Ask any European who they would like and they would perhaps differ on the person choice, but I guarantee you they would all be democrats. I can't even begin to illuminate how badly the relationships between Europe and the US have deteriorated since the Bush administration took over.
There is no "Old Europe". We outnumber the US in population( second to only China and India) and we are inches away from taking over the GDP(gross domestic product) and the PPP(purchasing power parity) race. Make no mistake, the US is still a formidable superpower both militarily and politically - but the age of decline has already begun on many levels. This is not a shock, all "empires" go through this phase, some manage to evolve, others deteriorate and crumble. It took a very short time for the USSR to fall to pieces(although the reasons for the fall were many and had been in effect for decades) compared to the Roman Empire which lay in its deathbed for centuries. what I'm saying is, you guys need to think very carefully whom you want representing you in the world community. Last week Bush mentioned the possibility of WW III in relation to the controversy over Iran enriching uranium. Is he nuts? Nobody goes out and says that. It's just not politically wise or even sane to have outbursts like that. In every political discussion with Americans it's constitution this and declaration of independence that, but since 911 you guys have been put in domestic "housearrest". The Patriot Act and many follow-up laws has seen to that. Through my travels in Europe I've met alot of cool Americans and they all had this wonderfull independent spirit about them. i'd hate to see that go - and I'm not only talking about the coming election either, I'm talking about the system, the out-of-control industrial lobbying, large elements of the military budget where even Congress is denied access because of "national security". In Europe there probably isn't a single country with at least 5-8 parties vying for power(UK excluded) but the US is only one step away from a one-party state. "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." "In the Soviet Union, government controls industry. In the United States, industry controls government. That is the principal structural difference between the two great oligarchies of our time." Edward Abbey(1927-1989)
Your right but if the terriost decied to go to war with a country the only one who has the power to out right beat them is the US. I mean look at it this way the britians pulled out of Iraq what happened? subway bombings. After we pull out then what? They attack us? Probly not were pretty far away and our sercurity is tighter. But Europe yall are pretty wide open to attack. None of the countries have that strong of a military and becuase of how close the countires are the borders arent that great. And who would defend you the UN which means US soliders as most of them are US. Maby it wouldnt be to bad if we just told the world screw you and just went to the NA and made a pact with mexico and canada to keep out everyone else. we have the land and the man power to do it. No real country could attack us as our navy is the best in the world. Of coruse the terriost would use gruellia tacits maby a few major ones but lower compared to the rest of the world.
A republican president will keep this country together. The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this.
I remember 911 vividly. I remember the shock, the disbelief. Then came the anger. I was, as all Europeans were, outraged on this attack on our closest ally for more than half a century. I also remember my grandfather telling me how he watched scores of Luftwaffe figthers flying over his house heading towards our capitol and I also know who answered the call to arms in the liberation of Europe. But... our relationship are undergoing change. Unfortunately. Russia exports more than 40% of their huge natural gas ressources to the European Union, historically and culturally Russia is more closely related to EU than EU and US. This tendency has been tenfold amplified through the inept attitude and actions of the current US administration.
Yes, the US navy bows to no foreign power, yes the US in a conventional war is the most powerful nation on the planet - but at what cost? You don't take down terrorist cells with an aircraft carrier, but with dilligent work made by special forces and counter-intelligence units. The military is like a huge sledgehammer, it's powerful, but it's not precise.
There was a huge pressure to do "something" after 911 and I think that this public need for some sort of reaction was highjacked by high ranking VIPs to promote their own political and especially industrial views/needs. That was the motive, now let's examine the method. How did we go from eliminating the terrorist threat to invading a country? Don't tell me it's about democracy and evil old Saddam because if that was the case you had your chance in the first desert war. Saddam was considered "reliable" in the sense that Iraq was considered volatile without the leadership of the dictator and if you say democracy and dictator and "moral and justified war" then you need to invade 3/4 of Africa where tyrants are plenty.
"The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this."
I think this is a very very dangerous perspective. This is exactly what the architects behind this want the majority to think. It's like saying "all suspects of the state are guilty, otherwise they wouldn't be suspects, now would they?" The following quotation illustrates my fear of your view:
I have to say, zipit, that you have made some valid points regarding the United States' standing in the international community. I, as an American, have been embarrassed by George Bush's arrogant attitude and actions. I love my country and I am disgusted to see our good name tarnished by an idiotic bully. I hope our friends in Europe realize that we're not all like Bush and that the majority of us want peace.
................................ My current Guild Wars character:
Ask any European who they would like and they would perhaps differ on the person choice, but I guarantee you they would all be democrats. I can't even begin to illuminate how badly the relationships between Europe and the US have deteriorated since the Bush administration took over.
There is no "Old Europe". We outnumber the US in population( second to only China and India) and we are inches away from taking over the GDP(gross domestic product) and the PPP(purchasing power parity) race. Make no mistake, the US is still a formidable superpower both militarily and politically - but the age of decline has already begun on many levels. This is not a shock, all "empires" go through this phase, some manage to evolve, others deteriorate and crumble. It took a very short time for the USSR to fall to pieces(although the reasons for the fall were many and had been in effect for decades) compared to the Roman Empire which lay in its deathbed for centuries. what I'm saying is, you guys need to think very carefully whom you want representing you in the world community. Last week Bush mentioned the possibility of WW III in relation to the controversy over Iran enriching uranium. Is he nuts? Nobody goes out and says that. It's just not politically wise or even sane to have outbursts like that. In every political discussion with Americans it's constitution this and declaration of independence that, but since 911 you guys have been put in domestic "housearrest". The Patriot Act and many follow-up laws has seen to that. Through my travels in Europe I've met alot of cool Americans and they all had this wonderfull independent spirit about them. i'd hate to see that go - and I'm not only talking about the coming election either, I'm talking about the system, the out-of-control industrial lobbying, large elements of the military budget where even Congress is denied access because of "national security". In Europe there probably isn't a single country with at least 5-8 parties vying for power(UK excluded) but the US is only one step away from a one-party state. "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." "In the Soviet Union, government controls industry. In the United States, industry controls government. That is the principal structural difference between the two great oligarchies of our time." Edward Abbey(1927-1989)
Your right but if the terriost decied to go to war with a country the only one who has the power to out right beat them is the US. I mean look at it this way the britians pulled out of Iraq what happened? subway bombings. After we pull out then what? They attack us? Probly not were pretty far away and our sercurity is tighter. But Europe yall are pretty wide open to attack. None of the countries have that strong of a military and becuase of how close the countires are the borders arent that great. And who would defend you the UN which means US soliders as most of them are US. Maby it wouldnt be to bad if we just told the world screw you and just went to the NA and made a pact with mexico and canada to keep out everyone else. we have the land and the man power to do it. No real country could attack us as our navy is the best in the world. Of coruse the terriost would use gruellia tacits maby a few major ones but lower compared to the rest of the world.
A republican president will keep this country together. The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this.
I remember 911 vividly. I remember the shock, the disbelief. Then came the anger. I was, as all Europeans were, outraged on this attack on our closest ally for more than half a century. I also remember my grandfather telling me how he watched scores of Luftwaffe figthers flying over his house heading towards our capitol and I also know who answered the call to arms in the liberation of Europe. But... our relationship are undergoing change. Unfortunately. Russia exports more than 40% of their huge natural gas ressources to the European Union, historically and culturally Russia is more closely related to EU than EU and US. This tendency has been tenfold amplified through the inept attitude and actions of the current US administration.
Yes, the US navy bows to no foreign power, yes the US in a conventional war is the most powerful nation on the planet - but at what cost? You don't take down terrorist cells with an aircraft carrier, but with dilligent work made by special forces and counter-intelligence units. The military is like a huge sledgehammer, it's powerful, but it's not precise.
There was a huge pressure to do "something" after 911 and I think that this public need for some sort of reaction was highjacked by high ranking VIPs to promote their own political and especially industrial views/needs. That was the motive, now let's examine the method. How did we go from eliminating the terrorist threat to invading a country? Don't tell me it's about democracy and evil old Saddam because if that was the case you had your chance in the first desert war. Saddam was considered "reliable" in the sense that Iraq was considered volatile without the leadership of the dictator and if you say democracy and dictator and "moral and justified war" then you need to invade 3/4 of Africa where tyrants are plenty.
"The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this."
I think this is a very very dangerous perspective. This is exactly what the architects behind this want the majority to think. It's like saying "all suspects of the state are guilty, otherwise they wouldn't be suspects, now would they?" The following quotation illustrates my fear of your view:
I have to say, zipit, that you have made some valid points regarding the United States' standing in the international community. I, as an American, have been embarrassed by George Bush's arrogant attitude and actions. I love my country and I am disgusted to see our good name tarnished by an idiotic bully. I hope our friends in Europe realize that we're not all like Bush and that the majority of us want peace.
Peace is a joke it can never be attained the world has been and always will be in battle. It might not be us but someone will be fighting. Chances are it will affect us. Wether its Red Cross going there to help or the UN going which is primaliry US troops. I wouldve voted for the war the first and i would vote for it now. What do you think the radicalist will do once they run out of american infidels to kill over there. Attack Israel our ally? They have nuclear weapons and wil use them. Then what? When the other countires retalte in kind do we support our allies and launch our own weapons? Now of course that is worse case and the chances of a country going to war with the radaclist are slim. Though the chances of them coming to america are not. So what will happen when we have a democratict presdient when they start attacking the US do just say owell and try to sercure our borders or do we go to the source of the problem and try to impose trade restrictions on the countires that house terroist? Well if a democrat is elected it will just be owell.
Those of you who do nothing but put Bush down disgust me. Just yesterday Obama said he would not say the pledge of allegiance. The fact that this country would support someone like that shows where we are. I think it should be all or nothing if we pull out of Iraq we should just tell the world screw you. Keep withing NA and SA after all we do have 2000miles of ocean helping us. why not? We have the land the and the man power to do it. This country is the land of the whiners. Every one of those soliders in Iraq is a volunter and knew they might fight there. And the poeple who put the soliders down.....their the ones who make this country look bad.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day. And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
This "poll" might be even be lil less worthless after the nominees are actually chosen.
Originally posted by Dauthix In the end, the entire war has been pointless: 30,000 American soldiers killed, our reputation ruined in the international community and increased oil prices....all for what?
3,857 US Soldiers have bene killed in Iraq since March 2003.
459 US Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since October 2001
I can throw in all the KIA from our allies as well and not get anywhere near your claim.
SO whatever Rosie O'Donnel...add a zero.
My mistake, I meant 3,000, so I was actually low. The smartass comment was not necessary, it was a simple error.
................................ My current Guild Wars character:
Peace is a joke it can never be attained the world has been and always will be in battle.
I said the majority of us WANT peace. Maybe you don't but I'd like to think the average person does.
I would like peace but i also like what our military is doing for Irag and Afganistan.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day. And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
Who cares? they're all the same anyway. But if I had to vote, I'd write in Chuck Norris at least you'd know he'd try to use his martial arts to kick butt lol
Originally posted by highblur All the candidates are strung by the same puppet masters, any choice is as bad as the next. The illusion of decision beguiles you. In Plato's works, out of four listed Governments, Democracy was last, right below Tyranny.
Have fun feeling like you're changing something.
What were the other two if you don't mind me asking?
Originally posted by Warblaze Originally posted by highblur All the candidates are strung by the same puppet masters, any choice is as bad as the next.
Except Ron Paul my friend, check out his voting record. If i was a citizen of the US my vote would be definitely going to him. This man takes orders from nobody but the constitution, and that is exactly what America needs.
You know one of the problems with this though? Is that because of this, he'd be going up against not one but both parties and if he doesn't decide to follow one party line or the other, both parties would make sure to go against anything he says. That's the problem, it's very much a "You're either with us or against us" type of scenario.
thats true to an extent. he is against both parties, but its surprising how many of us common folk are against both as well. not saying its going to happen his election, but people are going to wake up someday and quit voting for who they are ordered to vote for. dude has some things i don't like about him but the pros of going down that road so far outweigh everyone else i can overlook some minor issues. no matter who you are you owe it to yourself to look into him a little bit and see what he really stands for, not what the media spins it as.
@ Dauthix: Thx for the thumps up. We don't consider all Americans warmongers. Far from it. I know there are alot of people in the states that habor concerns about the current state of affairs both domestically and abroad.
Another poster noted the natural borders such as the ocean as a first line of defence. This is just not geographically, economically and logistically possible. There are so many loopholes that a terrorist can get through and this line of reasoning doesn't take into account the "homegrown" terrorist that don't have to get through customs and various security checks.
I hope nobody thinks I'm trying to be anti-American here, I'm not. I've reconcilled myself with the fact that the US will be a major, if not leading, player in international politics for probably the duration of my lifetime. What I'm saying is, speaking softly while carrying a big stick is a more effective way of diplomacy than running around belittling old allies and saying WW III is a likely scenario if Iran doesn't stop its nuclear programme.
PS: and frankly, I think it's abit quasi-fascist like having school kids making the pledge of allegiance. It smacks of mind-control and conformism.
PPS: Having said all this, my thoughts and prayers go out to the American families and those of US allies(my own country included) that have lost someone dear in Iraq/Afghanistan.
Originally posted by freethinker ron paul. it will be the first time in my 30 yrs that i vote republican. but i will if he wins the primaries. i'm sick of big big gov. and sick of the system. It's time to change it.
do you agree?
register republican and vote for him in the primaries. i did, alot of people have. the only chance he has, excpect the 'youth' voter turnout to shatter records
Ask any European who they would like and they would perhaps differ on the person choice, but I guarantee you they would all be democrats. I can't even begin to illuminate how badly the relationships between Europe and the US have deteriorated since the Bush administration took over.
There is no "Old Europe". We outnumber the US in population( second to only China and India) and we are inches away from taking over the GDP(gross domestic product) and the PPP(purchasing power parity) race. Make no mistake, the US is still a formidable superpower both militarily and politically - but the age of decline has already begun on many levels. This is not a shock, all "empires" go through this phase, some manage to evolve, others deteriorate and crumble. It took a very short time for the USSR to fall to pieces(although the reasons for the fall were many and had been in effect for decades) compared to the Roman Empire which lay in its deathbed for centuries. what I'm saying is, you guys need to think very carefully whom you want representing you in the world community. Last week Bush mentioned the possibility of WW III in relation to the controversy over Iran enriching uranium. Is he nuts? Nobody goes out and says that. It's just not politically wise or even sane to have outbursts like that. In every political discussion with Americans it's constitution this and declaration of independence that, but since 911 you guys have been put in domestic "housearrest". The Patriot Act and many follow-up laws has seen to that. Through my travels in Europe I've met alot of cool Americans and they all had this wonderfull independent spirit about them. i'd hate to see that go - and I'm not only talking about the coming election either, I'm talking about the system, the out-of-control industrial lobbying, large elements of the military budget where even Congress is denied access because of "national security". In Europe there probably isn't a single country with at least 5-8 parties vying for power(UK excluded) but the US is only one step away from a one-party state. "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." "In the Soviet Union, government controls industry. In the United States, industry controls government. That is the principal structural difference between the two great oligarchies of our time." Edward Abbey(1927-1989)
Bush to Go Public on Iran’s Secret Nuclear Arms Activities
November 12, 2007, 11:22 AM (GMT+02:00)
USS Harry Truman nuclear carrier
President George W. Bush is developing a new strategy for tackling Iran’s determined pursuit of a nuclear weapons program. He sounded out French president Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on his new ideas when they came over separately for talks in the last few days.
He is also in rapport with Russian president Vladimir Putin through confidential channels.
Washington sources report that the US president’s plan is to put before the public new findings on Iran’s nuclear secrets, drawn from data gathered by the United States, Russia, France, Germany and Israel, and use the publicity as a fulcrum to push hard for tough international sanctions.
Yes bush is has justed killed the relationships with Europe and have u been freeze dryed and just woke up... no worrys we will make ya'll safe
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
A republican president will keep this country together. The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this.
I remember 911 vividly. I remember the shock, the disbelief. Then came the anger. I was, as all Europeans were, outraged on this attack on our closest ally for more than half a century. I also remember my grandfather telling me how he watched scores of Luftwaffe figthers flying over his house heading towards our capitol and I also know who answered the call to arms in the liberation of Europe. But... our relationship are undergoing change. Unfortunately. Russia exports more than 40% of their huge natural gas ressources to the European Union, historically and culturally Russia is more closely related to EU than EU and US. This tendency has been tenfold amplified through the inept attitude and actions of the current US administration.
Yes, the US navy bows to no foreign power, yes the US in a conventional war is the most powerful nation on the planet - but at what cost? You don't take down terrorist cells with an aircraft carrier, but with dilligent work made by special forces and counter-intelligence units. The military is like a huge sledgehammer, it's powerful, but it's not precise.
There was a huge pressure to do "something" after 911 and I think that this public need for some sort of reaction was highjacked by high ranking VIPs to promote their own political and especially industrial views/needs. That was the motive, now let's examine the method. How did we go from eliminating the terrorist threat to invading a country? Don't tell me it's about democracy and evil old Saddam because if that was the case you had your chance in the first desert war. Saddam was considered "reliable" in the sense that Iraq was considered volatile without the leadership of the dictator and if you say democracy and dictator and "moral and justified war" then you need to invade 3/4 of Africa where tyrants are plenty.
"The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this."
I think this is a very very dangerous perspective. This is exactly what the architects behind this want the majority to think. It's like saying "all suspects of the state are guilty, otherwise they wouldn't be suspects, now would they?" The following quotation illustrates my fear of your view:
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
I have to say, zipit, that you have made some valid points regarding the United States' standing in the international community. I, as an American, have been embarrassed by George Bush's arrogant attitude and actions. I love my country and I am disgusted to see our good name tarnished by an idiotic bully. I hope our friends in Europe realize that we're not all like Bush and that the majority of us want peace.
My current Guild Wars character:
Dauthix The Avenger (Paragon/Ranger)
I'm not American but if I was and would be allowed to vote.. Ron Paul for president!
A republican president will keep this country together. The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this.
I remember 911 vividly. I remember the shock, the disbelief. Then came the anger. I was, as all Europeans were, outraged on this attack on our closest ally for more than half a century. I also remember my grandfather telling me how he watched scores of Luftwaffe figthers flying over his house heading towards our capitol and I also know who answered the call to arms in the liberation of Europe. But... our relationship are undergoing change. Unfortunately. Russia exports more than 40% of their huge natural gas ressources to the European Union, historically and culturally Russia is more closely related to EU than EU and US. This tendency has been tenfold amplified through the inept attitude and actions of the current US administration.
Yes, the US navy bows to no foreign power, yes the US in a conventional war is the most powerful nation on the planet - but at what cost? You don't take down terrorist cells with an aircraft carrier, but with dilligent work made by special forces and counter-intelligence units. The military is like a huge sledgehammer, it's powerful, but it's not precise.
There was a huge pressure to do "something" after 911 and I think that this public need for some sort of reaction was highjacked by high ranking VIPs to promote their own political and especially industrial views/needs. That was the motive, now let's examine the method. How did we go from eliminating the terrorist threat to invading a country? Don't tell me it's about democracy and evil old Saddam because if that was the case you had your chance in the first desert war. Saddam was considered "reliable" in the sense that Iraq was considered volatile without the leadership of the dictator and if you say democracy and dictator and "moral and justified war" then you need to invade 3/4 of Africa where tyrants are plenty.
"The patriot act what it has not hurt me i care nothing for, for i have nothing to hide and i want to be safe. I mean unless you have something to hide why would you care about this."
I think this is a very very dangerous perspective. This is exactly what the architects behind this want the majority to think. It's like saying "all suspects of the state are guilty, otherwise they wouldn't be suspects, now would they?" The following quotation illustrates my fear of your view:
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
I have to say, zipit, that you have made some valid points regarding the United States' standing in the international community. I, as an American, have been embarrassed by George Bush's arrogant attitude and actions. I love my country and I am disgusted to see our good name tarnished by an idiotic bully. I hope our friends in Europe realize that we're not all like Bush and that the majority of us want peace.
Peace is a joke it can never be attained the world has been and always will be in battle. It might not be us but someone will be fighting. Chances are it will affect us. Wether its Red Cross going there to help or the UN going which is primaliry US troops. I wouldve voted for the war the first and i would vote for it now. What do you think the radicalist will do once they run out of american infidels to kill over there. Attack Israel our ally? They have nuclear weapons and wil use them. Then what? When the other countires retalte in kind do we support our allies and launch our own weapons? Now of course that is worse case and the chances of a country going to war with the radaclist are slim. Though the chances of them coming to america are not. So what will happen when we have a democratict presdient when they start attacking the US do just say owell and try to sercure our borders or do we go to the source of the problem and try to impose trade restrictions on the countires that house terroist? Well if a democrat is elected it will just be owell.
Those of you who do nothing but put Bush down disgust me. Just yesterday Obama said he would not say the pledge of allegiance. The fact that this country would support someone like that shows where we are. I think it should be all or nothing if we pull out of Iraq we should just tell the world screw you. Keep withing NA and SA after all we do have 2000miles of ocean helping us. why not? We have the land the and the man power to do it. This country is the land of the whiners. Every one of those soliders in Iraq is a volunter and knew they might fight there. And the poeple who put the soliders down.....their the ones who make this country look bad.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day.
And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
3,857 US Soldiers have bene killed in Iraq since March 2003.
459 US Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan since October 2001
I can throw in all the KIA from our allies as well and not get anywhere near your claim.
SO whatever Rosie O'Donnel...add a zero.
My mistake, I meant 3,000, so I was actually low. The smartass comment was not necessary, it was a simple error.
My current Guild Wars character:
Dauthix The Avenger (Paragon/Ranger)
I said the majority of us WANT peace. Maybe you don't but I'd like to think the average person does.
My current Guild Wars character:
Dauthix The Avenger (Paragon/Ranger)
I said the majority of us WANT peace. Maybe you don't but I'd like to think the average person does.
I would like peace but i also like what our military is doing for Irag and Afganistan.
Hold on Snow Leopard, imma let you finish, but Windows had one of the best operating systems of all time.
If the Powerball lottery was like Lotro, nobody would win for 2 years, and then everyone in Nebraska would win on the same day.
And then Nebraska would get nerfed.-pinkwood lotro fourms
AMD 4800 2.4ghz-3GB RAM 533mhz-EVGA 9500GT 512mb-320gb HD
Who cares? they're all the same anyway. But if I had to vote, I'd write in Chuck Norris at least you'd know he'd try to use his martial arts to kick butt lol
What were the other two if you don't mind me asking?
You know one of the problems with this though? Is that because of this, he'd be going up against not one but both parties and if he doesn't decide to follow one party line or the other, both parties would make sure to go against anything he says. That's the problem, it's very much a "You're either with us or against us" type of scenario.
thats true to an extent. he is against both parties, but its surprising how many of us common folk are against both as well.
not saying its going to happen his election, but people are going to wake up someday and quit voting for who they are ordered to vote for.
dude has some things i don't like about him but the pros of going down that road so far outweigh everyone else i can overlook some minor issues. no matter who you are you owe it to yourself to look into him a little bit and see what he really stands for, not what the media spins it as.
Hummm.Ron Paul is a republican,now why do u think that is.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
@ Dauthix: Thx for the thumps up. We don't consider all Americans warmongers. Far from it. I know there are alot of people in the states that habor concerns about the current state of affairs both domestically and abroad.
Another poster noted the natural borders such as the ocean as a first line of defence. This is just not geographically, economically and logistically possible. There are so many loopholes that a terrorist can get through and this line of reasoning doesn't take into account the "homegrown" terrorist that don't have to get through customs and various security checks.
I hope nobody thinks I'm trying to be anti-American here, I'm not. I've reconcilled myself with the fact that the US will be a major, if not leading, player in international politics for probably the duration of my lifetime. What I'm saying is, speaking softly while carrying a big stick is a more effective way of diplomacy than running around belittling old allies and saying WW III is a likely scenario if Iran doesn't stop its nuclear programme.
PS: and frankly, I think it's abit quasi-fascist like having school kids making the pledge of allegiance. It smacks of mind-control and conformism.
PPS: Having said all this, my thoughts and prayers go out to the American families and those of US allies(my own country included) that have lost someone dear in Iraq/Afghanistan.
you aren't forced to say it
ron paul.
it will be the first time in my 30 yrs that i vote republican.
but i will if he wins the primaries.
i'm sick of big big gov. and sick of the system. It's time to change it.
do you agree?
Ron Paul! Oh, my bad, I thought it was Ru Paul!
<p align=center><a target=_blank href=><img border=0 src=></a></p>
Ron Paul all the way. If Hillary Clinton becomes president, I am immediately moving to Canada.
My blog:
register republican and vote for him in the primaries. i did, alot of people have. the only chance he has, excpect the 'youth' voter turnout to shatter records
For Paul.
Ron Paul!
Bush to Go Public on Iran’s Secret Nuclear Arms Activities
November 12, 2007, 11:22 AM (GMT+02:00)
USS Harry Truman nuclear carrier
President George W. Bush is developing a new strategy for tackling Iran’s determined pursuit of a nuclear weapons program. He sounded out French president Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on his new ideas when they came over separately for talks in the last few days.
He is also in rapport with Russian president Vladimir Putin through confidential channels.
Washington sources report that the US president’s plan is to put before the public new findings on Iran’s nuclear secrets, drawn from data gathered by the United States, Russia, France, Germany and Israel, and use the publicity as a fulcrum to push hard for tough international sanctions.
Yes bush is has justed killed the relationships with Europe and have u been freeze dryed and just woke up... no worrys we will make ya'll safe
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.