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I've seen so many of you nice people posting how WoW isn't innovative, fun at 60, etc., etc..........
Ok then.
What do you all think will be the new break through WoW killer?
Imho, I think that Age of Conan looks extremely innovative and could be the one.
Subscriptions - Pirates of the Carribean might come close. They have the kiddy Disney/MTV/TRL fanbase
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Yeah I thought of the Pirate game.
That too seems to be innovative. However, the tidbits of news I've heard about it is that it isn't looking so good, in regards to graphics and combat.
No game will 'kill' WoW, it will die alone, in it time.
BioWare is prolly the company that will release a MMO who will break those new standards made by Blizzard, but who know, maybe it will be HJ (doubt it) or WAR (doubt it).
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
the problem is that game devs are either lazy, untalented, or just uncreative.
it's much easier to just do the same thing that everyone else is doing (and making money at doing), than to actually be original.
games beta test for how long? a year? two years? more? how hard is it to have a large beta testing group (like ooo all the mmos seem to get) and then throw out new and innovative ideas in beta? if it sucks, well, you only have 24 more months to try other things before you give up, resign yourself to being just average, or stupid, and make yet another eq clone/wannabe.
isn't that WHY they beta test? to try out new things?
could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?
For the most part, I agree with your comments. However, one thing we all have to do is get down on our knees and thank Blizz for making WoW such a success. They have made millions of people into mmorpg players, thus making the mmorpg a worthwhile genre to make games for.
While WoW has done nothing new, it did implement a lot of the good things from the existing mmos at the time, whilst ridding it of the many bad things that mmos have.
The next generation of mmorpgs will have the innovation and complexity that we have all been craving, thanks to Blizzard and WoW.
Yeah, the gear dependency is very annoying indeed.
WoW has been reduced to a fashion show where everyone looks exactly the same. Takes away a lot of the immerison/rp out of it.
I think WAR will take a lot of WOW players who believed Blizzard's hype about PVP in the game. It's going to have PVP availible from the start, control of areas, objectives all the way up to sacking capital cities, XP and gear drops from PVP so that you don't actually have to PVE at all, and a number of other things some people were looking to WOW to do. Of course, it's still pure hype at this stage, but we'll see.
That does sound good!!
Thanks for the info.
I hope that they pull that all off.
Here is my near future MMO prediction...
WoW's expansion will not WoW people in the way that the original game did but it will be enough to allow WoW to maintain its lead. The initial expansion content will seem lackluster but the ongoing, post release content will continue to impress its fans.
WAR will be a big hit and draw huge numbers, people playing WAR will get WoW / DAoC dejavu, WAR will retain about 1/3 its initial numbers and WoW will continue to dominate simply because WAR won't be innovative or have enough polish to inspire enough people to change games.
AoC will have a strong opening followed by a mass canceling. Females won't want to play a sexist game which also means couples won't be playing this game. The amount of gore will turn parents of small children away (mid 20s-30s crowd) since it's impossible to play a MMO without your kids seeing what is going on. AoC panders to the lowest common denominator with sexist lore and exceptionally graphic violence. Expect the community to reflect the game's values. And you think WoW's community is bad? Well, it is... but AoC will be the bottom of the barrel.
Vanguard will flop like a fish out of water.
Star Trek may be the sleeper... but it's too early to tell.
Other MMOs released around the same time will be niche games that have an insignificant impact on the market. Not failures... but not blockbusters either. Most will likely be profitable since many players are bored with what is out there and are more willing to experiment.
People can argue as much as they want, but to actualy enjoy raids, you must be either a retard or some one who likes a chat game with a fancy ui.
Pvp is none existant in this game, so when war comes out, a huge chunk of players will quit, will it kill wow? Hell no, warcraft is heading down the path of a slow and pathetic death. It has so many problems and flaws its stagering that the developers ignore them.
Personally I dont think any 1 game will kill it, since no one game has the built in Player base that Blizzard had/has with Diablo, WC, and Starcraft numbers wise... But I think it will be serveral of games that will spell the the demise of WOW.. Those games being
Huxley- Will take the players that left PS for WOW and the twitch PVP Freaks
WAR- Will take the freaks that crave PVP with a meaning or RvR PVP
Vangauard- Will take the Raid Freaks
and last but NOT least
AOC -Will take the people that basicly love all three of those aspects.
These 3 games if there any where nears as good as there looking will be the end of WOW as we know it subscription wise.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Your insane if you think that AOC will be a women bashing(sexist) game and just goes to show how you know nothing of the game at all.
As far as Community this shows you do not follow the game developers at all.. Never in my life have I played a MMORPG that GM's monitored the game world so closely like the did in AO (Funcoms other MMO)..I have no idea how AO is now that it is free, but before when you had to actually pay for it just try to do something stupid or make waves in the Chat channels and you would find yourself being visited by a Ingame GM in a few minutes.. I can still remember the time I was training guards in PVP during a PVP tower Battle, I thought it was quite funny and amusing, 10 minutes later I was standing tall infront of a GM and CM in one of the Stores in Rome Blue....Needless to say I never tried anything like that agian
AOC has a few obstacles that they need to get over if there going to dominate, those being a Good launch (see AO) and Lag in PVP (See AO).. If they manage to conquer those 2 things, look out.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Hmm no game will kill WoW.
In fact i see it holding at least over 1 million ppl for next few years at least.
Reason-it has the Asian/european market.This is a crowd that are slow at moving no matter what.I checked my old euro guild forum and there is tons of whining and i mean tons of poor end game content and so on but yet many are still playing .
Reading theu future plans for the game i have to say they are even more dissapointing.I made a post recently saying WoW is extreme of gear dependance of any mmorpg to date.The future plans make it even much more so.A new tier in armor in a single dungeon meaning zillion times of farming that dungeon again.
I rather pity for new players.The game is not even 2 years ago yet anyone who hits 60 today is basically food in pvp/bg.With blizzard direction,the future for anyone starting this game is going to be very fustrating espically in pvp.
If you recall a year ago i gave WoW the badge of most newbie friendly/casual mmorpg around.Well i am now saying it has totally lost the badge.Unless you plan just to play this game pre 60 and then stop this game is nothing casual at 60 whatsoever .I would now award it "the most boring grind at 60" mmorpg ever.
Ah well on plus side i enjoyed over 1 year play and was fortunate enough to start at beginning before the epic days was so rampant.
Having myself been guilty of farming MC till my shaman was all purple for months despite boredom of doing same thing all over.
Ofc i expect someone will say "ah but as game goes older they become less friendly for new players".Its true but you have to check the degree of this.
I use 2 examples.DAoC- which never raised its level for years and relied on easy to obtain drops/craftables to at least have some degree of fairness.
EQ2-it raised its cap twice in 2 years but due to craftable items/less reliance on gear and more on the upgrade of spells/easy to obtain quest equipment/more varation in loot and areas to get it ,this is not a problem.
As prove i can say the HP/AF of our guardian on pvp server(only a few months old) is just a tad bit short of our guardian on oasis(a original server).
I think in long run there will be a slow diffusion of players to many mmorpg not just one.Some will go to warhammer,some vanguard,some age of conan etc.
However I do think WoW has peaked in terms of subscribers *they may stop the bleed with their recruitment drive and the expansion*. It should slowly deflate like a helium balloon.
Other games will pull a fwe thousand away at a time, although AoC and WAR may pull off significantly more players because their games are geared to an area where WoW fails the most, PvP.
The developers can't stop the process because their development cycle is unbalanced and they take too long to produce results.
For Example, people have been clamoring about the huge gear gap for over a year and a half, the best they could do is the recycled D2 set. And then they point to the expansion as if it were an elixir from the early 1900's, a cure for everything that ails them.
They released raid after raid, while the majority of the community didn't want them to begin with, so they basically wasted 2 years or more of developing content that the lead designer and a few of his cronies loved. Which should be a cardinal sin in game development, making the game unflexible, and only to your liking. Obviously not all of their 5 million subscriptions are out raiding every week.
Now given the fact that Naxxramas was probably being developed while beta was going on, I don't think there will be any significant changes to the raiding paradigm for at least another year, if ever. Afterall recognizing the majority of the community doesn't want it is one thing.
Changing your games core philosophy is another. And I don't see this happening until Tigole either quits or is fired.
It will slowly lose players just like the games before it, although there could be spikes of players that leave (more than just a few thousand) if certain areas of the game are not taken more seriously.
BC is a bunch of pie in the sky promises so far with no concrete evidence, gee I wonder if they are trying to sell me soemthing ?
I'll be the first to say that I hope I'm wrong and that they do fix the game with the expansion, and then continue to improve it and not just go right back to makign all raids.
But if I were rationale and logical about it, I would say they are going to go right back to lengthening the gear gap and making only raids after the expansion sales die down (i.e. they soak up money and go back to what they were doing until it's time for another expansion).
Very good points nero and basically similar to my post.
You are right i think they had this philosophy and have always developed the game towards that line-raid for gear.
One problem is the entry of the game.It came out as a game casual and for all.But here the punch line- how do you expect a casual to spend time in MC.You can say oh raid once a week on weekends.Fine!
But another catch 22-most mc capable guilds use dkp so how does this guy that bcan barely make a raid a week get gear?
Fine!join a guld that has turned mc to a farm status for getting loot from lass boss.Such guilds rarely recruit more then a few a month and there are loads of already epicced players from broken up guilds to choose from and u probably must be the right class too.
Fine!Just by pass the raid zones .Ok thats leaves 3 regular instances to choose from!(even though there is only 4 raid zones as it is !).Ok go pvp.I doubt you last more then a few seconds against epic player(believe me i have instant gibbed many a mages as a shaman in epics before so i know and have seen my priest murdered in his meager D1 gear).
But they will still gain new players but at a much slower rate as people ,mostly people who were not aware that at this point they will almost never catch up.Many bored of raiding will leave,many who are even raiders(like me) will be sick of same old same old .
But its hard for a game with millions to die suddenly this will takes years .
I doubt the expansion will make much difference.Let s face it its a very unsafe move to make some epic similar gear to be questable by a single group or gotten by a single group without pissing off players who spent months farming .
I hope i am wrong myself as i would love to play this game again but i will nOT return to a farming status of some dungeon for months.
So, as of right now, I'm voting that WAR will take a good chunk out of WoW.
Other games will come out, and be better in different ways, but WoW is going to be around for a long time regardless, theres alot of people who will be reluctant to leave the characters they've spent so long on, and also quite a few that are so obsessed with it they will probably always be playing it.
I imagine in the future instead of wow having over 6 million people playing it, some of that number will be spread around on other games, but your never going to see everyone leave WoW.
It could still turn a profit with just 25% of their current subscribers, and will probably be going for many years to come. They'll be doing graphic overhauls and all kinds of things to stay competitive as well.
That said i know i'll be jumping ship as soon as Warhammer, age of Conan or Fallen Earth comes out because i have issues with it, and there are lots like me, but alot of people are quite happy with it, and will be for some time.
This idea that there will always be one big one and many small ones is flawed, it's not always going to be that way, theres going to be a whole plethora of great games to choose from very soon, ones for every taste.