Originally posted by Database82 Originally posted by Nihilis Christ, retain your dignity. I had always thought people played MMOs because they were fun and immersive, not to meet girls and jack off to pixels on your screen.
Right on man, I have a friend that says that same stuff "If I'm gonna be staring at the screen the whole time I wanna see something hawt and sexy", in my opinion that's messed up it's like the guy who jacked off to the night elf chick in WoW it's just as low to play a female toon for that reason, I personally play a toon to have it look friggin bad ass and intimidating and cool etc. That and I like to make toons that look as closely in resembelance to me as possible. So pretty much don't play a char so you can get off to the pixels like Nihilis said cuz it's uber dorky.
With that mentality there would be no paintings of women, no Playboy/Hustler, no sexy posters, no PRON.. ARE U INSANE???
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
Originally posted by anarchyart Yes the Conan comic/magazine (I say magazine because it was always bigger than a normal comic) women were always very sexy, no objection to them being the same in this game. Who doesn't like large breasts?
Originally posted by anduz They are digital and played by men.
I have never played or pretended to be a girl in an MMO but I have seen guys play women. Of course there is the rare girl out there in the MMO world but there will probably be very few real life ladies in AoC.
I am female, my sister is female, we both can't WAIT for AoC. One of our friends is the "girliest girl-girl" you can find - wears pink all the time, likes lace and flowers and unicorns and romance movies... whatever, etc, and she's also one of the biggest PvP gamers out there. She's just brutal! If you check at the regular threads on the AoC official board, I think you'll find a lot more female gamers there than you might expect.
Although many female gamers actually don't proclaim their female-ness. I play male characters as often as females. Why do I play male characters? So I don't get pestered by twirpy boys looking to cyber all the time, and so I don't get treated differently than male gamers. Then again, I haven't been on WoW for months... haha.
Although many female gamers actually don't proclaim their female-ness. I play male characters as often as females. Why do I play male characters? So I don't get pestered by twirpy boys looking to cyber all the time, and so I don't get treated differently than male gamers.
Personally, I won't be playing this game, if the kind of attitudes are present in the majority of the Conan community as in most of the posts in this topic. Because it seems to me thats exactly the kind of behavior I'm gonna get if any of these folks ever find out I'm a girl, playing this game. I have enough snickering pervs in WoW, I don't need more of' em in another game on my case.
Oh well, guess I'll stick with waiting for Hero's Journey. The raunchy 'boys club' mentality isnt quite as blatant there.
Originally posted by Pietoro Originally posted by niksa
Although many female gamers actually don't proclaim their female-ness. I play male characters as often as females. Why do I play male characters? So I don't get pestered by twirpy boys looking to cyber all the time, and so I don't get treated differently than male gamers.
Personally, I won't be playing this game, if the kind of attitudes are present in the majority of the Conan community as in most of the posts in this topic. Because it seems to me thats exactly the kind of behavior I'm gonna get if any of these folks ever find out I'm a girl, playing this game. I have enough snickering pervs in WoW, I don't need more of' em in another game on my case.
Oh well, guess I'll stick with waiting for Hero's Journey. The raunchy 'boys club' mentality isnt quite as blatant there.
Dont take it close but.. girls do not exist. They are a myth created to sell hygiene products and flowers and stuff... On a serious note though, just dont say u r a girl, say u r a 40 year old 300lb hairy inmate with a nickname Jenny serving time for killing 17 lawn gnomes caused by berserker rage cast on you by a blind half mutant mexican albino clown... That usually works to scare any one who whispers u "a/s/l" ... usually.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
Originally posted by Pietoro Originally posted by niksa
Although many female gamers actually don't proclaim their female-ness. I play male characters as often as females. Why do I play male characters? So I don't get pestered by twirpy boys looking to cyber all the time, and so I don't get treated differently than male gamers.
Personally, I won't be playing this game, if the kind of attitudes are present in the majority of the Conan community as in most of the posts in this topic. Because it seems to me thats exactly the kind of behavior I'm gonna get if any of these folks ever find out I'm a girl, playing this game. I have enough snickering pervs in WoW, I don't need more of' em in another game on my case.
Oh well, guess I'll stick with waiting for Hero's Journey. The raunchy 'boys club' mentality isnt quite as blatant there.
Nah, give AoC a try. As long as there is pvp there is always the option to kill the sexist ones. Deathblow them, add a 'You just got killed by a female gamer' and you'll feel better. Works for me.
Originally posted by Database82 Yeaa.....anyways um playing a female toon to see some jigglage is um...maximum nerdage....I don't know how to really follow up the comment above lol
Since when did "nerd" become synonymous with "perverted freak". These little snot nose pubescent teens that make these comments everyone is referring to are not nerds. Theyre just teens high on hormones and low on IQ.
You know the ones, they jump around constantly exclaiming how "leet" they are and carry on idiodic arguments in the chat channels about who/what "pwns" what.
For the record I play both male and female charecters. Thats the idea behind role playing. Maybe some people think this makes me deserving of a "freak" status but I believe those people are just too lacking in maturity to understand or maybe theyre just not comfortable with their own sexuality.. Hmm... something to ponder maybe?
Originally posted by Database82 Yeaa.....anyways um playing a female toon to see some jigglage is um...maximum nerdage....I don't know how to really follow up the comment above lol
Yeah, but what about playing a female toon because you can weasel stuff out of barely post-pubescent teenage boys?
Firstly, Focusing on the boobs is just plain stupid on any female char you make and play.....more time and effort should be spent on getting the arse right seeing as that is what you are going to be looking at most of the time :P
Secondly, I have played loads of female characters and I have never had anyone try to flirt or cyber with me when I haven't declared my gender.......only time it happens are people who know me and my gender xD
Thirdly, I am the most perverted person I know.....I have a job and a GF.....but I am still a pervert. Any man who claims not to be a pervert is lieing
Originally posted by Zorvan I'm not a perv and I never lie......damn, twice in one post. I can't even type that with a straight face
hehe, good one To all others that "think" looking at pixelated women is perverse or a sign of weakness or nerdiness I say this, since the dark ages men (mostly) were fascinated by the form of a women. As we all saw countless times men have always tried to show their imagination, desires, hope, love/hate for women in a different forms - sculptures, paintings, poems. It doesnt matter in what form it is being expressed - art is art. If there was no art, wed be playing games where geometrical figures would kill eaother for equally geometrical loot. I dont want my character to be a triangle or a trapesoid. I want it to be something I would enjoy playing - a sneaky male gnome (for roleplaying) or a beautifull female magician. If you think that is wrong, fine, then why wont you whine about not having a 500lb male toons to play? or the ugly toons... or toons with beer belly, or deformed toons...
If I could of made a toon which looks EXACTLY like me, id play him. But why should I play some "man" who doesnt look ANYTHING like me? Id rather play a toon I could enjoy looking at (a fem-toon) then some strange man who doesnt resemble me even a tiny bit. Remember, if u lie to yourself and everybody else, a blind half mutant mexican albino clown is gonna come to you at night and cut the tonge of your "man"-toon you are so fond of...
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
I suppose it depends on who plays the char, honestly it still weirds me out, mostly because my friend plays his female toon just to see ass and tits. I tried playing a female toon the other day and got ask to cyber so I was like yea....I'm logging and deleting this char.
Originally posted by Database82 I suppose it depends on who plays the char, honestly it still weirds me out, mostly because my friend plays his female toon just to see ass and tits. I tried playing a female toon the other day and got ask to cyber so I was like yea....I'm logging and deleting this char.
Thats why I always assume im talking to a guy, even if chatting with giggling/winking/blushing/kissing freak...cause most likely it is often a freak, or sometimes someone hoping for a free item.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
Originally posted by jimmyman99 On a serious note though, just dont say u r a girl, say u r a 40 year old 300lb hairy inmate with a nickname Jenny serving time for killing 17 lawn gnomes caused by berserker rage cast on you by a blind half mutant mexican albino clown... That usually works to scare any one who whispers u "a/s/l" ... usually.
Why should I have to 'live in fear' and hiding? If I have to lie and hide my true self from the people I play with, that's not an environment I'd enjoy to play in.
But the idea of getting to kill the annoying ones DOES appeal to me. XD
Hahaha, this reminds me of a discussion I once had playing another MMORPG. The topic was about the characters being sexy and all that. Someone said that you'd have to be an idiot to consider an online character sexy, it being made of pixels and all. And so I gave the subject some thought and came to the conclusion that sure, these characters are pixels. But in all honesty, so it a porn image on the Internet. Even a TV uses "pixels" and that pretty much put us in stale-mate, although I consider myself the winner of the argument hehe.
And for what it's worth, I'm one of those who actually like small breasts. I'd sooner ride a Porsche than a Van.
I hope they don't make the females of AoC seem like they are wearing thongs with chain mail when wearing plate armor. I personally hope the only armor diffrence between male and female armor is it is made to fit thier shapes, nothing more. other armor like leather or cloth can be more revealing..hell if i can my guy will be running about in a lion cloth in boots!
You guys are HILLARIOUS. I love how guys can have a conversation about women almost as if they're a 3rd party species of the planet.
Anyways, the most comical thing about the guys that I've seen read the Conan lit, and I remember saying this to my brothers, essentially your reading male pornography. I mean seriously, look at one closely, you have huge men with obviously overly exagerated body structures almost always all oiled with sweat and testostorone, you have giant swords/spears/lances being poked around everywhere (hmmm, replacements for what I wonder) and when you look at the core stories behind the Conan lit, they almost always involve a close male friend to Conan getting all chummy and close, wooo, *growl*.
To top it all off, I'm pretty sure all the scandily clad females in the illustrated versions were always added for that little bit of comfort for the boys. So they could say to themselves:
"Uhm yeah, right, I'm reading this for the girls and fightng...uh, yeah ."
Hehe you boys, always hidding somethign aren't yah .
Originally posted by Wintermist Well, you forgot it's also about being Macho.
Well, I think you can understand how I would mistake a bunch of buffed, oil'ed up, long haired boys in leather loin clothes for not exactly being the most "macho" thing in the world .
Ah, but you're forgetting the setting. It's not today. Should you see oiled up men today you would assume them as you do. But pretend it's a fantasy land, of old. It's not gay. It's just a typical "Macho" thing. Of course you can twist this as you wish but so can we, perhaps You alone see this as queer men while other just see it as an adult fantasy world where they can play a brute.
Originally posted by shae You guys are HILLARIOUS. I love how guys can have a conversation about women almost as if they're a 3rd party species of the planet. Anyways, the most comical thing about the guys that I've seen read the Conan lit, and I remember saying this to my brothers, essentially your reading male pornography. I mean seriously, look at one closely, you have huge men with obviously overly exagerated body structures almost always all oiled with sweat and testostorone, you have giant swords/spears/lances being poked around everywhere (hmmm, replacements for what I wonder) and when you look at the core stories behind the Conan lit, they almost always involve a close male friend to Conan getting all chummy and close, wooo, *growl*. To top it all off, I'm pretty sure all the scandily clad females in the illustrated versions were always added for that little bit of comfort for the boys. So they could say to themselves: "Uhm yeah, right, I'm reading this for the girls and fightng...uh, yeah ." Hehe you boys, always hidding somethign aren't yah .
What Shae, do you expect straight males to openly admit that ALL attractive people, regardless of their gender, are entertaining to look at? They are not like us women who can readily admit that another female is good-looking. Let them look at their Conan books in peace. If its got hot gals AND guys in it, then heck, maybe I need to check it out myself.
And by the way...I personally sorta agree and disagree with you. I do tend to think that men running around half naked with other men, regardless of what activity they are engaged in, as kinda "fruity". But that's okay, that just means that they are comfortable with their sexuality, which makes them even hotter IMO.
Oh, and boys - it isn't really about whether or not big boobs or small boobs are better. Neither are. It is all about the proportion of the woman. The ideal woman is shaped like an hourglass. Small boobs are good on a woman with small hips, but not on a woman with large hips. And vice versa.
With that mentality there would be no paintings of women, no Playboy/Hustler, no sexy posters, no PRON.. ARE U INSANE???
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
Looking for a real game.
I am female, my sister is female, we both can't WAIT for AoC. One of our friends is the "girliest girl-girl" you can find - wears pink all the time, likes lace and flowers and unicorns and romance movies... whatever, etc, and she's also one of the biggest PvP gamers out there. She's just brutal! If you check at the regular threads on the AoC official board, I think you'll find a lot more female gamers there than you might expect.
Looking for a real game.
Personally, I won't be playing this game, if the kind of attitudes are present in the majority of the Conan community as in most of the posts in this topic. Because it seems to me thats exactly the kind of behavior I'm gonna get if any of these folks ever find out I'm a girl, playing this game. I have enough snickering pervs in WoW, I don't need more of' em in another game on my case.
Oh well, guess I'll stick with waiting for Hero's Journey. The raunchy 'boys club' mentality isnt quite as blatant there.
Personally, I won't be playing this game, if the kind of attitudes are present in the majority of the Conan community as in most of the posts in this topic. Because it seems to me thats exactly the kind of behavior I'm gonna get if any of these folks ever find out I'm a girl, playing this game. I have enough snickering pervs in WoW, I don't need more of' em in another game on my case.
Oh well, guess I'll stick with waiting for Hero's Journey. The raunchy 'boys club' mentality isnt quite as blatant there.
Dont take it close but.. girls do not exist. They are a myth created to sell hygiene products and flowers and stuff...
On a serious note though, just dont say u r a girl, say u r a 40 year old 300lb hairy inmate with a nickname Jenny serving time for killing 17 lawn gnomes caused by berserker rage cast on you by a blind half mutant mexican albino clown... That usually works to scare any one who whispers u "a/s/l" ... usually.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
Current MMO: Aion
MMO Watch: Warhammer 40k Online, SWToR, GW2.
Played: Planetside, SWG, EQ, EQ2, L2, WoW, RFO, KAL, MxO, Voyage, RO,Vanguard,Tabula Rasa, Horizons, CoH/CoV,, Lotro, FFXI
First MMO: Everquest (Tunare Server, Ronin/Tide Guild)
Personally, I won't be playing this game, if the kind of attitudes are present in the majority of the Conan community as in most of the posts in this topic. Because it seems to me thats exactly the kind of behavior I'm gonna get if any of these folks ever find out I'm a girl, playing this game. I have enough snickering pervs in WoW, I don't need more of' em in another game on my case.
Oh well, guess I'll stick with waiting for Hero's Journey. The raunchy 'boys club' mentality isnt quite as blatant there.
Nah, give AoC a try. As long as there is pvp there is always the option to kill the sexist ones. Deathblow them, add a 'You just got killed by a female gamer' and you'll feel better. Works for me.
You know the ones, they jump around constantly exclaiming how "leet" they are and carry on idiodic arguments in the chat channels about who/what "pwns" what.
For the record I play both male and female charecters. Thats the idea behind role playing. Maybe some people think this makes me deserving of a "freak" status but I believe those people are just too lacking in maturity to understand or maybe theyre just not comfortable with their own sexuality.. Hmm... something to ponder maybe?
Firstly, Focusing on the boobs is just plain stupid on any female char you make and play.....more time and effort should be spent on getting the arse right seeing as that is what you are going to be looking at most of the time :P
Secondly, I have played loads of female characters and I have never had anyone try to flirt or cyber with me when I haven't declared my gender.......only time it happens are people who know me and my gender xD
Thirdly, I am the most perverted person I know.....I have a job and a GF.....but I am still a pervert. Any man who claims not to be a pervert is lieing
To all others that "think" looking at pixelated women is perverse or a sign of weakness or nerdiness I say this, since the dark ages men (mostly) were fascinated by the form of a women. As we all saw countless times men have always tried to show their imagination, desires, hope, love/hate for women in a different forms - sculptures, paintings, poems. It doesnt matter in what form it is being expressed - art is art. If there was no art, wed be playing games where geometrical figures would kill eaother for equally geometrical loot. I dont want my character to be a triangle or a trapesoid. I want it to be something I would enjoy playing - a sneaky male gnome (for roleplaying) or a beautifull female magician. If you think that is wrong, fine, then why wont you whine about not having a 500lb male toons to play? or the ugly toons... or toons with beer belly, or deformed toons...
If I could of made a toon which looks EXACTLY like me, id play him. But why should I play some "man" who doesnt look ANYTHING like me? Id rather play a toon I could enjoy looking at (a fem-toon) then some strange man who doesnt resemble me even a tiny bit. Remember, if u lie to yourself and everybody else, a blind half mutant mexican albino clown is gonna come to you at night and cut the tonge of your "man"-toon you are so fond of...
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
Current MMO: Aion
MMO Watch: Warhammer 40k Online, SWToR, GW2.
Played: Planetside, SWG, EQ, EQ2, L2, WoW, RFO, KAL, MxO, Voyage, RO,Vanguard,Tabula Rasa, Horizons, CoH/CoV,, Lotro, FFXI
First MMO: Everquest (Tunare Server, Ronin/Tide Guild)
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
what can be wrong with that? XD
DaoC-43 Ranger-Excalibur
WoW-43 Paladin-Twilights Hammer
But the idea of getting to kill the annoying ones DOES appeal to me. XD
Hahaha, this reminds me of a discussion I once had playing another MMORPG. The topic was about the characters being sexy and all that. Someone said that you'd have to be an idiot to consider an online character sexy, it being made of pixels and all. And so I gave the subject some thought and came to the conclusion that sure, these characters are pixels. But in all honesty, so it a porn image on the Internet. Even a TV uses "pixels" and that pretty much put us in stale-mate, although I consider myself the winner of the argument hehe.
And for what it's worth, I'm one of those who actually like small breasts. I'd sooner ride a Porsche than a Van.
You guys are HILLARIOUS. I love how guys can have a conversation about women almost as if they're a 3rd party species of the planet.
Anyways, the most comical thing about the guys that I've seen read the Conan lit, and I remember saying this to my brothers, essentially your reading male pornography. I mean seriously, look at one closely, you have huge men with obviously overly exagerated body structures almost always all oiled with sweat and testostorone, you have giant swords/spears/lances being poked around everywhere (hmmm, replacements for what I wonder) and when you look at the core stories behind the Conan lit, they almost always involve a close male friend to Conan getting all chummy and close, wooo, *growl*.
To top it all off, I'm pretty sure all the scandily clad females in the illustrated versions were always added for that little bit of comfort for the boys. So they could say to themselves:
"Uhm yeah, right, I'm reading this for the girls and fightng...uh, yeah ."
Hehe you boys, always hidding somethign aren't yah .
Important Information regarding Posting and You
Well, I think you can understand how I would mistake a bunch of buffed, oil'ed up, long haired boys in leather loin clothes for not exactly being the most "macho" thing in the world .
But ok, whatever you comfortable with .
Important Information regarding Posting and You
What Shae, do you expect straight males to openly admit that ALL attractive people, regardless of their gender, are entertaining to look at? They are not like us women who can readily admit that another female is good-looking. Let them look at their Conan books in peace. If its got hot gals AND guys in it, then heck, maybe I need to check it out myself.
And by the way...I personally sorta agree and disagree with you. I do tend to think that men running around half naked with other men, regardless of what activity they are engaged in, as kinda "fruity". But that's okay, that just means that they are comfortable with their sexuality, which makes them even hotter IMO.
Oh, and boys - it isn't really about whether or not big boobs or small boobs are better. Neither are. It is all about the proportion of the woman. The ideal woman is shaped like an hourglass. Small boobs are good on a woman with small hips, but not on a woman with large hips. And vice versa.