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I'm sorry but I have something to add to the fact that people call americans over-sensitive. Every freaking country is sensitive. In the middle east they don't protest-they would just have a suicide bomber come blow the movie theatre up. In south america a death squad would come shoot the movie theatre up. In Africa the same.
Calling Americans over-sensitive is total B.S.- any non-westernized country there would be bloodshed, at least Americans and the rest of us just protest. Oh unless it involves abortion, then they blow the place up. Good old religious fundamentalists.
To the moderators- I believe we should be able to discuss these types of things without the thread being locked as long as people don't get personal about it.
In fact, considering all the crap we trow at you americans had you been over sensitive the world would have been a smoking radioctive heap of rubble by now.
Id say you guys actually takes most of them things pretty good.
By no means a US fan but right should be right.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
Its not the moderators who are sensitive about the topic. Its the members who found the thread offensive.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I find it interesting that you dont see Americans trashing other countries. Granted there are lots of things that I could say about other cultures, religions and nations but out of respect I keep them to myself. So it's not a matter of Americans being oversensitive but that everyone else is being obnoxious towards America. Hearing a nonstop barrage of 9/11 jokes from foreigners wears thin after a while. Dont you think Jews are sensitive about the Holocaust? I would never make a joke to a jew about the Holocaust. Dont you think Germans are embarrassed about their Nazi past? You cant even joke about Nazism to a German without him getting angry with you. It's all about respect. Learn it.
They say that America went to Iraq to steal it's oil. Well where is it?? Wouldnt the price of gas be rock bottom if we were stealing Iraq's oil? Just one of the many false conspiracies.
FYI the moderators did not have anything to do with it. I started that topic and reported it myself because it was going a totaly different direction then I intended.
I wrote it in the morning before I went to work and the topic grew in a rapid rate. When I came home
I was shocked to see how it had gone offcorse, so I reported myself. I blame myself for maybe using a bad explanation of what I was aiming for, but as I said it was in the moring and I was still tired.
I was comenting on the movie Flightpath and the fact it touched on a terrorist storie line. I saw on CNN people were protesting the movie. And I asked/commented that I hope americans are not gonna react like that to every terrorist themed game/movie just because of 9/11 and they acted like it was the worst thing that ever happen on this planet.
Everyone started bashing USA itself, something it was NOT supposed to be. I was looking at the game/movie industry and its right to make entertainment on any topic they wished. True I could of picked a better topic title, for that I am sorry, but people were going way offline of what I wanted the topic to be so I asked the staff to lock it. I didnt want my topic to be what it way turning into.
Maybe the title should of been "over-sensitive mmorpg members?". But anyways you have reopened it carry on. lol
Yes there are oversensitive in every country. But what you are saying about middleeast and africa is complete bullshit. I'm pretty sure that they are as civilized as us. If something offends them they will talk and protest against it. It has never happened that somebody has blown up something because of a movie in middleeast, neither has somebody been killed over it in Africa.
But you americans are special. It isn't the same in Europe. WW2 movies aren't banned and protested against. The Hitler (Der Untergang, The Downfall or so in the US)movie that was released last year, didn't meet any protests even though it threathed Hitler as a human. I'm german and I didn't feel any need to protest against it. I have had heard jokes Hitler and german all my life, but I don't get angry over it. It's something that comes with being a relative of some of the worst massmurderers in human history. Older people might be offended by such things, but I think the whole new generation of germans doesn't feel that way. I have never heard of a movie being banned here in Europe because it's relation to sad history. The last movie that was talked getting banned here in Norway was that rape movie with Monica Belluci. But it ended up being showed anyway with 18+.
I don't think you americans are oversensitive about everything. It's just in certain themes like abortion and 9/11 that you are oversensitive. Spiderman had to be remade after 9/11, because it had a scene with the twin towers. Donnie Darko wasn't shown in cinemas because it featured a falling airplane engine. Microsoft Flight Simulator had to release a patch so that the twin towers where removed. And today we still see that you "over react" on things that have to do with 9/11. Flightplan etc.
Regarding the old thread I think it was ok it was closed. After all it was the thread starter himself who reported it. It got a little offtopic in but it maitained quite good. I think Dis_Ordur made the last good post and then somebody posted a movie and the thread started to get out of hand.
The price of gas and USA invading the Iraq for oil are 2 different cases. The Gas prices are currently so high because all the refineries in souther USA have been taken out or shut down because of Katrina and Rita. That means that the oil can't be made into gas fast enough. Making the prizes rise.
What about the Americans who stormed a abortion clinic killing the doctors and nurses? What you are talking about are the extreme cases, you can't judge whole continents upon those cases.
Phoenixs if Germans arent oversensitive about their Nazi past then why is it illegal to display Nazi symbols and slogans in Germany? Seems a bit radical dont it. Also why is it that the Nazi party is the only political party that is banned from Germany? I'm not saying that all of Germany is oversensitive to their Nazi past. Just using it as an example of how certian nations or cultures can be generally sensitive to certian matters.
By the way I agree with you on the comment about the price of gas. The ability to refine crude oil into gasoline is a factor in the price of gas. Due to stringent enviromental restraints the US hasnt built a new refinery in over 30 years. Thats one of a long list of factors. But I'm sure if America was stealing oil from Iraq it would've been exposed by now.
I wanted to add to the other thread;
Someone said Americans spend the most money on charity of the entire world. This is not the case. In fact, Americans spend far less on charity than many of the European countries('s citizens-edit). I realise you get told that you do, but you can't trust anything you hear.
Country Description Amount
1. Luxembourg $313.71 per person
2. Norway $304.81 per person
3. Denmark $300.07 per person
4. Netherlands $201.13 per person
5. Belgium $103.43 per person
6. France $89.02 per person
7. Finland $72.56 per person
8. Ireland $70.46 per person
9. Germany $67.93 per person
10. Austria $63.53 per person
11. Japan $54.93 per person
12. Australia $44.49 per person
13. Canada $39.62 per person
14. Portugal $25.64 per person
15. New Zealand $24.70 per person
The European Union and its member countries pay out more than 30 billion a year in official aid to developing countries, of which about 6 billion is channelled through the EU institutions. The Union has committed itself to raising the annual total to 39 billion by 2006. Although EU members, like other industrialised countries, have accepted a target of spending 0.7% of their GNP on aid each year, only Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden have reached this target. The others have pledged to catch up. The average for the EU as a whole is 0.34%, higher than the United States or Japan.
I'm not sure if it's completely illegal since I have seen alot of neo nazi demonstrations where they show their flags and symbols. They are only stopped by the police if violence starts to erupt. If it's completely banned it's something else than being over sensitive. Partly maybe, but the Nazis promote racismn, ethnic cleansing, murder and violence. You can't allow something like that.
Alot of people believe that it isn't a coincidense that: Biggest oil consuming nation -> Invades one of the biggest oil producing nations -> Giving their own oil companies the contracts to build up and run the oil industry.
I'm not sure if it's completely illegal since I have seen alot of neo nazi demonstrations where they show their flags and symbols. They are only stopped by the police if violence starts to erupt. If it's completely banned it's something else than being over sensitive. Partly maybe, but the Nazis promote racismn, ethnic cleansing, murder and violence. You can't allow something like that.
Alot of people believe that it isn't a coincidense that: Biggest oil consuming nation -> Invades one of the biggest oil producing nations -> Giving their own oil companies the contracts to build up and run the oil industry.
I dont disagree with you about Nazism. Trust me I agree that Nazis were monsters. But by making it illegal to display Nazi symbols you're impeding free rights. Why not make it illegal to display Roman banners? The romans committed the same atrocities. Why not make it illegal to display the Soviet flag. The Soviets under Stalin committed genocide against both the polish people and their own during WW2. Why not ban everything that represents negativity? Just something about that Nazi swastika that caused it to be the only symbol banned in Germany.
Actually the Swastika symbol is older then the Nazi party. It has existed for over 3000 years and has been used by many cultures. It was most commonly used to represent life, the sun, and good luck.
To comment on your Iraqi war conspiracy theory...Iraq really isnt the US's main source of oil. Actually our neighbors Canada and Mexico are our primary suppliers of oil. If we felt the need to invade we'd just invade them because they're just next door. But if you want coincidences...Wasnt it coincidental that when Iraq was invaded so many terrorists came pouring out of the woodwork? If you knock down a house and rats come pouring out of the rubble, it's safe to say that the house was infested with rats.
The following link may be of interests. It shows one of the many reasons we're in Iraq.,2933,171513,00.html
Ugh...That's per person. And none of those countries even come close to the population of the US...
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Fine then. Let's say the EU is a country (as, let's be honest, it almost is). That'd be even less beneficial for you, as both your GDP (although granted, GDP doesn't say much. It's quality of life that counts, and some European countries overshadow the US in that aspect too) and money spent on charity is overshadowed by the EU.
And aye, it's per person. That does seem like the honest way to measure it, in my opinion.
your leaving out one simple fact, the u.s. has close to 300 million people, luxembourg has ~ half a million.
so hard as it may be for you to believe, luxembourg does not give more charity money. and im sure they were speaking of relief and aide more than per capita. by your estimation if i lived in my very own country and gave $314 to charity i would have outspent everyone.
but anyway the u.s gives more than anyone but, in relation to GDP its stingy. our government is manipulative and greedy and quick to pat itself on the back sure, but still give more bottom line dollars.
I don't see what number of citizens have to do with it. It does accurately portray how much citizens and governement of your country are willing to spend to help people in third world countries.
Like I said before, if you're really hell-bent on number of citizens you're welcome to see the European Union (with 457,000,00 citizens, compared to the US' 297,000,000 people) as a country. That'd be even less beneficial for you.
well it does have to do with it because you said u.s. spends less those countries, which is just plain 100% wrong.
if you had said spends less genrously, or less per capita, then you would have been right.
to spell it out for you, the population of the u.s. would have to average about 50 cents(half of one dollar)/person to equal the ammount spent by luxembourg at $313/person
if you go out to eat with a party of 10, run up a $1000 bill, and tip me 100 bucks thats stingy. 10% is a weak tip. theres a guy next to you eating alone, 40 dollar tab and gives me 10 dollar tip. thast pretty generous, 25% tip. i call your party greedy and ugrateful, i call the solo guy a very nice dude. but that 100 dollar tip from you stingy bastages buys me more stuff.
Like I said I'm not completely sure if it's totally illegal to show Nazi symbols in Germany. But I said if it is it can't be compared to how the US over react on anything that has to do with 9/11. In Germany you still show the Swastika in movies. While in the US it was unthinkable to show the twintowers or burning/crashing planes in any movie.
I never said that Iraq is the main source of oil for the US. I know that Canada and Mexico supply most of the Oil for the US. There is a difference between invading an ally and a country that is poor and can't defend itself properly. And I didn't say that Oil was the only reason to attack Iraq.
1. Saddam
2. Terrorists
3. Oil
That is my list of reasons I think the US had to attack Iraq.
About that charity index someone posted in this thread.
Aldaron and fulmanfu those numbers are what each citizen in Europe gives to organisations. What the goverment gives is in addition to that. So what you and the poster are talking about are 2 different things. USA is the goverment that gives the most, while the people don't give as much.
Some numbers from 2003.
* The G7 countries donated 49,917 million USD
* The European Union countries combined donated 37,139 million USD
* The United States donated 16,254 million USD
* Norway donated 2,042 million USD, but were the largest contributors in percentage of GNI at 0.92
well it does have to do with it because you said u.s. spends less those countries, which is just plain 100% wrong.
if you had said spends less genrously, or less per capita, then you would have been right.
to spell it out for you, the population of the u.s. would have to average about 50 cents(half of one dollar)/person to equal the ammount spent by luxembourg at $313/person
if you go out to eat with a party of 10, run up a $1000 bill, and tip me 100 bucks thats stingy. 10% is a weak tip. theres a guy next to you eating alone, 40 dollar tab and gives me 10 dollar tip. thast pretty generous, 25% tip. i call your party greedy and ugrateful, i call the solo guy a very nice dude. but that 100 dollar tip from you stingy bastages buys me more stuff.
"Someone said Americans spend the most money on charity of the entire world." - Me.
Notice how I said Americans, and not "The United states of America".
And even if I did say that, they still spend less than the EU does.
"To spell it out for you..." That sounds so demeaning, talking to me as though I couldn't comprehend what I was saying even though I was right.
I'm leaving this thread now, I realised I don't really care that some of you enjoy wallowing around in self-glorification. I wish those people good luck when they enter the real world.
my bad. most people use the term americans to mean mexicans. or canadians..grasping at straws
before you take your ball and stomp home, explain how you were right..
you tried to bash americans by saying they spend less, when its documented fact they spend more. that is right? you google some list of countries, dont understand what per capita means, pasted it here with an out of context bashing of americans,be them brazilians, nicaraguan or whatever you meant .
whatever, im right and im not coming back!
With Americans I meant the plural of people living in the United States of America. Therefore I did mean per (US) American spending.
I understand everything I've written, and I'm very adept at economics. You however keep twisting my words or convienently misunderstanding them.
I don't care that you won't admit defeat. In my 6 years on the internet I've never seen anyone pull their heads out of their behinds in an internet discussion, so I wasn't expecting I'd be seeing that here, too.
Nor was I bashing Americans, I was simply refuting a 'fact'. My grandfather was an American, and I think Americans (when not being nationalistic and brainwashed) are some of the nicest people on the globe. It's just in these crucial moments that they're being total gimps. I'm not asking you to accept European domination, I'm asking you that you recognise that there is a continent a few thousand kilometres away that does just as good if not better than you in some areas.
hanks for reading, and please take no offense. No grudges?
sigh... you guys are forgetting the MAIN reason why America invaded Iraq.. it's not just for the oil reserves. Once the USA collapsed Saddam's regime they are now able to directly influence the governmental reconstruction of the country, planting their own people in places of power to directly influence the future of politics in that region. America will also build military bases in Iraq which will further extend their power over the very delicate middle east which is, and you guys would know this if you did a little bit of geographical research, a KEY strategic location military wise, undoubtedly this advantage will play a crucial role in future wars of 'liberation'
how's that for a 'conspiracy theory'? bah! why do you think that after the americans won against... err I mean finished the work that the british, french and russians started in World War II against germany there was a sudden 'proliferation' of USA military bases here in Europe? and the creation of Nato?, it's all politics of interest...
I'm simply amazed that 90% of the people I see posting here have no CLUE whatsoever as to the workings of international politics. Especially people that are old enough to know better..
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Sad but true Frustrated people without work are very easy to get over on your side. Your not entirely correct about that Nazi party. It's not a party that covers the whole of Germany. It's just based in one state where it got 10% of the votes. Even if it's only in one state it's far to much