If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
Or they could just get a job, and play games after work like most people do. No one is forcing you to pay 75 dolla, and play the game.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
i don't think annoyone has the right to judge where a complete stranger spends thier money.
that said i don't preorder anything anymore, i preordered CE AOC for like $80 and i woulc consider that the biggest waste of money i ever spent on a game. thats why i tried Aion on the korean/Chinese servers so i knew what i was getting and not wasting my money.
let me rephrase it for you, the MMO genre is notoriosly bad, I mean most games released are pure shit. Of course by time we see exceptions, good games and others that are well... mediocre at best, but most fail/crash and is pretty much dead within 2 years.
Its great to see people believe in something to the extent their willing to bring forth their wallets, I dont however think that number of people is that great, its just illogical buying something you know so little about, especially a game which hasnt come out, had any reviews etc. I dont know bout you guys but I would never buy a game that I hadnt tried out first, Id imagine how much crap Id have if I didnt.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
I'm rather happy with myself that I used it to stimulate the European Union and to bail out the Swedish game industry and help some honest indy devs feed their children while getting something out of it myself as well
Edit; the worst you can do with your money at the moment isn't spending it, it's stashing it under your matress.
why buy the pig in the bag? let me rephrase it for you, the MMO genre is notoriosly bad, I mean most games released are pure shit. Of course by time we see exceptions, good games and others that are well... mediocre at best, but most fail/crash and is pretty much dead within 2 years. Its great to see people believe in something to the extent their willing to bring forth their wallets, I dont however think that number of people is that great, its just illogical buying something you know so little about, especially a game which hasnt come out, had any reviews etc. I dont know bout you guys but I would never buy a game that I hadnt tried out first, Id imagine how much crap Id have if I didnt.
Well swedish people are honest people, well overall anyways. And I think my bet on 75 dolla is going to be an investment. If you would compare american and swedish game companies you would see alot of differences. While americans mostly just care about money swedish dont care 100 % about the money they care about making a fun game that they can be proud of. Also swedish people love orginality which makes the game more intressting. I got a feelign youre from America . And I can understand you being sceptic about it. And if you are wait and see. I for one will buy it in 5 days when my paycheck comes.
why buy the pig in the bag? let me rephrase it for you, the MMO genre is notoriosly bad, I mean most games released are pure shit. Of course by time we see exceptions, good games and others that are well... mediocre at best, but most fail/crash and is pretty much dead within 2 years. Its great to see people believe in something to the extent their willing to bring forth their wallets, I dont however think that number of people is that great, its just illogical buying something you know so little about, especially a game which hasnt come out, had any reviews etc. I dont know bout you guys but I would never buy a game that I hadnt tried out first, Id imagine how much crap Id have if I didnt.
Well swedish people are honest people, well overall anyways. And I think my bet on 75 dolla is going to be an investment. If you would compare american and swedish game companies you would see alot of differences. While americans mostly just care about money swedish dont care 100 % about the money they care about making a fun game that they can be proud of. Also swedish people love orginality which makes the game more intressting. I got a feelign youre from America . And I can understand you being sceptic about it. And if you are wait and see. I for one will buy it in 5 days when my paycheck comes.
Can't let you slide on this one. ANYONE THAT THINKS ANY COMPANY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT PROFITS IS A FOOL!!! Plain and simple.
The Swedish damn straight care about profits, hell with their high cost of social programs and the taxes to fund them (25% VAT for example) any company damn straight better care about profits or they will be bankrupt very damn soon.
I have heard this "they care more about the game then profits" for years from all the teenagers and clueless young adults in this genre that have no experience with the real world and life in general. Know what? It is a total BS spin and a utopian view of life.
SV wants money, they want tons of it. They want to drive fancy sports cars, they want yachts, private jets, etc. Don't kid yourself and think otherwise.
No one enters this business unless they are trying to make an obscene profit. Anyone that doesn't think EVERY SINGLE MMORPG company is jealous of Blizzard and their bushel baskets of cash, is either brain dead or living in an alternate reality.
Can't let you slide on this one. ANYONE THAT THINKS ANY COMPANY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT PROFITS IS A FOOL!!! Plain and simple.
The Swedish damn straight care about profits, hell with their high cost of social programs and the taxes to fund them (25% VAT for example) any company damn straight better care about profits or they will be bankrupt very damn soon.
I have heard this "they care more about the game then profits" for years from all the teenagers and clueless young adults in this genre that have no experience with the real world and life in general. Know what? It is a total BS spin and a utopian view of life.
SV wants money, they want tons of it. They want to drive fancy sports cars, they want yachts, private jets, etc. Don't kid yourself and think otherwise.
No one enters this business unless they are trying to make an obscene profit. Anyone that doesn't think EVERY SINGLE MMORPG company is jealous of Blizzard and their bushel baskets of cash, is either brain dead or living in an alternate reality.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
How is someone starving my problem?
Wow, Greed never seems to amaze me..
Lol thats nothing you should see what I throw at the homless ppl when I pass them in my car.
Complete and utter bullshit. I should be more clear. What exactly did you read up about ? Besides Mortal Online forums ? THere is barely any information about this game other then what is generated from MO themselves. What other resources are available in substanctial publications that aren't blogs or mmo centered websites ? I read about Vanguard saga of Heroes for a long time, since 2004, I've read interviews in PC Gamer Mag, which ispublished by future, the biggest hobbiest game mag company in the world. We all read brad's speechs on every major website from Gamespy to Gamespot to IGN. We followed the development of the game for well over 3 years. What happened ? Reading up on something means absolutely nothing in the current market place of gaming. The fact that a game developer was able to use nudity and promises to get people to pay into 2 magice beans,, is amazing. It seriouly is one of the most amazing things since Mourning, Dark and Light , THrones of Chaos.
Most of these are in swedish tho, so you can make up what they are saying or learn swedish
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
How is someone starving my problem?
Wow, Greed never seems to amaze me..
Lol thats nothing you should see what I throw at the homless ppl when I pass them in my car.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
I'm rather happy with myself that I used it to stimulate the European Union and to bail out the Swedish game industry and help some honest indy devs feed their children while getting something out of it myself as well
Edit; the worst you can do with your money at the moment isn't spending it, it's stashing it under your matress.
Help feed their children, is that a joke? Sweden is still largely a socialist country so I don't think they need you to pay for their children not starving.
More like patrons of the booze for some sly Swedes, who enjoy tinkering around with the Unreal engine in their spare time (and know how to rip-off morons like you).
Help feed their children, is that a joke? Sweden is still largely a socialist country so I don't think they need you to pay for their children not starving.
Sweden is only socialist if you count Canada as a socialist country too, we are actually pretty similar in many ways.
But, no. Children are not starving in Sweden, quite a few are in the Us however today, so if you counting that Liberal is starving children and commies are those countrys without so fine. However is Swedens prime minister liberal, not socialist.
Buying a computer game will not stop a single kid from starving anywhere.
It is however nice to support stuff you like, so go ahead as long as you don't cry if the game differs from what you thought it would be.
Dear God, just when I think I've seen and heard it all, someone has to prove me wrong.
Noone cares how you spend your money. But trying to relate paying in advance for a video game that may or may not ever release to the advancement of culture and sophistication through art is ridiculously entertaining.
"Patrons of the arts." Dear God, just when I think I've seen and heard it all, someone has to prove me wrong. Noone cares how you spend your money. But trying to relate paying in advance for a video game that may or may not ever release to the advancement of culture and sophistication through art is ridiculously entertaining.
I agree and just when I thought people were crazy for paying 50 dollars to to liars for the privilege of beta testing Darkfall I find out people are willing to pay the paltry sum of only 75 dollars to become the MMO venture capitalist patrons of the Arts of their dreams just by Alpha testing MO.
I for one thank these noble brave heroic few willing to step up to the plate and help feed the poor starving children of all these hard working struggling MMO Indy developers from Sweden and Norway that will surely be producing the next generation revolutionary advanced titles of the future.
Whats next, paying 100 dollars just for access to the closed forums for a game still in pre Alpha so you can look at the secret design document and some concept art work and talk about how wicked cool awesome the game is going to definitely be "soon" for years with your new developer friends.
This looks like some kind of 21st century virtual resurgence of the Vikings.
"Patrons of the arts." Dear God, just when I think I've seen and heard it all, someone has to prove me wrong. Noone cares how you spend your money. But trying to relate paying in advance for a video game that may or may not ever release to the advancement of culture and sophistication through art is ridiculously entertaining.
I agree and just when I thought people were crazy for paying 50 dollars to to liars for the privilege of beta testing Darkfall I find out people are willing to pay the paltry sum of only 75 dollars to become the MMO venture capitalist patrons of the Arts of their dreams just by Alpha testing MO.
I for one thank these noble brave heroic few willing to step up to the plate and help feed the poor starving children of all these hard working struggling MMO Indy developers from Sweden and Norway that will surely be producing the next generation revolutionary advanced titles of the future.
Whats next, paying 100 dollars just for access to the closed forums for a game still in pre Alpha so you can look at the secret design document and some concept art work and talk about how wicked cool awesome the game is going to definitely be "soon" for years with your new developer friends.
This looks like some kind of 21st century virtual resurgence of the Vikings.
I agree this whole patrons of art is a bit silly but your also taking it a bit too far, you have presented great arguments on the entire DFO discussion about aventurine and their practices but your argument here is very shallow and im guessing just your opinion. Which is fine I guess, elaborating a bit more rather than just ranting away general concepts and words does help alot to keep the discussion flowing.
I think everyone realizes and the devs themselves have been pretty clear on the state of the game, alpha , beta whatever you want to call it, coming here telling people that they are testing MO is well lol a bit silly since I think everyone knows this by now and this has been posted about 100 times, I really blame bigger companies for using Beta as a "soft release" and getting everyone more or less used to beta being "Free Preview" + some bugs, thats not what a beta is about really but thats just my argument, aslo despite them being a new company they have been pretty transparent ( in my view!) about the whole thing and have bought a real game engine instead of the "miraculous inhouse engine" DFO and Mourning had that ended up being a pile of crap, this is not to say they will succeed, actually I think there is a bigger chance of them failling than succeeding but I dont think its yet decided, but If they do fail I feel like they genuinely tried their best to make their design work and I commend them for that, if anyone that did buy the game is not fully aware of these circunstances then they didnt deserve to have 75USD to spend on the game in the first place.
The big difference between the 2 other indie company developments you have mention is that people didnt really have a chance to choose to support them or not their games were sold as being complete and the fully implementation of their design which deceived customers into buying it this is not the case and to me that is a big difference.
Oh ..man this thread is priceless. Just shows you the REAL people all over the world that can see a pure bred race horse.. yet its a painted jackass. This is SO funny.. its a MMO.. a GAME no more no less. All they did was already PAID for a preorder.
Now.. you want to pat yourself on the back because your investing? HAHA.. You didnt do anything but ORDER a PREORDER but you PAID up front. You did NOTHING. If NO ONE paid upfront.. the game will still launch.. will still go for over a year.
So please dont confuse "invest, support" with PREORDER+paid up front. We ALL do this for a GAME we sometimes never seen nor played. Now give more than this. blah blah.. now they wont talk.. or some excuse.. this was great.. thanks..
Oh ..man this thread is priceless. Just shows you the REAL people all over the world that can see a pure bred race horse.. yet its a painted jackass. This is SO funny.. its a MMO.. a GAME no more no less. All they did was already PAID for a preorder. Now.. you want to pat yourself on the back because your investing? HAHA.. You didnt do anything but ORDER a PREORDER but you PAID up front. You did NOTHING. If NO ONE paid upfront.. the game will still launch.. will still go for over a year. So please dont confuse "invest, support" with PREORDER+paid up front. We ALL do this for a GAME we sometimes never seen nor played. Now give more than this. blah blah.. now they wont talk.. or some excuse.. this was great.. thanks..
Actually I dont agree with what you said, with what the developers said and their worries about lack of funding (you can find the thread from the devs explaining why they need the pre-orders money upfront) I dont think the game would actually release if they sold 0 copies but that is just my opinion same with yours and thats fine.
If you have extra $75 to throw around "in these times" then I would think that $75 would be better suited for helping some one in your community who doesn't have food then blindly sending it to some company and recieve some ones and zeros to download.
How is someone starving my problem?
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
Or they could just get a job, and play games after work like most people do. No one is forcing you to pay 75 dolla, and play the game.
How is someone starving my problem?
i don't think annoyone has the right to judge where a complete stranger spends thier money.
that said i don't preorder anything anymore, i preordered CE AOC for like $80 and i woulc consider that the biggest waste of money i ever spent on a game. thats why i tried Aion on the korean/Chinese servers so i knew what i was getting and not wasting my money.
why buy the pig in the bag?
let me rephrase it for you, the MMO genre is notoriosly bad, I mean most games released are pure shit. Of course by time we see exceptions, good games and others that are well... mediocre at best, but most fail/crash and is pretty much dead within 2 years.
Its great to see people believe in something to the extent their willing to bring forth their wallets, I dont however think that number of people is that great, its just illogical buying something you know so little about, especially a game which hasnt come out, had any reviews etc. I dont know bout you guys but I would never buy a game that I hadnt tried out first, Id imagine how much crap Id have if I didnt.
I'm rather happy with myself that I used it to stimulate the European Union and to bail out the Swedish game industry and help some honest indy devs feed their children while getting something out of it myself as well
Edit; the worst you can do with your money at the moment isn't spending it, it's stashing it under your matress.
My brand new bloggity blog.
Well swedish people are honest people, well overall anyways. And I think my bet on 75 dolla is going to be an investment. If you would compare american and swedish game companies you would see alot of differences. While americans mostly just care about money swedish dont care 100 % about the money they care about making a fun game that they can be proud of. Also swedish people love orginality which makes the game more intressting. I got a feelign youre from America . And I can understand you being sceptic about it. And if you are wait and see. I for one will buy it in 5 days when my paycheck comes.
Well swedish people are honest people, well overall anyways. And I think my bet on 75 dolla is going to be an investment. If you would compare american and swedish game companies you would see alot of differences. While americans mostly just care about money swedish dont care 100 % about the money they care about making a fun game that they can be proud of. Also swedish people love orginality which makes the game more intressting. I got a feelign youre from America . And I can understand you being sceptic about it. And if you are wait and see. I for one will buy it in 5 days when my paycheck comes.
Can't let you slide on this one. ANYONE THAT THINKS ANY COMPANY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT PROFITS IS A FOOL!!! Plain and simple.
The Swedish damn straight care about profits, hell with their high cost of social programs and the taxes to fund them (25% VAT for example) any company damn straight better care about profits or they will be bankrupt very damn soon.
I have heard this "they care more about the game then profits" for years from all the teenagers and clueless young adults in this genre that have no experience with the real world and life in general. Know what? It is a total BS spin and a utopian view of life.
SV wants money, they want tons of it. They want to drive fancy sports cars, they want yachts, private jets, etc. Don't kid yourself and think otherwise.
No one enters this business unless they are trying to make an obscene profit. Anyone that doesn't think EVERY SINGLE MMORPG company is jealous of Blizzard and their bushel baskets of cash, is either brain dead or living in an alternate reality.
Can't let you slide on this one. ANYONE THAT THINKS ANY COMPANY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT PROFITS IS A FOOL!!! Plain and simple.
The Swedish damn straight care about profits, hell with their high cost of social programs and the taxes to fund them (25% VAT for example) any company damn straight better care about profits or they will be bankrupt very damn soon.
I have heard this "they care more about the game then profits" for years from all the teenagers and clueless young adults in this genre that have no experience with the real world and life in general. Know what? It is a total BS spin and a utopian view of life.
SV wants money, they want tons of it. They want to drive fancy sports cars, they want yachts, private jets, etc. Don't kid yourself and think otherwise.
No one enters this business unless they are trying to make an obscene profit. Anyone that doesn't think EVERY SINGLE MMORPG company is jealous of Blizzard and their bushel baskets of cash, is either brain dead or living in an alternate reality.
Thanks for stating the obvious.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
How is someone starving my problem?
Wow, Greed never seems to amaze me..
How is someone starving my problem?
Wow, Greed never seems to amaze me..
Lol thats nothing you should see what I throw at the homless ppl when I pass them in my car.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
Most of these are in swedish tho, so you can make up what they are saying or learn swedish
www.youtube.com/watch Mortal Online - beta leak - gameplay
www.youtube.com/watch Mortal Online PvE Combat (alpha stage) (swedish)
www.youtube.com/watch Mortal Online - Swedish Television Feature #2 (swedish)
www.mmogamer.com/12/02/2008/interview-a-chat-with-mortal-onlines-creative-director Interview: A Chat With Mortal Online’s Creative Director (english)
Here are some, if you havent seen it yet.
How is someone starving my problem?
Wow, Greed never seems to amaze me..
Lol thats nothing you should see what I throw at the homless ppl when I pass them in my car.
Did someone drop you when you where a child?
I'm rather happy with myself that I used it to stimulate the European Union and to bail out the Swedish game industry and help some honest indy devs feed their children while getting something out of it myself as well
Edit; the worst you can do with your money at the moment isn't spending it, it's stashing it under your matress.
Help feed their children, is that a joke? Sweden is still largely a socialist country so I don't think they need you to pay for their children not starving.
My gaming blog
More like patrons of the booze for some sly Swedes, who enjoy tinkering around with the Unreal engine in their spare time (and know how to rip-off morons like you).
I don't tell people how to spend their money, so I do not understand the issue here.
Sweden is only socialist if you count Canada as a socialist country too, we are actually pretty similar in many ways.
But, no. Children are not starving in Sweden, quite a few are in the Us however today, so if you counting that Liberal is starving children and commies are those countrys without so fine. However is Swedens prime minister liberal, not socialist.
Buying a computer game will not stop a single kid from starving anywhere.
It is however nice to support stuff you like, so go ahead as long as you don't cry if the game differs from what you thought it would be.
"Patrons of the arts."
Dear God, just when I think I've seen and heard it all, someone has to prove me wrong.
Noone cares how you spend your money. But trying to relate paying in advance for a video game that may or may not ever release to the advancement of culture and sophistication through art is ridiculously entertaining.
I agree and just when I thought people were crazy for paying 50 dollars to to liars for the privilege of beta testing Darkfall I find out people are willing to pay the paltry sum of only 75 dollars to become the MMO venture capitalist patrons of the Arts of their dreams just by Alpha testing MO.
I for one thank these noble brave heroic few willing to step up to the plate and help feed the poor starving children of all these hard working struggling MMO Indy developers from Sweden and Norway that will surely be producing the next generation revolutionary advanced titles of the future.
Whats next, paying 100 dollars just for access to the closed forums for a game still in pre Alpha so you can look at the secret design document and some concept art work and talk about how wicked cool awesome the game is going to definitely be "soon" for years with your new developer friends.
This looks like some kind of 21st century virtual resurgence of the Vikings.
I agree and just when I thought people were crazy for paying 50 dollars to to liars for the privilege of beta testing Darkfall I find out people are willing to pay the paltry sum of only 75 dollars to become the MMO venture capitalist patrons of the Arts of their dreams just by Alpha testing MO.
I for one thank these noble brave heroic few willing to step up to the plate and help feed the poor starving children of all these hard working struggling MMO Indy developers from Sweden and Norway that will surely be producing the next generation revolutionary advanced titles of the future.
Whats next, paying 100 dollars just for access to the closed forums for a game still in pre Alpha so you can look at the secret design document and some concept art work and talk about how wicked cool awesome the game is going to definitely be "soon" for years with your new developer friends.
This looks like some kind of 21st century virtual resurgence of the Vikings.
I agree this whole patrons of art is a bit silly but your also taking it a bit too far, you have presented great arguments on the entire DFO discussion about aventurine and their practices but your argument here is very shallow and im guessing just your opinion. Which is fine I guess, elaborating a bit more rather than just ranting away general concepts and words does help alot to keep the discussion flowing.
I think everyone realizes and the devs themselves have been pretty clear on the state of the game, alpha , beta whatever you want to call it, coming here telling people that they are testing MO is well lol a bit silly since I think everyone knows this by now and this has been posted about 100 times, I really blame bigger companies for using Beta as a "soft release" and getting everyone more or less used to beta being "Free Preview" + some bugs, thats not what a beta is about really but thats just my argument, aslo despite them being a new company they have been pretty transparent ( in my view!) about the whole thing and have bought a real game engine instead of the "miraculous inhouse engine" DFO and Mourning had that ended up being a pile of crap, this is not to say they will succeed, actually I think there is a bigger chance of them failling than succeeding but I dont think its yet decided, but If they do fail I feel like they genuinely tried their best to make their design work and I commend them for that, if anyone that did buy the game is not fully aware of these circunstances then they didnt deserve to have 75USD to spend on the game in the first place.
The big difference between the 2 other indie company developments you have mention is that people didnt really have a chance to choose to support them or not their games were sold as being complete and the fully implementation of their design which deceived customers into buying it this is not the case and to me that is a big difference.
People who paid for this in advance = patrons of the art/ dumba$$ suckers.
you can be a patron and still be a dumba$$ sucker
They aren't buying, but investing ......... at least thats what I'm told.
@ Polarization
Bring on the sarcasm
Oh ..man this thread is priceless. Just shows you the REAL people all over the world that can see a pure bred race horse.. yet its a painted jackass. This is SO funny.. its a MMO.. a GAME no more no less. All they did was already PAID for a preorder.
Now.. you want to pat yourself on the back because your investing? HAHA.. You didnt do anything but ORDER a PREORDER but you PAID up front. You did NOTHING. If NO ONE paid upfront.. the game will still launch.. will still go for over a year.
So please dont confuse "invest, support" with PREORDER+paid up front. We ALL do this for a GAME we sometimes never seen nor played. Now give more than this. blah blah.. now they wont talk.. or some excuse.. this was great.. thanks..
Actually I dont agree with what you said, with what the developers said and their worries about lack of funding (you can find the thread from the devs explaining why they need the pre-orders money upfront) I dont think the game would actually release if they sold 0 copies but that is just my opinion same with yours and thats fine.