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ohh man, i was gonna start playing it again, but when i finished downloading EVERYTHING, it asked me for the Serial Codes which are in the booklet that i cant find.. =(
does this mean i have to buy another game? well if you from Aus and know the price, can ya please tell me? thanx.. and is WOW better than FFXI? which cost more per month?
Yeah I almost lost that book too but finally found it. It is annoying how you need that code. Do you at least have your user name thingy and password? You can always see if customer service can do anything to help you.
Good luck
dont think my username and password will help... last time i played it was 6 months ago. and too bad them codes from the net dont work..
hmmmm... will this work?
If i buy an account and log in with it, would i still need to type in the Registration Codes?
I played FFXI for an year and WoW for a year. It's really hard to say which is truly better, my opinion would be that WoW is a more solid game (and I had more fun with it), but that's only just an opinion.
I think you might end up having to buy another copy of the game unless you can find your booklet with the registration code unfortunately =(
Best of luck, but if you're going to play, why not give WoW a change? I always have loved starting new MMORPGs, just the feel of exploring and learning the system and doing new things excites me
well i reckon WoW is MUCH MUCH better. its just the fees that i have to pay for WoW.
what if i get a friends account thats quitting and log in with that, would i still need the codes?
FFXI is the worst MMORPG ive played out of 18. WoW is 100 times better, dont waste your time on FF.
The cost is about the same for both games.
which is bigger? WoW or FF? area and player wise.
If you stop playing WoW, like your time runs out, would they delete your account after a while?
Nope. FFXI deletes your account for not being on.
you mean WoW?
i lost my book about 9 months ago... i can still play but i cant have more than 1 char custermer service wont to crap becaus they dont belive that you are you... it really pisses me off
Customer service sucks on ffxi.
Yep, it got, um, six votes. One of which I'm sure was yours.
Chris Mattern
Since I can do basic math, yeah, I'm pretty sure. 14 votes total, 42.9% of that is six.
Chris Mattern
Can you clarify why WoW is better than FFXI and why one mustn't waste his or her time on the game?
actually ffxi got much much better, and will be getting better with the new exp, new zones, new gear, new end game, new classes.
FFXI is THE BEST BUILT GAME on the market. Why you ask? Well do you here bout the exploits in ffxi? No
Dupers? No Server Crashes alllll tha damn time *coughWoWcough* Nope. Keep hearing little whinny babies about "omfgwtfbbq i got ganked again! No Fair i was just lvlin" Nope!
WoW is a dull boring game for kiddys who want to get to lvl 60 in a month, ffxi is more of a challenge.
FFXI PvP = Organized (better than before) Cross Server Battles for Tournaments And Optional
WoW PvP = FFA, you just wanna lvl? well here comes a orc sham to kill you anyway. Vise Versa.
Simply put, you wanna impress your friends with the style of game play? Play FFXI not a kiddy game like wow
oh and tool boy, if you think ffxi sucks so bad, wtf are you here? I dont come over to your forums and say WoW sucks do i?
I don't know much about WoW since I've only seen people play it. From what I've read it seems to have pretty good features,like the battle system and the PvP. Don't really like the whole no xp loss on death thing it has though. Death becomes pointless that way. FFXI imo seems like a very solid game compared to others I have played in past or have tried out recently. The game is HUGE! There are so many things to do besides gaining experience and the community is very friendly.
Plus I agree. Don't come into another games forum and say it sucks compared to what you are playing. Everybody is entitled to an opinion and a preference. Besides this whole topic was started by someone who lost his booklet so let us just keep it there. Peace out.
WoW - Good first time MMORPGer's game. Basic idea, very high solo ability. Toony is you like tht kind of thing. The thing my friend complains about (He's a 60 Mage on some server... says hes in the best guild on his server but I dont know if thats true or not) is teh end game. They do something Core a lot and hes already gotten all the gear the needs from all those instances so all he does is blow people up.
FFXI - More team based. After lv 10 you can solo but it can be very slow. Getting a group of 6 people together can net you some good exp as long as they know wha they are doing. I've had the game for 2 1/4 years and im still excited to play on the weekends. Every weekend my linkshell (like a guild for you WoW players) do different end game events. Anythnig from gods to popped monsters to helping people with missions. It's always great to take down a monster thats supposed to take an hour to an hr and a half to kill in 50 mins ;p
Tokitoki -- Rank 10
75THF/37NIN - Meriting -
69WAR/34NIN - Leveling -
Bonecraft 68+2
both games seem intersting but as any gamer knows 4 important things: Freinds, Tons Of content, nearly no lag, Beating up monsters & ffxi wins this poll hands down
WoW = One New Race
I mean the content is in it self much worth it, new dynamics, (ie dungeons) Big boss mobs..oh did i mention the story line? 10000% much better than wow. plus for $29.99 you get the core game and both the recent expantions.
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
Rofl. I bet you never even bought FFXI in the first place. You "lost" your booklet in the game store, didn't you?
I'd vote WoW over FFXI.
FFXI is a terrible grind. Exping consists off sitting in one corner of the map, waiting for one person to pull a mob to your camp kill it, repeat that for 6 hours. The downtime is huge (what is the fun in having to sit down for minutes waiting for mana every few fights?), the game is completely party based while the jobs are unbalanced, etc.
A lot of jobs have a terrible design (one minute bloodpact cooldown), lack abilities (4 abilities total on Sam?) and theres not a lot of variety. Pull an add: Either sleep it or run. You'll never fight more then one enemy at a time.
One of the biggest problems with the game is that certain jobs have to wait for hours for a party when they want to do anything. Now you can say that they should just choose a job that is more popular, but shouldn't the main reason for choosing a job be that you like the playstyle?
Theres a lot more problems, for example the huge inflation and terrible interface.
For me, WoW is basically a lot more fun to play. I can solo when I want, party when I want, all classes have a lot of abilities that makes for fun fights, etc. Class balance is a lot better as well. Where in FFXI certain jobs are never invited to end-game activities (Dragoon) in WoW most raid leaders try to get around 5 of each job for a raid.
One of the best things gameplay wise is that you get a big sence of progress while playing the game. In FFXi often the only progress you make on a day is seeing your xp bar move a bit, in WoW you will always finish something, like quests or a dungeon crawl.