I totally agree with the assessment of Japan's current xenophobia/racism. In fact, I believe the libertarian based party that's in the National Diet is only fractionally recognized only because they want the US Armed Forces out of Japan, beyond that, they're hated for their views on free market promotion and abolishment of racial/heritage preferential treatment under japanese law. I hope them the best, but I wouldn't be surprised the every-person of Japan would cringe at the concept of individualism as positted by Rand, Orwell, and Nietzsche [honorable mention].
I feel like translating Rand's treatise against Racism [she postulated Racism evolved from family/heritage worship.] just to see a few traditional pundits in Japan scream bloody murder about it.
Okay, now let's bring this back to why there are no Black characters. Simply put Blacks are considered to be inferior or at the best a total non-factor.
On the other hand Blacks are by and large only a factor as a minority in the US (where many can argue they are a 'problem subculture', especially from an outside perspective). Most of the countries occupied by blacks despite having a wealth of mineral resources are third world civil-war torn hellholes. Even in Europe you don't see blacks being a factor, as in the US they "matter" because of our civil rights system and a great amount of conscious effort to make them matter. One other thing I will point out is that you must consider that the US black-sub culture is considered to be almost universally obnoxious. In the US it is tolerated and becomes the source of a lot of humor, but consider the constant "legally protected, status seeking minority, with a bad attitude and a foul mouth" isn't really respected. This kind of thing is seem through the world as being the downside/problem that makes a lot of otherwise fairly civilized nations way of the American concept of civil rights. Notice that the first thing mentioned in making a black character "more black" would be putting some kind of gaudy, and obnoxious ornament on his "vehicle". People in the US are tolerant of it, and even make movies playing it up for humor, but when it comes to their fantasies I don't think people in other nations (especially occupied ones like Japan who are still trying to hold onto a theory of cultural/racial supremism despite everything) really earmark it for emulation in fantasy. At any rate while I'm sure some people will be yelling and screaming, I will say that the only way your going to see more serious Black characters in international fantasy (and this includes things like 2000AD in Europe where the civil rights movement exists but isn't anything like the US) your going to need to see Africa and various "black island nations" like Haiti and Jamaica stabilize and become more of a serious world participants as opposed to poor "trouble spots" that periodically seem to suffer civil wars and arguably represent the arm pit of the planet. This means the people there ultimatly have to get their act together. If American blacks want more international recognition except perhaps as comedians and troublemakers they also have to get their act together. I mean in a society where their popular music includes likes like "The cops give an attitude, walk it like it's hard" followed by a guy rambling about flying a "Crypt flag", toting an AK-47, and making people disappear, and games like "San Andreas" seem to try and sell/justify this kind of a lifestyle in respect to the rest of the country an outsider is not going to view it as being positive and really have his imagination looking towards blacks as heroes. That's long and rambling but it's my opinion. Try not to flame me too hard. I'm not a "PC" person and am just killing time. >>>----Therumancer--->
Wow I just hope you read this back to your self one day, maybe one day you'll learn. Your posts actually started out really nicely breaking apart the idea. But I see that when you touched on black people you just felt you had alot to get off your chest. I find it sad to think that while white folk can have their quams spanish folk can have their quams japaneze folk can have their quams. But the second a black person tries to express themselves it's wrong. Anti-social punk rockers can right all kinds of lyrics about sacrifycing you and eating you and killing you and all kinda stuff, but thats not a big deal. White folk can write country music about sleeping with their neighbours wife and a buncha stuff like that and it's all good. But a black person makes a rap song and WOOAAAA Antisocial black people playing their violent music again. Or OOOHhh Noooo A black person just put big rimms on his wheels... THAT MUST mean he does drugs, or Look at that little black boy with his pants hangin off his butt, I bet he's gonna try to rob the liquor store. It's sad that every thing white folk (generalizing now) think is entrenched. I loved this quote of yours "Even in Europe you don't see blacks being a factor, as in the US they "matter" because of our civil rights system and a great amount of conscious effort to make them matter." Wow... the only reason that black folk even MATTER is because of the civil rights system. I'm glad you think so. I just hope you did alittle more research on some topics concerning african history so that maybe your kids wont be as sheltered as you are. Black people right now I have to say are the most oppressed people ever. It's like anything a colored person does has to be amplified 10 fold. How many kids get kidnapped in America every year? ONE girl gets kiddnapped in Aruba.... and BOOM The nation is in uproar... now we got to boycot Aruba... I'm sleepy...
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
Guys, plug it off a bit, let the steam cool down .... we are not here to throw fifty pounds monkey-wrench of accusation at each other for something that questioning alone doesn't get you anywhere..
That being said, I clearly see where you guys are coming from ... This sort of thing has been around as long as there has ever been so called entertainment medium which always have a specific target cultural cluster.
There is no such thing as culturally neutral bridging medium, be it an entertainment medium or mainstream press. If properly debunked, even better if you are one of those who are naturally wired to view that things almost don't happen by random chance but by design ...., you will find yourself stepping into new realm of portals that will reveal things in much more radical angle.
That's why questioning is very healthy ration for any soul eager to learn something new. But you don't get to learn anything if one keeps questioning things that can never be answered or raise even more questions than what one have began with. All you will come up with is mere speculations. Some more convincing than other, some less. But they are still mere speculations; something we don't need to tear each other apart for.
Questions like this :
Why Asian Anime (be it Japanese or Korean - well apart from Simpsons) has always big eyes that make up 50% of the facial feature while western cartoon mostly assume plastic pasture as master facial frame as chief art archtype? My Answer: Ask Asian or European
Why many Asian Anime has their main male western protagonist always portrayed as blond, blue eyed(?) Paris Hilton with Chuck Norris' ninja smile? My Answer: Ask Asian. Well maybe their main target market is West for their export driven economy (?) - putting aside the Chinese market which only opened up recently.
Do western males like themselves portrayed in such a way for the better or for the worse? My Answer: Ask Westerners.
Why black characters are portrayed as subservient bulkload of loners who are stereotyped as lawless outcast? Is this problem? Damn yeah. Was it intentional? I don't know... Could it be because African mainlanders forgot to bring truckload of useless "Stones" in exchange for PS2, L2, FFXI, LG Cellphones, broadband routers, etc as a replacement for paper money? Maybe.....
Now what about Middle Easterners, South Americans?
See I'm raising more questions than what I've started with....
As much as I admire asian art, their attention to detail, etc, this is one area that needs to be worked on.
Again, remember the topic of this discussion "why are there so few black Anime characters". I have told you why, whether or not you like the answer or not is more or less irrelevent. I didn't expect everyone to like the answers.
As far as my comments about other cultures and how they view blacks, well notice that outside of the US there are very few heavily developed nations (if any) where Blacks play any signifigant role at all. This includes Europe. I was using European attitudes and fantasy culture (games, etc...) as an example to show that it's not an issue just with Anime and Japanese games/products.
Whether or not anyone likes it, the big differance between the US (where Blacks are such a factor) is the Civil Liberties movement. For the most part even the most enlightened nations after us don't really seem to have one. I don't follow British politics very heavily, but from what I have seen they certainly do not seem to have movements causing ethnic and cultural minorities to become a massive factor in politics. I don't think I've ever seen a non-white ever make a serious attempt for Prime Minister or anything (not that I follow it heavily as I mentioned).
Whether the lack of respect for Blacks is a good thing or a bad thing is totally outside the scope of my messages, so stop talking about "the issues I have to get off my chest" (or whatever). It simply is. Whether you like it or not. As the very nature of this topic says there are very, very few Black Anime characters, and outside of the US there are very few blacks portrayed in any kind of science fiction or fantasy media.
As far as the reasons I abscribe to this, consider that I have been floating around in a lot of "fanboy" arenas for a long time. Trust me, this is *NOT* the first time I've heard this kind of thing discussed. What's more with the international nature of the community I've seen people flat out ask the creators of british comics, anime, and other things questions like this in a situation where a PC answer is not nessicary and this is based on how those conversations went.
As far as my comments on Black Culture, all the screaming and yelling in the world is not going to change how it's perceived, and yeah in that one respect I tend to agree with people that the way blacks present themselves in the US is a big part of the proble, after all what they think about it isn't the issue, when they want the positive opinion of others it's what those other people think that matters.
What's more there is a big differance between shock entertainment and promoting a lifestyle. Whether you agree or not is irrelevent, as per this discussion, what is important is that people see it that way. What's more taking a bunch of anti-societal punk rockers and using them to justify a lifestyle simply because "other people did it first" is franky ridiculous. In general most of the "punks" and stuff who did more than put on a "shock rock" show and tried to live the way they sang wound up dead, in jail, or dying from their excess, and in general it seems the majority of those people are nothing at all like their stage persona IRL. Alice Cooper for example does some wild crap for his show, but that's just a character he plays on stage. With the black subculture (which goes beyond just music) it's more than just a stage show.
But again, you might not agree with me. That's fine. This is my final message on the subject as this is getting fairly off topic. All I can say is the results speak for themselves. Irregardless of whether you feel it's victimization or something blacks bring on themselves, the fact remains there is a problem. In time hopefully people will learn, and in this arena you have to remember they are not just trying to inspire tolerance, but to get people to see them in the light of heroic fantasy, and the way things are now, I just don't see it happening.
To put it bluntly, while actors are not the characters they play if you were to take someone like Kevin Sorbo's "Public Persona" (not nessicarly who he is off stage and outside of intreviews) he's a hero. This is why he inspires people to keep casting him in very heroic roles (whether you care for him or not, he has met a lot of success playing the hero). If you take someone like Snoop Dog and his "Public Persona" he's what you call the villain. Yet amazingly he seems to constantly keep playing the hero (despite what he does) for an entire subculture.
It's not a perfect example, but someone who watches Kevin Sorbo and his work in another country might very well think "Wow, that's cool. I want to emulate that stuff for my heroes". Then you get work that features a white guy cruising around the universe in his ship doing good deeds, or strutting around fantasy land in leather pants beating the crud out of bad guys. A guy who watches Snoop Dog play a dirty cop, dress like a pimp, and fight over the criminal underworld (in games like Def Jam: Fight For New York), might sit there and go "wow, that's baaad" and find it darkly amusing; but when it comes time to write his heroic fantasy the guy is *NOT* going to be one of his inspirations. Even as a bad guy we're talking pretty low brow. He sells CDs and such overseas, but he's not exactly inspiring emulation in Japanese/European fantasy pop culture.
As I said, this is my last message on the subject. A lot of people still won't like it, but all told we're not likely to agree, and this is just going to get endlessly nastier if it persists. There are other topics related to gaming to discuss.
I didn't start the topic, however I believe Anime was being invoked in a general sense given that a lot of MMOs are "Anime style" and anime is heavily influancing their development.
Okay now this will be my last message on this thread. :P
The reason I say that you are getting things off your chest because you are making assumptions about black culture that sounds like it's more of how YOU percieve african americans or any other minority but with Africans at the fore front.
quote: "One other thing I will point out is that you must consider that the US black-sub culture is considered to be almost universally obnoxious. In the US it is tolerated and becomes the source of a lot of humor, but consider the constant "legally protected, status seeking minority, with a bad attitude and a foul mouth" isn't really respected."
Who exactly considers black-sub culture obnoxious? And how is it that Black people are the only ones with a potty mouth? And why is it that in your mind the only reason black people are tolerated is because they make you laugh?
quote: "This kind of thing is seem through the world as being the downside/problem that makes a lot of otherwise fairly civilized nations way of the American concept of civil rights."
Who do you think portrays these images to the rest of the world? is it the majority controlled media? After the Hurricane blasted through Louisianna Why was it that Black folk were "Looting" the stores and white folk were "searching for food" according to the news? Why isn't white culture looked down upon? Aren't they the ones that Stole this land called america from the Mexicans and the Indians? Didn't they kill millions of people and force them out of their homes? Ohhh That's not obnoxious.... The world doesn't look at that as a bad thing... ofcourse not.... Because white folk dont portray that... Their western movies which permeated the world showed that white people were right for taking the land... and indians were evil and loved to scalp white people?
quote: "Notice that the first thing mentioned in making a black character "more black" would be putting some kind of gaudy, and obnoxious ornament on his "vehicle"."
Why is it that an ornament that a black person puts in their vehicle is immediately gaudy? Who's opinions are you going by? the World's or your own? And adorning vehicles is a VERY recent trend. for black folk. But white people have been giving their cars paint jobs for years... nobody called the streaks on muscle cars gaudy? but when a black person does it... it's distastefull.
quote: "People in the US are tolerant of it, and even make movies playing it up for humor"
What the heck? Tolerant? You make it seem like Black people are such an annoyance to your life and you want them gone.... well except if they put on a clown uniform and make you laugh. White American people brought black people here... without their choice. Forced their fate and held on to slavery YEARS after every other country had abolished it. White people wanted black folks on US soil to work as slaves and now since their not slaves anymore You are saying that White america is TOLERANT?
quote: "This means the people there ultimatly have to get their act together. If American blacks want more international recognition except perhaps as comedians and troublemakers they also have to get their act together."
I agree with you here but believe it or not part of the problem with some of the bigger islands is what white folk have left behind. Ok i'll go over Haiti for example. Haiti was the first black country. Haiti claimed independance from England before even the US or England abolished slavery. BUT no the first world countries weren't allowed to do business with haiti... why? Because the US didn't want to acknowledge Haiti as a true country. And then haiti's instability became a business for many Anglo countries. I'm not even going to go into when the US occupied Haiti. After some time White people started setting up companies mostly drilling for resources in Haiti.... 100 years later most of those companies have left and what happened to Haiti? Well now the Hills and Mountians are in such terrible condition that almost every year there is a land slide that kills thousands.
No i'm not saying that White people are the cause of every problem. ANd No i'm not saying that the solution starts with white people, Because there exists racism on boths sides of the spectrum. But I DO think before you decide in your head that Black people are wrong for showing themselves a certain way (which they do sometimes) maybe you should look alittle deeper and find that There is more to it than just black people doing bad things to get attention. How about find a black guy/girl who doesn't live in a mansion or goes to princton and become his/her friend, and your eyes will be opened and you might learn.
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
Originally posted by oliverc4 Why is there rarely any good black anime characters?
I don't think there is an abundance of black people in Japan. I'm not saying that in a smart-ass, racist, or joking way. I mean that in a factual way.
They may very well ask why there aren't more main characters that are Japanese on our television programing.
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
I totally agree with the assessment of Japan's current xenophobia/racism. In fact, I believe the libertarian based party that's in the National Diet is only fractionally recognized only because they want the US Armed Forces out of Japan, beyond that, they're hated for their views on free market promotion and abolishment of racial/heritage preferential treatment under japanese law. I hope them the best, but I wouldn't be surprised the every-person of Japan would cringe at the concept of individualism as positted by Rand, Orwell, and Nietzsche [honorable mention].
I feel like translating Rand's treatise against Racism [she postulated Racism evolved from family/heritage worship.] just to see a few traditional pundits in Japan scream bloody murder about it.
-- Bridget
Anti-social punk rockers can right all kinds of lyrics about sacrifycing you and eating you and killing you and all kinda stuff, but thats not a big deal. White folk can write country music about sleeping with their neighbours wife and a buncha stuff like that and it's all good. But a black person makes a rap song and WOOAAAA Antisocial black people playing their violent music again. Or OOOHhh Noooo A black person just put big rimms on his wheels... THAT MUST mean he does drugs, or Look at that little black boy with his pants hangin off his butt, I bet he's gonna try to rob the liquor store. It's sad that every thing white folk (generalizing now) think is entrenched.
I loved this quote of yours "Even in Europe you don't see blacks being a factor, as in the US they
"matter" because of our civil rights system and a great amount of
conscious effort to make them matter." Wow... the only reason that black folk even MATTER is because of the civil rights system. I'm glad you think so.
I just hope you did alittle more research on some topics concerning african history so that maybe your kids wont be as sheltered as you are. Black people right now I have to say are the most oppressed people ever. It's like anything a colored person does has to be amplified 10 fold. How many kids get kidnapped in America every year? ONE girl gets kiddnapped in Aruba.... and BOOM The nation is in uproar... now we got to boycot Aruba...
I'm sleepy...
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Guys, plug it off a bit, let the steam cool down .... we are not here to throw fifty pounds monkey-wrench of accusation at each other for something that questioning alone doesn't get you anywhere..
That being said, I clearly see where you guys are coming from ... This sort of thing has been around as long as there has ever been so called entertainment medium which always have a specific target cultural cluster.
There is no such thing as culturally neutral bridging medium, be it an entertainment medium or mainstream press. If properly debunked, even better if you are one of those who are naturally wired to view that things almost don't happen by random chance but by design ...., you will find yourself stepping into new realm of portals that will reveal things in much more radical angle.
That's why questioning is very healthy ration for any soul eager to learn something new. But you don't get to learn anything if one keeps questioning things that can never be answered or raise even more questions than what one have began with. All you will come up with is mere speculations. Some more convincing than other, some less. But they are still mere speculations; something we don't need to tear each other apart for.
Questions like this :
Why Asian Anime (be it Japanese or Korean - well apart from Simpsons) has always big eyes that make up 50% of the facial feature while western cartoon mostly assume plastic pasture as master facial frame as chief art archtype? My Answer: Ask Asian or European
Why many Asian Anime has their main male western protagonist always portrayed as blond, blue eyed(?) Paris Hilton with Chuck Norris' ninja smile? My Answer: Ask Asian. Well maybe their main target market is West for their export driven economy (?) - putting aside the Chinese market which only opened up recently.
Do western males like themselves portrayed in such a way for the better or for the worse? My Answer: Ask Westerners.
Why black characters are portrayed as subservient bulkload of loners who are stereotyped as lawless outcast?
Is this problem? Damn yeah. Was it intentional? I don't know...
Could it be because African mainlanders forgot to bring truckload of useless "Stones" in exchange for PS2, L2, FFXI, LG Cellphones, broadband routers, etc as a replacement for paper money?
Now what about Middle Easterners, South Americans?
See I'm raising more questions than what I've started with....
As much as I admire asian art, their attention to detail, etc, this is one area that needs to be worked on.
Again, remember the topic of this discussion "why are there so few black Anime characters". I have told you why, whether or not you like the answer or not is more or less irrelevent. I didn't expect everyone to like the answers.
As far as my comments about other cultures and how they view blacks, well notice that outside of the US there are very few heavily developed nations (if any) where Blacks play any signifigant role at all. This includes Europe. I was using European attitudes and fantasy culture (games, etc...) as an example to show that it's not an issue just with Anime and Japanese games/products.
Whether or not anyone likes it, the big differance between the US (where Blacks are such a factor) is the Civil Liberties movement. For the most part even the most enlightened nations after us don't really seem to have one. I don't follow British politics very heavily, but from what I have seen they certainly do not seem to have movements causing ethnic and cultural minorities to become a massive factor in politics. I don't think I've ever seen a non-white ever make a serious attempt for Prime Minister or anything (not that I follow it heavily as I mentioned).
Whether the lack of respect for Blacks is a good thing or a bad thing is totally outside the scope of my messages, so stop talking about "the issues I have to get off my chest" (or whatever). It simply is. Whether you like it or not. As the very nature of this topic says there are very, very few Black Anime characters, and outside of the US there are very few blacks portrayed in any kind of science fiction or fantasy media.
As far as the reasons I abscribe to this, consider that I have been floating around in a lot of "fanboy" arenas for a long time. Trust me, this is *NOT* the first time I've heard this kind of thing discussed. What's more with the international nature of the community I've seen people flat out ask the creators of british comics, anime, and other things questions like this in a situation where a PC answer is not nessicary and this is based on how those conversations went.
As far as my comments on Black Culture, all the screaming and yelling in the world is not going to change how it's perceived, and yeah in that one respect I tend to agree with people that the way blacks present themselves in the US is a big part of the proble, after all what they think about it isn't the issue, when they want the positive opinion of others it's what those other people think that matters.
What's more there is a big differance between shock entertainment and promoting a lifestyle. Whether you agree or not is irrelevent, as per this discussion, what is important is that people see it that way. What's more taking a bunch of anti-societal punk rockers and using them to justify a lifestyle simply because "other people did it first" is franky ridiculous. In general most of the "punks" and stuff who did more than put on a "shock rock" show and tried to live the way they sang wound up dead, in jail, or dying from their excess, and in general it seems the majority of those people are nothing at all like their stage persona IRL. Alice Cooper for example does some wild crap for his show, but that's just a character he plays on stage. With the black subculture (which goes beyond just music) it's more than just a stage show.
But again, you might not agree with me. That's fine. This is my final message on the subject as this is getting fairly off topic. All I can say is the results speak for themselves. Irregardless of whether you feel it's victimization or something blacks bring on themselves, the fact remains there is a problem. In time hopefully people will learn, and in this arena you have to remember they are not just trying to inspire tolerance, but to get people to see them in the light of heroic fantasy, and the way things are now, I just don't see it happening.
To put it bluntly, while actors are not the characters they play if you were to take someone like Kevin Sorbo's "Public Persona" (not nessicarly who he is off stage and outside of intreviews) he's a hero. This is why he inspires people to keep casting him in very heroic roles (whether you care for him or not, he has met a lot of success playing the hero). If you take someone like Snoop Dog and his "Public Persona" he's what you call the villain. Yet amazingly he seems to constantly keep playing the hero (despite what he does) for an entire subculture.
It's not a perfect example, but someone who watches Kevin Sorbo and his work in another country might very well think "Wow, that's cool. I want to emulate that stuff for my heroes". Then you get work that features a white guy cruising around the universe in his ship doing good deeds, or strutting around fantasy land in leather pants beating the crud out of bad guys. A guy who watches Snoop Dog play a dirty cop, dress like a pimp, and fight over the criminal underworld (in games like Def Jam: Fight For New York), might sit there and go "wow, that's baaad" and find it darkly amusing; but when it comes time to write his heroic fantasy the guy is *NOT* going to be one of his inspirations. Even as a bad guy we're talking pretty low brow. He sells CDs and such overseas, but he's not exactly inspiring emulation in Japanese/European fantasy pop culture.
As I said, this is my last message on the subject. A lot of people still won't like it, but all told we're not likely to agree, and this is just going to get endlessly nastier if it persists. There are other topics related to gaming to discuss.
I didn't start the topic, however I believe Anime was being invoked in a general sense given that a lot of MMOs are "Anime style" and anime is heavily influancing their development.
Okay now this will be my last message on this thread. :P
The reason I say that you are getting things off your chest because you are making assumptions about black culture that sounds like it's more of how YOU percieve african americans or any other minority but with Africans at the fore front.
quote: "One other thing I will point out is that you must consider that the
US black-sub culture is considered to be almost universally obnoxious.
In the US it is tolerated and becomes the source of a lot of humor, but
consider the constant "legally protected, status seeking minority, with
a bad attitude and a foul mouth" isn't really respected."
Who exactly considers black-sub culture obnoxious? And how is it that Black people are the only ones with a potty mouth? And why is it that in your mind the only reason black people are tolerated is because they make you laugh?
quote: "This kind of thing is seem through the world as being the
downside/problem that makes a lot of otherwise fairly civilized nations
way of the American concept of civil rights."
Who do you think portrays these images to the rest of the world? is it the majority controlled media?
After the Hurricane blasted through Louisianna Why was it that Black folk were "Looting" the stores and white folk were "searching for food" according to the news? Why isn't white culture looked down upon? Aren't they the ones that Stole this land called america from the Mexicans and the Indians? Didn't they kill millions of people and force them out of their homes? Ohhh That's not obnoxious.... The world doesn't look at that as a bad thing... ofcourse not.... Because white folk dont portray that... Their western movies which permeated the world showed that white people were right for taking the land... and indians were evil and loved to scalp white people?
quote: "Notice that the first thing mentioned in making a black character "more
black" would be putting some kind of gaudy, and obnoxious ornament on
his "vehicle"."
Why is it that an ornament that a black person puts in their vehicle is immediately gaudy? Who's opinions are you going by? the World's or your own? And adorning vehicles is a VERY recent trend. for black folk. But white people have been giving their cars paint jobs for years... nobody called the streaks on muscle cars gaudy? but when a black person does it... it's distastefull.
quote: "People in the US are tolerant of it, and even make movies playing it up for humor"
What the heck? Tolerant? You make it seem like Black people are such an annoyance to your life and you want them gone.... well except if they put on a clown uniform and make you laugh. White American people brought black people here... without their choice. Forced their fate and held on to slavery YEARS after every other country had abolished it. White people wanted black folks on US soil to work as slaves and now since their not slaves anymore You are saying that White america is TOLERANT?
quote: "This means the people there ultimatly have to get their act together.
If American blacks want more international recognition except perhaps
as comedians and troublemakers they also have to get their act together."
I agree with you here but believe it or not part of the problem with some of the bigger islands is what white folk have left behind. Ok i'll go over Haiti for example. Haiti was the first black country. Haiti claimed independance from England before even the US or England abolished slavery. BUT no the first world countries weren't allowed to do business with haiti... why? Because the US didn't want to acknowledge Haiti as a true country. And then haiti's instability became a business for many Anglo countries. I'm not even going to go into when the US occupied Haiti.
After some time White people started setting up companies mostly drilling for resources in Haiti.... 100 years later most of those companies have left and what happened to Haiti? Well now the Hills and Mountians are in such terrible condition that almost every year there is a land slide that kills thousands.
No i'm not saying that White people are the cause of every problem.
ANd No i'm not saying that the solution starts with white people, Because there exists racism on boths sides of the spectrum.
But I DO think before you decide in your head that Black people are wrong for showing themselves a certain way (which they do sometimes) maybe you should look alittle deeper and find that There is more to it than just black people doing bad things to get attention. How about find a black guy/girl who doesn't live in a mansion or goes to princton and become his/her friend, and your eyes will be opened and you might learn.
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
I don't think there is an abundance of black people in Japan. I'm not saying that in a smart-ass, racist, or joking way. I mean that in a factual way.
They may very well ask why there aren't more main characters that are Japanese on our television programing.
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
I don't think there is an abundance of black people in Japan. I'm not saying that in a smart-ass, racist, or joking way. I mean that in a factual way.
They may very well ask why there aren't more main characters that are Japanese on our television programing.
Sure there is: Iron Chef.