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Islamic countries, no jew nor christain allowed



  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by Phoenixs
    They killed for gold, slaves, tobacco, spices and so and so on. The indians either died working as slaves or fighting against the spanish. Not all idians liked that the spanish ran away with their gold. After that Christianity came into the picture. Since it's a missionaring (spelling?) religion they wanted to convert these non believers. This again led to dead people. If you look at most south american countries today, the people living in them are quite religious. Status of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro etc.
    And the spanish where very religious people so all they undertook themself in South America was in a way related to their religion.

    Nerf09. What is up with you throwing all this Liberal, Democrat shit around? What was it I said that was out of context? The spanish conquest of South America was a bloodshed. What was out of context by saying that?

    And the Nazi party is a right winged party. It's the extreme of the right wing as communismn is the extreme of the left wing. But wow your hatred for Democrats goes deep. I have always thought that all american parties are way to far out on the right for me. But calling them the same as Nazi's that is going abit far.

    A)  Most native Americans died from smallpox or other diseases.  Old native american empires like the Inca lost great populations initially from European diseases which they werent immune as a population, and when cities lose a huge amount of population their infrastructures crumble due to poor maintenence, and civil order breaks down.  Very little bloodshed occured, a bug did them in.  Im sure they felt bad for what they did.  Maybe you should now bash Native Americans for introducing the evil tobbacco plant, or bash them for human sacrifices.  Sure the human sacrifices occured about 500 years ago, but since when has eons of time stopped a liberal from using it in every arguement.

    B)  I dont care what your socialist propaganda minister ordered you to think, Nazis were National Socialists in name and execution of socialist laws.  Its funny how people like you neither have history, verbiage, syntax, facts and data to back up your claim yet you still persist in myths and political cliches.

  • kimmarkimmar Member Posts: 446

    Originally posted by Nerf09

    Originally posted by Phoenixs

    Originally posted by Aldaron

    Whaaaaaaatttt? Half a billion native americans killed? Uhmm...That was a typo, right? I mean, I'm not so sure, because you did it 4 times.

    Either you make alot of typo's, or you've been getting really bad information.

    Half a billion is way off yes. But specially the spanish killed a shitload of people in their conquest of the lands from Mexico and down. Done in the name of God.

    And in North America the natives where threated bad too. Even today their country is a country where they have to live in reservates if they don't want to follow the life of the common american.

    I like how these liberal types only tell part of the story, out of context man. 

    Let me tell part of a story too.  Once upon a time an evil imperialist country called America started bombing the peaceful Germans.  They bombed an entire country's infrastructure into the ground, killed millions of civilians, and even attempted to kill German academics.  The Americans tried to assasinate the German leader and imprisoned German freedom fighters. And after they conqured and occupied the peaceful German peoples for OVER SIXTY YEARS they nuked the peaceful cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima!

    Nerf, I've got a question for you.  I've noticed that you like to troll the boards with your Republican party talking points.  Seeing that got me to wondering.  You Republicans like to complain about how bad the Liberals are destroying the U.S.  Well, here's my question to you Nerf09.  What are you doing for your country?

    I hear all the same complaints coming from the neo-cons.  So, I'll just outline a few of them and elaborate on why I think you guys are full of it after each one.

    "The college professors are brainwashing all the spongy university students with their liberal ideas."
    ---  My response:  Then why don't you do something about it other than whine to a.m. radio talk shows.  If you don't like the way the professors are teaching then go get a professors job and teach the way you think it should be taught.  If you think that you won't get hired because they don't hire folks with ideas from the right, then lie.  Lie and get hired.  Work your way up to an administrative position and then you can do the hiring.  You guys are so much smarter than everyone else anyway, so you should have no trouble working your way to the top.  Then you can call Rush Limbaugh and tell him the story of how you infiltrated that one college campus.

    "The public school system is crap.  All the teachers there are nitwits and just pushing a socialist agenda.  Take that kid that recorded his teacher in Colorado for instance."
    ---  My Response:  Again, why don't you do something about it other than whine.  Go get you a bachelors degree and then get your teachers certification.  You do have a bachelor's degree, right?  Well, then you're part of the way there already.  Now all you gotta do is go back to school, pursue your state requirements for certification and complete the student teaching program.  Then you can get you a good paying job in the school system of your choice (because I'm sure you're going to pick the roughest one where you can do the most good) and work your way up to principal.  Or, if you'd like you don't have to become principal.  You can stay down in the trenches.  Or hey, if you don't want to be a teacher, then why don't you run for school board.  Or just get your butt into a school board meeting to voice your opinion.

    "All these liberals want to do is increase government programs that keep the poor where they are and create a huge welfare state.  That's something that the communities should take care of, not the government."
    ---  My Response:  Then why don't YOU do something about it.  When is the last time you volunteered in your community to help someone who was out of a job get back on their feet and find one?  Or volunteer your time to do some job training?  Or helped out someone who was handicapped or ill?  Or maybe volunteered to be a teachers aid at the local middle school?  Or just volunteered for anything.  If the communities are supposed to take care of the downtrodden then where are all these Republicans when they are needed?

    "These liberals are godless Communists who are just sad and want to bring the country into their deep seated loathing and depression.  We're such happy people because we vote Republican.  Every liberal I see is depressed and smells like hippy."
    ---  My Response:  Do you think that calling people names and putting them down is going to change their opinion of you?  Most liberals I know are kind decent people.  I know that's hard for you to believe, because from what I've read you down a whole gallon of the right wing Kool-Aid everyday.  But if you want to change a liberal, why not work on your persuasive skills.  Try not being so abrasive in your arguments.  You can call a liberal names and call him stupid all day long, but you know what, when that liberal goes to the voting booth, his vote counts the same as yours every single time.  I remember Bush on the campaign trail speaking of "compassionate conservatism."  What ever happened to that?  He was talking about getting all you Republicans to go out and start making a difference in your community.  I haven't seen any difference at all.  I hardly see any Republicans when I do volunteer work.  I wonder how many minds you would change if you showed up for volunteer work and started walking the walk instead of just running your mouth with empty promises.

    I could go on, but I hope you're starting to get the picture.  My point is that you guys are so big mouthed when it comes to complaining about how things are, yet hardly any of you guys get off your asses to do something about it.  You think because you go to work everyday and earn your money that you've done your deed?  Well, sorry there's more to a community than just the economy and everyone going to work when they're supposed to.  For a community and a nation to work people have to get out and engage in community activities.

    I volunteer at least 2 nights a week to deliver meals to home-bound sick people.  I also do volunteer work for my church when something comes up.  I am also working on my teachers certification at the moment.  And I plan on making some changes when I get my teaching job.  And I'll tell you, I ain't going into teaching for the pay.  The hours are long and the pay is crap.  Plus, you get absolutely no respect because every right wing nut out there is trying to convince people that teachers wear swastikas.  I am doing it because I want to make a difference.  You Republican's don't think about doing things for that reason too much, do you?  I'd give up a high paying job to have the time to spend on my volunteer work.  It means that much to me.  I get more of a reward from that than any job could pay.  Do you feel that way too?

    If you do then tell me what you're doing about it.

    It all seems so stupid
    It makes me want to give up
    But why should I give up
    When it all seems so stupid

  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    Originally posted by Nerf09

    B)  I dont care what your socialist propaganda minister ordered you to think, Nazis were National Socialists
    in name and execution of socialist laws.  Its funny how people like
    you neither have history, verbiage, syntax, facts and data to back up
    your claim yet you still persist in myths and political cliches.

    Since when it's the name that decides what politics
    someone practises? If I started a second republican party, that
    followed republican politics, but called in The Communist Party. Would
    that make the party communistic?

    Nazis are right winged.

    "Originally, Nazi was invented by analogy to Sozi (a common and slightly pejorative term for the Nazis' main opponents, the socialists in Germany)"

    Key elements of the Nazi ideology

    "Various right-wing
    politicians and political parties in Europe welcomed the rise of
    fascism and the Nazis out of an intense aversion towards Communism.
    According to them, Hitler was the savior of Western civilization and of capitalism against Bolshevism."

    The Nazis where die hard enemies of socialismn. They even put many socialists in concetration camps.

    It started as a socialistic party, but ended up as something very
    different. It still kept some basic similarities with socialimn but
    that is it.

    Believe me I know about this. This is the history of my country, this
    is the big shame of my country. And I would NEVER alter or use this
    history wrong. Have you ever stood infront of the glass container with
    all the human hair in Auschwitz? Or stood in the burning champer
    breathing the air and looking at the black colored roof? It does
    something to you.

  • porgieporgie Member Posts: 1,516

    Originally posted by Phoenixs

    Originally posted by Nerf09

    B)  I dont care what your socialist propaganda minister ordered you to think, Nazis were National Socialists in name and execution of socialist laws.  Its funny how people like you neither have history, verbiage, syntax, facts and data to back up your claim yet you still persist in myths and political cliches.

    Since when it's the name that decides what politics someone practises? If I started a second republican party, that followed republican politics, but called in The Communist Party. Would that make the party communistic?

    Nazis are right winged.

    "Originally, Nazi was invented by analogy to Sozi (a common and slightly pejorative term for the Nazis' main opponents, the socialists in Germany)"

    Key elements of the Nazi ideology

    "Various right-wing politicians and political parties in Europe welcomed the rise of fascism and the Nazis out of an intense aversion towards Communism. According to them, Hitler was the savior of Western civilization and of capitalism against Bolshevism."

    The Nazis where die hard enemies of socialismn. They even put many socialists in concetration camps.
    It started as a socialistic party, but ended up as something very different. It still kept some basic similarities with socialimn but that is it.

    Believe me I know about this. This is the history of my country, this is the big shame of my country. And I would NEVER alter or use this history wrong. Have you ever stood infront of the glass container with all the human hair in Auschwitz? Or stood in the burning champer breathing the air and looking at the black colored roof? It does something to you.

    Phoenixs, I ABSOLUTELY see where you're coming from. 

    But just go back and look at some of Nerf09's previous posts.  So far all he's done is repeat messages spewed out by right wing shock radio hosts here in the states.  And all these talk show hosts want is nothing more than to have their show number one in the ratings and to bring back the 50's.  Screw that, who wants that hate filled period back?

    Conservatives here are still hung over from the civil rights protests of the 60's.  That's what these talk show hosts leech off of.  And now that other groups are starting to stand up and ask for what is promised to them in the Constitution, it repulses them to think that they've got to see other people different from them enjoying life.  It's the case in point definition of a bigot.  They don't want freedom.  They're scared of it.  It keeps them up at night to think that someone may be smoking a joint, or looking at porn, or worshipping differently than them, or sleeping with the person they naturally love.  Or that a company might advertise in a magazine they disagree with, or not discriminate in who they give health benefits to.   

    I looked at some of Nerf09's posts where he's falsely accused more than one person of being a Democrat.  Yet when they call him on it, he does not respond.  Typical.  Or else he'd actually have to have a reasonable debate wtih them. 

    I looked up the word liberal in the dictionary.  Here's what it means...

    1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
    2. Favoriing proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

    There are different levels of issues going on in the world today.  There are economic issues, personal freedom issues, privacy issues, land ownership issues, social issues, domestic spending issues, diplomatic issues, etc, etc, etc.  The list goes on and on. 

    If someone cannot tell me that they are liberal to at least some degree on at least one of those issues then it's my contention that they have had the right side of their brain sucked out.  Jesus himself was a liberal.  He bucked the system like there was no tomorrow (ok, bad analogy for him).  The founders of this country were liberals.  They were some of the most radical folks of their time.  And I believe with all my heart that if they saw the attack that the right wing is making on the arena of new ideas and debate then they would kick their asses, olde English style.

    So all I can say is don't give damn what Nerf09 says for now, until he redeems himself by not repeating what he hears said on the radio sitting on his desk at work.  I can tell this country is changing.  People over here are getting fed up with this right wing hate spewing self-rightous religion machine.  Just look at Bush's poll numbers right now.  2/3 of the country is ready to get him out.  And he's losing more points all the time.


  • HylorHylor Member Posts: 80
     It prety easy 2 see how come all these towel heads keep killing us casue of what they are taught in there karan (islamic bible) there is a part in it telling them 2 kill all infidels and infidels are what .... people who are not muslum wow now that is fucked up cause we leave them alone in there countrys till they attack us for our religious bliefs then they give an excuse 2 attack us like out foregn policies and what would those be the ones where we send food over there in the hundreds of millions of tons and help stablize goverments though troops of diplomatic ties or even taking out war lords that on the outside might donate 2 a village or 2 but how do they afford doing that by mugging, paid rapes, drugs, conterfiting, hitmen, and all other bullshit they do so i find it comical when they say well they attacked a mosque becasue it had a bunch of crazy towel heads in it shooting at them when they get pissed off over danish comics that make them start coming over 2 diffrent contrys and and burning and vandalizzing churches and temples i am a christian and i bleieve if they want 2 bleive that bull crap then they can but they r going 2 burn in hell and we will try 2 help save them but there is no need 2 start killing us so they started this shit with us on 9/11 and now i say we go in there kill all the muslums that want 2 kill us for believing in a diffrent god when there book came from one man who was know 2 talk drugs and was acomplete looney and everything he babbled they said was from god cause it gave thema excuse 2 act the way they do when we have over 100 gospels not all in the bible cause if it was it would take up the size of the bookshelf u might want 2 put it on also the man we blieve in did miracles what did mahammed do he smoke and did drugs
  • HylorHylor Member Posts: 80
     It prety easy 2 see how come all these towel heads keep killing us casue of what they are taught in there karan (islamic bible) there is a part in it telling them 2 kill all infidels and infidels are what .... people who are not muslum wow now that is fucked up cause we leave them alone in there countrys till they attack us for our religious bliefs then they give an excuse 2 attack us like out foregn policies and what would those be the ones where we send food over there in the hundreds of millions of tons and help stablize goverments though troops of diplomatic ties or even taking out war lords that on the outside might donate 2 a village or 2 but how do they afford doing that by mugging, paid rapes, drugs, conterfiting, hitmen, and all other bullshit they do so i find it comical when they say well they attacked a mosque becasue it had a bunch of crazy towel heads in it shooting at them when they get pissed off over danish comics that make them start coming over 2 diffrent contrys and and burning and vandalizzing churches and temples i am a christian and i bleieve if they want 2 bleive that bull crap then they can but they r going 2 burn in hell and we will try 2 help save them but there is no need 2 start killing us so they started this shit with us on 9/11 and now i say we go in there kill all the muslums that want 2 kill us for believing in a diffrent god when there book came from one man who was know 2 talk drugs and was acomplete looney and everything he babbled they said was from god cause it gave thema excuse 2 act the way they do when we have over 100 gospels not all in the bible cause if it was it would take up the size of the bookshelf u might want 2 put it on also the man we blieve in did miracles what did mahammed do he smoke and did drugs
  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    King_templar. What kind of post was that?!?


    Not saying anymore.

  • At the end it realy doesn't matter, history won't matter, only what matters is what's coming, the past cannot and will never be un-done.

    There's one thing I know which is the ultimate truth, If you ever follow your God's rules, the only God, the One and ONLY God, that created everything, the God that sent down the Religion which said to worship God, Build earth, Help the helpless, never kill the innocent, and many other good things, THEN you'll be granted the true prize after death.

    Life is only a short test, people live what? maximum a couple hundred years? in very rare cases, the maximum age range is like 80-110 these days, in a healthy invironment too, do you people know how long is that in God's time ? a couple of hours, yes only a couple of hours and few minutes.

    So the ultimate truth is that all of these names which are being mentioned, the power those governements are wielding to rule over people, the orgenizations that murder in the name of the o mighty money, these will vanish, these things will never last forever, only God's Chosen will live an eternal life of harmony and joy.

    the rest? they'll burn in hell for their bad doings, only good-doers, the people who follow the true way of God will win, and their prize will be an eternal paradise.

    Bin-ladin, Bush, Clinton, Masons, Illuminati, all of these can s**k my nuts, seriously, they'll burn in hell for all i care for, all i care for is that my God looks at me as a good servant of his, then i'll experience true relief from every misery and pain the other ppl are experiencing.

    What has happend does not matter, it's not going to change the future, what matters is what in people's hearts, and what people do, if you're a good person, who believe in God as the only one worthy of worship, if you believe in one God, then you have a chance to gain the true prize, otherwise you can burn in hell and i don't care.

    all of these muslims, christians, jews and atheists who kill in the name of nothingness, in the name of what's limited, in the name of money, in the name of land and in the name of their fake beliefs can burn in hell for all i care, only those true to their Lord will win.

    Nuke me, hate me, detest me, kill me, i don't care, the only thing i care about is that i'm a true muslim, a good-doer, the servant of the only God, never think of killing the innocent, help people whenver i can, follower of the true religion, defend my honor and dignity whenever i can, i don't care how you look at me, i only care how God looks at me, because i want the true prize, the life of eternal joy, not your fake life, your fake happiness, your fake promises.

    IT DOES NOT MATTER what people do to us right now, those who died in vain shall get revange in the afterlife, and oh it's gonna be painful.

    how was that for a poem ?

  • ChingyzChingyz Member Posts: 36

    Here's some facts for you Nerf.

    The inquisition was made by the church based on the bible terrorizing, torturing and killing large numbers of the European population. Any who disputed the teachings of the church/bible during that time was persecuted. If you dared speaking the words that the world wasn't the center of the universe and certainly not flat then you risked a lenghty treatment with the inquisition. I am surly happy narrowminded people like that and you are not in power anymore or else we would still live in a world believeing the world was flat.

    There is a number of terrorist organizations that are Christian. ETA, IRA, LVF are just some examples of Christian terrorists. I know that IRA, LVF and recently ETA has made ceasefires, however that has a lot to do with them reaching certain goals and loosing supporters. You can claim that these are not Christian terrorists if you want to but then I can also claim that Moslem terrorists are fighting for righting wrongdoings against them. USA backed Israel when the palestinians were forced away from their lands so that Europe could feel better after letting millions of Jews getting slaughtered. I find it very interesting that all that have been supported by USA have later turned their backs to USA. Al-Qaida was backed by USA during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. By the way since you donm't know much about what is going on outside the US, then I'll explain you that ETA is a Spanish terrororganization, IRA is a Catholic terrororganization in Ireland and LVF is a Protestand terrororganization in Ireland. These are just some of the more wellknown ones

    Ten thousand Aztecs were slaughtered in one day by the Spanish conquistadors in the last attmept to guard their rightful ruler. That was just a small percentage of the numbers of Aztecs that was killed in fighting with the conquistadors. The Aztec was not just a small civilization, they ranged from mid Mexico to southern part of Amrica.

    All science today is based upon the philosophers in ancient Greece. They had slavery, sex with same gender were accepted and they certainly did not worship one God. Science has since gone from Greece to various places in Europe and Middle East (Especially during the inquisition).

    You claimed to have three constants defining me and boy you couldn't get further off.

    Constant #1 I found the quotes in the holy bible myself. Yeah I've got a copy of it.

    Constant #2 Posting it was just to prove my point that certain things has been written in the bible, some doesn't consider this viable anymore, but others do. How else can you claim that being gay is wrong in the eyes of God. It is only written in the old testament. So I'm just pointing out that if some Christians are using the old testament to condemn gay then they can also use it for other purposes.

    Constant #3 I assume that you mean that Republicans, conservatives etc. don't bash Christianity. Apparently they can bash all other religions. Liberals are considered right wing, however many liberal are against religion or rather the mixing of religion and state. In fact Liberals were some of the first to claim this view. So I might not be leftist as you would like to claim in your narrowminded worldview. However my view on this world isn't simple enough to fit it into your narrowminded view on party systems.

    I would love to see you getting around the inquisition and the use of the old testament to condemn gay people. If you can use that part of the bible to condemn some people you surely can use other parts for whatever purpose you might have and no not all religions are the same, but most religious texts are written in a way so they are open to interpretation. This is the best way to ensure that you get the right people in power.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by kimmar

    First of all, before I start replying to your hate-message, im not a full ditto-head or neo-con, but I do find Rush entertaining because he often pisses off you whiney liberals to no end.  Where me and Rush part ways is using Chinese and Mexican slaves to lower the American wages.  Funny thing is, the cheap cotton prices arent worth the bigger cost of lower wages to the white people, i could care less about the plight of the negroes.

    Nerf, I've got a question for you.  I've noticed that you like to troll the boards with your Republican party talking points.  Seeing that got me to wondering.  You Republicans like to complain about how bad the Liberals are destroying the U.S.  Well, here's my question to you Nerf09.  What are you doing for your country?

    I hear all the same complaints coming from the neo-cons.  So, I'll just outline a few of them and elaborate on why I think you guys are full of it after each one.

    "The college professors are brainwashing all the spongy university students with their liberal ideas."
    ---  My response:  Then why don't you do something about it other than whine to a.m. radio talk shows.  If you don't like the way the professors are teaching then go get a professors job and teach the way you think it should be taught.  If you think that you won't get hired because they don't hire folks with ideas from the right, then lie.  Lie and get hired.  Work your way up to an administrative position and then you can do the hiring.  You guys are so much smarter than everyone else anyway, so you should have no trouble working your way to the top.  Then you can call Rush Limbaugh and tell him the story of how you infiltrated that one college campus.

    People who have never worked a real day in their life are going to inherently be liberal, there is nothing you can do about it.  But then again I spent 3 years in college studying physics and mathematics so we (studenst + professor) was too busy working on solving theoretical problems on paper, and not too concerned with politics.  So I never experienced the liberal=college thing.  Maybe if 90% of the students werent studying useless liberal arts subjects this wouldnt be a problem.

    "The public school system is crap.  All the teachers there are nitwits and just pushing a socialist agenda.  Take that kid that recorded his teacher in Colorado for instance."
    ---  My Response:  Again, why don't you do something about it other than whine.  Go get you a bachelors degree and then get your teachers certification.  You do have a bachelor's degree, right?  Well, then you're part of the way there already.  Now all you gotta do is go back to school, pursue your state requirements for certification and complete the student teaching program.  Then you can get you a good paying job in the school system of your choice (because I'm sure you're going to pick the roughest one where you can do the most good) and work your way up to principal.  Or, if you'd like you don't have to become principal.  You can stay down in the trenches.  Or hey, if you don't want to be a teacher, then why don't you run for school board.  Or just get your butt into a school board meeting to voice your opinion.

    Whats this fascination about school topics?  School isnt the be-all end-all of life on earth.  Rush Limbaugh calls it skrewl.  :)  Get a sense of humor, liberal.

    "All these liberals want to do is increase government programs that keep the poor where they are and create a huge welfare state.  That's something that the communities should take care of, not the government."
    ---  My Response:  Then why don't YOU do something about it.  When is the last time you volunteered in your community to help someone who was out of a job get back on their feet and find one?  Or volunteer your time to do some job training?  Or helped out someone who was handicapped or ill?  Or maybe volunteered to be a teachers aid at the local middle school?  Or just volunteered for anything.  If the communities are supposed to take care of the downtrodden then where are all these Republicans when they are needed?

    Actually its:  Liberals are so bad at math they dont understand proportionality.  When the Federal+State+Local governments spend 40-50% of the gross national product were halfway to a communist system of government, which is horribly inneficient.  The middle class is being squeezed out of existance from heavy taxes, and a welfare state is just another word for communism.

    Why dont I do something about it?  What do you want me to do, start assasinating Democrats?  C'mon man im not a murderer.

    "These liberals are godless Communists who are just sad and want to bring the country into their deep seated loathing and depression.  We're such happy people because we vote Republican.  Every liberal I see is depressed and smells like hippy."
    ---  My Response:  Do you think that calling people names and putting them down is going to change their opinion of you?  Most liberals I know are kind decent people.  I know that's hard for you to believe, because from what I've read you down a whole gallon of the right wing Kool-Aid everyday.  But if you want to change a liberal, why not work on your persuasive skills.  Try not being so abrasive in your arguments.  You can call a liberal names and call him stupid all day long, but you know what, when that liberal goes to the voting booth, his vote counts the same as yours every single time.  I remember Bush on the campaign trail speaking of "compassionate conservatism."  What ever happened to that?  He was talking about getting all you Republicans to go out and start making a difference in your community.  I haven't seen any difference at all.  I hardly see any Republicans when I do volunteer work.  I wonder how many minds you would change if you showed up for volunteer work and started walking the walk instead of just running your mouth with empty promises.

    Actually a more fancy term is red-diaper-doper-baby.

    Hey watch me do an impression of a Democrat, "Oh gaaaaah, look, gaaaaaaah, angevil republican, gaaaaah, gaaaaah, gaaaah."

    I could go on, but I hope you're starting to get the picture.  My point is that you guys are so big mouthed when it comes to complaining about how things are, yet hardly any of you guys get off your asses to do something about it.  You think because you go to work everyday and earn your money that you've done your deed?  Well, sorry there's more to a community than just the economy and everyone going to work when they're supposed to.  For a community and a nation to work people have to get out and engage in community activities.

    Like group sex?

    I volunteer at least 2 nights a week to deliver meals to home-bound sick people.  I also do volunteer work for my church when something comes up.  I am also working on my teachers certification at the moment.  And I plan on making some changes when I get my teaching job.  And I'll tell you, I ain't going into teaching for the pay.  The hours are long and the pay is crap.  Plus, you get absolutely no respect because every right wing nut out there is trying to convince people that teachers wear swastikas.  I am doing it because I want to make a difference.  You Republican's don't think about doing things for that reason too much, do you?  I'd give up a high paying job to have the time to spend on my volunteer work.  It means that much to me.  I get more of a reward from that than any job could pay.  Do you feel that way too?

    Is it possible for a Democrat do do anything positive without having to do a song and dance around the entire thing?  Are you Democrats so used to doing evil things that you have to blow your short list of good deeds out of proportion?  Are you the types that beat your kids on Saturday then go to church on Sunday?  You want a pat on the back?  You want to be made volunteer of the year?  You want an award?  You want everyone to OOoo and Aaah at your moral superiority?  You want your picture taken with the president?  You want everyone to reimburst you for your used up time when volunteering?  You want a tax break?

  • Originally posted by Chingyz

    Here's some facts for you Nerf.
    The inquisition was made by the church based on the bible terrorizing, torturing and killing large numbers of the European population. Any who disputed the teachings of the church/bible during that time was persecuted. If you dared speaking the words that the world wasn't the center of the universe and certainly not flat then you risked a lenghty treatment with the inquisition. I am surly happy narrowminded people like that and you are not in power anymore or else we would still live in a world believeing the world was flat.
    There is a number of terrorist organizations that are Christian. ETA, IRA, LVF are just some examples of Christian terrorists. I know that IRA, LVF and recently ETA has made ceasefires, however that has a lot to do with them reaching certain goals and loosing supporters. You can claim that these are not Christian terrorists if you want to but then I can also claim that Moslem terrorists are fighting for righting wrongdoings against them. USA backed Israel when the palestinians were forced away from their lands so that Europe could feel better after letting millions of Jews getting slaughtered. I find it very interesting that all that have been supported by USA have later turned their backs to USA. Al-Qaida was backed by USA during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. By the way since you donm't know much about what is going on outside the US, then I'll explain you that ETA is a Spanish terrororganization, IRA is a Catholic terrororganization in Ireland and LVF is a Protestand terrororganization in Ireland. These are just some of the more wellknown ones
    Ten thousand Aztecs were slaughtered in one day by the Spanish conquistadors in the last attmept to guard their rightful ruler. That was just a small percentage of the numbers of Aztecs that was killed in fighting with the conquistadors. The Aztec was not just a small civilization, they ranged from mid Mexico to southern part of Amrica.
    All science today is based upon the philosophers in ancient Greece. They had slavery, sex with same gender were accepted and they certainly did not worship one God. Science has since gone from Greece to various places in Europe and Middle East (Especially during the inquisition).
    You claimed to have three constants defining me and boy you couldn't get further off.
    Constant #1 I found the quotes in the holy bible myself. Yeah I've got a copy of it.
    Constant #2 Posting it was just to prove my point that certain things has been written in the bible, some doesn't consider this viable anymore, but others do. How else can you claim that being gay is wrong in the eyes of God. It is only written in the old testament. So I'm just pointing out that if some Christians are using the old testament to condemn gay then they can also use it for other purposes.
    Constant #3 I assume that you mean that Republicans, conservatives etc. don't bash Christianity. Apparently they can bash all other religions. Liberals are considered right wing, however many liberal are against religion or rather the mixing of religion and state. In fact Liberals were some of the first to claim this view. So I might not be leftist as you would like to claim in your narrowminded worldview. However my view on this world isn't simple enough to fit it into your narrowminded view on party systems.
    I would love to see you getting around the inquisition and the use of the old testament to condemn gay people. If you can use that part of the bible to condemn some people you surely can use other parts for whatever purpose you might have and no not all religions are the same, but most religious texts are written in a way so they are open to interpretation. This is the best way to ensure that you get the right people in power.

    The guys is telling the truth here, he is right in every point he said.

    now let me clear some things about the Shiite (Shee'a) and Sunni in Islam.

    First the Islam is derived from the root word Salamah it's a three letter word in arabic, S L M, pronounced Salamah, which means to give up, give up what?  ourselves to Allah, to follow his rules and do good, and punish the wrongdoers, now during the rule of the prophet mohammad, there was nothing but muslims, after his death, he left without appointing a leader for the muslims, as he said: the debate of my people amongst each others is a good thing for them.

    Abu Baker was chosen as the new leader for the muslims, the Khaleefa ( caliph ), now there were some people at that time that hated this, those were the Shee'a of the Imam Ali, they kept silent for all of that time until he took the Khelafa ( caliphaship ) or rulership after the Khawarej ( a terrorist muslim group who were lead by a jew ) killed the previous khaleefa, Othman Bin Affan.

    Those Shee'a appeared infront of the Imam Ali and they were telling him in the face that HE the Imam Ali is Allah, and they began to worship the Imam Ali.

    The Imam Ali frustrated by this vile act of infidelity, he burned all the Shee'a while he ruled, after his death they reappeared again calling themselves the Shee'a of Imam Ali, these people do NOT follow the rules of Islam, they follow the rules of their Sada ( a shee'a leader ), these Sada claim that their word is the word of Allah, and they claim that all Sunnis must die because they're the reason for the death of the Imam Ali and his sons, Al-hassan, and Al-hussain, his sons one of them died from starvation in the desert after escaping from his killers, the other was killed along his family by the army lead by Abdullah Ben Zeyad ( this person is is a criminal in islamic history, he is the one who ordered his execution ).

    Then the muslims were divided into the Shee'a, the ones who claim they are rightious and correct, the ones who were burned by the same Imam they love and follow for their act of Infidelity against God, and the Sunni, who follow the rules of the prophet mohammad and the rules of the Qur'an and Allah.

    The Khawarej were totally massacred by the Khaleefa Abu Baker and Omar, since they ( the Khawarej ) do not follow the rules of islam and Allah, and they order to not do so as well, they recruit the faithless, they murdered the muslims and praised the others.

    The Suufies ( Sufi ) are another group appeared like a hundred years ago, they do not differ from the Shee'a, actually they are allied against the Sunna, they also do not follow the rules of islam, and they manipulate the Hadith, and reject some of the Qur'an.

    now it is YOU who judge, from what i said here, who are right and who are wrong.

    oh btw, most of the ppl in Syria are Sufis, and the majority of Iraq are Shee'a, and thier Sada order to kill other Sunni muslims for the heck of it, Iran is filled with Shee'a as well ( btw the USA gave power to the Shee'a in Iran).

    that's it for now, if you have any question regarding any parties, please don't hesitate.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by Phoenixs

    Originally posted by Nerf09

    B)  I dont care what your socialist propaganda minister ordered you to think, Nazis were National Socialists in name and execution of socialist laws.  Its funny how people like you neither have history, verbiage, syntax, facts and data to back up your claim yet you still persist in myths and political cliches.

    Since when it's the name that decides what politics someone practises? If I started a second republican party, that followed republican politics, but called in The Communist Party. Would that make the party communistic?

    Nazis are right winged.

    "Originally, Nazi was invented by analogy to Sozi (a common and slightly pejorative term for the Nazis' main opponents, the socialists in Germany)"

    Key elements of the Nazi ideology

    • National Socialist Program  Demcorat platform.
    • Racism    Jesse Jackson, Hugo Chavez.
      • Especially anti-Semitism, which eventually culminated in the Holocaust.   Jesse Jackson.
      • The creation of a Herrenrasse (or Herrenvolk) (Master Race = by the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life; A department in the Third Reich))  Yeah Democrats are pretty fruity.
      • Anti-Slavism  Thats a European thing duder
      • Belief in the superiority of the White, Germanic, Aryan or Nordic races A minutiae of the party platform.
    • Anti-Marxism, Anti-Communism, Anti-Bolshevism  The Democratic party is a confederation of fundamentally self conflicting special interest groups.
    • The rejection of democracy, with as a consequence the ending the existence of political parties, labour unions, and free press. To Democrats, free speech is a political cliche which doesnt mean anything to them anymore unless they can take advantage of it.
    • Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) Belief in the leader (Responsibility up the ranks, and authority down the ranks.)  Democrats defended Clinton's absolute lies absolutely.
    • Strong show of local culture.  DOWN WITH WALMART!
    • Social Darwinism  Social Darwinism happens even without the heavy hand of government.
    • Eugenics; sometimes included sterilization and euthanasia  Kill Terri Schaivo!
    • Religious freedom (Point #24 in the 25 point plan) [1]  Democrats love giving Osama everything he wants.
    • Environmental protection  Enviro-left.
    • Rejection of the modern art movement and an embrace of classical art  Using the heavy hand of government to even influence the artsy-fartsy realm?  DEMOCRATS!
    • Defense of Blood and Soil (German: "Blut und Boden" - represented by the red and black colors in the Nazi flag)  Whatever.
    • "Lebensraumpolitik", "Lebensraum im Osten" (The creation of more living space for Germans in the east)  Those poor mexicans need some living space too.
    • Related to Fascism
    "Various right-wing politicians and political parties in Europe welcomed the rise of fascism and the Nazis out of an intense aversion towards Communism. According to them, Hitler was the savior of Western civilization and of capitalism against Bolshevism."  Communism was a new phenominon back in those days, and most people didnt even read or even TRANSLATE the communist manifesto.  They reacted to it like some reacted to the radio broadcast of war of the worlds.  Crazy.

    The Nazis where die hard enemies of socialismn. They even put many socialists in concetration camps.
    It started as a socialistic party, but ended up as something very different. It still kept some basic similarities with socialimn but that is it.  They were even the first to ban smoking in all public places=Democrats.

    Believe me I know about this. This is the history of my country, this is the big shame of my country. And I would NEVER alter or use this history wrong. Have you ever stood infront of the glass container with all the human hair in Auschwitz? Or stood in the burning champer breathing the air and looking at the black colored roof? It does something to you.   Whatever pro-slavery Dixiecrat.  Got to keep the price of cotten cheap now dont we.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by porgie
    I looked at some of Nerf09's posts where he's falsely accused more than one person of being a Democrat.  Yet when they call him on it, he does not respond.  Typical.  Or else he'd actually have to have a reasonable debate wtih them. 
    If you defend a Democrat, your either a Democrat or a mooshy moderate (or some foreign equivalent, whatever your called I dont care.)  Your the type that did nothing when Adolph Hitler rose to power, or even worse, defended him.  Why?  Because they were Nazis, duh.  Call a spade a spade I always say.
    I looked up the word liberal in the dictionary.  Here's what it means...

    1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
    2. Favoriing proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
    And now the red-diaper-doper-babies have all grown up, gotten wrinkled and become bitter old men and women.  Hating their former politlcal enemies with new vigor, even going as far as Balkanizing America just to get out their bitter message of hate.

    There are different levels of issues going on in the world today.  There are economic issues, personal freedom issues, privacy issues, land ownership issues, social issues, domestic spending issues, diplomatic issues, etc, etc, etc.  The list goes on and on. 

    If someone cannot tell me that they are liberal to at least some degree on at least one of those issues then it's my contention that they have had the right side of their brain sucked out.  Jesus himself was a liberal.  He bucked the system like there was no tomorrow (ok, bad analogy for him).  The founders of this country were liberals.  They were some of the most radical folks of their time.  And I believe with all my heart that if they saw the attack that the right wing is making on the arena of new ideas and debate then they would kick their asses, olde English style.
    No, to you Democrats, the founders were not liberals, they were rascist slave owners who had zebra babies, were social darwinists, had evil imperialist ambitions, and randomly murdered native Americans.  Two-faced Democrats.
    So all I can say is don't give damn what Nerf09 says for now, until he redeems himself by not repeating what he hears said on the radio sitting on his desk at work.  I can tell this country is changing.  People over here are getting fed up with this right wing hate spewing self-rightous religion machine.  Just look at Bush's poll numbers right now.  2/3 of the country is ready to get him out.  And he's losing more points all the time.
    Welcome to America where the president gets elected every 4 years, not what the biased TV polls say.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    A good show on the history channel on a couple nights ago.  They managed to connect Saddam Hussein to the Nazi regime in Germany.  Basically, Saddam's little personal heroe was his Uncle, whom idolized Hitler and fought against the british in Iraq during WW2.  Kind of the French version of Iraqi resistance to British Colonialism.

    What do you know, Democrats defend Sadaam, Sadaam's Ideology tied to Nazis.  Hmmm, makes you go hmmm.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by Chingyz

    Here's some facts for you Nerf.
    The inquisition was made by the church based on the bible terrorizing, torturing and killing large numbers of the European population. Any who disputed the teachings of the church/bible during that time was persecuted. If you dared speaking the words that the world wasn't the center of the universe and certainly not flat then you risked a lenghty treatment with the inquisition. I am surly happy narrowminded people like that and you are not in power anymore or else we would still live in a world believeing the world was flat.
    Wow cool, something that happened 500-1000 years ago.  Oooo, I bet you can say anything about something that happened 500-1000 years ago.
    There is a number of terrorist organizations that are Christian. ETA, IRA, LVF are just some examples of Christian terrorists. You mean, there are a number of terrorist organizations who's members happen to be Christians yet do not blow up women and children because the Bible told them to do so.  I know that IRA, LVF and recently ETA has made ceasefires, however that has a lot to do with them reaching certain goals and loosing supporters. You can claim that these are not Christian terrorists if you want to but then I can also claim that Moslem terrorists are fighting for righting wrongdoings against them. The Nazis (democrats) embraced muslim terrorists also, since we took that detour lately.  USA backed Israel when the palestinians were forced away from their lands so that Europe could feel better after letting millions of Jews getting slaughtered.  Nobody is perfect, especially big government.  I find it very interesting that all that have been supported by USA have later turned their backs to USA. Al-Qaida was backed by USA during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. By the way since you donm't know much about what is going on outside the US, then I'll explain you that ETA is a Spanish terrororganization, IRA is a Catholic terrororganization in Ireland and LVF is a Protestand terrororganization in Ireland. These are just some of the more wellknown ones.  So, you dont see the pope starting a Jihad either, or calling for a Fatwa.
    Ten thousand Aztecs were slaughtered in one day by the Spanish conquistadors in the last attmept to guard their rightful ruler. That was just a small percentage of the numbers of Aztecs that was killed in fighting with the conquistadors. The Aztec was not just a small civilization, they ranged from mid Mexico to southern part of Amrica.  Most died to smallpox and other European diseases that the native Americans werent immune to.
    All science today is based upon the philosophers in ancient Greece.  No it isnt.  Have you ever read Plato or those other philisophical fools?  They had slavery, sex with same gender were accepted and they certainly did not worship one God. Science has since gone from Greece to various places in Europe and Middle East (Especially during the inquisition).  Thats a historical cliche that all science oriignated from Greece, next your going to be talking about Atlantis.  Were only making a connection to Greece or the Messopotamian valley because they sometimes wrote on stone, others could have written only on wood or paper but long since vanished to weathering.  Stone lasts forever.
    You claimed to have three constants defining me and boy you couldn't get further off.
    Constant #1 I found the quotes in the holy bible myself. Yeah I've got a copy of it.
    Constant #2 Posting it was just to prove my point that certain things has been written in the bible, some doesn't consider this viable anymore, but others do. How else can you claim that being gay is wrong in the eyes of God. It is only written in the old testament. So I'm just pointing out that if some Christians are using the old testament to condemn gay then they can also use it for other purposes.
    Constant #3 I assume that you mean that Republicans, conservatives etc. don't bash Christianity. Apparently they can bash all other religions. Liberals are considered right wing, however many liberal are against religion or rather the mixing of religion and state. In fact Liberals were some of the first to claim this view. So I might not be leftist as you would like to claim in your narrowminded worldview. However my view on this world isn't simple enough to fit it into your narrowminded view on party systems.
    Next time put my quotes in along with yours, I totally forgot what we were talking about originally, I just figured this was another brow-beating contest.
    I would love to see you getting around the inquisition and the use of the old testament to condemn gay people. If you can use that part of the bible to condemn some people you surely can use other parts for whatever purpose you might have and no not all religions are the same, but most religious texts are written in a way so they are open to interpretation. This is the best way to ensure that you get the right people in power.
    Oh no *waves hands* its the inquisition. 
    Where would liberals be without Timothy McVeigh?  He's their cliche savior.

  • admriker444admriker444 Member Posts: 1,526

    Some of you speak of America as though the goverment is the true power that runs the country. Try reading "Rule by Secrey" by Jim Marrs to learn the truth.

    Corporations, specifically banks are the real rulers of American and therefore the planet. They have in the past insticated many wars and profitted by loaning moneys to both sides in the conflict. The american revolution, WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, and both Gulf wars were a direct results of corporate manipulation.

    Recently it has been revealed that the whole justification for America's involvement in Vietnam (the gulf of tonkin incident) was proven to be complete BS. President Johnson went to congress and asked for a huge deployment of manpower and money because our ships were allegedly attacked by North Vietnam. The only problem is that it never happened.

    So the question is why did vietnam And the next war fought will also be for money. And the peoples of the world will remain woefully ignorant or blindly patriotic because the media is also controlled by these corporations.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by admriker444

    Some of you speak of America as though the goverment is the true power that runs the country. Try reading "Rule by Secrey" by Jim Marrs to learn the truth.
    Corporations, specifically banks are the real rulers of American and therefore the planet. They have in the past insticated many wars and profitted by loaning moneys to both sides in the conflict. The american revolution, WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, and both Gulf wars were a direct results of corporate manipulation.
    Recently it has been revealed that the whole justification for America's involvement in Vietnam (the gulf of tonkin incident) was proven to be complete BS. President Johnson went to congress and asked for a huge deployment of manpower and money because our ships were allegedly attacked by North Vietnam. The only problem is that it never happened.
    So the question is why did vietnam And the next war fought will also be for money. And the peoples of the world will remain woefully ignorant or blindly patriotic because the media is also controlled by these corporations.

    Aliens killed JFK, and we really didnt land on the moon.
  • admriker444admriker444 Member Posts: 1,526

    Originally posted by jdun1
    Go back to economic 101 class. You don’t fight a war to make money. 90% of all wars are fought for ideological reason. The other 10% are social. War is a burden on the economy. Any economy. If war is so great for the economic don’t you think those African nations would be super rich by now? War is a parasite on the economy period.

    You mean govt dont fight wars to make money. However banks make billions off loans to govt in times of conflicts. Wars are extremely profitable for them.

  • admriker444admriker444 Member Posts: 1,526

    Originally posted by Nerf09

    Originally posted by admriker444

    Some of you speak of America as though the goverment is the true power that runs the country. Try reading "Rule by Secrey" by Jim Marrs to learn the truth.
    Corporations, specifically banks are the real rulers of American and therefore the planet. They have in the past insticated many wars and profitted by loaning moneys to both sides in the conflict. The american revolution, WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, and both Gulf wars were a direct results of corporate manipulation.
    Recently it has been revealed that the whole justification for America's involvement in Vietnam (the gulf of tonkin incident) was proven to be complete BS. President Johnson went to congress and asked for a huge deployment of manpower and money because our ships were allegedly attacked by North Vietnam. The only problem is that it never happened.
    So the question is why did vietnam And the next war fought will also be for money. And the peoples of the world will remain woefully ignorant or blindly patriotic because the media is also controlled by these corporations.

    Aliens killed JFK, and we really didnt land on the moon.

    ah another person who thinks us "conspiracy theorist" are all wacko :)

    Ask yourself this question then...

    Why is that the world-wide media barely mention or cover an annual event commonly referred to as the Bildebergers Meeting ? 250 of the richest and most powerful people in the world gather once a year and no mention of it to the general public. Do you think these folks, most of which are unelected meet to play bingo or poker ? And if they are just playing cards, why all the private guards with ak-47 and dogs ?

    These folks meet to set policies to benefit their holdings. If you think your lowly "elected" politician actually has any control over policy, you are sorely misinformed

  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646
    lol @ Nerf09 

  • can't edit...ok nevermind this post, it's getting haywire.
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