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Yes the latest of many new MMORPG's in development. 20 fortunate souls were specially handpicked to be accepted into the closed beta from our very own site!
Terra ICT. (M) is only allowing 100 beta closed accounts to begin with, making our community take part in 1 5th of this games initial population!!!!
Congratulations to all those that were selected. Once the account information for each beta tester is released for our community, I would like to propose we all gather at a period in time to take a MMORPG Beta Tester Screenshot whilst ingame.
For More Information Regarding Knights Online and its' development, you can visit their official site here:
For those interested in participating in the Gathering Screenshot, send me an email through the boards.
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Well my character will be named none other than....Dekron! OMG...what a suprise!
Aye Mine wil be Malkavian.
Not sure if I'll be a good guy or bad guy. But i know im going to be a mage of some kind.
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Oh my god... dont ask where i found it
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
For the Screenshot, it would be great if you were present as your username for reference sake
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Oh my god... dont ask where i found it
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
Oh my god... dont ask where i found it
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.
A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%
Studying over what maps they have released it appears they have designated fight zones or battlegrounds like in daoc. it might be possible we can meet there for the screenshot if we're to be on different sides
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Yes it looks like DAOC on the Knights site, I to will try to use my members name so you all will no its me. We can only hope to get our members name for the charater.
I will be on the good side though, so hope to see you all ingame as soon as info comes in.
I've already downloaded the client and waiting for the information to log into the game. BTW, I've been on these boards all day long, I need to get a life lol.
Ive made up my mind, im going to be a Wizard.
I wanna know if the curse passed down from "The Lord of Destruction" ie, Black blood, (reminds me of Diablo) is going to be a passive effect/ability the orcs have.
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Guy's dont forget to download your client ! You can get it from their main site under the downloads menu. Word has it we are likely to be issued our accounts anywhere from 24-48 hours. Here's hoping.
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
my character name will be adrialic. and it shouldnt have to be our mmorpg names, you can just doctor it up with paint and put arrows pointing to us with our names attached or something.
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
- Unknown Author
Some people sit at think about all the wonderful things that could have been. I no longer believe in that. I believe that instead of wishing you could change what's in the past to make what could have been into what is, you should work to make sure that your future is what is, and not what could have been.
No you don't HAVE to use your membership names, just make it easier on my part
Besides I dont think they would allow your name SatansDisciple.... hehe
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
I think im going to start with a Good Wizard. Easier for me to relate to the story as it stands for now.
Once im happy with it, I'll try the other side. I mean this is a beta. You shouldn't be restricting yourself to 1 race 1 class. Your purpose is to weed out the buggies on the good side and the bad.
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Yeah that's true, i guess it doesn't really matter.
Well i guess we're still in on the screenshot though right? I hope there's no NDA agreement and such.
I'm thinking of going Tuarek rogue or warrior.. anybody else think they will go to the Karus side? Probably be either named Breck or Harrold!
I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring
- Richard P. Feynman, 1988
Yes my friends!! El Desperado has been deamed worthy to join you all in this fine selection!
Grats to all you that are in as well! My name will stay Desperado.
I'll hopefully see you guys (and girl *wink at Misti*- yeaaah baaa-beee) in-beta, laterz!
"A good man knows his limits, a Great man knows he has none...."
"A good man knows his limits, a Great man knows he has none...."
I just love aisan graphics. They are awesome. The use of bright colours and presentation is always a key factor in their artwork.
As for the UI. I believe it is adaptable much like DAOC's where each "section" can be moved accordingly around the viewing area.
It's "quickbar" is very similar to DAOC's including the chat interface with the exception of the chat tabs being on the bottom. The information chat interface appears to not be attached to the main chat interface and adjustable also.
The charater and monster modules also apper to be using a similar engine to Mythic with clear lines outlining the figures.
The atmospheric environmets also look like time and effort was spent there.
Overall this appears to be a well thought out and designed game with a good plot/story line to begin with. Once the beta is open to us we'll definately keep the boards posted with our progress
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself falling into madness... Dive." - Malkavian Proverb
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"