Some guys don't want other guys to play female Avatars cause it ruins their illusion or ingame fantasy if you will. They ogle some hot chick ingame just to find out its a guy, it makes them uncomfortable and they put the blame for that on the guy playing the female toon instead of themself for investing any of their interest in a polygonal model of indeterminable actual sex in the first place, lol. Personally, I play a few female alts from time to time and you know what? I sometimes prefer it. For anyone who thinks thats gay think about this, who's gayer? The guy who would rather be stuck staring at a chicks butt for hours on end or one that would rather be stuck staring at some dudes?
Like many of you I will be pouncing on this title the 18th of this month. My Only concern right now (laugh if you must) is me playing a sorceress ….the female version. Reason being is that CGI trailer, she is hot full stop. Now my own personal rules dictate that I don’t play female characters in MMOs ( am male by the by…) as when I tried it in WoW, I got dodgy whispers form what I can only presume were pre- pubescent teens. So anyone else in the same boat? Shall I just ignore the perverts?
there is a male version of that class in the game you wouldn't have to play THAT class as a female. i'm the same i refuse to play female characters due to the same reason as you, damn emo's lookin for internet love and thinking every female character is a "hot chick". first mmo i played was PSO back in the day for dreamcast, where there was an actual difference between the male and female classes. the female hunter had the most rounded balanced stats so i made one got tells all the time for b.js and happy jacks, was like wtf is wrong with you fuckin losers?just disgusted me to the point i quit playing her and didn't like the male hunter as much he wasn't as good with magic as she was so eventually quit altogether. so leason learned and never rolled a female character again.
like i said there is a male version of THAT class but tehre is some classes that are male or female only like the witch something forget the name was female delf only looked like it might be a rogue type class idk didn't try it or really even look at what it was.
Well made my mind up, I m gonna roll that sorceress! Very valid points that it is just a graphical representation etc. One thing I would like to pick up on is the tomb raider comparison. While I agree, I have to say that there is one feature that warhammer has that TR does not. That is internet communication and the fact that people are able to communicate with you and elicit all their emo sexual fantasies on the unfortunate player. I have never gotten a whisper when negotiating cliff faces in TR!
Well made my mind up, I m gonna roll that sorceress! Very valid points that it is just a graphical representation etc. One thing I would like to pick up on is the tomb raider comparison. While I agree, I have to say that there is one feature that warhammer has that TR does not. That is internet communication and the fact that people are able to communicate with you and elicit all their emo sexual fantasies on the unfortunate player. I have never gotten a whisper when negotiating cliff faces in TR!
Hmm Yer hawt baby. Wanna go kill some sexually ambiguous cousins and get all 'fired up', with me?' (says the big dopey brutish Orc named StudBanger). Hur Hur! How old is yew? Y'know. IRL? Youse hawt? Got sistas? I'm purty kewl huh? I made dis orc 'cuse I know he wuld be BIG..if y'no what I mean. HUR HUR. Wanna hot chat now?
Doesn't WAR have gender restrictions on some classes? I haven't been following it, but I thought it did for some reason.
Anyway, I'm sick of seeing this issue come up, it's only a big deal if you make it a big deal (which you're doing). If someone gives you shit call them a loser and move on, because it doesn't matter at all. Real girls deal with annoying people hitting on them all the time as do some guys. Suck it up, file it in your brain under "things I probably shouldn't do" and move on.
As to everyone else, there's NOTHING to understand about it. That guy in the game is not you and will never be you, it's a game, and whether or not the polygons resemble a guy or a girl is irrelevent. People who care about this are probably the same people who force me to mute them when there's a girl in the group.
Koscher or Queer? hehe Which is more queer? 1. A male player at character creation, going "oh yeah, nice lips on that face, nice ass, height..... yah shes hot" *Submit* 2. A male player spending the same amount of time and effort trying to make a "good looking" dude.
Not that there is anything wrong with gay or lesbian players (known a few females who played male toons), but if you're a phobic and guys playing girls wigs you out, might check yourself to see if you're not the queer one.
(that was a general statement, not directed towards you enigma)
Actually, you need a reality check bud. Most gays act like girls, which explains their abundance in fashion shows and what not. Personally, #2 only shows that the guy is perfectly fine with his sexuality, while #1 shows the guy needing to prove his sexuality.. which all in all, shows an immense chance of "hiding in the closet".
/sarcasm (That was a general statement, not directed towards you zindel)
Seeing that I usually play female avatars, even though I am a guy, I figured I might be able to shed some light on the whole thing.
1: When I create a char in an MMO this is not my alter ego, just a character.
2: Boobs (right...)
3: I'd rather watch a bunch of female shaped polygons than male. Especially when you are stuck in 3rd person view. In other words, the idea of watching some tight ass running around and on top of it all, belonging to a male character, does not appeal much to me.
Anyhow, my take on the whole female avatar.
Regarding pre-teens trying to cyber... Well... I've just had this issue twice in my mmo career. And both sent me gold. *laughs* They demanded it back after I told them I was indeed of the less fair sex, but after mentioning "Chat logs" that stopped fast.
There was a guy who accually funded his epic mount in World of Warcraft doing this (on purpose mind you) before BC.
I've always had a problem with MMO's presenting their female characters without many clothes on.
There is something sexist about all of that and if puts the female character not on an equal footing with her male counterpart who is dressed up in his suit of armor.
I would hope Mythic allows for their female characters with more dress options rather than the way they are presented now.
I remember reading also in WoW there was a poll asking how many men played female characters-the response was about 49% male online players played female characters.
Now is this some secret desire on the part of men to be females in a fantasy world?
People should play whatever they feel like. I have played both male and female characters in the 8ish years I have played mmorpgs, and I have never been bothered by anyone, neither have my sister, or any of the female players I know irl. I am male btw.
People who bother others due to the way their avatar looks like, are just scum, and you should ignore them. There is no way I am going to exclude myself from playing a certain class, just because it so happends, that in the warhammer world, it is gender specific.
It's funny though, alot of people seem to have this inherent knee jerk reaction to males playing female toons, but somehow it is ok, for female players to play male characters. Which is of course just garbage. Last time I checked, mmorpgs are not some bizarre kind of a dating service, so I really fail to see why anyone cares about what some complete stranger's toon looks like.
Koscher or Queer? hehe Which is more queer? 1. A male player at character creation, going "oh yeah, nice lips on that face, nice ass, height..... yah shes hot" *Submit* 2. A male player spending the same amount of time and effort trying to make a "good looking" dude.
Not that there is anything wrong with gay or lesbian players (known a few females who played male toons), but if you're a phobic and guys playing girls wigs you out, might check yourself to see if you're not the queer one.
(that was a general statement, not directed towards you enigma)
Actually, you need a reality check bud. Most gays act like girls, which explains their abundance in fashion shows and what not. Personally, #2 only shows that the guy is perfectly fine with his sexuality, while #1 shows the guy needing to prove his sexuality.. which all in all, shows an immense chance of "hiding in the closet".
/sarcasm (That was a general statement, not directed towards you zindel)
Anime chics FTL!
I engage in both 1 & 2 depending on which gender I feel like playing. It isn't about looking at your character, it is about identifying with your character. In an MMO it's essentially your alter ego, an extension of yourself and how you want the rest of the world to perceive you. Even when playing a female character as a male, you will choose close to what you would imagine yourself as a female. People that say "oh I'm playing this chick cause I think she's hot" are only half right and are in denial Most people will have trouble distancing themselves from their avatar 100%.
Secondly I know 4 gay men in real life and I can tell you NONE of them act like females in any way. Unless you count being abit overly self-conscious feminine, in which case all them unnatural hairless perfume smelling metros are in the basket. You should probably stop forming your preconceptions about homosexuals from watching TV.
Only really disturbing thing I find in the gender jungle is the anime/korean MMO males. It says they're male when you're creating the character but no matter how much you try to customize he refusees to look like one...
While I have never understood males who play females, I know it's a personal choice. My brother does it (mostly to annoy me I think.) Just use /ignore liberally. While there will always be 'nuts' and 'kiddies' I think WAR for the most part won't be the same as in other games. You could always try to 'dumb down' the beauty if you want. Throw some evil eyes in or a scar/burn. To push the 'kiddies' back a bit. Then you'll just get the real freaks.
What's not to understand? You can stare at a male avatar's ass for hours on end while playing or you can stare at a female's. For this male, it's not a tough choice.
As for the whole "pixels aren't hot" argument, again I say - you can stare at a fake pixel male ass or you can stare at a fake pixel female ass. Still not a tough choice.
For me it has always been an issue of aesthetics. If I like the looks of a female character for a specific class I play it, and the same goes for a male character. Those of you that are shouting about homosexuals should be worried more about your own sexuality over that of others.
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
Never knew there were so many closet cases associated with playing a female character. Almost as funny as the raging virg' fest rants over showing nudity in AoC. Almost.
Never knew there were so many closet cases associated with playing a female character. Almost as funny as the raging virg' fest rants over showing nudity in AoC. Almost.
On the interwebs everyone is a master of knowing. . .
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
While I have never understood males who play females, I know it's a personal choice. My brother does it (mostly to annoy me I think.) Just use /ignore liberally. While there will always be 'nuts' and 'kiddies' I think WAR for the most part won't be the same as in other games. You could always try to 'dumb down' the beauty if you want. Throw some evil eyes in or a scar/burn. To push the 'kiddies' back a bit. Then you'll just get the real freaks.
Because no offense we are not <insert word>. This toon will be played by you for a long time and at the end of the day do you want to see a female or a male. My guess would be female if your not of the <insert word> persuasion then which you would like to see a male. But this is being that you are a male.
I asked one guy why he played female toons and he said that he gets way more repect and free stuff. So, I desided to roll one. Well never again. I had more guys hitting on me then you can shake a stick.
I have played female characters for quiet some time and the only game I have had anyone hit on me was in WoW. If anything its those that are looking for a relationship within a virtual world are those that need some serious help.
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
I asked one guy why he played female toons and he said that he gets way more repect and free stuff. So, I desided to roll one. Well never again. I had more guys hitting on me then you can shake a stick.
People giving away free stuff and treating a person differently, just because of the way a toon looks, seem to be the ones with a problem.
I asked one guy why he played female toons and he said that he gets way more repect and free stuff. So, I desided to roll one. Well never again. I had more guys hitting on me then you can shake a stick.
People giving away free stuff and treating a person differently, just because of the way a toon looks, seem to be the ones with a problem.
Its the way of a dude you try to court your lady to get somthing in return later but they dont seem to wrap around the idea that that this is a virtual world u dont have to do that. But boys will be boys
Interesting theories about sexuality and character choice here. I'm a 41 year old married heterosexual male, and most frequently I choose female in game avatars as my main. I do enjoy the role playing challenge of playing across gender type, but mainly I pick female chars because if 90% of my game time involves staring at the ass of a particular character, I'd rather stare at a shapely woman's ass than a guy's ass. This doesn't make me homosexual, or homophobic, it's just a matter of my scenery preference as a heterosexual male. That's not to say I don't also play male (or in the case of greenskins genderless) chars, but I usually only do so on some of my alts.
That being said, those people who refuse to ever play a cross gender character strike me as people who have possible hang-ups about their sexual identity. It's possible that they are either compensating for latent homosexual urges by being "extra macho" in their choice of entertainment (WWF, monster trucks, male only game avatars, etc.), or they are so afraid that someone might hit on them in game or accuse them of homosexuality that they act in a homophobic manner about sticking with their own gender, and thus prefer a "sausagefest" type of game experience. It's also possible that any kind of Role playing is viewed as unfun or too much of a intellectual challenge, and they only play characters close to their personality type.
My approach when guys "hit" on my character in game is to play the "mother" kind of character as opposed to the "sex vixen". If someone pushes the point I will "whisper" them that I'm a man likely old enough to be their father, and I really don't want to "cyber" with them. That usually conclusively ends any issues, and teaches the randy dudes who "cyber" in MMORPGs that they shouldn't presume player gender or sexual preference by character type.
I don't find it unusual that mature players who are confident in their sexual identiy are not bothered by playing cross gender avatars. I do find it sad when people try to substitute in game chatting and fantasy for real life social interaction with people of their sexual preference. I think that while gaming in general and fantasy gaming in particular is a fine pastime for entertainment, they should not replace real life relationships with family or friends. If someone finds that they are playing a game to statisfy a need for social intimacy, they realy need to back off and reevaluate the direction their life is taking if they want to be a healthy functional individual.
However, if someone is happy being that oft parodied stereotype of the social misfit living in their Mom's basement and refusing to join the real world because of a fear of failure. Then they need to come to the realization that male player numbers significantly dominate over female players numbers in MMORPGs. The majority of Avatars of both genders are played by males. Also, because of how some jackass guys behave in MMORPGs many of the female players actually play male Avatars to avoid the jackasses.
I hope this helps.
p.s. If you run into Annegrelez or Dykestra in the game, say hello. I use those names as they both justify a harsh (yet humorous) response to unwanted sexual attention.
I've never really understood the whole debate about Avatar gender. 90% of the time when I create a character, it's by coin toss. I couldn't care less if the avatar is male or female. As long as the model doesn't look fubar. In those cases i'll forgo the coin flip, and go with the model that looks best. Based on low, mid, and high level armors. I also look at animations. Bad animations with a good model, just ruins it completely.
In War - Victory. In Peace - Vigilance. In Death - Sacrifice.
Some guys don't want other guys to play female Avatars cause it ruins their illusion or ingame fantasy if you will. They ogle some hot chick ingame just to find out its a guy, it makes them uncomfortable and they put the blame for that on the guy playing the female toon instead of themself for investing any of their interest in a polygonal model of indeterminable actual sex in the first place, lol. Personally, I play a few female alts from time to time and you know what? I sometimes prefer it. For anyone who thinks thats gay think about this, who's gayer? The guy who would rather be stuck staring at a chicks butt for hours on end or one that would rather be stuck staring at some dudes?
there is a male version of that class in the game you wouldn't have to play THAT class as a female. i'm the same i refuse to play female characters due to the same reason as you, damn emo's lookin for internet love and thinking every female character is a "hot chick". first mmo i played was PSO back in the day for dreamcast, where there was an actual difference between the male and female classes. the female hunter had the most rounded balanced stats so i made one got tells all the time for b.js and happy jacks, was like wtf is wrong with you fuckin losers?just disgusted me to the point i quit playing her and didn't like the male hunter as much he wasn't as good with magic as she was so eventually quit altogether. so leason learned and never rolled a female character again.
like i said there is a male version of THAT class but tehre is some classes that are male or female only like the witch something forget the name was female delf only looked like it might be a rogue type class idk didn't try it or really even look at what it was.
Well made my mind up, I m gonna roll that sorceress! Very valid points that it is just a graphical representation etc. One thing I would like to pick up on is the tomb raider comparison. While I agree, I have to say that there is one feature that warhammer has that TR does not. That is internet communication and the fact that people are able to communicate with you and elicit all their emo sexual fantasies on the unfortunate player. I have never gotten a whisper when negotiating cliff faces in TR!
Hmm Yer hawt baby. Wanna go kill some sexually ambiguous cousins and get all 'fired up', with me?' (says the big dopey brutish Orc named StudBanger). Hur Hur! How old is yew? Y'know. IRL? Youse hawt? Got sistas? I'm purty kewl huh? I made dis orc 'cuse I know he wuld be BIG..if y'no what I mean. HUR HUR. Wanna hot chat now?
(sorry Deadly...the devil made me do it!)
Doesn't WAR have gender restrictions on some classes? I haven't been following it, but I thought it did for some reason.
Anyway, I'm sick of seeing this issue come up, it's only a big deal if you make it a big deal (which you're doing). If someone gives you shit call them a loser and move on, because it doesn't matter at all. Real girls deal with annoying people hitting on them all the time as do some guys. Suck it up, file it in your brain under "things I probably shouldn't do" and move on.
As to everyone else, there's NOTHING to understand about it. That guy in the game is not you and will never be you, it's a game, and whether or not the polygons resemble a guy or a girl is irrelevent. People who care about this are probably the same people who force me to mute them when there's a girl in the group.
I roll females, and never ever have problems. I am male.
Actually, you need a reality check bud. Most gays act like girls, which explains their abundance in fashion shows and what not. Personally, #2 only shows that the guy is perfectly fine with his sexuality, while #1 shows the guy needing to prove his sexuality.. which all in all, shows an immense chance of "hiding in the closet".
/sarcasm (That was a general statement, not directed towards you zindel)
Anime chics FTL!
Seeing that I usually play female avatars, even though I am a guy, I figured I might be able to shed some light on the whole thing.
1: When I create a char in an MMO this is not my alter ego, just a character.
2: Boobs (right...)
3: I'd rather watch a bunch of female shaped polygons than male. Especially when you are stuck in 3rd person view. In other words, the idea of watching some tight ass running around and on top of it all, belonging to a male character, does not appeal much to me.
Anyhow, my take on the whole female avatar.
Regarding pre-teens trying to cyber... Well... I've just had this issue twice in my mmo career. And both sent me gold. *laughs* They demanded it back after I told them I was indeed of the less fair sex, but after mentioning "Chat logs" that stopped fast.
There was a guy who accually funded his epic mount in World of Warcraft doing this (on purpose mind you) before BC.
I've always had a problem with MMO's presenting their female characters without many clothes on.
There is something sexist about all of that and if puts the female character not on an equal footing with her male counterpart who is dressed up in his suit of armor.
I would hope Mythic allows for their female characters with more dress options rather than the way they are presented now.
I remember reading also in WoW there was a poll asking how many men played female characters-the response was about 49% male online players played female characters.
Now is this some secret desire on the part of men to be females in a fantasy world?
I play a character I would like to look at for a long time and tbh I'd rather look at a sexy female than a big butch man.
Play what you want and don't worry about some random internet freak who wants to cyborz in a mmorpg game
If anything it's a good way to know to immediately put said user on ignore and never have to end up grouping with them
To each their own. Playing a different gender than one's own can be for so many personal reasons, there's no sense in speculation. *shrug*
Whatever gives you the best feeling during game play works for me.
People should play whatever they feel like. I have played both male and female characters in the 8ish years I have played mmorpgs, and I have never been bothered by anyone, neither have my sister, or any of the female players I know irl. I am male btw.
People who bother others due to the way their avatar looks like, are just scum, and you should ignore them. There is no way I am going to exclude myself from playing a certain class, just because it so happends, that in the warhammer world, it is gender specific.
It's funny though, alot of people seem to have this inherent knee jerk reaction to males playing female toons, but somehow it is ok, for female players to play male characters. Which is of course just garbage. Last time I checked, mmorpgs are not some bizarre kind of a dating service, so I really fail to see why anyone cares about what some complete stranger's toon looks like.
Actually, you need a reality check bud. Most gays act like girls, which explains their abundance in fashion shows and what not. Personally, #2 only shows that the guy is perfectly fine with his sexuality, while #1 shows the guy needing to prove his sexuality.. which all in all, shows an immense chance of "hiding in the closet".
/sarcasm (That was a general statement, not directed towards you zindel)
Anime chics FTL!
I engage in both 1 & 2 depending on which gender I feel like playing. It isn't about looking at your character, it is about identifying with your character. In an MMO it's essentially your alter ego, an extension of yourself and how you want the rest of the world to perceive you. Even when playing a female character as a male, you will choose close to what you would imagine yourself as a female. People that say "oh I'm playing this chick cause I think she's hot" are only half right and are in denial Most people will have trouble distancing themselves from their avatar 100%.
Secondly I know 4 gay men in real life and I can tell you NONE of them act like females in any way. Unless you count being abit overly self-conscious feminine, in which case all them unnatural hairless perfume smelling metros are in the basket. You should probably stop forming your preconceptions about homosexuals from watching TV.
Only really disturbing thing I find in the gender jungle is the anime/korean MMO males. It says they're male when you're creating the character but no matter how much you try to customize he refusees to look like one...
What's not to understand? You can stare at a male avatar's ass for hours on end while playing or you can stare at a female's. For this male, it's not a tough choice.
As for the whole "pixels aren't hot" argument, again I say - you can stare at a fake pixel male ass or you can stare at a fake pixel female ass. Still not a tough choice.
For me it has always been an issue of aesthetics. If I like the looks of a female character for a specific class I play it, and the same goes for a male character. Those of you that are shouting about homosexuals should be worried more about your own sexuality over that of others.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
Never knew there were so many closet cases associated with playing a female character. Almost as funny as the raging virg' fest rants over showing nudity in AoC. Almost.
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
On the interwebs everyone is a master of knowing. . .
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
Because no offense we are not <insert word>. This toon will be played by you for a long time and at the end of the day do you want to see a female or a male. My guess would be female if your not of the <insert word> persuasion then which you would like to see a male. But this is being that you are a male.
I asked one guy why he played female toons and he said that he gets way more repect and free stuff.
So, I desided to roll one. Well never again. I had more guys hitting on me then you can shake a stick.
Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? ~Ernest Gaines
I have played female characters for quiet some time and the only game I have had anyone hit on me was in WoW. If anything its those that are looking for a relationship within a virtual world are those that need some serious help.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
People giving away free stuff and treating a person differently, just because of the way a toon looks, seem to be the ones with a problem.
People giving away free stuff and treating a person differently, just because of the way a toon looks, seem to be the ones with a problem.
Its the way of a dude you try to court your lady to get somthing in return later but they dont seem to wrap around the idea that that this is a virtual world u dont have to do that. But boys will be boys
Interesting theories about sexuality and character choice here. I'm a 41 year old married heterosexual male, and most frequently I choose female in game avatars as my main. I do enjoy the role playing challenge of playing across gender type, but mainly I pick female chars because if 90% of my game time involves staring at the ass of a particular character, I'd rather stare at a shapely woman's ass than a guy's ass. This doesn't make me homosexual, or homophobic, it's just a matter of my scenery preference as a heterosexual male. That's not to say I don't also play male (or in the case of greenskins genderless) chars, but I usually only do so on some of my alts.
That being said, those people who refuse to ever play a cross gender character strike me as people who have possible hang-ups about their sexual identity. It's possible that they are either compensating for latent homosexual urges by being "extra macho" in their choice of entertainment (WWF, monster trucks, male only game avatars, etc.), or they are so afraid that someone might hit on them in game or accuse them of homosexuality that they act in a homophobic manner about sticking with their own gender, and thus prefer a "sausagefest" type of game experience. It's also possible that any kind of Role playing is viewed as unfun or too much of a intellectual challenge, and they only play characters close to their personality type.
My approach when guys "hit" on my character in game is to play the "mother" kind of character as opposed to the "sex vixen". If someone pushes the point I will "whisper" them that I'm a man likely old enough to be their father, and I really don't want to "cyber" with them. That usually conclusively ends any issues, and teaches the randy dudes who "cyber" in MMORPGs that they shouldn't presume player gender or sexual preference by character type.
I don't find it unusual that mature players who are confident in their sexual identiy are not bothered by playing cross gender avatars. I do find it sad when people try to substitute in game chatting and fantasy for real life social interaction with people of their sexual preference. I think that while gaming in general and fantasy gaming in particular is a fine pastime for entertainment, they should not replace real life relationships with family or friends. If someone finds that they are playing a game to statisfy a need for social intimacy, they realy need to back off and reevaluate the direction their life is taking if they want to be a healthy functional individual.
However, if someone is happy being that oft parodied stereotype of the social misfit living in their Mom's basement and refusing to join the real world because of a fear of failure. Then they need to come to the realization that male player numbers significantly dominate over female players numbers in MMORPGs. The majority of Avatars of both genders are played by males. Also, because of how some jackass guys behave in MMORPGs many of the female players actually play male Avatars to avoid the jackasses.
I hope this helps.
p.s. If you run into Annegrelez or Dykestra in the game, say hello. I use those names as they both justify a harsh (yet humorous) response to unwanted sexual attention.
I've never really understood the whole debate about Avatar gender. 90% of the time when I create a character, it's by coin toss. I couldn't care less if the avatar is male or female. As long as the model doesn't look fubar. In those cases i'll forgo the coin flip, and go with the model that looks best. Based on low, mid, and high level armors. I also look at animations. Bad animations with a good model, just ruins it completely.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.