Because I find martial arts to be more addictive than anything - even mmorpgs - I figured that there should be tons of people who like it as much as I do - even on a mmorpg forum. So I hereby dedicate this thread to martial arts.
Do you practice any martial arts?
Can you describe the basic principles for people who don't know it?
What do you especially like about it? How long and how intensively have
you been practicing?
I'll start. I've been practicing Wado Ryu Karate for three years two days a week at a local McDojo. Whilst I found the workout to be great, I discovered that I wasn't really motivated because even as an orange belt I was pretty much better at semi-contact sparring than most non black belt students. So I quit, and have been practicing WTF Taekwon-do for 9 months now under a 6th dan internationally recognised teacher. I suck compared to most of higher belts, and that's just the way I want it because competition keeps me motivated. I formally train in the dojang three days a week, and practice and cardio outside it too to complement my training. The reason I chose Taekwon-do is because of it's impressive kicking techniques, possibility to do both national and international competitions at same belt level, and simply because it's a great workout and a way of life for me. Taekwon-do is constantly on my mind, and I've never been addicted to anything more than I have on Taekwon-do.
The reason I made this thread is not to be able to tell you about my own training (because honestly, there isn't much to read about being rather new as I am) but more so because I really want to know about what you people train.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I am taking Royce Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a form of grappling. Since something like 80% of fights end up on the ground, 9/10 people don't know how to use grappling and the ground to their advantage. This is probably the best martial arts and most useful when it comes to real world applications.
I've been doing it a few months. And unlike Karate where people get a new belt almost weekly, to go from white to blue in BJJ takes sometimes up to a year. Since BJJ only has white, blue, purple, brown, black for belts.
Here's a Wikipedia of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
I also have done Tae Kwon Do. I haven't trained in a while, but am thinking of returning to it. It truly is a blast. I got my black belt back in 2000. Belts really mean little though. I've trained with black belts who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, but blue belts who were ferocious. Some people just have more ability naturally than others. I really enjoyed competiing in tournaments and placed in all of them that I competed in. My weak area was definitely forms, and my strength sparring. I definitely enjoyed it. I am considering going to another school which has more of a Muy Thai/ Brazilian Ju-Jitsu background. The head trainer there had been trying to get me to come over, and I think it would be good to supplement the training I have had already. Good luck with your training... it sounds like you are as enthusiastic as I have been aboput training!
BTW, you guys see the UFC last night? I was glad to see Matt Hughes win his fight against BJ Penn after getting the worst of it during the first round. Penn just doesn't have enough at that weight to go a full fight. He's just too heavy for his body in the welterweight division. I'm looking forward to Hughes/St Pierre 2.
The school I go to teaches Tang So Do, Muay Thai and Judo... so for $80 a month I get all that, but I train jiu-jitsu because, that's just what I like.
A few years ago I also took judo, which helps me a lot in the stand up and throws, then I work my jiu-jitsu on the ground.
And honzolo, very cool. And I agree when you said belts usually don't mean much. The reason I said I sucked was because I was comparing myself to a certain green belt, but to be honest, he beats most higher belts too.
And Conan, that's a pretty good amount of bang for your buck.
And honzolo, very cool. And I agree when you said belts usually don't mean much. The reason I said I sucked was because I was comparing myself to a certain green belt, but to be honest, he beats most higher belts too.
And Conan, that's a pretty good amount of bang for your buck.
It's funny when I get to do "stand up" with another person... since they know I have had a judo background and they know I know jiu-jitsu, they won't come at me. So I have to always go to them because they hate being thrown and then while they hit the ground I'm already working on a submission. We use gi since it's getting colder, but durning the summer it's no-gi.
I still think jiu-jitsu PWNS ALL!
Once the fight gets into close combat, you're pretty much done if you don't know how to defend against jiu-jitsu.
I love being able to destroy people. I'm also 6'3", 240 pounds, so when I'm on mount, it sucks for the other person who's on the bottom playing bitch.
I smell a challenge...
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And honzolo, very cool. And I agree when you said belts usually don't mean much. The reason I said I sucked was because I was comparing myself to a certain green belt, but to be honest, he beats most higher belts too.
And Conan, that's a pretty good amount of bang for your buck.
I know what you mean when you were talking about being uninspired in class because you weren't being challenged much. Its always better to have some people who are better than you to keep you motivated. There was one kid who was about 17 years old in my schol who was a black belt, and I always loved sparring with him. I never actually won but I did get better against him, and that's what its all about. He had a ton of natural talent, and had been training since he was young. I had a lower level belt push me as well. He wasn't that naturally talented, but he was a big guy. His kicks hurt, and I didn't like getting hit by them, so I really developed my lead leg skills while sparring with him. As soon as I would sense his movement, I wouold immediately jam him with the lead leg. It eventually became one of my strong suits in tournaments, and other students would comment on my lead leg quickness, even though I hadn't really paid attention to how and why I developed it. It's very interesting how you develop your skills and why.
Jiu-jitsu is definitely an advantage over someone who has no ground skills to speak of. That's how Royce Gracie won early on in the UFC. Once people began to incorporate it into their game though, he became less effective. Most people don't know ground game, but everyopne has some idea how to do standup. Whether they are good at it or not is another thing altogether... hehe.
Jiu-jitsu did not, however, pwn Matt Hughes last night.
I smell a challenge...
Oh, it is, it is.
Vale Tudo eats Jiu-Jistu in any practical situation for breakfast .
17 years combined forms of study here. Ranging from Tae Kwon Do (as pointless as you can get in a street brawl) to Aikido (fun to making people look stupid) to Vale Tudo (I spent years on end studying this combined Brazilian form created by Marco Ruas). My current, and neverending, form of study is Jeet Kun Do.
After spending years training in various forms I, personally, have learned that no one form really is the "win button" form. In any given situation now I would probably use what "Malachi-Fu" since it's a stripped down bastardisation of all the forms I have studied.
The key to Martial Arts in learned your body's individual aptitudes. I am a smidge over 6'3" myself and weigh roughly 250lbs so it goes to some reasonable sense that there are some forms requiring bounding, bouncing, and speed that I probably won't be able to match in someone smaller than my frame. That's why after all the formal training I have had I really took what worked best with my build and body and maximised it.
That's why I still study Jeet as it really is the primarily the stripping down of all non-essentials in any given form and optimising it for your personal use. I will be the first to admit that there are some forms that are horrible for certain situations. Certain forms may look great in the Tournament ring but in a 5-on-1 bar brawl they'd be as useful as a wet tampon weilded as a deadly weapon.
The big problem in learning Eastern Martial Arts in the western parts of the world is that you usually get a watered down, commercialised version of the given form. Note, I say "Eastern Martial arts" for a reason. Forms like the French Savate and Israeili Krav Maga are great forms in their own but are, of course, considered more as western teachings.
Secular v. linear training makes an extreme difference as well. Many schools, here in the U.S., that "claim" to use a linear form tend to hand out belts like toilet paper at a bean tasting festival. Black Belts aren't all they are cracked up to be as well as any person who has trained for any given length of time knows. You'll find many "high-level" students or teachers that tout their "black belt" as if it means they are a grand master. In most Eastern Martial Art forms attaining a "black belt" simly denoted you as a student of the given form. Many forms go up and to 10th level Black Belts, each exponentially harder to attain than the last. Some forms go even higher.
In short (yeah, like I am ever short), you just have to find a form that works "for you" and that you find enjoyable. After you have done that dwell on discipline and focus as these are going to be the primary points of any given form of martial arts. Never be concerned about being too old or too young to start training in a given form either. Also, if you do as I have and move around through many forms let me leave you with one sound piece of advice: Always enter the new form understanding that you know nothing and that you are starting from square one. Starting a new form with the idea "Well I did blah blah for 10 years. I should be a bit more advanced" is a piss poor way to start mentally into learning.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Sorry for the hijack. Kick ass.
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I'm going to bootcamp soon so I'll be learning hand to hand combat there.
So I guess I'll be practicing it.
I'm just looking forward to being able to throw a grenade...
So much power in my hand....Oh jeez, I think I just might get a hard on.
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Heya, MJ. Good to see you're back too. Last I had seen you were living in BanLand. Did the natives treat you okay? As for me I tend to go Elvis from time to time. Was just busy doing a bunch of housework/renovations as of late.
Now back to your regularly scheduled topic...
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
im currently taking Muy Thai,
ive taken 3 years tae kwon do, a year and a half of kenpo (katana fencing part only), 2 years italian fencing, and a year of kick boxing.
i try and vary it, I find purely practicing martial arts without your own variation both ineffective, and taking the point out of the whole self discipline aspect of it.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
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ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
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Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Not from my understanding. From my friend who like teaches this stuff. It has high emphasis on kicking and being more defensive style. But seriously.. It really wouldn't suprise me that we get a watered down verson of it here...
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ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
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nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
Not from my understanding. From my friend who like teaches this stuff. It has high emphasis on kicking and being more defensive style. But seriously.. It really wouldn't suprise me that we get a watered down verson of it here...
Arizona is the Budweiser Select of martial arts then. Arkansas must be a close second.
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Not from my understanding. From my friend who like teaches this stuff. It has high emphasis on kicking and being more defensive style. But seriously.. It really wouldn't suprise me that we get a watered down verson of it here...
Arizona is the Budweiser Select of martial arts then. Arkansas must be a close second.
Eh, more or less... The best way I can think of it is "Nothing amazing happens here. Only everyday, mundane stuff."
Siehst du mich
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ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
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nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
About time someone made a thread about Martial Arts. Yes I do practice Martial Arts. Here is my list (from most experienced (top) to least (bottom):
1. Karate
2. Ninjitsu
3. Jujuitsu
4. She Quan
5. * I can't tell you*
6. * I can't tell you*
7. Jeet Kune Do
I'm actually in the process of making and learning other different styles.
What a screwed up list I made....
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-