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Here is a clip of some Beta Footage;
And a Leak! - Literally..
PS. Doesn't break any NDA because footage was taken from the latest presentation of the game in Oslo on October 5th. I put the music and words in! - Tongue-in-cheek
thats amazing, thats Revolutionary NPC's !!!!!
Lol that was pretty funny. !
LOL that was awesome!
For a while I thought he was air guitaring.
Its a pretty good example of the... spirit of things, but its still a little sad that our first real example of the differences in this game's advanced AI is a guy pissing off a wharf.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Sweet Home Hyboria!
All in good spirits.
real funny....nice video
I normally hate these beta videos because they do nothing to give you a real feel for the game.
But this was awesome!
LOL good job Avery made me laugh lol.
you just dinged your humor level
Good one. lol
Nice one Avery!
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I wonder if a player can do this /piss emote.
That has to be the "awesomeness" thing I have ever seen :P.
I hope i can get drunk and pee in the water with my character! I would so role-play the town drunkard
But funny nonetheless.
Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.
The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.
Funny video avery!
That is brilliant!
So to be remembered as the game where you can literally piss off a NPC, nice.
If the DEVS in this game think peeing NPC means content and coolness factor then they should reexamine their thinking. Sure it was sort of funny but this doesn't make a game great and all the immature people will probably hype this game more based off the fact a NPC can piss. Tell me when a NPC pisses in this game and you can't see a visual penis will that make you think twice at roleplaying in this game? You wouldn't want to catch what these NPC's have, wow not having a visual penis to piss out of interesting.
I am for a game with good gameplay not the Fluff that comes along with it, also in that video I watched it 2 times and honestly can anyone tell me why the motion is not fluid? Watch him walk he slides first before his feet start moving for the walk animation.
If I can piss on the corpses of my enemies I will buy this game no matter what.
Now I dunno if you get out much or have a sense of humour? or maybe you just really don't like the game or the look of it? thats all fine I have no issue with that - each to their own.
But in all seriousness - Some people need to understand -
There is NO below the waist nudity on human playing characters.
There is no having SEX with other players
The game is in BETA, animations are not finished yet.
You want to judge the game on 1 minute of BETA footage, with someone just showing what the environment is like... All these little different things going on (within the lore and concept of the game basis) scripted actions and detail in the world then im sorry but people like that are well just .....
Well I'm all for a game rich in lore and good gameplay. I haven't played the game yet to know about the gameplay, but the lore seems pretty good. AAvery posted about the clip in another thread about the story behind the clip. Big deal, he's taking a leak. To me it all ties into the setting of how Conan was written. Read some of the stories.
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Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
Wow, I take a leak several times a day in real life, but it is never that rockin!
Ok to both of you fine, granted I didn't read the other thread but my opinion isn't changing just because some NPC can take a leak means nothing for the gameplay.
And exactly my other point I was talking about. No nudity, which means seeing a NPC piss isn't going to make it anymore cool not actually seeing where the piss is coming out of. I am a fan for roleplaying in games created like this that are more structured to roleplay. But like I said it is kinda pointless showing a NPC pee out of his clothes. Big deal to that. As you are aware though no MMORPG can have full nudity without having a rating of mature or higher meaning they essentially throw some demographics away and could end up being less appealing to the kids parents who look on the boxes when they buy them and see Nudity on it.
And I did say I thought it was funny, read my post above. I am just not typing in all LOL LOL LOL OMG I laughed stuff, because I rarely laugh out loud when I type in LOL, really it is just a symbol to me that means ok it made me smile. Who actually laughes out loud when they type in LOL, I know many do not.