I would have agreed with you if I'd stopped playing my Witch Hunter (or just about any other class in the game) before level 5. During the earliest levels, combat feels very much like WoW except with fewer abilities and so a slower pace. Making things worse with the Witch Hunter was that your attacks each generate an accusation (the game's term for a combo point), and these open up executions (the game's term for finishing blows). On the surface, the mechanic seemed identical to WoW. By level 8, that had changed. Yes, the mechanic is the same on the surface, but the actual play of the character ends up being very different. For one thing, accusations/combos apply to YOU rather than your enemy. That means you can switch targets at any time without penalty. For onother, you start getting tactics and morale abilities. This means that there's a lot more potential for strategy. Is an enemy almost dead right when you get 5 accusation built up? Don't waste that execution! Finish him off with regular attacks, then start off against your new foe with a really deadly attack! If you've also been on a kill streak you could even have enough morale built up to use one of those abilities. If you work the combat so that both execution and morale become available at the same time, you can take out an equal level enemy in two hits. It's brutal. Then there's also the business of tactics. And when you finally get stealth at level 10 that requires a lot more skill than WoW's stealth system. For one thing, it slowly drains your action points. Which means that the longer you spend in stealth the weaker you become. You cannot afford to just prowl the battlefield with impunity. You have to be quick and smart. That's just the Witch Hunter. Every single class I've progressed to level 10 has proven to have surprising depth that could not be anticipated from the first 4 or 5 levels. All of them have proven to have very engaging combat that feels more strategic and less twitchy than WoW. HOWEVER, the classes only work well if you truly understand your abilities and the synergies between them. I think this is why WAR took the approach of granting only one or two abilities at each level, but also giving you something new at almost EVERY level. This gives you time to figure out the secrets of each new ability before it dumps something else on you. There really is a lot of depth for those who bother to give it a chance.
I could not have said it better myself.
it is obvious that many trolls in these forums played to level 5 or so. Like many games, WAR takes a few levels to come in. When I first started playing, I gave up about level 5 but soon came back and once I got to level 10 or so, I loved the game.
It is not perfect but it is still a great game and it matures as you play it. Level 10 is entirely different than level 5 (as it should be).
I think its funny that many of the trolls here (who want to save us [the unsuspecting masses] from WAR) are actually recruiting more people to play it because their arguments are so stupid and baseless.
The best part is that its a handful of Age of Conan fanbois who fear WAR because they know that it is going to hurt the subscriber numbers in AOC. And rightfully so....they should be worried because at least Mythic delivered on its promises unlike Funcom that keeps delaying them.
I agree with you the game changed at level 10. So far I have tried the Witch Hunter, Black Orc, Squig Herder and the Chosen. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses just like every other class out there; you have to know how to use them to your advantage.
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
supbro, you have never played WAR. I have seen you around the AoC boards swearing on it being the greatest MMO ever and WAR sucking, so your posts don't even have a shred of credibility.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently Waiting For: Nothing, found my addiction for awhile
Currently Playing: Warhammer Online - Oblivion, Warrior Priest, Averheim; Team Fortress 2
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Buahhahahah. Jam packed with what? With NPC's? But isnt every MMO jam packed with them?
Please explain how button mashing is "innovative". It is nothing new from any other Button Mashing MMO out there.
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, meet Pot. I hate to tell you this, but you're both black.
I think it's rich that someone is nitpicking prelaunch bugs by comparing the game to AoC. Sorry, but AoC launched with animation and pathing errors, too. Also, the 4.1.1 patch that came out for WAR yesterday almost completely resolved those mob bugs.
WAR has fewer bugs at the end of open beta than AoC did. Anyone who tries to claim otherwise has been drinking Erling Ellingson's kool-aid just a little too long.
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
Ive seen a few threads trying to bring down WAR, but this is prob the weakest argument ive seen.
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Heres a Cookie for you.. im happy for AOC i hope it gets Millions so they have stuff to kill.. Wheeee!
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Okay the last sentence finally has told me that you are NOT EVEN PLAYING Age of Conan (or you are making up lies just to irritate people). I played on one of the largest servers with a huge guild and its a dead zone. My guild lost over 400 members since launch! Everyone knows the population is low across the board. Hell, as far as the PVE servers are concerned, there is only 1 with any form of population: Wiccana. There are even recruitment threads on the other servers to get people to roll on Wiccana so it has enough population.
Revolutionary combat? Please. As Aurick said, it was a smoke screen. For example:
Combo A: Press 1, then 2
Combo B: Press 2, then 1
Combo C: Press 3, then 2 then 1
Rinse and repeat in different combinations all they way to level 40 where you get 3 more buttons to make combos. Revolutionary? I think not.
No no no
AoC's combat has so much more which your too blind to see. Directional attacks, melee area effect (not just tartgeting one mob and pressing a button like WAR), active blocking and evasive tactics. Your deadweight in PvP encounters if you didn't use alll these tools at your disposal.
I find it funny that people complain about minor mob bugs and animation glitches. Hell, when WoW was first released picking herbs would crash the game. Walking in certain places would crash the game. Hell, I remember when the Eastern Kingdoms side of the server despawned ALL of the walls on Windrunner it was hilarious.
Warhammer, while it has its bugs, is in a better state then WoW and many other mmos were when they launched.
The question still remains.. Why to most ppl go thru the hassle of creating a new account on mmorpg.com to vent their frustations? I could never figure this out...
Yeah man, he created an account 2 years ago in preparation to Troll the WAR section. Do you guys even think before you post?
_________________________________ "Fixed it. Because that wall of text attacked me, killed me and looted my body..." -George "sniperg" Light
god damn, it is so annoying that world of wacraft has plagued the MMO community with complete morons and idiots. i am GLAD you uninstalled and decided not to play, retards like you just ruin the game and the community by complaining. IF you think AOC is better then WAR, you sir deserve to wear a fucking helmet when u walk outside.
I find it funny that people complain about minor mob bugs and animation glitches. Hell, when WoW was first released picking herbs would crash the game. Walking in certain places would crash the game. Hell, I remember when the Eastern Kingdoms side of the server despawned ALL of the walls on Windrunner it was hilarious.
Warhammer, while it has its bugs, is in a better state then WoW and many other mmos were when they launched.
Tis true. Oh and remember it took Blizz almost a year to fix their lag issues and over populated servers.
god damn, it is so annoying that world of wacraft has plagued the MMO community with complete morons and idiots. i am GLAD you uninstalled and decided not to play, retards like you just ruin the game and the community by complaining. IF you think AOC is better then WAR, you sir deserve to wear a fucking helmet when u walk outside.
god damn, it is so annoying that world of wacraft has plagued the MMO community with complete morons and idiots. i am GLAD you uninstalled and decided not to play, retards like you just ruin the game and the community by complaining. IF you think AOC is better then WAR, you sir deserve to wear a fucking helmet when u walk outside.
oh hell man, i allmost hurt myself reading this one!
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
Oh look, another AoC fanboi making another WAR=WOW troll thread. Can we please start banning these assholes? Ban the WAR fanbois that do the same in AoC too.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR Playing: WAR Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
This entire thread is full of flaming stupid. Big ol' piles of stupid.
For the record, the combat isn't slower in the least. Its about the same, with more mobility in WAR than in WoW. Now, general movement speed seems slower to me. I did, however, take it in stride since they gave me a skill which was a pretty quick cooldown sprint.
I would have agreed with the OP if I'd stopped playing my Witch Hunter (or just about any other class in the game) before level 5. During the earliest levels, combat feels very much like WoW except with fewer abilities and so a slower pace. Making things worse with the Witch Hunter was that your attacks each generate an accusation (the game's term for a combo point), and these open up executions (the game's term for finishing blows). On the surface, the mechanic seemed identical to WoW. By level 8, that had changed. Yes, the mechanic is the same on the surface, but the actual play of the character ends up being very different. For one thing, accusations/combos apply to YOU rather than your enemy. That means you can switch targets at any time without penalty. For onother, you start getting tactics and morale abilities. This means that there's a lot more potential for strategy. Is an enemy almost dead right when you get 5 accusation built up? Don't waste that execution! Finish him off with regular attacks, then start off against your new foe with a really deadly attack! If you've also been on a kill streak you could even have enough morale built up to use one of those abilities. If you work the combat so that both execution and morale become available at the same time, you can take out an equal level enemy in two hits. It's brutal. Then there's also the business of tactics. And when you finally get stealth at level 10 that requires a lot more skill than WoW's stealth system. For one thing, it slowly drains your action points. Which means that the longer you spend in stealth the weaker you become. You cannot afford to just prowl the battlefield with impunity. You have to be quick and smart. That's just the Witch Hunter. Every single class I've progressed to level 10 has proven to have surprising depth that could not be anticipated from the first 4 or 5 levels. All of them have proven to have very engaging combat that feels more strategic and less twitchy than WoW. HOWEVER, the classes only work well if you truly understand your abilities and the synergies between them. I think this is why WAR took the approach of granting only one or two abilities at each level, but also giving you something new at almost EVERY level. This gives you time to figure out the secrets of each new ability before it dumps something else on you. There really is a lot of depth for those who bother to give it a chance.
Brilliant post, and I'm glad the trolls brought out the logical and well thought out opinions such as this one. Logic and reason always are better judgement than fear and anger.
It really is funny when you actually stop to think about it:
WAR is launching with basically all the same features that WoW had at launch. It's also launching with features that Blizzard started talking about right after launch (siege weapons and capturable world PvP objectives), some of which aren't even in WoW even today. It's also launching with other features that took WoW a while to implement, like battlegrounds/scenarios. And it's launching with a more meaningful guild system. And more meaningful PvP. Oh, and it has enough content to level 6 characters -- one from each race -- to max doing just PvE without ever repeating a quest. WoW had several dead spots in the progression at launch.
What WAR doesn't have is a bunch of end game raids. But wait! WoW only launched with two, and both of them were bugged. And WAR offers RvR end game raids instead, which means more challenge because you can't just use an addon to tell you what to do.
And WAR is doing all of this while having fewer bugs at launch than WoW did.
As for WAR vs. AoC:
AoC has one starting area. Damn, but it gets boring after a couple times through. WAR has 6, and they're all very different. AoC has gank zones. WAR has fair PvP zones. AoC doesn't have scenarios. AoC has "massive PvP" that was advertised for 200 vs. 200, but actually only turned out to be a fraction of that. And which doesn't completely work to this day. WAR has genuinely massive PvP that does work, siege engines that work, etc. All at launch, rather than having to suffer for 3 months through patch after patch that claims fixes which don't end up working. AoC promised blood money, PvP ranks, etc. for launch. It wasn't there. Then they promised a newly packaged PvP system for the end of June. It's still not in the game, three months later. WAR has PvP ranks. WAR has gear that you can only get with those ranks. WAR has an anti-ganking system that works. WAR has more meaningful PvP at launch than AoC has three months after.
I could go on and on. You guys keep telling yourselves that AoC is the be all and end all of MMO's because it has boobs, combos (aka password protected skills) , gorgeous graphics (which require massive instancing, tiny zones, and prevent massive PvP), and boobs. Oh, and did I mention boobs?
As for myself, I'm enjoying playing a game where the more I play, the more depth I discover.
I've been waiting for WAR for years and I was really excited when I was able to get into the open beta. After downloading 10gb's and installing the game, I have to say it F**cking sucks. WAR is a WoW clone and a bad one at that, the combat is slower, looting is a pain, the graphics/UI are the same and it's just plain boring. I'm not a big fan of WoW either, but I would much rather play it than spend anymore time in an unimaginative clone MMO with no innovation. I quit AoC in preperation for WAR, that was a bad move, even with all it's flaws AoC is still much better than WAR. I'm going to resub to AoC and just wait for all the people who jumped to WAR to come back after their 30 day sub is up.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
The server I'm playing on is packed as well. I don't understand why everyone is saying the servers are dead, they are always Medium-High. I
god damn, it is so annoying that world of wacraft has plagued the MMO community with complete morons and idiots. i am GLAD you uninstalled and decided not to play, retards like you just ruin the game and the community by complaining. IF you think AOC is better then WAR, you sir deserve to wear a fucking helmet when u walk outside.
You honestly made me lol, I thank you sir!
Yea he did the same to me. Gave me a nice little chuckle and tickled me sweetly.
I could not have said it better myself.
it is obvious that many trolls in these forums played to level 5 or so. Like many games, WAR takes a few levels to come in. When I first started playing, I gave up about level 5 but soon came back and once I got to level 10 or so, I loved the game.
It is not perfect but it is still a great game and it matures as you play it. Level 10 is entirely different than level 5 (as it should be).
I think its funny that many of the trolls here (who want to save us [the unsuspecting masses] from WAR) are actually recruiting more people to play it because their arguments are so stupid and baseless.
The best part is that its a handful of Age of Conan fanbois who fear WAR because they know that it is going to hurt the subscriber numbers in AOC. And rightfully so....they should be worried because at least Mythic delivered on its promises unlike Funcom that keeps delaying them.
I agree with you the game changed at level 10. So far I have tried the Witch Hunter, Black Orc, Squig Herder and the Chosen. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses just like every other class out there; you have to know how to use them to your advantage.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
supbro, you have never played WAR. I have seen you around the AoC boards swearing on it being the greatest MMO ever and WAR sucking, so your posts don't even have a shred of credibility.
Currently Waiting For: Nothing, found my addiction for awhile
Currently Playing: Warhammer Online - Oblivion, Warrior Priest, Averheim; Team Fortress 2
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Buahhahahah. Jam packed with what? With NPC's? But isnt every MMO jam packed with them?
Please explain how button mashing is "innovative". It is nothing new from any other Button Mashing MMO out there.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, meet Pot. I hate to tell you this, but you're both black.
I think it's rich that someone is nitpicking prelaunch bugs by comparing the game to AoC. Sorry, but AoC launched with animation and pathing errors, too. Also, the 4.1.1 patch that came out for WAR yesterday almost completely resolved those mob bugs.
WAR has fewer bugs at the end of open beta than AoC did. Anyone who tries to claim otherwise has been drinking Erling Ellingson's kool-aid just a little too long.
Ive seen a few threads trying to bring down WAR, but this is prob the weakest argument ive seen.
Your not even a good troll
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Heres a Cookie for you.. im happy for AOC i hope it gets Millions so they have stuff to kill.. Wheeee!
All this anger ! makes me yawn...
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
Okay the last sentence finally has told me that you are NOT EVEN PLAYING Age of Conan (or you are making up lies just to irritate people). I played on one of the largest servers with a huge guild and its a dead zone. My guild lost over 400 members since launch! Everyone knows the population is low across the board. Hell, as far as the PVE servers are concerned, there is only 1 with any form of population: Wiccana. There are even recruitment threads on the other servers to get people to roll on Wiccana so it has enough population.
Revolutionary combat? Please. As Aurick said, it was a smoke screen. For example:
Combo A: Press 1, then 2
Combo B: Press 2, then 1
Combo C: Press 3, then 2 then 1
Rinse and repeat in different combinations all they way to level 40 where you get 3 more buttons to make combos. Revolutionary? I think not.
No no no
AoC's combat has so much more which your too blind to see. Directional attacks, melee area effect (not just tartgeting one mob and pressing a button like WAR), active blocking and evasive tactics. Your deadweight in PvP encounters if you didn't use alll these tools at your disposal.
GW2 the future of MMO gaming
I find it funny that people complain about minor mob bugs and animation glitches. Hell, when WoW was first released picking herbs would crash the game. Walking in certain places would crash the game. Hell, I remember when the Eastern Kingdoms side of the server despawned ALL of the walls on Windrunner it was hilarious.
Warhammer, while it has its bugs, is in a better state then WoW and many other mmos were when they launched.
Yeah man, he created an account 2 years ago in preparation to Troll the WAR section. Do you guys even think before you post?
"Fixed it. Because that wall of text attacked me, killed me and looted my body..."
-George "sniperg" Light
god damn, it is so annoying that world of wacraft has plagued the MMO community with complete morons and idiots. i am GLAD you uninstalled and decided not to play, retards like you just ruin the game and the community by complaining. IF you think AOC is better then WAR, you sir deserve to wear a fucking helmet when u walk outside.
Tis true. Oh and remember it took Blizz almost a year to fix their lag issues and over populated servers.
You honestly made me lol, I thank you sir!
You are a Troll. You are a Troll. You are a Troll..
'Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of WARRRRR!!!'
oh hell man, i allmost hurt myself reading this one!
Oh look, another AoC fanboi making another WAR=WOW troll thread. Can we please start banning these assholes? Ban the WAR fanbois that do the same in AoC too.
MMOs Played: EQ 1&2, DAoC, SWG, Planetside, WoW, GW, CoX, DDO, EVE, Vanguard, TR
Playing: WAR
Awaiting 40k Online and wishing for Battletech Online
This entire thread is full of flaming stupid. Big ol' piles of stupid.
For the record, the combat isn't slower in the least. Its about the same, with more mobility in WAR than in WoW. Now, general movement speed seems slower to me. I did, however, take it in stride since they gave me a skill which was a pretty quick cooldown sprint.
Its so funny, i did not know that trolls was up this late ?
i guess i was wrong..
oh well, please dont stop its too funny!
Brilliant post, and I'm glad the trolls brought out the logical and well thought out opinions such as this one. Logic and reason always are better judgement than fear and anger.
'Cry Havoc, and Let Loose the Dogs of WARRRRR!!!'
Good to hear. Oh, and it has good PvP. That makes it basically the best MMORPG ever made. PvE is lame.
It really is funny when you actually stop to think about it:
WAR is launching with basically all the same features that WoW had at launch. It's also launching with features that Blizzard started talking about right after launch (siege weapons and capturable world PvP objectives), some of which aren't even in WoW even today. It's also launching with other features that took WoW a while to implement, like battlegrounds/scenarios. And it's launching with a more meaningful guild system. And more meaningful PvP. Oh, and it has enough content to level 6 characters -- one from each race -- to max doing just PvE without ever repeating a quest. WoW had several dead spots in the progression at launch.
What WAR doesn't have is a bunch of end game raids. But wait! WoW only launched with two, and both of them were bugged. And WAR offers RvR end game raids instead, which means more challenge because you can't just use an addon to tell you what to do.
And WAR is doing all of this while having fewer bugs at launch than WoW did.
As for WAR vs. AoC:
AoC has one starting area. Damn, but it gets boring after a couple times through. WAR has 6, and they're all very different. AoC has gank zones. WAR has fair PvP zones. AoC doesn't have scenarios. AoC has "massive PvP" that was advertised for 200 vs. 200, but actually only turned out to be a fraction of that. And which doesn't completely work to this day. WAR has genuinely massive PvP that does work, siege engines that work, etc. All at launch, rather than having to suffer for 3 months through patch after patch that claims fixes which don't end up working. AoC promised blood money, PvP ranks, etc. for launch. It wasn't there. Then they promised a newly packaged PvP system for the end of June. It's still not in the game, three months later. WAR has PvP ranks. WAR has gear that you can only get with those ranks. WAR has an anti-ganking system that works. WAR has more meaningful PvP at launch than AoC has three months after.
I could go on and on. You guys keep telling yourselves that AoC is the be all and end all of MMO's because it has boobs, combos (aka password protected skills) , gorgeous graphics (which require massive instancing, tiny zones, and prevent massive PvP), and boobs. Oh, and did I mention boobs?
As for myself, I'm enjoying playing a game where the more I play, the more depth I discover.
I agree AoC is miles ahead of war in combat and gameplay. WAR is boring and a real grind to level, with the animation glitches and bugged mobs - the game is in a sorry state. AoC's revoluitionery combat mechanics really spoiled us i guess and WAR is a step backwards. Im playing AoC and loving it, the servers are jam packed.
The server I'm playing on is packed as well. I don't understand why everyone is saying the servers are dead, they are always Medium-High. I
You honestly made me lol, I thank you sir!
Yea he did the same to me. Gave me a nice little chuckle and tickled me sweetly.
This game is so bad, he's going back to WoW and AoC, man that's bad.