You will even argue the words of the original lead developer himself, your lack of honesty on the subject is insurmoutable. DDO, for better or for worse, has uniquely static content in the genre - go ahead and argue this reality all you want.
You will even argue the words of the original lead developer himself, your lack of honesty on the subject is insurmoutable. DDO, for better or for worse, has uniquely static content in the genre - go ahead and argue this reality all you want.
WTF dude? Lack of honesty? I am starting to think that you're 75% troll and only 25% a person who wants to discuss things on a discussion forum.
Show me in that quote where it says that other MMORPG's are not static and I'll give you a cookie.
Let me make one thing clear here... Nobody is trying to say that DDO instances are not static. Yet its only you who insists that all other MMORPG's aren't static. Here is a hint, nearly every MMORPG is completely static. There have only been a few attempts at making dynamic content and they are usually so boring that no one appreciates it (i.e. CoX instances).
You will even argue the words of the original lead developer himself, your lack of honesty on the subject is insurmoutable. DDO, for better or for worse, has uniquely static content in the genre - go ahead and argue this reality all you want.
I understand what you're saying. DDO is static, you've stated that (repeatedly). Several posters have acknowledged that. What you've failed to do, however, is to mention an MMO that isnt static. You haven't made us understand what makes DDO more static than other games. In any game, I like to play a few alts and in all the games I've played I've never encountered anything different than what you described as static in DDO
You will even argue the words of the original lead developer himself, your lack of honesty on the subject is insurmoutable. DDO, for better or for worse, has uniquely static content in the genre - go ahead and argue this reality all you want.
WTF dude? Lack of honesty? I am starting to think that you're 75% troll and only 25% a person who wants to discuss things on a discussion forum.
Show me in that quote where it says that other MMORPG's are not static and I'll give you a cookie.
Let me make one thing clear here... Nobody is trying to say that DDO instances are not static. Yet its only you who insists that all other MMORPG's aren't static. Here is a hint, nearly every MMORPG is completely static. There have only been a few attempts at making dynamic content and they are usually so boring that no one appreciates it (i.e. CoX instances).
This is what I've been trying to relay. Maybe his first language isn't English and therefore cannot understand what we are trying to convey.
You will even argue the words of the original lead developer himself, your lack of honesty on the subject is insurmoutable. DDO, for better or for worse, has uniquely static content in the genre - go ahead and argue this reality all you want.
You seem to think people are lying and they are not. Calling people dishonest is an insult and your posts have been full of them for no reason other than your own inability to be honest.
Please tell me what MMO has non static content and do not tell me a game that spawns the same MOB in the same place is dynamic because UBERguild1 is camping it and you have to try and out fight them to get the spawn. That is not dynamic that is asinine game design.
You have yet to give one real example. It is amazing that you are arguing yet refuse to back up anything you say other than to use an insult.
I gave examples but as you are refusing to accept the reality of DDOs uniquely static nature you are refusing to comment reasonable on how 'it' is on most all other MMOs. Open and public areas make up the bulk of MMO's spaces and that circumstance alone interjects a ton of variety in the experience from day to day and most certainly from one time you play through on a character to another. Go to such and such area in MMO X and you have a myriad of paths to get there, a plethora of paths and means to collect all the teeth or whatever and so on. In DDO you enter place x, go down hall Y, turn to room A to get key Z and rinse and repeat always the same (save very, very minor variations) and this not only applies across various characters but across a single character as you must repeat content over and over to level due to the limitations on the volume of content.
I mentioned AoC earlier and how it works, same thing in terms of difference for other games I have played like PotBS, Vanguard, SWG, SGW, and others. Heck, I was just playing LotRO earlier - in that game you cannot even repeat a quest. Yes, I might go to the same area of the world to gather or kill or whatever on various occasions but that is HUGELY different than the way DDO works and how you can argue that is just beyond comprehension. Argue that the DDO way is better, or no worse, or that is stinks to high heaven but you simply cannot reasonably say there is no difference.
I gave examples but as you are refusing to accept the reality of DDOs uniquely static nature you are refusing to comment reasonable on how 'it' is on most all other MMOs. Open and public areas make up the bulk of MMO's spaces and that circumstance alone interjects a ton of variety in the experience from day to day and most certainly from one time you play through on a character to another. Go to such and such area in MMO X and you have a myriad of paths to get there, a plethora of paths and means to collect all the teeth or whatever and so on. In DDO you enter place x, go down hall Y, turn to room A to get key Z and rinse and repeat always the same (save very, very minor variations) and this not only applies across various characters but across a single character as you must repeat content over and over to level due to the limitations on the volume of content.
I mentioned AoC earlier and how it works, same thing in terms of difference for other games I have played like PotBS, Vanguard, SWG, SGW, and others. Heck, I was just playing LotRO earlier - in that game you cannot even repeat a quest. Yes, I might go to the same area of the world to gather or kill or whatever on various occasions but that is HUGELY different than the way DDO works and how you can argue that is just beyond comprehension. Argue that the DDO way is better, or no worse, or that is stinks to high heaven but you simply cannot reasonably say there is no difference.
Sorry but to me going to X place in a game like Vanguard and seeing the exact same MOB spawn in the exact same place on a timer day after day after day was just like entering an instance in DDO and seeing the same MOB is the same place. The big difference is guild Z is not spawn camping my DDO instance. Next big difference I can make a character much different that others in DDO a game like Vanguard gives no such option. Every whatever is the same as all the others in the game.
TR had non repeatable quests and instances that were static, it had plans for dynamic content and moral quests that would have long term effects on your character and how he was treated in the world, then they decided that was too much work and sounded too cool so they canceled all the good ideas.
If you think going to same place and instead of killing X for teeth you are killing X for its pelt is dynamic more power to you. I think both are static but in different ways. Go play whatever you want and fight UBER GuildX for the camped mob that spoawns in the same place and celebrate how dynamic that is. In the meantime I suggest Websters Dictionary as bedtime reading.
Quoting the original lead developer is in vain, not only was he a total tool but the game and dev focus has changed considerably since then. That was three years ago.
I mentioned AoC earlier and how it works, same thing in terms of difference for other games I have played like PotBS, Vanguard, SWG, SGW, and others. Heck, I was just playing LotRO earlier - in that game you cannot even repeat a quest. Yes, I might go to the same area of the world to gather or kill or whatever on various occasions but that is HUGELY different than the way DDO works and how you can argue that is just beyond comprehension. Argue that the DDO way is better, or no worse, or that is stinks to high heaven but you simply cannot reasonably say there is no difference.
I have not played any of these games but Lotr and that was in beta. Since I haven't really played these games I cannot respond to this and wont re-hash what I already said. Thank you for answering my questions about "What other game is not static?" Now I guess I have to rely on others for confirmation or rebuttal.
Sorry but to me going to X place in a game like Vanguard and seeing the exact same MOB spawn in the exact same place on a timer day after day after day was just like entering an instance in DDO and seeing the same MOB is the same place. The big difference is guild Z is not spawn camping my DDO instance. Next big difference I can make a character much different that others in DDO a game like Vanguard gives no such option. Every whatever is the same as all the others in the game.
I agree with the downsides you alude to but that is not the point here, the difference exists - whether the difference is good or bad is another discussion. Furthermore, that MOB on a timer in VG you mention may be 'static' but the entire world around him and th ejourney there is very much not static as each time you venture tehre the expereince is likely to be very different.
Originally posted by Rokurgepta
If you think going to same place and instead of killing X for teeth you are killing X for its pelt is dynamic more power to you. I think both are static but in different ways. Go play whatever you want and fight UBER GuildX for the camped mob that spoawns in the same place and celebrate how dynamic that is. In the meantime I suggest Websters Dictionary as bedtime reading.
Then we agree - as you acknowledge the difference between the two systems even if you think the difference is irrelvent.
As for Websters - here is what they say on the two words:
Dynamic: marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change
Static: showing little change
I really don't see how those two words are not perfectly applied as I did in this case. Yes, in some broader gaming expereince metric you might not see a meaningful benifit or detriment of DDO's static way over other MMOs dynamic' way but the difference is real nonetheless. DDO content stays exactly the same, save a very small detail or two, while the open and public nature of most MMO content makes it very different over time (due to a myriad of factors).
"the entire world around him and th ejourney there is very much not static as each time you venture tehre the expereince is likely to be very different." "the open and public nature of most MMO content makes it very different over time (due to a myriad of factors)."
You sound like a broken record.
How is most MMO content different over time?
What exactly are these myriad of factors that make it different?
Specifically how is the experience different every time?
Unless you can give something more specific then I'll assume that you really have no idea what you're talking about.
"the entire world around him and th ejourney there is very much not static as each time you venture tehre the expereince is likely to be very different." "the open and public nature of most MMO content makes it very different over time (due to a myriad of factors)."
You sound like a broken record.
How is most MMO content different over time?
What exactly are these myriad of factors that make it different?
Specifically how is the experience different every time?
Unless you can give something more specific then I'll assume that you really have no idea what you're talking about.
You're only realizing this now!?!
It should be extremely clear the person does not know what they're talking about and only purpose is to get attention.
"the entire world around him and th ejourney there is very much not static as each time you venture tehre the expereince is likely to be very different." "the open and public nature of most MMO content makes it very different over time (due to a myriad of factors)."
You sound like a broken record.
How is most MMO content different over time?
What exactly are these myriad of factors that make it different?
Specifically how is the experience different every time?
Unless you can give something more specific then I'll assume that you really have no idea what you're talking about.
I played Vanguard for a few months and the content was so static as to be worse that DDO for that. I would listen on vent as my guild raided and they would be giving warnings like MOB X is at 25% damage please stop melee and prepare for his Y attack. Or no AOE on this MOB. To me if you know the exact spawn time of X and know exactly what to do at % of health that is as static as content gets. Dynamic is not fighting Guild Z to get to spawn Y that shows up every day at the same place at the same time. That is static.
GW had some dynamic changes at one time depending on who had won the PVP lately would decide who get into certain content and that was so loved they scrapped it.
Well there used to be a tent and now there isn't one. The harbor used to look one way and now another. Waterworks and dozens of quests have changed over time. There are now new area's where there used to be none. That sounds pretty dynamic.
If nothing else let us move mobs/traps, change mobs/traps. That would make it much more dynamic and add a ton of new content.
User made content in an MMOG with systems in place to ensure its quality is really the Holy Grail of online gaming.
I am keeping a close eye on this feature. If the content coming out of it surpasses the existing CoX content then I'll definitely try it out. I still have some free time from the closure of TR that I can use. If only the CoX instances had even 10% of the depth of a DDO instance.
There are way too many magical items in the game, and the economy has been broken from day 1, and hasn't been fixed in the ensuing years. If you play the game 20 hours/week you'll have a max level character in I guess about a month (by comparision I played EQ the same and it took me until the 3rd expansion to reach max level). My best suggestion would be to make a newbie server, and only allow one character per account on it. Eliminate the mailbox system, and lower the drop frequency of magical items. Right now, new players are chased away by the veteran players - not intentionally or spitefully, they're just oblivious.
Nice troll post. *cracks knuckles* where to start.... where... to... start.
OK - You can get to 80 in EQ2 in 10 days, PvE server rerolling your second char its not only dooable but widely accepted as the amount of time taken so your estimate of 'a month' is ridiculous.
Secondly, it is a low pop game - suggesting that you DIVIDE the server population is ludicrous.
There is very little you can buy from the auction house that will make a massive difference to your character, your argument about rich players seems to be based on complete fiction. Tomes are the only items that are hyperinflated and they should be, else nothing in-game would be rare. The vendors in house D sell amazing mid-level gear and any quest chain ends with something worth having.
Aaaand finally - You're playing an objective driven game. You can't complain when people attempt to complete the objectives instead of sitting around playing eye spy. Especially at low level people have very little buffs, the mobs are incredibly easy to kill and atleast one person in the group will know all the traps. Most groups will always stop for chests and hell just go get the chests by yourself if they run off.
There is a limit to the amount of whining you can do without thinking 'maybe I'm not thinking about this properly?' and you passed that line a long time ago.
-- Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
Well, not really the players, because they're generally good people, but I think they're forced to ruin the game for others. I recently came back, and the gameplay is still great, but if you want to quest with other players you run into a problem. The vast majority of players are playing their 9th alt who are all decked out in the most expensive gear you can buy and have done the dungeon 50 times, so they run through like headless chickens zerging the content. Meanwhile as a new player you're like "Well, it would have been cool if I had done something, but well there's my experience message, so I guess we're done". Even if you form a "Slow and Steady Group" the players will behave for about five minutes, until one of them runs ahead of the group and then all of a sudden it's like herding cats again, they all run off. I am not sure if it's because they're bored, or because they think that's what I really want and don't know, or what I suspect is that they're trying to prove how great at the game they are, but it really does ruin the experience for the other players. I've thought about it, and I just don't know how to fix it. There are way too many magical items in the game, and the economy has been broken from day 1, and hasn't been fixed in the ensuing years. If you play the game 20 hours/week you'll have a max level character in I guess about a month (by comparision I played EQ the same and it took me until the 3rd expansion to reach max level). My best suggestion would be to make a newbie server, and only allow one character per account on it. Eliminate the mailbox system, and lower the drop frequency of magical items. Right now, new players are chased away by the veteran players - not intentionally or spitefully, they're just oblivious.
Getting back to the original theme, I have to agree wholeheartedly with this post. It's been a while since I played, granted, but the reason I stopped was exactly this. It's difficult to get grouped for the quests you want, but when you do, the group invariably charges through the dungeon like mad and unless you've done the thing a couple of times before, you haven't the slightest idea what's happening, You just have to tag along and hope for the best. Totally ruins the experience....
Well, not really the players, because they're generally good people, but I think they're forced to ruin the game for others. I recently came back, and the gameplay is still great, but if you want to quest with other players you run into a problem. The vast majority of players are playing their 9th alt who are all decked out in the most expensive gear you can buy and have done the dungeon 50 times, so they run through like headless chickens zerging the content. Meanwhile as a new player you're like "Well, it would have been cool if I had done something, but well there's my experience message, so I guess we're done". Even if you form a "Slow and Steady Group" the players will behave for about five minutes, until one of them runs ahead of the group and then all of a sudden it's like herding cats again, they all run off. I am not sure if it's because they're bored, or because they think that's what I really want and don't know, or what I suspect is that they're trying to prove how great at the game they are, but it really does ruin the experience for the other players. I've thought about it, and I just don't know how to fix it. There are way too many magical items in the game, and the economy has been broken from day 1, and hasn't been fixed in the ensuing years. If you play the game 20 hours/week you'll have a max level character in I guess about a month (by comparision I played EQ the same and it took me until the 3rd expansion to reach max level). My best suggestion would be to make a newbie server, and only allow one character per account on it. Eliminate the mailbox system, and lower the drop frequency of magical items. Right now, new players are chased away by the veteran players - not intentionally or spitefully, they're just oblivious.
Getting back to the original theme, I have to agree wholeheartedly with this post. It's been a while since I played, granted, but the reason I stopped was exactly this. It's difficult to get grouped for the quests you want, but when you do, the group invariably charges through the dungeon like mad and unless you've done the thing a couple of times before, you haven't the slightest idea what's happening, You just have to tag along and hope for the best. Totally ruins the experience....
Hi . But it's very easy to avoid, in reality. Just make your own "Looking for members" group via handy panel, and in comments write "no rush", "first timer" or "no rushers". I bet many people will be happy to join such group. I always wrtie "no rush", not because I don't know all dungeons, but honestly, I hate running like mad anyway. Doesn't matter if it's my 100th time, or 1st, I hate rushing and won't do it.
I really encourage you to try DDO again after Mod 9 arrives (probably very soon), but just keep my advice in mind. You won't need to rush anymore. And if you made clear that you don't tolerate rushing, and someone still does it, kick him out at first occasion. Or firstly warn him about it, if you care.
This is also the reason I quit playing DDO. I guess that I'm one of those odd people who like to read what the NPCs say. As it was, IF I was lucky enough to find a group, they went so fast that it was all that I could do just to keep up, much less do anything. I sure hope that Turbine can fix this. I really like DDO and would play it again if it were better paced. Ion
I cant speak for DDO since i havnt played it in almost 2 years but i think any game with some age on it suffers from the same problem. The older the game gets the harder it is to find groups at level for the instances. Most folks at the low end are playing on alts and have high level buddies to just run them and its ok with them as like i said the low levels are alts and have seen it before anyway. EQ2 has a decent remedy with their mentor system and ive heard of other games using it also but do not recall what they are. But even with the mentor thing not everyone is experiencing it for the first time. As they say, you cant go home again.
They have said repeatedly that there will be no user-generated random content. I do not know why this keeps getting resurrected. Possibly because people really have to dig deep to justify the schlacking that Turbine is giving people.
Same thing with console play. DDO will never see the console. Are you kidding me? Do you think Turbine would spend millions of dollars on a console port of a game that at best has 25,000 players?
They have said repeatedly that there will be no user-generated random content. I do not know why this keeps getting resurrected. Possibly because people really have to dig deep to justify the schlacking that Turbine is giving people. Same thing with console play. DDO will never see the console. Are you kidding me? Do you think Turbine would spend millions of dollars on a console port of a game that at best has 25,000 players?
I think recently that stance has changed a bit to where they think it might be an interesting idea down the road.
As for a console port I just do not see a game that has such a small playerbase not only going to the consoles but becoming a hit on the consoles. DDO simply is not popular or simple enough to be a huge mainstream hit. The cost of going to console may never be recovered because there is no proof it would make a huge influx of cash as some of the Turbine forum members seem to think. I just do not see the logic they use of take a borderline financial failure MMO(great game but not a hit unfortunately) port it to consoles and watch it make a ton of money. Of course fanboys never let logic or facts get in the way.
The players in the game are so helpful to new players it's ridiculous. The only time you have any trouble at all is if you're too afraid to say "I'm New" to your groupmates or on the official forums. The second you do, they usually bend over backwards to help you get to 400 Fame, or do quests, and normally will just give you tons of money and gear.
There's no way to know what anyone means by the game being a 'Hit' but I can tell you one thing, any game that survives four years non-stop with a steady playerbase is a success. DDO, CoX, WoW, EQ2, SWG, Guild Wars, all successful games that are still trucking.
Originally posted by grimfall The Problem is the Players
Yea, it was the players who decided to take the absolute worst aspect of MMORPG gameplay (npc raids) and the second worst aspect of MMORPG gameplay (instancing) and make an MMORPG out of it.
"It is in your nature to do one thing correctly; Before me, you rightfully tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe." ~Francis Dolarhyde
You will even argue the words of the original lead developer himself, your lack of honesty on the subject is insurmoutable. DDO, for better or for worse, has uniquely static content in the genre - go ahead and argue this reality all you want.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
WTF dude? Lack of honesty? I am starting to think that you're 75% troll and only 25% a person who wants to discuss things on a discussion forum.
Show me in that quote where it says that other MMORPG's are not static and I'll give you a cookie.
Let me make one thing clear here... Nobody is trying to say that DDO instances are not static. Yet its only you who insists that all other MMORPG's aren't static. Here is a hint, nearly every MMORPG is completely static. There have only been a few attempts at making dynamic content and they are usually so boring that no one appreciates it (i.e. CoX instances).
I understand what you're saying. DDO is static, you've stated that (repeatedly). Several posters have acknowledged that. What you've failed to do, however, is to mention an MMO that isnt static. You haven't made us understand what makes DDO more static than other games. In any game, I like to play a few alts and in all the games I've played I've never encountered anything different than what you described as static in DDO
WTF dude? Lack of honesty? I am starting to think that you're 75% troll and only 25% a person who wants to discuss things on a discussion forum.
Show me in that quote where it says that other MMORPG's are not static and I'll give you a cookie.
Let me make one thing clear here... Nobody is trying to say that DDO instances are not static. Yet its only you who insists that all other MMORPG's aren't static. Here is a hint, nearly every MMORPG is completely static. There have only been a few attempts at making dynamic content and they are usually so boring that no one appreciates it (i.e. CoX instances).
This is what I've been trying to relay. Maybe his first language isn't English and therefore cannot understand what we are trying to convey.
Hello my old friend.
You seem to think people are lying and they are not. Calling people dishonest is an insult and your posts have been full of them for no reason other than your own inability to be honest.
Please tell me what MMO has non static content and do not tell me a game that spawns the same MOB in the same place is dynamic because UBERguild1 is camping it and you have to try and out fight them to get the spawn. That is not dynamic that is asinine game design.
You have yet to give one real example. It is amazing that you are arguing yet refuse to back up anything you say other than to use an insult.
I gave examples but as you are refusing to accept the reality of DDOs uniquely static nature you are refusing to comment reasonable on how 'it' is on most all other MMOs. Open and public areas make up the bulk of MMO's spaces and that circumstance alone interjects a ton of variety in the experience from day to day and most certainly from one time you play through on a character to another. Go to such and such area in MMO X and you have a myriad of paths to get there, a plethora of paths and means to collect all the teeth or whatever and so on. In DDO you enter place x, go down hall Y, turn to room A to get key Z and rinse and repeat always the same (save very, very minor variations) and this not only applies across various characters but across a single character as you must repeat content over and over to level due to the limitations on the volume of content.
I mentioned AoC earlier and how it works, same thing in terms of difference for other games I have played like PotBS, Vanguard, SWG, SGW, and others. Heck, I was just playing LotRO earlier - in that game you cannot even repeat a quest. Yes, I might go to the same area of the world to gather or kill or whatever on various occasions but that is HUGELY different than the way DDO works and how you can argue that is just beyond comprehension. Argue that the DDO way is better, or no worse, or that is stinks to high heaven but you simply cannot reasonably say there is no difference.
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
Sorry but to me going to X place in a game like Vanguard and seeing the exact same MOB spawn in the exact same place on a timer day after day after day was just like entering an instance in DDO and seeing the same MOB is the same place. The big difference is guild Z is not spawn camping my DDO instance. Next big difference I can make a character much different that others in DDO a game like Vanguard gives no such option. Every whatever is the same as all the others in the game.
TR had non repeatable quests and instances that were static, it had plans for dynamic content and moral quests that would have long term effects on your character and how he was treated in the world, then they decided that was too much work and sounded too cool so they canceled all the good ideas.
If you think going to same place and instead of killing X for teeth you are killing X for its pelt is dynamic more power to you. I think both are static but in different ways. Go play whatever you want and fight UBER GuildX for the camped mob that spoawns in the same place and celebrate how dynamic that is. In the meantime I suggest Websters Dictionary as bedtime reading.
Quoting the original lead developer is in vain, not only was he a total tool but the game and dev focus has changed considerably since then. That was three years ago.
I have not played any of these games but Lotr and that was in beta. Since I haven't really played these games I cannot respond to this and wont re-hash what I already said. Thank you for answering my questions about "What other game is not static?" Now I guess I have to rely on others for confirmation or rebuttal.
Hello my old friend.
Sorry but to me going to X place in a game like Vanguard and seeing the exact same MOB spawn in the exact same place on a timer day after day after day was just like entering an instance in DDO and seeing the same MOB is the same place. The big difference is guild Z is not spawn camping my DDO instance. Next big difference I can make a character much different that others in DDO a game like Vanguard gives no such option. Every whatever is the same as all the others in the game.
I agree with the downsides you alude to but that is not the point here, the difference exists - whether the difference is good or bad is another discussion. Furthermore, that MOB on a timer in VG you mention may be 'static' but the entire world around him and th ejourney there is very much not static as each time you venture tehre the expereince is likely to be very different.
If you think going to same place and instead of killing X for teeth you are killing X for its pelt is dynamic more power to you. I think both are static but in different ways. Go play whatever you want and fight UBER GuildX for the camped mob that spoawns in the same place and celebrate how dynamic that is. In the meantime I suggest Websters Dictionary as bedtime reading.
Then we agree - as you acknowledge the difference between the two systems even if you think the difference is irrelvent.
As for Websters - here is what they say on the two words:
Dynamic: marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change
Static: showing little change
I really don't see how those two words are not perfectly applied as I did in this case. Yes, in some broader gaming expereince metric you might not see a meaningful benifit or detriment of DDO's static way over other MMOs dynamic' way but the difference is real nonetheless. DDO content stays exactly the same, save a very small detail or two, while the open and public nature of most MMO content makes it very different over time (due to a myriad of factors).
Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD
You sound like a broken record.
Unless you can give something more specific then I'll assume that you really have no idea what you're talking about.
You sound like a broken record.
Unless you can give something more specific then I'll assume that you really have no idea what you're talking about.
You're only realizing this now!?!
It should be extremely clear the person does not know what they're talking about and only purpose is to get attention.
You sound like a broken record.
Unless you can give something more specific then I'll assume that you really have no idea what you're talking about.
I played Vanguard for a few months and the content was so static as to be worse that DDO for that. I would listen on vent as my guild raided and they would be giving warnings like MOB X is at 25% damage please stop melee and prepare for his Y attack. Or no AOE on this MOB. To me if you know the exact spawn time of X and know exactly what to do at % of health that is as static as content gets. Dynamic is not fighting Guild Z to get to spawn Y that shows up every day at the same place at the same time. That is static.
GW had some dynamic changes at one time depending on who had won the PVP lately would decide who get into certain content and that was so loved they scrapped it.
Well there used to be a tent and now there isn't one. The harbor used to look one way and now another. Waterworks and dozens of quests have changed over time. There are now new area's where there used to be none. That sounds pretty dynamic.
Here is what DDO could use:
If nothing else let us move mobs/traps, change mobs/traps. That would make it much more dynamic and add a ton of new content.
Agree, DDO needs a quest builder, it was what made NWN so popular, the game itself being nothing special.
User made content in an MMOG with systems in place to ensure its quality is really the Holy Grail of online gaming.
I am keeping a close eye on this feature. If the content coming out of it surpasses the existing CoX content then I'll definitely try it out. I still have some free time from the closure of TR that I can use. If only the CoX instances had even 10% of the depth of a DDO instance.
Agree, DDO needs a quest builder, it was what made NWN so popular, the game itself being nothing special.
I never thought about a quest builder... That would probably be a major hit with the MMO and DnD communities.
Hello my old friend.
Nice troll post. *cracks knuckles* where to start.... where... to... start.
OK - You can get to 80 in EQ2 in 10 days, PvE server rerolling your second char its not only dooable but widely accepted as the amount of time taken so your estimate of 'a month' is ridiculous.
Secondly, it is a low pop game - suggesting that you DIVIDE the server population is ludicrous.
There is very little you can buy from the auction house that will make a massive difference to your character, your argument about rich players seems to be based on complete fiction. Tomes are the only items that are hyperinflated and they should be, else nothing in-game would be rare. The vendors in house D sell amazing mid-level gear and any quest chain ends with something worth having.
Aaaand finally - You're playing an objective driven game. You can't complain when people attempt to complete the objectives instead of sitting around playing eye spy. Especially at low level people have very little buffs, the mobs are incredibly easy to kill and atleast one person in the group will know all the traps. Most groups will always stop for chests and hell just go get the chests by yourself if they run off.
There is a limit to the amount of whining you can do without thinking 'maybe I'm not thinking about this properly?' and you passed that line a long time ago.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
Getting back to the original theme, I have to agree wholeheartedly with this post. It's been a while since I played, granted, but the reason I stopped was exactly this. It's difficult to get grouped for the quests you want, but when you do, the group invariably charges through the dungeon like mad and unless you've done the thing a couple of times before, you haven't the slightest idea what's happening, You just have to tag along and hope for the best. Totally ruins the experience....
Getting back to the original theme, I have to agree wholeheartedly with this post. It's been a while since I played, granted, but the reason I stopped was exactly this. It's difficult to get grouped for the quests you want, but when you do, the group invariably charges through the dungeon like mad and unless you've done the thing a couple of times before, you haven't the slightest idea what's happening, You just have to tag along and hope for the best. Totally ruins the experience....
Hi . But it's very easy to avoid, in reality. Just make your own "Looking for members" group via handy panel, and in comments write "no rush", "first timer" or "no rushers". I bet many people will be happy to join such group. I always wrtie "no rush", not because I don't know all dungeons, but honestly, I hate running like mad anyway. Doesn't matter if it's my 100th time, or 1st, I hate rushing and won't do it.
I really encourage you to try DDO again after Mod 9 arrives (probably very soon), but just keep my advice in mind. You won't need to rush anymore. And if you made clear that you don't tolerate rushing, and someone still does it, kick him out at first occasion. Or firstly warn him about it, if you care.
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I cant speak for DDO since i havnt played it in almost 2 years but i think any game with some age on it suffers from the same problem. The older the game gets the harder it is to find groups at level for the instances. Most folks at the low end are playing on alts and have high level buddies to just run them and its ok with them as like i said the low levels are alts and have seen it before anyway. EQ2 has a decent remedy with their mentor system and ive heard of other games using it also but do not recall what they are. But even with the mentor thing not everyone is experiencing it for the first time. As they say, you cant go home again.
They have said repeatedly that there will be no user-generated random content. I do not know why this keeps getting resurrected. Possibly because people really have to dig deep to justify the schlacking that Turbine is giving people.
Same thing with console play. DDO will never see the console. Are you kidding me? Do you think Turbine would spend millions of dollars on a console port of a game that at best has 25,000 players?
I think recently that stance has changed a bit to where they think it might be an interesting idea down the road.
As for a console port I just do not see a game that has such a small playerbase not only going to the consoles but becoming a hit on the consoles. DDO simply is not popular or simple enough to be a huge mainstream hit. The cost of going to console may never be recovered because there is no proof it would make a huge influx of cash as some of the Turbine forum members seem to think. I just do not see the logic they use of take a borderline financial failure MMO(great game but not a hit unfortunately) port it to consoles and watch it make a ton of money. Of course fanboys never let logic or facts get in the way.
The players in the game are so helpful to new players it's ridiculous. The only time you have any trouble at all is if you're too afraid to say "I'm New" to your groupmates or on the official forums. The second you do, they usually bend over backwards to help you get to 400 Fame, or do quests, and normally will just give you tons of money and gear.
There's no way to know what anyone means by the game being a 'Hit' but I can tell you one thing, any game that survives four years non-stop with a steady playerbase is a success. DDO, CoX, WoW, EQ2, SWG, Guild Wars, all successful games that are still trucking.
Yea, it was the players who decided to take the absolute worst aspect of MMORPG gameplay (npc raids) and the second worst aspect of MMORPG gameplay (instancing) and make an MMORPG out of it.
"It is in your nature to do one thing correctly; Before me, you rightfully tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe." ~Francis Dolarhyde