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ok well I just quit neocron a few days ago... iv played many mmorpgs, like AC, AC2, SB, EQ, AO, etc... and well i was wondering wha the pvp is like and the combat system. I hate games where you select the creature or what ever and press attack or fire and theres no skill involved. I actually liked ac because you could straff and such. So is DAOC any good in this way? Does it take skill? They really needa make an AC with better graphics... Its too bad but i was thinken anyways to try DAOC just need an answer.
try ea theres a free trial
Ohh Im So Scary... BOO
MMORPG's in general are more about time put in, than skill.
DAoC isn't rocket science, but there is skill. You need to make wise gear choices, know what your role is, and what you can do counter X with Y, know the little tricks to turn losses into wins. Some roles are easier than others, but you can't be a goof-ball and do well. Since you can't talk with the enemy it makes PvP sorta... generic. Them bad, us good. It takes away allot of the fun of PvP (grudges).
SB has been more skill based than most (when it's not crashing), it doesn't have the PvP cheesiness of DAoC (mezz) and it seems stable these days. I stoped playing sometime ago due to bugs. But if you didn't like SB Group vs Group gameplay, you probably won't like in DAoC either.
I'm hoping as time goes on, MMORPG's will become more strategic and less about "time in".
A game is only late until it's released, but it's bad forever.
A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50%
Games and players have a type. What type are you? click here
Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
Peter : "Why did all the dinosaurs become extinct?"
Teacher: "Because you touch yourself at night."
In DAOC, melee classes specialize (spec) in their weapon type. Specialization gives you combat styles. Styles can be "anytime" styles, "positional" styles (only from the side or back), "conditional" styles (after you parry or block) or "special effect" styles (bleed, slow, stun). Some styles make up "chains" meaning that you have to successfully hit with one style in order to use the next in line. You can check this out at under the style listings. So, it's it's a little more than just hitting the space key and waiting to see who dies first.
PvP is called RvR (realm vs. realm) in DAOC unless you join the PvP server (Mordred). On regular servers you only fight members of other realms (except if you're dueling) out in the battlegrounds (for lower levels) and frontiers (the "real" RvR for higher levels).
Try not to confuse skill with other things. In a game there are 3 things, Skill, Tactics/strats, and knowledge. And yes, they are all very different.
Skill is like on a FPS, like say tribes, getting a long distance MA (mid air) disc kill on a capper going 200mph takes skill. Skill comes from experience. And its not something you can really sit down and discuss, its more of a reaction/instinct type thing. Like poping off that instant reaction shot the instant you see an enemy on CS, most newbies wouldnt do that, and if they did, they would probbly miss.
Tactics is not skill. Yet people seem to confuse it with skill. Tactics can be mimiced and copyed, but skill cannot. A person can know tribes like the back of his hand, and still not be able to aim worth shit, because they lack skill. but this person could see a tactic, such as a good flag cap route, and copy long as he has enuff skill to ski good enuff . Or PvP tactics, i dont consider it skill, its a tactic, and it can be mimiced. Such as using certain types of attacks/skills against certain classes. Its not like some newbie cant be told "use this attack on this class" and then that newbie can go do it easily.
Then there is knowledge. Wich to me plays somewhat in both skill and tactics. But its better said that knowledge is different still. Usualy on mmorpgs, knowledge and tactics are what makes you a better player. Knowing where to find the items, how to make a good char, what enemys to lvl on, are all knowledge.
With that said, you are probbly looking for a FPS mmorpg type deal. Something where your over all skill as a player, is what determines the over all outcome of a PvP battle.
If thats what you want you have few options. I can only think of two.
Planetside: not much of a rpg, but you do lvl up. You basicly battle and gain these points (cant really remember, havent played since beta) that let you use different abilities. Its not like it makes you god above all others, it just gives you access to more firepower, allows you to drive vehicles, and makes you all round more versitile player, so your not stuck using the same stuff as you were when you first started. The game itself gets releatative and boring, and getting to max lvl isnt really hard either. the game does take skill, but not as much as most FPS games, since with most weapons you are forced to stand still and sometimes even croutch for teh "range of fire" cone to go smaller, so you can accualy hit things. I personaly hated that, that the game limited my aiming ability. You couldnt strife around and shoot really, without your bullets flying all over the place. But it does take alot of tactics and knowledge of diff weapons vehicles, armors, and map locations. You can give the free trial a go if you want on
Endless Ages: this is anotehr FPS mmorpg. This has more RPG aspects to it though. I accualy liked this game alot for the PvP aspect. The pure fact later on most people fly around int eh air (like tribes almost) while you duel. Skill did play an outcome of PvP, but most of the time supoerior fire power would win out, wich made things a bit moot when someone with a gun twice as powerfull as your claims to be a better dueler than you when he wins . the game community is small compared to most mmorpgs, and the land area is aswell, but they are prepareing a new expansion that might be good. Its a fun game, with all the flying, running around chasing guys, getting chased, and you can swim in the water aswell, all sorts of stuff in this game. And there is also a free trial as said above.
I played both these games in beta for a good long time. I enjoyed each, but for me, if i want a FPS game, i wouldnt get these. Dont get me wrong they are fun games, but they dont compare at all to accualy fps games like Tribes, CS, UT2k3, ect ect.
Amen to that, brother! You're right on the money.
Amen, again! The older I get, the less time I have to dedicate to daily playing of my MMOG of choice. It'd be nice to be competitive with 16-year-olds who spend 8+ hours a day playing.
NC > DAoC > EQ > UO > fecal matter > leper's oily rags > SW:G
Old timer.
I think the old EQ threadmill is going to make a comeback pretty soon sadly.
Why because of players.Developers are happy to shelf the long and tedious threadmill but players in their heart are not.
Look at the 2 games that have made it possible for casuals to level easy recently-AC2 and SWG.
So many complained after 2 months that their skill/level is maxed and they have nothing to do.Truth is if there is no experience to gain content goes so fast it will take a team of 100 programmers to work round the clock to keep the content so much new content.
AC2 has recently added the hero system just to keep people levelling once more.EQ if you remember added the AA points after numerous complaints that from many people that they are getting bored despite the fact that EQ has more content then most if not all MMORPGs out there.
Developers are intrested only in keeping people playing as long as possible and if people level max in 2 months and start complaining they will raise the levels or just make it harder once again.
DAOC is alot better than EQ because hopefully noone here has that much free time during the week. If you do, move out of your mom's house and get a girlfreind and a social life. Don't worry, that is just sunlight, it wont burn your pale flesh...
The new expansion for DAOC is gonne be tight. I predict that many retired players will return. Its gonna be a great comeback.
Skill? SKILL?! TRIBES!? OMG!!!
Skill is in UT2k3 when you wall jump 50 stories in under an hour and be able to headshot at people smaller than ants and get a few hundred kills.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Depends largely upon which daoc expansion you are talking about Kiamde...
If you mean TOA, then no way will I be returning to DAoC for that..its just more PvE, and I have done more than enough PvE in Daoc to give me a brain lobotomy, after boring myself senseless. Its the RvR expansion that interests me, but again that largely depends upon when that actually comes out...for all I know by then I could be playing World of Warcraft.
My advice to the original poster would be to buy Daoc, hell why not...might as well buy it and see what you think of it. Frankly I personally think that Mythic should follow the example of other mmorpgs and have a downloadable Daoc trial that lasts for 10 days or something, so that people can try it out. But they wont.
Buy it, play it...I mean..come on..whats the worse than can happen?? you dont like it and stop playing after a few weeks or you do like it and carry on playing for years. At least that way you will know for sure, and lets face it...the only way to really know if *you* will enjoy an mmorpg is if *you* play it
As for skill..I am still yet to be convinced that any mmorpg requires a large amount of skill..been playing them since 1997 and I still dont think much skill is required. I mean, hell...most mmorpgs even have a nice pretty "con" system so that you know whether the beast is too powerful for you or not. Quite often many pvp fights in these games tend to boil down to whoever spams the mez/stun button the most or who has the most people (*zerg!!!!*)
In case you didn't know, you don't have to enter payment information into DAoC until you free 30 days is up. So you can buy the game play it for 30 days and walk away. You don't have to deal with making sure they won't charge you later.
"Playing EQ to the highend is like getting hit in the head over and over until when the hitting stops you start to miss the dizzy feeling. The lack of this dizzy feeling will ruin you to other MMORPG's"
A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50%
Games and players have a type. What type are you? click here
Achievers realise that killers as a concept are necessary in order to make achievement meaningful and worthwhile (there being no way to "lose" the game if any fool can "win" just by plodding slowly unchallenged). -bartle
Bartle: A: 93% E: 55% S:3% K: 50% The Test. Learn what it means here.
I personaly would love to see a FPS MMORPG game made that i like. I think Planetside came very close to that. But it had no RPG aspect at all really. Same with Neocron, and in neocron the aiming system was so bunk, you aim and it makes a box around the guy your aiming at, and you literaly cant miss at that point. Endless Ages was all about lvling up to get the most powerfull weapon, because it really didnt matter how much skill you had, firepower was what prevailed in PvP.
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Yea i know. Thats the reason why i played PS. I played Tribes 2 and hated it, alot of Tribes vets hated it aswell. So when i saw Ps i thought id give it a go, but i didnt like it much at all. And most people just called it a tribes rip-off attempt. I didnt really see it as that, since the pure fact, you couldnt fly and ski at 300mph. but when i heard about them adding jet packs, i just saw it as them trying to sucker more tribes vets into buying anotehr one of thier games. I would give it a try when released, but im not expecting anything too special, and im not expecting it to be anywhere as good as tribes. Because the pure fact that you wont be able to shoot while flying on PS, cuz your aiming cone would go way too wide, causing your bullets to fly all over. Unlike tribes where the game didnt restrict your skill.
hehe it's funny how the first few threads are on topic, then i click the second page and it's about "ut3" and "ps" .
Can we stay on topic? Anyways anyone have a necromancer for DAoC? They level like mad. My friend got to level 40 in 6 days (24 hour days though).
Peter : "Why did all the dinosaurs become extinct?"
Teacher: "Because you touch yourself at night."
Fact is EQ was never meant to be a tme sink and honestly it does not have to be.
I was there from the first year and I can tell you that reason EQ started been viewed as a time sink was down to the players not the game.
The game was designed to offer you limitless possibilities and options for all.Sadly along the way people started becoming jealous(yeah thats right jealous of a game).
Everyone wanted to own this uber loot.Originally no one cared who hunted where and many people only played 1 or 2 houra a day.
I myself quit because of the time factor but that had to do with having loads of time on my hands then crashing to little time on my hands.
So i felt the effect too seriously.But its a misconception EQ is only meant for those with loads of time.
Now DAoC i would have loved to see the expansion.I came back for SI myself but after viewing the world in under 2 months i was bored again(yes and i did this on casual play).So it was down to RvR and to my amazement in all this time thye have not fixed the mercenary!!!
So doubt i would buy this new expansion because fact is DAoC PvE is not very strong but its RvR is a good feature which i still like.
It also takes time to level another character as the merc is very underpowered as of early this year to make it fun unless you are in a zerg which i find boring myself.
But for any new player i would say try this game out just don't be a merc lol.
Peter : "Why did all the dinosaurs become extinct?"
Teacher: "Because you touch yourself at night."
Please no more necros in RVR...they are getting to be more of a neuseince than infiltrators.....[!]
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
Peter : "Why did all the dinosaurs become extinct?"
Teacher: "Because you touch yourself at night."
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman