Originally posted by hidden1 I just love how you "subtely" omitted your previous post using "rolls" as an analogy. I was responding to that one... funny how my "Strawman" argument as you put it, seems cohesive with your argument. Do you realize your arguing against your own argument? Are we not making the same point here? Nice politcal move.
Because you have just erected strawman. You basically argue that everyone has to make mainstream games. I find this statement stupid and I have pointed out that catering niche may also be profitable. Could you please point out how I am arguing against my own argument, barring your use of "rolls" in completely different context?
I am saying that I agree with you. And my reasons for having hope in DF is that I'm tired of "Name Brand" MMO's that have flooded the market as of that last few years, and would like DF to succeed on the merit of original content. And it seems a trend that won't change unfortunately (i.e., Star Trek / StarGate).
Originally posted by hidden1 I am saying that I agree with you. And my reasons for having hope in DF is that I'm tired of "Name Brand" MMO's that have flooded the market as of that last few years, and would like DF to succeed on the merit of original content. And it seems a trend that won't change unfortunately (i.e., Star Trek / StarGate).
Your first reaction to my post was:
"Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)"
Although this statement is for sure true, I fail to see how exactly is this related to the ideas I have presented in my previous posts and how did I miss the point. The only conclusion I was able to make was that you are trying to put into my mouth that they are intentionally making a game which noone wants.
Originally posted by hidden1 I am saying that I agree with you. And my reasons for having hope in DF is that I'm tired of "Name Brand" MMO's that have flooded the market as of that last few years, and would like DF to succeed on the merit of original content. And it seems a trend that won't change unfortunately (i.e., Star Trek / StarGate).
Your first reaction to my post was:
"Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)"
Although this statement is for sure true, I fail to see how exactly is this related to the ideas I have presented in my previous posts and how did I miss the point. The only conclusion I was able to make was that you are trying to put into my mouth that they are intentionally making a game which noone wants.
Maybe I can blame it on my poor English skill.
<sigh> Okay you win, I am wrong, and you are right, eventhough I'm in agreement with you.
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
carebear is not meant as an insult as your poor ego demonstrates w/ your choice of emoticon. It is mearly a commonly used term. And by checking your profile I see you've posted in about 4 Darkfall threads all in negative tones.... here's my emoticon for you.
Oh noes I got called a troll by the troll police! How many trolls have you uncovered today hidden1? Your doing some great work. I never once thought someone would look at my post history and now I feel exposed! KUDOS. I guess you never read my other posts about darkfall just the "negative tone" ones. Fanboys make me laugh.
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
I must admit that in my previous post I might have erred when using the term Straw man. Let's take the definition from the wikipedia:
"A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "set up a straw man," one describes a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view, yet is easier to refute. Then, one attributes that position to the opponent."
For example lets say someone states: "Crispy sweet rolls are for pvpers, soft, mushy and stale rolls are for carebear WoW players". Lets ignore the wet rolls, rotten rolls and eaten rolls and put into his mouth there are only two types of rolls. Yes, and he for sure says that all WoW players are carebears.
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
carebear is not meant as an insult as your poor ego demonstrates w/ your choice of emoticon. It is mearly a commonly used term. And by checking your profile I see you've posted in about 4 Darkfall threads all in negative tones.... here's my emoticon for you.
Have a nice day.
Sorry, carebear is an insulting and derogatory term. In the same way REAL PvPers hate to be called griefers and gankers. Well, except the Darkfall fanbots. They all seem to revel in that description.
Carebare - 1) A person who wants to PvP on their terms or PvP with out great concequences
2) A person, group of people, or guild that plays nice, cares about people's feelings, and in general wears kid gloves when dealing with people in a virtual world Everyone can do anything reguadless of skill because the game is about fun, not winning.
When DF people use the term carebare they tend to be using the 1st definition.
It's hard to deny that there's a portion of the community with a lot of elitist behavior, only if they knew how bad they make DF's community look altogether...
But then, there's even WoW players with such kind of attitude, always using the "My MMORPG got more people than yours" argument.
It's pathetic, to say the least, when people use games as a reference for feeling superior compared to others.
Carebare - 1) A person who wants to PvP on their terms or PvP with out great concequences 2) A person, group of people, or guild that plays nice, cares about people's feelings, and in general wears kid gloves when dealing with people in a virtual world Everyone can do anything reguadless of skill because the game is about fun, not winning.
When DF people use the term carebare they tend to be using the 1st definition.
I'd say you better go through the threads in the Darkfall section and take note of the usage of the word. You guys are the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers. Why are you trying to soften the image your brethren have worked so hard and foolishly to build up? It amazes me when you guys get called on anything, one or all of you immediately comes out with a "We're not that bad!" or "We don't mean it that way" or "It's a misinterpretation!" or some other lame back-pedal excuse for your community's actions..
All this fighting always going on on any thread I've ever looked up someone is bashing someone for something. Honestly though, I like DF, and I hope it does good and we all have a good game to play for awhile. If it doesn't then we always have Mortal Online coming out this summer which looks to be along the same lines. Either way though, any way you look at it it is time for this company to put out.....
I mean I agree that games take time and money, I know these things, but I also know that you cannot keep promising your customers things that you cannot deliver on. And some will say "well they released a date so stfu" but really what does that mean? Does that mean that DF MUST be released or the world will come to an end? No, it means nothing really, especially given their track record of making bad on promises. Plus, now it a little more than a week to release, and we have NO information from the entire company, let alone Tasos. How are us potential subscribers supposed to react to that? It is hard to stand behind something like this and defend it. Idk, I guess I'm just blabbing with no point really. Bottom line is, I've been following this for awhile, and Aventurine needs to shit or get off the pot.
I just look at past interviews and stuff Tasos has done and they all seem to always say the same thing. Answers he made from interviews from 2005-06 could be cut and pasted into recent interviews and even in some of the questions he was asked in this video. He always has generic responses. "The game is looking good and we are stress testing" was an answer given in a 2006 interview after being asked what state the game was in at the moment. Every now and then something new will come out to keep people attracted and then nothing for months. Sorry about all the text I guess maybe I am just venting my frustrations, because I really do want this game to come out and be everything we are all hoping it is.....
So what did this open coffee morning tell us about the game ? NOTHING ! (well other than more investment is required) It was probably not even for us and for any other MMO we'd have something much more interesting to work with.
I am really appauled by the developers and there inability to relay any information.A good example is the taso's interview on here which just makes him come across as arrogant and anti social and suspisously defensive. And the noob "previews" are a joke. Get your act togather and give MMORPG a beta to test.
Seriously it one thing to have stupid CGI videos and a large marketing campaign. But it is another to be so close to release and no one outside a select (and too few) group of beta testers. The best bit of this thread is a user contributed diagram of a server archtecture. Which may apply and dopesn't affect quality of the actual gameplay in terms of "fun".
Sorry but this is silliness but its not even great drama anymore. I pity the long term followers of this game they must be starving !
So what did this open coffee morning tell us about the game ? NOTHING ! (well other than more investment is required) It was probably not even for us and for any other MMO we'd have something much more interesting to work with. I am really appauled by the developers and there inability to relay any information.A good example is the taso's interview on here which just makes him come across as arrogant and anti social and suspisously defensive. And the noob "previews" are a joke. Get your act togather and give MMORPG a beta to test. Seriously it one thing to have stupid CGI videos and a large marketing campaign. But it is another to be so close to release and no one outside a select (and too few) group of beta testers. The best bit of this thread is a user contributed diagram of a server archtecture. Which may apply and dopesn't affect quality of the actual gameplay in terms of "fun". Sorry but this is silliness but its not even great drama anymore. I pity the long term followers of this game they must be starving !
Most longtime followers are used to it, they know Tasos and C:O dont want to give away information/spoilers before the game is released.
They have accepted this and are now waiting for 22 january, and since this Open Coffee again reconfirmed that the game is still on sheduel for this date, and that the price will be abit less then the standard, its pretty much more then we expected to get.
Theres also the information that tasos confirmed that open beta is also on sheduel, althou this is only comming from the persons mouth. This is also information thats very nice to have.
If you take a freaking second this interview gave information on:
- Open beta is still planned and on
- Pricing will be less then avarage on the mmo genre
- Downloading of the open beta and most likely the release client will be dont with Torrent, links will be posted on official forums. Read up on Torrents to be prepared, youll get alot better downloads speed throu Torrent tech then DDL if you know how to set it up (and ofcourse that the client we get to use arent totally fucked up like Blizzards was in the beginning for example).
- Game is still on sheduel for Jan 22
Theres ALOT of nice information regarding release in this interview, now if its believeable is another story but ppl who says theres nothing new here should just stay quiet.
FagerCraft - Feeding the trolls on mmorpg.com since 2005.
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
I must admit that in my previous post I might have erred when using the term Straw man. Let's take the definition from the wikipedia:
"A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "set up a straw man," one describes a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view, yet is easier to refute. Then, one attributes that position to the opponent."
For example lets say someone states: "Crispy sweet rolls are for pvpers, soft, mushy and stale rolls are for carebear WoW players". Lets ignore the wet rolls, rotten rolls and eaten rolls and put into his mouth there are only two types of rolls. Yes, and he for sure says that all WoW players are carebears.
Way to generalize...
Semantics, you're purposely complicating the issue by introducing "wet rolls," rotten rolls" and "eaten rolls." There are two basic types for the sake of this discussion and I'll stick to that. But if you want to argue permutations of the two basic archtypes of players, and further split and divide the two archtypes, i could easily waste yours and my time by adding "wet 'moldy' rolls," "rotten stale rolls" and "half eaten rolls," and "1/4 eaten rolls." Then you could respond with even further breakdowns and permuations. All we accomplish in this argument is the mathmatics of division. To stay on topic, let's just keep it simple w/ just "crispy, sweet rolls" and "soft, mushy, stale rolls."
Carebare - 1) A person who wants to PvP on their terms or PvP with out great concequences 2) A person, group of people, or guild that plays nice, cares about people's feelings, and in general wears kid gloves when dealing with people in a virtual world Everyone can do anything reguadless of skill because the game is about fun, not winning.
When DF people use the term carebare they tend to be using the 1st definition.
I'd say you better go through the threads in the Darkfall section and take note of the usage of the word. You guys are the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers. Why are you trying to soften the image your brethren have worked so hard and foolishly to build up? It amazes me when you guys get called on anything, one or all of you immediately comes out with a "We're not that bad!" or "We don't mean it that way" or "It's a misinterpretation!" or some other lame back-pedal excuse for your community's actions..
I've read a lot of post in the Darfall forums, and especially in their "Advanced" section. At least here the post stay abit friendlier by comparsion. If you think we're "the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers." then you should read some of their posts. It's hostile there to say the least.
Semantics, you're purposely complicating the issue by introducing "wet rolls," rotten rolls" and "eaten rolls." There are two basic types for the sake of this discussion and I'll stick to that. But if you want to argue permutations of the two basic archtypes of players, and further split and divide the two archtypes, i could easily waste yours and my time by adding "wet 'moldy' rolls," "rotten stale rolls" and "half eaten rolls," and "1/4 eaten rolls." Then you could respond with even further breakdowns and permuations. All we accomplish in this argument is the mathmatics of division. To stay on topic, let's just keep it simple w/ just "crispy, sweet rolls" and "soft, mushy, stale rolls."
Way to specify...
Wait: You have just attacked hidden because he thinks that every PvE player is carebear, although he certainly did not say so. Then you say that " There are two basic types for the sake of this discussion and I'll stick to that.". If I am not mistaken, this is called "bare assertion fallacy" - you just say it is like this so it is like this.
I personally think that for instance crafters and traders are neither PvE nor PvP players in nature, and will thereby still think that there are more types of people than PvE and PvP players.
Additionally, I believe Darkfall will be a nice game for PvE players who are NOT carebears, because I am one of these - I enjoy the feeling of living in fantasy world and being in danger although I do not PvP so often. Those who can not stand PvP have quite a lot of games to play and I wish them to have fun playing these.
Anyway, the last two pages are horrible and I am afraid it is also partialy my fault for not ignoring people who liove to pick sentences out of context and then trying to implicate that because the talker said this, the game will suck/is vapourware etc. But whatever
Thanks for posting this over here at MMORPG.Com. I thought about it, but figure no evidence will ever quiet the Vaporware crowd that exists on this forum.
Carebare - 1) A person who wants to PvP on their terms or PvP with out great concequences 2) A person, group of people, or guild that plays nice, cares about people's feelings, and in general wears kid gloves when dealing with people in a virtual world Everyone can do anything reguadless of skill because the game is about fun, not winning.
When DF people use the term carebare they tend to be using the 1st definition.
I'd say you better go through the threads in the Darkfall section and take note of the usage of the word. You guys are the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers. Why are you trying to soften the image your brethren have worked so hard and foolishly to build up? It amazes me when you guys get called on anything, one or all of you immediately comes out with a "We're not that bad!" or "We don't mean it that way" or "It's a misinterpretation!" or some other lame back-pedal excuse for your community's actions..
I've read a lot of post in the Darfall forums, and especially in their "Advanced" section. At least here the post stay abit friendlier by comparsion. If you think we're "the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers." then you should read some of their posts. It's hostile there to say the least.
The "you" in my post was a general reference, not a sum total.
Because you have just erected strawman. You basically argue that everyone has to make mainstream games. I find this statement stupid and I have pointed out that catering niche may also be profitable. Could you please point out how I am arguing against my own argument, barring your use of "rolls" in completely different context?
I am saying that I agree with you. And my reasons for having hope in DF is that I'm tired of "Name Brand" MMO's that have flooded the market as of that last few years, and would like DF to succeed on the merit of original content. And it seems a trend that won't change unfortunately (i.e., Star Trek / StarGate).
Your first reaction to my post was:
"Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)"
Although this statement is for sure true, I fail to see how exactly is this related to the ideas I have presented in my previous posts and how did I miss the point. The only conclusion I was able to make was that you are trying to put into my mouth that they are intentionally making a game which noone wants.
Maybe I can blame it on my poor English skill.
Your first reaction to my post was:
"Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)"
Although this statement is for sure true, I fail to see how exactly is this related to the ideas I have presented in my previous posts and how did I miss the point. The only conclusion I was able to make was that you are trying to put into my mouth that they are intentionally making a game which noone wants.
Maybe I can blame it on my poor English skill.
<sigh> Okay you win, I am wrong, and you are right, eventhough I'm in agreement with you.
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
carebear is not meant as an insult as your poor ego demonstrates w/ your choice of emoticon. It is mearly a commonly used term. And by checking your profile I see you've posted in about 4 Darkfall threads all in negative tones.... here's my emoticon for you.
Have a nice day.
Oh noes I got called a troll by the troll police! How many trolls have you uncovered today hidden1? Your doing some great work. I never once thought someone would look at my post history and now I feel exposed! KUDOS. I guess you never read my other posts about darkfall just the "negative tone" ones. Fanboys make me laugh.
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
I must admit that in my previous post I might have erred when using the term Straw man. Let's take the definition from the wikipedia:
"A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "set up a straw man," one describes a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view, yet is easier to refute. Then, one attributes that position to the opponent."
For example lets say someone states: "Crispy sweet rolls are for pvpers, soft, mushy and stale rolls are for carebear WoW players". Lets ignore the wet rolls, rotten rolls and eaten rolls and put into his mouth there are only two types of rolls. Yes, and he for sure says that all WoW players are carebears.
Way to generalize...
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
carebear is not meant as an insult as your poor ego demonstrates w/ your choice of emoticon. It is mearly a commonly used term. And by checking your profile I see you've posted in about 4 Darkfall threads all in negative tones.... here's my emoticon for you.
Have a nice day.
Sorry, carebear is an insulting and derogatory term. In the same way REAL PvPers hate to be called griefers and gankers. Well, except the Darkfall fanbots. They all seem to revel in that description.
Carebare - 1) A person who wants to PvP on their terms or PvP with out great concequences
2) A person, group of people, or guild that plays nice, cares about people's feelings, and in general wears kid gloves when dealing with people in a virtual world Everyone can do anything reguadless of skill because the game is about fun, not winning.
When DF people use the term carebare they tend to be using the 1st definition.
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher
It's hard to deny that there's a portion of the community with a lot of elitist behavior, only if they knew how bad they make DF's community look altogether...
But then, there's even WoW players with such kind of attitude, always using the "My MMORPG got more people than yours" argument.
It's pathetic, to say the least, when people use games as a reference for feeling superior compared to others.
I'd say you better go through the threads in the Darkfall section and take note of the usage of the word. You guys are the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers. Why are you trying to soften the image your brethren have worked so hard and foolishly to build up? It amazes me when you guys get called on anything, one or all of you immediately comes out with a "We're not that bad!" or "We don't mean it that way" or "It's a misinterpretation!" or some other lame back-pedal excuse for your community's actions..
You guys crack me up lol
All this fighting always going on on any thread I've ever looked up someone is bashing someone for something. Honestly though, I like DF, and I hope it does good and we all have a good game to play for awhile. If it doesn't then we always have Mortal Online coming out this summer which looks to be along the same lines. Either way though, any way you look at it it is time for this company to put out.....
I mean I agree that games take time and money, I know these things, but I also know that you cannot keep promising your customers things that you cannot deliver on. And some will say "well they released a date so stfu" but really what does that mean? Does that mean that DF MUST be released or the world will come to an end? No, it means nothing really, especially given their track record of making bad on promises. Plus, now it a little more than a week to release, and we have NO information from the entire company, let alone Tasos. How are us potential subscribers supposed to react to that? It is hard to stand behind something like this and defend it. Idk, I guess I'm just blabbing with no point really. Bottom line is, I've been following this for awhile, and Aventurine needs to shit or get off the pot.
I just look at past interviews and stuff Tasos has done and they all seem to always say the same thing. Answers he made from interviews from 2005-06 could be cut and pasted into recent interviews and even in some of the questions he was asked in this video. He always has generic responses. "The game is looking good and we are stress testing" was an answer given in a 2006 interview after being asked what state the game was in at the moment. Every now and then something new will come out to keep people attracted and then nothing for months. Sorry about all the text I guess maybe I am just venting my frustrations, because I really do want this game to come out and be everything we are all hoping it is.....
I just cannot see it atm
So what did this open coffee morning tell us about the game ? NOTHING ! (well other than more investment is required) It was probably not even for us and for any other MMO we'd have something much more interesting to work with.
I am really appauled by the developers and there inability to relay any information.A good example is the taso's interview on here which just makes him come across as arrogant and anti social and suspisously defensive. And the noob "previews" are a joke. Get your act togather and give MMORPG a beta to test.
Seriously it one thing to have stupid CGI videos and a large marketing campaign. But it is another to be so close to release and no one outside a select (and too few) group of beta testers. The best bit of this thread is a user contributed diagram of a server archtecture. Which may apply and dopesn't affect quality of the actual gameplay in terms of "fun".
Sorry but this is silliness but its not even great drama anymore. I pity the long term followers of this game they must be starving !
Most longtime followers are used to it, they know Tasos and C:O dont want to give away information/spoilers before the game is released.
They have accepted this and are now waiting for 22 january, and since this Open Coffee again reconfirmed that the game is still on sheduel for this date, and that the price will be abit less then the standard, its pretty much more then we expected to get.
Theres also the information that tasos confirmed that open beta is also on sheduel, althou this is only comming from the persons mouth. This is also information thats very nice to have.
If you take a freaking second this interview gave information on:
- Open beta is still planned and on
- Pricing will be less then avarage on the mmo genre
- Downloading of the open beta and most likely the release client will be dont with Torrent, links will be posted on official forums. Read up on Torrents to be prepared, youll get alot better downloads speed throu Torrent tech then DDL if you know how to set it up (and ofcourse that the client we get to use arent totally fucked up like Blizzards was in the beginning for example).
- Game is still on sheduel for Jan 22
Theres ALOT of nice information regarding release in this interview, now if its believeable is another story but ppl who says theres nothing new here should just stay quiet.
FagerCraft - Feeding the trolls on mmorpg.com since 2005.
Then you've missed the whole point. Tasos' crispy, sweet roll is not for everyone. Tasos' crispy sweet roll is for lovers of crispy sweet roll(PvPers)... not for those who like their rolls soft, mushy and stale (i.e., carebear WoW players.)
Because theres two types of mmorpg players. PVPers and WoW (carebear) players, right? Because obviously anyone who dosen't like PVP is a carebear and better yet anyone who dosent like darkfall is a WoW player. Way to generalize
I must admit that in my previous post I might have erred when using the term Straw man. Let's take the definition from the wikipedia:
"A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "set up a straw man," one describes a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view, yet is easier to refute. Then, one attributes that position to the opponent."
For example lets say someone states: "Crispy sweet rolls are for pvpers, soft, mushy and stale rolls are for carebear WoW players". Lets ignore the wet rolls, rotten rolls and eaten rolls and put into his mouth there are only two types of rolls. Yes, and he for sure says that all WoW players are carebears.
Way to generalize...
Semantics, you're purposely complicating the issue by introducing "wet rolls," rotten rolls" and "eaten rolls." There are two basic types for the sake of this discussion and I'll stick to that. But if you want to argue permutations of the two basic archtypes of players, and further split and divide the two archtypes, i could easily waste yours and my time by adding "wet 'moldy' rolls," "rotten stale rolls" and "half eaten rolls," and "1/4 eaten rolls." Then you could respond with even further breakdowns and permuations. All we accomplish in this argument is the mathmatics of division. To stay on topic, let's just keep it simple w/ just "crispy, sweet rolls" and "soft, mushy, stale rolls."
Way to specify...
I'd say you better go through the threads in the Darkfall section and take note of the usage of the word. You guys are the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers. Why are you trying to soften the image your brethren have worked so hard and foolishly to build up? It amazes me when you guys get called on anything, one or all of you immediately comes out with a "We're not that bad!" or "We don't mean it that way" or "It's a misinterpretation!" or some other lame back-pedal excuse for your community's actions..
I've read a lot of post in the Darfall forums, and especially in their "Advanced" section. At least here the post stay abit friendlier by comparsion. If you think we're "the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers." then you should read some of their posts. It's hostile there to say the least.
Semantics, you're purposely complicating the issue by introducing "wet rolls," rotten rolls" and "eaten rolls." There are two basic types for the sake of this discussion and I'll stick to that. But if you want to argue permutations of the two basic archtypes of players, and further split and divide the two archtypes, i could easily waste yours and my time by adding "wet 'moldy' rolls," "rotten stale rolls" and "half eaten rolls," and "1/4 eaten rolls." Then you could respond with even further breakdowns and permuations. All we accomplish in this argument is the mathmatics of division. To stay on topic, let's just keep it simple w/ just "crispy, sweet rolls" and "soft, mushy, stale rolls."
Way to specify...
Wait: You have just attacked hidden because he thinks that every PvE player is carebear, although he certainly did not say so. Then you say that " There are two basic types for the sake of this discussion and I'll stick to that.". If I am not mistaken, this is called "bare assertion fallacy" - you just say it is like this so it is like this.
I personally think that for instance crafters and traders are neither PvE nor PvP players in nature, and will thereby still think that there are more types of people than PvE and PvP players.
Additionally, I believe Darkfall will be a nice game for PvE players who are NOT carebears, because I am one of these - I enjoy the feeling of living in fantasy world and being in danger although I do not PvP so often. Those who can not stand PvP have quite a lot of games to play and I wish them to have fun playing these.
Anyway, the last two pages are horrible and I am afraid it is also partialy my fault for not ignoring people who liove to pick sentences out of context and then trying to implicate that because the talker said this, the game will suck/is vapourware etc. But whatever
What evidence?? This is just words.
Well, it is evidence if Darkfall is a religion.
I'd say you better go through the threads in the Darkfall section and take note of the usage of the word. You guys are the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers. Why are you trying to soften the image your brethren have worked so hard and foolishly to build up? It amazes me when you guys get called on anything, one or all of you immediately comes out with a "We're not that bad!" or "We don't mean it that way" or "It's a misinterpretation!" or some other lame back-pedal excuse for your community's actions..
I've read a lot of post in the Darfall forums, and especially in their "Advanced" section. At least here the post stay abit friendlier by comparsion. If you think we're "the big, bad take-no-shit PvPers." then you should read some of their posts. It's hostile there to say the least.
The "you" in my post was a general reference, not a sum total.