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i couldnt believe this, those are entirely ignorant comments.
the funny thing is that mirrors the plot from V for vendetta.....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Here's the actual interview to listen too.
Interview was done by a man named Alex Jones who does documentaries and a radio talk show. I've pretty much seen all his documentaries from downloading them on torrent sites. No copyright so its legal. is his other website.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
my god i listened to that and it is amazing.
absolutely the biggest twist in facts ever.
i am willing to believe that bush, and even conservatism is wrong, just as i am willing to bleieve that liberalism can be wrong.
but i am not willing to believe in that big of conspiracies or that bush is that much of a villain....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Hmmm, lets see.
Extremely off the wall radical statements that no rational person would believe - check
Rampant cocaine AND achohol addiction resulting in near fatal overdose resulting in multiple serious rehab visits- check
"Accidental " shooting or otherwise harming of a girlfriend or wife- check
Charged and convicted of a violent crime against a women (not related to the shooting)- check
Hmmm, nope, i am not suprised at all by his beliefs.Not one bit.
Actually the plot from V for Vendetta mirrors reality, or at least in the mind of the writers. For instance, when that first building blew up at the beginning of the movie, the Head Honcho told his people to say it was a fire coupled with a structural integrity problem. Same "official" reasoning behind the building collapses on 9/11.
As for me, I do think it is possible for people in government, despite political party, to carry out something like 9/11 for their own political or financial gain. Do I believe 9/11 was such a conspiracy? I am not entirely sure myself, though I believe many of the arguements and "facts" that it was a conspiracy are far from lacking credibility.
Therefore Charlie Sheen's comments weren't entirely ignorant and without merit. Afterall, he was just saying what he wondered based on his initial thoughts during 9/11. The official explanation for everything didn't actually start making the media circuit until later that evening. Until then you were hearing almost anything and everything about what could have hit the buildings or what brought them down. The word "Bomb" was probably used more than the word "Plane" that day by various news broadcasts.
All the above was just meant to show there is a reasonable doubt about the happenings on 9/11 and to point out Charlie Sheen was just pondering out loud more than actually backing any 9/11 conspiracy theories. We already had quite a few threads on was it or was it not a conspiracy and I don't care to see another without solid official proof backing one explanation or another.
But one glaring problem with saying Sheen's comments are without merit, he has never ever refuted any part of the volumes of scientific research on the leftovers of both the WTC or the Pentagon. Lets not forget the further research done on the video of the WTC collaspe referenced against the WTC's own architectual design, which was revolutionary in its day. All in all, Sheen's comments were not of a scientist or an informed individual. They were done out of fear of an invisible all powerful shadow government, which has not been proven to exist. I don't like the US government, but I don't believe for one second anyone within that bumbling institution had a thing to do with the planning or execution of the terrorist attacks. The US Govt may have been responsible for making such terrorism possible through interventialist foreign policy[see Cato Institute study on terrorism and US foreign policy], but there's no evidence of the US government aiding these terrorists at all.
The more folks like Sheen are considered legitimate, the more the deaths of the WTC victims are defamed.
-- Bridget
Think about it.
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
V for Vendetta has many true points and is in many ways a very strong warning to us in the western world. But what happens in the movie are fictional happenings that resemble happenings that could happen to us. Bah I don't know how to say it. The happenings in the movie are a "tool" to tell the message. With fear you can get the people to accept anything.
And the building that got blown up in V for Vendetta. Was blown up by a terrorist, but the goverment said it was done by themself so that the people wouldn't question their ability to keep them safe.
9/11 happened pretty much like it was shown on Tv. Commercial planes where hijacked and crashed into the buildings. You can't debate this. Unless you watch the images with some weird glasses
Some believe that FBI and CIA maybe could have done more to avoid the attacks. But more than that you can't conspire about this.
In our world today a goverment wouldn't want to do it, or be able to do it. They would hurt themself way more than it would benefit them. If you think about it with some common sence it's pretty clear
For the record I never cared for any of the Sheen's or their politics. I consider myself more conservative than liberal but absolutely do not support George Bush. Can't stand the man in fact but do try and respect the office.
Now I ask you, dear reader, before September 11, 2001 how many Americans do you think would have consented and allowed the intrusions we now see on our privacy? Our Government now knows who is on every plane in this country. They know where you go and how often you go. They know who you travel with or if you go alone. Before boarding you and your luggage are submitted to unprecedented searches, therefore they know what you take with you and what you don't.
Our Government knows everytime you open any kind of bank account be it checking, savings, or credit card. September 11, 2001 gave the United States Government a massive amount of control over, and knowledge of, every Americans life. Yet George Bush seeks even more by wiretapping your phone/internet lines.
What's next? A camera and microphone in your television cable box? Hmmm...may be old news by now.
In this day and age I think it is wise to at least question instead of dismissing every comment as crackpot, even when such comments come from crackpots.
It is human nature to try and believe the best about ones own government. For many the mind refuses to believe or entertain the possibility that they may have been duped. This is why North Korea has such a strong hold on their people even though they starve, torture, and brutally kill them daily.
This statement has never been true and never will be true as long as governments are upon the earth.
Somebody is mentally living in Shang-ra-la. Corrupt governments and regimes highly favor such people.
We also have so many other organisations like Amnesty, UN and so on. So if the Us goverment hijacked the planes and flew them into the buildings there would be some clear proof and some "proper" people asking questions. Not the ones in tinfoiled hats.
I'm not saying we should accept everything our goverments say. Ofcourse not. We have to listen to what they say, think about it and then make up our own mind. But in the 9/11 case there are no proper evidence that point towards the us goverment. You couldn't pull off something like 9/11 without leavig some sort of trace that someone independently would pick up. I think basicly any country in the world today has agents all over the world. Like Germany said that they wouldn't corporate in Iraq. But some newspaper found out that Germany had 2 agents in Iraq in the early days of the war. The western intelligence organisations are pretty linked together. They share nonpublic information. So I'm pretty sure that after 9/11 there where more than CIA, FBI people around in the ruins.
Also if a goverment would pull something like this off, it would affect a big amount of people. Someone would talk. Sooner or later. All this makes me believe that 9/11 is what it is told to be.
Come on joebert. Please. Compairing the US to NK is off the wall. And implying that someone is dumb not to realize this is just being a forum bully. You have been as overly propagandized by the far left as the people you claim are being duped by the government.
For the record, we have already covered this discussion some time ago, HERE.
Originally posted by Joebert
It is human nature to try and believe the best about ones own government. For many the mind refuses to believe or entertain the possibility that they may have been duped. This is why North Korea has such a strong hold on their people even though they starve, torture, and brutally kill them daily.
No, it's human nature to believe someone who says something that sounds good to you. You like the idea of a government conspiracy, therefore films like Loose Change have a lot of impact on you, even despite the fact that it's logically more probable that one man lied about his sources and fabricated stories than an entire government plot to create the biggest foreign attack on American soil.
"Io rido, e rider mio non passa dentro;
Io ardo, e l'arsion mia non par di fore."
member of
member of
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
i refuse to believe the US government has the capacity to do that, this belief isnt on moral grounds at all.
its entirely based on efficiency lets remember these people cant deliver mail efficently, and cant do accounting worth crap, it also has problems organizing a relief effort for a hurricane.
Can effectively fool one of the most scientifically advanced countries on earth.
i dont think they are that intelligent.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Very good find, it's nice to see a mod active in this topic. That video
can get catch some people up with some of the things mentioned in the
audio clip.
/agree, I got a freind who really does believe martial law is on the way and given the way things are going- it's not that far of a stretch.That last line you posted holds great wisdom. I believe it is best to
listen to all sides of a story with an open mind. Then decide for
yourself what the truth is. (I know, easier said then done)
A long time ago in Africa, most of the people were run by gang leaders. The gang leader would charge his people taxes and sometimes force them to work hard, in turn his gang would keep them "safe". When there was no one there to attack them, some of the gang members would dress up like a neighboring gang and attack their own people. This was the plan for the leaders to keep control WAAY BACK IN HISTORY!
So if people would fall for it then, certainly they would not now? As the saying goes "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me-- you can't get fooled again." right?
Anyways one more thing and this comes from here.
vonKleist “It’s been said that all truth passes through 3 stages. The first stage being denial. The second stage being violent opposition. And the 3rd stage being widespread acceptance as common knowledge. Well as you view this documentary keep in mind that people watching will probably fall into one of those 3 categories. One group of people will absolutely deny that what they’re seeing could possibly be true. The second group of people will be violently opposed to this kind of information being released, and they’ll do everything that they can to discredit the messenger, rather than pay attention to the message. And yet there will probably be a third group of people who will sit back in their easy chairs and say, “I’m not surprised, I knew it all along.
With this in mind, let’s begin by playing a little word association. I’ll say a word, and you think of the first word that comes to mind. Conspiracy–(pause) Theory, is what most people think of. We’ve all been conditioned to associate the word theory with the word conspiracy because after all, no conspiracies could possibly be true, they’re all just “theories” aren’t they. Well in the phrase conspiracy theory there are two words, the first word conspiracy, the second word is the active word–theory. By definition, a theory is a supposition, an idea, a concept, a hypothesis. Let me give you an example. In theory, if I purchase a raffle ticket I could win a prize. Now as long as I don’t purchase a raffle ticket, my win is theoretical. But once you purchase a raffle ticket, the win is no longer a theory, it becomes a possibility. And the more raffle tickets you purchase, the more possible, and eventually–probable, the win becomes. Such is the case with a conspiracy theory. As long as there is no evidence, it is a conspiracy theory. But once you have a piece of evidence, no matter how flimsy or circumstantial it may be, it becomes a possibility. And the more evidence that is gathered, the more possible and eventually probable the conspiracy is. "
In that light it seems like the war on Iraq was triggered by a conspiracy theory in the first place.
As Pen and Teller said it on the Bull**** episode about this topic, "Isn't it a conspiracy enough that 19 people planned and executed a terrorist attack to destroy the World Trade Center and Pentagon????" Yes, people want there to be patterns that are complex rather than simple. Remember, all the hijackers were from educated households, spoke english, schooled as children in the UK/US, and so on. They weren't some backwater loonies, they were considered the rich brat by many an arab speaker. So, until I see Sheen and company provide proof that the US government did in fact aide the terrorists or bring down the WTC, I don't have much to conclude but that the WTC wasn't the work of some bureaucrat.
-- Bridget
The facts are there, it is basically impossible that after the 1st plane hit the towers another plane could hit the other tower some 20 mins later, under normal circumstances it would have been shot down. Cheney & Bush knew about the AQ plot & they let it happen because it supported their view (PNAC) that America needed a new Pearl Harbour - well you got it.
Personally the most staggering piece of evidence was that Mohammed Atta's passport turned up in the rubble, I mean you would have to be a lunatic to believe that happened. So no bodies were recovered but a piece of paper passport survived - get a grip it's another impossibility.
The fact that the 9/11 commission didn't turn up a single negative comment about the administration and didn't record *any* negative statement from witnesses is something only Hitler & Stalin have managed before. You need to wake up America you're heading for a dictatorship & you don't even realise it. The only saving grace is the amount of arms the civilians have in the US, hopefully you'll be able fight back - good luck!
Sheen said some silly things though. I've never approved of Bush or the War in Iraq...But comments like that are retarded. But who knows, The Bush Administration has lied a lot since taking control of the country.