Where did you expect Vanguard to go in only 3 weeks?
The truth is they've been working round the clock and have made tremendous strides in things like fixing performance, added animations, and squashing bugs.
Expecting anything more is unreasonable, impossible, and shows you know nothing about game development.
Since the start I never came across a single game breaking bug. Bugs in general have been few and far between, and almost always so minor that I don't even remember what they were.
I'll answer the question. I expect a means of communication other than having to goto half a dozen different websites to get reliable information or communicate with the developers. I expect patches that are thoroughly tested and not rushed so fast that they break more than they fix. I expect that when my system meets or exceeds recommended requirements that I have a smooth and problem free gameplay experience. I expect a game that plays well right out of the box without me having to resort to tweaks to *.ini files or my video or system drivers. I expect a courteous and helpful tech support that actually helps me with my problem. Since these expectations haven not been met, I cancelled my account. Not because the game wasn't fun to play but because the bad outweighs the good right now and Sigil-SOE needs to be punished for that. The only way to truly punish them is to cancel and hit their bottom line. Maybe in the future, if they show themselves worthy of getting my business again, I'll resubscribe. Until that time they aren't getting another dollar from me.
Oakthorn i just want to say that your whole rant was so annoying i didn't read past the first paragraph...mostly because you missed the entire point of my post, and don't accuse people of not being in Beta for a long time. And Please do Not write up a storm bragging about crap. Yes I do remember when you were only able to take 2 steps and lagged out, but seeing that I am talking about Post-Launch and Not Alpha stage VG, you missed the point. Well Duhhh it has gotten a lot better than what is was about 6 months ago.
And what are all you people talking about how Sigil is working around the clock, do you really know that? How come the post-launch patches they have done were awhile ago and they barely fixed anything? In fact the first few patches were only geared towards the PvP servers, and totally reworking diplomacy.
I expected this game to be finished for launch, not what it is which is Un-finished. And I know you never finish mmorpgs but i expected no major bugs, performance tolerable, social server bugs worked out, basically everything i have already stated.
First impressions mean A lot for mmorpgs, do you know how many people will never play VG again because of how it was at launch?And that's why this game will never have a huge number of players.
I really like the game, but it doesen't work yet, so why continue to pay?
And really honestly I have not seen any progress since launch, after they stopped those huge patches that they did in the last few days of beta, nothing has really been majorly fixed. And i agree that sigil worked around the clocks but only during that time, i'm not one to not give credit where it's due, but i just don't see a lot progress now. They are acting like it's a game that has been out for months and they'll throw in a patch here and there every few weeks or days, but the thing is the game needs major major work.
We'll see what this patch brings us tonight at 2 am.
Can anyone say Anarchy Online? I knew you could. That game never recovered from the bad press it receieve for such a horribly bugged game at release. It was inexcusable then and its inexcusable now.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
Well I'm not sure how much time is left on my free 1 month trial when I bought the game, but for now I will be cancelling my subscription basically because: 1.I do not see nearly enough progress since launch 2.I was a long time beta player, and I thought that by 3 weeks in, Sigil would have fixed a hell of a lot more than they have, and polished the game up nicely. 3.My computer which is above the recommended spec's just does not run the game well at all(along with most people), and if their solution is to wait until graphics cards are cheap-good riddens. 4.No official forums and I feel like the communitty is very distant because of this, and I feel like you cannot communicate with the dev's and suggest things for the games(although we all know they wouldn't listen anyways). 5.As the game is now, it is still very Beta testing status, except with people paying for it, and I will not pay for an unfinished/broken game. 6. $oe will only make things worse. 7.Horrible, dummy CS as usual. 8. I rather invest my hard earned money into a nicely polished, finished, runnable, game which there are many out there and many coming out(maybe LOTRO, maybe not..) 9.Game news is already slow/boring less than 3 weeks in. 10.Things just don't work well. Well that is the top 10 things I can put on the board for why i'm cancelling. I know that the game has been out for very little time, and maybe there is some huge patch in the works or something that will fix a lot, and maybe if it fixes a lot of my issues I will stay, but again until it is at a stage of where I feel good for paying for it, i'm out. There's no reason why anyone should pay for an unfinished game, because They ran out of money, and that's not our faults and shouldn't have to pay for a Beta. Before launch they were coming out with these great patches sometimes 3-4 a day that were Huge, but after that, there almost non-existent. Performance is a huge issue with me, and if my computer(which is decent) can't run it, well guess what I don't have hundreds of dollars to go spend on a graphics card just to play this broken game. If other game's can run perfectly and have good graphics then VG should have also, but nope. And Brad's solution is something like "Well over the years, graphics cards will hopefully come down in price...so keep playing on highest performance where it looks like i am playing the beta of EQ1...". No thanks, i don't need it. Hopefully they start fixing and prove me all wrong very soon, but until then so long.
Ok,first of all,I think saying u were a LONG TIME BETA TESTER IS A LIE... I was a long time beta tester and I'm loving the game for what it is,not where it's lacking..If u tested the game for at least 5 months,then that shows VG was good enough to play and enjoy back then..Do u know back in August,and Early September you could barely take 3 steps without lagging for 5 seconds??? I still played through all that..I played when there was barely any NPC population,the starting cities for each races wasn't even implemented,quests were ALL BROKE,mobs were either WAY TO POWERFUL for their level,or so over conned it was a joke..Then in late September It's like Merlin waved his magical wand and everything got 10000x better..The performance,stability was much better,more quests,npc's,starting areas,etc all started to get implemented and things were shaping up NICELY.. The game has gotten better each week since mid september.. If you were a LONG TIME BETA TESTER like you claim,then you would have seen this..
Personally,I think you probably tested the game for about 1 week when EVERYONE was allowed in..The game you probably seen then hasn't changed much..This much is true..The lag spikes,glitches,mobs disappearing,getting stuck under the world,crashes,etc hasn't really seen an improvement since about a week before VG went live.. But it sure has since August,ASK ANY REALL BETA TESTER WHO TESTED THE GAME SINCE AUGUST.. Cause you my friend most definitely DID NOT.. If you were a long time dedicated beta tester,you wouldn't have written this ridiculous thread crying like a girl.. You most definitely wouldn't have cancelled your account two weeks into launch either ROFL!!
Like I said before,I was in Beta for 5 months.I dealt with what normal people would NEVER WASTE THEIR TIME GOING THROUGH.. And let me be the first to tell them, THE PERFORMANCE ISSUE IN VG WILL GET BETTER EVENTUALLY..Just give it time..If you are thinking of purchasing VG,do it and try the game out for yourself..You have 30 free days to play..Not bad for a product that costs 50.00..If you are unhappy with it after the 30 days,then by all means sell it on ebay or something..You'll probably get more than 50.00 depending on how high you got your character..
And the game has so much going for it..I read in your thread that the game has "NO REAL UPDATES AND IS BORING?!?!!?" ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL!!! Dude,what level did u get to,(((((((10??????)))))))) That my friend is a ludicrously ridiculus and ignorant dumb statement..That right there proves you WERE NOT A LONG TIME BETA TESTER,you LIAR! I got my Dreadknight to level 38 in beta.. For those of u that don't know,let me just tell you this game has alot going for it and so much to offer..My guild was the only guild in ALL OF BETA to take out sigil's first Raid encounter implemented..It was a level 42 Cockatrice named Deathfang..If you don't believe me,go to www.voodooguild.org and scrol down until you see the pics of the mob,the kill,and the legendary and heroic items that were named after our members.. Tht encounter featured the first 24 man raid team and was alot of fun.. The raids in VG are gonna be on parallel with EQ,EQ2,etc..
VG doesn't really start to get really amazing until the mid 20's anyway..And it gets better every 5 levels.. Why do you think theres alot of people rushing to 40+?? So ya,my advice is to try talking to people who actually know what they're talking about and who's experienced everything from levels 1-40 in beta.. And heres a tip,they were just introducing content 35+ in December..What they introduced was amazing and theres alot more in the game now..
ao your only answer is to belittle someone for there opion well theres like 2 or 3 of your type still playing games such as dnl swearing its the most amazing game ever.. well I have decided finally to let soe rob me no more! I guess i shoulda learned after they destroyed swg
Vanboys unite! Open your eyes, this whole show is but a large scale conspiracy.
All the whiners, all the leavers, all of these people, they are ninja associates of Blizzard, who are shaking in their boots, with their empire being threatened! VG IS the best game ever developed, it already has 300k subs, no doubt (no, not characters!!!! SUBS!!! -- don't believe the lies!). When seeing that making phoney accounts to rate VG a 1 had little effect over us diehard blind fans, these WoW addicts decided they had to push the envelope, go further in achieving their life purpose, they bought VG, just so they can cancel their accounts.
It is all a conspiracy! And if anything actually is faulty with VG, it's all because of SOE, yup, not because of the talented professional and all original developer team, lead by BradMan himself, the greatest developer in history.
Keep up the good fight, fellow Vanboys! We are the greatest!
Hmmm 1) The game got tons of bugs .. this is proven. go read forums all over. I'm playing the game fine. No different than bf2142, scda, eq2. Specially when a game has such steep requiments it has more problems. Wow kept this simple so it had less of a problem. I don't like wow, i like vanguard. 2) Why should I supoort sigil???? I'm not one of his family .... if you are, then go pay for this unfinished game. Why do ppl support govenments. Because they agree with them. 3) Sigil working hard??? OMG working hard for me? lol then let me play free .. they working hard for their own money. Yeah..... 4) Can someone remainds me plz since when they was working on this game????? lol (!!) and not finished yet? Rome wasn't built in a day. Well i have no idea what they've been doing. Nor do you we cant really comment. blah, if anyone want to pay , this is his choice, but for me, I do NOT. I DO
Yea I learned of what $oe was capable of from SWG, but I was into VG before Sigil got onboard with them, and when they did I was destroyed, my worst nightmare came alive. And imo they Have ruined VG is some way, because I think the real story is that $oe would not give Sigil anymore funding until they launch, so Sigil couldn't finish. It is the oldest SOE story in the book, release an unfinished game, try and fix it while people pay, but the think is it will never be finished because in the background the real dev's will be working on a way too early expansion which will be released halfway finished also, and repeat and repeat.
Congratulations to those of you who have no problems playing Vanguard, but please remeber that your kind is rare. As FTYG says - just read forums all over (and posts like this one).
Thanks random11 for giving me a good laugh this early in the morning.
Vrazule - a very accurate comparason. Vanguard is the new AO? Time will tell I guess.
Hmm, this turned out to be quite a useless post. Well...nothing more to say in this subject...unless Ritual makes a poodle (eg. rolls over and applogize to people for the wrongly timed release)
---------------------------------------- Playing: Rogue Played: AO, CoH, DAoC, EQII, Horizons, Planetside, SWG Tested: AC2, Lineage II, Vanguard, WoW...and more
Whiner, GO PLAY WoW !!!!I have had it with these whine babies expecting to be handheld all the time. This game is a challenge for once! If you can't hack it just quit and good riddance.
Whiner, GO PLAY WoW !!!!I have had it with these whine babies expecting to be handheld all the time. This game is a challenge for once! If you can't hack it just quit and good riddance.
Please think before opening your mouth. If you would have read through this thread people are cancelling because they do not like to pay for something that is not done, at least not to this degree. The majority of all the people saying the cancell (in this thread) say they enroy the game, which also is true for me.
---------------------------------------- Playing: Rogue Played: AO, CoH, DAoC, EQII, Horizons, Planetside, SWG Tested: AC2, Lineage II, Vanguard, WoW...and more
Whiner, GO PLAY WoW !!!!I have had it with these whine babies expecting to be handheld all the time. This game is a challenge for once! If you can't hack it just quit and good riddance.
That's good, because I have just about had it with the idiots that can't think of anything more constructive to say than "go play WOW".
I like VG, I really do, just right now in it's current state it's near unplayable. I'll start playing again when they finally get around to finishing it, and since Sigil's with $oe, who knows when that'll be. I work a full time job, and have a life, what time I have to play games I'd acually like to spend playing a finished product, as I'm sure quite a few of the cancelers would. Flaming each other over trivial matters or flexxing your epeens over a GAME isn't going to solve anything. Coming to these forums and reading the threads is like going to an anime convention and seeing narutards arguing with someone who thinks naruto sucks. Amusing but in the end annoying and 100% pointless.
PS: I'd go back and play WoW but that game's CS is just as bad as VGs. That and it sucks.
I just canceled my account as well. The basic foundation of the game is awesome, great, even grand. I've played to level 21 and I can say that it honestly is very fun. Alot of the features are well thought out and well implemented.
However, that being said, things like fellowships and caravans are not in the game yet. Two features heavily hyped prior to launch. Helmets are not displaying yet, either. It has been a while since launch and I thought they would have atleast had helmets showing up by now.
I'm leaving for basically the same reason as the OP. I will resub in two or three months and see how much progress has been made, but for now, I'll go elsewhere.
Man is born, man lives, man dies, and its all vanity.
Whiner, GO PLAY WoW !!!!I have had it with these whine babies expecting to be handheld all the time. This game is a challenge for once! If you can't hack it just quit and good riddance.
Yeah mindless repetition rules! You do know its all a horrible social experiment. At least chimps get a tangible reward for pressing there big red button. Always makes me laugh that people use 'go play wow' as an insult. Love it or hate it seems like a pretty well crafted game to me (well 1-60). if you really hate someone I always thought 'go play Dark & Light' a crueler jibe. If you merely dislike someone 'go play Vanguard' seems appropriate.
Actually I think it pretty important that people send a clear message (whether they like the game or not) that it is unacceptable for producers to foist unfinished products on the paying public. If people keep accepting it producers will keep doing it. In fact they will take worse and worse liberties. The best thing that can happen is that a 'significant' number of subscribers cancel, that is the only thing Sony /Sigil will take notice of. Re-subscribe when its 'done' by all means.
Well looks like they did another pretty large patch, but again:
A) It did not fix any major bugs, for example the notorious "crossing a chunk turns off your torch and sometimes resets you into 1st person view" bug, which has been around since beta, i guess it must be a pretty hard bug?
They did not fix too many broken quests
C) The patches just never seem to affect where I play in-game and what class I play, for example I play a sorcerer which looks like it got some minor tweaks(always gets the least work) and now I am playing in Qalia around Temple of Dialuk/Hathor Zhi, where there are dozens of broken bug ridden quests, which in this patch didn't get touched..
D)It still seems like they are in the designing phase of game building and not fixing polishing mode..
E) Also I wanted to bring another point and say that by Sigil bringing Diplomacy into the game they have to worry about another game within an already huge game, not a good combo, so a lot of their workforce goes into that when it should be other things. My stand on Diplomacy is that If i wanted to play a card game i would go play a card game, I don't care for diplomacy, not for me.
Glad they at least made a rather large patch, but they haven't fixed my issues with the game...
Vanboys unite! Open your eyes, this whole show is but a large scale conspiracy.
All the whiners, all the leavers, all of these people, they are ninja associates of Blizzard, who are shaking in their boots, with their empire being threatened! VG IS the best game ever developed, it already has 300k subs, no doubt (no, not characters!!!! SUBS!!! -- don't believe the lies!). When seeing that making phoney accounts to rate VG a 1 had little effect over us diehard blind fans, these WoW addicts decided they had to push the envelope, go further in achieving their life purpose, they bought VG, just so they can cancel their accounts.
It is all a conspiracy! And if anything actually is faulty with VG, it's all because of SOE, yup, not because of the talented professional and all original developer team, lead by BradMan himself, the greatest developer in history.
Keep up the good fight, fellow Vanboys! We are the greatest!
You know, it was worth paying the $50, getting frustrated for 3 weeks, just to read and totally get this post!
The fanbois in this game remind me of AO and Horizons. I am not going to stick around watch them ruin another game's chances by being blind to the problems and setting up others for a great disappointment. For me the game is too sterile and just not fun. When I go to cities I feel like I am in a wax museum.
# 1 and # 2 make me laugh. The game has been out two weeks and it's a known fact that it's basically still in beta form and yet you expected them to completely finish and polish the game???????????
# 1 and # 2 make me laugh. The game has been out two weeks and it's a known fact that it's basically still in beta form and yet you expected them to completely finish and polish the game???????????
I laugh in the face of anyone who thinks a commercially released, 50-dollar, 15-dollar a month game should be finished and polished. Go back to WOW, whiners !!!
FUNCOM - putting the FUN in disFUNctional !
Oakthorn i just want to say that your whole rant was so annoying i didn't read past the first paragraph...mostly because you missed the entire point of my post, and don't accuse people of not being in Beta for a long time. And Please do Not write up a storm bragging about crap. Yes I do remember when you were only able to take 2 steps and lagged out, but seeing that I am talking about Post-Launch and Not Alpha stage VG, you missed the point. Well Duhhh it has gotten a lot better than what is was about 6 months ago.
And what are all you people talking about how Sigil is working around the clock, do you really know that? How come the post-launch patches they have done were awhile ago and they barely fixed anything? In fact the first few patches were only geared towards the PvP servers, and totally reworking diplomacy.
I expected this game to be finished for launch, not what it is which is Un-finished. And I know you never finish mmorpgs but i expected no major bugs, performance tolerable, social server bugs worked out, basically everything i have already stated.
First impressions mean A lot for mmorpgs, do you know how many people will never play VG again because of how it was at launch?And that's why this game will never have a huge number of players.
I really like the game, but it doesen't work yet, so why continue to pay?
And really honestly I have not seen any progress since launch, after they stopped those huge patches that they did in the last few days of beta, nothing has really been majorly fixed. And i agree that sigil worked around the clocks but only during that time, i'm not one to not give credit where it's due, but i just don't see a lot progress now. They are acting like it's a game that has been out for months and they'll throw in a patch here and there every few weeks or days, but the thing is the game needs major major work.
We'll see what this patch brings us tonight at 2 am.
With PvE raiding, it has never been a question of being "good enough". I play games to have fun, not to be a simpering toady sitting through hour after hour of mind numbing boredom and fawning over a guild master in the hopes that he will condescend to reward me with shiny bits of loot. But in games where those people get the highest progression, anyone who doesn't do that will just be a moving target for them and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay money for the privilege. - Neanderthal
I warned Sigil in beta but they said it had to be released for business reasons :P
Tbh i sadly think the low subscriber numbers will mean less funding = in how Planetside turned out,
Ok,first of all,I think saying u were a LONG TIME BETA TESTER IS A LIE... I was a long time beta tester and I'm loving the game for what it is,not where it's lacking..If u tested the game for at least 5 months,then that shows VG was good enough to play and enjoy back then..Do u know back in August,and Early September you could barely take 3 steps without lagging for 5 seconds??? I still played through all that..I played when there was barely any NPC population,the starting cities for each races wasn't even implemented,quests were ALL BROKE,mobs were either WAY TO POWERFUL for their level,or so over conned it was a joke..Then in late September It's like Merlin waved his magical wand and everything got 10000x better..The performance,stability was much better,more quests,npc's,starting areas,etc all started to get implemented and things were shaping up NICELY.. The game has gotten better each week since mid september.. If you were a LONG TIME BETA TESTER like you claim,then you would have seen this..
Personally,I think you probably tested the game for about 1 week when EVERYONE was allowed in..The game you probably seen then hasn't changed much..This much is true..The lag spikes,glitches,mobs disappearing,getting stuck under the world,crashes,etc hasn't really seen an improvement since about a week before VG went live.. But it sure has since August,ASK ANY REALL BETA TESTER WHO TESTED THE GAME SINCE AUGUST.. Cause you my friend most definitely DID NOT.. If you were a long time dedicated beta tester,you wouldn't have written this ridiculous thread crying like a girl.. You most definitely wouldn't have cancelled your account two weeks into launch either ROFL!!
Like I said before,I was in Beta for 5 months.I dealt with what normal people would NEVER WASTE THEIR TIME GOING THROUGH.. And let me be the first to tell them, THE PERFORMANCE ISSUE IN VG WILL GET BETTER EVENTUALLY..Just give it time..If you are thinking of purchasing VG,do it and try the game out for yourself..You have 30 free days to play..Not bad for a product that costs 50.00..If you are unhappy with it after the 30 days,then by all means sell it on ebay or something..You'll probably get more than 50.00 depending on how high you got your character..
And the game has so much going for it..I read in your thread that the game has "NO REAL UPDATES AND IS BORING?!?!!?" ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL!!! Dude,what level did u get to,(((((((10??????)))))))) That my friend is a ludicrously ridiculus and ignorant dumb statement..That right there proves you WERE NOT A LONG TIME BETA TESTER,you LIAR! I got my Dreadknight to level 38 in beta.. For those of u that don't know,let me just tell you this game has alot going for it and so much to offer..My guild was the only guild in ALL OF BETA to take out sigil's first Raid encounter implemented..It was a level 42 Cockatrice named Deathfang..If you don't believe me,go to www.voodooguild.org and scrol down until you see the pics of the mob,the kill,and the legendary and heroic items that were named after our members.. Tht encounter featured the first 24 man raid team and was alot of fun.. The raids in VG are gonna be on parallel with EQ,EQ2,etc..
VG doesn't really start to get really amazing until the mid 20's anyway..And it gets better every 5 levels.. Why do you think theres alot of people rushing to 40+?? So ya,my advice is to try talking to people who actually know what they're talking about and who's experienced everything from levels 1-40 in beta.. And heres a tip,they were just introducing content 35+ in December..What they introduced was amazing and theres alot more in the game now..
All the whiners, all the leavers, all of these people, they are ninja associates of Blizzard, who are shaking in their boots, with their empire being threatened! VG IS the best game ever developed, it already has 300k subs, no doubt (no, not characters!!!! SUBS!!! -- don't believe the lies!). When seeing that making phoney accounts to rate VG a 1 had little effect over us diehard blind fans, these WoW addicts decided they had to push the envelope, go further in achieving their life purpose, they bought VG, just so they can cancel their accounts.
It is all a conspiracy! And if anything actually is faulty with VG, it's all because of SOE, yup, not because of the talented professional and all original developer team, lead by BradMan himself, the greatest developer in history.
Keep up the good fight, fellow Vanboys! We are the greatest!
1) The game got tons of bugs .. this is proven. go read forums all over.
2) Why should I supoort sigil???? I'm not one of his family .... if you are, then go pay for this unfinished game.
3) Sigil working hard??? OMG working hard for me? lol then let me play free .. they working hard for their own money.
4) Can someone remainds me plz since when they was working on this game????? lol (!!) and not finished yet?
blah, if anyone want to pay , this is his choice, but for me, I do NOT.
Congratulations to those of you who have no problems playing Vanguard, but please remeber that your kind is rare. As FTYG says - just read forums all over (and posts like this one).
Thanks random11 for giving me a good laugh this early in the morning.
Vrazule - a very accurate comparason. Vanguard is the new AO? Time will tell I guess.
Hmm, this turned out to be quite a useless post. Well...nothing more to say in this subject...unless Ritual makes a poodle (eg. rolls over and applogize to people for the wrongly timed release)
Playing: Rogue
Played: AO, CoH, DAoC, EQII, Horizons, Planetside, SWG
Tested: AC2, Lineage II, Vanguard, WoW...and more
Playing: Rogue
Played: AO, CoH, DAoC, EQII, Horizons, Planetside, SWG
Tested: AC2, Lineage II, Vanguard, WoW...and more
It's time to understand hardware problems and bugs are part of the game. They add to the HARDCORE EXPERIENCE!
You get teleported to some remote place with high level mobs? Deal with it, this is what Gods of Telon wanted.
It's hardcore and unpredictable.
Stop whining.
That's good, because I have just about had it with the idiots that can't think of anything more constructive to say than "go play WOW".
PS: I'd go back and play WoW but that game's CS is just as bad as VGs. That and it sucks.
However, that being said, things like fellowships and caravans are not in the game yet. Two features heavily hyped prior to launch. Helmets are not displaying yet, either. It has been a while since launch and I thought they would have atleast had helmets showing up by now.
I'm leaving for basically the same reason as the OP. I will resub in two or three months and see how much progress has been made, but for now, I'll go elsewhere.
Man is born, man lives, man dies, and its all vanity.
Yeah mindless repetition rules! You do know its all a horrible social experiment. At least chimps get a tangible reward for pressing there big red button. Always makes me laugh that people use 'go play wow' as an insult. Love it or hate it seems like a pretty well crafted game to me (well 1-60). if you really hate someone I always thought 'go play Dark & Light' a crueler jibe. If you merely dislike someone 'go play Vanguard' seems appropriate.
Well looks like they did another pretty large patch, but again:
A) It did not fix any major bugs, for example the notorious "crossing a chunk turns off your torch and sometimes resets you into 1st person view" bug, which has been around since beta, i guess it must be a pretty hard bug?
They did not fix too many broken quests
C) The patches just never seem to affect where I play in-game and what class I play, for example I play a sorcerer which looks like it got some minor tweaks(always gets the least work) and now I am playing in Qalia around Temple of Dialuk/Hathor Zhi, where there are dozens of broken bug ridden quests, which in this patch didn't get touched..
D)It still seems like they are in the designing phase of game building and not fixing polishing mode..
E) Also I wanted to bring another point and say that by Sigil bringing Diplomacy into the game they have to worry about another game within an already huge game, not a good combo, so a lot of their workforce goes into that when it should be other things. My stand on Diplomacy is that If i wanted to play a card game i would go play a card game, I don't care for diplomacy, not for me.
Glad they at least made a rather large patch, but they haven't fixed my issues with the game...
Thank you, sir!
The fanbois in this game remind me of AO and Horizons. I am not going to stick around watch them ruin another game's chances by being blind to the problems and setting up others for a great disappointment. For me the game is too sterile and just not fun. When I go to cities I feel like I am in a wax museum.