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The next WoW?



  • random11random11 Member UncommonPosts: 765
    AoC has been in developement for some time now, but then again I have seen mmos developed for many years that flopped, so this is no reason for an mmo to be good, or not.

    Who predicted WoW would flop? WoW was predicted to be a success, which it was. Huge success at that, easy game, safe leveling, poor character customization.... simply easy. Not my type of game, but I give it credit.

    It is not just WoW that was sos successful, the 7 mill subs is not because WoW is the best mmo ever made, it's because it was the best advertised mmo at that very specific time, the time of the "mmo boom".

    WoW has more 12 year olds than any other game... even worse than the 12 years olds, are the ppl who act like 12 years olds ... and WoW has most of them....
  • MeridionMeridion Member UncommonPosts: 1,495
    Guildwars and Runescape... if you want REAL immaturity

    And AoC will be nowhere near WoW subscriberwise, I promise, it will be successful on a regular scale, like 300,000 subs or sth. like other successful games like early SWG.
    WoW can only be knocked off by a game that is equally easy and prolonging fun for casual gamers. Oh yes, you havent mentioned the fact that casual gamers tend to just start over with new toons once they hit cap. Its a habit of "real" mmog players to keep their first characters and improve them. Friend of mine is leveling her sixth character to 60 now and still thinks its fun :)

    Besides, I would play a Harry Potter Online game anytime if its designed right, and I bet a LOT of people would.


  • tepthtanistepthtanis Member Posts: 545

    Who gives a flying crap about WOW or Harry Potter? This is the AoC forums...and unless I missed my guess, WOW is old news and Harry Potter is for the kiddies. Do you honestly think that they will make a Harry Potter MMO with more adult content than the movies??? You can't compare AoC with a kiddies game and a has been game with childish content. So just drop it.


    Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.

  • ruegonruegon Member Posts: 63
    No I don't think this is going to be the next WOW. I believe WAR will do that. in my opinion AoC will have a older and more loyal base of players mostly into PvP and Conan lore.

    Do not mistake Indifference for Hate. Nor Kindness for Weakness. for this is the Bane of Judgment !

  • TinybinaTinybina Member Posts: 2,130

    Originally posted by metalcore
    Firstly AoC hasn't been in development that long, I would be surprised if its any good.Secondly people predicted WoW would be a flop, now they predict it doesn't have longevity. As it comes upto its 2nd year with 7 million subscribers (current not total) and an expansion on the cards, couple with the fact that their are many people still playing Diablo 2, can't see WoW going down the pan any time soon.As for 12 year olds in WoW, sure there is always bad eggs in any batch, but I have seen other games just as bad.
    I agreed with you up untill the last part... I have never played a MMORPG with a community as bad is WOW, please tell us which games are just as bad...

    You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith

  • Distortion0Distortion0 Member Posts: 668

    Originally posted by Tinybina

    Originally posted by metalcore

    Firstly AoC hasn't been in development that long, I would be surprised if its any good.
    Secondly people predicted WoW would be a flop, now they predict it doesn't have longevity. As it comes upto its 2nd year with 7 million subscribers (current not total) and an expansion on the cards, couple with the fact that their are many people still playing Diablo 2, can't see WoW going down the pan any time soon.
    As for 12 year olds in WoW, sure there is always bad eggs in any batch, but I have seen other games just as bad.

    I agreed with you up untill the last part... I have never played a MMORPG with a community as bad is WOW, please tell us which games are just as bad...

    I bet you he says Warcraft 3 multiplayer and Diablo Multiplayer :P
  • tepthtanistepthtanis Member Posts: 545

    Originally posted by ruegon
    No I don't think this is going to be the next WOW. I believe WAR will do that. in my opinion AoC will have a older and more loyal base of players mostly into PvP and Conan lore.

    I agree with you 100% ruegon.image There is no comparing the two. Obviously AoC isn't going to have the numbers that WOW did. But what it will have is a very stable and somewhat more mature fanbase. WAR will be an excellent game as well as long as it avoids the pitfalls that WOW did not.

    Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.

  • SturmrabeSturmrabe Member Posts: 927

    Originally posted by iduums

    "The industry-standard set by WoW may just be met and exceeded in some ways by AoC, but I don't think any MMO will ever be as successful as WoW has been"
    WoW didn't make a industry Standard.  Most people that play wow never played a MMORPG before.  The MMO community is a tight knit community and 3/4 it prolly dont even play WoW.  People who play wow i don't consider people who truely love MMO's, just kids or people drawn by the warcraft name.
    WoW is far from innovative.
    I would say the industry standard is 500k-800k subs
    AOC is a niche community, you wont even come close to WoW's numbers.  WAR might that about it

    I agree, though I see the AoC community as more than a niche market... I see a LOT of the people from Shadowbane coming for the sieges, and a lot of people from EQ/SWG/DDO coming for the depth of lore and RP potiential...

    I see a lot of people leaving WoW out of boredom, but hopefully those people will truck right on over to WAR where they belong...

    I see WAR as the only MMO truly competing with WoW for the same audience, and they are both more than welcome to them!

    WoW is EQ with training wheels, no more, no less...

    And a lot of older people in my AoC Clan have never played a MMo in their life, but have been a Robert E. Howard fan, and a Conan fan, more than 90% of the people in WoW have been alive... and older than many of their parents! And as long as Funcom doesn't let those people at Del Rey who are controlling this license (and are putting out some mediocre Age of Conan books) screw up the lore, they aren't going ANYWHERE!


    Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche

  • tepthtanistepthtanis Member Posts: 545
    Well thanks Sturmrabe for making me feel like an! I think that AoC will be the shit. But I think that Warhammer will be several steps above WOW. Simply because I played it as a teen and think it has all the pluses that WOW could have had if it wasn't marketed for the 10 to 17 year olds. I'm a REHoward fan if that isn't obvious by now. But I believe in giving promise where it's due. And Warhammer is taking the reigns after the popular(yet foppish) followup of the Warcraft storyline. So cut me some slack bud!image

    Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.

  • bhagamubhagamu Member Posts: 425
    Err... IMO, WoW succeeded because Blizzard already had a rediculously high fan-base, leading to more players playing it, leading to business interests in the game leading to more people playing it.

    I agree with some other poster on here; true "MMORPG-ers" are not necessarily enraptured by WoW because of the game itself, and I think that there is plenty more opportunity for the MMORPG industry... however, having been to Microsoft's booth at DigitalLife at New York City and getting a chance to look at the game close up... I'm going to severely doubt that it will be even close to successful as compared to WoW.
    Gore '08

  • tepthtanistepthtanis Member Posts: 545

    Originally posted by bhagamu
    Err... IMO, WoW succeeded because Blizzard already had a rediculously high fan-base, leading to more players playing it, leading to business interests in the game leading to more people playing it.

    I agree with some other poster on here; true "MMORPG-ers" are not necessarily enraptured by WoW because of the game itself, and I think that there is plenty more opportunity for the MMORPG industry... however, having been to Microsoft's booth at DigitalLife at New York City and getting a chance to look at the game close up... I'm going to severely doubt that it will be even close to successful as compared to WoW.

    What the hell is your point jerkface. Who the hell said it would be as successful as WOW??? GOD! You youngasses play one MMORPG...(WOW) and think you have all the fricken answers! Just shut up and move along sonny!!!

    Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.

  • logangregorlogangregor Member Posts: 1,524

    Originally posted by clunkymonkey
    Will the release of AoC be as big as when WoW first came out? Will there be as many players as there are on WoW, im still making the disicsion whether to buy this game on release or not. Big communities really doesn't bother me too much but ,hopefully, there wont be as much Noobs on Aoc servers. (I do live in hope) image

    There are noobs in every game. Besides why would base your decision on how many people play on opening day? Ever heard of playing a game because its fun??


  • Cry0Cry0 Member UncommonPosts: 52

    the MMO bandwagon goes in cycles.

    EQ was huge.. then a lot of other games came out in the meantime.. some people quit eq played them.. went back and forth ect.  Over a few years more and more people started falling out of eq and going to other games that although fun werent the same level of addiction.  Then WoW comes and its the next big addiction MMO.  I see games like AoC being as shadowbane was to EQ.  a big player base but not the same as the #1 rpg. Too many people are still addicted to WoW and a lot of the larger guilds (im just assuming) arent at the point where they want to merge to a new game.  WoW hit off huge because drew a crowd to the market and while eq died away people began talking about WoW being their next big game.  WoW came out big EQ guilds packed their bags and moved there as well as many new/old players from the mmo world.

    You will know what the next big mmo is because players in the current big mmo start to talk about how they are leaving it for new mmo_X.


    Personaly i dont want all the WoW players to go to AoC, id rather see all the people who played games like shadowbane and DaOC go there.  If AoC turns out to be full of the same *show me how to do everything because i cant read a 3 sentence quest description or use the ingame map* playerbase i think id have to quit rpgs forever.

  • giogiopricgiogiopric Member Posts: 25

    The grfx are so much better then WoWs, and the gameplay sounds so much more fun than WoWs. This game gonna own the universe!image

  • darkblade568darkblade568 Member Posts: 12
    I'm going to go off on a limb here, but by the time this game comes around there would have been so many other game releases that WoW would be dead, with or without and exspansion. Of course you will always have those die hard Wow players.
  • darkblade568darkblade568 Member Posts: 12
    I disliked the community in Wow also (Barrens chat FTL), But not everyone was bad, and im pretty sure out of those 5,000,000 people that play Wow, AoC is bound to see atleast 100k coming over.
  • SturmrabeSturmrabe Member Posts: 927

    Originally posted by tepthtanis
    Well thanks Sturmrabe for making me feel like an! I think that AoC will be the shit. But I think that Warhammer will be several steps above WOW. Simply because I played it as a teen and think it has all the pluses that WOW could have had if it wasn't marketed for the 10 to 17 year olds. I'm a REHoward fan if that isn't obvious by now. But I believe in giving promise where it's due. And Warhammer is taking the reigns after the popular(yet foppish) followup of the Warcraft storyline. So cut me some slack bud!image

    LOL, sorry bud, that was not intentional!

    I think WAR will definatly be WoW x10, and although I agree that it succeeded because of the pre-packaged audience, it also succeeded by being noob-ready with no consequnces, but also no depth.

    AoC devs on the forum have repeatedly said that they have no intention of trying to compete with WoW, and if nothing else the M rating should tell you that...

    But I think they need to watch out, cause a fraction of 5 million is still a large number, so if even a fraction of WoW people came to AoC they micht swamp the login servers if they don't prepare... I've brought this point up on the official forums...

    Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche

  • tepthtanistepthtanis Member Posts: 545

    Originally posted by Sturmrabe

    LOL, sorry bud, that was not intentional!
    I think WAR will definatly be WoW x10, and although I agree that it succeeded because of the pre-packaged audience, it also succeeded by being noob-ready with no consequnces, but also no depth.
    AoC devs on the forum have repeatedly said that they have no intention of trying to compete with WoW, and if nothing else the M rating should tell you that...
    But I think they need to watch out, cause a fraction of 5 million is still a large number, so if even a fraction of WoW people came to AoC they micht swamp the login servers if they don't prepare... I've brought this point up on the official forums...

    I hope they listened and are prepared. But I plan on being cautious and wait for a little while before I get into the multi part of the game after release. I've learned my lesson.

    Played Wow, D and L, AOC, GW, Eve, Rift and many more insignificant games.

  • TinybinaTinybina Member Posts: 2,130

    Originally posted by parrotpholk
    Honestly I hope that AoC has around 500k active subs and all the people who play WoW stay there. The community is what kills wow for me personally. 
    Don't know how many times I will have to keep saying this.. But WOW CS team (was there even one) can't hold a candle to the Funcom CS team.. Rest assured that when people that spam, exploit, harrass, train, or any other negative action in the game that they will soon be visited by a ingame CS character just like in AO... I don't know how it is now that AO is free but back in the day when you had to P2P if you acted up you were giving a warning (not in the mail) but by a live CS character or ARK that would appear infront of you.  If you acted up enough you were gone.

    You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith

  • CoirCoir Member Posts: 97

    Originally posted by iduums
    "The industry-standard set by WoW may just be met and exceeded in some ways by AoC, but I don't think any MMO will ever be as successful as WoW has been"     WoW didn't make a industry Standard.  Most people that play wow never played a MMORPG before.  The MMO community is a tight knit community and 3/4 it prolly dont even play WoW.  People who play wow i don't consider people who truely love MMO's, just kids or people drawn by the warcraft name.     WoW is far from innovative.     I would say the industry standard is 500k-800k subs  
    QFT, While reading about WoW's standards felt the exact same way. Only standard WoW has set is a large player base. They've not made any groundbreaking game design and indeed quite the opposite. They simply rehashed what EQ did with prettier graphics and not as interesting (Ring War anyone...guild event can be played multiple times so people get the oppurtunity to see it and not just a waiting in queue message) and made people believe there should be no penalty for failing to achieve. ie death penalty.
    What sucks most about WoW is it's lowered the expectations of all those people new to MMO's and given them an easy game to play. Now I hear from these new mmo'ers born and bred on WoW how other games are too harsh or copied WoW's quest system, storyline blah blah blah...

    WoW sset standards in the MMO industry much the same way McD's set standards in the food industry.

  • CoirCoir Member Posts: 97

    Originally posted by metalcore
    Firstly AoC hasn't been in development that long, I would be surprised if its any good.Secondly people predicted WoW would be a flop, now they predict it doesn't have longevity. As it comes upto its 2nd year with 7 million subscribers (current not total) and an expansion on the cards, couple with the fact that their are many people still playing Diablo 2, can't see WoW going down the pan any time soon.As for 12 year olds in WoW, sure there is always bad eggs in any batch, but I have seen other games just as bad.
    AoC has going for it exactly what WoW had. A dedicated fanbase interested in the world of Conan. It'll have fanbois much like every other game out there.

    I don't recall ever readin anywhere that WoW would flop. Nowhere at all. I remember reading a lot about cutesy graphics people hated and that it appeared to be real easy to play but no recollection of a flop. Anyone who knew half of anything about gaming knew how big Blizzard's rep for a decent release and solid games plus the fanbase knew WoW would only suceed. In MMO terms SS your flop article/forum topic or it didn't happen.

    7 million subscibers. keyloggers people are picking up from their own official forums leading to accounts stripped and deleted. Do a who scarlet monastery 60, /who wpl 60, /who desolace 60, /who mauradon 60 or simply zone into DM and say Ni Hao. There are GUILDS of farmers out there on a single server. What % of the 7 million are farmer accounts, what % are chinese accounts, what % are Euro accounts and finally what % are US. Based on mainly US subs I think you'd find WoW wouldn't be too far ahead of Second Life as far as numbers go.

    Also you may want to have a look at how Vivendi is doing. Don't expect to see too much spent on the development of WoW or anything innovative. Some arm of the comapny has to pay the legal fees and fines originating out of Europe...

    WoW is an easy game and a 'phase' and as the people new to MMO's realises this they'll slowly break off from WoW and move onto new games.

    There's a difference between bad eggs and 12 year olds. more and more in WoW I hear Got homework to do, got to get ready for school. WoW is running rampant through our high schools. To think anything else is deluding yourself. Go listen to Barrens chat for a week or two. You'll then see who WoW's main fan base is.

  • SturmrabeSturmrabe Member Posts: 927

    **since this is already at the top you can't call my a hypocrite for saying this**

    Ok lets all agree that WoW is a speacial case

    Comparing everything to WoW is a sign of noobishness because WoW is in no a way a gold standard of MMOs and anyone who's first game WASN'T WoW knows this...

    and lets just let this drop and let some REAL debates/discussion rise...

    Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche

  • PyscoJuggaloPyscoJuggalo Member UncommonPosts: 1,114
    To hell with WoW!

    By Set, just give me the ability to enslave, plillage, murder, and ravage maidens and I'll be happy!image

    --When you resubscribe to SWG, an 18 yearold Stripper finds Jesus, gives up stripping, and moves with a rolex reverend to Hawaii.
    --In MMORPG's l007 is the opiate of the masses.
    --The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!
    --CCP could cut off an Eve player's fun bits, and that player would say that it was good CCP did that.

  • SturmrabeSturmrabe Member Posts: 927

    Originally posted by PyscoJuggalo
    To hell with WoW!

    By Set, just give me the ability to enslave, plillage, murder, and ravage maidens and I'll be happy!image

    Good, now just stop posting in this thread and it will die... sigh...

    Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche

  • Povey151Povey151 Member Posts: 250

    QFT, While reading about WoW's standards felt the exact same way. Only standard WoW has set is a large player base. They've not made any groundbreaking game design and indeed quite the opposite. They simply rehashed what EQ did with prettier graphics and not as interesting (Ring War anyone...guild event can be played multiple times so people get the oppurtunity to see it and not just a waiting in queue message) and made people believe there should be no penalty for failing to achieve. ie death penalty.
    What sucks most about WoW is it's lowered the expectations of all those people new to MMO's and given them an easy game to play. Now I hear from these new mmo'ers born and bred on WoW how other games are too harsh or copied WoW's quest system, storyline blah blah blah...

    WoW sset standards in the MMO industry much the same way McD's set standards in the food industry.

    I have to agree with this. WOW was a total step backwards in the mmorpg community. They've made a game that wasnt innovative at all (b/g's = pointless world pvp)(not seemless world)(no randomly generated loot)(no real reason to avoid death)(no endgame)(no lore)(still questing to "clean out the rat population")

    and now b/c it was successful you have all of these people that think this is what makes a good mmorpg and most of them dont realize that these concepts are old and outdated and need to be moved away from to make a better game.

    I really hope that aoc takes into consideration all the complaints that veteran (by veteran i mean uo/eq/ac and mud) mmorpg'ers make about wow when they complete AOC.

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