Eh? What are you on about now? Time for your Ritalin maybe?
I like you because you debate like a 12 year old...yep, I need my got me there oh boy!
I love pseudo intellectuals.
Don't feel too frustrated Draenor... It's not your fault he is unable to follow through with a debate, he might learn that when he gets done grade eight. Until then there is no hope for him.
What is there to debate? How can I debate someone who want address the topic posted? Example: "I like oranges. They are far superior to broccli. Even George Bush I hates broccoli. Broccoli should be banned." Draenor's response would be: "George Bush's illegal invasion of Panama tottally negates your point of view."
Eh? It's a lame tactic. Rather than addressing my post he focuses on the Rush Limbaugh comment. But hey, yes he wins I'm a 12 year-old who will hopefully one day be as great a man as him.
Just so you know the idea of a debate is to disprove the argument of your opponent and not to personally attack the opponent (Unless your opponent is the debate)
So if Draenor talked about Bush illegal invasion of Panama he would give reasonable doubt that George Bush is a good source for information and your point would be useless. It may be a lame tactic but that's just how it works...
Im all for the legalization of drugs. It's my body, let me do what I want with it. I could fatten the guvment's wallet, they could provide some dynamite scag, and everyone's happy.
I tend to be for the legalization of drugs for your use in your own home, but you should be forced to stay there while you are doing your drugs. The last thing we want is people tripping on acid out and about in the world. The only drug I could think of that would be bad to legalize would be PCP, because it makes you violent.
Im all for the legalization of drugs. It's my body, let me do what I want with it. I could fatten the guvment's wallet, they could provide some dynamite scag, and everyone's happy.
Agreed, and make it so I don't have to have my taxes go to your healthcare in case you do any hard drugs =P
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
Pot should be legal. Any justification for keeping pot illegal could very well be used to justify making Alcohol illegal. Alcohol kills people. Alcohol ruins lives and hurts people in all sorts of ways. Drunk driving is a big killer. But We've already seen why making that illegal is bad. Since making alcohol legal again was a good thing, doing the same with pot would more than likely produce a similar result.
Plus, we could enjoy hemp clothing, hemp paper, and maybe even hemp-derived ethanol to power new e85 fuels.
Not to mention higher tax revenue, taking money out of the hands of criminals, etc.
Any legalization must be accompanied by an intense amount of education... but ACCURATE information. These commercials "Dont smoke pot or you'll shoot your friend!" And from a very early age like we do with cigarettes.
Use of cannabis doesnt put holes in your brain.. And i
Originally posted by Kyoruto
Originally posted by Zerocool032
Originally posted by outfctrl
Originally posted by EggFtegg
Prohibition in the US demonstrated exactly the kinds of problems society faces when criminalising a substance that there is a large demand for.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
You must understand the use of cannabis is relativity safe. There have been no confirmed deaths from its use alone...
Tobacco claims over 400k lives a year
Alcohol about 120k lives
Cannabis : 0
I'm sorry to be devils advocate here, but you can't say that those people weren't already predetermined for cancer. Not only that its the environment they live in. How they live their lives. Its all about these factors. And thats why still to this day we can't "prove" tobacco is deadly. I never said it doesn't harm your health cause I was an 80s kid. Both my parents smoked and in the house and same room as I was in. I'm almost (besides the fact that I'm lazy) screwed up my body.
Like you said with cannabis. Its all relative. THC is a mild form of acid. I know someone that used to have a photographic memory that lost it when she started smoking weed. Use of it does put holes in your head. (Not physical mind you) I just think its funny when pot heads says weeds harmless. Which is a lie. There are even people hopelessly addicted to it as well. It really differs from person to person.
With Alcohol are you counting DWIs? Cause thats under the influence of anything which could very well be Cannabis.
I have a lot of druggy friends who all say don't do any drugs at all. Even an EX that dropped acid that just was like "Whatever you do please don't do drugs. You don't need that in your life." So I'd like to say from my friends experience that they are right.
know your not talking about physical holes. But your brain has receptors specifically for cannabis called 'cannabanoid receptors' that recieve the THC and carry out the actions. A test was done awhile back on monkeys to see if THC caused brain damage. After a year (monkeys inhaled around 6 joints worth of smoke per day) The brain scan (or whatever its called) showed no difference in brain activity.
By the way... Alcohol intoxication is very much stronger than cannabis intoxication.. Ask anyone whos been drunk and high, they will tell you that they would rather drive oblterated stoned than drunk anyday.
Ive been smoking cannabis for over 3 years and havent had any negative health effect / memory and learning problems.
When I was smoking I had some short term memory loss but nothing major, and my long term stuff was perfectly fine (so tests werent affected or anything). Since I stopped smoking, my short term memory returned to normal. That was like two years ago.
To give you some perspective, I am a college student in my second year, and I'm taking a bunch of fairly tough courses (well, anyone could take them and pass... but to get an A takes alot of work), and after reading like 2 thousand pages of stuff on a variety of topics (and its not even half way over yet!) I cant remember any short term things to save my life... and this is definitely worse than when I smoked pot. Maybe textbooks are worse for the brain than pot smoking.
this doesn't even address the issue of government legislating morality on the individual.
In a nutshell as usual man
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Did he pick the tag "Outctrl" to be ironic? Because clearly, as others have stated, his mind is under control of the Rush Limbaugh (famous dope fiend) Camp. What do they call themselves? Oh yeah, 'Ditto-heads.' How nice and simple for you to have your opinons pre-packaged for you. Requires zero critical thought (you'd probably hurt yourself) or intelligence at all, really. Good show!!
I love how kool-aid drinking liberals are the first to point out Rush Limbaugh's past, while completely overlooking the drug scandals that so many congress members and politicians have been a part if lLImbaugh is the only one...but I suppose it's an easy jab right? Stick to arguments about policy, not character, because character assassination can be commited on just about any given politician. And it also proves my point. Just because someone is a drug abuser at some point in their life does not mean they can't still be a productive person to society with the proper treatment. Putting non-violent drug offenders in prison is not the answer. You could be taking a person out of society that still has the potential to make a positive contribution and putting them with actual violent criminals.
When I was smoking I had some short term memory loss but nothing major, and my long term stuff was perfectly fine (so tests werent affected or anything). Since I stopped smoking, my short term memory returned to normal. That was like two years ago. To give you some perspective, I am a college student in my second year, and I'm taking a bunch of fairly tough courses (well, anyone could take them and pass... but to get an A takes alot of work), and after reading like 2 thousand pages of stuff on a variety of topics (and its not even half way over yet!) I cant remember any short term things to save my life... and this is definitely worse than when I smoked pot. Maybe textbooks are worse for the brain than pot smoking.
Don't go off the deep end there. I'm for legalization too. But that doesn't mean that I'm saying drugs aren't bad. They are bad for you. You're body is your responsibility to take care of, and I'll defend you on that right. But you need to take that right seriously. Not abuse it.
There is definitely evidence that pot is bad for your brain, your lungs, and other organs and body parts. So why not take the task of being a good healthy family member and a sharp intellectual member of society seriously and help us straighten this world out instead of checking out on us! We need your help too.
Use of cannabis doesnt put holes in your brain.. And i Originally posted by Kyoruto
Originally posted by Zerocool032
Originally posted by outfctrl
Originally posted by EggFtegg
Prohibition in the US demonstrated exactly the kinds of problems society faces when criminalising a substance that there is a large demand for.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
You must understand the use of cannabis is relativity safe. There have been no confirmed deaths from its use alone...
Tobacco claims over 400k lives a year
Alcohol about 120k lives
Cannabis : 0
I'm sorry to be devils advocate here, but you can't say that those people weren't already predetermined for cancer. Not only that its the environment they live in. How they live their lives. Its all about these factors. And thats why still to this day we can't "prove" tobacco is deadly. I never said it doesn't harm your health cause I was an 80s kid. Both my parents smoked and in the house and same room as I was in. I'm almost (besides the fact that I'm lazy) screwed up my body.
Like you said with cannabis. Its all relative. THC is a mild form of acid. I know someone that used to have a photographic memory that lost it when she started smoking weed. Use of it does put holes in your head. (Not physical mind you) I just think its funny when pot heads says weeds harmless. Which is a lie. There are even people hopelessly addicted to it as well. It really differs from person to person.
With Alcohol are you counting DWIs? Cause thats under the influence of anything which could very well be Cannabis.
I have a lot of druggy friends who all say don't do any drugs at all. Even an EX that dropped acid that just was like "Whatever you do please don't do drugs. You don't need that in your life." So I'd like to say from my friends experience that they are right.
know your not talking about physical holes. But your brain has receptors specifically for cannabis called 'cannabanoid receptors' that recieve the THC and carry out the actions. A test was done awhile back on monkeys to see if THC caused brain damage. After a year (monkeys inhaled around 6 joints worth of smoke per day) The brain scan (or whatever its called) showed no difference in brain activity.
By the way... Alcohol intoxication is very much stronger than cannabis intoxication.. Ask anyone whos been drunk and high, they will tell you that they would rather drive oblteratedteratedterated thananydaynanyday amoryy.
mory and learning problems.
I don't remember where I saw it but I saw a MRI Brain scan I think of a long term user. (The parts of his brain that were fully functional was in color) And it looked like cheese. Now I can't remember the sight I saw it in, but it was "Definitive proof" (which I don't know nor do I really care that much if it does) it in fact did that to his brain. (Could also be just a scare tactic) Though; people could argue that everyone is different and everyone doesn't suffer the same effects as others. Its just from my friends perspective (They only did weed) they said that they used to be a lot smarter then they are but smoked themselves stupid. The thing is that once again its "proven" THC is a mild form of acid and acid does effect the brain. I think you drop acid 3 times and your considered clinically insane.
Siehst du mich Erkennst du mich Ganz tief in meinem Herz ist noch ein Platz f?r dich Ich suche dich Ich sehne mich nach dem was ich geliebt hab doch ich find es nicht
Use of cannabis doesnt put holes in your brain.. And i Originally posted by Kyoruto
Originally posted by Zerocool032
Originally posted by outfctrl
Originally posted by EggFtegg
Prohibition in the US demonstrated exactly the kinds of problems society faces when criminalising a substance that there is a large demand for.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
You must understand the use of cannabis is relativity safe. There have been no confirmed deaths from its use alone...
Tobacco claims over 400k lives a year
Alcohol about 120k lives
Cannabis : 0
I'm sorry to be devils advocate here, but you can't say that those people weren't already predetermined for cancer. Not only that its the environment they live in. How they live their lives. Its all about these factors. And thats why still to this day we can't "prove" tobacco is deadly. I never said it doesn't harm your health cause I was an 80s kid. Both my parents smoked and in the house and same room as I was in. I'm almost (besides the fact that I'm lazy) screwed up my body.
Like you said with cannabis. Its all relative. THC is a mild form of acid. I know someone that used to have a photographic memory that lost it when she started smoking weed. Use of it does put holes in your head. (Not physical mind you) I just think its funny when pot heads says weeds harmless. Which is a lie. There are even people hopelessly addicted to it as well. It really differs from person to person.
With Alcohol are you counting DWIs? Cause thats under the influence of anything which could very well be Cannabis.
I have a lot of druggy friends who all say don't do any drugs at all. Even an EX that dropped acid that just was like "Whatever you do please don't do drugs. You don't need that in your life." So I'd like to say from my friends experience that they are right.
know your not talking about physical holes. But your brain has receptors specifically for cannabis called 'cannabanoid receptors' that recieve the THC and carry out the actions. A test was done awhile back on monkeys to see if THC caused brain damage. After a year (monkeys inhaled around 6 joints worth of smoke per day) The brain scan (or whatever its called) showed no difference in brain activity.
By the way... Alcohol intoxication is very much stronger than cannabis intoxication.. Ask anyone whos been drunk and high, they will tell you that they would rather drive oblteratedteratedterated thananydaynanyday amoryy.
mory and learning problems.
I don't remember where I saw it but I saw a MRI Brain scan I think of a long term user. (The parts of his brain that were fully functional was in color) And it looked like cheese. Now I can't remember the sight I saw it in, but it was "Definitive proof" (which I don't know nor do I really care that much if it does) it in fact did that to his brain. (Could also be just a scare tactic) Though; people could argue that everyone is different and everyone doesn't suffer the same effects as others. Its just from my friends perspective (They only did weed) they said that they used to be a lot smarter then they are but smoked themselves stupid. The thing is that once again its "proven" THC is a mild form of acid and acid does effect the brain. I think you drop acid 3 times and your considered clinically insane.
But you dont get high from cannabis by your brain cells dying. Thats how heroin works. Cannabis leaves your brain the way it was and the only damage you would get from smoking marijuana is analagous to brain damage you suffer from smoking cigarettes. If it was a long term marijuana user, the fact that his brain looked like cheese wasnt due to his marijuana use. It was probably due to the Photoshopping they did afterwards or from another drug.... probably alcohol or heroin.
The fact that you think you are clinically insane after three acid drops shows how naive you are. First off, the term "insane" is a legal term which determines whether you can determine whether you know the difference between right and wrong. Someone who is manic depressive, for instance, suffers from mental illness but isnt legally insane. I personally know many kids who have dropped acid many more times than three times and their mental condition is perfectly fine. Maybe they are a little weird, but they've always been weird. If you do acid very frequently over a long period of time of course your mental condition will suffer, but certainly not after three uses.
Now, I am fairly rusty on my chemistry, so I could be wrong here, but it doesnt seem to me that tetrahydrocannabinol and lysergic acid diethylamide have anything very chemically in common. I definitely am not an authority, so someone else should argue this point.
You all know that I am against legalizing pot. IF and this is a small if, the US Government decided to legalize it, what do you think the age would be to purchase it? I assume it would be 21, right? Would you need a doctors prescription? After all, it would be for medicinal purposes only as most of you posted. It relieves pain...blah...blah...blah.
If someone under the age of 21 is caught with it, then they would get in trouble, right?
If pot is legalized, I would have to say, IMO, that you would need to be 50 yrs old and older, and a Republican. Republicans are known for doing things in moderation and have common sense. After a complete analysis is done on the effects, then the age should be lowered to 40 and so on. Now, once we have scientific facts on the effects on Republicans, the Democrats can smoke it starting at the age of 50 and going down the line.
This will make everyone a Republican that wants to try pot early. Our Nation will be strong and secure for many years to come..
You all know that I am against legalizing pot. IF and this is a small if, the US Government decided to legalize it, what do you think the age would be to purchase it? I assume it would be 21, right? Would you need a doctors prescription? After all, it would be for medicinal purposes only as most of you posted. It relieves pain...blah...blah...blah. If someone under the age of 21 is caught with it, then they would get in trouble, right? If pot is legalized, I would have to say, IMO, that you would need to be 50 yrs old and older, and a Republican. Republicans are known for doing things in moderation and have common sense. After a complete analysis is done on the effects, then the age should be lowered to 40 and so on. Now, once we have scientific facts on the effects on Republicans, the Democrats can smoke it starting at the age of 50 and going down the line. This will make everyone a Republican that wants to try pot early. Our Nation will be strong and secure for many years to come.. See? I am easy
Legalise pot under the same rules as alcohol is legal.
You all know that I am against legalizing pot. IF and this is a small if, the US Government decided to legalize it, what do you think the age would be to purchase it? I assume it would be 21, right? Would you need a doctors prescription? After all, it would be for medicinal purposes only as most of you posted. It relieves pain...blah...blah...blah. If someone under the age of 21 is caught with it, then they would get in trouble, right? If pot is legalized, I would have to say, IMO, that you would need to be 50 yrs old and older, and a Republican. Republicans are known for doing things in moderation and have common sense. After a complete analysis is done on the effects, then the age should be lowered to 40 and so on. Now, once we have scientific facts on the effects on Republicans, the Democrats can smoke it starting at the age of 50 and going down the line. This will make everyone a Republican that wants to try pot early. Our Nation will be strong and secure for many years to come.. See? I am easy
Cannabis got great uses within the medical field, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal to use it for recreational purposes.
Do you support an ban of alcohol in the united states of america, sir outfctrl?
Outfctrl, if you were one of the founders of a new country, would you make pot illegal? If so, what exactly would be your reasoning and can you keep that reasoning consistant with your other laws? What would you put in place as the punishment for smoking pot?
Ok, you got me here, I wont lie. Personally, I wouldnt make it illegal, but I would want to control it, tax it and sell it just like Liquor and cigarettes. I would put an age limit on it. 21 is a good age, because by then, you have some responsibility.
If, a teen is caught with it, it would be handled as if they were caught with alcohol. People who would sell to teens would go to jail.
Driving under the influence would be a DUI and punished with the laws we have now.
I admit, I used to partake in the pleasures of the wildwood weed, but grew out of it. I was also 21 when I first tried it. Thats the truth. I have driven under the influence of some serious kickass weed and it was just as bad as being drunk or worse. This is not a herb to take lightly. Nowadays, the stuff is allot more powerful.
I ask you all this. If it were legal, who would supply us? Do you think anyone would? There is too much money to be made on the blackmarket. If it was grown in the US, how the hell do you protect the crops from vandals? Armed guards?
Cannabis isn't any more powerfull than it was 100 years ago. Simply untrue. I know people who grow it (one of em even did it on an industrial scale) and there are significan differences with even a decade ago. The breeds are quite different and the procedures have changed too. But that's mainly for skunk. African or Afghani is virtually the same.
I like you because you debate like a 12 year old...yep, I need my got me there oh boy!
I love pseudo intellectuals.
Don't feel too frustrated Draenor... It's not your fault he is unable to follow through with a debate, he might learn that when he gets done grade eight. Until then there is no hope for him.
What is there to debate?
How can I debate someone who want address the topic posted?
"I like oranges. They are far superior to broccli. Even George Bush I hates broccoli. Broccoli should be banned."
Draenor's response would be:
"George Bush's illegal invasion of Panama tottally negates your point of view."
It's a lame tactic. Rather than addressing my post he focuses on the Rush Limbaugh comment.
But hey, yes he wins I'm a 12 year-old who will hopefully one day be as great a man as him.
Just so you know the idea of a debate is to disprove the argument of your opponent and not to personally attack the opponent (Unless your opponent is the debate)
So if Draenor talked about Bush illegal invasion of Panama he would give reasonable doubt that George Bush is a good source for information and your point would be useless. It may be a lame tactic but that's just how it works...
Free porn videos, xxx porn videos
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"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Plus, we could enjoy hemp clothing, hemp paper, and maybe even hemp-derived ethanol to power new e85 fuels.
Not to mention higher tax revenue, taking money out of the hands of criminals, etc.
Any legalization must be accompanied by an intense amount of education... but ACCURATE information. These commercials "Dont smoke pot or you'll shoot your friend!" And from a very early age like we do with cigarettes.
Use of cannabis doesnt put holes in your brain.. And i
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
You must understand the use of cannabis is relativity safe. There have been no confirmed deaths from its use alone...
Tobacco claims over 400k lives a year
Alcohol about 120k lives
Cannabis : 0
I'm sorry to be devils advocate here, but you can't say that those people weren't already predetermined for cancer. Not only that its the environment they live in. How they live their lives. Its all about these factors. And thats why still to this day we can't "prove" tobacco is deadly. I never said it doesn't harm your health cause I was an 80s kid. Both my parents smoked and in the house and same room as I was in. I'm almost (besides the fact that I'm lazy) screwed up my body.Like you said with cannabis. Its all relative. THC is a mild form of acid. I know someone that used to have a photographic memory that lost it when she started smoking weed. Use of it does put holes in your head. (Not physical mind you) I just think its funny when pot heads says weeds harmless. Which is a lie. There are even people hopelessly addicted to it as well. It really differs from person to person.
With Alcohol are you counting DWIs? Cause thats under the influence of anything which could very well be Cannabis.
I have a lot of druggy friends who all say don't do any drugs at all. Even an EX that dropped acid that just was like "Whatever you do please don't do drugs. You don't need that in your life." So I'd like to say from my friends experience that they are right.
know your not talking about physical holes. But your brain has receptors specifically for cannabis called 'cannabanoid receptors' that recieve the THC and carry out the actions. A test was done awhile back on monkeys to see if THC caused brain damage. After a year (monkeys inhaled around 6 joints worth of smoke per day) The brain scan (or whatever its called) showed no difference in brain activity.
By the way... Alcohol intoxication is very much stronger than cannabis intoxication.. Ask anyone whos been drunk and high, they will tell you that they would rather drive oblterated stoned than drunk anyday.
Ive been smoking cannabis for over 3 years and havent had any negative health effect / memory and learning problems.
When I was smoking I had some short term memory loss but nothing major, and my long term stuff was perfectly fine (so tests werent affected or anything). Since I stopped smoking, my short term memory returned to normal. That was like two years ago.
To give you some perspective, I am a college student in my second year, and I'm taking a bunch of fairly tough courses (well, anyone could take them and pass... but to get an A takes alot of work), and after reading like 2 thousand pages of stuff on a variety of topics (and its not even half way over yet!) I cant remember any short term things to save my life... and this is definitely worse than when I smoked pot. Maybe textbooks are worse for the brain than pot smoking.
In a nutshell as usual man
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
There is definitely evidence that pot is bad for your brain, your lungs, and other organs and body parts. So why not take the task of being a good healthy family member and a sharp intellectual member of society seriously and help us straighten this world out instead of checking out on us! We need your help too.
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
You must understand the use of cannabis is relativity safe. There have been no confirmed deaths from its use alone...
Tobacco claims over 400k lives a year
Alcohol about 120k lives
Cannabis : 0
I'm sorry to be devils advocate here, but you can't say that those people weren't already predetermined for cancer. Not only that its the environment they live in. How they live their lives. Its all about these factors. And thats why still to this day we can't "prove" tobacco is deadly. I never said it doesn't harm your health cause I was an 80s kid. Both my parents smoked and in the house and same room as I was in. I'm almost (besides the fact that I'm lazy) screwed up my body.Like you said with cannabis. Its all relative. THC is a mild form of acid. I know someone that used to have a photographic memory that lost it when she started smoking weed. Use of it does put holes in your head. (Not physical mind you) I just think its funny when pot heads says weeds harmless. Which is a lie. There are even people hopelessly addicted to it as well. It really differs from person to person.
With Alcohol are you counting DWIs? Cause thats under the influence of anything which could very well be Cannabis.
I have a lot of druggy friends who all say don't do any drugs at all. Even an EX that dropped acid that just was like "Whatever you do please don't do drugs. You don't need that in your life." So I'd like to say from my friends experience that they are right.
know your not talking about physical holes. But your brain has receptors specifically for cannabis called 'cannabanoid receptors' that recieve the THC and carry out the actions. A test was done awhile back on monkeys to see if THC caused brain damage. After a year (monkeys inhaled around 6 joints worth of smoke per day) The brain scan (or whatever its called) showed no difference in brain activity.
By the way... Alcohol intoxication is very much stronger than cannabis intoxication.. Ask anyone whos been drunk and high, they will tell you that they would rather drive oblteratedteratedterated thananydaynanyday amoryy.
mory and learning problems.
I don't remember where I saw it but I saw a MRI Brain scan I think of a long term user. (The parts of his brain that were fully functional was in color) And it looked like cheese. Now I can't remember the sight I saw it in, but it was "Definitive proof" (which I don't know nor do I really care that much if it does) it in fact did that to his brain. (Could also be just a scare tactic) Though; people could argue that everyone is different and everyone doesn't suffer the same effects as others. Its just from my friends perspective (They only did weed) they said that they used to be a lot smarter then they are but smoked themselves stupid. The thing is that once again its "proven" THC is a mild form of acid and acid does effect the brain. I think you drop acid 3 times and your considered clinically insane.Siehst du mich
Erkennst du mich
Ganz tief in meinem Herz
ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
Ich suche dich
Ich sehne mich
nach dem was ich geliebt hab
doch ich find es nicht
Doesn't really check out:
Oh, thats smart. Lets legalize cocaine too, there is a large demand for that. Why stop there? How about opium? Heroine?
Great advice. A whole nation of addicts.
You must understand the use of cannabis is relativity safe. There have been no confirmed deaths from its use alone...
Tobacco claims over 400k lives a year
Alcohol about 120k lives
Cannabis : 0
I'm sorry to be devils advocate here, but you can't say that those people weren't already predetermined for cancer. Not only that its the environment they live in. How they live their lives. Its all about these factors. And thats why still to this day we can't "prove" tobacco is deadly. I never said it doesn't harm your health cause I was an 80s kid. Both my parents smoked and in the house and same room as I was in. I'm almost (besides the fact that I'm lazy) screwed up my body.Like you said with cannabis. Its all relative. THC is a mild form of acid. I know someone that used to have a photographic memory that lost it when she started smoking weed. Use of it does put holes in your head. (Not physical mind you) I just think its funny when pot heads says weeds harmless. Which is a lie. There are even people hopelessly addicted to it as well. It really differs from person to person.
With Alcohol are you counting DWIs? Cause thats under the influence of anything which could very well be Cannabis.
I have a lot of druggy friends who all say don't do any drugs at all. Even an EX that dropped acid that just was like "Whatever you do please don't do drugs. You don't need that in your life." So I'd like to say from my friends experience that they are right.
know your not talking about physical holes. But your brain has receptors specifically for cannabis called 'cannabanoid receptors' that recieve the THC and carry out the actions. A test was done awhile back on monkeys to see if THC caused brain damage. After a year (monkeys inhaled around 6 joints worth of smoke per day) The brain scan (or whatever its called) showed no difference in brain activity.
By the way... Alcohol intoxication is very much stronger than cannabis intoxication.. Ask anyone whos been drunk and high, they will tell you that they would rather drive oblteratedteratedterated thananydaynanyday amoryy.
mory and learning problems.
I don't remember where I saw it but I saw a MRI Brain scan I think of a long term user. (The parts of his brain that were fully functional was in color) And it looked like cheese. Now I can't remember the sight I saw it in, but it was "Definitive proof" (which I don't know nor do I really care that much if it does) it in fact did that to his brain. (Could also be just a scare tactic) Though; people could argue that everyone is different and everyone doesn't suffer the same effects as others. Its just from my friends perspective (They only did weed) they said that they used to be a lot smarter then they are but smoked themselves stupid. The thing is that once again its "proven" THC is a mild form of acid and acid does effect the brain. I think you drop acid 3 times and your considered clinically insane.But you dont get high from cannabis by your brain cells dying. Thats how heroin works. Cannabis leaves your brain the way it was and the only damage you would get from smoking marijuana is analagous to brain damage you suffer from smoking cigarettes. If it was a long term marijuana user, the fact that his brain looked like cheese wasnt due to his marijuana use. It was probably due to the Photoshopping they did afterwards or from another drug.... probably alcohol or heroin.
The fact that you think you are clinically insane after three acid drops shows how naive you are. First off, the term "insane" is a legal term which determines whether you can determine whether you know the difference between right and wrong. Someone who is manic depressive, for instance, suffers from mental illness but isnt legally insane. I personally know many kids who have dropped acid many more times than three times and their mental condition is perfectly fine. Maybe they are a little weird, but they've always been weird. If you do acid very frequently over a long period of time of course your mental condition will suffer, but certainly not after three uses.
Now, I am fairly rusty on my chemistry, so I could be wrong here, but it doesnt seem to me that tetrahydrocannabinol and lysergic acid diethylamide have anything very chemically in common. I definitely am not an authority, so someone else should argue this point.
You all know that I am against legalizing pot. IF and this is a small if, the US Government decided to legalize it, what do you think the age would be to purchase it? I assume it would be 21, right? Would you need a doctors prescription? After all, it would be for medicinal purposes only as most of you posted. It relieves pain...blah...blah...blah.
If someone under the age of 21 is caught with it, then they would get in trouble, right?
If pot is legalized, I would have to say, IMO, that you would need to be 50 yrs old and older, and a Republican. Republicans are known for doing things in moderation and have common sense. After a complete analysis is done on the effects, then the age should be lowered to 40 and so on. Now, once we have scientific facts on the effects on Republicans, the Democrats can smoke it starting at the age of 50 and going down the line.
This will make everyone a Republican that wants to try pot early. Our Nation will be strong and secure for many years to come..
See? I am easy
What a weak bunch of girls.
Outfctrl, if you were one of the founders of a new country, would you make pot illegal?
If so, what exactly would be your reasoning and can you keep that reasoning consistant with your other laws?
What would you put in place as the punishment for smoking pot?
Do you support an ban of alcohol in the united states of america, sir outfctrl?
Ok, you got me here, I wont lie. Personally, I wouldnt make it illegal, but I would want to control it, tax it and sell it just like Liquor and cigarettes. I would put an age limit on it. 21 is a good age, because by then, you have some responsibility.
If, a teen is caught with it, it would be handled as if they were caught with alcohol. People who would sell to teens would go to jail.
Driving under the influence would be a DUI and punished with the laws we have now.
I admit, I used to partake in the pleasures of the wildwood weed, but grew out of it. I was also 21 when I first tried it. Thats the truth. I have driven under the influence of some serious kickass weed and it was just as bad as being drunk or worse. This is not a herb to take lightly. Nowadays, the stuff is allot more powerful.
I ask you all this. If it were legal, who would supply us? Do you think anyone would? There is too much money to be made on the blackmarket. If it was grown in the US, how the hell do you protect the crops from vandals? Armed guards?
Cannabis isn't any more powerfull than it was 100 years ago.
Cannabis isn't any more powerfull than it was 100 years ago. Simply untrue. I know people who grow it (one of em even did it on an industrial scale) and there are significan differences with even a decade ago. The breeds are quite different and the procedures have changed too. But that's mainly for skunk. African or Afghani is virtually the same.