They just let themselves get led around by the marketing nose.
After all this folderol about how their "feedback" told them that the pre-NGE game was too complicated, their supposed market (i.e. much younger players) was bored by the learning curve, etc, etc, they unveiled a vastly simplified game and repeated the empty mantra "fun and compelling" while their veteran playerbase walked out the door.
Now several months later, their mysterious feedback pool is telling them to add complication, so here we go. Soon things will be as complex, quirky and bug-tweaked as ever. What happened to their magical "we want it simpler" player pool? Stay tuned, we'll probably rediscover them in the fall so the game can lurch in another random direction.
Originally posted by Ithar Seriously, can these bone-heads get anything right? Whoever is leading (Koster?) this joke of a dev team, has to seriously take a look in the mirror and do a gut check. When you're revamping major game systems every publish you gotta take the hint that maybe you don't have a clue what you're doing!
Prior to the launch of the NGE, Sony announced great changes in SWG. That finally the dev team was "listening" to our demands for profession balance and a playable environment with less lag n bugs. The comunity believed these were profession upgrades to try and achieve balance. Especially in gimped professions (commandos, dancers, smugglers). All the while the SOE dev team is in the process of creating and preparing to integrate the NGE system. They told us one thing then did the something completely different so who is to say what they are really gonna do.....
What I would really like to see is a Star Wars game similar in concept to the onlne portion of Neverwinter nights. A single player game that allows people to create online servers and game play, but allow for different play styles, dictated by the server owners. Just the ability to play on custom servers is well worth a monthly subscription. In a large MMO, there isnt any way to make everyone happy.
I played from launch right up into the first month of the NGE. It was so poor, I was angered for even havnig payed for that much. I would lke to see it move to somone elses hands other than SOE.
The only people who hate the NGE are the little hacker children that had to cheat to compete. I like the NGE for that reason alone. Is it perfect? Far from but it does give a nice base to build from. For all you people whining about it. Please stay away. I'll take less population if it means I don't have to listen to you while I wait on a shuttle.
Apparently you had never played when people werent simply different looking version of the exact same character. Or when you had to actually interact with weapon and armor smiths to get good weapons and armor. There were some wicked imbalances to begin with, but the CU cleared a lot of that up, except for jed. It was a time when you could sculpt what you wanted to be and not be forced to be just like every other character of the same class. Not to mention, actually having fun being something other than a combat component. I didn't like the level based combat that came into play during the CU. I despise level based games and SOE just couldn't resist the temptation of falling inline with everyone else. The one thing that I do agree with in the NGE was bringing the JEDI down to everyone else's level. An alpha class never works. In fact Jedi was the downfall of SWG from the onset. The NGE took the uniqueness of SWG and turned it into one of the most bland games I have ever played.
Well, regardless of what changes SOE intends to make with SWG -- I will not return to the game. As long as SOE has control many of us "old timers" will not go back.
I think whoever calls this game bad and says that there is no one playing is a stupid and retarded. Maybe all u haters should ACTUALLY TRY THE GAME and stop listening to yourself talk about a game you have never even played!!!
Yes, we're the stupid and retarded ones...<sigh>. I would bet you just recently started playing SWG, for that I understand you being niave. However, I played this game for 2 years. While I took plenty of breaks from the game it's self. I enjoyed coming back to new content. Geono Caves, Player Cities, Speeders, DWB, Vettes, etc. Then it all stopped coming out, they added the village, which was just a far away place to waste your time. I worked my ass of to get uber gear, 450 max damage stun batons unpup'ed, 40% stun/90% base armor, but I guess my time investment + great understanding of the game and my current template. Made pathetic nubs cry too much that the game was clearly totally inbalanced to the point where I was god and they were peons. I was a big PvP'er, I loved ganking guys grinding off Rebel NPCs, it was great. Then they removed that, so rather then go and kill guys doing that type of stuff when there was no real PvP'ers. I'd just go AFK and log. The awesome fun that was PvP totally disappeared in CU, where Jedi were ultimate PvP'ers everyone else could just stay alive. Nobody really died unless it was 8 vs 1, combat was so slow, I passed out and fell asleep many times trying the CURB. Now NGE, I actually tried it when I was given the 10 days or whatever free. I cried at how simple it was. I clicked, whoopie! I can play a FPS, such as BF2, and have far better combat and much better time. SWG that was great, is gone, dead. I feel bad for the people trapped in that game due to friends, while I dislike wow's repetitiveness and shitty servers. They never shafted their player base like SOE did. They are horrible MMO creators, should just offer up their good server management to companies like blizzard and most recently Sigil. Let them make good games.
But what do I know, I'm retarded.
"What I have learned about war from videogames if you ever find yourself mortally wounded by a sniper, be sure to let him know that he is a faggot."- Myself
. I was a big PvP'er, I loved ganking guys grinding off Rebel NPCs, it was great.
And therein was the problem. Anyone who was playing the game for more than "ganking" simply couldn't. Now that everyone has a chance in PvP all the "gankers" are crying because they can't kill off everyone and run around shouting like a smacktard. I will admit its fun to see some of the old "gankers" coming back to the game. The rest of us take great joy in blowing them away in large scale combat. Makes their whining much more palatable. :-) And no I'm not new to the game. I've been playing since day 1 of Beta 3.
i did ben there got the lava cannon 1070 max damage . and was the most deddly thing way more powerfull than a tkm/ch pre nerf . but i was a cookie cutter profile comandow . this was on test center before it went live . game went live i respeced my 3 main toons to jedi and my jedi elder to bh to get items then back to jedi . i thought the game lost a lot of content , USERS , and things to do. I was a master doctor / master swordsman / nov. scout / f/s i hade 10 million medical xp with 1 of my toons i remember buffing in theed , c-net , and at the town ks nere krayt dragon spawning point on tat. i sold 2800 buffs for 8k and rez and buf for 10k , i could make it to any place in under 30 minuts mostly . i would pull in 300k pr day at a coust of like 120k - 150 k worth of resorses , buff , componits , foods and what not . i never realy got in to going out and killing all the time i used it as a way of paying for medical school , and resorses . cu1 hit the server i lost 10 mill credits in medcomponits 20 mill worth of medical crafting moded clothing , and buffing clothing and +110 droids with food and chem's in them so i could buff and craft all salf reliant harvest all the meats i needed and pitch tents for +?? healing bonise . as a healer i could keep up with 20 dancers healing them 3 tumblers and 2 pet trick spam health drain . groups of like 7 - 9 rezing and rebuffing , healing that is no longer part of the game . so i went jedi so i could still use my skythe and heal my salf ok well ya i would love to say that i liked the nge nirf but i cant i quit playing i gave away 20 mill to randome noobs i met that were dooing the lagicy quest or sitting at a shuttle port wating so 1 mill to 20 people . kept 2 mill on all my toons and let there account laps . Ozric Stormbringer, Marzena' , Aslis. radiant galixe
Theres a reason you cant find any groups anymore. Its because we ALL played the game and even go back once in a while to see if they have un-nerfed. Sadly no they havent. At least maybe capitalism will run its course and someone else will pick up the game. (I secretly wish Turbine would do it giving it the mechanics of D20 SW, but WAAAAY bigger world than D&D online.)
The game was really really dead for me when i spent $29.99 on that stupid mustafar expansion.
i really loved this game once... even with all the grinding... buffing inside the starport of coronet on eclipse server before any1 ever thought of it, back when there were still people not so stressed they cant talk civilly (spelling? ...and what :P) i remember grinding for my MD/MS and loving it ...but after the cu it jus got worse and worse...the last time i went back to try it the controls were simply inadequet and all the players were 8yo's
so i left , even after i finally unlocked my jedi - jus to have every1 become jedi that could lose even in groups of 3 vs doctors, why? - was it *really* because of the idiot minority who were so unable to master the game that they constantly whined (and back then it was a very small minority) or was it jus soe doing what they do so well?
Back pre cu although we had some crappy ppl, most ppl got on and ev1 enjoyed the game *and* there actually needed to be interaction with everyone... dancers,smiths - even your mayor...the last time i used it all that was gone, dancers seemed that fixed now? maybe, but the game will never be what it was, its all young young players and constant bickering, and everyone is the same... plklus they nerf anything worth striving for... so what if somebady has an uber weapn? i never did i spent my money helping my guild noobs and grinding bt it was the ability to excel that made the grind worthwhile.
i see no point in playing something where nothing can be achieved...
"oh <CORPORATE NAME>, guess what, your making more money than my local corner shop because you had more ambition and didnt spend your whole time whining that you didnt want to put in the same effort as others, so were gonna repay your years of work by nerfing you... yes from now on your only entitled to the same pay as the unskilled saturday workers there..."
Originally posted by gamer279 I think whoever calls this game bad and says that there is no one playing is a stupid and retarded. Maybe all u haters should ACTUALLY TRY THE GAME and stop listening to yourself talk about a game you have never even played!!!
Sorry you feel some of us "old timers" who use to play the game are retarded and have never played the game. We have played the game; however, the content was changed so dramatically that the game became unplayable to us. Many of us "old timers" had mastered many professions become jedi and enjoyed getting to those masters and jedi positions. I understand they have been trying to bring back the versitility that was once was ... but ... you can never bring back the content once it's been destroyed.
I was a Master Carbineer and a few other masters when I finally settled on Master Doctor/Fencer. I was on my way to becoming fs (force sensitive) when the content was changed so dramatically that everyone was basically a clone. To me, that is not what Star Wars Galaxies is and was about. I was also on my way to becoming a Master Pilot, but that was all changed too.
So you see, many of us had certain goals for the game set out. When NGE and the other changes came along it pretty much altered those goals to the point of no return. Many of us prefer the versatility when it came to space flight, ground pounding, and yes ... even the tedious quests, but that was what made each of us unique with our SWG toons as we are in real life.
No offense intended to those who love SWG the way it is now. However, for those of us who have played SWG for it's diversity ... the game is dead.
Originally posted by gamer279 I think whoever calls this game bad and says that there is no one playing is a stupid and retarded. Maybe all u haters should ACTUALLY TRY THE GAME and stop listening to yourself talk about a game you have never even played!!!
First to respond your statement of “Actually plays the game” I’ve been there and done that from the beta testing up to NGE. After the NGE the game got shot into the ground. How are you going to take 32 professions and make nine out of them? You can read the forum discussions on all the changes that have happened from SWG lunch to now. Any one with common since will see the down fall of this once great game. So that should answer your statement of “whoever calls this game bad”. So as a SWG old timer this game has fell way behind the power curb and should be allowed to die with some dignity before $OE destroys SWG image (If there is any left that is)
But you know if you like playing the game rock on. Do what you enjoy and play and play who knows it maybe your subscription that is keeping this game alive.
I like this new change. It is kinda in between NGE and before NGE. I would have it like this though. Instead of having the 9 professions I would change them into 7 classes taking out entertainer and trader. Then make the entertainer, trader, politician, and pilot as expertise professions. I know alot of the expert traders and entertainers will be mad, but they will still stay as experts in their professions just now they can fight.
Please read and don't flame, i wrote this post with total honesty, not to flame or be flamed.
To everyone that whines about SOE killing the game, I feel your pain, i never played pre-nge and i can just imagine how pissed i would be to find when i log in that i lost so much, I only started playing the game after nge, basicly when everyone left i started, worst possible time, servers were dead, the forums were crashing constantly with all the players flaming etc. but i stuck it out, since i only started playing after nge it is all i know, so to me the game is how it is now, i have seen screenshots and movie clips of how busy the servers were, I play dnd online and i used to play wow, and i don't think i have seen either of them that populated ever !
But i do know this, i like many other play it because i love it, i don't see it as a waste a cash in any way, to be sitting chilling out in a cantina for hours on end with realtime friends i made ingame, there is no feeling of fullfilment like that anywhere. there are few points i want to correct tho, i see many false posts and flames all over the net.
1. People are saying that SOE is rerolling the old system, this is not true. It is true that some old things are being rerolled, but not like they were. They are trying to balance the very unbalanced current system, since NGE the professions were extremely unbalanced, half of them had no reason to even exist, for example, you could pick up better loot from grinding than you could get from a crafter, so what use does a crafters have in the game ? these things are being changed, so rerolling some things is really a must, but at the same time they are improving on alot of the rerolls, giving each proffesion a needed place in the galaxy, they are also giving each proffesion a expertise system, so you can mould your character as he/she levels ( i really like this system ) They are also putting in more profession specific quests for professions that had none or very little of. So far i am happy with the changes, there is much more to do now than there was after nge, i am just waiting with great anticipation to see what they will do with the trader revamp and entertainer revamp.
2. Server population - yes it is true that the server population went down the drain after nge, trust me i know, i spent months of grinding solo, going days without even seeying one person outside the city, and even in the cities i used to see only maybe 5 people... this is not the case anymore, it has picked up alot in the last while, And altho it is nowhere near what it used to be ( as i have seen it in screenshots and xvid clips ) Server population has increased alot since nge, i see people all over the server now, outside cities and inside, the cantinas allways have around 20 - 40 people in them, and no, i don't just mean mos eisley, my guild's city cantina is allways loaded with people, and not just from our guild. We do performances around three times a week in various places and allways have a good crowed. SOE will soon be launching the whole SWG packadge with all expansions in stores for i think $29, it should boost population even further, holiday season should help too.
The point i am trying to make is this : Altho the population is not what it used to be, it is picking up all the time, most players are new to the game and don't know pre nge, therefore aren't worried about all that crap, some return to find it is not all that bad, but the last few months i have gone on countless runs with the guild, i have shown more than 2 dozen new noob players the in's and out's of the game, i have made alot of friends, and nowadays i don't grind solo anymore. I don't care of the servers are not as busy as they were, as far as i can see there was so much spamming in pre nge anyway that i am kind of glad the population is not so much anymore. I can now play the game and not feel crowded when i walk into a city....
You say the game is dead, it may be dead to you, but not everyone feels the same way. You flame SOE every chance you get, all you are doing is giving them more publicity, through all the flames in the topic, all it takes is one good post to encourage some new guy to try the game, so from a flaming topic all you have done is maybe send a few more players SOE's way. I for one love the new changes, the game is more challenging now, and i am looking forward to the rest of the revamps and the new expansion next year. I recommend this game to any starwars fan that wants value for his buck !
( i just see everyone flaming, no matter who writes what, first response is allways : SOE sux, they should burn in hell etc ... I just wanted to voice an honest opinion for a change. alot of people may not like the new changes, but then again alot do ... i have friends who played pre nge, i convinced some to join again, and most actualy liked the new game, so you should atleast try it before you descide to voice such harsh words. and no, logging in for an hour after nge is not what i mean, the game has changed alot since after nge. )
I've been playing since Beta 3 so I've seen it all. The game is finally getting better. In fact I prefer it now for the most part than I did pre CU. True there are less professions now but since the majority of people had the same template pre CU anyways its not such a big deal. The real positive is there are way less exploits now. You can actually get into a PvP fight and have a chance. Something very few people could do pre CU. Interdependancy is there for the combat professions which is lowering the number of Jedi since a well mixed group can generally beat an all jedi group in combat now. Is it perfect? No. Crafters and Entertainers need some work still and there are still a few combat professions waiting for their expertise systems but they are definately heading in the right direction and I for one can't wait to see where they take us.
I have come and gone from this game many times .. as I frequently do with many MMOs. In all three its incarnations its had merits and flaws. Release SWG was very unbalanced .. having some really hit or miss class combos... but it allowed total freedom to players and that was a big plus. It also allowed a player to play a crafter or entertainer and retain some combat ability... I also liked that weapons and armor wernt limited by class, level, or in most cases race.
Along comes CU (combat upgrade ..though it was really a downgrade).. which in my opinion was by far the most broken period and leads to most peoples really low views of the game. The arbitrary level requirments added to gear, the wierd and convoluted combat level system and overall poor balance made the game virtually unplayable and lead to a pretty heavy exodus from the game.
But the current game ... called the NGE by most .. is a complete turn around. They got rid of alot of professions yes .. but this was done by folding them into others and really creating a balance between them. If you take time to learn your profession they can all function very well in a combat situation. Only the crafters and entertainers are incapable of combat ..which is kinda depressing ..but since you can now have two characters per galaxy instead of one .. it really ceases to be an issue. They have added many really good missions which make the level grind really feel non-existant (I recently took a character from 1-90 without ANY grinding. All doing missions). And though I think the game still has alot of bugs .. some old and some new ... they do seem to be making a very real and marked effort to fix/balance them. The game is making great strides towards becoming what it once should have been. And is very much worth giving a shot now ... and if your willing to relearn the system I think old players could learn to love it again.
But the one thing Galaxy has always done very well... no matter which system it was under ... is feel like Star Wars. It conveys the feeling beautifully and I dont imagine any other gaming company could of done better. I dont believe galaxies is ready to be sunsetted .. I think its star is only just rising. Please approach this game with an open mind and I believe you will very much enjoy it!
well said, altho i just want to correct you a little there. it is not entirely true that entertainers and crafters can't do any combat, many entertainers and crafters i know take the pilot route and have plenty space combat. Also the entertainers and crafters have not yet had their revamp done yet, and we were promised by SOE that both classes will have so called "combat quests" and will be given some combat skills to enable us to do those quests, so altho we won't be as skilled as most melee or ranged classes, we will be able to take care of ourselves in a tight spot.
I played swg for over 2 years and its been a little under a year since i canceled my account, only to reactivate it about 6 months later to check up on how my old guild was doing. I spent about a week playing and talking with them untill i relized that the game i liked to play, which i used to rush home to after work isnt there anymore, while i miss the peace of endor, the buzzing and buff sellers and spambots outside the coronet starport, chatting with people in a cantina or riding around dathomir on a crafter trying to find resources its not there anymore.
SoE screwed up by trying to fall in line with world of warcraft, DDO, and a multitude of other games, but in the end they ended up screwing themselves.
There is one thing any and every MMORPG developer should know, in the first 6 months you build your loyal following, the core user group that will stick with you through server crashes, proffession imbalances, bugs and complete meltdowns in dev - user communicatio. SoE chose to screw those people including myself, i always though il be playing Star Wars galaxies to the end, and i did i was a subscriber of 3 accounts for 2 years from patch 2 all the way to the NGE, when Star Wars galaxies died. The game that is being sold as star wars galaxies isnt star wars galaxies its a combination of alot of things that include the graphics from swg but lack the gameplay.
Every single "upgrade" was a downgrade, from the Cu that brough the consept of one person fighting 10 people and just keeping himself healed, instead of defence stackers we had doc stackers, nobody could pvp without atleast 2 lines of doctor, where lvl72s and 73s were gankbanging lvl80s and i was soloing Ancient krayt dragons on my naked pistoleer/bh.
Then came the nge and to the day one week after release i know of atleast 400 (not counting alt accounts) accounts that were canceled, on the same day. Crafting as a useful moneymaker, a challenge, a fight to compete and surivive was gone, and soe had effectivly killed one of the best parts of the game, entertainers --- gone.
over a years worth of ws resources worthless, doc resources gone, vendors with over 4500 weapons on them worthless, a jedi that id worked on for a year or more on the same level as any other proffession, i didnt mind the jedi thing really.
The worst parts?
1. A game so many people loved died, guilds died, entire player cities gone.
2. Getting "well it was unbalanced, jedi could kill 50 people solo while afk, it was to hard, it was to little instant gratification" from people who clearly didnt even bother to learn the damn game.
Its sad, and i miss the game but hopefully SoE will let it die soon.
Soe can do their "rule changes" just like they did the NGE, the Cu, and we can see how succesful they are in it, because the 2 previous revamps have been complete and utter disasters and anyone with 2 days worth of mmo experience could see they would backfire hard. You cant screw a community like that and get away with it.
i wish you would all stop posting crap about starwars being dead, because clearly it is not. it might not be as populated as it used to be, but the population is picking up, and this time it is being played by people that actualy love the game as it is now. And the game is by far better than it use to be, you bastards are just sore because you can't exploit and spam the crap out of it anymore.
it still has a rating of 7 out of 10, it is far from dead, and that is a pretty damn good rating for an old mmorpg like swg.
They are not playing because SOE took the game they paid for, completely changed it, and told them to like it or get fucked. They have a right to be pissed. And no matter what the rating says, the deserted servers tell the real story. And considering most stores won't even carry the title, I'd say they think it's a "dead game", too. When Star Wars: Complete and Total Bullshit fails to make the money they hope it will, that will be the death knell for your beloved "game". Enjoy it while it last
They just let themselves get led around by the marketing nose.
After all this folderol about how their "feedback" told them that the pre-NGE game was too complicated, their supposed market (i.e. much younger players) was bored by the learning curve, etc, etc, they unveiled a vastly simplified game and repeated the empty mantra "fun and compelling" while their veteran playerbase walked out the door.
Now several months later, their mysterious feedback pool is telling them to add complication, so here we go. Soon things will be as complex, quirky and bug-tweaked as ever. What happened to their magical "we want it simpler" player pool? Stay tuned, we'll probably rediscover them in the fall so the game can lurch in another random direction.
Koster left SOE when his contract ended recently.
A long time ago in a Galaxy far away.......
Prior to the launch of the NGE, Sony announced great changes in SWG. That finally the dev team was "listening" to our demands for profession balance and a playable environment with less lag n bugs. The comunity believed these were profession upgrades to try and achieve balance. Especially in gimped professions (commandos, dancers, smugglers). All the while the SOE dev team is in the process of creating and preparing to integrate the NGE system. They told us one thing then did the something completely different so who is to say what they are really gonna do.....
So Evil it Hurts When I Pee
I played from launch right up into the first month of the NGE. It was so poor, I was angered for even havnig payed for that much. I would lke to see it move to somone elses hands other than SOE.
Apparently you had never played when people werent simply different looking version of the exact same character. Or when you had to actually interact with weapon and armor smiths to get good weapons and armor. There were some wicked imbalances to begin with, but the CU cleared a lot of that up, except for jed. It was a time when you could sculpt what you wanted to be and not be forced to be just like every other character of the same class. Not to mention, actually having fun being something other than a combat component. I didn't like the level based combat that came into play during the CU. I despise level based games and SOE just couldn't resist the temptation of falling inline with everyone else. The one thing that I do agree with in the NGE was bringing the JEDI down to everyone else's level. An alpha class never works. In fact Jedi was the downfall of SWG from the onset. The NGE took the uniqueness of SWG and turned it into one of the most bland games I have ever played.
jmho, no offense intended.
But what do I know, I'm retarded.
"What I have learned about war from videogames if you ever find yourself mortally wounded by a sniper, be sure to let him know that he is a faggot."- Myself
i did ben there got the lava cannon 1070 max damage . and was the most deddly thing way more powerfull than a tkm/ch pre nerf . but i was a cookie cutter profile comandow . this was on test center before it went live . game went live i respeced my 3 main toons to jedi and my jedi elder to bh to get items then back to jedi . i thought the game lost a lot of content , USERS , and things to do.
I was a master doctor / master swordsman / nov. scout / f/s i hade 10 million medical xp with 1 of my toons i remember buffing in theed , c-net , and at the town ks nere krayt dragon spawning point on tat.
i sold 2800 buffs for 8k and rez and buf for 10k , i could make it to any place in under 30 minuts mostly .
i would pull in 300k pr day at a coust of like 120k - 150 k worth of resorses , buff , componits , foods and what not .
i never realy got in to going out and killing all the time i used it as a way of paying for medical school , and resorses . cu1 hit the server i lost 10 mill credits in medcomponits 20 mill worth of medical crafting moded clothing , and buffing clothing and +110 droids with food and chem's in them so i could buff and craft all salf reliant harvest all the meats i needed and pitch tents for +?? healing bonise . as a healer i could keep up with 20 dancers healing them 3 tumblers and 2 pet trick spam health drain . groups of like 7 - 9 rezing and rebuffing , healing that is no longer part of the game . so i went jedi so i could still use my skythe and heal my salf ok well ya i would love to say that i liked the nge nirf but i cant i quit playing i gave away 20 mill to randome noobs i met that were dooing the lagicy quest or sitting at a shuttle port wating so 1 mill to 20 people . kept 2 mill on all my toons and let there account laps .
Ozric Stormbringer, Marzena' , Aslis. radiant galixe
The game was really really dead for me when i spent $29.99 on that stupid mustafar expansion.
Oh well, on to STO
i really loved this game once... even with all the grinding... buffing inside the starport of coronet on eclipse server before any1 ever thought of it, back when there were still people not so stressed they cant talk civilly (spelling? ...and what :P) i remember grinding for my MD/MS and loving it ...but after the cu it jus got worse and worse...the last time i went back to try it the controls were simply inadequet and all the players were 8yo's
so i left , even after i finally unlocked my jedi - jus to have every1 become jedi that could lose even in groups of 3 vs doctors, why? - was it *really* because of the idiot minority who were so unable to master the game that they constantly whined (and back then it was a very small minority) or was it jus soe doing what they do so well?
Back pre cu although we had some crappy ppl, most ppl got on and ev1 enjoyed the game *and* there actually needed to be interaction with everyone... dancers,smiths - even your mayor...the last time i used it all that was gone, dancers seemed that fixed now? maybe, but the game will never be what it was, its all young young players and constant bickering, and everyone is the same... plklus they nerf anything worth striving for... so what if somebady has an uber weapn? i never did i spent my money helping my guild noobs and grinding bt it was the ability to excel that made the grind worthwhile.
i see no point in playing something where nothing can be achieved...
"oh <CORPORATE NAME>, guess what, your making more money than my local corner shop because you had more ambition and didnt spend your whole time whining that you didnt want to put in the same effort as others, so were gonna repay your years of work by nerfing you... yes from now on your only entitled to the same pay as the unskilled saturday workers there..."
I was a Master Carbineer and a few other masters when I finally settled on Master Doctor/Fencer. I was on my way to becoming fs (force sensitive) when the content was changed so dramatically that everyone was basically a clone. To me, that is not what Star Wars Galaxies is and was about. I was also on my way to becoming a Master Pilot, but that was all changed too.
So you see, many of us had certain goals for the game set out. When NGE and the other changes came along it pretty much altered those goals to the point of no return. Many of us prefer the versatility when it came to space flight, ground pounding, and yes ... even the tedious quests, but that was what made each of us unique with our SWG toons as we are in real life.
No offense intended to those who love SWG the way it is now. However, for those of us who have played SWG for it's diversity ... the game is dead.
First to respond your statement of “Actually plays the game”
I’ve been there and done that from the beta testing up to NGE. After the NGE
the game got shot into the ground. How are you going to take 32 professions and
make nine out of them? You can read the forum discussions on all the changes
that have happened from SWG lunch to now. Any one with common since will see
the down fall of this once great game. So that should answer your statement of “whoever
calls this game bad”. So as a SWG old timer this game has fell way behind the
power curb and should be allowed to die with some dignity before $OE destroys SWG
image (If there is any left that is)
But you know if you like playing the game rock on. Do what
you enjoy and play and play who knows it maybe your subscription that is
keeping this game alive.
Please read and don't flame, i wrote this post with total honesty, not to flame or be flamed.
To everyone that whines about SOE killing the game, I feel your pain, i never played pre-nge and i can just imagine how pissed i would be to find when i log in that i lost so much, I only started playing the game after nge, basicly when everyone left i started, worst possible time, servers were dead, the forums were crashing constantly with all the players flaming etc. but i stuck it out, since i only started playing after nge it is all i know, so to me the game is how it is now, i have seen screenshots and movie clips of how busy the servers were, I play dnd online and i used to play wow, and i don't think i have seen either of them that populated ever !
But i do know this, i like many other play it because i love it, i don't see it as a waste a cash in any way, to be sitting chilling out in a cantina for hours on end with realtime friends i made ingame, there is no feeling of fullfilment like that anywhere. there are few points i want to correct tho, i see many false posts and flames all over the net.
1. People are saying that SOE is rerolling the old system, this is not true. It is true that some old things are being rerolled, but not like they were. They are trying to balance the very unbalanced current system, since NGE the professions were extremely unbalanced, half of them had no reason to even exist, for example, you could pick up better loot from grinding than you could get from a crafter, so what use does a crafters have in the game ? these things are being changed, so rerolling some things is really a must, but at the same time they are improving on alot of the rerolls, giving each proffesion a needed place in the galaxy, they are also giving each proffesion a expertise system, so you can mould your character as he/she levels ( i really like this system ) They are also putting in more profession specific quests for professions that had none or very little of. So far i am happy with the changes, there is much more to do now than there was after nge, i am just waiting with great anticipation to see what they will do with the trader revamp and entertainer revamp.
2. Server population - yes it is true that the server population went down the drain after nge, trust me i know, i spent months of grinding solo, going days without even seeying one person outside the city, and even in the cities i used to see only maybe 5 people... this is not the case anymore, it has picked up alot in the last while, And altho it is nowhere near what it used to be ( as i have seen it in screenshots and xvid clips ) Server population has increased alot since nge, i see people all over the server now, outside cities and inside, the cantinas allways have around 20 - 40 people in them, and no, i don't just mean mos eisley, my guild's city cantina is allways loaded with people, and not just from our guild. We do performances around three times a week in various places and allways have a good crowed. SOE will soon be launching the whole SWG packadge with all expansions in stores for i think $29, it should boost population even further, holiday season should help too.
The point i am trying to make is this : Altho the population is not what it used to be, it is picking up all the time, most players are new to the game and don't know pre nge, therefore aren't worried about all that crap, some return to find it is not all that bad, but the last few months i have gone on countless runs with the guild, i have shown more than 2 dozen new noob players the in's and out's of the game, i have made alot of friends, and nowadays i don't grind solo anymore. I don't care of the servers are not as busy as they were, as far as i can see there was so much spamming in pre nge anyway that i am kind of glad the population is not so much anymore. I can now play the game and not feel crowded when i walk into a city....
You say the game is dead, it may be dead to you, but not everyone feels the same way. You flame SOE every chance you get, all you are doing is giving them more publicity, through all the flames in the topic, all it takes is one good post to encourage some new guy to try the game, so from a flaming topic all you have done is maybe send a few more players SOE's way. I for one love the new changes, the game is more challenging now, and i am looking forward to the rest of the revamps and the new expansion next year. I recommend this game to any starwars fan that wants value for his buck !
( i just see everyone flaming, no matter who writes what, first response is allways : SOE sux, they should burn in hell etc ... I just wanted to voice an honest opinion for a change. alot of people may not like the new changes, but then again alot do ... i have friends who played pre nge, i convinced some to join again, and most actualy liked the new game, so you should atleast try it before you descide to voice such harsh words. and no, logging in for an hour after nge is not what i mean, the game has changed alot since after nge. )
finally getting better. In fact I prefer it now for the most part
than I did pre CU. True there are less professions now but since
the majority of people had the same template pre CU anyways its not
such a big deal. The real positive is there are way less
exploits now. You can actually get into a PvP fight and have a
chance. Something very few people could do pre CU.
Interdependancy is there for the combat professions which is lowering
the number of Jedi since a well mixed group can generally beat an all
jedi group in combat now. Is it perfect? No.
Crafters and Entertainers need some work still and there are still a
few combat professions waiting for their expertise systems but they are
definately heading in the right direction and I for one can't wait to
see where they take us.
Along comes CU (combat upgrade ..though it was really a downgrade).. which in my opinion was by far the most broken period and leads to most peoples really low views of the game. The arbitrary level requirments added to gear, the wierd and convoluted combat level system and overall poor balance made the game virtually unplayable and lead to a pretty heavy exodus from the game.
But the current game ... called the NGE by most .. is a complete turn around. They got rid of alot of professions yes .. but this was done by folding them into others and really creating a balance between them. If you take time to learn your profession they can all function very well in a combat situation. Only the crafters and entertainers are incapable of combat ..which is kinda depressing ..but since you can now have two characters per galaxy instead of one .. it really ceases to be an issue. They have added many really good missions which make the level grind really feel non-existant (I recently took a character from 1-90 without ANY grinding. All doing missions). And though I think the game still has alot of bugs .. some old and some new ... they do seem to be making a very real and marked effort to fix/balance them. The game is making great strides towards becoming what it once should have been. And is very much worth giving a shot now ... and if your willing to relearn the system I think old players could learn to love it again.
But the one thing Galaxy has always done very well... no matter which system it was under ... is feel like Star Wars. It conveys the feeling beautifully and I dont imagine any other gaming company could of done better. I dont believe galaxies is ready to be sunsetted .. I think its star is only just rising. Please approach this game with an open mind and I believe you will very much enjoy it!
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Final Fantasy 7
well said, altho i just want to correct you a little there. it is not entirely true that entertainers and crafters can't do any combat, many entertainers and crafters i know take the pilot route and have plenty space combat. Also the entertainers and crafters have not yet had their revamp done yet, and we were promised by SOE that both classes will have so called "combat quests" and will be given some combat skills to enable us to do those quests, so altho we won't be as skilled as most melee or ranged classes, we will be able to take care of ourselves in a tight spot.
I played swg for over 2 years and its been a little under a year since i canceled my account, only to reactivate it about 6 months later to check up on how my old guild was doing.
I spent about a week playing and talking with them untill i relized that the game i liked to play, which i used to rush home to after work isnt there anymore, while i miss the peace of endor, the buzzing and buff sellers and spambots outside the coronet starport, chatting with people in a cantina or riding around dathomir on a crafter trying to find resources its not there anymore.
SoE screwed up by trying to fall in line with world of warcraft, DDO, and a multitude of other games, but in the end they ended up screwing themselves.
There is one thing any and every MMORPG developer should know, in the first 6 months you build your loyal following, the core user group that will stick with you through server crashes, proffession imbalances, bugs and complete meltdowns in dev - user communicatio. SoE chose to screw those people including myself, i always though il be playing Star Wars galaxies to the end, and i did i was a subscriber of 3 accounts for 2 years from patch 2 all the way to the NGE, when Star Wars galaxies died.
The game that is being sold as star wars galaxies isnt star wars galaxies its a combination of alot of things that include the graphics from swg but lack the gameplay.
Every single "upgrade" was a downgrade, from the Cu that brough the consept of one person fighting 10 people and just keeping himself healed, instead of defence stackers we had doc stackers, nobody could pvp without atleast 2 lines of doctor, where lvl72s and 73s were gankbanging lvl80s and i was soloing Ancient krayt dragons on my naked pistoleer/bh.
Then came the nge and to the day one week after release i know of atleast 400 (not counting alt accounts) accounts that were canceled, on the same day.
Crafting as a useful moneymaker, a challenge, a fight to compete and surivive was gone, and soe had effectivly killed one of the best parts of the game, entertainers --- gone.
over a years worth of ws resources worthless, doc resources gone, vendors with over 4500 weapons on them worthless, a jedi that id worked on for a year or more on the same level as any other proffession, i didnt mind the jedi thing really.
The worst parts?
1. A game so many people loved died, guilds died, entire player cities gone.
2. Getting "well it was unbalanced, jedi could kill 50 people solo while afk, it was to hard, it was to little instant gratification" from people who clearly didnt even bother to learn the damn game.
Its sad, and i miss the game but hopefully SoE will let it die soon.
Soe can do their "rule changes" just like they did the NGE, the Cu, and we can see how succesful they are in it, because the 2 previous revamps have been complete and utter disasters and anyone with 2 days worth of mmo experience could see they would backfire hard. You cant screw a community like that and get away with it.
i wish you would all stop posting crap about starwars being dead, because clearly it is not. it might not be as populated as it used to be, but the population is picking up, and this time it is being played by people that actualy love the game as it is now. And the game is by far better than it use to be, you bastards are just sore because you can't exploit and spam the crap out of it anymore.
it still has a rating of 7 out of 10, it is far from dead, and that is a pretty damn good rating for an old mmorpg like swg.
To raymerjacque,
They are not playing because SOE took the game they paid for, completely changed it, and told them to like it or get fucked. They have a right to be pissed. And no matter what the rating says, the deserted servers tell the real story. And considering most stores won't even carry the title, I'd say they think it's a "dead game", too. When Star Wars: Complete and Total Bullshit fails to make the money they hope it will, that will be the death knell for your beloved "game". Enjoy it while it last