Originally posted by Segurant I will say this. SWG is more enjoyable if you start a new character and not "respec" your character.
From what i've read on the forums this is mostly true. From the majority of the people complaining on the forums, they have respecced and are finding many horrible issues with it. I frankly am glad people will have to start over. I was tired of seeing ADk's for outrageous prices and many other things so expensive that only the richest could afford it. That created a huge imbalance amoungst the community in itself. Most are complaining about all the worthless gear they have that they spent millions of credits on. I just laugh because now they know how it feels to be equal with the rest of the community and won't run their mouths so often.
Only problem is that's a player based economy. People shouldn't be "equal" in every way possible. They had just as many opportunities to be innovative like the rich people were. Unfortunately, for many people equality of opportunity must include equality of result, and you can't run a free market economy (which SWG was based on) by egalitarian principles.
Originally posted by Segurant I will say this. SWG is more enjoyable if you start a new character and not "respec" your character.
From what i've read on the forums this is mostly true. From the majority of the people complaining on the forums, they have respecced and are finding many horrible issues with it. I frankly am glad people will have to start over. I was tired of seeing ADk's for outrageous prices and many other things so expensive that only the richest could afford it. That created a huge imbalance amoungst the community in itself. Most are complaining about all the worthless gear they have that they spent millions of credits on. I just laugh because now they know how it feels to be equal with the rest of the community and won't run their mouths so often.
Only problem is that's a player based economy. People shouldn't be "equal" in every way possible. They had just as many opportunities to be innovative like the rich people were. Unfortunately, for many people equality of opportunity must include equality of result, and you can't run a free market economy (which SWG was based on) by egalitarian principles.
Well i'm another one of those people who got rubbed the wrong way too many times by 733t speakers. Too many people strung up on being "uber" and having to have a full set of ADK armor and the best weapons etc. I'm sorry but too many people forgot the RP part of the MMORPG. All this leetness and striving for the best of everything is why the economy weant sour. Things need to be regulated even in economy.
Originally posted by Dorkusboy mauri66 on gamespot wrote this little peice of information:
Don't believe the NGE-haters! The game is the "Star Warsy-est" it has ever been. I re-opened 2 closed accts for the NGE. From the moment you enter the starter tutorial and Han Solo beckons you to follow him and Chewie onto the Millenium Falcon, you know that NGE has transformed SWG into the game it should have been from the start. Professions are finally balanced. There is no longer a "super" profession that is twice as powerful as a "normal" profession -- so combat is fair and is now based on hand-eye coordination skill and NOT on overpowered weapons or who programmed the best combat macro.
The problem with the pre-NGE game was that there was the existence of the "super" profession that bullied the rest of the game population. Now that the super profession has been balanced to be equal to the other classes, there are no longer bullies who run around in-game and bully those who are weaker. IMO, these bullies that were twice as powerful were the reason why SWG was on a 2 year decline.
To be fair, the reason why the NGE-hater game vets who give this a negative rating is because they had invested a long time into acquiring this super class that bullied the population (some up to two years). When you think about it, it's sort of like working hard for two years to pay monthly payments on a Ferrari that can outspeed every car on the road, and then at the beginning of the third year your Ferrari is taken away and you are given a Honda. This is SOE's only fault -- they failed to take into account the notion of equity that players associated with their virtual property. It's just a game. SOE treated it like it was just a game, but the vets who are upset are upset because it's not just a game to them -- it's a lifestyle. However, this is just a small minority of gamers. If you're like me and play games to have fun, AND you're a Star Wars fan, then you'll LOVE the new SWG.
Give it a spin for a month or two. It's the cheapest form of fun entertainment you'll find! ==================================================================
what super class is he talking about?? jedi? pre CU post CU a master tailor could kill a jedi lower then knight.
wisked away! i had two accounts! give me a break..
my experience with the NGE is tha tthe fram rate is locked at 18fps things jump around and the colision detection is among the worst i saw! what nge is he talking about?? does lucas - soe pay people to post on these boards?
I also love the way he wrote the NEW stg, there's really nothing new they havent totally borked its the same old game but now you have to have 3 arms to play it!
i just noticed tis to the professions are now balanced? lol lol lol is this a troll?
I take it you were a Jedi pre-cu and pre-nge? Sure, you might have been killed by a handful of non-jedi, but unless you were FOTM, most people found it tough to kill a Jedi. How could a pistoleer compete against AI? I haven't noticed any different with my frame rate or ping, my FPS is still in the high 20's to 30 and my ping is the usual 300 or so.
No, you're right, the game isn't completly new, yet people complain that it's being dumbed down? Sure, combat may be different as with the professions, but the in depth stuff is still there. You still have your own house, you still can run your own business, you can still run your own city, you can still roam every inch of the planets (except Mustafar and Kashyyyk), you can still launch into space and fly your own TIE fighter and you still have the freedom to run your own events. These are some things you will find in very few games out there.
I can understand if you play the game soley for combat that you might not like it after the changes, but to me SWG is more then just combat. I enjoy the extra bits and THAT is part of the fun I have in the game.
It's too early to say for sure, but Eclipse last night was a lot less populated than it was 24 hours earlier
Gives you the impression that those who came back aren't staying long
Like it or loathe it the bugs the NGE have introduced are simply unacceptable and that in itself should be a good enough reason for everyone to complain - accepting a buggy product (an in industry legendary in its ability to release buggy products) only encourages them to do it again and again (and far worse)
I swear that SOE doesn't have a QA or testing dept.
Originally posted by Segurant I will say this. SWG is more enjoyable if you start a new character and not "respec" your character.
From what i've read on the forums this is mostly true. From the majority of the people complaining on the forums, they have respecced and are finding many horrible issues with it. I frankly am glad people will have to start over. I was tired of seeing ADk's for outrageous prices and many other things so expensive that only the richest could afford it. That created a huge imbalance amoungst the community in itself. Most are complaining about all the worthless gear they have that they spent millions of credits on. I just laugh because now they know how it feels to be equal with the rest of the community and won't run their mouths so often.
Only problem is that's a player based economy. People shouldn't be "equal" in every way possible. They had just as many opportunities to be innovative like the rich people were. Unfortunately, for many people equality of opportunity must include equality of result, and you can't run a free market economy (which SWG was based on) by egalitarian principles.
Well i'm another one of those people who got rubbed the wrong way too many times by 733t speakers. Too many people strung up on being "uber" and having to have a full set of ADK armor and the best weapons etc. I'm sorry but too many people forgot the RP part of the MMORPG. All this leetness and striving for the best of everything is why the economy weant sour. Things need to be regulated even in economy.
For some, they did RP as a crafter or a businessman. That's what I did on my ranger, who was also an Imperial loyalist and a successful businessman. The main reason the economy went sour was the market got flooded with too many things. most people didn't take into appreciation the business sense of crafting. If one was RP'ing a special forces guy or something of the sort, they would have very powerful weapons and equipment.
I agree there was a problem with the l337 speakers, but I think it was more their attitude than anything else. Trying to add price controls or other kinds of regulations on the playerbase would've been disastarous in a free market model. If one wanted to change things, they would have to change the entire economics system.
Originally posted by starman999 The veterans? These are the same people that have pissed and moaned since day 1. They were never happy with anything the devs did. I bought the game the day it released and I think that the first 4 months are about the most entertaining the game has ever been. After that these people started to complain about having to group and not being able to wear tons of armor and blah blah blah.....ad infinitum. Frankly its the veterans fault that the game is screwed up in the first place so if anyone deserves to get the shaft its them.
I don't believe all "veterans" should be grouped together. In my opinion for the first few months, the majority of the player base were hard core Star Wars fans. As the publicity grew, it attracted the attention of the kiddies, the powergamers and the PvP'rs. While some of us loved the game as it was, this newer group started making a lot of noise about class balance and more XP and better buffs and having to wait to have BF removed and wounds healed. Those are the ones, in my opinion that caused the slow demise of what started as a great, although buggy, concept.
That's just my opinion. It and ten buck can get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.....maybe.
Vets have every right to be upset with what was done. We have paid for this game for 2+ years in some cases. Invested countless hours of time developing characters that we love.
Now SOE has tossed 99% of that time and effort out the window and utterly removed entire professions.
I'm not saying the change is good or bad for the game. I'm just saying that people who have spent this much time, effort and *money* on a game ($180 a year - So some folks have spent over $400 on this sucker) have a right to complain when SOE tosses 2+ years of effort out the window with no warning whatsoever...
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online. Sig image Pending Still in: A couple Betas
Originally posted by starman999 The veterans? These are the same people that have pissed and moaned since day 1. They were never happy with anything the devs did. I bought the game the day it released and I think that the first 4 months are about the most entertaining the game has ever been. After that these people started to complain about having to group and not being able to wear tons of armor and blah blah blah.....ad infinitum. Frankly its the veterans fault that the game is screwed up in the first place so if anyone deserves to get the shaft its them.
Your so right, because I sat back and blindly defended every change the devs made to the game even if I didn't agree with them it's my fault. Because people can't just have fun and play the game like I used to do. And my reward for this insane loyalty and applauding every change? They completely removed my two professions. They didn't get blended in with something else, they were completely removed from the game. Yes, it's all the veterans fault..
I tried playing the game after the enhancements for a few days and I just cannot do it. If you never played the game before or did not put a lot of time and energy in the game, you might like it. It is not really that bad.
There are a lot of better MMORPGs out there and the only reason I stayed with the game was because of the friends I had and the 2 years I put into the game making my characters the way I wanted them to be. This change has taken all the time and effort I put into the game and threw it into my face. I do not want to start a new game with armor that I spent months earning and now I cannot use or weapons that I cannot use. The CU caused me enough headaches but it did not change the makeup of my character. If my friends would have stayed with the game like they did with the CU. I might be willing to start from scratch just to hang with my friends. Since all of them are jumping ship, there is no reason for me to stay. Like I stated before, there are a lot of better games on the market.
I am not mad at SONY, I am mad at myself. The writing was on the wall but I did not see it and continued to put 100s of hours into a game for no reason.
Only problem is that's a player based economy. People shouldn't be "equal" in every way possible. They had just as many opportunities to be innovative like the rich people were. Unfortunately, for many people equality of opportunity must include equality of result, and you can't run a free market economy (which SWG was based on) by egalitarian principles.
Only problem is that's a player based economy. People shouldn't be "equal" in every way possible. They had just as many opportunities to be innovative like the rich people were. Unfortunately, for many people equality of opportunity must include equality of result, and you can't run a free market economy (which SWG was based on) by egalitarian principles.
Well i'm another one of those people who got rubbed the wrong way too many times by 733t speakers. Too many people strung up on being "uber" and having to have a full set of ADK armor and the best weapons etc. I'm sorry but too many people forgot the RP part of the MMORPG. All this leetness and striving for the best of everything is why the economy weant sour. Things need to be regulated even in economy.
I take it you were a Jedi pre-cu and pre-nge? Sure, you might have been killed by a handful of non-jedi, but unless you were FOTM, most people found it tough to kill a Jedi. How could a pistoleer compete against AI? I haven't noticed any different with my frame rate or ping, my FPS is still in the high 20's to 30 and my ping is the usual 300 or so.
No, you're right, the game isn't completly new, yet people complain that it's being dumbed down? Sure, combat may be different as with the professions, but the in depth stuff is still there. You still have your own house, you still can run your own business, you can still run your own city, you can still roam every inch of the planets (except Mustafar and Kashyyyk), you can still launch into space and fly your own TIE fighter and you still have the freedom to run your own events. These are some things you will find in very few games out there.
I can understand if you play the game soley for combat that you might not like it after the changes, but to me SWG is more then just combat. I enjoy the extra bits and THAT is part of the fun I have in the game.
It's too early to say for sure, but Eclipse last night was a lot less populated than it was 24 hours earlier
Gives you the impression that those who came back aren't staying long
Like it or loathe it the bugs the NGE have introduced are simply unacceptable and that in itself should be a good enough reason for everyone to complain - accepting a buggy product (an in industry legendary in its ability to release buggy products) only encourages them to do it again and again (and far worse)
I swear that SOE doesn't have a QA or testing dept.
Only problem is that's a player based economy. People shouldn't be "equal" in every way possible. They had just as many opportunities to be innovative like the rich people were. Unfortunately, for many people equality of opportunity must include equality of result, and you can't run a free market economy (which SWG was based on) by egalitarian principles.
Well i'm another one of those people who got rubbed the wrong way too many times by 733t speakers. Too many people strung up on being "uber" and having to have a full set of ADK armor and the best weapons etc. I'm sorry but too many people forgot the RP part of the MMORPG. All this leetness and striving for the best of everything is why the economy weant sour. Things need to be regulated even in economy.
For some, they did RP as a crafter or a businessman. That's what I did on my ranger, who was also an Imperial loyalist and a successful businessman. The main reason the economy went sour was the market got flooded with too many things. most people didn't take into appreciation the business sense of crafting. If one was RP'ing a special forces guy or something of the sort, they would have very powerful weapons and equipment.
I agree there was a problem with the l337 speakers, but I think it was more their attitude than anything else. Trying to add price controls or other kinds of regulations on the playerbase would've been disastarous in a free market model. If one wanted to change things, they would have to change the entire economics system.
I don't believe all "veterans" should be grouped together. In my opinion for the first few months, the majority of the player base were hard core Star Wars fans. As the publicity grew, it attracted the attention of the kiddies, the powergamers and the PvP'rs. While some of us loved the game as it was, this newer group started making a lot of noise about class balance and more XP and better buffs and having to wait to have BF removed and wounds healed. Those are the ones, in my opinion that caused the slow demise of what started as a great, although buggy, concept.
That's just my opinion. It and ten buck can get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.....maybe.
Vets have every right to be upset with what was done. We have paid for this game for 2+ years in some cases. Invested countless hours of time developing characters that we love.
Now SOE has tossed 99% of that time and effort out the window and utterly removed entire professions.
I'm not saying the change is good or bad for the game. I'm just saying that people who have spent this much time, effort and *money* on a game ($180 a year - So some folks have spent over $400 on this sucker) have a right to complain when SOE tosses 2+ years of effort out the window with no warning whatsoever...
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
I tried playing the game after the enhancements for a few days and I just cannot do it. If you never played the game before or did not put a lot of time and energy in the game, you might like it. It is not really that bad.
There are a lot of better MMORPGs out there and the only reason I stayed with the game was because of the friends I had and the 2 years I put into the game making my characters the way I wanted them to be. This change has taken all the time and effort I put into the game and threw it into my face. I do not want to start a new game with armor that I spent months earning and now I cannot use or weapons that I cannot use. The CU caused me enough headaches but it did not change the makeup of my character. If my friends would have stayed with the game like they did with the CU. I might be willing to start from scratch just to hang with my friends. Since all of them are jumping ship, there is no reason for me to stay. Like I stated before, there are a lot of better games on the market.
I am not mad at SONY, I am mad at myself. The writing was on the wall but I did not see it and continued to put 100s of hours into a game for no reason.