man a single ship... what if you get those immature people who refuse to do anything, but want to always go on a ship just to fire the cannons and friendly people or whomever?
The "average gamer" has broadband now-a-days and usually a nice PC. You have to remember they haven't even gotten to their first beta, so there's still plently of time for them to tune their engine and requirements.
Please read the offical forums before you sound like a complete fool.
What will he do next?
Open BETA won't be for a very long time. They are guessing that maybe a few 100 for R1 beta in the new weeks to come.
What will he do next?
The part about some people wanting to pull rope and some not is a tricky one. You can't make it where a captain is required to find 30 people to help him get out of the harbor, because once you get in a firefight and a few of your gunners are "afk phone" or "someone at door" you are screwed. While I would still like the option to be presented to us, I don't think people should give up on the game because of it. Give it a try before you make a decision. Also, about the devs being arrogant and such, this is being put out by a modest company, its not EA or SOE saying "Hey we are making this game for only people who like to pay $60 a game and then another $15 monthly and then also buy this new graphics card that we have endorsed, it only costs $500." They want everyone to like them, trying to be buddy buddy with the player community, they have no reason to try and make it out like they only want elite gamers.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
First of all,
Thanks for everyone else laughing at some of the remarks in the post. I don't know but it sounds way off based. Sure of some of the things you said are true maybe, but hey it's all about hype who is going to say their game has the worst graphics and no game play and what not. They are always going to want to say good things about the game. I mean so they want to make a players game, how many game companies say that about their game.
However looking at the MMO price strategy where do you get off by saying only rich people can and will play this game. 10 Dollars a month is what MMORPG has this game listed at. Heck I'd play it just to afford a cheap game, mmo's are starting to be 15-20 bucks a month.
I have no doubt this one will have to go up, however I am hoping not. And I also think that broadband will be the future of mmo's I think it's a lame idea to try and stick with 56k performance, as game play will always be limited and small.
I think this game will do quite well simply because it is not another fantasy/ sci-fi genre that has like 50 other mmo's coming out are exactly alike. I mean I am looking forward to about 5 fantasy games, conan, warhammer, dnd, but who else isn't.
I think games though like AutoAssault, Pirates, and others who dare to do something different will stand a better chance then just another fantasy based game.
Thanks for the thought, but try and think it out, compare it to other games, and listen to yourself for just a few seconds.
Lord General MikHaven
err wait
Pirate Lord MikHaven
Unless you found yourself a very mature and organized group, this wouldn't work because most people don't like taking orders from another person, especially in a game.
There's been tons of threads on the offical forums about this and why it's never going to be more then a one person ship.
What will he do next?
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Ever head of the Line of Battle? It's the method and formation used in 18th century naval combat, which this game is based upon. It involves numerous ships, which later came to be known as Fleets, each controled by a player, whom you can speak the problem?.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
I've watched this game for years and want it to succeed but there's a few things that I think are limiting to the game life.
Like MMO's were all land and wanted Sea Battles, this game is all Sea with no Land battles. It's going to be very cool to take your ship out and fight in a big team battle, but what about the second time or the third. At least for me I want both.
PvE Missions to save or capture ports don't mean that much to me, even if they're perfectly done.
I want the PvP and it seems too restricted to me. I don't want to express my opinion as fact, I've never played the game but just read the FAQ and boards a bit. I want pure and open PvP with no safe spots. It seems like that will not be the case.
I don't want to compare it to Eve, but that's what it reminds me of, except without the open PvP which I think helped a lot in making Eve continue to gain subscribers long after release.
The one thing that could save it in my opinion is a great battle system. If you actually have the challenge of selecting the right aim on the guns and the way you trim your sails and control your boat matter a great deal then I can see it being a fun game and that's what it's all about.
Even the hardcore pirates aren't going to hang around if it's just point left and push one button for all the guns over and over.
I think the safe areas of PvP are going to make this game thrive. There are a lot of players who hate PvP, but since this game has limited PvP they will still play it. And they can help get ports into contention by trading there, once it turns PvP though they won't go there anymore.
The point being even the PvE people will affect the PvP. In fact while the PvPers are off battling each other the PvEers will be getting ports into contention and opening up more space for the PvPers...It has the possibilities to be an amazing dynamic between the two groups.
The devs talk about adding land battles into later releases, but as of now that is just talk. Same with crafting and player housing.
In my opinion this game is going to do extremely well if the devs stay on top of things. If they implement land battles, crafting, etc in a timely manner and a well done manner this game will be a 9.0....That is a lot of ifs though...
Oh and as far as I can tell the PvP will not be point and click, there will be a lot of strategy involved.