Originally posted by Aseenus Allright mods i think we have had enough little kids flaming me.. please close topic asap! all i hear is "your a nub" "wow is a great game and i love it and who ever made this game i love them too" Big Fact: I will pwn any of you in pretty much any game and thats a fact! get over your selves! yes its a business but there ripping people off! you idiots are too blind to see it! i know there ripping me off but still play it! I was jus stating the obviouse!
Nice edit... You are the only idiot here that is blind. You pay 50 bucks for the game, 15 bucks a month. Pretty much like any game out there. It has an expansion coming sometime within the next year I imagine which will cost probably 30 bucks or so. Yeah ...a real rip off.
The real rip off......is I spend that much in gas for 1 month.
Originally posted by Aseenus Allright mods i think we have had enough little kids flaming me.. please close topic asap! all i hear is "your a nub" "wow is a great game and i love it and who ever made this game i love them too" Big Fact: I will pwn any of you in pretty much any game and thats a fact! get over your selves! yes its a business but there ripping people off! you idiots are too blind to see it! i know there ripping me off but still play it! I was jus stating the obviouse!
I will pwn joo noob in any game out there.....lol that was funny!
Originally posted by Bama1267 Guys like this really crack me up. First its "they dont have 1.5 million people", then its" they dont really have 2 million people its a marketing gimic" , third its "they dont have 3 millon people its a marketing gimic" ,fourth "its they dont have 3.5 million people, its a marketing gimic", Now finally "they dont have 4 million people its a marketing gimic". Seriously if you logged in or even saw how many servers they have to run.....you would believe. Not to mention , that many servers and people are still complaining about having problems logging in cause of server load. YOur littel interent cafe story was hilarious also......that statement would mean Lineage 2 probably has only 20 active subscribers as opposed to 2 million. Also on SOE adding content to SWG.....then calling it an expansion. They added SPACE , they also added new planets in rage of the wookies. These arent patches guys and expect to pay for them. It cost them time and money to develop these expanions. And if you werent paying for it...you would get patches any monkey could come up with.
Hmm. and ofcourse you are an industry insider with great knowledge the business, right? No, you read some company press release that took that as word.
Below however IS from an industry expert, and adds to what I've previously said. You can choose to blindly accept your darling Blizzard's press reports if you want, that's tour choice, you can also accept EVERYTHING your government tells you too.
In the meantime, this game, one that takes from both what makes single player games and MMOGs compelling, almost perfectly intertwines them, and on top of that builds on an IP that is very popular world-wide, pre-existing distribution channels (again world wide), and has the Blizzard name behind it, has broken all sales records. It likely also has broken all MMOG revenue records. Its unclear, and may be for some time, if its broken all profit records, as the game is reputed to have cost $75 million just to develop, and another 25$M and growing to market and continue to distribute and make available. Also, successful penetration into countries like China, while definitely something to study and revere, also yield approximately $2.00 a user, not the $15 bucks a month to which most are accustomed. Lastly, on a side note, remember that Asian subscribers are counted as someone who either plays a lot or just went into a cyber café and played only once. Theyre counted the same way as a subscriber. This should be kept in mind when considering numbers, revenue, etc., especially in the Asian market. Note that I dont say this to downplay WoWs king of the hill status in anyway they set out to make a very wide appealing MMOG and most certainly met and exceeded those goals.
And yes, I expect you to claim that the above is just sour grapes, or something, because it does not agree with what you believe it MUST be a lie, right?
Originally posted by Aseenus Allright mods i think we have had enough little kids flaming me.. please close topic asap! all i hear is "your a nub" "wow is a great game and i love it and who ever made this game i love them too" Big Fact: I will pwn any of you in pretty much any game and thats a fact! get over your selves! yes its a business but there ripping people off! you idiots are too blind to see it! i know there ripping me off but still play it! I was jus stating the obviouse!
Age 17 says it all.......go play vanguard with the rest of the kiddies.
Age 17 says it all.......go play vanguard with the rest of the kiddies.
Eh? I know where you got the first part of that sentence, but the second part?
From what I've seen Ass is a young kid that doesn't like to pay his way. That's why he likes guildwars, no monthly fee. However, Vanguard? Where'd you get that from? Firstly it is being make to AVOID kiddies, such as those that play WoW, secondly, you cannot "go play it" yet, it is still in limited beta.
You think Vanguard is for kiddies, yet you play WoW and diablo? Sheesh.
I thought Id take a moment to point out a powerful irony that never fails to make me very angry on threads like this. This post is specifically directed at the folks that want to turn a conversation over the cost of an expansion pack for an internet based VIDEOGAME into a discussion of the evils of capitalism. If that isnt you, feel free to ignore:
Let's set some context first...
The original poster and anyone railing against the "greed" of "North American" corporations (I guess corporations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and South America are altruistic??) are all posting to a web site dedicated to games.
A web site. Dedicated to games. In other words, a staggering luxury. They are posting to this site using a computer that is presumably powerful enough to run said games. An even mightier luxury. The web site is dedicated to ONLINE games. ONLINE games and web sites all require one of the most impressive efforts of human engineering in our history: the Internet. To use the Internet, you must be connected to it. The biggest luxury yet.
At this point its worth mentioning that all of these anti-capitalist malcontents actually have the TIME and ENERGY to burn ARGUING about things like this!!! No pressing problems like war or famine in their lives then, presumably!
So we have roughly 500 years of human development and history poured into a set of technologies that have all come to be thanks largely to free market economies working together as a powerful engine to, in this case, provide entertainment.
We have consumers of this entertainment paying multiple monthly fees for it (that could probably feed famiiles in the 3rd world) and feeling passionate about it to write dissertations.
And despite ALL of that... These people have the AUDACITY to complain about CAPITALISM??? This is where I get pissed off! How dare you complain that Blizzard is "evil and greedy" because they've decided to charge for an expansion to the internet based fantasy themed alternate reality that you have the luxury of escaping from your life into and has become an addiction for you!!!
The fact that the irony of this doesnt penetrate your skull is proof of how spoiled and jaded you all are.
If you feel that the expansion is outrageously priced and not worth it, then dont buy it. If enough feel that way then Blizzard failed in their task and will be punished with bad sales.
Don't you DARE come into an environment THIS extreme in terms of how disgustingly excessive it is and start lecturing on the evils of capitalism and North America!!! Save that crap for when you are being spoon fed by your neo-Trotskyite professors living off the teat of a bloated university systme.
And here I thought I was the only conservative computer geek in North America. I would love to add to the above posters comments but to be honest I couldn't add anything more or say it any better. I wholeheartedly agree with you.
Blizzard is all about the money. They could care less about customer service. Case in point>>> Queues are back again from 450-550 just like last November, December and January on the full servers.
Originally posted by WOWLags Blizzard is all about the money. They could care less about customer service. Case in point>>> Queues are back again from 450-550 just like last November, December and January on the full servers.
And like back in December/January I'm sure Blizzard will resolve the issues. If waiting for 5 minutes in a queue results in less lag or prevents a server crash, then that's fine by me. I know of a few games that took 5 minutes just to load.
Of course Blizzard is about making money, what company isn't? The reason why Blizzard is successful is because they provide quality products. Blizzard isn't forcing people to buy their products.
Ico Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Originally posted by WOWLags Blizzard is all about the money. They could care less about customer service. Case in point>>> Queues are back again from 450-550 just like last November, December and January on the full servers.
What can they do if people keep on creating chars on highly populated servers? Not allow it? You would start crying that it's wrong cause you want to play with your friends. Wait for migration if you don't like queves. Blizzard is constatnly opening new realms - I think currently there are almost 100 US servers and around 145 European.
Charging for an expansion (correctly spelled???) is a bit steep, not that they havent put a fair amount of time in it, but hey....
They haven´t really got much endgame content for lv 60´s in the first place, or? If you dont like repeating the same things over and over, you will have to make up something to do yourselves, and quite frankly peeps dont pay a monthly fee to entertain, they pay to BE entertained.
Getting the expansion is for me like Blizz finally delivering the other half of the game, nothing more and nothing less...
So Blizz doesnt treat its customers well. i just want to know because ill be coming into WoW on christmas. and i want to know if it is worth it. I dont know if blizzard is money hungry, but i do know they shouldnt be they have millions of customers literally. so plz gimme some feedback on this i would like to have this sort of info before i join WoW
charging money for expansions is not something new. From what i can gather they are putting a rather nice amount of work into the expasnion and is not just a ploy to get your money like what i have seen from SOE with everquest and swg
i personally think that blizzard treats there customers alright, and also i will hold final judgements for when the expasnion actually comes out, so help them if its $50.
for the most part the problem with WoW is the community, they tend to whine alot and if you do not find a guild and/or server that suits you, you will find yourself rather dissapointed and frustrated with the game.
Fun Factor is what makes or breaks a game, if its not fun just play something else.
Originally posted by ShadowFeint i personally think that blizzard treats there customers alright, and also i will hold final judgements for when the expasnion actually comes out, so help them if its $50.
Try and get some support from a GM in any way other than reporting a gold seller, server goes down for maitence every week for 8 hours for who knows what reason along with unexpected downtimes, rushed patches and ignorance to bugs that are "working as intended", posts on the forums by Blizzard employees that are unprofessional and supposed to be "commical" but really are just a slap in the face, and a bunch of other things that gaming companies typically do like releasing expansions to make more money when they should just update/fix the game content they already have, so really I would qualify them as a no good money hungry corporation that only cares about that monthly fee you pay and not what you really think about the game and how its run.
I know some/most other MMO are like this because I have played my fair share of them and seen some of the same things like no support at all from GM/CSR, but half of the other stuff is really unexcusable like the posts some of the Blizzard people make on the forums trying to be funny on a seriously sensitive topic or the fact that they have to take their servers down for 8 hours a week when no other game I have played does this, since their servers on run by a nintendo 64 that also are servers for whole other game.....which shoulden't even be happening but it is since they cut a corner there for more income and we have to pay for it now?
Also, I had a little chit chat with a GM about a problem that I had with a quest being bugged and basically I was told that their service is not "guarenteed" that they really only help in certain situations getting denied of assistance even though the bug was legit and valid. So I asked why they even give the option for appealing a request for GM assistance and they just gave me that whole "guarenteed" speel which is a total crock of bull if you ask me.
Glad to know that Blizzard treats their customers "alright." PFFT.
In a sense, every company on earth doing anything, and providing anythi9ng to you is money hungry. Its a fundemental of economics, in order to expand, you need money. The basis of getting that money is different however. Games like Guild Wars, one time fee, is based on having a large base that will buy the extras and future expansions. Runescape is a game in which they rely on people wanting to go on in the game after they reach the end of the F2P portion, and charge 5 bucks a month for that.
However, World of Warcraft charges 15 dollars a month for all the server costs, staff, ect, and also profit for them. The expansion is primarily created for people who want to go past the current end game, but since developing things isn't cheap, they want an extra bonus for themselves.
In essence, you can derrive everything into economics.
Originally posted by kenten Charging for an expansion (correctly spelled???) is a bit steep, not that they havent put a fair amount of time in it, but hey.... They haven´t really got much endgame content for lv 60´s in the first place, or? If you dont like repeating the same things over and over, you will have to make up something to do yourselves, and quite frankly peeps dont pay a monthly fee to entertain, they pay to BE entertained. Getting the expansion is for me like Blizz finally delivering the other half of the game, nothing more and nothing less...
You DO realize that beside EVE, there ain't a single game that ever released a free expansion? Both in mmorpg and single player worlds, if you want an expansion, you pay for it!
So i really don't see here the point of WHY Blizzard should do differently from everybody else?
WoW had more content at release, for all levels, than many other MMorpg. they have added, free of charge, a tons of stuff since then INCLUDING several level 60 only raid dungeons and end-game thngs (the whole battleground/honor system was introduced in patches for free).
Fact is, end game in mmorpg at the moment means either PvP or Raids. there ain't much else as an option... so WoW here is no different. those are the options you get. A more dynamic PvP might be desirable but it is beside the point of this discussion.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I've played WoW at my friends, I think ts fun. Though after so many years of games made by blizzards entertainment, I don't know why they wou,ld charge to play WoW. It would give alot of people who can barely pay for there internet a chance to play a decent game. Besides, they've made so many games and made so much money, I don't know why they would want people to buy the game then have to PAY to play it. I meen id pay the 50$ but not the 15$ a month. My suggestion is if you got some good money, then I say yeah. If you don't, then neither find a game thts not P2P or a game that might not be as good, but doesnt cost as much as WoW.
The pure fact that you have to have an active subsciption to improve your skills in EVE (their skill system is built on a time-based mechanics, where you just wait 'till you've learn to skill. The highest level of the hardest skill takes months to learn) I would have been furious if they had a released a expantion wich you had to pay for.
So don't even dare to compare those to games with eachother...
Hmm. and ofcourse you are an industry insider with great knowledge the business, right? No, you read some company press release that took that as word.
Below however IS from an industry expert, and adds to what I've previously said. You can choose to blindly accept your darling Blizzard's press reports if you want, that's tour choice, you can also accept EVERYTHING your government tells you too.
In the meantime, this game, one that takes from both what makes single player games and MMOGs compelling, almost perfectly intertwines them, and on top of that builds on an IP that is very popular world-wide, pre-existing distribution channels (again world wide), and has the Blizzard name behind it, has broken all sales records. It likely also has broken all MMOG revenue records. Its unclear, and may be for some time, if its broken all profit records, as the game is reputed to have cost $75 million just to develop, and another 25$M and growing to market and continue to distribute and make available. Also, successful penetration into countries like China, while definitely something to study and revere, also yield approximately $2.00 a user, not the $15 bucks a month to which most are accustomed. Lastly, on a side note, remember that Asian subscribers are counted as someone who either plays a lot or just went into a cyber café and played only once. Theyre counted the same way as a subscriber. This should be kept in mind when considering numbers, revenue, etc., especially in the Asian market. Note that I dont say this to downplay WoWs king of the hill status in anyway they set out to make a very wide appealing MMOG and most certainly met and exceeded those goals.
And yes, I expect you to claim that the above is just sour grapes, or something, because it does not agree with what you believe it MUST be a lie, right?
Why'd you make this post? people are just going to you.
Eh? I know where you got the first part of that sentence, but the second part?
From what I've seen Ass is a young kid that doesn't like to pay his way. That's why he likes guildwars, no monthly fee. However, Vanguard? Where'd you get that from? Firstly it is being make to AVOID kiddies, such as those that play WoW, secondly, you cannot "go play it" yet, it is still in limited beta.
You think Vanguard is for kiddies, yet you play WoW and diablo? Sheesh.
capitalism 101
people will pay for a quality product
I thought Id take a moment to point out a powerful irony that never fails to make me very angry on threads like this. This post is specifically directed at the folks that want to turn a conversation over the cost of an expansion pack for an internet based VIDEOGAME into a discussion of the evils of capitalism. If that isnt you, feel free to ignore:
Let's set some context first...
The original poster and anyone railing against the "greed" of "North American" corporations (I guess corporations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and South America are altruistic??) are all posting to a web site dedicated to games.
A web site. Dedicated to games. In other words, a staggering luxury. They are posting to this site using a computer that is presumably powerful enough to run said games. An even mightier luxury. The web site is dedicated to ONLINE games. ONLINE games and web sites all require one of the most impressive efforts of human engineering in our history: the Internet. To use the Internet, you must be connected to it. The biggest luxury yet.
At this point its worth mentioning that all of these anti-capitalist malcontents actually have the TIME and ENERGY to burn ARGUING about things like this!!! No pressing problems like war or famine in their lives then, presumably!
So we have roughly 500 years of human development and history poured into a set of technologies that have all come to be thanks largely to free market economies working together as a powerful engine to, in this case, provide entertainment.
We have consumers of this entertainment paying multiple monthly fees for it (that could probably feed famiiles in the 3rd world) and feeling passionate about it to write dissertations.
And despite ALL of that... These people have the AUDACITY to complain about CAPITALISM??? This is where I get pissed off! How dare you complain that Blizzard is "evil and greedy" because they've decided to charge for an expansion to the internet based fantasy themed alternate reality that you have the luxury of escaping from your life into and has become an addiction for you!!!
The fact that the irony of this doesnt penetrate your skull is proof of how spoiled and jaded you all are.
If you feel that the expansion is outrageously priced and not worth it, then dont buy it. If enough feel that way then Blizzard failed in their task and will be punished with bad sales.
Don't you DARE come into an environment THIS extreme in terms of how disgustingly excessive it is and start lecturing on the evils of capitalism and North America!!! Save that crap for when you are being spoon fed by your neo-Trotskyite professors living off the teat of a bloated university systme.
And here I thought I was the only conservative computer geek in North America. I would love to add to the above posters comments but to be honest I couldn't add anything more or say it any better. I wholeheartedly agree with you.
Yup, mlambert890 hit the nail there.
And to all you people out there who are to lazy to read it all, here it is summarized:
If you don't like that the expantion will cost $30-somthing, simply don't buy it.
That's the way the free market works.
WoW Char: lvl 60 Hunter @ EU Magtheridon
And like back in December/January I'm sure Blizzard will resolve the issues. If waiting for 5 minutes in a queue results in less lag or prevents a server crash, then that's fine by me. I know of a few games that took 5 minutes just to load.
Of course Blizzard is about making money, what company isn't? The reason why Blizzard is successful is because they provide quality products. Blizzard isn't forcing people to buy their products.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
What can they do if people keep on creating chars on highly populated servers? Not allow it? You would start crying that it's wrong cause you want to play with your friends. Wait for migration if you don't like queves. Blizzard is constatnly opening new realms - I think currently there are almost 100 US servers and around 145 European.
Charging for an expansion (correctly spelled???) is a bit steep, not that they havent put a fair amount of time in it, but hey....
They haven´t really got much endgame content for lv 60´s in the first place, or? If you dont like repeating the same things over and over, you will have to make up something to do yourselves, and quite frankly peeps dont pay a monthly fee to entertain, they pay to BE entertained.
Getting the expansion is for me like Blizz finally delivering the other half of the game, nothing more and nothing less...
So Blizz doesnt treat its customers well. i just want to know because ill be coming into WoW on christmas. and i want to know if it is worth it. I dont know if blizzard is money hungry, but i do know they shouldnt be they have millions of customers literally. so plz gimme some feedback on this i would like to have this sort of info before i join WoW
charging money for expansions is not something new. From what i can gather they are putting a rather nice amount of work into the expasnion and is not just a ploy to get your money like what i have seen from SOE with everquest and swg
i personally think that blizzard treats there customers alright, and also i will hold final judgements for when the expasnion actually comes out, so help them if its $50.
for the most part the problem with WoW is the community, they tend to whine alot and if you do not find a guild and/or server that suits you, you will find yourself rather dissapointed and frustrated with the game.
Fun Factor is what makes or breaks a game, if its not fun just play something else.
This topic is still steam-rolling and the OP is embarrassed.
Try and get some support from a GM in any way other than reporting a gold seller, server goes down for maitence every week for 8 hours for who knows what reason along with unexpected downtimes, rushed patches and ignorance to bugs that are "working as intended", posts on the forums by Blizzard employees that are unprofessional and supposed to be "commical" but really are just a slap in the face, and a bunch of other things that gaming companies typically do like releasing expansions to make more money when they should just update/fix the game content they already have, so really I would qualify them as a no good money hungry corporation that only cares about that monthly fee you pay and not what you really think about the game and how its run.
I know some/most other MMO are like this because I have played my fair share of them and seen some of the same things like no support at all from GM/CSR, but half of the other stuff is really unexcusable like the posts some of the Blizzard people make on the forums trying to be funny on a seriously sensitive topic or the fact that they have to take their servers down for 8 hours a week when no other game I have played does this, since their servers on run by a nintendo 64 that also are servers for whole other game.....which shoulden't even be happening but it is since they cut a corner there for more income and we have to pay for it now?
Also, I had a little chit chat with a GM about a problem that I had with a quest being bugged and basically I was told that their service is not "guarenteed" that they really only help in certain situations getting denied of assistance even though the bug was legit and valid. So I asked why they even give the option for appealing a request for GM assistance and they just gave me that whole "guarenteed" speel which is a total crock of bull if you ask me.
Glad to know that Blizzard treats their customers "alright." PFFT.
In a sense, every company on earth doing anything, and providing anythi9ng to you is money hungry. Its a fundemental of economics, in order to expand, you need money. The basis of getting that money is different however. Games like Guild Wars, one time fee, is based on having a large base that will buy the extras and future expansions. Runescape is a game in which they rely on people wanting to go on in the game after they reach the end of the F2P portion, and charge 5 bucks a month for that.
However, World of Warcraft charges 15 dollars a month for all the server costs, staff, ect, and also profit for them. The expansion is primarily created for people who want to go past the current end game, but since developing things isn't cheap, they want an extra bonus for themselves.
In essence, you can derrive everything into economics.
You DO realize that beside EVE, there ain't a single game that ever released a free expansion? Both in mmorpg and single player worlds, if you want an expansion, you pay for it!
So i really don't see here the point of WHY Blizzard should do differently from everybody else?
WoW had more content at release, for all levels, than many other MMorpg. they have added, free of charge, a tons of stuff since then INCLUDING several level 60 only raid dungeons and end-game thngs (the whole battleground/honor system was introduced in patches for free).
Fact is, end game in mmorpg at the moment means either PvP or Raids. there ain't much else as an option... so WoW here is no different. those are the options you get. A more dynamic PvP might be desirable but it is beside the point of this discussion.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
The pure fact that you have to have an active subsciption to improve your skills in EVE (their skill system is built on a time-based mechanics, where you just wait 'till you've learn to skill. The highest level of the hardest skill takes months to learn) I would have been furious if they had a released a expantion wich you had to pay for.
So don't even dare to compare those to games with eachother...
WoW Char: lvl 60 Hunter @ EU Magtheridon