I disagree and think you are wrong in my opinion, the minute you use the phrase "Outdated" your post looses any credibility, has no real context the game isn't even in Beta yet so whats to prove.
I think the reason I can't read these post is that they are rambling add no real value to the debate. I know you are trying but then i'd rather wait and see how darkfall progresses, if you have nothing to add about Darkfall in this forum then to me your post adds little value.
I probably haven't explained what I meant by outdated clearly enough. I dont mean their gameplay is outdated, since they are the only people trying to give hardcore pvpers everything they could want in a mmo like I said this is one of their problems they promise to add everything we could want as pvpers in an mmo yet they never prove it works.
Their graphics have been toned down to accomadate for lag. Which makes perfectly good sense a few years ago but by the time this game comes out it will be up agaisnt games that have the same sort of combat system, but with better graphics which makes this game seem outdated. Like I have also said before, I do not personally care for graphics( I think the environments in this game and the mounts look okay and some of their armours do look good). But I know if this game looks bad like runescape which someone sited as an example then a lot of people will not give it the time of day.
We cant really compare this game to runescape either that game is entirely free, unless you personally choose to pay for extra bits. This game will be pay to play so people will expect higher standards and if you know nothing about the game, then you will see the graphics and think this game looks terrible. The same thing was said about morrowind, infact this game looks just like morrowind.
That game was 10x better than oblivion but people ignored it because of the graphics (and combat system) which is why I think this game will be ignored because it is releasing as a unknown game with outdated graphics.
Sorry, if I am rambling Ill try and keep my posts clearer.
Oh and to add to Daarco's comments about TCOS I believe the classes are all hybrids so you won't be stuck in one role like you do with most class systems. I also have read that the levels don't mean much, they add variety to your character rather than power. Which makes sense since their is no stats on items, and you can dodge peoples attacks.
tcos is the only thing even close but its diffrent
in so many ways
nothing in 2008 and no other big game devs are going to do anything close to df btw aoc is a lag fest because of the high end graphics one reason why they need zones and instances youc ant do high end or as good as aoc with no zones or instances
in fps type game any lag = bad so the grpahcis are fine its not outdated i rather them take there time to keep there promises
tcos is the only thing even close but its diffrent in so many ways nothing in 2008 and no other big game devs are going to do anything close to df btw aoc is a lag fest because of the high end graphics one reason why they need zones and instances youc ant do high end or as good as aoc with no zones or instances in fps type game any lag = bad so the grpahcis are fine its not outdated i rather them take there time to keep there promises
Yeah which is why they should prove their servers actually work, since if this game suffers from lag it will be a battle of who has the best internet connection. I dont think you need to improve the graphics on a technical level btw theres no reason they can not improve their graphics with their current technoloagy.
Some of their environments do look good, as well as some of their armors, the buildings they have shown do look good or appropreite for the setting would make more sense. It is mostly the character models, and the over all bland textures that makes the game look bad. That is something that can be improved using their current technolagy.
Maybe the game looks better in motion but unless they show some decent videos no one will know. They also mentioned that they are showing the game with a lot of features turned off numerous times, yet they have not shown what the game looks like on full settings so that people can see the difference and even then it would look better in motion.
This is why these guys need to start prooving what they are saying because no one has anything else to go on thus we get these conclusions that the graphics will be bad since nothing they have done has shown otherwise. We also have not seen if their servers will work, thus people assume they do not because we also do not have any reason to see otherwise etcetera etcetera.
Maybe they could do a comparison video for the graphics in one of the updates which splits the screen up showing what it looks like on low, medium and high settings on each one. They could do it showing a battle scene kills 3 bids with 1 stone then, shows the servers work, the combat works, and what the graphic are like.
finally they admit their world is not the size of Germany, how did the fanboys get that one in their head in the first place lol Oh and graphics look worse than some of the games that came out 6 years ago. Graphics dont mean anything to me, but if you take a first glance at this game knowing nothing about it I really doubt that you will be enticed with such terrible graphics. And then you read into the game and the company behind it, it is easy to see why people think vaporware. They really need to hurry up and release this game, they should of never tried to put everything in to one game they will be realeasing the game outdated already. They should of released the game with a few core features then added to it over time. Now most likely this game will release and give Dark and light a run for its money in the shit release and bullshitting catagory. Got to love how they said in their last journal that they would love to do more videos which take 5 mins to do, okay so where are they then? To be honest I dont think I will bother even trying this game when it comes out it has waste of money written all over it. Ill just settle with games that have half the features that I look for in a game rather than hope a game like Darkfall has all the features in the game when they have not proven anything to anyone in the last 7 years almost 8 years now I dont mind the long development time but they dont seem to have anything to show for it. Whats funny is it actually looks realistic that Duke nukem forever will be out before this game, I remeber when that was joke and not a likely fact. They obviously read their forums, it is not going to kill them to sit down for 10 mins and do a video that shows off atleast half their features if they cant do this which seems likely, then like always it begs the question what do they have to hide? I predict a fanboy will make alot of excuses for them in response to this post Ive heard all their excuses before and most likely Ive been following the game longer than half the fanboys who seem to be compelled to defend this company non stop.
If your "not even going to try this game" then why do read the dev journals and look closely into it. And if you want to ramble on to a large size post to look smart then don't exagerate. It seems like the only points in this post you have is "I hate fanboys!" and "This games graphics are horrible", "I am a skeptical pessamist", and "I hate Adventurine".
------------------------------ atsdf.com Among The Shadows Darkfall Clan
My suggestion to skeptics is just to leave it alone. Darkfall fans must clearly be dutch (like the guy that hacked Adventurine), because Dutch people are stubborn. You ARE NOT going to change their mind. So why don't , since you obviously could care less about this game, just leave it alone and never talk about it again. We would like it, and you would like it. So, I ask kindly leave Darkfall alone if you truly believe it won't come out. Because I'm sure if you believe its not going to come out, then you don't want to create more hype about it. Well, the more threads, more posts, and the more arguments, then the more hype. So, go away.
------------------------------ atsdf.com Among The Shadows Darkfall Clan
Then let's discuss what they have released. The art style in the screenshots is not that appealing to me personally.
It's difficult to judge from early screenshots but one can usually see inclinations of the art department's skill even at early stages. Unless they do a good job with animations those models could end up looklng like hyper-realistic plastic dolls that seem to be so popular with many game developers. I'll take less realism with more style myself.
Videos of the models in motion would make it easier to judge, this is just based on the stills.
If your "not even going to try this game" then why do read the dev journals and look closely into it. And if you want to ramble on to a large size post to look smart then don't exagerate. It seems like the only points in this post you have is "I hate fanboys!" and "This games graphics are horrible", "I am a skeptical pessamist", and "I hate Adventurine".
I have already answered to this post in the previous parts of this thread, also that is not a long post by any streach of the imagination. A long post would be something I do not spend 3 mins typing and even less time reading.
Ill answer to those quotes anyway:
1 I said I will not try this game because at this present time they have not proven their game works, they have never done anything to make me think any of their features work. If they prove this game atleast has half the features they say is implemented I will play it.
2 Yes I do hate fanboys you are right they bash people without any basis for it, and when you ask them to back up their statements they result to insults like little kids. They also can not appreciate certain games for what they do, and constantly look for ways of demeaning those that enjoy other types of games.
3 Yes I have said the graphics are horrible I also said I do not personally care about graphics, and explained why having bad graphics is not a good thing. which I can not be bothered to explain again.
4 Also I never at any point said I hate Aventurine I do not like the way they handle their community. And yes I am skeptical and pessimistic after all the failed games that have come out as well as this games past why wouldnt I be.
And to finish it off, according to your information you are 13. The same age I was when I found out about this game, I am now almost 20. So yes I will be pessimistic and skeptical that these guys will deliver so will anyone who has been following this game since they announced it.
well i wouldnt even post much if the people callign the devs liars would just go away if they think there lieing then why even bother but the fans get called idiots because we are watching a game thats been in dev for longer than ussal and doesnt follow other companys pr methods i dont understand it but i really dont see no harm in people watching the game and hoping it comes out with said features (unless i shove it down people throats and i dont )
But we dont like people trying to shove there opinion down are throats either and you understand why we get upset?
we dont want to hear it its that simple have you noticed since the other bunch calling this vapor and what not got banned you noticed most of the name calling has stopped?
kinda proves my point
yes i understand how you feel about there info so your best bet is just be on a wait and see bases : )
and that goes for everyone
ahh quote from spyhunter107
(Anyways, good luck on waiting for the beta which will approximately according to my watch NEVER. Once the darkfall developers see that they're very few followers, they'll once again say that the beta is finally coming in X in conclusion this will make people know this production is a feud and finally people will notice this game is VAPORWARE. ) why is he spotting this like its fact? and he knows all >.> you tell me
well i wouldnt even post much if the people callign the devs liars would just go away if they think there lieing then why even bother but the fans get called idiots because we are watching a game thats been in dev for longer than ussal and doesnt follow other companys pr methods i dont understand it but i really dont see no harm in people watching the game and hoping it comes out with said features (unless i shove it down people throats and i dont )
But we dont like people trying to shove there opinion down are throats either and you understand why we get upset? we dont want to hear it its that simple have you noticed since the other bunch calling this vapor and what not got banned you noticed most of the name calling has stopped? kinda proves my point yes i understand how you feel about there info so your best bet is just be on a wait and see bases : ) and that goes for everyone
Yeah I understand that as well, I was just answering his quotes since I did answer the questions before in this thread my post was very badly worded at the start of the thread anyway so I probably came off as a dick head lol.
I agree that these forums are better now the most annoying trolls have been banned, theres actually threads having civil conversations. I think it is also more to do with the darkfall team actually sticking to updates now, well sort of sticking to them. Although it is still just screen shots and talk they seem to making more effort on their PR than before.
Although it is still just screen shots and talk they seem to making more effort on their PR than before.
This is false. A dev journal once every 2 weeks that really only repeats the same old stuff is not "making more effort". They never even delivered on the promise of more videos yet.. even though it was stated by Tasos it only takes a few minutes to make one.
Tasos even insinuated in one of those dev journals that doing the two week dev journal is alot of work.
Why do you people act like its wrong to follow this game you think we so stupid you guys need ot repeat the same crap over and over it called hope with out any theres no will ><
we have heard it all we dont want to hear it any more
most of us on this site follow other games 2 the diehard fans dont even come here
They all had journals and screenshots and videos, yet Dawn just stopped in it's tracks and Mourning was proven by people like me to be nothing more then a hoax. Dark and Light was close to becoming a similar victim to hardcore activists trying to defend the MMO community from scandalous types.
Mourning wasn't a hoax. It was online and people were logging in and playing it.. It was a playable game. just really unfinished..
but ya darkfall definitely has lots of similarities to those others projects (while they were in development)
Isnt waiting for Darkfall just as waiting for a upcoming movie? Right now i wait for the movie Watchmen, but does that mean i dont watch other movies meanwhile? No.
Same with DF. The devs give us screens, trailers and dev journals.
But the thing is this: Long before i found out about DF...i was waiting for a MMO such as DF. And why must i now trust a small unexperienced greek company to make a good non WoW clone sandbox MMO? Why cant blizzard or some major company make something really different and take the world with surprise?
They all had journals and screenshots and videos, yet Dawn just stopped in it's tracks and Mourning was proven by people like me to be nothing more then a hoax. Dark and Light was close to becoming a similar victim to hardcore activists trying to defend the MMO community from scandalous types.
Mourning wasn't a hoax. It was online and people were logging in and playing it.. It was a playable game. just really unfinished..
but ya darkfall definitely has lots of similarities to those others projects (while they were in development)
Obviously you weren't around when it became Thrones of Chaos and members here such as myself, Rhoklaw, and others proved it was nothing but a hoax; and also finally managed to make it's owner Colton Burgess finally admit it all due to his ego being 100 times bigger than his brain. Tearing that slimeball down was one of the greatest accomplishments I've ever had on these forums, and I'm proud of it to this day.
Isnt waiting for Darkfall just as waiting for a upcoming movie? Right now i wait for the movie Watchmen, but does that mean i dont watch other movies meanwhile? No. Same with DF. The devs give us screens, trailers and dev journals. But the thing is this: Long before i found out about DF...i was waiting for a MMO such as DF. And why must i now trust a small unexperienced greek company to make a good non WoW clone sandbox MMO? Why cant blizzard or some major company make something really different and take the world with surprise? But no! its exactly as Hollywood.
Umm, no its NOT exactly as Hollywood. No movie would spend 5 years showing trailers. THAT would be a financial disaster for any Hollywood stuido that did it.
I'm a fan of game studios that take their time and don't rush. But let's not compare it to hollywood. Cause in Hollywood the financers would have shut down work on DF long ago. NOT a good comparison at all.
However, with that said when it is in BETA then the naysayers will have to shut up. Until then this game is just in previews.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Darkfall will be out when its out.
You don't find that to be slightly alarming after 7 years?
I disagree and think you are wrong in my opinion, the minute you use the phrase "Outdated" your post looses any credibility, has no real context the game isn't even in Beta yet so whats to prove.
I think the reason I can't read these post is that they are rambling add no real value to the debate. I know you are trying but then i'd rather wait and see how darkfall progresses, if you have nothing to add about Darkfall in this forum then to me your post adds little value.
I probably haven't explained what I meant by outdated clearly enough. I dont mean their gameplay is outdated, since they are the only people trying to give hardcore pvpers everything they could want in a mmo like I said this is one of their problems they promise to add everything we could want as pvpers in an mmo yet they never prove it works.
Their graphics have been toned down to accomadate for lag. Which makes perfectly good sense a few years ago but by the time this game comes out it will be up agaisnt games that have the same sort of combat system, but with better graphics which makes this game seem outdated. Like I have also said before, I do not personally care for graphics( I think the environments in this game and the mounts look okay and some of their armours do look good). But I know if this game looks bad like runescape which someone sited as an example then a lot of people will not give it the time of day.
We cant really compare this game to runescape either that game is entirely free, unless you personally choose to pay for extra bits. This game will be pay to play so people will expect higher standards and if you know nothing about the game, then you will see the graphics and think this game looks terrible. The same thing was said about morrowind, infact this game looks just like morrowind.
That game was 10x better than oblivion but people ignored it because of the graphics (and combat system) which is why I think this game will be ignored because it is releasing as a unknown game with outdated graphics.
Sorry, if I am rambling Ill try and keep my posts clearer.
Oh and to add to Daarco's comments about TCOS I believe the classes are all hybrids so you won't be stuck in one role like you do with most class systems. I also have read that the levels don't mean much, they add variety to your character rather than power. Which makes sense since their is no stats on items, and you can dodge peoples attacks.
tcos is the only thing even close but its diffrent
in so many ways
nothing in 2008 and no other big game devs are going to do anything close to df btw aoc is a lag fest because of the high end graphics one reason why they need zones and instances youc ant do high end or as good as aoc with no zones or instances
in fps type game any lag = bad so the grpahcis are fine its not outdated i rather them take there time to keep there promises
Yeah which is why they should prove their servers actually work, since if this game suffers from lag it will be a battle of who has the best internet connection. I dont think you need to improve the graphics on a technical level btw theres no reason they can not improve their graphics with their current technoloagy.
Some of their environments do look good, as well as some of their armors, the buildings they have shown do look good or appropreite for the setting would make more sense. It is mostly the character models, and the over all bland textures that makes the game look bad. That is something that can be improved using their current technolagy.
Maybe the game looks better in motion but unless they show some decent videos no one will know. They also mentioned that they are showing the game with a lot of features turned off numerous times, yet they have not shown what the game looks like on full settings so that people can see the difference and even then it would look better in motion.
This is why these guys need to start prooving what they are saying because no one has anything else to go on thus we get these conclusions that the graphics will be bad since nothing they have done has shown otherwise. We also have not seen if their servers will work, thus people assume they do not because we also do not have any reason to see otherwise etcetera etcetera.
Maybe they could do a comparison video for the graphics in one of the updates which splits the screen up showing what it looks like on low, medium and high settings on each one. They could do it showing a battle scene kills 3 bids with 1 stone then, shows the servers work, the combat works, and what the graphic are like.
Among The Shadows
Darkfall Clan
My suggestion to skeptics is just to leave it alone. Darkfall fans must clearly be dutch (like the guy that hacked Adventurine), because Dutch people are stubborn. You ARE NOT going to change their mind. So why don't , since you obviously could care less about this game, just leave it alone and never talk about it again. We would like it, and you would like it. So, I ask kindly leave Darkfall alone if you truly believe it won't come out. Because I'm sure if you believe its not going to come out, then you don't want to create more hype about it. Well, the more threads, more posts, and the more arguments, then the more hype. So, go away.
Among The Shadows
Darkfall Clan
Then let's discuss what they have released. The art style in the screenshots is not that appealing to me personally.
It's difficult to judge from early screenshots but one can usually see inclinations of the art department's skill even at early stages. Unless they do a good job with animations those models could end up looklng like hyper-realistic plastic dolls that seem to be so popular with many game developers. I'll take less realism with more style myself.
Videos of the models in motion would make it easier to judge, this is just based on the stills.
Ill answer to those quotes anyway:
1 I said I will not try this game because at this present time they have not proven their game works, they have never done anything to make me think any of their features work. If they prove this game atleast has half the features they say is implemented I will play it.
2 Yes I do hate fanboys you are right they bash people without any basis for it, and when you ask them to back up their statements they result to insults like little kids. They also can not appreciate certain games for what they do, and constantly look for ways of demeaning those that enjoy other types of games.
3 Yes I have said the graphics are horrible I also said I do not personally care about graphics, and explained why having bad graphics is not a good thing. which I can not be bothered to explain again.
4 Also I never at any point said I hate Aventurine I do not like the way they handle their community. And yes I am skeptical and pessimistic after all the failed games that have come out as well as this games past why wouldnt I be.
And to finish it off, according to your information you are 13. The same age I was when I found out about this game, I am now almost 20. So yes I will be pessimistic and skeptical that these guys will deliver so will anyone who has been following this game since they announced it.
well i wouldnt even post much if the people callign the devs liars would just go away if they think there lieing then why even bother but the fans get called idiots because we are watching a game thats been in dev for longer than ussal and doesnt follow other companys pr methods i dont understand it but i really dont see no harm in people watching the game and hoping it comes out with said features (unless i shove it down people throats and i dont )
But we dont like people trying to shove there opinion down are throats either and you understand why we get upset?
we dont want to hear it its that simple have you noticed since the other bunch calling this vapor and what not got banned you noticed most of the name calling has stopped?
kinda proves my point
yes i understand how you feel about there info so your best bet is just be on a wait and see bases : )
and that goes for everyone
ahh quote from spyhunter107
(Anyways, good luck on waiting for the beta which will approximately according to my watch NEVER. Once the darkfall developers see that they're very few followers, they'll once again say that the beta is finally coming in X in conclusion this will make people know this production is a feud and finally people will notice this game is VAPORWARE. ) why is he spotting this like its fact? and he knows all >.> you tell me
I agree that these forums are better now the most annoying trolls have been banned, theres actually threads having civil conversations. I think it is also more to do with the darkfall team actually sticking to updates now, well sort of sticking to them. Although it is still just screen shots and talk they seem to making more effort on their PR than before.
yea i really hope beta does start soon tho but who knows we will find out sooner or later
This is false. A dev journal once every 2 weeks that really only repeats the same old stuff is not "making more effort". They never even delivered on the promise of more videos yet.. even though it was stated by Tasos it only takes a few minutes to make one.
Tasos even insinuated in one of those dev journals that doing the two week dev journal is alot of work.
Who does he take for fools?
Why do you people act like its wrong to follow this game you think we so stupid you guys need ot repeat the same crap over and over it called hope with out any theres no will ><
we have heard it all we dont want to hear it any more
most of us on this site follow other games 2 the diehard fans dont even come here
Mourning wasn't a hoax. It was online and people were logging in and playing it.. It was a playable game. just really unfinished..
but ya darkfall definitely has lots of similarities to those others projects (while they were in development)
Isnt waiting for Darkfall just as waiting for a upcoming movie? Right now i wait for the movie Watchmen, but does that mean i dont watch other movies meanwhile? No.
Same with DF. The devs give us screens, trailers and dev journals.
But the thing is this: Long before i found out about DF...i was waiting for a MMO such as DF. And why must i now trust a small unexperienced greek company to make a good non WoW clone sandbox MMO? Why cant blizzard or some major company make something really different and take the world with surprise?
But no! its exactly as Hollywood.
Mourning wasn't a hoax. It was online and people were logging in and playing it.. It was a playable game. just really unfinished..
but ya darkfall definitely has lots of similarities to those others projects (while they were in development)
Obviously you weren't around when it became Thrones of Chaos and members here such as myself, Rhoklaw, and others proved it was nothing but a hoax; and also finally managed to make it's owner Colton Burgess finally admit it all due to his ego being 100 times bigger than his brain. Tearing that slimeball down was one of the greatest accomplishments I've ever had on these forums, and I'm proud of it to this day.
I'm a fan of game studios that take their time and don't rush. But let's not compare it to hollywood. Cause in Hollywood the financers would have shut down work on DF long ago. NOT a good comparison at all.
However, with that said when it is in BETA then the naysayers will have to shut up. Until then this game is just in previews.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Darkfall will be out when its out.
he he
Me referring to Hollywood was merly a way of saying to many MMOs are crap.
But yes, DF will be out when its ready : )
the current issue of pcgameplay has a 3 page article saying release in 2008 2
but no one has the webpage or the magazine translated yet ><