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Hey Turbine, who are you kidding? I just tried the beta...



  • project8sixproject8six Member Posts: 271
    Originally posted by Nitros284

    Anyone who has played an MMO for only 10 minutes and then makes their judgement is lacking the vital organ needed to correctly judge: THE BRAIN.
    MMO's are notorious for being time-consuming. 10 minutes of any MMO is like turning on your new Xbox360 game, looking at the title screen, judging the entire game, and then pushing the power off before it even says "To begin, press start."
    but if you play for 10 minutes and you aren't having fun why would you continue to spend time infront of the screen?

    i play to be entertained, ppl can judge games just fine by playing for 10 minutes. usually takes me 2-3 hrs to get bored of new mmos tho.

    got up to 16 in lotr and it was boring so i stopped playing. i have alt-itis also so had a few lvl 10s.. all the classes seemed so similar. bland is a good word for the game.

    die. <3

  • Nitros284Nitros284 Member Posts: 82


    10 minutes isn't enough time to judge ANY game. Not even instant-action console games.

    If you, by 10 minutes, already decided you don't like it, I guarantee you that you decided you didn't like it BEFORE you even played.

    Those who get bored after 10 minutes were never interested in the first place.

    To no surprise if you say "This will suck." or "I hate this genre"  then play it and it sucks..........

    10 minute judgements on any game is for people who make negative judgements before they even try it out but still get the game anyway.

    a.k.a. THE BRAINLESS.

    You can't play any MMO in 10 minutes. You can't even get outside of the city and begin combat within 10 minutes.

    The only way you can judge within 10 minutes is if you go into the game pessimistic with a pre-judgement of your dislike of the game, and then refuse to even try it out based on that pre-judgement.

  • project8sixproject8six Member Posts: 271
    i usually give games 2-3 hrs as i said in my post that u didn't read. but 10 mins should give you an idea of what you are gonna' do in a game. yes mmos are complex but to me working to get to the fun isn't fun.

    maybe 10 mins doesn't give you the greatest idea of what the entire game has to offer, but if its not fun to you after that time you can judge it and say it sucks becuase to you it does.

    die. <3

  • Nitros284Nitros284 Member Posts: 82

    I'm not going to argue, it's pointless and vain.

    The fact remains, you cannot judge a game within 10 minutes. Anyone who played for 10 minutes or never got past level 5 can take their review and opinion and flush it down the toilet with the rest of the useless brainless crap.

  • vortal1vortal1 Member Posts: 33

    I can understand how people can make a quick dicision in 10 minutes. Maybe the controls are not fimilar, perhaps the graphics put you off in some way, maybe there is no tutorial and you are just dropped in the world thinking WTF! The first two are based on personal perference and what I consider strange controls and rubbish graphics may be 100% spot on for the next person - thats the beauty of gaming, it is all personal choice.

    Whilst I would advise people to spend longer trying anything then 10 minutes (and that is not limited to video games), I also have to admit that I have played games for a few mintes and then dismissed it as not my thing. Normally it takes longer to install and uninstall the games then the time I played them.


  • Nitros284Nitros284 Member Posts: 82

    I'd imagine that someone would think to look at screenshots of the graphics before taking the time to download and install the game. At the least do that, if not more to find out a little bit of info of what the game is like.

  • KalmenicusKalmenicus Member Posts: 48
    Originally posted by Arremus

    Well I lasted all of about 10 minutes into the beta.

    I personally think LotRO just goes to prove that the guys in the suits with $$ in their eyes now run the mainstream-MMO-show (as opposed to the guys with the 'visions'), and that they all think if they pump out some babified, dumb(ass)ed-down MMO experience that they'll emulate the $millions earned by Blizzard.

    And I reckon the Blizzard execs still sit around at Sunday lunches, looking over the profit figures and break into hysterical laughter, saying "how the f-?"...

    Are MMO audiences really so simple on average that a momentous IP like LotR can be turned into a Saturday morning cartoon MMO and passed over as a viable product for the franchise?

    But more importantly, is this the sort of bullcrap MMO gaming experience we have to look forward to on average?

    Will AoC be made point-and-click because the current system is just deemed too hard to use to be monetarily effective?

    One thing is for sure with LotRO. It is not made by gamers for gamers. It's made to gel with the easiest and lowest common denominator.

    It's a complete travesty to the LotR name, and is basically just exploiting the LotR name with a hard shell thrown on the DDO gaming experience (another IP exploitation).

    Having played LotRO, I have pretty well lost interest in MMOs for the forseeable future. I'm going to concentrate on my photography and studies, and come back to this genre when AoC is out.

    All in all, what a fkn joke.

    This guy's first statement says it all.

    And most of the other posts on these forums are no better.  Judge a game after 10 minutes.  Would you stop and think about that for a minute?  I mean, if you can judge MMOGs in 10 minutes, you sure have a spare minute now to think about it.

    And that's what goes around these forums, every single one.  People with more time than brains with nothing better to do than sit down and squeeze out some drivel from their minds the same way and with the same result as squeezing a turd out of their anus.

    10 minutes.  And this one, like so many of the others, wants to pretend that he's going back to his "photography and studies".  Right.  I think this guy, and 91% of all the others posting here, have about as much intellectual capacity (for those of you who don't understand that term, go to as the last turd you squeezed out.  But you're all welcome to continue pretending that you're going back to "photography and studies".  We used to call people like this a "poser", but now so many people are doing it, it's like a character trait, instead of a character flaw.

    But, please don't come back when AoC is out.  Don't pretend you're a beta tester for 11 games, and have played in 32 MMOGs, when you haven't even been out of grade school that long.

    Because your 10 minute judgement of AoC won't be worth anything either.

    10 minutes.  Please.


    Kalmenicus the Expert on Everything After Only 10 Minutes 

  • project8sixproject8six Member Posts: 271
    i'm thinking 10 minutes of gameplay.

    for sure it takes time in char creation first time thru a new game.

    as far as learning goes MMOs take a very long time to learn becuase it changes and gets more complex as you lvl.

    a prime example i just uldaman tonight and this is with ppl that are around 43  and these ppl still don't know what thier doing.

    point being you can judge the game before you learn it.

    i think you edited your post i was replying to so yeah.

    communication is diffcult. its why i don't talk IRL

    die. <3

  • Nitros284Nitros284 Member Posts: 82

    You know, I could argue till my face is blue, but I decided I'd just throw away my entire argument and side and go for a different reply. I kindof do agree, but kindof don't. So I reached this conclusion..


    I'll agree with you that you can JUDGE a game for yourself in 10 minutes, if you agree with me that you cannot REVIEW a game for others in 10 minutes.

    Fair enough?

  • KalmenicusKalmenicus Member Posts: 48
    Originally posted by Arremus

    Ok, so 10 minutes was an exaggeration. I have probably played about one hour's worth in total over three days, and have no intention of playing more, let alone buying it.

    Besides, it should take you about 10 SECONDS after logging in to realise this game completely f'ing murders the Lord of the Rings name.

    The reason I don't hold much of any hope for this genre is because of exact comments like yours; holding that this excuse for an MMO is good, and great fun.

    Do you not think it's another step backwards from what once was a genre with immense potential?

    I guess not, and guess this sort of click and grind crap is what we'll have to look forward to in the future.

    And continues with this.... Obviously this Arremus thinks that using the word "genre" adds some authenticity to the latest turd squeezed out via their keyboard.

    Played about an hour's worth, over 3 days, huh.... Well, that's about how long most people spend deciding which politician to vote for, too.  So, that explains the condition the "genre" of MMOGs is in, and the condition the political system's in too, doesn't it?

    It's apparent that he's equivocating now, but the truth is he spent 10 minutes and judged LotRO based on that, and probably has no more knowledge of LotRO than the movies, like 91% of the people spewing mindless opinions about LotRO.  The movies were nothing.  Read the books!  Read ALL of them!  Everything Tolkein wrote that had to do with Middle Earth!

    No, you'd probably judge them from the first 10 pages.  If you could get that far with your dumb(ass)-ed down intellect.

    There's hundreds upon hundreds of people just like this Arremus guy posting the dumbest, most asinine, worthless comments about MMOGs all over every forum of ever kind related to "the genre".  All of them.  They can't be stopped, but they can be answered.

    Kalmenicus the Answerer

  • project8sixproject8six Member Posts: 271
    Originally posted by Nitros284

    You know, I could argue till my face is blue, but I decided I'd just throw away my entire argument and side and go for a different reply. I kindof do agree, but kindof don't. So I reached this conclusion..
    I'll agree with you that you can JUDGE a game for yourself in 10 minutes, if you agree with me that you cannot REVIEW a game for others in 10 minutes.
    Fair enough?

    i actually played lotr for like a week before i got bored.

    i'm high btw <3

    die. <3

  • KalmenicusKalmenicus Member Posts: 48
    Originally posted by Nolite


    Originally posted by Tamalan

    Originally posted by different

    I don't actually feel I'm part of a persistant world in LotR and I've never played a game with so liitle co-operation or even general chat. At what level does this change, when do folks talk, when do they group?

    Thats not a problem with LoTR, thats a growing problem with most MMO's currently available.


    The newer crop of MMO players seem to want to solo their way through MMO's and only group when really neccessary, maybe its because games like WoW and Guild Wars have attracted more the FPS crowd, but personally i find it disapointing and a loss to the genre.

    I like and enjoy grouping, I like and enjoy co-operative play but it seems to be a diminishing trait in the current MMO playerbase.


    Well said. Hopefully RP servers or something like that will give people intentions to actually stop the questing, and talk to the other players surrounding them. This is MMO, not a single player game with loads of verbal NPCs running aside you.

    This is the best, most worthwhile, post and quotes and responses of this whole thread.

    Notice, there's none of the "and I beta tested 11 games, and played 32 MMOGs over the past 10 minutes" kind of talk.  One guy says something he feels about LotRO, he's not flaming, he's not ridiculous, he's not stupid.  Another guy responds to that opinion without flaming, boasting, editorializing (leave that to me).

    All the comments are sensible, well-written, and obviously based on more than 10 minutes of experience.  Amazing, isn't it?

    By the way, I agree with them.

    That's what was great about EQ in the early years.  People talked, grouped, got to know each other, formed guilds, kept grouping with other people and talking and getting to know each other.  Made for a great community.  Oh sure, there were people who couldn't get into that, didn't have the social skills necessary, the patience necessary to play well with others, the intellectual capacity to learn and play their character's role in groups, and I'm sure those same people will post the most mindless responses to this.  But that's ok.  They didn't get it, they didn't enjoy playing EQ, they won't enjoy any of the good MMOGs.  (Good means immersive, community-rich, memorable, and fun)  They couldn't learn it, get a grip on it, start "winning" it in 10 minutes, or an hour across 3 days... They'll post that "that one sucked, sucks, is sucking", or something equally thought-intensive.

    During the many hours I've spent in beta of LotRO, I didn't feel immersed.  I didn't like the lack of character customization, I felt that the "lore" consisted of a few minutes of instanced story-lining here and there followed by hours of quests to "kill 10 thisuns" and "gather 10 thatuns" and not much more, and I never had the feeling that I was doing anything more than grinding.  But I could get over all that.  The one thing I couldn't and can't accept is the lack of a feeling of community.  I could even deal with the miniscule world, the ability to travel safely everywhere I needed to go so I could then wander off the beaten path to go "kill 10 thisuns".  But no community?  Nope, can't have that.

    When developers develop Massively Multiplayer Online Games, especially of the Role Playing variety, (haha, bet you thought I'd use the over-used "genre" there) it's because they intend for a Massive number of Multiple players (no, not multiple personality disorder sufferers), to get together in their Online Game to play, role-play or otherwise.  Their intention is not for a whole bunch of individuals who spent their whole lives playing console FPS and RTS games, to come online and play alone on the same server in the same game as a whole bunch of other individuals who are playing alone online.  It's not Massively Soloplayer Onling Gaming.

    That's all for now.  I'm wanted in a group for some progression mission type stuff in Everquest, The Buried Sea expansion.  That's how it's done.

    Kalmenicus the Multiplayer

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321
    people are going to play the way they want to. I don't worry about what the next guy does or does not do. Find a good kinship that shares your values and playing style and all will be well. Turbine can only go so far, ie name filters and anti kill stealing/anti griefing code.

    I miss DAoC

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