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Why do Atheists care about religion?



  • KyorutoKyoruto Member Posts: 794
    OK for one... How much of a drunkard do you have to be to care about if someone sells Alcohol on Sunday or not. I highly doubt its a religious thing cause back in the dark ages it alcohol was a very very good thing and people drank it almost every day. And OMG! I don't care about Under God. Hell I don't even believe in anyone's god and I'll still say the pledge. I'm agnostic, and I leave other people alone. Sure I get into religious debates, but thats besides the point. This whole youtube thing all translates into "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Yeah guess what about those groups wanting a national religion they aren't going to get it so stop bitching. And congratulations on qouting history with "The founding fathers didn't want one religion as the national standard." Cause if they didn't you wouldn't have your views today. Again stop bitching.

    Also sorry I was thought evolution in school not creationism. Sorry Abortion isn't just being fought because of religion if you really want to make up excuses you shouldn't be making something thats under the guise of rational thought. Actually all of them except stem cells have actual rational thought behind them. You can't just look at one instance and say thats the standard. If so then racial stereotypes are all right no matter what. In all honesty if he was a true atheist he wouldn't even care at all. I'm probably closer to atheism then he is.

    Siehst du mich
    Erkennst du mich
    Ganz tief in meinem Herz
    ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
    Ich suche dich
    Ich sehne mich
    nach dem was ich geliebt hab
    doch ich find es nicht

  • EggFteggEggFtegg Member Posts: 1,141
    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    I have never heard them give my metaphor and my metaphor is the only example I can think of where God can be omniscient and still allow complete free will. Christianity is free to adopt my belief lol. :)

    Actually, I've used a video game metaphor on another thread, only instead of knowing every possible outcome (or as well as), my example has forward and rewind buttons, and therefore the developer/god is outside of game time. Rather than being a MMORPG exactly, it would be more like some kind of sim game, only instead of being simulations, the in-game people have conscious thought and can make their own decisions.

    The developer can fast forward to a later time and see what happens without having any effect of the free-will of the in-game people. Therefore, just because he can know what choice you will make, doesn't mean it isn't your choice.

    I guess it would be the same kind of metaphor if you had a time machine that allowed you to view the future. Just because you could see what will happen, doesn't take away the free-will behind the decisions that create that future.

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,359
    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    Originally posted by Tacola

    Originally posted by frAnner

    Originally posted by Zyzx-Man

      if you cant trust your-self then how can you posably trust a higher power?

    thats the kind of thing that starts wars, people blindly trusting in god (or the people that represent god)

    the rep of god says, god says go kill those that a slitly different, so those poeple go and kill those slitly different people, over the word of the represenative of "god".

    to me there is nothing that proves god exists, god is just a theorie, one that I dislike and reject.

    do you really want god to exist? one being that controls all, predetermins your fate, know everything you do before you do it.

    that seems kinda creepy to me, and very unapealing.

    Well, according to Christians, God gave us all free will to decide whether or not to accept him. These same people say God is omniscient. While I see a blatant contradiction between free will and omniscience, most people don't seem to have a problem with it.

    If you had a choice to make, say door A  or door B, but you weren't sure which door to take.   But an Omniscient Being (God) already  knew which choice you would make.  Would it be pre-destination?  It becomes relative at this point.

    To the God it would be pre-destination.

    But to you it would be a choice.  It would be "free will"

    I believe in a divine creator from my own personal experience and nothing has been preached to me and so I don't believe in a God that any religion believes. I believe Omniscience and free will can coincide and I will give you my metaphor:

    Imagine The Divine Creator is a Divine Programmer (pretty much the same thing with different words). God programmed a game world similar to an MMORPG and programmed in every single possible thing that is possible in the universe (just like they do in video games). Now normal game programmers like for WoW know every possible thing that can happen in their game world and they let a bunch of players play that game and those players get to play within the rules/laws of that game world and have free will to do whatever within those rules/laws of the game world.

    God did pretty much that except God made a universe that is an infinite times more vast than any game world that exists today seeing as the world we actually live in is constantly it complex AI :)

    So God knows everthing that can happen within his universe and the people do what they will withing God's universe. God can know every single thing we can do in the future as well because God knows every single possible thing I could do in the future because God programmed the universe. I could get up from my seat and take a step forward, left, right, or backwards, and God knows every single possibility and therefore Gods knows my future and yet I have free will to choose which path (within God's programmed universe) I want.

    Lvl 50 Human Programmer LFG
  • EggFteggEggFtegg Member Posts: 1,141
    Originally posted by Kyoruto

    ... if you really want to make up excuses you shouldn't be making something thats under the guise of rational thought. Actually all of them except stem cells have actual rational thought behind them.

    I have to agree. I found the "Rational Thought Productions" or whatever it was, was just offensive. Like he was trying to say that if you don't agree with me and what I say in this film, then your thinking is irrational. It's either extreme arrogance or a really cheap and pathetic way to try to get people to agree with your views.

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182
    Originally posted by Kyoruto

    OK for one... How much of a drunkard do you have to be to care about if someone sells Alcohol on Sunday or not. I highly doubt its a religious thing cause back in the dark ages it alcohol was a very very good thing and people drank it almost every day. And OMG! I don't care about Under God. Hell I don't even believe in anyone's god and I'll still say the pledge. I'm agnostic, and I leave other people alone. Sure I get into religious debates, but thats besides the point. This whole youtube thing all translates into "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Yeah guess what about those groups wanting a national religion they aren't going to get it so stop bitching. And congratulations on qouting history with "The founding fathers didn't want one religion as the national standard." Cause if they didn't you wouldn't have your views today. Again stop bitching.

    Also sorry I was thought evolution in school not creationism. Sorry Abortion isn't just being fought because of religion if you really want to make up excuses you shouldn't be making something thats under the guise of rational thought. Actually all of them except stem cells have actual rational thought behind them. You can't just look at one instance and say thats the standard. If so then racial stereotypes are all right no matter what. In all honesty if he was a true atheist he wouldn't even care at all. I'm probably closer to atheism then he is.
    If its such a small thing, then why is the law there in the first place? What if you get unexpected guests at sunday? And i'm pretty sure it is because of religion, why else would it forbid alcohol on sunday? its rediculous. "Leave other people alone" And thats exactly what christians should do. America is not a christian founded nation, "Under god" should not be forced upon the pledge.
  • xpowderxxpowderx Member UncommonPosts: 2,078
    Religion is not partial to a god, goddesses, deity nor a unknowing force. That is a big misconception. Religion is any group of people that teaches a belief system based on faith. This can be real or not real. This includes Scientologists,Atheism(Lack of belief) Buddhism,Evolutionists, or even a group in business. Those are examples of non deity forms of religion.

    Regardless of bias I would recommend knowing what religion is before telling us about it.

    Main Entry: re·li·gion

    Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Anglo-French religiun, Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY

    1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

    2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

    3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS

    4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

    - re·li·gion·less adjective

    Please take notice of Def part 3. and def part 4.
  • n25phillyn25philly Member Posts: 1,317
    I only care when the mindless religious folk are too busy trying to recruit me to just leave me alone.  I respect anyone's beliefs as long as they leave me alone and respect mine.

    member of

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    I care when their beliefs interfere with my daily life and when I have to fear for my life if I am ever asked my faith (or lack thereof).

    I really don't think that it is a coincidence that most intelligent people aren't part of a world religion.




    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • TacolaTacola Member CommonPosts: 263

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    I care when their beliefs interfere with my daily life and when I have to fear for my life if I am ever asked my faith (or lack thereof).
    I really don't think that it is a coincidence that most intelligent people aren't part of a world religion.
    Can you elaborate abit?   Most of the Intelligent people in the world are indeed religious.   In fact vast majority of the world are members of a religion.   Where do you get yours information relating to the intellect of religious people.  Do you spend alot of time at church or worship services with them?  

    "From my perspective as director of the Human Genome Project, the scientific and religious world views are not only compatible but also inherehtly complementary."  Francis S. Collins - physician, geneticist and Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute.

  • TacolaTacola Member CommonPosts: 263

    Originally posted by godpuppet

    Originally posted by Deathstrike2
    That's interesting.  I have to believe that if I didn't believe in God, I would be more tempted to act on impulse.  After all, there would be no consequences for doing anything as long as I never got caught.  A person with nothing to lose seems just as dangerous to me as a religious nutbag.
    BTW, there's nuts in every religion and every walk of life (atheists included).
    Law is the consequence.

    When you dont believe in god, you tend to believe in Law & Order, and sometimes, the generosity of others.

    You are entirely incorrect, and you made his point.  The Law is only a consequence is if you get caught.   People who are true to God know there are consequences even if you dont get caught.    That is the point.

    You would have been better going with the "Religion is the Opiate of the Mass" point.   Without Reilgion we would have total chaos all over the world.  How much charity do Regilious organization give each year?  Why do people seem to focus on the lost misguided ones who claim to be and use Religion as an excuse for unspeakable acts and not focus on the true meaning of most religions, love your brother as your self?

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182
    Originally posted by Tacola

    Originally posted by godpuppet

    Originally posted by Deathstrike2
    That's interesting.  I have to believe that if I didn't believe in God, I would be more tempted to act on impulse.  After all, there would be no consequences for doing anything as long as I never got caught.  A person with nothing to lose seems just as dangerous to me as a religious nutbag.
    BTW, there's nuts in every religion and every walk of life (atheists included).
    Law is the consequence.

    When you dont believe in god, you tend to believe in Law & Order, and sometimes, the generosity of others.

    You are entirely incorrect, and you made his point.  The Law is only a consequence is if you get caught.   People who are true to God know there are consequences even if you dont get caught.    That is the point.

    You would have been better going with the "Religion is the Opiate of the Mass" point.   Without Reilgion we would have total chaos all over the world.  How much charity do Regilious organization give each year?  Why do people seem to focus on the lost misguided ones who claim to be and use Religion as an excuse for unspeakable acts and not focus on the true meaning of most religions, love your brother as your self?

    I don't think there would be mass chaos over the world. There is a thing in our body, its called feeling guilty. conscience. when we do something wrong, we feel guilty. You can have your own morals without being part of a religion. How much charity do religious organization give each year? Do you have any idea what the costs are of those massive churches build over the last years. Religion isn't about loving people. I mean, just watch the video. Why do so many people need to die? And not just religions related to the bible, look at the islam. Death, death, and more death.
  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767
    Originally posted by Tacola


    Can you elaborate abit?   Most of the Intelligent people in the world are indeed religious.   In fact vast majority of the world are members of a religion.   Where do you get yours information relating to the intellect of religious people.  Do you spend alot of time at church or worship services with them?  


    "From my perspective as director of the Human Genome Project, the scientific and religious world views are not only compatible but also inherehtly complementary."  Francis S. Collins - physician, geneticist and Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute.


    Exactly.. he's a physician/geneticist.

    Did I say that they weren't religious? I stated that they weren't a part of a world religion. Albert Einstein wasn't a part of organized religion, but he was agnostic.

    I never said anything about the intellect of religious people, but please tell me the last time a fundamentalist Christian used his knowledge of Jesus to improve our knowledge of physics and mathematics?

    You can still be religious and not be part of a world religion (i.e. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism); you can accept most of their doctrines, but not attend service, or have another conflicting tenet of belief...

    Newton was religious, but he was also religious in a time where not being religious meant certain persecution....





    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • TacolaTacola Member CommonPosts: 263
    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by Tacola


    Can you elaborate abit?   Most of the Intelligent people in the world are indeed religious.   In fact vast majority of the world are members of a religion.   Where do you get yours information relating to the intellect of religious people.  Do you spend alot of time at church or worship services with them?  


    "From my perspective as director of the Human Genome Project, the scientific and religious world views are not only compatible but also inherehtly complementary."  Francis S. Collins - physician, geneticist and Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute.


    Exactly.. he's a physician/geneticist.

    Did I say that they weren't religious? I stated that they weren't a part of a world religion. Albert Einstein wasn't a part of organized religion, but he was agnostic.

    I never said anything about the intellect of religious people, but please tell me the last time a fundamentalist Christian used his knowledge of Jesus to improve our knowledge of physics and mathematics?

    You can still be religious and not be part of a world religion (i.e. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism); you can accept most of their doctrines, but not attend service, or have another conflicting tenet of belief...

    Newton was religious, but he was also religious in a time where not being religious meant certain persecution....





    When was the last time not believing in a God help anyone with math or physics?   Now that is a siily question isn't it.    And with Newton, we really dont know exactly why he attended church do we?  Well we could guess... 
  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767


    Originally posted by Tacola


    When was the last time not believing in a God help anyone with math or physics?   Now that is a siily question isn't it.    And with Newton, we really dont know exactly why he attended church do we?  Well we could guess... 

       Oh, I don't know,maybe the conflicting notions in the bible about creation and the empirical evidence we find on our planet (dinosaurs, evolution, etc.). Russel's paradox is also something you might want to look into (or not... )

    Indeed, we could guess..... indeed....


    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • ExhnozoaaExhnozoaa Member Posts: 43
    Originally posted by EggFtegg

    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    I have never heard them give my metaphor and my metaphor is the only example I can think of where God can be omniscient and still allow complete free will. Christianity is free to adopt my belief lol. :)

    Actually, I've used a video game metaphor on another thread, only instead of knowing every possible outcome (or as well as), my example has forward and rewind buttons, and therefore the developer/god is outside of game time. Rather than being a MMORPG exactly, it would be more like some kind of sim game, only instead of being simulations, the in-game people have conscious thought and can make their own decisions.

    The developer can fast forward to a later time and see what happens without having any effect of the free-will of the in-game people. Therefore, just because he can know what choice you will make, doesn't mean it isn't your choice.

    I guess it would be the same kind of metaphor if you had a time machine that allowed you to view the future. Just because you could see what will happen, doesn't take away the free-will behind the decisions that create that future.

    I like your metaphor better, only I believe that God is outside of time. I believe he is omnipresent; everywhere at every time.

    My example would have been when you ask some one a question, but based on character and such, you already know the answer, even if you don't influence it.

    But that doesn't really count omni-anything, so I still like yours best.
  • TacolaTacola Member CommonPosts: 263
    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by Tacola


    When was the last time not believing in a God help anyone with math or physics?   Now that is a siily question isn't it.    And with Newton, we really dont know exactly why he attended church do we?  Well we could guess... 

       Oh, I don't know,maybe the conflicting notions in the bible about creation and the empirical evidence we find on our planet (dinosaurs, evolution, etc.). Russel's paradox is also something you might want to look into (or not... )

    Indeed, we could guess..... indeed....


     you know, this is the second time you have quoted me, quoting you.  And both times you removed your quoted post and posted something that have absolutely nothing to do with your orginal post or my post for that matter.  And there is still a missing link right?  I mean there is no direct link from Ape to Man.  Not saying evolution didnt happen.   But, as far definite evidence that we came from apes, it just isnt complete.


  • xpowderxxpowderx Member UncommonPosts: 2,078
    Just to add a little more fuel to the debate. Sigmund Freud was originally a optimist and a atheist the majority of his life. In his latter years after figuring out the nature of human beings he became a pessimist and a devout Christian. Care to explain how he came to such a radical change of view?
  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767
    Originally posted by Tacola

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by Tacola


    When was the last time not believing in a God help anyone with math or physics?   Now that is a siily question isn't it.    And with Newton, we really dont know exactly why he attended church do we?  Well we could guess... 

       Oh, I don't know,maybe the conflicting notions in the bible about creation and the empirical evidence we find on our planet (dinosaurs, evolution, etc.). Russel's paradox is also something you might want to look into (or not... )

    Indeed, we could guess..... indeed....


     you know, this is the second time you have quoted me, quoting you.  And both times you removed your quoted post and posted something that have absolutely nothing to do with your orginal post or my post for that matter.  And there is still a missing link right?  I mean there is no direct link from Ape to Man.  Not saying evolution didnt happen.   But, as far definite evidence that we came from apes, it just isnt complete.


    I responded directly to your post. Quoting everything when you can scroll up is fucking retarded, especially when you consider the fact that the posts are not even separated.

    Missing link? How many different variants of the man-ape do you need to draw a conclusion?

    Perhaps the original ape that we had evolved from has been extinct for millions of years: Are we to assume evolution didn't happen and man was created when there are so many species that are neither man nor ape that showed a progression in neural development?

    So maybe Adam and Eve weren't humans at all, or god messed up a few times? If you take the bible literally (especially creation)with all of the given facts (assuming you have access to them, since some world religions are nice enough to deny them), then you are definitely lacking mentally.

    Evolution, while definitely not the entire answer, is a much more valid explanation than "God did it".

    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767
    Originally posted by xpowderx

    Just to add a little more fuel to the debate. Sigmund Freud was originally a optimist and a atheist the majority of his life. In his latter years after figuring out the nature of human beings he became a pessimist and a devout Christian. Care to explain how he came to such a radical change of view?

      Sigmeund Freud didn't contribute much .. of anything... , but I'll bite: Maybe all of the nutjobs that wanted to sleep with their parents substantiated the claim that humanity is derived from incestuous relationships.  



    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • TacolaTacola Member CommonPosts: 263
    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by Tacola

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by Tacola


    When was the last time not believing in a God help anyone with math or physics?   Now that is a siily question isn't it.    And with Newton, we really dont know exactly why he attended church do we?  Well we could guess... 

       Oh, I don't know,maybe the conflicting notions in the bible about creation and the empirical evidence we find on our planet (dinosaurs, evolution, etc.). Russel's paradox is also something you might want to look into (or not... )

    Indeed, we could guess..... indeed....


     you know, this is the second time you have quoted me, quoting you.  And both times you removed your quoted post and posted something that have absolutely nothing to do with your orginal post or my post for that matter.  And there is still a missing link right?  I mean there is no direct link from Ape to Man.  Not saying evolution didnt happen.   But, as far definite evidence that we came from apes, it just isnt complete.


    I responded directly to your post. Quoting everything when you can scroll up is fucking retarded, especially when you consider the fact that the posts are not even separated.

    Missing link? How many different variants of the man-ape do you need to draw a conclusion?

    Perhaps the original ape that we had evolved from has been extinct for millions of years: Are we to assume evolution didn't happen and man was created when there are so many species that are neither man nor ape that showed a progression in neural development?

    So maybe Adam and Eve weren't humans at all, or god messed up a few times? If you take the bible literally (especially creation)with all of the given facts (assuming you have access to them, since some world religions are nice enough to deny them), then you are definitely lacking mentally.

    Evolution, while definitely not the entire answer, is a much more valid explanation than "God did it".

    Rofl, why so defensive?   You ask when was the last time being a Christian aided in math or physics.  So I ask you when not believing in God help the Math or Physics.  To show how silly that question was.  You respond with a creation theory debate?  Not exactly on topic.  And the link you provided doesnt show a direct link between man and ape.  It talks about a belief that man came from ape.   And to you that is more valid belief than "God did it", but to everyone.

    And if it was a guess as to why Newton attended church, from your presentation it would seem to be a better agrument for why he wouldn't have attended.


  • khragkhrag Member Posts: 184
    Originally posted by Deathstrike2

    That's interesting.  I have to believe that if I didn't believe in God, I would be more tempted to act on impulse.  After all, there would be no consequences for doing anything as long as I never got caught.  A person with nothing to lose seems just as dangerous to me as a religious nutbag.
    BTW, there's nuts in every religion and every walk of life (atheists included).

    Whoaw!  Where do you get atheist and anarchist mixed up? I am an atheist, yet I follow the law and moral laws. i just choose my own based on what it is to be a good person. I do not need someone else to tell me to act a certain way or some all powerful genie will smite my ass.

    You are right there are nutbags every where. I would like to know though, why are religious people so offended and/or scared of atheists? why do you always insist we are wrong. Most atheists (in my experiences) could give a rats arse what you believe in. So why do you fell the need to try and force feed us your ideals?

    I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.

  • AmazingAveryAmazingAvery Age of Conan AdvocateMember UncommonPosts: 7,188
    Originally posted by Honos

    Originally posted by AmazingAvery

    The worst thing about religion is when its thrust in your face when you have no care for it in the first place.


    You could say the same thing about Atheists, since this thread is on a gaming board where it has no place being,  and keeps being thrust into my face all freaken day.  Where are the mods to delete this thread already? 


    Try having your door knocked on by the preachers every other day.

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