No matter what your opinions are on the scandal surrounding the developer and confirmed cheating, whats your thoughts on the future of the game considering the amount of people who have quit or will quit in the following weeks? When/if the player base drops significantly will they lay off newer developers and keep the clear cause of all this on the payroll? Remember this is what opinions on what will happen not what should happen. Let's see what you got
I really don't think such a large amount of people will quit playing EvE over something so trivial..
it is a game after all..
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Well I did cancel my 2 accounts to this game, is a 3 year old veteran from EVE-Online and yeah it is because of this latest STFU attitude with CCP.
Hopefully more would follow but seriously I doubt there will be so ... but anyway atleast I won't help EVE-Online prosper any longer and before this I where advertising for EVE-Online in some of the biggest newspapers (game sections/forums) here where I live and have got several people to play this game, they might follow my example too who knows.
80% of the people saying "I'm quitting" will resubscribe less than 5 days before their subscription is up, or just sell their accounts so ccp continues getting the loot.
I really don't care about the BoD scandal, it really doesn't affect me other than that I have 400k research points and I still have no T2 bpos - while BoB got some spawned for them. The thing that pisses me off is the jack booted thug mentality of the mods on the forums. For this reason I will cancel my 3 alt accounts and they will remain cancelled and unsold.
Clearly show's, that CCP will not do anything about this, it's up to the community, im assisting
I have played since game went retail and CCP has always skewed game in favor of the devs preferred play style. PIrates used exploits in year one and almost all were allowed except for things like jet can lag at gates (its the reason you can only jett a can every 3 min). One of the dev char outed in the forum posts was a well known mOo pilot.
Now CCP has moved beyond skewing the game by aiding the one group in game utterly with ZERO need for assistance.
A dev being a director and running a capital ship fleet command is reprehensible. The devs need to play game to do their jobs but they have ZERO need to embroil themselves in game dynamics.
DO the math RKK has 5 devs in it. The other 2 major corps in BOB prob have same amt. Thats 15 devs out of a total workforce of 200 assuming devs are 50% of their workforce that gives 15% of dev play for bob.
I actually skimmed the forum posts -alot of things were brought up I had forgotten over time. This was NOT the only instance of cheating.
And for me the final straw was T20 being aware of multiple EULA violations yet he keeps his job for behavior CCP own policy says he is to be fired for his actions and he keeps job because his boss is on vacation and whoever was left in charge fails to follow policy and so he suffers an nonspecified punishment.
And to top if off CCP buries the incident.
Hey I will miss the game it was great but now it just feels like I am a hamster running in one of those wheels. And my 45 bucks a month in fees is either a new game OR a saving deposit for an Xbox 360 (Halo 3 is coming...)
besides in the end this will make for some good wars and the end of bob in the end.. ohh ya where else will you find pvp that has meaning? hmmm no where cuase there is no game that come close
Well, I've cancelled my trial account, so there CCP!!!!!!!!
I've written to Kieron, with some questions. If the answers are to my satisfaction then I will stay. Otherwise, I'm going to set a long skill in training and suspend my account.
This site (MMORPG.COM) has so many free offers of really kewl looking games, so I am going to spend my time greating as many haute pixie characters in as many games as possible.
Then if ST:O is not in beta when I get bored, (About 1.357 seconds after I stop looking at my pixies bum) I will go back to Eve Online, if it still exists.
EVE just wont fold, with one server it has low costs and can get buy on small numbers, the amount of people leaving over this "scandel" are to small to make an impact on their cash flow.
Hell worse has happended in SWG and people still play that POS, CCP is like a shiny angel compared to SOE.
eve player is different
many canceled secondary accounts (i canceled 2 long skills training) and get a pause from eve
other are charging against the cheaters half eve are against bob & co
(here u can see a fast make from politic map )
the really addicted ppl cant leave eve is damn hard
BestSigEver :P
That is a completely random guess but I'm doubting that more than that pay steady attention to the forums. Sure, many more will hear about it in the next few weeks but at this point I think it's like someone above said -- those who were going to leave over this, have.
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While this scandal is outrageous and really f**** me off, I dont think it will have a large impact.
Lets face it, most people are not visiting the forums very frequently, they just play the game. I would be interested how many people (percentage...) actually heard of the incident, and I think it wouldn't be that much. Eve has quite some subscribers now, compared to when things started (have been with eve for 3,5 years now).
The only impact that might happen and that might eventually be seen, is that people in high positions in Alliances might leave. Such decisions might actually result in a change for the game itself.
Istvaan Shogatsu e.g. posted that he'd quit. The very one person iirc whos actions actually were covered in several magazines and online-reviews. Eve benefited from this kind of advertisment and might now suffer similairilly (sp?).
The rating on this site also is dropping.
Well, I won't be leaving with my 2 accounts. Like the majority of people, I feel that things have been blown way out of proportion, and as has been said, it's only a game after all.
Oh, and I will give my random guess as to how many players have left over this flap, if the total was as high as even 10% I would be very surprised, I'm guessing closer to 5%. Sure, there has been a lot of noise recently, but it is by a very few posters.
Of course they don't care if the 0.0 game is rigged, because they will never play it. This scandal will just destroy the hardcore pvp scene, which is fine as CCP is concerned, because the big money is in the carebear market, anyways.
As for who's quiting and who's staying, im staying. While this is a major problem, I wouldnt miss for the world the encoming war in EVE, everyone is drawing out their plans to destroy BoB and cut their space up into pieces of their own.
The majority of players are actually in Empire, highsec/lowsec bordering 0.0 and most either dont know about whats happened, know but dont care or know feel opinionated but not enough to do something about it. This assumption that people are going to quit enmasse is alittle far fetched.
For those who have quit, well sorry for your loss mateys. Frankly I think your decision is foolish, the problem hasnt yet been resolved.
My Brute - Dare to challenge?
I have cancelled not because I hope to bring down the game, but because the game has been soured - and I get no joy from playing it.
These issues in themselves will not bring down Eve. The majority of the playerbase don't even know it has happened.
However, this issue is so well documented and discussed - and will be remembered - that it in itself will force a new level of accountability on CCP.
If Kugustmen isn't all talk, and can produce similar issues on a regular basis, then Eve will go down. I would say that you will start to see significant percentages lost between the 3rd and 5th scandal.
I would say more then quitting players that these allegations will effect new players. I don't think as many people will sign up for Eve - I might be completely wrong on that. I know I wouldn't.
In any case, Eve won't fold.
Well, you do know why none of the long time bugs have been fixed right? The devs play the game, they don't have time to fix it, lol.
As for me coming back, no thanks. Not only did I cancel my two accounts, I've deleted the characters to insure I won't be tempted again. I personally don't think this has been blown out of proportion. I honestly believe the main reason CCP didn't fire T20 is because all of the devs are doing the same kind of things. Think about that for a moment. Bottom line is, if the devs are in high level positions in player run corps/alliances they are pretty much using the playerbase as pawns for their own entertainment.
Just think, I can hear them at the pub each night laughning. Saying things like my alliance is going to kick your alliance's butt, lol. Oh yea, well, let me get my toys and you get yours and we'll meet on the battlefield.
Then after the big war, the playerbase has to rebuild, take lots of personal time to do it too. The devs, however, can just spawn the isk, materials, bpo's, ships, whatever they need right back.
The playerbase pay to play, but the devs are paid to play.
Wouldn't you love someone to pay you to play "your" game, lol? Then there is the added bonus that you can cheat.
No thanks,
- Stray
Oops, meant to add to be on topic, that no I don't think Eve will die after this. However, I do think it is the beginning of the end. Especially if another incident comes up. I see shades of SWG and how the playerbase was treated. I had also thought CCP was well above that kind of crap. Now they are just like any other gaming company.
What will hurt Eve is influx of new players. Eve will forever be known as the game where developers log in and cheat, particular corps(guilds) are favored, as well as cheating GMs. Whether or not how accurate (unfortunately alot of this is), the same type of players who value their investment of time, will not even give the game a try, and will look elsewhere.
The sad thing is CCP really could have squashed this, and come out looking great. They should've been completely open and apologetic, and reaffirmed their commitment to their customers from day one, and this would have been a nonissue.