Wow's subscriber base continues to grow, every month.
Thier lame rip-off of EQ's endgame is only hastening thier demise.
Please point out how WoW's instanced end-game is anywhere similiar to EQ. I played EQ for about 4 years. End game encounters were nothing more than a zergfest. If you can't kill UberMobX with 50 people, then bring in 75, or 100 people and kill the boss. When I played EQ there was little variation in the boss encounters. Maybe that changed post Planes of Power when I quit, but I find WoW's end-game to be much more challenging and fun. I particularly enjoy not having some stupid lame ass overly time consuming quest to get attuned (with the exception on Ony's lair).
If there was any other decent MMO out right now, Blizz would be in a lot of trouble.
Several major MMOs have come out since WoW. None of them have turned out to be better. Every time one of them is about out there is always a big hype, but WoW subscriptions continue to grow faster than any of them. Again, refer to the chart above for solid evidence of this.
The only people that believe that new subscribers are replacing players that have cancelled are current players that refuse to believe that a game that they have so much time invested in is being flushed down the toilet by shortsighted dev's that have catered to less than 10% of thier playerbase (hardcore raiders) for far too long.
Again, refer to the chart. Then walk around Org or Stormwind and look at the people. I see far more than 1 out of 10 people wearing epics fromt he end-game instances. If only 10% of the people see the end-game content, then why are there so many epic'd out guys running around? Is there some epic vendor somewhere that I've missed? I don't think so. From first hand observation I know that more than 10% of players have been involved in the end-game.
The rest of the playerbase is tired of being second-class citizens, tired of useless tradeskills, unfair PvP (again, thanks to giving good gear to raiders exclusively), and no endgame whatsoever other than raid, raid, raid.
Its true, wow is about raiding and if you don't like that then why bash the game for it? Why not just find a game that caters to your playstyle? Additionally there are a lot of high level quests that can be completed with just a couple of guys, quests that result in some really nice epic gear. You don't have to raid to get gear, you can quest for it, and even earn great gear through PvP.
This Christmas is bringing MMO players a TON of brand new games, all of which are fully aware of the breathtaking stupidity that Tiglole and the rest of his merry band have inflicted on thier players, and there's no question that WoW is a doomed ship, sinking fast.
Once again, the numbers do not support your claim that WoW is sinking fast, see the chart, do some research before you start making yourself stupid by making up your own facts and reality.
Current creators of MMO's can clearly see what happens when the developers only create content for thier own preferred playstyle and no other.
You really are an idiot aren't you? Of course MMO creators create a game that they like. This is true for any game. The problem here is that you don't like WoW yet you continue to play it because you are too stupid to realize that you should just quit and find a game that is more to your liking. Not every game is good for every gamer.
Blizzard is trying to convice thier players that the new expansion will solve all the problems the game has right now, there will be more small group dungeons, 2 new races, etc. But the REALITY? More of the same old regurgitated hardcore raiding garbage that most players will never see...
Oh sh*t, Blizzard is working to make the game better for smaller guilds, how horrible, damn them for trying to correct the same exact problems you are bitching about, LOL. You really are sounding dumber and dumber with every statement. First WoW sucks because it caters to larger guilds, now you bash them for trying to make it better for smaller guilds, you really crack me up.
a whole new tier of gear for Tigole and his raider friends to steamroll people in PvP
Ahh HA! We finally come down to it. You suck at PvP because you either are unwilling or unable to spend the time in the end-game instances/quests/PvP to get better gear. Someone call the WAAAbulance we've got a cryer on our hands.
new tradeskills that will be useless unless you are in a hardcore raiding guild so you can get the materials to make anything decent
You have no idea how the new tradeskills are going to work. Again you just make yourself sound stupid when you start making up facts to support your point of view.
and if the majority of the playerbase wants anything to do at all that does not require raiding with 39 other lemmings, I'm sure they will add some mind-numbing faction grinds that take months of killing the same mobs for some meaningless garbage rewards.
You complain that you have to have a guild, you complain that you have to put in some time and effort to acheive a nice reward, get over yourself, go out and earn gear like everybody else. If you don't like the ways you can earn gear in WoW then GTFO and go find a game where awsome gear is easy to come by.
After all, that's what passes for "content" at the Blizzard offices. Make uber drops for hardcore raiders, and screw the rest of the players... after all, they really should just raid or quit...
Yup, thats why there are so many quests that can be completed solo or in small groups. Raiding is definitally better in my experience, but I know a lot of guys who spend very little time raiding and they have a lot of good gear.
Well, now people are quitting, and I don't blame them. I cancelled shortly after Tigloe's interview at the NYT, as did everyone I know. Just more players are starting to see that he wasn't kidding, and are waking up and cancelling in droves. The mods in the WoW forums are policing them alot more... can't have the forums all full of "I quit" posts, after all.
Once again, refer to the chart, show me where WoW's subscriptions have gone down. Oh thats right, you can't show that to us. Quit making up facts to support your claims, use real data and people might not think you are a babling idiot.
Tigole said that he just can not give non-raiders any gear or content that is comparable to what raiders get, it is a matter of philosophy... bigger raids with more people = more difficulty = the best stuff.
Good deal!! Its good to know that me and my 150 guildmates, who have spent many months learning teamwork, skill, strategy, and aquiring better and better gear to defeat progressively tougher and tougher end-game instances are going to end up with better gear than joe blow who only does solo quests. It would be devestating to think that someone who only put in the fraction of the time and effort could end up with better rewards....seriously, think about that. I couldn't be happier knowing this. But then again, I play MMOs because I like the guild environment. If I wanted to play solo or play in small groups I'm smart enough to find a game thats designed to be played like that.
Now they are starting to see just where that philosophy is taking them... to the same void of games that had great potential that were flushed down the toilet, (example SW:G) thanks to dev's that code for thier preferred playstyle, instead of what people actually WANT to play, or, god forbid, what was promised when we all bought the game.
Yup, WoWs subscriber base clearly shows that everybody hates the way WoW works, thats why it continues to gain more subscribers every single month. /end sarcasm.
When all the new titles come out this winter, and WoW players actually have some other choices of games to play, I will very much enjoy watching the news of server consolidations and layoffs at Blizzard. They deserve everything that's comming to them, the boldfaced lying bastards that they are.
LOL. You really hate WoW don't you? Why don't you just find a game that is to your liking, rather than expecting the world to revolve around you. I guess common sense is just too much to ask for.
Even now, when there are very limited choices in games to switch to, it's happening already. We told them it would happen. They didn't care. Let's see if they care after this Christmas, when thier only remaining accounts are all the hackers and goldfarming cheaters in Asia.
The same was said about Guild Wars, and several other games. WoW continues to grow. Get a clue, the gaming industry doesn't revolve around you. There are games that probably do cater to your particular play style, go find one, and quit whining because WoW isn't exactly what you want. Nobody is making you play it. Make a statement, quit playing, quit giving blizz your hard earned $13 a month, I'm sure they'll quake in their boots and the mass exidous that you will trigger. LOL.
Originally posted by Huxleyinfo I am just about to join the many thousands of people leaving WoW, because of the complete cock up that is Patch 1.11(not being able to install it on PCs (corrupted files) and having NO decent technical support to help people).
So I am looking for another MMO.
I used to really like WoW and have (had) two accounts, so want something similar, but I want something that is PvE with hardly any PvP as we prefer to take it at our own pace and not have to worry about gankings, etc...
Can any players that enjoy WoW PvE recommend another MMORPG type game that they think we will enjoy.
Thanks in advance
Haha hey I have an idea instead of troubleshooting wow lets just quit!
If Wow was continuing to gorw then the game would be over 7 million subscribers right now. In fact when it comes to North America wow is stagnant with more people leaving it than are joining every month which is why the expansion isn't out yet.
Hubabuba you're a fanboi and very rude to people. Relook your logic cause people just don't care if you can't say what you have to say without calling someone a complete moron for not thinking what you think. Hell, you act as though Fenrir767 insulted your mother or something like that. Which is ridiculous. I should know that Fenrir is normally a pretty good guy on the forums so just calling him a moron for voicing his oppinion, and what he says does have some truth behind it. The fact is the game isn't "growing" as fast as people like you make it out to be. The only true reason for its subscriber base is 1) its a blizzard game (Which apperently are these great marvels, but I don't see it like that. They are fun, but not the best in the world) 2) Has either the word Diablo, Starcraft, or Warcraft in the title. (Personally out of those 3 titles I only liked Diablo. Outa all the titles I liked Lost Vikings the best.) The reason why people stay is cause the game is so simple an 8year old can play it. Everyone likes simplisaty, and then will eventually get bored of it and leave for something bigger and better. Its the facts of life. Deal with it. If you don't like the fact others have a different oppinion then you then get off the interweb, and you shouldn't be playing MMOs.
Siehst du mich Erkennst du mich Ganz tief in meinem Herz ist noch ein Platz f?r dich Ich suche dich Ich sehne mich nach dem was ich geliebt hab doch ich find es nicht
Despite Hubabuba's rude remarks, he does present proof. displays a steep curve for WoW's growth; only recently has it started to flatten out.
Ico Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
If you want proof for what I'm staying just look at the damn chart and read it for yourselves. Yes Wow has recently started to flatten out its subscriber increase over the past 6 months is negligible at best. Thousands leave and with subscribers not going up at the rate that they have been that is now a problem for blizzard. In any sort of Business terms that of growth is stagnant when its been stated that most people stay with the game for 2 months. If you can't see that as a problem at least the company has seen that as a problem and is trying to address the issues of people leaving.
Also if you look at my previous post I state that wow may continue to grow but with the amount of people that leave it's only a matter of time before the people leaving is greater than the number of people coming in. Also 4 million of those players are Asian which is good but the company doesn't reap half as much profit from them as they do with the NA subscribers due to licensing etc. I was taking the long term view on this whole thing and if you can't see it well then you can't.
Originally posted by Huxleyinfo I am just about to join the many thousands of people leaving WoW, because of the complete cock up that is Patch 1.11(not being able to install it on PCs (corrupted files) and having NO decent technical support to help people).
So I am looking for another MMO.
I used to really like WoW and have (had) two accounts, so want something similar, but I want something that is PvE with hardly any PvP as we prefer to take it at our own pace and not have to worry about gankings, etc...
Can any players that enjoy WoW PvE recommend another MMORPG type game that they think we will enjoy.
I personally played WoW since the US launch until about 3 months ago. I find it quite funny how you have some people that start screaming and shouting "lies! burn them at the stake!!" whenever somebody claims that players are leaving WoW.
Fact is WoW is losing players, but they're also getting new subscribers all the time too, but I have a sneaky feeling that where WoW used to be able to keep new players for 6-8 months without even trying, we now have a way lower retention period on players.
My main reason for leaving WoW was that after playing through the PVE content a couple of times while leveling a couple of toons, and then hitting the lvl 60 equipment grind I just decided that it was time to move on to something more casual. It just became a pain in the butt to have to grind MC/Ony/ZG/AQ/BWL for 4-5 hour raids almost every night of the week just to try and keep viable in your guild and not fall too far on the DKP list so you end up never getting the equipment you need when it finally drops and to get ready for the expansion.
I've gone back to CoH and bought CoV, EVE Online and GW if I need some proper PvP, and I have to say that I'm having more fun with these games at the moment than I've had in a couple of months with WoW, purely because they're a lot more casual than WoW, I can play for short sessions or long sessions and it doesn't impact anything or anybody but myself.
I'm keeping an eye on how BC for WoW turns out, but it's doubtful that I'll be going back to WoW anytime soon, even when BC comes out since it's just lost that "fun factor" it had when I started playing it.
To the OP, try EQ2, CoH/CoV (get both of these if possible, for the PvE/PvP combo they offer) or even EVE Online, which I really enjoy, but you have to be into that kind of thing tho.
To all the people going ape and flaming the people saying that players are leaving WoW, grow up. There's aboslutely nothing you can do about the fact that there is people leaving WoW all the time, no matter how hard you try to convince everybody else that it's not happening, but it's also a fact that there's loads of new players signing up, which should keep you happy, just stop trashing anybody that doesn't agree with your point of view.
On Darkspear the population seems to be at an all time low on the alliance side.. So low it's bored me to tears and I'll selling my toon off while there are still buyers.
Siehst du mich
Erkennst du mich
Ganz tief in meinem Herz
ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
Despite Hubabuba's rude remarks, he does present proof. displays a steep curve for WoW's growth; only recently has it started to flatten out.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Also if you look at my previous post I state that wow may continue to grow but with the amount of people that leave it's only a matter of time before the people leaving is greater than the number of people coming in. Also 4 million of those players are Asian which is good but the company doesn't reap half as much profit from them as they do with the NA subscribers due to licensing etc. I was taking the long term view on this whole thing and if you can't see it well then you can't.
I personally played WoW since the US launch until about 3 months ago. I find it quite funny how you have some people that start screaming and shouting "lies! burn them at the stake!!" whenever somebody claims that players are leaving WoW.
Fact is WoW is losing players, but they're also getting new subscribers all the time too, but I have a sneaky feeling that where WoW used to be able to keep new players for 6-8 months without even trying, we now have a way lower retention period on players.
My main reason for leaving WoW was that after playing through the PVE content a couple of times while leveling a couple of toons, and then hitting the lvl 60 equipment grind I just decided that it was time to move on to something more casual. It just became a pain in the butt to have to grind MC/Ony/ZG/AQ/BWL for 4-5 hour raids almost every night of the week just to try and keep viable in your guild and not fall too far on the DKP list so you end up never getting the equipment you need when it finally drops and to get ready for the expansion.
I've gone back to CoH and bought CoV, EVE Online and GW if I need some proper PvP, and I have to say that I'm having more fun with these games at the moment than I've had in a couple of months with WoW, purely because they're a lot more casual than WoW, I can play for short sessions or long sessions and it doesn't impact anything or anybody but myself.
I'm keeping an eye on how BC for WoW turns out, but it's doubtful that I'll be going back to WoW anytime soon, even when BC comes out since it's just lost that "fun factor" it had when I started playing it.
To the OP, try EQ2, CoH/CoV (get both of these if possible, for the PvE/PvP combo they offer) or even EVE Online, which I really enjoy, but you have to be into that kind of thing tho.
To all the people going ape and flaming the people saying that players are leaving WoW, grow up. There's aboslutely nothing you can do about the fact that there is people leaving WoW all the time, no matter how hard you try to convince everybody else that it's not happening, but it's also a fact that there's loads of new players signing up, which should keep you happy, just stop trashing anybody that doesn't agree with your point of view.