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So me and my brother started talking about what we would do if we were president. We had a big conversation about a lot of things, him being more right leaning and me being more left. He is also much more "religious" then me.
Well to say the least it was a very interesting conversation. And I thought that it would a good topic in OTD. I want to know what YOU would do if you were president. And lets just say that YOU can do whatever you want. What would YOU change or do different?
This is some of what I said I would do:
1. I would legalize alll nonsynthetic drugs.
2. I would pull all troops from the Middle Eastern Region.
3. I would MAJOR PR around the whole world.
4. With the added soldiers home I would better the borders.
5. With the money saved from not going after "small" time drug dealers I would use it to better our defence against the drugs that are illegal.
6. I would try and better our relations with NK and China. On the same note try and better with mostly all nations.
7. How can you deal with people dieing from hunger in other countries, when you have people in your own country dieing of the same thing? I would focus more on the home front then anything else.
Thats just some...
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
Admit it everyone, top of the list would be to annex Canada.
No annoying animated GIF here!
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
tricky one that, think of all the nails you got to remove from that piece of chipboard put up.
No annoying animated GIF here!
1: I'd give Hawaii and Puerto Rico back their independance. I know a lot of people wouldn't agree with the Hawaii part, but...
2: I'd start a nation-wide anti-smoking campaign.
3: I'd make the legal drinking age 18, since that's supposedly when you "become and adult," or some such nonsense.
4: I'd legallize marijuana, but I'd impose the same set of rules that apply to alcohol.(Note: I don't smoke pot, and never have, but, really, I don't imagine it's much worse than alcohol.)
5: I would "crack down" on the more lethal, chemical based drugs, and set up a commitee to handle the specifics as to what falls into what catagory, and what-not.
6: I'd only send troops out to defend friendly countries and put a stop to actual threats, instead of the whole "War on Terror" thing...
7: I'd totally go on The Daily Show. I mean, you know they'd love to have the president on, but, really, that's not likely to happen...
8: I'd put more funding into the school system, and less into the war effort.
9: I'd make it so you were legally required to be able to read and write in at least one language before you were declared an adult and given to right to A: Be employed, and B: Drive, and C: Drink, or smoke pot...
10: I'd try to get in friendly with as many countries as I could.
11: I would hold a bunch of fairs and stuff that were actually fund-raisers. The funds acquired from this would be put to things like the space program, and medical research.
12: I would ban the teaching of Creationism in public schools, and the display of any sort of religious paraphernalia on school grounds. People would not be automatically given Christmas off, and would instead use that "Floating Holiday" system that's been talked about lately.
(I know some people might disagree with #12, but I'm not trying to start an arguement here. I wouldn't do anything against the church, I just think people should take the seperation of church and state more seriously...)
2 - If the population said "no" and the Iraqi government said "yes", I'd pull out the troops anyways because it's the people's voice that really matters at this point, and point the iraqi government in the direction of the international organization already created by the US after world war 2 with the intent of dealing with such situations, the UN
3 - I'd cut all support for Israel until a cease fire is reached, and request the United Nations to place a more significant blue force in all those borders, and I don't mean a handfull more.
4 - place high taxation on fossil fuels and massively promote cleaner energy alternatives. force the economy to go green. Yes, force it, because it won't go nearly as fast on its own.
5 - promote cultural exchange between all the middle-eastern nations. I'd try to make friends basically, instead of eliminating my enemies. Strong friendships eliminate animosities on their own.
-virtual tourist
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Try and become a British colony again, kneel before the Queen and beg her forgiveness on behalf of all my wayward ancestors.
Imagine how wonderful it would be to have red telephone boxes, red busses, pubs, the metric system, driving on the correct side of the road, taps and trousers! Yes trousers! at last people in the colonies can stop walking around in their pants
Then I would send lots of dentists to the UK and get them to work on the natives teeth.
Lastly I would tackle the uneven distribution of hot chicks in the British Empire, by forcing a couple of million of them to move from the American colonies to Britain.
1) I'd immediatly close the borders of the USA to all foreign immigration, and forcefully deport all non-citizens to their countries of origin. I'd then institute a law on the authority of which law enforcement officials would have the right to summarily execute illegal aliens upon the confirmation of their status.
2) I'd label all communists, socialists, liberals and muslims "terrorists" and "enemies of the state" and arrange for their mass deportation to countries willing to recieve them.
3) I'd scrap all public welfare programs and redirect the freed up money into the military and the subsidisation of industry.
4) I'd make abortion illegal, the practice of which would be punishable by death.
5) I'd shut down any private forms of media, and nationalise television, radio, and the press.
6) I'd merge the CIA, FBI, and DoHLC into a fearsome witch hunting monster which would swiftly and brutaly "deal with" anyone who dared voice displeasure with the new regime.
7) I would repeal worker's rights, delegalise the formation of workers' unions, and eliminate any and all regulation of corporations based in the USA.
8) I would reform the education system to better educate the American youth about the new paradise I had built for them. Teachers and proffessors who would protest this development would be purged and replaced by more suitable and worthy candidates.
9) All current prisoners of the state would be summarily executed without hearing. State law would be abolished, to be replaced by a universal federal code of law. Prisons as such would be abolished, and criminals found guilty of any offense would be executed immediatly after the conclusion of their trial.
10) The Democratic and Republican parties would be forcibly merged into one All-American Party. Elections would go on as usual, and would always result in another stunning electoral victory for yours truly.
11) I'd withdraw American troops from all world stages and withdraw any and all American backing for the state of Israel. The USA would withdraw from all international agreements, including the UN and NATO, allowing for new alliances and relationships to be formed with reliable economic and military partners. Mexico would be ordered to forcibly stop any and all illegal immigration into the United States of America. If it failed to comply, I would declare war on Mexico, annex it as a "territory" of the USA, and make the enforced territorial segregation of former Mexican citizens a federal responsibility.
I could come up with more, but that's good for starters, I think.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
1. Build a really big spaceship in space using the international spacestation and send it to mars and beyond.
2. OUTLAW religion in public , yes it seems extreme but I believe its the root cause of 90% of world problems.
3. Make punishments for crimes actualy fit the crimes and totaly redo the criminal justice system making jails suited for certain types of crimes so rehabilitation can be more focused to a persons needs.
4. Make all college and university FREE! investing in the education of the young is just smart imo.
5. Start a world wide arms reduction.
6. Make harsh laws against companies who break the law and scam regular people by charging extreme rates for services.
7. Instate universal healthcare and make sure everyone in the country has access.
8. replace fossil fuels and coal powerplants with solar,fusion,wind,geo-thermal and other green power sources.
btw I know I am Canadian just if I was pres thats what I would do lol.
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"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
Although my policy on things would pretty much turn the country into anarchy because I would just let people make their own decisions and not let the government control everything. That right there is why I shouldn't be president! ha
I'd play some golf lol
Wow, how surprising, almost all the responses say legalize drugs, end the war, quell any religious expression, and stop using so much gas and foreign oil. I'm amazed at the creativity here.
Here's my answer, give everyone a knife when they turn 5 and a handgun when they turn 12. The sudden large drop in population would relieve the stress on social welfare programs and services like police and fire depts, overcrowding in classrooms, mass consumption of fossil fuels, the ridiculous fights for public parking on city streets, and the popularity of idiot shows like American Idol. Problem solved.
I will support your candidacy.
"Speaking haygywaygy or some other gibberish with your mum doesn't make you foreign."
I would put cigars where they don't belong and I would get head in the oval office.
P.S. Can I say head without getting in trouble?
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
-virtual tourist
want your game back?
I'd get elected on Friday, assasinated on Saturday,
and buried on Sunday.
An old man told me, instead of spending billions on the war,
we can use some of that money, in the ghetto.
I know some so poor, they use the spring as the shower,
when screaming "fight the power".
That's when the vulture devoured
If I was president,
I'd get elected on Friday, assasinated on Saturday,
and buried on Sunday.
But the radio won't play this.
They call this rebel music.
How can you refuse it, children of moses?
If I was president,
I'd get elected on Friday, assasinated on Saturday,
and buried on Sunday.
Tell the children the truth, the truth.
Christopher Columbus didn't discover America.
Tell them the truth.
The truth
YEAH! Tell them about Marcus Garvey.
The truth YEAH! The truth.
Tell them about Martin Luther King.
Tell them the truth.
The Truth.
Tell them about JFK
If I was president,
I'd get elected on Friday, assasinated on Saturday,
and buried on Sunday.
If I was president...
If I was president
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
If I were president...
First off, this time I'd divorce Hilary and hire more hot young female interns to rollerblade through the White House. I'd cover the Washington Monument with a big condum to remind people about Aids awareness. I'd open up a secret bank account in the United Arab Emirates and simultaneously announce a Federal investigation into price fixing and collussion by the oil companies. I'd erect a big, inflatable penis around Old Faithful, cause no stream like that should just spout from a hole. I'd repeal the Internal Revenue Code and replace it with a Federal monopoly on drugs, sex, gambling, and alcohol. I'd instruct the NSA to watch all your asses, cause I know everyone on MMORPG.COM forums is a bunch of subversives. I'd paint the San Francisco side of the Golden Gate bridge pink with purple trim. I'd party with Ted Kennedy. I'd change the National Art Museum into the National Porn Museum. I'd give Texas back to Mexico. I'd make Disneyworld a National Fun Park. I'd address global warming by giving my biggest campaign contributor the Federal North Pole Air Conditioning no bid contract. The second biggest campaign contributor would get the South Pole contract. I'd order the auto companies to replace gasoline engines with engines that would run on bullshit, then give Congress the fuel production quotas. I'd open up trade negotiations with Canada to increase the imports of Molsons and Tim Hortons. I'd offer submarine service to traverse Boston's Big Dig. I'd give Iran more nuclear power than then they expect. I'd paint the inside of the Capitol Rotunda black and put those self adhesive glow in the dark stars up....
Ammend the constitution to transform the United States of America into the United Kingdom of America, where the current president(That's me), would become King.
Then I wouldn't have to explain what I'm doing, when I'm doing it, just that I'm doing it.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
I would create my own ridiculous religion involving frog-worshipping, outlaw all other forms of religion, and require by law everyone to start worshipping toads and erect statues and big fancy frog-churches all across the country. Then I would go country to country and persecute people for their non-frogworshipping religions and start world war 3. The end result of course would be everyone everywhere worshipping frogs. If frogs are unavailable in any specific country I would have them shipped by the crateload.
I would create a small turmoil in a state in the background, leaving no trace of the action to me, and I would rise to power in the election when the other Canidate does nothing and ignores the problem. I appear strong.
I then seed disorder and division around the country by creating a controversial issue behind the scenes. I side with the majority of the people while certain states break off to form a confederacy, their leaders secretly controlled by me.
We have a great big bloody war during which we ammend the constitiution to give me more and more power over the government, promising to change the constitution back after the war. Soon, a small resistance group attempts to kill me, thinking I have too much power and will not give it up, but I live and order a mass manhunt and execution against all those involved.
After decimating the opposing side in the war, I reorganize America into a dictatorship and plan to spread it across the world. While I allow each individual Countries to Govern themselves and leave some countries alone (I.E. China), for all intents and purposes I control the world.
The first person to post where I got this plotline from gets a cookie (its really obvious, so Its only really a speed race)
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
.. or create an ethnic conflict exactly antipodal to the middle east to "balance things out"
-virtual tourist
want your game back?
I'll have to think up a joke Presidency, as I don't think too many people here would appreciate my honestly if I was to tell it how I see it.
Soooo, I'd make Keg Parties a National day every Friday, in which it's compulsary to wear your hair like John Bon Jovi in 1989 and make your own cloths in colours like purple, fluro-orange and out of lime green lycra and other suitably viable fashion statements.
I'd put a tax on idiocracy. If you say something stupid, you owe 50c to the Gov.
If you say something stupid, and then continue to consume oxygen, you can be jailed.
If you say something stupid while in a position of power, you can be banished.
If you lie whilst occupying an important politican position, you can be executed.
As punishment for homebaked hard-drugs factories, I'd force-inject the bakers with 100mils of their undiluted concoction to see if it's street-safe. If they die, I'd pass the produce around at the next opposition party gathering.
I'd send big peace signs made out of chocolates and bottles of red wine to any nation our country has previously pissed off. Once the leaders are suitably inebriated, I'd hit on their wives and videotape the results for the Daily Show.
I'd tell George W Bush to go fuck himself, repeatedly, with a lawmower. While its running.
I'd donate a nuclear mailbomb to whatever organisation is at that point pushing the teaching of Creationism in schools.
I'd send a simular bomb to every television station that chooses to air Big Brother in their country.
[Edit] Oh, and I'd create the String Pullers and Conservers
Organisation (SPACO) in which we would aquire the rights to political
puppetry strings off of the likes of Big Business and oil companies,
most notably the strings controlling Bush, Howard and Blair. I'd then
mime the strings to make them all share Bush's lawmower, and send the
results to the Daily Show.
After this I'd go after the strings controlling the UN... Which I would of course pretty much have by default just by aquiring Bush's strings. But I digress.
I'd set up a Development Fund, worth $100billion, called the Worldwide MMORPG Conception, Production and Further Development Fund (or the WMMORPGCPFDF), with which companies can request funding to develop and further our beloved genre, while making it apparent that it is very "cool" to play MMOs.
I'd bring in a law that outlaws the ridicule of MMOs and/or MMO players, leaving offenders subject to the death penalty.
I'd make it illegal to speak in a New Yorker accent.
I'd donate $100billion every year to wildlife documentaries and environmental conservation. At the same time I'd make all those smelly hippees that hang out at demonstrations go have a shower, cut their hair, and earn a living. If they refuse, they will be sent to a newly formed commune called Ocean Land. Yes, it'll be in the middle of the ocean... IN.. the ocean.
After all is said and done, I'd then phone G W Bush and ask him how well the gold plated lawnmower I sent him fits.
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.