Launch = a bit jittery, some graphical/lag issues and other things that need some addressing.
All of the quests I have done have worked without any problems.
They patch these things for a reason ;-)
If you don't like it after your included 30 days then close your account out and don't worry about it. I can see a huge patch on it's way shortly probably to address the launch issues. I don't know if they are working 24 hours a day on it, but they will clean up issues that people are having.
Originally posted by Xabora Originally posted by DuraheLL Ok ^^ I hope the game delivers
Its delivering now... ^_^
More than just delivering, haven't been this addicted to a game since EQ1.
So much in this game and so much potiential.
Now playing: VG (after a long break from MMORPGS) Played for more than a month: Darkfall online, Vanguard SOH, Everquest, Horizons, WoW, SWG, Everquest II, Eve
So even now, as I repeat that I would play it ONLY with a raid-free server, I help them, even by underlining that without such servers I rather bang my head in a wall than play that. No matter what; it helps them to talk about them.
Raiding enforcement is favorising social gankers, it has to stop and best groupers have to be groupers. Until Vanguard evolves to that point, asssuming it ever, it won't have any penny from me.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Say what you want about Blizzard and WoW but they got their act together and when there are problems they seem to jump right on them. Not even having official forums to get information doesn't bode well for this game. I wish Sigil all the best and hope this game does well. They got my $50 but they won't be getting anymore. I expected a polished game. What I found was a game with problems that will be fixed after they start charging that subscription rate. That's unacceptable.
Welcome to the MMO world. DAoC was buggy at release, WoW had HUGE server issues and SWG... well it was the worst launch ever.
(noticed i pointed out what you have talked about in your 3 posts?)
How is the number of posts I made or what I discussed relevant to this discussion? Am I not permitted to discuss or have an opinion due to a low post count? The point is I think VG:SoH is unpolished. Notice I didn't say buggy as hell but it does have some very annoying bugs such as the flicker problem. I'm well aware of release day bugs and glitches but this goes beyond that. The flicker problem affects gameplay. The stutter and lag affect gameplay. This is all happening within a day of "officially" going live. What's the lag and stutter going to be like tomorrow? In the SOE style of doing things you can bet your bank account that a huge patch will come out that won't be thoroughly tested. I know SOE is only the publisher but Sigil is loaded with former SOE employess. Old habits are hard to break. So who pays the price? The customer. To top it all off we don't even have an official forum for complaints, help or information. I'm not saying I didn't like this game or that it wasn't fun. It just has a feel to it of being unfinished and unpolished. This game needed more time in the oven. Maybe in a few months I'll give it another try.
I think that's a good idea. Give it several months or so. Hopefully they will work things out and maybe there will be a bit more support for people who are experiencing problems. As I posted in another thread, eventually there will be a game released that won't feel like another stage of beta and until that time all you can do is help improve the game or wait it out. Good luck with that.
I can almost guarantee the flicker problem is something with your PC and not VG. It is the first I've heard of it. The stuttering is when changing chunks or due to texture loading which is fixed by having a better PC. IMO it's not a reason to not play a game but then again I played Wing Commander when it came out on a 286 12 mghz.
What is the polish that this game lacks? Seriously people keep talking about polish and I just shrug because when I started WoW on release it was about the same thing but less interesting quests and less interesting quest areas than VG. I played a shaman and 90% of totem icons were the same. The graphical effects for spells were sometimes buggy and at least 3 totems were barely working. Should I talk about how messed up shaman itemization was until level 40 with a set of crafted gear at 40-45 (turtlescale FTW) that you pretty much used until 60 because the only thing better was greens of the eagle. I fell through the world, i had indestructible mobs, you name it I saw it. Guess what, I didn't care because I had fun. Wait did I mention loot lag? Hell there wasn't even EXP for PvP in on release.
Everyone says WoW was soooo polished on release. What game were you playing because while it was better than most releases VG so far has been 10X better.
Honestly WTF does polished mean because I think of WoW on release (supposedly polished) and it had 3 broken classes many broken abilities, tons of icon problems, terrible servers but hey the quests worked. I loved WoW but holding it as some great wonderful thing that raised the bar is a bit crazy. WoW introduced lots of new people to the genre; that and it's quest-not-grind (what the fack happed to that) philosophy were what it really changed in the market place. When I think of my WoW vs VG experience VG was the more "polished" experience.
Instead of just saying they don't like the way the game plays or works and maybe commenting on it people just say it lacks polish. It's BS and unless someone can give me an example vs. other games that were MORE "polished" on release I will maintain that it's BS.
Long story short, not having a hook in Beta really disappointed me. I never felt a sense of belongingness or felt part of the world as much as just existing in it. The graphics were impressive and for the most part the game ran pretty well for me. The crafting aspect and harvesting was pretty neat, a bit overly elaborate and at times it felt a bit tedious for its own good. There was a lot of button mashing, I played a Monk so I came to expect that, however it was pretty much the same level of button mashing with my Shaman and Drud. I preferred the original UI, I really liked the first journal that was presented in early Beta. The UI just became a WoW clone, which wasn't really a game breaker for me, but no less felt/looked way to much like WoW.
The quest were more like busy work than engaging, the lack of a decent story line or substantive lore was partly to blame. RL friends, Online Friends and my Guild Mates seemed to enjoy it, for me I expected a little more from Brad. I'm a little disillusioned from the whole experience so I don't anticipate playing it any time soon if at all.
The Old Timers Guild Laid back, not so serious, no drama. All about the fun! An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett
Enjoy the limelight while you can. Be happy that people are talking about the game. Soon all the critical people will move on and you will have to play that masochistic, grind-fest without the spotlight. Once all the posts here become that blind fanboy stuff like what is contained on those worthless Vanguard Affiliate sites with the idiotic names, you will know that the people on the fence have moved on. The people who criticized the game were potential customers and wanted to play a good game; nothing more.
Once you guys get a little higher in level you will start to see a major drop off in the folks on your friends list as people will start to want to play a modern, fun game again. This forum will be like the in a short period of time. Probably by the end of the year. Of course before that will be the server merges, simplified gameplay, LFG tools, etc but it will not help.
Good luck to you all. Bye bye. I know I know. "Go play WoW blah blah blah...kiddie...blah blah blah..." "You can't take a challenge..yada yada yada". "Get a better machine...yada yada yada." "You just want Instant gratification...., etc..."
1) The stuttering is when changing chunks or due to texture loading which is fixed by having a better PC.
2) 90% of totem icons were the same.
3) at least 3 totems were barely working.
4) Should I talk about how messed up shaman itemization was until level 40 with a set of crafted gear at 40-45 (turtlescale FTW) that you pretty much used until 60 because the only thing better was greens of the eagle.
5) Hell there wasn't even EXP for PvP in on release.
6) Honestly WTF does polished mean because I think of WoW on release (supposedly polished) and it had 3 broken classes many broken abilities, tons of icon problems, terrible servers but hey the quests worked.
1) With all your technical knowledge, you think you could provide a less vague solution then 'buy a new PC'.
2) Totem icons the same? No, they were not.
3) Barely working? They seemed fine to me.
4) How can Shaman itemization be messed up? Plenty of stuff in WC, SFK, RFC, GR, RFK, Ulda. Or did you not bother to read the quests that took you to them?
5) Yeah becuase thats a ground breaking MMO feature.
6) 3 broken classes? you mean they were so badly made they were unplayable? Granted the servers were laggy, but not unplayably laggy. Not, walk 10 meters crash, relog walk 10 meters crash relog.
Im no Blizz fanboi, but I WoW deserves credit where it is due.
As for Polish?
Polish is the little things. When all the major gameplay is wrapped up, its time spent just painting the world. Ensuring its all interesting and entertaining. For example, everywhere you look in WoW, on the ground, up above, you can see somebody has put some thought into that area. From the layout of the land, to a small rock on the ground, to the different heights of the trees. To birds flying around. Its the little things that make big things so great. Thats what polish is and Vanguard during OB had NONE of it.
1) The stuttering has said to be much better with 2GB+ ram and a 512mb+ vid card. I have 1GB ram and 256mb vid card and I only have problems in cities. Also you can lower draw distance and animation LOD to significantly reduce hitching. To me this is common sense to anyone who has played games for a long time.
2) Did you even play a shaman on release? There were a total of about 8 different icons for totems. 2 for each element. Poison and disease used the same icon, as did healing and mana spring. The other elements suffered the same problems.
3) Grounding totem was bugged on release and then the bug became a feature. Stoneclaw totem did not have the advertised HP. Weapon buff totems were very very buggy depending on the class. There were others but it's too long ago now.
4) Did you ever play a shaman in those instances looking for good leather drops? Also I mentioned that I wore crafted level 40-45 stuff pretty much until I was 60. It was better than what was in uldaman and the big troll instance in the desert (can't remember the name) at the time (yes I did ALL of uld). That's 15-20 levels with a huge gap of decent gear. Until dire maul was released the only good gear for shaman was the set. If you played an enhancement shaman there wasn't anything good until dire maul. There was some good stuff in the instance in the centaur area (again name escapes me) but mostly weapons and shields, not armour. Druids and warlocks had it worse than shaman.
5) WoW was advertised as a PvP game. PvP was useless on release. VG has more interesting PvP on release than WoW. VG is not even advertised as a PvP game. And I'm the one that's
6) No classes are unplayable or broken what-so-ever in VG. 2 classes are not implemented but people knew they weren't going to make release months ago. Hunters, druids and warlocks, while playable, were all pretty messed up when WoW was released. Hunters being the worst with some incredible pet bugs. These classes now do not even resemble the classes as they were released.
The initial server I chose to play on was unplayable due to both queus and lag and I switched servers with my guild. Even switching to a medium pop server I ended up getting about a month worth of free time from Blizzard because of server problems. The auction house was unusable as well as the mail system. Many mining and herbalist nodes were bugged and forced you to relog because they would freeze you when you tried to loot. Looting itself often took many seconds and sometimes minutes. It was playable but sometimes it was very annoying.
In VG I haven't had a single problem with lag or database access times. I have crashed once due to the patch on saturday when the servers went up but the patch was not properly implemented. Other than that I have not had one single problem.
This game has lots of that polish, you clearly have either not played or just want to hate the game. Infact if you compare the early caves and dungeons of the 2 games VG is much much more polished. You don't have the tiny caves with the same layout as each other all over the place. They all have atmosphere, unique mobs that drop interesting loot, and sometimes you can travel all the way through them and come out somewhere unexpected. There are tons of interesting areas in HE area with mushroom rings and stone circles. There's a fully fledged dryad grove that is pretty great to see. For a world as big as it is I am very impressed with what they've done with it. You don't see as much little squirrels and stuff running around but you the ambient sounds are great. To me good ambient sound is 10X more immersive than seeing squirrels running around. In an actual forest you see very few birds and squirrels but you certainly hear them.
I loved WoW but it's release was a pain in the ass.
VG has problems but at this point everything I've seen is pretty minor.
There I went point for point with examples and didn't just say "You're wrong I'm right".
I played in open beta and have tried it again over the last few days.
My computer is a year oldnow so there's no chance i'll be able to run int at full. i can run it on low, but the game looks worse than DAoC before the Shrouded Isles expansion.
And, to be honest, that isn't even my main problem.
The game feels sterile. I keep trying to give it another chance, but i am bored out of my skull. No hook to keep me playing, nothing i have seen so far has made me want to play more.
my brother has just gone and bought a new PC for himself to play this game, when it arrives i'll give it another spin on that and see if my opinions change.
I played in open beta and have tried it again over the last few days.
My computer is a year oldnow so there's no chance i'll be able to run int at full. i can run it on low, but the game looks worse than DAoC before the Shrouded Isles expansion.
And, to be honest, that isn't even my main problem.
The game feels sterile. I keep trying to give it another chance, but i am bored out of my skull. No hook to keep me playing, nothing i have seen so far has made me want to play more.
my brother has just gone and bought a new PC for himself to play this game, when it arrives i'll give it another spin on that and see if my opinions change.
Sorry to hear you feel the game is sterile. I have been playing since friday and i am in love thats maybe because i am in a guild and we are all togther learning.
damn... i got to stop reading this forum section - i promised myself NOT to buy the game till April (Due to bugs & coz in April i have my final exam) - but u guys are making it harder to "wait" - i just loved the Game in beta (with all the bugs/and my "great" 5-10 fps) - so if its even better now - i cant wait till ill be able to play it again!
That may be so, even still, I'm not going to purchase Vanguard untill SOE releases a free trial, simply because of the bad experience with performance.
Ask someone with the collectors edition for a buddy key. They wiped out the lag and hitching when they removed the debuggin code for the release version. You have never seen a game so improved in your life I assure you.
He's right. Day and night difference. Not perfect yet, but I haven't had this much fun in a MMORPG in a long time. It's actually more fun than trolling forums, which is a nice change of pace
I dont know if anyone is reading this far into the post.
I hyped Vanguard greatly , until i got to test it in open Beta. I figured it will be unplayable due to hitching and crushes on my old(er) PC.I posted on this forums, and was attacked for it with unbelivable intensity.
This made me so disapointed that I went and bought WOW (it is just 15$ now) , and started a character on a new realm.
Now i understand. What means polished , what means full of quests , lore and beautiful.
I wish all the best to Vanguard. And perhaps in half year - i will be checking back. Because this train i missed
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
2) I had a Shaman in Beta and later about 4 months after retail and I didint notice any icon troubles. If these "icon errors" were there, its seriously petty for somebody to critisize a game on something as unaffectingly small as icons.
3) I cant remember any Totem dramas.
4) Yes I played a shaman. Looking at I can see shaman gear in all instances.
5) Could you refer an advertisement to me where WoW is officially suggested to be a PVP game?
6) Yes there were pet bugs. Honestly, I cant debate on the Hunter, one of the classes Ive avoided.
"This game has lots of that polish, you clearly have either not played or just want to hate the game. Infact if you compare the early caves and dungeons of the 2 games VG is much much more polished. You don't have the tiny caves with the same layout as each other all over the place. They all have atmosphere, unique mobs that drop interesting loot, and sometimes you can travel all the way through them and come out somewhere unexpected. There are tons of interesting areas in HE area with mushroom rings and stone circles. There's a fully fledged dryad grove that is pretty great to see. For a world as big as it is I am very impressed with what they've done with it. You don't see as much little squirrels and stuff running around but you the ambient sounds are great. To me good ambient sound is 10X more immersive than seeing squirrels running around. In an actual forest you see very few birds and squirrels but you certainly hear them."
Once again, I have played Vanguard. I find it amusing that when somebody has an alternate opinion to yours you assume that they are ignorant. Perhaps you should reflect that opinion is based on perspective and everyones perspective is different.
I played VG in beta from phase 3/4 and I do not hate the game, it has potential and Im looking forward to trying it out now that there are rumors of the performance problems being fixed. You are comparing the polish of two games based on caves? There are unique mobs in all MMO's as well as interesting loot. HE? Great fairy rings and good ambient sound, your arguement is that all WoW has is squirrels? You obviously have a very low & biased opinion of WoW. Becuase if you had stopped and taken your time to take in the sights, you will have notice there is much more then just squirrels in WoW.
Do continue your list of features of 'polish' vanguard has, I'd love to hear more. So far you've labeled caves, fairy groves and dryads...
I dont know if anyone is reading this far into the post. I hyped Vanguard greatly , until i got to test it in open Beta. I figured it will be unplayable due to hitching and crushes on my old(er) PC.I posted on this forums, and was attacked for it with unbelivable intensity. This made me so disapointed that I went and bought WOW (it is just 15$ now) , and started a character on a new realm. Now i understand. What means polished , what means full of quests , lore and beautiful.
I wish all the best to Vanguard. And perhaps in half year - i will be checking back. Because this train i missed
Grats to you Rattrap, you did the right thing and purchased a game that was made to run on your older computer. It's true that there is no point in running a game on a PC that cannot run it.
To the OP, I agree with you 100%. The game is still not what it will be, but as it is now already such a beauty, at least if you got the box to make it run with the nice settings. Its the most complete and beautiful MMO I have played to date.
There is only one major flaw for me : the PvP system is completely worthless compared to the benchmark, Lineage 2. It encourages ganking with children finding their fun in killing you every 2 seconds, even waiting for respawns at the altars so they can enjoy killing everyone in a round again and again. The same poor system you find in EQ2 and other games, completely worthless. Compared to this poor thing, in L2 the system is so good that you don't even need to separate PvP and PVE severs, everyone is together, which makes is much more fun.
Yeah, thanks guys for coming into the Vanguard forum and running down the game at every opportunity.
Thank you for hurling insults at people who enjoy playing it.
Thank you for calling us all 'fanboi,' an 'idiot,' etc.
Thank you for coming over here from the SWG Refuge forum and turning this section of the forums into a ghetto too.
Thank you for hating Vanguard only because of SOE-involvement..
Thank you for starting more flame wars than any other forum.
Thanks SO much....
[As if Sigil gives a damn about these forums or even reads them. The people in this forum have had ZERO effect on change madeto the game. You must be kidding.... kissing the ass of the very people who think your a flipping idiot? Classic. Now I've seen everything. ]
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
Now I'm not talking about trolls who made up lies about Vanguard just to bash it. But we Vanguard fans owe a debt of gratitude to those who did have an honest opinion and criticized Vanguard vocally. The state of the game now is amazing. I don't get any hitching anymore, my quests ALL work, I could go on and on but you get the point. The game is looking fantastic! Those people who made a point of criticizing the state of the open beta really did help light a fire under the devs butts. I have never seen a game this much improved....ever. So before you start making anymore threads that say "Nana look at Vanguard now" or calling people who criticized Vanguard cry babies and look how awesome it is now you were all wrong, appreciate the part they played in really scaring the devs into working their asses off to get Vanguard in the delightful condition it is today. Thanks guys, you really did help. I for one appreciate it.
Those who voiced criticism here contributed nothing really. It was the beta testers who provided the most direct and useful feedback on an ongoing basis. During the NDA in particular, most criticisms on this board were based on little more than speculation and were generally malicious.
Now I'm not talking about trolls who made up lies about Vanguard just to bash it. But we Vanguard fans owe a debt of gratitude to those who did have an honest opinion and criticized Vanguard vocally. The state of the game now is amazing. I don't get any hitching anymore, my quests ALL work, I could go on and on but you get the point. The game is looking fantastic! Those people who made a point of criticizing the state of the open beta really did help light a fire under the devs butts. I have never seen a game this much improved....ever. So before you start making anymore threads that say "Nana look at Vanguard now" or calling people who criticized Vanguard cry babies and look how awesome it is now you were all wrong, appreciate the part they played in really scaring the devs into working their asses off to get Vanguard in the delightful condition it is today. Thanks guys, you really did help. I for one appreciate it.
Those who voiced criticism here contributed nothing really. It was the beta testers who provided the most direct and useful feedback on an ongoing basis. During the NDA in particular, most criticisms on this board were based on little more than speculation and were generally malicious.
Dear Jackdog
We are delighted to extend this invitation to you to participate in the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes beta Phase 3. Below are the instructions needed to get you started on a path towards Telon. We have made the process as painless as possible.
If you have ever played an SOE game, you have a Station Account. If you remember your information, you will use it to access Vanguard.
If you do not already have a Station Account with SOE, you will need to get one. It is free and you can sign up here:
Go to and follow the Beta Registration process. At the end of the process, please enter the following:
Once your key has been accepted, you can download the beta client launch pad at
After you have completed the download of the launch pad, please open that file and run the vanguard.exe from inside the winzip file. This will create a Vanguard icon on your desktop. Run that file to begin the download of the actual beta 3 files. Please be aware that your download times may be long!
The Vanguard Beta forums can be found here: Access to these forums can take up to 72 hours. Please be patient while we process your access.
We sincerely appreciate your support and interest in Vanguard and in Sigil Games Online. We look forward to seeing you in game.
Should you experience any problems or need more clarification for any of these instructions, please contact us at
The Vanguard Dev Team
Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Yes folks I was one of the heroic and brave beta testers. You will also notice if you bother looking up my posting history that I never made a single post over here until after the NDA was dropped. Fanboys are the genres worst enemy. I see some of the same fanboys here proclaiming that Vanguard is bug free that I saw on the Dark and Light forums claiming that game was wonderful also. Did Farlan ever send you that cloth map Anarchy? This game might be a bit better than DnL but still fanboyism is the genres worst enemy and will only re enforce publishers beliefs that they can force games out on the shelves that should still be in closed beta and fools will suck them up.
Now I'm not talking about trolls who made up lies about Vanguard just to bash it. But we Vanguard fans owe a debt of gratitude to those who did have an honest opinion and criticized Vanguard vocally. The state of the game now is amazing. I don't get any hitching anymore, my quests ALL work, I could go on and on but you get the point. The game is looking fantastic! Those people who made a point of criticizing the state of the open beta really did help light a fire under the devs butts. I have never seen a game this much improved....ever. So before you start making anymore threads that say "Nana look at Vanguard now" or calling people who criticized Vanguard cry babies and look how awesome it is now you were all wrong, appreciate the part they played in really scaring the devs into working their asses off to get Vanguard in the delightful condition it is today. Thanks guys, you really did help. I for one appreciate it.
Those who voiced criticism here contributed nothing really. It was the beta testers who provided the most direct and useful feedback on an ongoing basis. During the NDA in particular, most criticisms on this board were based on little more than speculation and were generally malicious.
Dear Jackdog
We are delighted to extend this invitation to you to participate in the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes beta Phase 3. Below are the instructions needed to get you started on a path towards Telon. We have made the process as painless as possible.
If you have ever played an SOE game, you have a Station Account. If you remember your information, you will use it to access Vanguard.
If you do not already have a Station Account with SOE, you will need to get one. It is free and you can sign up here:
Go to and follow the Beta Registration process. At the end of the process, please enter the following:
Once your key has been accepted, you can download the beta client launch pad at
After you have completed the download of the launch pad, please open that file and run the vanguard.exe from inside the winzip file. This will create a Vanguard icon on your desktop. Run that file to begin the download of the actual beta 3 files. Please be aware that your download times may be long!
The Vanguard Beta forums can be found here: Access to these forums can take up to 72 hours. Please be patient while we process your access.
We sincerely appreciate your support and interest in Vanguard and in Sigil Games Online. We look forward to seeing you in game.
Should you experience any problems or need more clarification for any of these instructions, please contact us at
The Vanguard Dev Team
Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Yes folks I was one of the heroic and brave beta testers. You will also notice if you bother looking up my posting history that I never made a single post over here until after the NDA was dropped. Fanboys are the genres worst enemy. I see some of the same fanboys here proclaiming that Vanguard is bug free that I saw on the Dark and Light forums claiming that game was wonderful also. Did Farlan ever send you that cloth map Anarchy? This game might be a bit better than DnL but still fanboyism is the genres worst enemy and will only re enforce publishers beliefs that they can force games out on the shelves that should still be in closed beta and fools will suck them up.
Absolute nonsense. By this logic we should just give up on MMOs altogether. If you dont like the game, move on Jackdog, your posts are getting old.
Now I'm not talking about trolls who made up lies about Vanguard just to bash it. But we Vanguard fans owe a debt of gratitude to those who did have an honest opinion and criticized Vanguard vocally. The state of the game now is amazing. I don't get any hitching anymore, my quests ALL work, I could go on and on but you get the point. The game is looking fantastic! Those people who made a point of criticizing the state of the open beta really did help light a fire under the devs butts. I have never seen a game this much improved....ever. So before you start making anymore threads that say "Nana look at Vanguard now" or calling people who criticized Vanguard cry babies and look how awesome it is now you were all wrong, appreciate the part they played in really scaring the devs into working their asses off to get Vanguard in the delightful condition it is today. Thanks guys, you really did help. I for one appreciate it.
Those who voiced criticism here contributed nothing really. It was the beta testers who provided the most direct and useful feedback on an ongoing basis. During the NDA in particular, most criticisms on this board were based on little more than speculation and were generally malicious.
Dear Jackdog
We are delighted to extend this invitation to you to participate in the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes beta Phase 3. Below are the instructions needed to get you started on a path towards Telon. We have made the process as painless as possible.
If you have ever played an SOE game, you have a Station Account. If you remember your information, you will use it to access Vanguard.
If you do not already have a Station Account with SOE, you will need to get one. It is free and you can sign up here:
Go to and follow the Beta Registration process. At the end of the process, please enter the following:
Once your key has been accepted, you can download the beta client launch pad at
After you have completed the download of the launch pad, please open that file and run the vanguard.exe from inside the winzip file. This will create a Vanguard icon on your desktop. Run that file to begin the download of the actual beta 3 files. Please be aware that your download times may be long!
The Vanguard Beta forums can be found here: Access to these forums can take up to 72 hours. Please be patient while we process your access.
We sincerely appreciate your support and interest in Vanguard and in Sigil Games Online. We look forward to seeing you in game.
Should you experience any problems or need more clarification for any of these instructions, please contact us at
The Vanguard Dev Team
Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Yes folks I was one of the heroic and brave beta testers. You will also notice if you bother looking up my posting history that I never made a single post over here until after the NDA was dropped. Fanboys are the genres worst enemy. I see some of the same fanboys here proclaiming that Vanguard is bug free that I saw on the Dark and Light forums claiming that game was wonderful also. Did Farlan ever send you that cloth map Anarchy? This game might be a bit better than DnL but still fanboyism is the genres worst enemy and will only re enforce publishers beliefs that they can force games out on the shelves that should still be in closed beta and fools will suck them up.
And I trust you took the opportunity to communicate directly with the devs during your beta access? Great. My point is that these boards are not much use as a medium for "improving the game", and I personally wouldn't lend much weight to anything said here.
yes as a matter of fact a lot of the beta testers expressed their dis satisfaction with the pre mature release. Also a lot of developers have gotten the message that customers are tired of buying these things half finished. Obviously Sigil and SOE still have not. Do you really think that lying and saying the game is complete and polished then some kid goes out and drops his fifty on it will help the genre? Or just put a dollar in the suit pocket of the corporate boys so they can tip the waitress at the country club.
Fanboys seem to have the battered wife syndrome, mo matter how many times they get screwed out of money by game publishers they run straight to the next train wreck and start praying for the next miricle patch. There have been some polished games released and there are a couple more in beta right now which are in better shape than Vanguard is as of today and they still have months of beta left.
Keep paying for crap and they will keep selling it. Just say no when it ciomes to buggy games is my motto.
yes as a matter of fact a lot of the beta testers expressed their dis satisfaction with the pre mature release. Also a lot of developers have gotten the message that customers are tired of buying these things half finished. Obviously Sigil and SOE still have not. Do you really think that lying and saying the game is complete and polished then some kid goes out and drops his fifty on it will help the genre? Or just put a dollar in the suit pocket of the corporate boys so they can tip the waitress at the country club. Fanboys seem to have the battered wife syndrome, mo matter how many times they get screwed out of money by game publishers they run straight to the next train wreck and start praying for the next miricle patch. There have been some polished games released and there are a couple more in beta right now which are in better shape than Vanguard is as of today and they still have months of beta left. Keep paying for crap and they will keep selling it. Just say no when it ciomes to buggy games is my motto.
The thing is, I dont think it's crap at all. It has issues but so do ALL MMOS JACKDOG! You say "fanbois" aren't good for the game but I'm wondering how much good your ENDLESS whining does! I am certainly not going to tell you it's finished or polished! The Devs themselves ADMITTED this was a premature release.
Battered Wife Syndrome? Is that like you coming here EVERYDAY to whine and complain? You seem to be the sucker for punishment here, not us. Get a grip mate, and move on to something you enjoy. All MMOs are released in a beta state, it isnt going to change! Get used to it or get over it, it's the nature of the beast!
The thing is, I dont think it's crap at all. It has issues but so do ALL MMOS JACKDOG! You say "fanbois" aren't good for the game but I'm wondering how much good your ENDLESS whining does! I am certainly not going to tell you it's finished or polished! The Devs themselves ADMITTED this was a premature release.
I would probably spend a lot less time here if not for the Polly Anna ostrich head in the ground posts like the OP. The all MMORPGs have bugs excuse is real old, it is not as black and white as that. The issue is this game has too many bugs and is not even close to what they should expect anyone to pay for.
Launch = a bit jittery, some graphical/lag issues and other things that need some addressing.
All of the quests I have done have worked without any problems.
They patch these things for a reason ;-)
If you don't like it after your included 30 days then close your account out and don't worry about it. I can see a huge patch on it's way shortly probably to address the launch issues. I don't know if they are working 24 hours a day on it, but they will clean up issues that people are having.
More than just delivering, haven't been this addicted to a game since EQ1.
So much in this game and so much potiential.
Now playing: VG (after a long break from MMORPGS)
Played for more than a month: Darkfall online, Vanguard SOH, Everquest, Horizons, WoW, SWG, Everquest II, Eve
Talk good, talk ill, but talk about it.
So even now, as I repeat that I would play it ONLY with a raid-free server, I help them, even by underlining that without such servers I rather bang my head in a wall than play that. No matter what; it helps them to talk about them.
Raiding enforcement is favorising social gankers, it has to stop and best groupers have to be groupers. Until Vanguard evolves to that point, asssuming it ever, it won't have any penny from me.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
(noticed i pointed out what you have talked about in your 3 posts?)
How is the number of posts I made or what I discussed relevant to this discussion? Am I not permitted to discuss or have an opinion due to a low post count? The point is I think VG:SoH is unpolished. Notice I didn't say buggy as hell but it does have some very annoying bugs such as the flicker problem. I'm well aware of release day bugs and glitches but this goes beyond that. The flicker problem affects gameplay. The stutter and lag affect gameplay. This is all happening within a day of "officially" going live. What's the lag and stutter going to be like tomorrow? In the SOE style of doing things you can bet your bank account that a huge patch will come out that won't be thoroughly tested. I know SOE is only the publisher but Sigil is loaded with former SOE employess. Old habits are hard to break. So who pays the price? The customer. To top it all off we don't even have an official forum for complaints, help or information. I'm not saying I didn't like this game or that it wasn't fun. It just has a feel to it of being unfinished and unpolished. This game needed more time in the oven. Maybe in a few months I'll give it another try.
What is the polish that this game lacks? Seriously people keep talking about polish and I just shrug because when I started WoW on release it was about the same thing but less interesting quests and less interesting quest areas than VG. I played a shaman and 90% of totem icons were the same. The graphical effects for spells were sometimes buggy and at least 3 totems were barely working. Should I talk about how messed up shaman itemization was until level 40 with a set of crafted gear at 40-45 (turtlescale FTW) that you pretty much used until 60 because the only thing better was greens of the eagle. I fell through the world, i had indestructible mobs, you name it I saw it. Guess what, I didn't care because I had fun. Wait did I mention loot lag? Hell there wasn't even EXP for PvP in on release.
Everyone says WoW was soooo polished on release. What game were you playing because while it was better than most releases VG so far has been 10X better.
Honestly WTF does polished mean because I think of WoW on release (supposedly polished) and it had 3 broken classes many broken abilities, tons of icon problems, terrible servers but hey the quests worked. I loved WoW but holding it as some great wonderful thing that raised the bar is a bit crazy. WoW introduced lots of new people to the genre; that and it's quest-not-grind (what the fack happed to that) philosophy were what it really changed in the market place. When I think of my WoW vs VG experience VG was the more "polished" experience.
Instead of just saying they don't like the way the game plays or works and maybe commenting on it people just say it lacks polish. It's BS and unless someone can give me an example vs. other games that were MORE "polished" on release I will maintain that it's BS.
The quest were more like busy work than engaging, the lack of a decent story line or substantive lore was partly to blame. RL friends, Online Friends and my Guild Mates seemed to enjoy it, for me I expected a little more from Brad. I'm a little disillusioned from the whole experience so I don't anticipate playing it any time soon if at all.
The Old Timers Guild
Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!
An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett
Enjoy the limelight while you can. Be happy that people are talking about the game. Soon all the critical people will move on and you will have to play that masochistic, grind-fest without the spotlight. Once all the posts here become that blind fanboy stuff like what is contained on those worthless Vanguard Affiliate sites with the idiotic names, you will know that the people on the fence have moved on. The people who criticized the game were potential customers and wanted to play a good game; nothing more.
Once you guys get a little higher in level you will start to see a major drop off in the folks on your friends list as people will start to want to play a modern, fun game again. This forum will be like the in a short period of time. Probably by the end of the year. Of course before that will be the server merges, simplified gameplay, LFG tools, etc but it will not help.
Good luck to you all. Bye bye. I know I know. "Go play WoW blah blah blah...kiddie...blah blah blah..." "You can't take a challenge..yada yada yada". "Get a better machine...yada yada yada." "You just want Instant gratification...., etc..."
Cheers Mates!
2) Totem icons the same? No, they were not.
3) Barely working? They seemed fine to me.
4) How can Shaman itemization be messed up? Plenty of stuff in WC, SFK, RFC, GR, RFK, Ulda. Or did you not bother to read the quests that took you to them?
5) Yeah becuase thats a ground breaking MMO feature.
6) 3 broken classes? you mean they were so badly made they were unplayable? Granted the servers were laggy, but not unplayably laggy. Not, walk 10 meters crash, relog walk 10 meters crash relog.
Im no Blizz fanboi, but I WoW deserves credit where it is due.
As for Polish?
Polish is the little things. When all the major gameplay is wrapped up, its time spent just painting the world. Ensuring its all interesting and entertaining. For example, everywhere you look in WoW, on the ground, up above, you can see somebody has put some thought into that area. From the layout of the land, to a small rock on the ground, to the different heights of the trees. To birds flying around. Its the little things that make big things so great. Thats what polish is and Vanguard during OB had NONE of it.
2) Did you even play a shaman on release? There were a total of about 8 different icons for totems. 2 for each element. Poison and disease used the same icon, as did healing and mana spring. The other elements suffered the same problems.
3) Grounding totem was bugged on release and then the bug became a feature. Stoneclaw totem did not have the advertised HP. Weapon buff totems were very very buggy depending on the class. There were others but it's too long ago now.
4) Did you ever play a shaman in those instances looking for good leather drops? Also I mentioned that I wore crafted level 40-45 stuff pretty much until I was 60. It was better than what was in uldaman and the big troll instance in the desert (can't remember the name) at the time (yes I did ALL of uld). That's 15-20 levels with a huge gap of decent gear. Until dire maul was released the only good gear for shaman was the set. If you played an enhancement shaman there wasn't anything good until dire maul. There was some good stuff in the instance in the centaur area (again name escapes me) but mostly weapons and shields, not armour. Druids and warlocks had it worse than shaman.
5) WoW was advertised as a PvP game. PvP was useless on release. VG has more interesting PvP on release than WoW. VG is not even advertised as a PvP game. And I'm the one that's
6) No classes are unplayable or broken what-so-ever in VG. 2 classes are not implemented but people knew they weren't going to make release months ago. Hunters, druids and warlocks, while playable, were all pretty messed up when WoW was released. Hunters being the worst with some incredible pet bugs. These classes now do not even resemble the classes as they were released.
The initial server I chose to play on was unplayable due to both queus and lag and I switched servers with my guild. Even switching to a medium pop server I ended up getting about a month worth of free time from Blizzard because of server problems. The auction house was unusable as well as the mail system. Many mining and herbalist nodes were bugged and forced you to relog because they would freeze you when you tried to loot. Looting itself often took many seconds and sometimes minutes. It was playable but sometimes it was very annoying.
In VG I haven't had a single problem with lag or database access times. I have crashed once due to the patch on saturday when the servers went up but the patch was not properly implemented. Other than that I have not had one single problem.
This game has lots of that polish, you clearly have either not played or just want to hate the game. Infact if you compare the early caves and dungeons of the 2 games VG is much much more polished. You don't have the tiny caves with the same layout as each other all over the place. They all have atmosphere, unique mobs that drop interesting loot, and sometimes you can travel all the way through them and come out somewhere unexpected. There are tons of interesting areas in HE area with mushroom rings and stone circles. There's a fully fledged dryad grove that is pretty great to see. For a world as big as it is I am very impressed with what they've done with it. You don't see as much little squirrels and stuff running around but you the ambient sounds are great. To me good ambient sound is 10X more immersive than seeing squirrels running around. In an actual forest you see very few birds and squirrels but you certainly hear them.
I loved WoW but it's release was a pain in the ass.
VG has problems but at this point everything I've seen is pretty minor.
There I went point for point with examples and didn't just say "You're wrong I'm right".
My computer is a year oldnow so there's no chance i'll be able to run int at full. i can run it on low, but the game looks worse than DAoC before the Shrouded Isles expansion.
And, to be honest, that isn't even my main problem.
The game feels sterile. I keep trying to give it another chance, but i am bored out of my skull. No hook to keep me playing, nothing i have seen so far has made me want to play more.
my brother has just gone and bought a new PC for himself to play this game, when it arrives i'll give it another spin on that and see if my opinions change.
Ask someone with the collectors edition for a buddy key. They wiped out the lag and hitching when they removed the debuggin code for the release version. You have never seen a game so improved in your life I assure you.
He's right. Day and night difference. Not perfect yet, but I haven't had this much fun in a MMORPG in a long time. It's actually more fun than trolling forums, which is a nice change of paceI dont know if anyone is reading this far into the post.
I hyped Vanguard greatly , until i got to test it in open Beta. I figured it will be unplayable due to hitching and crushes on my old(er) PC.I posted on this forums, and was attacked for it with unbelivable intensity.
This made me so disapointed that I went and bought WOW (it is just 15$ now) , and started a character on a new realm.
Now i understand. What means polished , what means full of quests , lore and beautiful.
I wish all the best to Vanguard. And perhaps in half year - i will be checking back. Because this train i missed
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
3) I cant remember any Totem dramas.
4) Yes I played a shaman. Looking at I can see shaman gear in all instances.
5) Could you refer an advertisement to me where WoW is officially suggested to be a PVP game?
6) Yes there were pet bugs. Honestly, I cant debate on the Hunter, one of the classes Ive avoided.
"This game has lots of that polish, you clearly have either not played or just want to hate the game. Infact if you compare the early caves and dungeons of the 2 games VG is much much more polished. You don't have the tiny caves with the same layout as each other all over the place. They all have atmosphere, unique mobs that drop interesting loot, and sometimes you can travel all the way through them and come out somewhere unexpected. There are tons of interesting areas in HE area with mushroom rings and stone circles. There's a fully fledged dryad grove that is pretty great to see. For a world as big as it is I am very impressed with what they've done with it. You don't see as much little squirrels and stuff running around but you the ambient sounds are great. To me good ambient sound is 10X more immersive than seeing squirrels running around. In an actual forest you see very few birds and squirrels but you certainly hear them."
Once again, I have played Vanguard. I find it amusing that when somebody has an alternate opinion to yours you assume that they are ignorant. Perhaps you should reflect that opinion is based on perspective and everyones perspective is different.
I played VG in beta from phase 3/4 and I do not hate the game, it has potential and Im looking forward to trying it out now that there are rumors of the performance problems being fixed. You are comparing the polish of two games based on caves? There are unique mobs in all MMO's as well as interesting loot. HE? Great fairy rings and good ambient sound, your arguement is that all WoW has is squirrels? You obviously have a very low & biased opinion of WoW. Becuase if you had stopped and taken your time to take in the sights, you will have notice there is much more then just squirrels in WoW.
Do continue your list of features of 'polish' vanguard has, I'd love to hear more. So far you've labeled caves, fairy groves and dryads...
To the OP, I agree with you 100%. The game is still not what it will be, but as it is now already such a beauty, at least if you got the box to make it run with the nice settings. Its the most complete and beautiful MMO I have played to date.
There is only one major flaw for me : the PvP system is completely worthless compared to the benchmark, Lineage 2. It encourages ganking with children finding their fun in killing you every 2 seconds, even waiting for respawns at the altars so they can enjoy killing everyone in a round again and again. The same poor system you find in EQ2 and other games, completely worthless. Compared to this poor thing, in L2 the system is so good that you don't even need to separate PvP and PVE severs, everyone is together, which makes is much more fun.
Thank you for hurling insults at people who enjoy playing it.
Thank you for calling us all 'fanboi,' an 'idiot,' etc.
Thank you for coming over here from the SWG Refuge forum and turning this section of the forums into a ghetto too.
Thank you for hating Vanguard only because of SOE-involvement..
Thank you for starting more flame wars than any other forum.
Thanks SO much....
[As if Sigil gives a damn about these forums or even reads them. The people in this forum have had ZERO effect on change madeto the game. You must be kidding.... kissing the ass of the very people who think your a flipping idiot? Classic. Now I've seen everything. ]
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
Yes folks I was one of the heroic and brave beta testers. You will also notice if you bother looking up my posting history that I never made a single post over here until after the NDA was dropped. Fanboys are the genres worst enemy. I see some of the same fanboys here proclaiming that Vanguard is bug free that I saw on the Dark and Light forums claiming that game was wonderful also. Did Farlan ever send you that cloth map Anarchy? This game might be a bit better than DnL but still fanboyism is the genres worst enemy and will only re enforce publishers beliefs that they can force games out on the shelves that should still be in closed beta and fools will suck them up.
I miss DAoC
Yes folks I was one of the heroic and brave beta testers. You will also notice if you bother looking up my posting history that I never made a single post over here until after the NDA was dropped. Fanboys are the genres worst enemy. I see some of the same fanboys here proclaiming that Vanguard is bug free that I saw on the Dark and Light forums claiming that game was wonderful also. Did Farlan ever send you that cloth map Anarchy? This game might be a bit better than DnL but still fanboyism is the genres worst enemy and will only re enforce publishers beliefs that they can force games out on the shelves that should still be in closed beta and fools will suck them up.
Absolute nonsense. By this logic we should just give up on MMOs altogether. If you dont like the game, move on Jackdog, your posts are getting old.
Yes folks I was one of the heroic and brave beta testers. You will also notice if you bother looking up my posting history that I never made a single post over here until after the NDA was dropped. Fanboys are the genres worst enemy. I see some of the same fanboys here proclaiming that Vanguard is bug free that I saw on the Dark and Light forums claiming that game was wonderful also. Did Farlan ever send you that cloth map Anarchy? This game might be a bit better than DnL but still fanboyism is the genres worst enemy and will only re enforce publishers beliefs that they can force games out on the shelves that should still be in closed beta and fools will suck them up.
And I trust you took the opportunity to communicate directly with the devs during your beta access? Great. My point is that these boards are not much use as a medium for "improving the game", and I personally wouldn't lend much weight to anything said here.
yes as a matter of fact a lot of the beta testers expressed their dis satisfaction with the pre mature release. Also a lot of developers have gotten the message that customers are tired of buying these things half finished. Obviously Sigil and SOE still have not. Do you really think that lying and saying the game is complete and polished then some kid goes out and drops his fifty on it will help the genre? Or just put a dollar in the suit pocket of the corporate boys so they can tip the waitress at the country club.
Fanboys seem to have the battered wife syndrome, mo matter how many times they get screwed out of money by game publishers they run straight to the next train wreck and start praying for the next miricle patch. There have been some polished games released and there are a couple more in beta right now which are in better shape than Vanguard is as of today and they still have months of beta left.
Keep paying for crap and they will keep selling it. Just say no when it ciomes to buggy games is my motto.
I miss DAoC
The thing is, I dont think it's crap at all. It has issues but so do ALL MMOS JACKDOG! You say "fanbois" aren't good for the game but I'm wondering how much good your ENDLESS whining does! I am certainly not going to tell you it's finished or polished! The Devs themselves ADMITTED this was a premature release.
Battered Wife Syndrome? Is that like you coming here EVERYDAY to whine and complain? You seem to be the sucker for punishment here, not us. Get a grip mate, and move on to something you enjoy. All MMOs are released in a beta state, it isnt going to change! Get used to it or get over it, it's the nature of the beast!
I miss DAoC