Originally posted by nothing2gein Did anyone else not see a plane in that video?
All I saw was the explosion and they released pics of that years ago.
EDIT: Nevermind...Saw it. Didn't look much like plane though. It still didn't hit the lawn like they said it did.
The official word on the matter didnot claim that it hit the lawn. There is discussion on that very matter in links I've posted before on this forum. In fact, just about the only people claiming that it did hit the lawn are the people putting out the looney videos.
By the way folks...The pentagon was pretty darned reinforced. When it hit, it would not and did not, leave a nice cartoon cut out of an airplane in the wall. The wings sheared off and were dragged in alongside the plane. We're talking about a plane that was doing 300+ miles per hour. So yeah, at that speed one can't really expect the greatest photo images in the video.
Originally posted by BadBoyOnFire Originally posted by MUHzzxK0 This video proves absolutely nothing...
Not true, it proves the conspiricy theories even more.
I have NO CLUE how the OP can say this blows anything out of the water...
If you believe in the offical theorys then watch Lose Change video... its proves without a shaddow of a doubt that the entire thing was a huge conspiricy.
If it wasnt then why all the cloak and dagger? They could EASILY disprove it all but they don't, because the evidence would work to the contrary.
Hate to tell you, but Loose Change is probably the absolute worst video you guys can use in your agenda. It is so blantantly filled with ommissions, lack of knowledge, quotes out of context, and flat out lies it's almost funny. The funny part about it is how easily the could have checked the "facts" in their video before making it public. Yet they didn't. Very deliberate propaganda aimed at the tin foil hat crowd.
Originally posted by Wakizashi Originally posted by Jazia A few things I'd like to state about the new release of the Pentagon "video".
1. Have you seen a video camera with 2 frame per second? I said 5, and I was wrong. It is really 2. If you download it, and play it with fraps turn on. It seems the frame dropped just as the video started. 2. a 757 would be a lot larger than appeared in this Pentagon "video". If it was really a 757, why the hole on the building was perfectly round with no sign of the damage from its HUGE wings? If you mean the wings were no match for the building, then shouldn't the wings be found outside the building on the ground? Where were they? If they actually got into the building, then where was the damage on the wall from the wings?
3. A fact, a guilded missle has small wings and shape of a tiny plane, and it strikes with about 30 meters parallel to the ground. It is extremely hard to tell the difference between a guided missle and a tiny plane when it is at high speed and, with 2 frame per second "video".
4. Even if the video was real, why didn't they release it the day it happened? Why did they release it 5 years after that day? Oh wait, they were still working on it to make it more "believable".
It is so funny how some people lack of their own thoughts will accept everything they were told. The video from Pentagon proved nothing, you accept it was a huge 757 plane because they also said so in the text form. While what you see in the video does not matter. I can show you a video of a chicken and a dead tiger, and in background my voice says this chicken just beat a tiger up. You will believe it, because I said so in the background.
I am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of other people who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to believe it was all made up even though none of the people who are telling me this were there and all the eyewitness accounts say otherwise!
Originally posted by Wakizashi Originally posted by nothing2gein Originally posted by Wakizashi Originally posted by Jazia A few things I'd like to state about the new release of the Pentagon "video".
1. I was wrong. It is really If you download it, and play it Itseemsthe frame dropped just as the video started. 2. a 757 would be a lot larger than appeared????
3. a guilded missle has small wings and shape of a tiny plane????? It is extremely hard to tell the difference between a guided missle and a tiny plane????
4. the video was real,Oh wait, they were still working on it to make it more "believable".?????
It is so funny ???? I can show you a video of a chicken and a dead tiger?????
I am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of other people who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to believe it was all made up even though none of the people who are telling me this were there and all the eyewitness accounts say otherwise!
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of other people who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to believe it was all made up even though none of the people who are telling me this were there and all the eyewitness accounts say otherwise!
Let me get this straight. People are now insisting that the goverment worked on doctoring this video for years, only to release a video featuring a 757 "the size of a missle?" Maybe, just maybe it's not the size of a missle. Maybe it's the fact that one doesn't have enough knowledge to properly determine the size of an object traveling 300+ mph past the relatively narrow field of view of a security camera? With distances and angles that one is all that familiar with? Nahhh, couldn't be that.
Scene: Conspirators lounging in the break room sipping coffee after years of hard work. Jew/big business ceo/free mason/illumanati/ martian/ whatever the heck your conspiracy theory leads you to believe is running the "gub'ment."
Conspirator 1: Ah, man that video is the bomb dog. This will keep the super internet slueths off our backs now! I just don't know how you got the video imaging sizing techs to get their work done so fast. I thought it'd take another year to blow that image up to the size of a 757.
Conspirator 2: Uh, I didn't do anything....I thought you were going to run it by their lab...
Conspirator 1: Omg we're undone! Those darn meddling kids will see that misstep for sure. Nooooooooooooo!
Ok well Ive stayed out of the 911 threads until now, but Id like to make a couple of observations.
1. That fottage is NOT new. Its the same few frames that have been flotaing about for years, its even in the "loose change video" the EXACT same footage. So how thats a "new" release of information is beyond me. Its a "re-release" timed to attempt to debunk some theories and aimed at people who may not have seen it before.
2. It CLEARLY does NOT show a plane the size of a 757. In fact it poses more questions than it answers in terms of what we are actually seeing. Im guessing the Govt. is pretty convinced by now (given what they have gotten away with in terms of lies) that 99.99% of us are gibbering imbeciles and they figure this will shut up a few more people. As you can see from the first couple of posts... they are of course correct in their assumption.
3. Whilst I dont subscribe wholly to any of the so called "conspiracy theories" about 911 I do strongly believe that we arnt being told everything and from the evidence I have seen so far, I dont fully believe one side or the other. What I do know is that if the Government had the kind of watertight evidence you would expect them to have in a situation like this then they could just use it. The fact that they dont use it makes you wonder if they have it and THAT is what opens the door to other theories.
Lastly to question stuff is healthy. To adopt a stance that says "anyone who questions the Govt is a traitor" or somehow involved in terrorism or is "unpatriotic" is just stupidity. Blatent, mindless, sheep like stupidity.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I would have to say that watching that video doesnt prove anything, the only thing i saw is a skinny nose and then an explosion. It was almost the exact same video as the prior released except that it was around 3 yards closer.
Now im not saying that America is doign this but one of the best ways to get a country to stop examining itself and concentrate on something else is to go to war.
Oh wait, I looked over that Pentagon "video" again.
I not only saw a 757, but also saw a bunch of terrorists wearing Saddam & Osama Bin Laden T-shirts sat inside it.
I could hear them complainting that Saddam did not give them WMD. They also said their comrades will get those WMD from Iran instead in the next attack.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Originally posted by Wakizashi Originally posted by nothing2gein
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Never said I supported it did I?
Then you're just spewing random non sequiturs? I am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of the government who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to believe it was all true even though none of the government who are telling me this were there and all of the videos the government has shown us doesnt prove anything.
Originally posted by Wakizashi Originally posted by reavo I'm just curious why it took them over 4 years to release video footage that could have stopped the whole Pentagon debate from ever starting.
I don't like living under a government who thinks it's okay to keep things from us. We're supposed to be informed in order to make good decisions about our government officials and it's involvement in affairs.
Whether they're lying or not, just the fact that they keep things from us that have nothing to do with national security show's what they have come to think of the people. We're supposed to keep check on the government, not the government keep check on us!!!
And for those of you who don't know who Judicial Watch is, they're a group of lawyers that sue the government in order to get information released. They also sue government officials who are breaking the law. Would we be seeing this or any footage if it weren't for them? Whether you believe it's a government conspiracy or not is irrelevant when it comes to this kind of disregard for the American public knowing what their government is up to.
YOu want the truth!? You cant handle the truth!!!
You turn to the media for your quote?
Actually, I think I could handle the truth better than the government. They don't do a good job with it at all.
Wow!!!!! Real video released by the PENTAGON !!!! It *MUST* be real !!!! It's from the Government, right? They wouldn't lie to us about anything, right?
lol ok you would think our tax money to pay for government stuff would be hell of a better surveilance camera system than that grainy shitty shot, makes me angry my tax dollars couldnt have bought a better vcr, or hell a digital surveilance camera or something, any way, makes me wonder what is being spent with my tax dollars.
Concerning the release of the video, so? There have been photos out of the aircraft debris pulled out of the pentagon for some time now. Eyewitness statements of the plane flying low enough to knock down light poles. With pictures of the light poles down in the road. Eyewitness statements from firefighters who fought the fire and helped recover bodies and plane debris. No video will change the tin foil hat crowds' mind. All evidence, no matter the source, is part of the conspiracy. It's a self sustaining conspiracy. The kook leaders that put this misinfo out use this as their tool to keep the sheep in their flock. Proof, facts, science, photos, videos, eyewitness accounts, admission by Al Qaida, are all part of the conspiracy. Alex Jones, and others assure them of this. And that's all these people need to know.
Originally posted by Vyava Originally posted by Ravenbow Not taking sides either way... but.. I did not see a 757. A streak of something, but nothing the size of a Boeing 757
Look at the fisheye effect from the security camera though. You really can't tell the relative size from the lens curving (which is done to increase the total angle of vision to use fewer cameras in a security system). Not saying it is or isn't, but with out know the actual visual references on the building and other areas of the image an eye will have an amazingly difficult time approximating size.
I am not a conspiracy nut. However, I have been to the Pentagon many times. My father used to work there. He left 30 minutes before the incident happened. Thank God.
The image posted on this site that you refer to, and on infowars?, is a camera view slightly closer than yet another camera view posted today on CNN and other sites.
The fact is this. Neither video does nothing to prove anything concerning a plane hitting the Pentagon, or a missle, etc. All it shows is that SOMETHING hit the Pentagon.
Although, I will say this... I see no wings, no tail section, absolutely NOTHING that makes me believe it was a plane. Nothing. If anyone here can show me a plane in any of the videos pertaining to this subject, please do so.
Originally posted by lardmouth Concerning the release of the video, so? There have been photos out of the aircraft debris pulled out of the pentagon for some time now. Eyewitness statements of the plane flying low enough to knock down light poles. With pictures of the light poles down in the road. Eyewitness statements from firefighters who fought the fire and helped recover bodies and plane debris. No video will change the tin foil hat crowds' mind. All evidence, no matter the source, is part of the conspiracy. It's a self sustaining conspiracy. The kook leaders that put this misinfo out use this as their tool to keep the sheep in their flock. Proof, facts, science, photos, videos, eyewitness accounts, admission by Al Qaida, are all part of the conspiracy. Alex Jones, and others assure them of this. And that's all these people need to know.
Heh. Interesting view. I don't agree with it totally... wait for it...
Howerver, a Rockefeller once stated that those in power at the time helped women's lib for the single reason that women voting and working would increase the available tax dollars for the U.S. government. It had nothing to do with women's "rights" at all.
Yeah thats the main problem I have with it. Im not an aircraft engineer, firefighter, paramedic or military expert but I think I can recognise the difference between this :
Plane -
And this
Not Plane -
I mean Im not asking for a signed letter from the President saying he promises, cross his heart and hope to die that it really happened just like he said. But folks this is 2001 we are talking about. I find it highly improbable that at the Pentago there wasnt sufficient cameras positioned at the FRONT of the building to get at least ONE FRAME of this aircraft on film.
In anycase here is the frame by frame stills. Not convincing at all for my money.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
eyewitness said "otherwise"?
Good number of them said they saw a tiny thing without windows, or just a really small plane like thing. No where near the size of a huge 757.
By the way folks...The pentagon was pretty darned reinforced. When it hit, it would not and did not, leave a nice cartoon cut out of an airplane in the wall. The wings sheared off and were dragged in alongside the plane. We're talking about a plane that was doing 300+ miles per hour. So yeah, at that speed one can't really expect the greatest photo images in the video.
"I am a raving idiot"
I have NO CLUE how the OP can say this blows anything out of the water...
If you believe in the offical theorys then watch Lose Change video... its proves without a shaddow of a doubt that the entire thing was a huge conspiricy.
If it wasnt then why all the cloak and dagger? They could EASILY disprove it all but they don't, because the evidence would work to the contrary.
Hate to tell you, but Loose Change is probably the absolute worst video you guys can use in your agenda. It is so blantantly filled with ommissions, lack of knowledge, quotes out of context, and flat out lies it's almost funny. The funny part about it is how easily the could have checked the "facts" in their video before making it public. Yet they didn't. Very deliberate propaganda aimed at the tin foil hat crowd.
is only one of the links I've posted. Flat out takes points raised in the video and destroys them.
I am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of other people who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to believe it was all made up even though none of the people who are telling me this were there and all the eyewitness accounts say otherwise!
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of other people who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to believe it was all made up even though none of the people who are telling me this were there and all the eyewitness accounts say otherwise!
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of other people who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to believe it was all made up even though none of the people who are telling me this were there and all the eyewitness accounts say otherwise!
Never said I supported it did I?
Let me get this straight. People are now insisting that the goverment worked on doctoring this video for years, only to release a video featuring a 757 "the size of a missle?" Maybe, just maybe it's not the size of a missle. Maybe it's the fact that one doesn't have enough knowledge to properly determine the size of an object traveling 300+ mph past the relatively narrow field of view of a security camera? With distances and angles that one is all that familiar with? Nahhh, couldn't be that.
Scene: Conspirators lounging in the break room sipping coffee after years of hard work. Jew/big business ceo/free mason/illumanati/ martian/ whatever the heck your conspiracy theory leads you to believe is running the "gub'ment."
Conspirator 1: Ah, man that video is the bomb dog. This will keep the super internet slueths off our backs now! I just don't know how you got the video imaging sizing techs to get their work done so fast. I thought it'd take another year to blow that image up to the size of a 757.
Conspirator 2: Uh, I didn't do anything....I thought you were going to run it by their lab...
Conspirator 1: Omg we're undone! Those darn meddling kids will see that misstep for sure. Nooooooooooooo!
Never said I supported it did I?
Then you're just spewing random non sequiturs?
Ok well Ive stayed out of the 911 threads until now, but Id like to make a couple of observations.
1. That fottage is NOT new. Its the same few frames that have been flotaing about for years, its even in the "loose change video" the EXACT same footage. So how thats a "new" release of information is beyond me. Its a "re-release" timed to attempt to debunk some theories and aimed at people who may not have seen it before.
2. It CLEARLY does NOT show a plane the size of a 757. In fact it poses more questions than it answers in terms of what we are actually seeing. Im guessing the Govt. is pretty convinced by now (given what they have gotten away with in terms of lies) that 99.99% of us are gibbering imbeciles and they figure this will shut up a few more people. As you can see from the first couple of posts... they are of course correct in their assumption.
3. Whilst I dont subscribe wholly to any of the so called "conspiracy theories" about 911 I do strongly believe that we arnt being told everything and from the evidence I have seen so far, I dont fully believe one side or the other. What I do know is that if the Government had the kind of watertight evidence you would expect them to have in a situation like this then they could just use it. The fact that they dont use it makes you wonder if they have it and THAT is what opens the door to other theories.
Lastly to question stuff is healthy. To adopt a stance that says "anyone who questions the Govt is a traitor" or somehow involved in terrorism or is "unpatriotic" is just stupidity. Blatent, mindless, sheep like stupidity.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
"The government is doing this for our benifit."
Anyone else read Animal Farm?
I would have to say that watching that video doesnt prove anything, the only thing i saw is a skinny nose and then an explosion. It was almost the exact same video as the prior released except that it was around 3 yards closer.
Now im not saying that America is doign this but one of the best ways to get a country to stop examining itself and concentrate on something else is to go to war.
Yeah people don't realize, a 757 would have almost the same height as the Pentagon which is like 5 floors.
Oh wait, I looked over that Pentagon "video" again.
I not only saw a 757, but also saw a bunch of terrorists wearing Saddam & Osama Bin Laden T-shirts sat inside it.
I could hear them complainting that Saddam did not give them WMD. They also said their comrades will get those WMD from Iran instead in the next attack.
I think THIS video does more to explain the current world situation than anything else i have seen so far :
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Never said I supported it did I?
Then you're just spewing random non sequiturs?
am a raving idiot who has no knowledge of aviation, no training in
aircraft, demolition, or military engineering, or any experience
working with an air disaster whatsoever and based on the word of the government who use big words that sound impressive to me, I am going to
believe it was all true even though none of the government who are
telling me this were there and all of the videos the government has shown us doesnt prove anything.
You turn to the media for your quote?
Actually, I think I could handle the truth better than the government. They don't do a good job with it at all.
Wow!!!!! Real video released by the PENTAGON !!!! It *MUST* be real !!!! It's from the Government, right? They wouldn't lie to us about anything, right?
Would they?
playing eq2 and two worlds
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Concerning the release of the video, so? There have been photos out of the aircraft debris pulled out of the pentagon for some time now. Eyewitness statements of the plane flying low enough to knock down light poles. With pictures of the light poles down in the road. Eyewitness statements from firefighters who fought the fire and helped recover bodies and plane debris. No video will change the tin foil hat crowds' mind. All evidence, no matter the source, is part of the conspiracy. It's a self sustaining conspiracy. The kook leaders that put this misinfo out use this as their tool to keep the sheep in their flock. Proof, facts, science, photos, videos, eyewitness accounts, admission by Al Qaida, are all part of the conspiracy. Alex Jones, and others assure them of this. And that's all these people need to know.
Look at the fisheye effect from the security camera though. You really can't tell the relative size from the lens curving (which is done to increase the total angle of vision to use fewer cameras in a security system). Not saying it is or isn't, but with out know the actual visual references on the building and other areas of the image an eye will have an amazingly difficult time approximating size.
I am not a conspiracy nut. However, I have been to the Pentagon many times. My father used to work there. He left 30 minutes before the incident happened. Thank God.
The image posted on this site that you refer to, and on infowars?, is a camera view slightly closer than yet another camera view posted today on CNN and other sites.
The fact is this. Neither video does nothing to prove anything concerning a plane hitting the Pentagon, or a missle, etc. All it shows is that SOMETHING hit the Pentagon.
Although, I will say this... I see no wings, no tail section, absolutely NOTHING that makes me believe it was a plane. Nothing. If anyone here can show me a plane in any of the videos pertaining to this subject, please do so.
Cartman has a big fat ass!
Howerver, a Rockefeller once stated that those in power at the time helped women's lib for the single reason that women voting and working would increase the available tax dollars for the U.S. government. It had nothing to do with women's "rights" at all.
Now that I believe.
Cartman has a big fat ass!
Yeah thats the main problem I have with it. Im not an aircraft engineer, firefighter, paramedic or military expert but I think I can recognise the difference between this :
Plane -
And this
Not Plane -
I mean Im not asking for a signed letter from the President saying he promises, cross his heart and hope to die that it really happened just like he said. But folks this is 2001 we are talking about. I find it highly improbable that at the Pentago there wasnt sufficient cameras positioned at the FRONT of the building to get at least ONE FRAME of this aircraft on film.
In anycase here is the frame by frame stills. Not convincing at all for my money.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon