well after playing for a bit . i must say this is actually the worst mmorpg i ve ever played and that includes some to the free to play ones . its horrible. the control system is all over the place . you feel like your fighting to keep your character moving in the directon you want him or her to go . combat really is inconsistant . the game is bugged to hell . monsters have a tendancy to disapear when your fighting them . the in game graphics are ok but even with my high spec pc i have to run everything on highest performance mode which makes the game look arwful and its still jerky . the character animation is static and akin to the kind of thing you get in some of the free play games like silk road . its like an open beta having said that i ve played better open betas . its brocken unfinnished and unpolished and it would have been better if it had never been released . i feel ripped off . what a shame it had such potential too . . i dont know why anyone would post anything possative about this game unless they had a vested interest in it . SAVE YOU HARD EARNED BUCKS GIVE IT A MISS .
What game are you talking about? This is the Vanguard forum mate.
He was NOT attacked for his oppinion. He was attacked for telling people NOT TO BUY THIS GAME, and he did not back up his statement with Valid un biased attacks. Basically he was attacked for ATTACKING the game.
No valid unbiased attacks, huh? Let's see....
control system is all over the place - Not terrible, but can be a problem if your lagging or stuttering
combat really is inconsistant - I need more info on this to tell what's inconsistent. It's been okay for me.
the game is bugged to hell - no argument there. I normally do 5-10 bug reports per play session.
monsters have a tendancy to disapear when your fighting them - Very true.
the in game graphics are ok but even with my high spec pc i have to run everything on highest performance mode which makes the game look arwful and its still jerky - No matter how good the computer is, the game does need a lot of performance enhancements.
the character animation is static and akin to the kind of thing you get in some of the free play games like silk road - lots of complaints about animations. Gotta somewhat agree here.
its like an open beta having said that i ve played better open betas . its brocken unfinnished and unpolished and it would have been better if it had never been released . i feel ripped off . - I disagree with the better off if had not been released statement, but yes, the game is broken and unfinished at this point, and it is a lot like an open beta.
what a shame it had such potential too - It still does have potential if the devs can get their act together, set their "vision" aside for a moment, and focus on getting the problems resolved as quickly as possible.
Overall, I believe the OP was attacked for his opinions even though many of his points were very valid. And asking for an unbiased opinion is next to impossible for anyone who's already played the game. Once you play it, you form bias based on your experiences.
He was NOT attacked for his oppinion. He was attacked for telling people NOT TO BUY THIS GAME, and he did not back up his statement with Valid un biased attacks. Basically he was attacked for ATTACKING the game.
I agree, that guy came in here to troll and not to discuss. Even if trolling was not his intention coming to the forums and not making a valid case with anything other than his word did not help his argument.
He was NOT attacked for his oppinion. He was attacked for telling people NOT TO BUY THIS GAME, and he did not back up his statement with Valid un biased attacks. Basically he was attacked for ATTACKING the game.
I agree, that guy came in here to troll and not to discuss. Even if trolling was not his intention coming to the forums and not making a valid case with anything other than his word did not help his argument.
So which one of you validates opinions? Seriously, who decides whether the guy is offering a valid complaint or not? I saw many valid points in his post. Which ones were not valid? Seriously.
It's not the content of his post that got yelled at it's the way and manner he did it. plain and simple. And i didn't say they where WRONG i said they werne't valid complaints. You cannot Complain about something and not offer why it was a problem. the monsters disapearing thing the bugs yea.. ok but thats a given everyone knows about those. It's the things like "MY pc is high spec and it doesn't run and i have to run it on low and it looks like crap" Well WHAT are those specs. WHAT do you have turned on or off? Statements like those don't help anyone and are just plain personal experience. If you PERSONALLY don't like a game don't play it. AND IF YOU WANT to write a review do so in a manner befitting of a review. NOT of just a i don't like this game because.
A review is different from a hey i don't like this. If he said "These are my problems with the game" And listed them it would have been different. He instead labeled it EVERYONE SHOULD NOT BUY THIS.
It's not the content of his post that got yelled at it's the way and manner he did it. plain and simple. And i didn't say they where WRONG i said they werne't valid complaints. You cannot Complain about something and not offer why it was a problem. the monsters disapearing thing the bugs yea.. ok but thats a given everyone knows about those. It's the things like "MY pc is high spec and it doesn't run and i have to run it on low and it looks like crap" Well WHAT are those specs. WHAT do you have turned on or off? Statements like those don't help anyone and are just plain personal experience. If you PERSONALLY don't like a game don't play it. AND IF YOU WANT to write a review do so in a manner befitting of a review. NOT of just a i don't like this game because.
A review is different from a hey i don't like this. If he said "These are my problems with the game" And listed them it would have been different. He instead labeled it EVERYONE SHOULD NOT BUY THIS.
His points aren't wrong, they're just not valid? This is doubletalk at its finest.
You cannot complain about something and not offer why it was a problem? Let's see...jerky performance, hard time controlling his character, monsters disappearing, bugs. You can't understand why those things that he mentioned were a problem for him? Unbelieveable.
"...are just plain personal experience." So what? He's telling others about his personal experience. How is this a problem?
If he said "These are the problems...." and listed them it would have been different. Um, I'm pretty sure that he did just that. These are the problems -- control, bugs, performance, etc.
Now tell the truth. You disagreed with him, and that's why he was attacked.
No actually i had the same problems. HE HAS THOSE PROBLEMS FINE NO ONE CARES. but you can't come onto a site telling people NOT TO TRY THIS GAME IT BLOWS. and expect the people who like the game and enjoy it to let people think thats the truth.
And what i meant was...
Bugs? what bugs explain
Hard time controlling char? how come what was hard and how did it effect gameplay.
Choppy graphics? What are your specs so that others may compare to yours and see if this will be a problem for THEM.
And he's not telling us his personal experience. He's TELLING people not to try the game. once you do that it's not your personal experience anymore it's a review.
well after playing for a bit . i must say this is actually the worst mmorpg i ve ever played and that includes some to the free to play ones . its horrible. the control system is all over the place . you feel like your fighting to keep your character moving in the directon you want him or her to go . combat really is inconsistant . the game is bugged to hell . monsters have a tendancy to disapear when your fighting them . the in game graphics are ok but even with my high spec pc i have to run everything on highest performance mode which makes the game look arwful and its still jerky . the character animation is static and akin to the kind of thing you get in some of the free play games like silk road . its like an open beta having said that i ve played better open betas . its brocken unfinnished and unpolished and it would have been better if it had never been released . i feel ripped off . what a shame it had such potential too . . i dont know why anyone would post anything possative about this game unless they had a vested interest in it . SAVE YOU HARD EARNED BUCKS GIVE IT A MISS .
I had a hard time moving around also before I fixed my lag. I went highest proformance and 1028x768 resolution and my FPS went from 5 to 25 even 45-50 in buildings. It doesnt look horible to me or is it very jerky. There are still some performance issues they need to work on but after I got ride of most of my lag my whole perception of the game changed. I loved it now, easy to move around and fight. The diplomacy part is a blast, I havent started harvesting/crafting yet but I was a crafter in SWG back in the day ( actually still have my account open, hehe) so I am really looking forward to that.
This game is a very good game with some bugs now. I can only imagine what it is going to be like in acouple of months from now. It is not the best MMORPG I have ever played, but I can see that it will be before long. But the OP is way off base IMHO with the subject for this post. If he fixes his FPS problem it would fix most of the issues he mentioned here. Either the OP hates SOE or he is having PC issues. I have play proably 15 MMORPGS and in no way is this one a waste of time, well no more than EQ, WOW, COH/COV, EVE or any MMORPG is a waste of time.
I get the feeling the OP is thinking that Vanguard is going to kill what ever game he is really playing so this is a finger in the dyke type of thing going on here.
I bought the collector edition of this game and i had high hopes.
After 5 days i do not even bother to log in anymore which is something that never happened to me with an MMO, which i played pretty much all since UO.
Flame the game is not a good thing but be a blind fanboi does not make sense either.
See now this guy has it right. He's saying he didn't like the game... but he's not telling other people how they should feel about it.
Wait...so it's okay for somene to agree with the OP, but it's NOT okay for the OP to have an opinion? WTF?
Honestly, all of the posts in this thread attacking the OP are the ones that are invalid. He actually did offer his experiences in the game in order to back up his assertion that people shouldn't buy it. It's just that the fanbois don't want to admit that he really did offer more than just mindless bashing, so they had to resort to personal attacks instead.
ONCE AGAIN.... it's not his oppinions that where getting attacked it's the fact he's TELLING people NOT TO BUY OR EVEN TRY the game BECAUSE of his personal experiences. You guys seem to be forgetting how he titled and ended his post.
Heres an example of how it could have been better
Now these can either be PRO's or CON's depending on what you're looking for
The game is VERY OPEN it is very wide and very large.
It has ALOT of options and possiblities to do. Bewteen crafting diplomacy and exploring theres alot of content for anyone
There is ALOT of lore. And by alot i mean ALOT every diplomacy mission has a TON of dialogue
So far i'm seeing a Wide variety of items and gear to choose from and every race looks different sometimes in each.
There are still some bugs to be worked out Some areas mobs disapear it's not whole game just certain starting areas.
The graphics are Finiky to say the least SOME computers they work AWSOME some they just plain DO NOT.
The customer support is 50/50 some people have great experiences some do not. My experience is good as they patch almost every week which is nice cause they are fixing bugs and Tweaking classes and pvp.
The community is ALSO a hit or miss some servers have AMAZING communities full of helpfull people. Some do NOT.
PvP is weird. This game was not made for people so some people feel it seems tacked on and not finished. I cannot comment as i havn't played pvp.
The game has ALOT of growth meaning When you lvl you SURE LVL from lvl 1-10 you gain SO MANY ABILITIES and it never stops. You Truely do get a sense of accomplishment
All this being said. The game IS NOT for everyone in the way Dungeons and Dragons is not for everyone. For some people it is just not their cup of tea. This game will NOT apeal to the masses like some other games do. I personally like the game but i can COMPLETELY see why others may find it less than enjoyable.
The only oppinion i can truely offer is Try the game for yourself if you can afford the 50$. It's alot to fork over for a trial but If you are looking for a new game and the lore and the classes and gameplay systems tweak your fancey i say Why not give it a shot if you're a working person and can afford it.
I hope this helped in some way shape or form. And i do appologise to anyone who got a less than nice response from people.
So which one of you validates opinions? Seriously, who decides whether the guy is offering a valid complaint or not? I saw many valid points in his post. Which ones were not valid? Seriously.
This isn't a complaint, it is a rant/troll. A complaint would be to say he didn't like the game and was upsate. A rant/troll tells people that they don't like the game and no one else should get it either.
Yet another vanguard bashing post... YAWN ... Most mmorghs have lots of bugs when they are first released so quit bitching about it. You dont like it? ..fair enough just stop whining on this forum because there are many people who are enjoy playing and we dont want to hear it.
No actually i had the same problems. HE HAS THOSE PROBLEMS FINE NO ONE CARES. but you can't come onto a site telling people NOT TO TRY THIS GAME IT BLOWS. and expect the people who like the game and enjoy it to let people think thats the truth.
And what i meant was...
Bugs? what bugs explain
Hard time controlling char? how come what was hard and how did it effect gameplay.
Choppy graphics? What are your specs so that others may compare to yours and see if this will be a problem for THEM.
And he's not telling us his personal experience. He's TELLING people not to try the game. once you do that it's not your personal experience anymore it's a review.
No one cares? Did you go around and ask everyone else? Wow, I see a pot/kettle thing here. He can't tell EVERYONE not to play the game, but you can come here and make the statement "NO ONE" cares. Ironic, isn't it?
He's not telling us his personal experience? But, in your earlier post, you said he was just telling his personal experience instead of facts. Now which is it?
If the people who like this game (myself included) have a problem with this guy coming here and telling people not to try this game, maybe we should refute his comments with reasons to buy this game instead of just attacking the OP. Yes, I know that's outside the box thinking, but it is just crazy enough to work.
So which one of you validates opinions? Seriously, who decides whether the guy is offering a valid complaint or not? I saw many valid points in his post. Which ones were not valid? Seriously.
This isn't a complaint, it is a rant/troll. A complaint would be to say he didn't like the game and was upsate. A rant/troll tells people that they don't like the game and no one else should get it either.
Really? Where did the OP say that other people don't like the game? I missed that part. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe when you guys see a post that says the game is bad, you FEEL like someone is telling you that you don't like the game, and you get defensive. Is that what it is? Do you feel like his opinion is somehow interfering with your ability to like the game?
BTW, you didn't answer my question. Which ones were not valid?
I love how many *I'm against this game for this reason* posts are filled with tons of grammatical errors. Not to mention, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc.....What is becoming of the english language?
LMAO...Just for informational purposes, it's "English" with a capital "E". So tell us, what is becoming of the English language?
There shouldn't be a comma after mention either.
fkn hate nazis.
Nice FIRST post Nooblord - did you make the account just to say there should not be a comma???
ONCE AGAIN.... it's not his oppinions that where getting attacked it's the fact he's TELLING people NOT TO BUY OR EVEN TRY the game BECAUSE of his personal experiences. You guys seem to be forgetting how he titled and ended his post.
Heres an example of how it could have been better
Your "example" is one of your own posts from a different thread.
Basically, what you're saying is that as long as the OP expresses his opinion in the same way you do, then it's valid. If he says it in his own individual way, then he's just mindlessly flaming the game, and he doesn't have anything worthy of discussion.
Even after sitting in the beta pool for 11 months I still gave the game a try. Wasn't my cup of tea. Waiting for the next best thing (Lord of the Rings Online in about 3 months). If that doesn't work I'll wait for the next one and the next one and the next one. Point is, if you are interested in a game- give it a try despite what people say/think. No need to bash games. If people do not like them they will move on anyway. I give Sigil props for trying though.
Guy 2: Why not?
Guy 1: BECAUSE mine runs like poopoo and i don't like the color red
Guy 2: O....k... *backs away slowly*
Um, no it wouldn't.
No valid unbiased attacks, huh? Let's see....
control system is all over the place - Not terrible, but can be a problem if your lagging or stuttering
combat really is inconsistant - I need more info on this to tell what's inconsistent. It's been okay for me.
the game is bugged to hell - no argument there. I normally do 5-10 bug reports per play session.
monsters have a tendancy to disapear when your fighting them - Very true.
the in game graphics are ok but even with my high spec pc i have to run everything on highest performance mode which makes the game look arwful and its still jerky - No matter how good the computer is, the game does need a lot of performance enhancements.
the character animation is static and akin to the kind of thing you get in some of the free play games like silk road - lots of complaints about animations. Gotta somewhat agree here.
its like an open beta having said that i ve played better open betas . its brocken unfinnished and unpolished and it would have been better if it had never been released . i feel ripped off . - I disagree with the better off if had not been released statement, but yes, the game is broken and unfinished at this point, and it is a lot like an open beta.
what a shame it had such potential too - It still does have potential if the devs can get their act together, set their "vision" aside for a moment, and focus on getting the problems resolved as quickly as possible.
Overall, I believe the OP was attacked for his opinions even though many of his points were very valid. And asking for an unbiased opinion is next to impossible for anyone who's already played the game. Once you play it, you form bias based on your experiences.
http://mentaltruancy.guildportal.com - Friendly Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Qalia based Guild.
So which one of you validates opinions? Seriously, who decides whether the guy is offering a valid complaint or not? I saw many valid points in his post. Which ones were not valid? Seriously.
A review is different from a hey i don't like this. If he said "These are my problems with the game" And listed them it would have been different. He instead labeled it EVERYONE SHOULD NOT BUY THIS.
I bought the collector edition of this game and i had high hopes.
After 5 days i do not even bother to log in anymore which is something that never happened to me with an MMO, which i played pretty much all since UO.
Flame the game is not a good thing but be a blind fanboi does not make sense either.
His points aren't wrong, they're just not valid? This is doubletalk at its finest.
You cannot complain about something and not offer why it was a problem? Let's see...jerky performance, hard time controlling his character, monsters disappearing, bugs. You can't understand why those things that he mentioned were a problem for him? Unbelieveable.
"...are just plain personal experience." So what? He's telling others about his personal experience. How is this a problem?
If he said "These are the problems...." and listed them it would have been different. Um, I'm pretty sure that he did just that. These are the problems -- control, bugs, performance, etc.
Now tell the truth. You disagreed with him, and that's why he was attacked.
And what i meant was...
Bugs? what bugs explain
Hard time controlling char? how come what was hard and how did it effect gameplay.
Choppy graphics? What are your specs so that others may compare to yours and see if this will be a problem for THEM.
And he's not telling us his personal experience. He's TELLING people not to try the game. once you do that it's not your personal experience anymore it's a review.
I had a hard time moving around also before I fixed my lag. I went highest proformance and 1028x768 resolution and my FPS went from 5 to 25 even 45-50 in buildings. It doesnt look horible to me or is it very jerky. There are still some performance issues they need to work on but after I got ride of most of my lag my whole perception of the game changed. I loved it now, easy to move around and fight. The diplomacy part is a blast, I havent started harvesting/crafting yet but I was a crafter in SWG back in the day ( actually still have my account open, hehe) so I am really looking forward to that.
This game is a very good game with some bugs now. I can only imagine what it is going to be like in acouple of months from now. It is not the best MMORPG I have ever played, but I can see that it will be before long. But the OP is way off base IMHO with the subject for this post. If he fixes his FPS problem it would fix most of the issues he mentioned here. Either the OP hates SOE or he is having PC issues. I have play proably 15 MMORPGS and in no way is this one a waste of time, well no more than EQ, WOW, COH/COV, EVE or any MMORPG is a waste of time.
I get the feeling the OP is thinking that Vanguard is going to kill what ever game he is really playing so this is a finger in the dyke type of thing going on here.
Wait...so it's okay for somene to agree with the OP, but it's NOT okay for the OP to have an opinion? WTF?
Honestly, all of the posts in this thread attacking the OP are the ones that are invalid. He actually did offer his experiences in the game in order to back up his assertion that people shouldn't buy it. It's just that the fanbois don't want to admit that he really did offer more than just mindless bashing, so they had to resort to personal attacks instead.
Heres an example of how it could have been better
Now these can either be PRO's or CON's depending on what you're looking for
The game is VERY OPEN it is very wide and very large.
It has ALOT of options and possiblities to do. Bewteen crafting diplomacy and exploring theres alot of content for anyone
There is ALOT of lore. And by alot i mean ALOT every diplomacy mission has a TON of dialogue
So far i'm seeing a Wide variety of items and gear to choose from and every race looks different sometimes in each.
There are still some bugs to be worked out Some areas mobs disapear it's not whole game just certain starting areas.
The graphics are Finiky to say the least SOME computers they work AWSOME some they just plain DO NOT.
The customer support is 50/50 some people have great experiences some do not. My experience is good as they patch almost every week which is nice cause they are fixing bugs and Tweaking classes and pvp.
The community is ALSO a hit or miss some servers have AMAZING communities full of helpfull people. Some do NOT.
PvP is weird. This game was not made for people so some people feel it seems tacked on and not finished. I cannot comment as i havn't played pvp.
The game has ALOT of growth meaning When you lvl you SURE LVL from lvl 1-10 you gain SO MANY ABILITIES and it never stops. You Truely do get a sense of accomplishment
All this being said. The game IS NOT for everyone in the way Dungeons and Dragons is not for everyone. For some people it is just not their cup of tea. This game will NOT apeal to the masses like some other games do. I personally like the game but i can COMPLETELY see why others may find it less than enjoyable.
The only oppinion i can truely offer is Try the game for yourself if you can afford the 50$. It's alot to fork over for a trial but If you are looking for a new game and the lore and the classes and gameplay systems tweak your fancey i say Why not give it a shot if you're a working person and can afford it.
I hope this helped in some way shape or form. And i do appologise to anyone who got a less than nice response from people.
That is always a favorite of mine.....
It is actually because the first 5 mins show you much of the game and your first impressions are most important.http://mentaltruancy.guildportal.com - Friendly Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Qalia based Guild.
No one cares? Did you go around and ask everyone else? Wow, I see a pot/kettle thing here. He can't tell EVERYONE not to play the game, but you can come here and make the statement "NO ONE" cares. Ironic, isn't it?
He's not telling us his personal experience? But, in your earlier post, you said he was just telling his personal experience instead of facts. Now which is it?
If the people who like this game (myself included) have a problem with this guy coming here and telling people not to try this game, maybe we should refute his comments with reasons to buy this game instead of just attacking the OP. Yes, I know that's outside the box thinking, but it is just crazy enough to work.
http://mentaltruancy.guildportal.com - Friendly Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Qalia based Guild.
Really? Where did the OP say that other people don't like the game? I missed that part. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe when you guys see a post that says the game is bad, you FEEL like someone is telling you that you don't like the game, and you get defensive. Is that what it is? Do you feel like his opinion is somehow interfering with your ability to like the game?
BTW, you didn't answer my question. Which ones were not valid?
LMAO...Just for informational purposes, it's "English" with a capital "E". So tell us, what is becoming of the English language?
There shouldn't be a comma after mention either.fkn hate nazis.
Nice FIRST post Nooblord - did you make the account just to say there should not be a comma???
Basically, what you're saying is that as long as the OP expresses his opinion in the same way you do, then it's valid. If he says it in his own individual way, then he's just mindlessly flaming the game, and he doesn't have anything worthy of discussion.