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The other nite in valdhome me 80 ranger my wife 78 cleric and my son 80 sk mindlessly camping the Gatekeeper spawn .
I u7sing my track skills to see what else might be up , i noticed 8 names on track some in the arena i told zeksiz (my son) sk hey why dont we kill Named X he says sure , all of sudden all names on track vanish ..
OK im like wtf do /who and i notice 5 chars all lvl 75 with guild Tag In Motion ,thinking ot my self mm okie this guy got be using a marco hack of some sort . . I ask him to please turn off the marcos in OOC he comes back with a few choice words i wont repeat.
Then he starts in with the tells oh your accusing me of hacking huh and calls in his lackys .
Next thing i know there 5 unguilded chars sitting next to me and my wife all talking trash , name calling threating me and my son and my wife wiht Quote "your gonna exsperince this "
Now me being a 8 year vet to eq im like ya ok and blow it off as trash talking .,not 2 hours go by im banned for Hacking .
OK i do step one petition , i get zip so i call soe account support , i get you"ve been banned for hacking and it says for the last 23 days .. im like ok nice gm edit logs cause if ya check my /move log my range just got transfered from Zeks to tribunal just 19 days ago .
So your saying i hacked for days i wasnt on tribunal ? He asnwer no , i need to check this . pause few minutes go by . He answer this isnt correct i can see the logs arent correct , i said check my wife lgos and compare since i "m on fixed IP they shuold be close to the same - the last 2 .
The account support comes back with um does your ip start with pause oh wait that cant be right it shows your logs are from soe .. meaning my ip adress stated i logged into soe at the time of hacking lol .. Hey gm if ya read this next time dont leave soe's Finger Prints all over your bad chocie of edit logs .
After some digging the Account support told me that yes these logs where not legit they where edited and they will look into it , so i wait days go by nothing .. i petition and petition they bann my wife over petitioning saying she was abusing the petition system ? go figure .. so now if ya right and ya push the issue they bann ya ? YEP
After futher review from a 3 tier 2 gms they could find certain chars in game that where named at the time this group of In Motion folks where making verbal threats , they tell me they cant unbann my account because Said gm that put in the false report had 3 SR gm's sign off on it .
One teir 2 gm said this was very bad because if it got out the gaming community would be upset that 3 gm where involded in a unhanded skeme to make cash while on duty .
Is everquest dead yes . here is why
1 gm 's are allowed to bann for no reason at all with logs or not
2 Yes hacker are in the game and heavy , Heck they just cought 24 chars , that is 4 people boxing 6 in solteris using a hack to kill the whole zone did they get banned nope .Why ? cause one of them was a gm .
3Yes the player population is very low . most servers have maybe 1k players logging in for raids during the week .. at the very min .
At this point i went to wow said welp it been fun but time for me to move on ..
Will this get fixed nope . did they bann my wife for no reason yes . for defending my self and my son .
after 8 years of loyal playing this is what i get a GM with a laoded gun shooting anyone he does'nt like , that in it self is scary .
Now ya want to flame me imm make this short so ya cant .
! i have logs of all of this . 2 i have emails ot back up everything i said . and 3 there is no defense for the gm's altering a players logs for any reason . NoNe
SOE has a proven record of unethical behavior. Surprised? I'm not.
The only winning move with SOE is not to pay. Or play.
Call your bank and charge back the last year of your account payments. That will hurt them where it counts.
Accuse SOE of fraud. They are certainly guilty of it here. Send your bank the chat logs.
You will get your money back. SOE will permaban you, but do you really want to do business with a company that will back a sleazy employee over someone who helps pay their salaries?
I know that some GMs where cheating, a long time ago.
But beside TPing me out of the zone once...and training my group by accident another time* (F***ing nub), I have no guess they would be behaving badly, you prolly scare the GM for some reasons...or he is deadly bored. The time he TP me out of the zone, he prolly have his blast reading my very unhappy OOC...There was about 30 froglocks in the group and they where missing 1 chanter for AoE...I was sure they would be dead and wiped, but I made it back in time somehow (strange now that I think of it).
*Adetia was in the group...she handles that, whatever way she did the GM left and she was pissed and other GMs spawn short after LOL...prolly Cybering with Adds-etia! :P
At any rate, I never experience abusive GMing in any other game. I wonder why they do that in EQ. The GMs must have another server where they can do everything they want? No? If you have another server to mess around as much as you want, there would be no point with risking to enrage the feeding hands. I also never understand what the point of cheating was for someone all powerful? Didn't SoE allow them to cheat on another server just so they know the game better?
I never see any clear hack used by any player in the game, that doesn't mean it never happen, but...I was playing a prior 2003, they either hide it well on my server or just not happen.
PS: Adetia will always be a Telle-wannabe if anyone reading this knows them. :P
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
This doesn't surprise me as GMs and guides often showed favoritism to certain players and guilds in classic EQ and were corrupt when handling complaints against those players and guilds with bias rulings in favor of them. This is always a problem when you employ volunteer guides from the playerbase and allow GMs to socialize in game with players on their server.
SOE has a horrible track record of monitoring their staff accounts to make sure they are not abusing their powers. There was an infamous case of a GM, Kevin Smith I believe it was, the guy who co sponsored the first SOE gathering in San Diego with Cindy Archuleta before SOE hired Cindy and held those gatherings themselves.
Well anyways, this GM Kevin Smith would backup characters on the server he was a GM on, and remove items form those backed up characters and transfer them to his play character on the Lanys server with his GM character. GM characters back then could move between servers and he would then sell those rare items on Ebay or give them to his guildmates. Since Lanys was fairly new at the time, the uberguilds knew how many of each rare item had dropped, and when word got out that this one guild was equipped with several Veeshan Peek items that were unaccounted for, Lanys players started raising a stink on the forums.
SOE finally investigated after much prodding and uncovered what their employee GM Kevin Smith was doing. SOE fired him but would not comment on how many items were transfered into the Lanys economy and if they were all removed. That tainted Lanys forever from that point on IMO, so I started over on the next new server available.
I highly recommend you email George Scotto about this incident, if he is still in charge of customer service. He is the one guy I have found at SOE who really listens and tries to follow thru and do a good job. His email address should be Hope that's right.
Big WOW, I feel really sorry for you. And to think I was considering eq after quitting world of warcraft... well, it's really good that you came out with this story, you turned at least one person away from this sort of stuff.
That's really sad to hear. SOE is digging a ditch and I don't think they're going to get out of it. I know from what I've read, if Lucasfilms could pull the plug on SWG, they would in a heart beat. Everyone is getting fed up with them. I still play EQ2 and have been flaming them a lot lately for not getting things fixed regarding the graphics engine going on 4 years now. Sigh, really sad to devote so much time into characters and now feel pushed more and more to dump the SOE bandwagon altogether...
Kreiger had GM members on Tunare, they got GMs to clear Fear for them in classic, GM rez the raid, and then re-pop the zone. SOE is just pro-raider and anti-casual. They will not touch a raider and screw a casual in a second.
Thats why there is an entire "I hate SOE" sticky in Vanguard, and I am still laughing at Satan aka SOE whom owns that turd, I hope they paid Brad McThief a TON for that crappy game.
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
So, you found one or more corrupt GMs and... you dropped the issue? PM Zatozia on the SOE boards, write letters to Smedley, get the corrupt GM dealt with. Hell, call costumer support. All you do via petitioning again is allowing that corrupt GM to deal with you yet again and silence you.
And what you should have done was /report <name> every last person that swore at you. Gives you evidence in some form in YOUR favor.
And the rest of you, there's a reason GMs have been impersonalized over the years and Guides (incidentally, Guides only have Guide powers on a seperate server from the ones they play on) now handle events almost exclusively. Guess what? To lessen favoritism. Stop acting like SOE is telling their employees to screw people over. Your baseless hate sickens me, is it so hard for you to find actual reasons to hate them that you have to make ones up?
What I find fishy is he joined 3 years ago and just now posts? And he was on the Zek server? I thought Zek peeps gripe continually, wouldn't by now he'd have made a post here telling people to avoid EQ because of the state of his PVP server?
No offense, and this has nothing really to do with the OP's statement, only the guy a few post's above. Please don't use the whole, type better english scenario. My brother, who has been posting on a certain forums board for over 10 years, still has bad grammer. Does that mean hes lying? And does it make him less of a person? NO. If your sitting around thinking the internet is some magical tool that makes you spell better as time goes on, then to that i say this, lol ..... gg ...... wtfbbq ... and the list goes on. To the OP, sorry to hear this. Hopefully you can move on to another game and not have to deal with bad business such as this. If anything, you could report SoE to BBB.
'LOST FIRES' is a well know guild on The Tribunal server. I see a good portion of members on each night , you could work something with your guild leader and let him handle that. Other than that i cant talk on what happened to you, i dont see any evidences of what you are talking from your side or Gm side.
Did you post on Everquest boards?
This little last for the road about hackers and their friends :
Pretty weird if you ask me but well just like the real world
Good luck on your journey.
Why the hell are you bringing up Lost Fires? He doesn't even mention them. There's nothing more they can do about it than anyone else. If you catch a hacker, you petition and if he's swearing up a storm at you, you /report too.
Well, I'm glad you are on the case, this problem should be solved soon.....
It seems to me that everyone thinks that the solution to ingame problems with mmo's is to write a rant about it on various forums. People need to figure out that this is a 'coffee house' not a 'complaint desk'. When I have actual problems with a company, I use actual methods of contact, like phoning, emails, even visiting customer service when possible - y'know the stuff you'd use with any other problem in the real world you've ever had. This tends to get me results.
However, I believe that most people who think they are going to bring down GM's, the nge/cu, Vanguard, etc., think that their words on forums like these are the strongest weapon, when in fact it is waving your fist and a gigantic void where the only one who hear's you is other disenfranchised gamers. SOE is too busy to troll gamer boards to answer to 'flames about not fixing the graphics engine' or a one-sided discourse with no evidence of this guy 'being banned for no reason'.
I'm not saying that what he says isn't true, I'm just saying that I don't have any actual evidence either way. Even with as slimy as SOE can be, they are still a public company, beholden to certain ethics where the OP can be classified as nothing more as a complete stranger to me. If there is an actual corrupt GM in EQ, then if contacted appropriately, they will deal with it. But I doubt this rant will change a thing.
Posts like this are locked and removed on the EQ forums, usually within minutes.
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.
Benjamin Franklin
I am the guild leader of In Motion, who came out to Valdeholm when one of my members, Farsente, received /oocs and /tells from the OP (I will not say his character name) claiming he was 'macro stealthing a named near them'.
I came to zone, and observed Farsente 5-boxing his characters in the Pit, and saw no signs of hacking, warping, or, as the OP had claimed in /ooc and /tell, a 19-sec change in logs. ? still new on that one.
More guildmembers, and a character not from our guild who was asked to observe as a 3rd party, came out.
Said OP was verbally abusive to all within zone as far as /tell, /ooc, and /say was concerned.
Several /report and /petitions were sent, and if you were banned, it was due to your actions and yours alone. GMs CANNOT modify the server logs, and they investigated every toon they receive a /report on, so if the accused had been killing your mob, he would have been at the least suspended.
Make your feeble accusations, but be it known, the members that were /reported on were investigated, and if something, even minor, would have occured, they would have been suspended (and I would have kicked them summarily out of the guild).
Feel free to take any accusations of GM favoritism to Rashere, Ngreth, Nodilyn, etc. If you were banned, it was for your actions. Sony, while not always being fast or entirely accurate, does not permanently ban folks falsely. If this had been your first offense, you would have been suspended, not banned, per the SOE rules (see Rashere's posts on the forums).
I'm more than happy to post my /log of what I had (granted, I am sure claims of me changing them would appear), but in the end, you were banned for violations to the EULA, and if it's a permanent ban, enjoy WoW. If not permanent, perhaps you will be more respectful to members of the server if you return.
Guild Leader, In Motion
PS. This post is linked to EQLive forums for SOE review if needed.
sorry, don't believe you one bit. Your post reeks of damage control, and disinformation.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth:
I am doing what a guild leader does - comes to the defense of his guild and its members. I came out to Valdeholm to observe and defend / de-guild if needed, and as such, I am here to post on what was observed. Take it for what you will.
just stop give SOE money - period
This is the kind of crap that ruins MMOGs. I have no doubt this guy is selling gold and items or running a powerleveling operation.
{ Mod Edit }
Well since you have so much pull why don't you check with accounts and billing to see how many characters I moved. From my first account to my other 4 accounts. Seems all of you are bitter about something. Something goes wrong call me a hacker. Something else goes wrong call me a cheat, a plat seller, a macroquester, a ghostkiller or whatever it is you want to call me. For crying out loud someone thinks i am a Gm. This must be damage control. My guild leader was nothing but polite and here you all flame him for being up to something. He is one of the kindest people I have ever met in this game. Just because most of you have problems. You shouldn't take it out on the innocent.
I never reported Robinhooods or his band of merry men. I never petitioned him. All i said to him was could you please take back your comments about being a cheat and a hack. I said how would you feel if i called you a cheat. He didn't like it. I then said you know you really need to change your attitude because no good guild will have you if you act like that. Then he thought i was threatining him. I said no your actions and what you say will do that for you. I was never mean or rude about it. I was just trying to be nice and tell him to change his tune. He is the one who started the whole thing with me getting banned. I guess the gms found something i don't know about. And good luck to those playing WoW because he is now your problem not ours. Its a shame he was actually a very well geared toon. And could have been a good asset to some guild in eq.
So what if i want to pay to move my characters to other accounts and 5 box. I pay my 75 dollars a month to play. Its my money its the USA so i have that right. And don't accuse me of buying characters. Well im done for now feel free to flame or question me. I am up for any of it at this point in this bad situation.
You obviously don't get it. The posters here, and myself are old school EQ players. We don't like five boxers or have any use for them. You would never have been allowed in a guild worth a crap in the old days. You would have been ridiculed and ostracized till we forced you to quit. Social games don't have people five boxing, and you were simply hogging a spawn for your bot crew. We don't care what your Guild Leader says, he is just as wrong minded about gaming as you are.
If you have any questions please ask. I have moved on to WoW from eq and no longer have any desire to play a dead game. Thank you. (posted by another selling his account in EQ1)
I've been looking at the list of MMO's for something to play, and I was thinking about EQ1 again...after seeing stuff like this I think I will stay away. From this thread I can tell EQ1 is about elitist crap nowadays.
This is the kind of crap that ruins MMOGs. I have no doubt this guy is selling gold and items or running a powerleveling operation.
How bigoted of you....
Have you ever considered that some people are just that crazy that they like to kill things solo, and thus box? It's a lot easier to gear yourself when you don't need to go through 20+ PUG groups to finally win the roll. To some people, the trying to control multiple characters at once is FUN.
Fact is, there are MANY people in EQ who at LEAST two box. A good spattering of 3 boxers, and 4-6 boxers aren't as rare as you'd think. Take for example Sam Deathwalker, who has too much money and too much free time and 24 boxes for his own amusement. Assuming that because someone FIVE boxes that it makes them a gold farmer is a bigoted and JEALOUS assumption. Are all Asians gold farmers then? Oh, by the way,, you know who are the people who are REALLY supporting gold farmers? People who go and BUY THE FREAKING PLAT THE GOLD SELLING SITES ARE SELLING!
Oh, and just to let you know how uninformed you are. Valdeholme is a one-and-a-half year old zone. It has ZERO tradables worth any money. Not for spell drops, not for attunable gear.
Now can we cut out the petty ignorance?
Dear mods. I have reposted a clean, insult-less version, but apparently that is not enough for you. It seemse you need a dictionary explanation of the term bigot: ": a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance." It is a statement of fact about his actions regarding a group of players within' the community.
Also, as according to your rules:
Flaming and Personal Attacks
Example: Telling someone that you disagree with their argument is tolerated, while calling someone inappropriate names is not.
He is calling him a plat farmer. That is a personal attack. And since he is also posting on this forum in response to such ignorant and bigoted claims, that is also a personal attack against a current user of your site.
Not to mention it's also:
Hateful Content
$5 says I started playing EQ before you. I've played EQ off and on for the last 8 years so I know the changing landscape. Just because you, Mr. "Old School EQ Player", can't adjust to the way EQ is now played gives you NO right to attack it's current members for wanting to box to have fun in the game. Your response is bigoted and ignorant and you should be ashamed of it. To think, you want to dictate to other people how THEY should enjoy the game!? What are you? Abashi? Are you old school enough to remember how he changed the game and infuriated people by basically telling them how to enjoy it? Congratulations, you're so in tune with old EQ you now channel how Verant acted in it's early stages.
Doesn't sound like a game I would play, as people doing sad lonely things like playing with lots of accounts at once make me feel that there are lots of special people who play.
You know those people that shun the Social aspect of MMO's. Bit like the nasty kids in some very popular games at the moment. Or those loot only people etc etc