ive had mine for over a year, no probs with it.. no complaints
in fact the directional pad most people complain about, ive found works GREAT for MMO's and other non-twitch type games. Its responsive and it can be programmed in replace of the WASD keys.
in an FPS the WASD keys are still faster only because theres "no play". in an MMO that sort of reaction time is never a factor.
I couldnt imagine not having one after owning one. from being able to program hotkeys that may not be programmable in some games, to creating macros to do things in game where there is NO option to do so..its just bad ass. and the macro creator is very intuitive
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
$5 101-key keyboard. No special buttons, esdf for FPS', wasd for MMO's.
I purchased a Nostromo n52 a few years back and REALLY liked it but, this will sound silly, my hand was too small to reach all the buttons comfortably. /shrug
I have two desktops and a laptop all capable of gaming, not to mention going over to a friends house and gaming on his computer every so often. Getting used to one of those silly gaming keyboards is a bad thing imo as it will make your gaming experience on any other keyboard sucky cause you won't be comfortable.
The keyboard is the last part of the computer that I feel you need to spend some silly amount of money on, fortunately for the makers of said keyboards there are plenty of kiddies with mommy and daddy's monies to waste on such things.
Now, mice... As an avid FPS'er I'm big on my response time. I used basic USB Optical mice for a long time then I got my Logitech mx510, I won't ever go back.
Originally posted by Randd Thanks for everyone's opinions. I was looking around on a few sites and a couple of keyboards that caught my attention, in the $30-40 range. I might just oreder one and give it a try(i've wasted more than 30-40 on games i've hated, lol) They both are very similar, a regular keyboard with an appreviated fps keyboard on the left end. If i was bright enough to figure out how to post pictures here i would do so but apparently i'm not A link to one i saw is www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16823161019
yeh thats a nice keyboard with gaming features, decent price too. go for that it. from reading its review make sure u dl the lastest software for it.
I was looking at this today from another site's discussion. It is similar to products mentioned earlier in this thread but it looks interesting for those used to that hand setup.
I used the "Wolf Claw" keybord http://www.thinkgeek.com/clearance/7a67/ it was okay. It takes away the number pad for a spif FSP key set up on the left side. It took a few weeks for me to get commfy with it. And no I didnt find my self "p0wning teh n00bs" any more or any less. What i didnt like about it was lack of the number pad, I didnt realse how much I used it in evry day typing, and the keys are not back lit. other than that it worked like a charm just plug and play.
Now I use the G15 it is a good keybord the lcd screen is a cool gimick great for TS, I've never used the "G" keys for anything thow. and yes the keys a backlit which is awesome.
ive had mine for over a year, no probs with it.. no complaints
in fact the directional pad most people complain about, ive found works GREAT for MMO's and other non-twitch type games. Its responsive and it can be programmed in replace of the WASD keys.
in an FPS the WASD keys are still faster only because theres "no play". in an MMO that sort of reaction time is never a factor.
I couldnt imagine not having one after owning one. from being able to program hotkeys that may not be programmable in some games, to creating macros to do things in game where there is NO option to do so..its just bad ass. and the macro creator is very intuitive
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
$5 101-key keyboard. No special buttons, esdf for FPS', wasd for MMO's.
I purchased a Nostromo n52 a few years back and REALLY liked it but, this will sound silly, my hand was too small to reach all the buttons comfortably. /shrug
I have two desktops and a laptop all capable of gaming, not to mention going over to a friends house and gaming on his computer every so often. Getting used to one of those silly gaming keyboards is a bad thing imo as it will make your gaming experience on any other keyboard sucky cause you won't be comfortable.
The keyboard is the last part of the computer that I feel you need to spend some silly amount of money on, fortunately for the makers of said keyboards there are plenty of kiddies with mommy and daddy's monies to waste on such things.
Now, mice... As an avid FPS'er I'm big on my response time. I used basic USB Optical mice for a long time then I got my Logitech mx510, I won't ever go back.
Okay, back to your silly keyboards folks!
Wolfking Gaming Pad
I was looking at this today from another site's discussion. It is similar to products mentioned earlier in this thread but it looks interesting for those used to that hand setup.
I used the "Wolf Claw" keybord http://www.thinkgeek.com/clearance/7a67/ it was okay. It takes away the number pad for a spif FSP key set up on the left side. It took a few weeks for me to get commfy with it. And no I didnt find my self "p0wning teh n00bs" any more or any less. What i didnt like about it was lack of the number pad, I didnt realse how much I used it in evry day typing, and the keys are not back lit. other than that it worked like a charm just plug and play.
Now I use the G15 it is a good keybord the lcd screen is a cool gimick great for TS, I've never used the "G" keys for anything thow. and yes the keys a backlit which is awesome.
My Recipe:
and there you have a picture of me enjoying the best of MMOs and RTSs
To wannabe or not to wannabe? Hey I know the answer and it is not 42!