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I can't believe they deleted the scion of set and the lich!!! I understand that they melded the two priests into one, and the lich apparently was not fun.... but this game didn't have a lot of character diversity to begin with... so now there is even less.
The illusion of this game is crumbling more and more as dates are being pushed back, and content is being restricted... I'm starting to see the strict niche starting to shine.
Honestly I think the press releases that funcom released were largely a turnoff ot the gaming community, which is a suprise since funcom is a solid company.
Elite poster by 82
A little late noticing that, no? Anyway, if you read through the interviews and listened to the video's you would know that both classes have been mergers, not strict deletions. The Lich as a class is gone, true, but the powers of the Lich largely remain in the game in the Necromancer class. They did this because beta-testers stated that the two classes were too much alike and no real difference, so no need for another class.
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In my humble opinion, it was the easy way out, instead of reworking the classes to be different and thus adding more content via more classes, they "merged" them. Personally Id have rather they had more classes and worked this out a bit differently. More classes, again in my opinion, the better.
In my humble opinion, it was the easy way out, instead of reworking the classes to be different and thus adding more content via more classes, they "merged" them. Personally Id have rather they had more classes and worked this out a bit differently. More classes, again in my opinion, the better.
That is personal opinion. Some people think more classes are better, I personally don't necessarily think so. It depends on the rest of the game and the world in which the game plays. There's a saying where I come from: "Too many cooks spoil the soup."Anyway, I think it's better for them to remove something that Beta_testers described as too alike to something else than desperately try to work something new into the class which might have upset the balance of classes in the long run. But that is only my opinion. ^^
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Agreed, but goes to show you the real state of the game. Remember, the game was suppose to launch November 2006 but got pushed back so they could release DX9 and DX10 versions of the game at the same time. Ya right. I honestly believe Funcom has lost all directive as it comes to AoC. The game needs a entire new set of management to save this game. This game started going down hill in a hurry when rumors surfaced and then confirmed their new MMORPG in the works and their management team started doing double duty. We saw the same disaster arise when DDO was a great game in the making and then Turbine announced LoTRO. AoC is rapidly turning into Funcom's unwanted stepchild. What is happening at Funcom with regards is a prime example of what happens when teams start focusing on multiple projects at one time.
Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:
"Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."
So they are down from 14 to 12?
I could argue that they have 11 too many classes. All we really need is one class and the ability to pick feats/skills from everywhere and we could still have a very enjoyable game. Some would actually argue that it would be a lot more enjoyable than artificially trying to segregate the population into classes.
Besides that, we're talking about a game in an unfinished state. They can cut half the current zones, half the quests, remove PvP, remove raiding and grouping and still deliver a product. They have absolutely every right to do so. We have absolutely every right to decide if that's enough for us by subscribing or not when the game is out.
In all honesty, I'm a bit worried that they try to cater with a bit too many things. LOTR started small and gradually expanding, and it was generally well received. Vanguard tried to do everything and spread itself too thin, and in the end was badly received. AoC seem to be standing somewhere in the middle at this point. I'd rather have them axe everything that they can't fit in the game at launch and add it at a later day polished, than deliver half finished or half polished content hoping that they will have enough time to polish after launch.
Though I sometimes think of an MMO as a painting, if you look at a painting thats not finished, youd think, wow this is terrible, but if you stick around long enough for it to reach its completion, you might be suprised at the metamorphasis in the end.
I have high hopes for this game, I really do, however on the other hand Im not going to end up playing the role of chump for another game that promises a lot, and delivers little.
Whod have though MMOs would have so much in common with politicians.
As for the stepchild comment, I don't have an insight or inside information regarding the company. I do know however that it is very possible for one company to have two developing teams working on two projects, without compromising either.
What's so hard about that?
Craig Morrison has repeatedly stated that AO, AoC, and The World all have different development teams. So I don't see how they're "focusing on multiple projects at one time". The only people shared in the process are a community manager and the game director ( Morrison ). Hardly a big deal.
honestly..... who thinks less classes is better?!?! That's funny. I agree with the part that the different classes have to have some sort of angle to be unique, but at the same time, I would be willing to accept almost any subtle difference for a reason to be slightly different than the rest of the world.
I wish they had double the classes and triple the content personally, so I can't believe anyone would be happy that they backtracked and deleted a class instead of doing some thinking and creating the separation in class!!
Diablo 2 somehow managed to make several classes of warrior and caster that was not in Diablo 1... They just didn't meld paladin, assasin, and barbarian back into warrior because it was too hard to make them different. I think this was a rush job since this game keeps being delayed.
Elite poster by 82
were on the same page here. the more options you put out there in terms of classes, the less likely people will feel like theyre not unique. This is in fact one of the major reasons I cant play WoW, I just cant get over how few classes they have. And no a talent tree does not fix that problem for me.
I agree with the OP. The more the merrier. I love the diversity..........seems like they are just deleting classes to get into the "cookie cutter" mmo classes. Might as well release the game with 3 classes.......Tank, healer, dps. Call them that too, just so everyone realizes what youre doing, deleting classes, as opposed to "merging" classes.
Absolutely.... I mean, WAR has 24 unique classes... maybe Funcom should take notes!
Elite poster by 82
I'd rather have 12 good working one's with fully fledged abilites, feats, combo's and so on. You know a little depth.
I would rather have 24 classes with the same things as what you said
Elite poster by 82
Hope the new games that come out this year all have unique classes.
Hope the new games that come out this year all have unique classes.
It is an illusion to think many classes == diversity and uniqueness. It is quite the opposite.The more classes are around, the higher they are specialized. This is the old paradigm. To be truly unique it needs a skill based game. For some reasons the devs avoid them like the plaque. The introducion of hybrids, even multi-hybrids, is the future and comes closest to skill based games.
With hybrids or even multi-hybrids, variety of armor and weapons (jewel slosts for example) and smart feats you can build what YOU want to be. Specialized classes tend to have only one, maybe two optimal builds. However, every wizzy is sort of a copy of every other wizzy. It doesnt matter if there are 99 other clases to chose from. The wizzies are all the same or, if there is a 2nd build, every 2nd will be the same. Boring ? Yeah !!
With a smaler number of hybrid or multi-hybird classes you can build much more and can be much more unique. This is much more fun. Wanna be a melee fighter with some heal abilities and probably some caster abilities ? You can build it with such a system.
The best number of classes in an MMO is none.
Skill-based mechanics are so much better in every possible way.
'nuff said.
Waiting for: GW2
*thumbs up*: GW, Eve(, WoW)
*thumbs down*: MO, GA, FE
I thought the holy grail is pure skill based for a long time. But today i think a little limitation doesnt hurt. As long as there is enough freedom to build something that fits your gameplay best. True archetypes with a wide variety of possible progressions seem to be the best solution today.
What I was just saying with my previous post. 11 classes too many. They could have just one and have the player pick whatever skills he wanted or used. Unfortunately the majority of people need a pre-defined role, thus the segregation that is generated through classes.
First of all. You are a bit late...
second. There is no class deleted... OH YOU WONDER!? ya ya ya doomsyers trolls fanbois... you can call me whatever... but there is one thing clear How can you know that they are or not funny to play if you didnt played? so perhaps if they tested the classes and saw that they are not funny, or perhaps, they are getting the same feeling than another existing class is better to merge... oh, strange? dont think so, the classes are tested, they look for the fun, and if they and beta testers thinks is the best way, then... where is the "wack" ?
Third. You are falling in the "ignorance fury": you can got a a game with 12 classes, and be predefined, for example LIneage2, you got lot of classes, but there is almost no customization options, almost everyone got same skills... if you get this (for example) 12 classes and bring them down to 4, but, the player can customize in any of the 3 ways per class it have, with no predefined path, will not be the same?
Dunno If I explained it ok, but is easy. Gw got not too many classes, but you can have a warrior/monk = paladin, perhaps if there was no multiclass you can get a paladin, that is this mix... easy... cant understand why too much noise for a class MERGING
more classes does not necessarily mean diversity. if they were to make the caster class which had 4 skill trees (lets say mana reg., fire,ice,air) and made 3 classes with 2 skill trees (mana reg+fire; mana reg+ice; mana reg+air). does this really add more diversity?
if your cookie cutter mmo with 3 classes gives me the option of making a tank which can choose from; shield / spirit, minion / illusion / buff AND the chance to mix them count me in. ill be buying that one.
i know when they say "they were similar, we didnt delete them, we merged them" they mean "they were similar, we didnt have the time/resource to make them diverse hence the merge"
At least they are making the efford to keep the classes diverse, instead of serving the same thing with different tags/colors.
I need more vespene gas.
So, if you have 50 classes in the game and 20 of them are not any fun at all, and another 10 are so similar to other classes that there is no difference in playing them.. this works better for you? I am all for a company re-working their vision if it makes sense to do so even at the zero hour.
They have the extra time to revamp the game now, and that was something I wish they had done with AO before it launched as someone who was in AO beta that game was not ready to go live. Fix it first, then ship it. I think they are doing a bang up job this time around. Let's not come down on them for making the hard decisions to give us a good product.
This thread fails, and smitty how many more do you need to make on the same topic. Quit crying before you even play the game, seriously.
It works like this kids, pay attention. 4 archtypes and each has 3 classes per archtype. Every archtype originally had 4-5 classes per archtype, caster were just the last to get merged.
This is what you have now, 3 classes in each and each class has alot of diversity in it becuase of all the feats and skills that have been added into it. I would rather see 3 different specced versions and unique of a gaurdian than 3 cookie cutter halberdiers. This allows players to really create thier own style in each class.
So in this instance, less is better.
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Melding, deleting etc is always bad adding features etc is good thats all i have to say.
nice thinking. So make two classes in one the way you can customize por your play style is bad, and put 10 new clases with useless skilss is good...