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Oversensitive moderators



  • MalicusMalicus Member Posts: 307
    If you arent involved in a thread you shouldnt be able to report that it has the potential to offend you and get it locked. The fact is you dont have to read it and if its not a flame war it shouldnt be offensive. The only way you should want to report to mods is if you are involved in a debate or thread and it degenerates into an immature flame war. Kind of looks pathetic if you just stop into other peoples conversations to say "I dont approve so this should be locked" Reeks of immaturity
  • lex-icon82lex-icon82 Member Posts: 232

    I've had it with these topics.. the sheer stupidity of some posts is making my mind reel. I think I'll join Darktania and go live in the bizarro world where America thought that Hitler was not a threat and went to war in Europe just because it's the 'American Way'.

    Good day to everyone



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  • KoddoKoddo Member Posts: 151

    Originally posted by Malicus

    Yeah your right its not all americans. But at least 51% of voters are cerebrally challenged and vote a warmonger back in that is a proven liar and conspiracy theorist.
    These voters imo just scare very easily and bush uses this to manipulate them into supporting his hidden agendas. I mean really how much of a threat is a radical muslim from iraq to the average american?
    The bush government will continue to lie about foiled attacks and captured ot killed "top insurgent generals" and the insurgency and death toll will getr worse and worse. And supporters will call everyone else conspiracy theorists because they truly want to believe that their in a "showdown" with the evil bearded ones that may or may not have something to do with 911

    oh and about germany dont you think the citizens had an inflated and arrogant attitude during the world wars? I would bet money the general consensus was alot like "the rest of the world is just jealous and we are so much better then them" something ive seen alot of defensive americans say lately.

    Don't know if you actually know this, but the US president is not elected by all the US citizens. He is elected by a select few called the "Electoral College". For this reason, i do not vote. My vote does not count. The members of the EC do not have to vote the way their state does. Which is an old outdated way of voting, which does not need to be used anymore. And until this is done away with, i will not vote.

    What i don't understand is all these blanket statements all you jerkoffs keep saying. Doesn't matter what country your from, unless your living conditions are completely terrible, at least 7/10 of that countries population are completely patriotic and think their home country is the best. I don't much care for where i live, but i really can't think of any place better. As someone said, a lot of US citizens (i don't really think the term "americans" should be used to describe the citizens of the US, as there is a "South America" which also shares the name america. Granted, it's a continent, but still...) don't agree with what the gov't does, how they conduct business, but there isn't a whole lot we can really do other than pick up guns and have ourselves a nice ol' revolution. I've always been told to stay away from 2 types of discussions/conversations, Religion and Politics. Why? For the reason nothing ever really gets accomplished, your beliefs and views will always differ from someone else's. And those who fight over it are just as stupid for not realizing that you won't change someone else's opinions. If you want to discuss, then discuss, don't try to change one's views. Learn from the discussion, the key is tolerance, which seems obvious that a very small percentage of the posters in this topic have. All i keep seeing is attacks on each other's gov't workings, which seem to be all that "political discussions" turn out to be. Especially on these boards.

    I don't much care for any gov't really. Yes, the world needs rules to be "civilized", but with every type of gov't sounding good at the beginning, none of them actually work "as intended". Corruption sets in, times change, laws become obsolete. All gov't become impudent over time. The only thing i can really count on is that the end of the human race, or the world, will be decided by a handful of ppl. The gov't of the world.

    The pen is mightier than the sword, and authority is mightier than the pen, but the sword is mightier than authority.

    If you can't beat 'em, hold 'em off 'till you come up with a better plan.

  • MalicusMalicus Member Posts: 307

    Originally posted by Koddo

    Originally posted by Malicus

    Yeah your right its not all americans. But at least 51% of voters are cerebrally challenged and vote a warmonger back in that is a proven liar and conspiracy theorist.
    These voters imo just scare very easily and bush uses this to manipulate them into supporting his hidden agendas. I mean really how much of a threat is a radical muslim from iraq to the average american?
    The bush government will continue to lie about foiled attacks and captured ot killed "top insurgent generals" and the insurgency and death toll will getr worse and worse. And supporters will call everyone else conspiracy theorists because they truly want to believe that their in a "showdown" with the evil bearded ones that may or may not have something to do with 911

    oh and about germany dont you think the citizens had an inflated and arrogant attitude during the world wars? I would bet money the general consensus was alot like "the rest of the world is just jealous and we are so much better then them" something ive seen alot of defensive americans say lately.

    Don't know if you actually know this, but the US president is not elected by all the US citizens. He is elected by a select few called the "Electoral College". For this reason, i do not vote. My vote does not count. The members of the EC do not have to vote the way their state does. Which is an old outdated way of voting, which does not need to be used anymore. And until this is done away with, i will not vote.

    What i don't understand is all these blanket statements all you jerkoffs keep saying. Doesn't matter what country your from, unless your living conditions are completely terrible, at least 7/10 of that countries population are completely patriotic and think their home country is the best. I don't much care for where i live, but i really can't think of any place better. As someone said, a lot of US citizens (i don't really think the term "americans" should be used to describe the citizens of the US, as there is a "South America" which also shares the name america. Granted, it's a continent, but still...) don't agree with what the gov't does, how they conduct business, but there isn't a whole lot we can really do other than pick up guns and have ourselves a nice ol' revolution. I've always been told to stay away from 2 types of discussions/conversations, Religion and Politics. Why? For the reason nothing ever really gets accomplished, your beliefs and views will always differ from someone else's. And those who fight over it are just as stupid for not realizing that you won't change someone else's opinions. If you want to discuss, then discuss, don't try to change one's views. Learn from the discussion, the key is tolerance, which seems obvious that a very small percentage of the posters in this topic have. All i keep seeing is attacks on each other's gov't workings, which seem to be all that "political discussions" turn out to be. Especially on these boards.

    I don't much care for any gov't really. Yes, the world needs rules to be "civilized", but with every type of gov't sounding good at the beginning, none of them actually work "as intended". Corruption sets in, times change, laws become obsolete. All gov't become impudent over time. The only thing i can really count on is that the end of the human race, or the world, will be decided by a handful of ppl. The gov't of the world.

    great post! I fully agree. The only thing is that with free trade and a world economy  the way it is today the US government corruptions are affecting other westernized and third world countries with their actions and policies. Moreso today then ever they seem to think they can reach across borders and change other countries to suit them. Hence the frustration, fear and confusion from other countries citizens.  The US foreign policy is US law trumps International law and international agreements and treaties are subject to the whims of one man whom the world did not vote for at all and most definately would not if given the choice.
  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    Originally posted by angerr
    oh and to the person that said this...
    "Yes there are oversensitive in every country. But what you are saying about middleeast and africa is complete bullshit. I'm pretty sure that they are as civilized as us. If something offends them they will talk and protest against it. It has never happened that somebody has blown up something because of a movie in middleeast, neither has somebody been killed over it in Africa." ....
    you are a fool if you believe that in the midleeast they are even allowed to protest. even having the option to express your feelings or thoughts, and let the government know your not going to stand for it is a freedom. if you would rather live in a country that doesent allow free speach go right ahead, but i wouldnt have it any other way. also...... ya they blow themselves and innocent people up..... thats how they protest in some countries..... no thanks!
    keep up the bashing though, spreading hatred is what you all like to do, and your good at it image
    btw i do agree these topic's are very offensive image

    I suggest you check your facts. They can protests as much as they want in the middleeast and africa. Just turn on your Tv and you will see people in Isreal, Iran and Iraq protest. Just recently a group of palestinian policemen protested against their leaders because they wanted more money and weapons to fight the Hamas. I think it's sad how you just assume that 2 billion people are terrorists because of a few who are. I don't think that the american people are sadistic bastards because some soldiers tortured some people in Iraq.

    To the one who posted that Putin is a insane ex kgb general who doesn't want anything more than taking control over there whole world. Yes, he is a ex kgb general, but that was the only thing you got right about him. And that europe is a disorganised mess, all people in the middleeast = terrorist. Usa is the only country that holds it all together. And then you complain about people hating you?

    I don't hate the Americans. I love your way of life. I love your country. I just don't agree with a couple of things:

    1. I don't think Iraq was correct.
    2. War against terrorismn should be waged in a different way.
    3. I don't think that you are playing world police the right way.
    4. You are oversensitive about certain things.

    4 things. I don't agree with you on 4 things. But if I and other who have similar opinions about this we get flamed, we are accused for altering history, hating you and so on. Why not post normal constructive posts discussing it. There are quite a few who post in this way, and I'm greatful for it. But you who claim that all outside USA are terrorists, that they hate you, that they didn't win WW2 and so, please stop posts like that before you complain about people hating you.

  • claithclaith Member Posts: 86
    LMFAO.We are kicking insurgents ass and will be for as long as it takes,so keep on cryin.As a matter of fact go join them idiots so we can put some holes in all the stupid asses that think we are losing.Truly ignorant people you are.And the only reason russian could hang in against Germany is because America was sending them Steeel to build weapons and we also sent them planes and tanks till they started producing T-34's in good numbers.Alot of you youngins need to pay attention in class.American industrial power was main factor for turning tide of WW2,period.Don't like that fact then go cry in a closet somewhere.I hope we stay in Iraq for another TEN years then we can continue to kill religious freaks and zealots,my favorite kinda killen.
  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    Originally posted by claith
    LMFAO.We are kicking insurgents ass and will be for as long as it takes,so keep on cryin.As a matter of fact go join them idiots so we can put some holes in all the stupid asses that think we are losing.Truly ignorant people you are.And the only reason russian could hang in against Germany is because America was sending them Steeel to build weapons and we also sent them planes and tanks till they started producing T-34's in good numbers.Alot of you youngins need to pay attention in class.American industrial power was main factor for turning tide of WW2,period.Don't like that fact then go cry in a closet somewhere.I hope we stay in Iraq for another TEN years then we can continue to kill religious freaks and zealots,my favorite kinda killen.

    You still aren't using paragraphs correctly. A 35 year old (If he really is) who can't write is complaining about people not paying attention in school. Beat that.
    I'm sure that your fellow americans are proud of the nice impression you give to other people.

  • Cpt.RelaxoCpt.Relaxo Member Posts: 1

    This whole thread makes me sad.

    I'm not here to flame... I'm not here to call anyone stupid. I'm just here to say that this is pointless. First of all, historical acuracy has taken a HUGE hit in this thread. For example, the addition of the Americans to WWII DID win the war for the allies. They were not, however, SOLELY responsible. The decision for them to get involved was NOT an act of compassion on the part of the Americans, but rather was because Japan, an ally of Germany, attacked, thus bringing the Americans into the war.

    I think that both sides in this "arguement" are getting out of hand and... frankly dumb. Both sides are twisting what knowledge they have (which is mostly gained from one side or the other's perspective, which ALWAYS involves a certain amount of propoganda) so that what they think is the ONLY way.

    Bottom line... If you wonder why people get offended by threads like this, it's because people get very angry, rude, and offensive when talking about something that they are passionate enough.  

    1) before you argue world politics, look at things from not only your own perspective, but from the perspective of others.

    2) Do so without name-calling and child-like defense of your own beliefs

    3) Be open to listening to what others have to say and, even if you don't change your mind, respect their right to having their opinion. 

  • reavoreavo Member Posts: 2,173

    Originally posted by Imperatorian

    I wanted to add to the other thread;
    Someone said Americans spend the most money on charity of the entire world. This is not the case. In fact, Americans spend far less on charity than many of the European countries('s citizens-edit). I realise you get told that you do, but you can't trust anything you hear.
    Country Description Amount
    1. Luxembourg $313.71 per person
    2. Norway $304.81 per person
    3. Denmark $300.07 per person
    4. Netherlands $201.13 per person
    5. Belgium $103.43 per person
    6. France $89.02 per person
    7. Finland $72.56 per person
    8. Ireland $70.46 per person
    9. Germany $67.93 per person
    10. Austria $63.53 per person
    11. Japan $54.93 per person
    12. Australia $44.49 per person
    13. Canada $39.62 per person
    14. Portugal $25.64 per person
    15. New Zealand $24.70 per person

    The European Union and its member countries pay out more than €30 billion a year in official aid to developing countries, of which about €6 billion is channelled through the EU institutions. The Union has committed itself to raising the annual total to €39 billion by 2006. Although EU members, like other industrialised countries, have accepted a target of spending 0.7% of their GNP on aid each year, only Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden have reached this target. The others have pledged to catch up. The average for the EU as a whole is 0.34%, higher than the United States or Japan.

    Hold on a second.  I hate to start tooting God Bless America on this one, but I noticed that you didn't do two things on your stats you put up there...

    1.)  You didn't list your source.  That's always an important factor in presenting a case.  Don't you agree?
    2.)  Your stats only list contributions through the governments (from what I can tell).  American's give tons of money through private contributions and through non-profit organizations.  I know I give privately more than the average Luxembourg total you have up there each year, and I make middle-wage for an American ($32,000/year).  Last I checked it wasn't in our Constitution that the government give X amount of money to other countries each year.  That's something that we take care of on the personal level. 

    Now, if you are wanting to poke at American's go after the things that really get us going.  

    Hmmm... like say your country is more religious than ours, or more moral, or that God is on your side. 

    Or better yet, say we're not behind civil rights because we treat homosexuals as second class citizens.  That always gets a good fight going here.  Our folks love to beat up the homo's.  See over here they say that if two people of the same sex get married that it's going to have an effect on other married couples.  Ask them to explain themselves on that one.  They get really ruffled.  Or ask them where in the original texts of the Bible it says that homosexuality is a sin.  It's only in their translated new versions.  Shhhhh... they're not supposed to know that.  image

    Oh or say that your country has more freedoms.  American's are so washed in the belief that we have the most freedom to do what we want. 

    Or as far as freedoms go, say to an American that his free market economy isn't so free compared to other countries.  Or mention to one of us how the influence of China's economy is about to surpass ours.  That there China is a Communist country too (Where's that danged McCarthy when we need him?)!!! 

    And the one thing that will really get an American mad at you, ask them if they're Republican or Democrat and then tell them they act more like the other party's members.  Hahahahaha...  Like either one of the two parties here are different than the other.  They're both bought out by special interests.   image 

    But hey, I love my country.  Where else can you live that has a county split up in 100 different regions on where you can buy either just beer, or just beer & wine, or beer & wine & liquor, or none of the above if it's Sunday and people are on the roads to church.  And here's a crazy one.  In some places you can't buy beer after midnight in the store, but you can drink it in a bar until 2.  And hey, go get yourself killed fighting for us at 18 but don't you dare wrap your fist around an ice cold Bud.  You're not old enough to make that decision on your own yet. 

    The people here are hilarious.  God love 'em.  image

This discussion has been closed.