Originally posted by Admin
So, if this were the case - then why would we have this forum? This is a forum for people to discuss their dissatisfaction with the game. You may not want to acknowlege it, but there are still people playing SWG that have a need and right to discuss the game without being harassed by people who don't like the game...which is why they have a place to do this now.
We NEVER cave into what game companies may or may not want us to do (and for the record SOE has never contacted us about our SWG forums). Have you not noticed the virtual currency ads on this site? Trust me when I tell you SOE, Mythic, NCSoft, Sigil and more have asked us to take them down and we don't - we make our decisions based on our own views and those of our members.
If this is the nastiest side of MMORPG.com and it users, I can live with it easily...but the real nastiest side is...raid-oriented!
I am sure the staff here will favor a MMO advertisement over gold advertisement, but if they have voids to fill or offers that are significantly more interesting, they have to maintain the forum and pay folks to check all the reports and that the basics rules of civility are respected.
This site is growing amazingly well and becoming more important than ever, and at this rate, the tendancy is only going to increase. Gratz guys!
Golds farmers/items farmers are of no negative consequences in ANY form in a heavily instanced game, as all they can do is offer more to fellow players, which is not something I see as problematic. For a game that ban instancing, yeah, I guess this could be problematic, but it is their duty, as devs, to find a way to make sure players enjoy the game and are able to camp what they want. Instancing is a very sweet tool, but devs are free to use whichever they want. Fighting theses "transactions", is like attacking the sea with a longsword, good luck pal. If folks find it FUN, they won't be rdy to pay much to avoid FUN...again, instancing is the best tool to fight all the negative aspects of gold farmers.
Peoples abiding by these actions have never hindered my game experience in any form, as they provide more options, more grouping, and I never experience heavy camp that prevent me to do it to a scope that is unmaneagable, but, all my recent MMOs experiences are in instanced-heavy MMOs, which are by definition, immune to camping problems.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
If 'SOE, Mythic, NCSoft, Sigil and more' want them taken down, then maybe leaving them up will encourage them to do more to stop the practice.
Leave them up I say!
As far as I'm concerened as long as this site remains free and I don't have to pay a subscription then I have no place complaining about whatever adds they decide to put up.
I may not agree with them all, I down right despise gold selling/buying but these people need to make a living, the better they do, the more the site will improve and as a community member, that's all I care about.
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"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
"again, instancing is the best tool to fight all the negative aspects of gold farmers."
Right on the money Anofalye.
Tyr's Hand Zone in WoW is a good example of how Gold sellers will take over a zone. On the other hand, WoW's instanced zones allowed me to almost completely ignore all the fuss about gold farmers/sellers.
It will be interesting to see how some upcomming games without instanceing expect to keep currency sellers from taking over.
I see it as cheating however im only one and some people like that little edge of have the uber gear without working for it so the ads dont bother me much People that buy gold are going to find an ad some place so why not here... plus if Mmorpg can make some cash to keep this site free i say go for it
I support gold selling. Not financially of course I'm not dumb enough to actually buy something that doesn't exist, but if people are willing to shell out Thousands of dollars for stuff that doesn't exist, more power to them. I wish I was that rich and props to the ppl making money off those fools.
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This will also send a clear message to the businesses in question. This is a pretty popular website.
Are you aware that there is currently a major problem where key logggers are being installed using security flaws in IE and then being used to harvest WoW passwords. This flaw is so major that Blizzard have found it necessary to place a warning on their logon screen. One of my guild members - a player who I have partied with several times was recently caught by this scam. His level 60 warrior was stripped of every item and coin he owned, making his character almost useless.
Do you think this would happen if there wasn't a market for gold?
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Use FireFox.
There will ALWAYS be a market for gold as long as there are MMOs. That's a fact.Do I think it would happen if the government stepped in and fixed Microshit? Hell no.
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No, that's where you're wrong. The flaw lies with Microshit. That's why I don't use IE
Neither do I use IE when I can help it. That doesn't mean I can't feel compassion for my fellow guildie, and resentment towards the people who ruined his gaming experience.
There will ALWAYS be a market for gold as long as there are MMOs. That's a fact.
Sorry for stating the obvious, but advertising makes the market larger and more profitable - and hence more attractive to unscrupulous individiuals. Less advertising = fewer gold-sellers = fewer scams.
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As long as MMORPG.COM maintains their policy against posts for RMTs, I am fine with a few ads. I still don't agree with those that decide to use it, but it really is their decision, their risk. Advertisement is one thing, solicitation is another completely, and I'm glad MMORPG.COM makes the distinction.
And actually, this site has to be one of the least ad-filled mainstream gaming sites I have seen. Anywhere else you will find popups and mandatory view ads (those full page, click here to continue crap), and offers for subscriptions to get less ads and "exclusive content" (IGN anyone...). More power to MMORPG.COM for finding ways to give the viewers what they want, even if it means a few RMT ads here and there.
I sleep with a pillow under my gun.
So how do you 'stop running gold selling ads' people propose that MMORPG staff keep the site running? Are you volunteering to pay extra for the revenue they'll cut off, or do you expect them to start paying money from their own pockets to keep the site running?
While I do not condone the practice, it is a free market and someone has to pay the bills.
So if it means keeping the forums up so we can discuss things, then by all means do it.
Many of the advertisements on this site already come from more desirable sources, such as games companies. If the gold sellers were removed, then advertisement rates would have to be lowered in order to entice other advertisers, but in a competitive market you don't have to lower your rates by alot in order to find other customers. I wouldn't be surprised if the net loss of advertising revenue may be as low as 10-20%.
I believe that if they care passionately about the longtime health of the hobby then they should take this hit. Afterall, the health of the MMO hobby is closely linked to the long term future of this site.
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I say keep the ads if only to piss off SOE, EA, Blizzard (okay, Blizzard is still cool. Although WoW isn't my cup of tea.).
I just wish they'd advertise the cheaper companies. The ads I've seen are overcharging lol. I've got friends who purchased a 1-60 from a Chinese group for $200 in just over a week's time. ilevelu or whatever takes longer and charges like $400+.
The modern MMORPG is simply not worthy, of the acronym RPG. The straight grind and lack of atmosphere leave me with no choice. From this day forth, World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, and all the games like them shall be referred to as PIGCRAP. People In Guilds Constantly Raiding And Power-leveling
No, I'm sorry but you don't understand the problem.
Nobody is "hacking" in any part of that. The flaw is in IE that allows programs to be downloaded and ran without you knowing about it. For anyone to be "hacking" they need to be exploiting an unintentional part of a program, where as that flaw is totally Intentional on Microshit's part. They put it there on purpose, they can easily take it out, it's actually a function of the IE Browser.
The reason they don't want to take it out, is because it allows them to keep a hold on you as a customer and allows them to download and run programs on your computer, without you knowing. There is nothing unintentional about it.
Trivia Fact: Did you know that nobody but Microsoft OWNS windows? You cannot buy windows for "personal use". If you read the ToS of Windows itself, you are actually RENTING it from Microsoft.
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Moreover, it is not mmorpg.com's role to side with what others may seem as "ethical". One person's ethics may not be another's. Be it the majority or minority, or simply the vocal minority's popular opinion. They are here to make money and perhaps take part in something they genuinely enjoy - the world of MMOs.
Would I buy gold online? Neh... thats part of the fun of playing IMO. Do I dislike mmorpg.com for advertising entities that sell gold online for games? Not at all. If I were a business, I'd do what I must to keep afloat.
It's easy to stay idealistic when nothing is at stake, or when you have sufficient resources to do so.
"...and with that cryptic comment, I'm off to bed!"