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It's 10.00pm on one of the busiest servers in the EU.
The whole map in every tier and pairing is Destruction owned.
There is NO ORvR going on whatsoever, except for roaming Destro zergs waiting at the Order warcamps waiting to mass gank the odd player who goes for a wander.
Why is this? Only an idiot, a masochist, or both, can be bothered to log into these servers any more, because getting zerged time after time isn't fun. It gets old very quickly, and the likelyhood of a any kind of remedy is slight, to the extreme.
Mythic have done a good job in getting folk back into the open areas to fight, but they have done NOTHING to solve the biggest issue of all. Order has all but given up. Is the odd BO or out of the way Keep take every couple of days fun? No, it's a joke.
This game will die a silent death, apart from the shuffling of Orc feet and the picking of noses from smelly Goblin fingers.
Someone at Mythic needs to grab these servers by the scruff of the neck, and somehow even them up as much as is possible. It should have been done at the very start, and servers should have been hand fed their population one at a time. Letting them take their own course was the biggest mistake they could have made, and the upshot of this is exactly what is happening now.
Do something soon or it's over.
This is just a portion of the problems.....
1. Crafting is useless. I didnt even bother with it.
2. No one or few doing PQ's.
3. Scenaries rarely see the good fight. In my experience most fights on either side are lopsided .
4. Guilds arent worth it. I pay taxes to guild with little to no benefit for me in the long run. (my experience only).
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
This is just a portion of the problems.....
1. Crafting is useless. I didnt even bother with it.
2. No one or few doing PQ's.
3. Scenaries rarely see the good fight. In my experience most fights on either side are lopsided .
4. Guilds arent worth it. I pay taxes to guild with little to no benefit for me in the long run. (my experience only).
1. who cares, go PVP, PQ, or quest for your gear. its more fun and the rewards are just as good.
2. Join a good guild, or broadcast a request for PQ and you will most likely find players. Im in Tier 4 on Praag Order side and have found groups with no problem last few days.
3. what ?
4. again, what ? this isnt wow where the gold grind is a part of the elusive carrot -- currency in WAR isnt really all that important. It is so easy to get good loot if you play the game -- RVR, PQ's, regular quests, dungeon crawls -- you get the idea -- or do you ? So, whatever cash you give your guild -- so freaking what man. The benefits of being in a good giuld greatly outweigh the pittance of coin you lose. Epsecially when WAR relies so little on being rich in game.
not on US servers -- pretty much all balanced med/med. 19 of them.
This is just a portion of the problems.....
1. Crafting is useless. I didnt even bother with it.
2. No one or few doing PQ's.
3. Scenaries rarely see the good fight. In my experience most fights on either side are lopsided .
4. Guilds arent worth it. I pay taxes to guild with little to no benefit for me in the long run. (my experience only).
1. who cares, go PVP, PQ, or quest for your gear. its more fun and the rewards are just as good.
2. Join a good guild, or broadcast a request for PQ and you will most likely find players. Im in Tier 4 on Praag Order side and have found groups with no problem last few days.
3. what ?
4. again, what ? this isnt wow where the gold grind is a part of the elusive carrot -- currency in WAR isnt really all that important. It is so easy to get good loot if you play the game -- RVR, PQ's, regular quests, dungeon crawls -- you get the idea -- or do you ? So, whatever cash you give your guild -- so freaking what man. The benefits of being in a good giuld greatly outweigh the pittance of coin you lose. Epsecially when WAR relies so little on being rich in game.
1. I care. I should be able to make items that are worth a darn.
2. I did...400+ what are the benefits again? Guild cloak? pfffttt I did broadcast for pq's and all and most of the time ppl didnt respond.
3. What What? It's Plain english bro. most of the fight in scenarios are so lopsided and a crap shoot who u get. EXAMPLE: I was in one scenarios where 3/4 of the the order side were healers with only one tank. Score was 500-10 them.
4. Your experience in the game was different than mine. I rarely got good loot (open rvr, etc.)
You didnt list any good benefits of being in a guild and i unfortunately didnt see it. I do expect more from the guild than signing on and being just another cash cow , but you have a point about the cash though.
I once signed on and lots of guildies were on but now rarely ppl seem to be anyone on.
Again your experience was different from mine.
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
Whats seriously hurting the game is the overwhelming amount of grind...some of it is even impossible to complete if your realm is to busy doing something else. PQs = grind, Seasonal Events = grind with sometimes impossible goals, Crafting - Boring grind with lack luster results other than dyes.
Scenarios - Mega grind for levels
RVR Lakes...Grind ... serious grind especially since no one openly battles outside of the Empire areas they just swap BOs.
I still like the game and sometimes battles are really awsome in the lakes..but the Grind is starting to annoy now. Especially when some tasks are damn near impossible to killing Heroic mobs 20 times in the RVR Lakes when people are busy swaping BO's so you can't get a proper camp set up.
this might help you...try and Orvr server i just started playing on after i got a 40 on a core server...its almost a new game...
Funny thing is, I was about to pay 15.00 and get back into warhammer, but looks like I just need to try AOC.
As you read through different threads, this seems to be the most common 'solution' to population problems people say to try.
One problem people have with this (I did when I was playing, but that was before transfers) was someone spends time building a character and making friends they don't want to scrap the guy and go at it all over again, especially if they are or near 40. I think thats a bit unfair to ask of someone who's just asking for some balance.
Just transfer is the advice. Some people have done that and they post they still don't see much in the way of steady action, regardless that the server title said "Med/Med".
Just a question: Once you transfer ONCE to a server and it's not great either, can you switch again or are you locked into that new one, unable to even get back to your old one?
This is just a portion of the problems.....
1. Crafting is useless. I didnt even bother with it.
2. No one or few doing PQ's.
3. Scenaries rarely see the good fight. In my experience most fights on either side are lopsided .
4. Guilds arent worth it. I pay taxes to guild with little to no benefit for me in the long run. (my experience only).
1. who cares, go PVP, PQ, or quest for your gear. its more fun and the rewards are just as good.
2. Join a good guild, or broadcast a request for PQ and you will most likely find players. Im in Tier 4 on Praag Order side and have found groups with no problem last few days.
3. what ?
4. again, what ? this isnt wow where the gold grind is a part of the elusive carrot -- currency in WAR isnt really all that important. It is so easy to get good loot if you play the game -- RVR, PQ's, regular quests, dungeon crawls -- you get the idea -- or do you ? So, whatever cash you give your guild -- so freaking what man. The benefits of being in a good giuld greatly outweigh the pittance of coin you lose. Epsecially when WAR relies so little on being rich in game.
1. I care. I should be able to make items that are worth a darn.
2. I did...400+ what are the benefits again? Guild cloak? pfffttt I did broadcast for pq's and all and most of the time ppl didnt respond.
3. What What? It's Plain english bro. most of the fight in scenarios are so lopsided and a crap shoot who u get. EXAMPLE: I was in one scenarios where 3/4 of the the order side were healers with only one tank. Score was 500-10 them.
4. Your experience in the game was different than mine. I rarely got good loot (open rvr, etc.)
You didnt list any good benefits of being in a guild and i unfortunately didnt see it. I do expect more from the guild than signing on and being just another cash cow , but you have a point about the cash though.
I once signed on and lots of guildies were on but now rarely ppl seem to be anyone on.
Again your experience was different from mine.
1. Wrong game then bro, sorry They did say crafting was essentially an afterthought in this game prior to its release.
2. I agree this can be a problem, but persistence pays off. I hate to bring up WoW , but I dont know how many times I would hang out in Shat, spamming the LFG for Heroic SV runs...eventually I got the run.
3. You misspelled scenarios, leading to confusion. Again, you are partly correct in this. Some class balancing needs to be done in the sc, like having a comparable number of tanks and healers on each team.
4. You need a good guild. I pay 45% taxes in mine, however we are active and we take and hold onto keeps for as long as possible. Really, a good guild makes a huge difference. To me it just sound like you have had a run of bad luck in that dept.
I think your experience is not the norm. Though not totally unique, it is one of crappy luck and perhaps not enough pro-activity. However, as I play on a US server, my experience may be completely different. That being the case, you might have a point , but only as far as the EU is concerned. The game certainly wont be the blockbuster that wow was, but I am confident it will last as long as any MMO ever has.
I can't speak for the European servers. It seems that is a beast of its own. On the US servers, the imbalance is not that bad. RvR is constantly active, even if one side is outnumbered. Going to an ORvR server hasn't changed much for me personally. Im on an RP server ORvR server. both have the same amoutn of activity.
What should they have done? Forbidden people from creating Destro characters? Great way to get people to take your game and place it in the microwave, imo.
The issue isn't that they refused to exercise controls over creation, the issue is that they followed slavishly GW's character models, which to be honest for the Order side, suck donkey's in the context of an MMO. This is GW's doing, coupled with Paul's constant trivializing of the Order side, which was again probably based on GW's experience --- most WH TT players favor Chaos as well.
The whole thing was a classic train wreck, but it started long, long before the game released, and frankly the game never had any serious hope of being realm balanced unless GW relaxed its controls and allowed meaner, sexier Order classes and models. Noone wants to play a nun, a guy in a dress, or a metro with a feather in his cap, really. Fine for TT, where they are units, and not YOUR avatar. When it's your own avatar ... no thanks.
I personally don't care about the grind because I just don't do it. Theres nobody holding a gun to your head and screaming "WAAAAAGH!!!!!! GO GRIND THAT PQ DAMMIT!!!!". And RvR is grind? What? The new influence system, I could see where youre coming from, but I just go RvR where I can, and I just get whatever I get... Don't stress yourself out with getting the gear and stuff, its not that big of a deal in this game... I'm decked out in 2 Devastator pieces, and 3 anni pieces, and I didn't grind for it. If you want to get the extra stuff, then complete the goals, it shouldn't be too big of a deal if you really want it. Just have fun with the game, its not a 2nd job like WoW's raiding is.
Wait, so if I'm just doing PvE and getting what I get and move up that way in WoW it's a 2nd job but in WAR it's the right way to play? Double standards anyone?
There is a big difference though. In WOW it s somewhat required, in WAR it s not at all.
Not sure what is up on the EU servers.
Our server is pretty balanced and RVR is a blast.
Gotta say if you are not crafting you are missing out on some darn nice talismen and potions. But to each their own.
My advice to anyone that wants to play a MMORPG. If you want to have everything at the time you log into a game , go play a console or FPS type game.
Warhammer is the easiest game to get items and level in. Now getting renown after level 40 will take some time. But even then it is not a big grind!
There is a big difference though. In WOW it s somewhat required, in WAR it s not at all.
Ow, they did away with the ward system? A bright choice indeed then. Even so, it's about doing what you do and getting progress as a result of it, there's no difference there.
Well, I'm pleased it's all rosy on the US servers, but obviously the EU guys won't put up with servers that are horribly imbalanced.
Today, Sunday @ 15.00. Order manage to scrape 1.5 WB's together. The map is all red - surprise. We take a BO and then are swarmed by 3-4 WB's of Destro. We go to Dragonwake and attack a keep. The guild who have taken it are defending it with 2 WB's.
We go to Reikland and get raped by another 3 WB's of Destro as we try to get out of the WC. Getting the picture?
The WB we have left dissolves as their is no fun to be had for us. I head off to play another game, Destro head off to PvE on PvP server. Pointless.
I think a huge problem for war is not being able to satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. Oh, no game does that? Sorry.....please continue.
This is just a portion of the problems.....
1. Crafting is useless. I didnt even bother with it.
2. No one or few doing PQ's.
3. Scenaries rarely see the good fight. In my experience most fights on either side are lopsided .
4. Guilds arent worth it. I pay taxes to guild with little to no benefit for me in the long run. (my experience only).
1. Agree, crafting is about useless and is poorly made.
2. PQs are empty about always, luckely we run a 4 man team and can do them ourselves.
3. Scenarios is just a grind, never do them. That crazy screaming guy Pal? screamed in his vids that this would not be a grinding game, it is all it is atm. Grinding PQs or Scenarios.
4. Guilds not worth it? Funny way of looking at it, our guild we have 100% taxes. Why you say and does it contribute to you in the long run? For us, Yes, as our guild buys gems, supplies for our crafters and then there is the huge cost for holding keeps. We invest a lot of gold into our guild but also get things back from it, the ones who want atleast. Pots, gems, gear, keep claiming and much more. If you can't make gold even with a 100% tax, you doing something wrong and should ask for tips and trix from people who knows how to earn the gold.
population imbalance is always an issue in rvr games . its as bad on some warcraft servers . i play warhammer on the eltharion europe server which is proberbly the busiest rvr server . i ve yet to notice any real issue with an imbalance there . obviously you get a different game experiance on a different server . a more accurate topic would be ,population imbalance ( on such and such a server ) is killing the game for me . to which my answer would be ,change servers .
I've never seen a game where people are told to reroll on a different server as often as this game. It's not strange at all to see 3-4 rerolls because of various issues ranging from overall population, population balance, headstart server -> nonheadstart friends etc etc, overall population again etc etc.
Some good lessons to be learned from this release it seems.
But its perfectly understandable in Warhammer's case.
When tens of thousands of people leave a game within 3 months after it releases and leaves over 30+ servers desert-like, its really only the option Mythic can advocate.
If you stay on your dying server and make level 40, what would you do there after that with few people on it? If you had truly liked Warhammer, the only way you'd be able to experience its "signature" feature of open RvR would be to move your character to a server where there was people and fighting was actually happening. Either that or reroll. Most people don't wanna do the reroll thing all over so they just server hop.
No choice in Warhammer but to reroll or transfer based on the server imbalances.
Change server and get another toon to RR46?
Get real. If that is what Mythic expects me to do, they can stick their game where the sun don't shine.
Since WAR is a RVR game it can NEVER satisfy more than 50% of the people 50% of the time....
Most other games are doing better - thats just a fact...
And thats why ppl dont play WAR when they realise this simple fact... Unless they like to play one sided "PVP" .... Cause if you didn't realise it yet... its not really a PVP if there is just one faction on each server... And that is what WILL happen ... like it or not.... Yes... WAR as a RVR-PVE game.... 90% of the time.
Euro bro.
I play Destruction on the Phoneix US server and at first we owned the server now with the past few weeks it seem Order is on the rise.
I guess it's the new uber class they have, idk .. but Warhammer is one heck of a game, my friends and I are liking it.