For a game that has such a small player base EVE sure does have a high rank.
How often do MMORPG.COM moderators check IPs for fraudulent reviews?
I think it's time for an investigation. The current game rankings are absurd (other games included).
You people who keep making alts to inflate your game's rank are lame. You're ruining MMORPG.COM's reputation. I hope you get banned.
Please flame this thread to show that you are one of the many people who make alterante logins to inflate this game's rank.
See, and this thread probably won't get locked either... despite me doing what I can to point it out to the Mods here at MMO.
Haven't you noticed... Eve's not on top anymore... go over to Guild Wars and flame them now. Leave the intelligent games to the intelligent people.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
MMORPG.COM is the best game site out there. The rating feature is great but unscrupulous people are abusing it by creating alternate logins for the sole purpose of altering game ratings.
EVE isn't the only game being messed with but EVE is certainly the most suspicious given the low player population and extremely high rank. If so many people think that EVE is a 10.0 game then why doesn't the game population reflect their ratings?
If nothing is done to stop people from creating alternate accounts to inflate game rankings then one of MMORPG's best features will lose credibility.
When I sort games by rank the best (most popular) games should float to the top yet for some unknown reason one of the least popular games keeps ending up near the top. Why is that?
I'm sure EVE players really care about making 50 accounts on to rate EVE when most EVE players are over the age of 25.
[/b]Put 150,000 people into one place and tell me that's a small population. The max SWG ever saw was 250k and most high budget MMOs float around the 100-300k mark.
If you still think of 150,000 accounts is a low number. Lets do some math:
10.95(lowest subsciption cost) * 150,000 = $1,642,500 * 12 = $19,710,000/year
And that's in Dollars. Euros are worth more than a USD. Not to mention most accounts aren't on the 10.95 subscription.
A Work in Progress.
Add Me
We don't have a lower player population. Eve's total ACTIVE account status is between 120k to 150k and still growing while MMOs left and right are dropping like flies. Why is Eve constantly on top? Because more and more people are realizing that rediculously big ears, pointless quests, and mindless PvP are for people that are rediculous, pointless, and mindless.
Eve is a rich game. It has everything people seek. It weeds out those that aren't able to grasp things like "concept" and "intelligence." People who play Eve, though most will never admit it because they are great human beings, are elite (no, not 1337 or l33t or any other variation). This game is hard. We enjoy it. The rating reaps the rewards from our ever growing, extremely satisfied, "wouldn't trade Eve for some stupid game with cars and guns" customer base.
Try getting SOE Devs or Blizzard Devs to hang out on the forums with you. Try getting them to even play their game on the SAME LEVEL as the customers. CCP has player accounts, some are pirates, some mine, some run missions, but all of them give a shit about the customers AND their game. That's what keeps Eve's rating so high. Not "alts." Eve subscribers that actuall play.
Remember, that will erase a rating done by an account that is inactive for too long. All of Eve's ratings come from people that are active members, not alts, in the community.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Okay, sure.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
EVE has 6 MILLION active ratings.
The reason is because EVE is sooooo boring to actually play that most people just surf the Internet while they're on. Gives them plenty of time to hype this piece of garbage.
GW's on top now.... so all's right in the world. I don't care if EVE takes #2, but it doesn't deserve to be #1. It's a misleading attempt to con other players into buying this snore-fest.
Hey now... that looks official!
And, you don't have to be active to rate the game, but you do have to be active for to KEEP the rating. Which means, if it's a bunch of alts... those ratings should've disappeared or they will disappear in time. That's what makes's rating system one of the better rating systems on the internet.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
A while ago a system was put in to stop people from abusing the ratings system. You can find the announcement regarding the implementation of several features by using the search feature on the forums. I will however say that people are not affecting the ratings by creating multiple accounts to rate games as is suggested by OldManFunk.
*Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author... got sick of holding backspace.
ParaTrooper, That guy that used to mod the forums.
<ahref=""><img src="" width="450" height="34" /></a>
Yes, because rating is always, absolutely, and otherwise undeniably proportional to the number of subscribers.
I've already written a response to a post like yours, you can read it here if you like.
It's easy to scew numbers in online subscription requirements. WoW claims to have sold 6 million copies and players love to alledge it means there's 6 million subscribers. Truth to the matter, I know more people who have quit playing WoW then I do who are playing it. EVE Online has near 120k subscribers. Not sure if they've broke 1m title purchases although I would suspect it's reasonably close. SWG, ie SOE and LA, claimed "1 million total subscribers!" at the FanFest in 2005. We all knew that was a lie. The truth was it had broke sales of 1million titles when it's active base were nearer to 220k-240k.
The players actively subscribing to online content are a direct representation of the product. Is it reasonable to believe that 6 million copies ot WoW being sold means that this is the number of intelligent players who can speak english and post their views on a game? No.
EVE players are of a higher calibre. We and the developers understand that EVE is _not_ for everyone. The game requires a higher apptitude for challenge and competition while demanding solid cognitive skills to play the game and be sucessful. EVE is not the attention deficet game of choice.
EVE's subscribers are more willing to come out and say "Yes, the game is hard albiet it's the best online game ever created!" Why? Because it's the truth.
What should also be noted is a "difficulty level" for games listed on MMORPG.COM EVE would be in it's own category for difficulty.
The numbers are the truth. EVE is the best. The community does not want "WoW gamerz" there and would not distort any facts which would bring them. Trust me on this.
The only thing WoW has going for it over EVE is that WoW has a better PvE system and even then, EVE's is good if you know what to look for.
10/10 complex anyone?
It's easy to scew numbers in online subscription requirements. WoW claims to have sold 6 million copies and players love to alledge it means there's 6 million subscribers. Truth to the matter, I know more people who have quit playing WoW then I do who are playing it. EVE Online has near 120k subscribers. Not sure if they've broke 1m title purchases although I would suspect it's reasonably close. SWG, ie SOE and LA, claimed "1 million total subscribers!" at the FanFest in 2005. We all knew that was a lie. The truth was it had broke sales of 1million titles when it's active base were nearer to 220k-240k.
The players actively subscribing to online content are a direct representation of the product. Is it reasonable to believe that 6 million copies ot WoW being sold means that this is the number of intelligent players who can speak english and post their views on a game? No.
EVE players are of a higher calibre. We and the developers understand that EVE is _not_ for everyone. The game requires a higher apptitude for challenge and competition while demanding solid cognitive skills to play the game and be sucessful. EVE is not the attention deficet game of choice.
EVE's subscribers are more willing to come out and say "Yes, the game is hard albiet it's the best online game ever created!" Why? Because it's the truth.
What should also be noted is a "difficulty level" for games listed on MMORPG.COM EVE would be in it's own category for difficulty.
The numbers are the truth. EVE is the best. The community does not want "WoW gamerz" there and would not distort any facts which would bring them. Trust me on this.
The only thing WoW has going for it over EVE is that WoW has a better PvE system and even then, EVE's is good if you know what to look for.
10/10 complex anyone?
I saw a video for an attempt on a 10/10 complex. A fleet of battleships did this. They got 3 gates in and had lost a few battleships. They still had a respectable fleet for the fourth gate. They took the rest of the fleet to the fourth gate and got completely wiped.
Quote: "They said the fourth gate was suicide...
They were right."
Oh, explaination of a complex. 1/10 complex is easiest of the easy. 10/10 complex is the hardest. There are, I believe, 10 gates per plex (complex). The 10th, or final, having the bosses of the boss's bosses.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
I saw a video for an attempt on a 10/10 complex. A fleet of battleships did this. They got 3 gates in and had lost a few battleships. They still had a respectable fleet for the fourth gate. They took the rest of the fleet to the fourth gate and got completely wiped.
Quote: "They said the fourth gate was suicide...
They were right."
Oh, explaination of a complex. 1/10 complex is easiest of the easy. 10/10 complex is the hardest. There are, I believe, 10 gates per plex (complex). The 10th, or final, having the bosses of the boss's bosses.
White knucles all the way!
I regularily fly a Coercer into 5/10 complexs. Of course I'm flying with a few others.
Oh, I joined up with some corp members the other night whereas one had a mission to complete. We warp through the first few gates and get to teh third...death! I've been playing since December and have never seen that many NPC battleships in a single location. Must have been upwards of about 20-30. Think we lost 2 battleships who were unable to get out...
The intensity within EVE is there. You just need guidence to find it.
Maybe EvE is a great game and you just don't happen to think so. This has been a high ranking game for quite awhile. Perhaps the people who bashed the game were alts, and now that their trolling reviews have gone away due to inactivity, the game has a high ranking again. You never know.
I do know though, that the player base has a lot of hardcore fans and that it is probably one of the most realized games I have played. Oh, not to mention a very responsive dev team that are constantly upgrading the game, decent customer service, free additional content, and an innovative and unique game system. You can't say that for a lot of other games in this genre. So it deserves a high ranking.
True Neutral Half-Elf Ranger Mage
Follower Of Silvanus
Kings of Chaos! Free to play! Great PvP!
<ahref=""><img src="" width="450" height="34" /></a>
This isn't a thread on my personal standings towards Eve. You're more than welcome to start another thread about it... or maybe send an email or something... but going off topic to refute something that isn't going to change is moot at the very least.
Yes, this is a game, you've got that part correct. What makes people love this game so much is that it becomes a second life. Things you can't do in this one, you can do in that one. Friends you don't have in this one, you have in that one. Places you can't go in this one, you can go in that one. It becomes a gripping aspect in what we choose to do. I play MMORPGs for a chance to just be something other than a "9 to 5"er. I played EverQuest because I enjoyed being a tank. I enjoyed it when people relied on me to stay alive, and I relied on them as well. It built a bond, however small that bond was. People don't play RPGs to kill things. People play RPGs to be completely immursed in their surroundings. I want content, I want real people doing real things, I want danger, and I want it all while eatting dinner. If all I wanted was a game I would be playing nothing but Counter Strike and Civilization games. Those games that have nothing to offer except 30 minutes to 3 hours of fun each day. Nothing continues. Nothing will be hunting you the next day. You won't be hunting anything the next day. Those are just games. I play Eve because it keeps people who say, "Its just a game," away from it.
As for the community, I play with, personally, a bunch of ex-soldiers. Some just discharged cause their time ran out, some honorably discharged cause they were wounded (in some way) during combat. The best person I know, to this day, fought in the Vietnam War and came back with every battle fatigue(sp?) syndrome you can think of. He's friendly, intelligent, will bend over backwards to make sure his corpmates/friends/family are happy, and cannot stop laughing at sex and fart jokes. The community you hang out in doesn't have to FEEL bright to BE bright.
And, lots of us defending Eve have been playing it for a VERY long run. Trust me when I say 6 months is no long run. I'm not deminishing your opinion or anything, but 6 months is nothing when you've got players that have been around for 3 years, some since the beginning of Beta. It sucks that you couldn't see that game the way we do.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
If you actually read some of the ratings, ignoring the usual fanboy comments tucked in there, you will see that many people think it's a great game even if it isn't their cup of tea. Alternately, you can also see many comments in the WoW ratings where people say it is a fun game but also a very bad grind. These are the kind of ratings that are meaningful, not the "EVE RULZZZZ, WoW SuckZZZZZZ" 5 work ratings that many put in there.
Eve has one of the highest, if not the highest player retention ratings of any MMO out, 7 months. Compare that to a typical MMO and you're looking at 2 months. That's a huge difference. I've read somewhere that WoW's retention rate is somewhere around 1 month on average. Hopefully now that is back we can see some better data, it used to be the only accurate source to get this info from.