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When DUST 514 was first announced, a number of player concerns rose to the forefront. Chief among them the question of how EVE Online would be affected by the new game. At this year's Fan Fest,'s Jon Wood found the answer to that concern and more.
When CCP announced that they were making Dust 514, a console-based MMOFPS that would tie into the universe of their current PC MMORPG EVE Online, reaction was mixed. When the team revealed more details at this year’s Fan Fest, reaction from the gathered crowd of hardcore EVE players appeared to be almost unanimously positive.
This could owe, at least in part, to the fact that while up until now players have known nothing but a few details about the game. So, while the game is most certainly still in a pre-alpha phase of development and there are some questions that still can not or will not be answered, Fan Fest did provide numerous new details and addressed a number of the overall concerns that were voiced when the game was first announced.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Awesome guys.
While I look forward to the Sim planetary game within Eve I find Dust interesting and will be supporting CCP with atleast a Box purchase of Dust.
The Eve universe suddenly has everything. Elements of RTS, Sim, Fps and much much more.
Great time to be an Eve fan.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
It looks nice with the graphics and design, but I do not have a console system, and this will not be the sole reason i purchase one (with a TV and everything) So just EVE will have to do until they release it to PC.
Not having a PC version seems like a huge mistake. It's not that hard to port an FPS game from console to PC compared to some other types of games. Also, most of Dust's initial market is guaranteed to have a PC.
I'm glad its console only. There are already alot of good PC games coming out soon, so this just makes my list of games to check out smaller. Thanks, CCP.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
Being that I have a blue ray player that also happens to be a playstation 3 that is collecting dust (pun intended), this is going to be awesome.
Not porting to pc is a mistake, no doubt about it.
Author of the Amazon kindle book, The Clan and the Crown
I actually believe there's a PC version but they are trying to make sure they deliver a good console version to see how that plays out before releasing to the elite squadron of PC gamers. It makes sense in that they keep saying they are currently focusing on delivering a flawless console experience and not totally denying no PC version. Tell me if they could listen to us say we won't pay another subscription fee why won't they listen to a mass of PC gamers saying they want a PC version?
This is not a game.
it is not a mistake, and why? because console and pc controls are very different, the console has a much slower pace and turning ability than the pc, so if they have to bring to PC they will only bring to pc, if they decide to bring to both they have to make them on 2 seperate servers and that wont work.
Hard to mix PC and console players on the same map. With the mouse and a decent gaming system any player would have a distinct advantage over someone on a console using a controller. That is a known fact.
I'm impressed and pleased to see CCP making an innovative move like this - integrating multiple gameplay styles within the same overall game world.
A developer dependent upon an external publisher would be unlikely to make, or to be able to make, this kind of product decision. My hat's off to CCP.
PC and console don't mix. Why go console at all? How many times do devs have to hear "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"?
Author of the Amazon kindle book, The Clan and the Crown
All the cash I got into a PC I am NOT going to buy a stupid console.
With FPS I strongly disagree that controllers are any disadvantage to a mouse. Some people are better with a controller then a mouse. It is pure preference and what you are most used to.
I feel CCP is sort of leaving their EVE players out. I feel that is a very poor move.
An untapped market is why go console.
Adding to things said, apart from hardcore gamers that run both "systems" the regular PC gamer community differs a lot to the regular console gamer community. Not only by age ;-)
They filled New Eden with the PC (and Mac, OKOK...) gamers already, time to let the consoleros shoot - with more action & effects and less depth & thinking *grin*
...activating morph from silent reader to active poster...
Because we want something new??? The whole article was about innovation.
Going by the video, the biggest challenge for them now would be to fill in the numbers.
how many people will be able to play in a match, for the scale they are going for 36 v. 36 is not going to cut it, esspecially with the massive nature that eve carries.
i anticipate ccp's answer as for how many players on one match can participate. that and the ground rules of winning a match on the defenders side.
I think your wrong. I know several people between say 20 yrs old and my age that play console games. Xbox live is very popular with older people, i know several cops that play shooters on Xbox and people in the military as well. PC gamers are just going to have to accept the fact that consoles are a contender and arnt going to go away. Less depth and thought? Yeah only brain surgeons play PC games.
The older crowd in EVE sending the younger console gamer kids to war, geez. lol! :P
yeah us gamer kids are growing up
What a neat concept. I know it is quite a bit different, but it reminds me of when SWG released Jump to Light Speed, except instead of going from terrestrial to celestial, it is the reverse.
As for it being a console game, I do not get why that should be a major issue of concern. I would imagine that the majority of PC gamers own a modern game console.
However, I do not understand why people have simply accepted that FPS players on a PC would have an advantage over those on a console. I realize that the current standards of interface for the two platforms give the PC player an advantage. However, I know that at least the XBox 360 supports mouse and keyboard interface, so it is really just a matter of CCP programming the game to use that option and then informing the console gamers that they are able to use the more efficient interface. And regarding performance variation between PCs and consoles, most consoles are so streamlined for performance that they outperform the average to low-end gaming PCs. While it is true that gamers using high-end gaming PCs will have an advantage over console gamers in an FPS environment, that same inequality already exists between high-end and low-end PC gamers in the multiplayer FPS games that are exclusive to PCs.
I predict that MMOs will begin to span PC and console platforms relatively soon.
I personally dont see them making a console and PC version unless they are going to be playing on seperate servers.
Main reasons being console FPS games provide the player with features that PC FPS games do not. Auto-adjusting aim. aswell most Console FPS do not take advantage of the keyboard/mouse option. I can think of only 1 game that supports kybd/mouse on console, Unreal tournament 3 on PS3 and if i recall correctly from what I read before about it, they had to make servers for controller only users and ones for kybd/m and controller just to appease the masses that would ultimately complain that people with a keyboard/mouse had a unfair advantage, or the people using a controller had a unfair advantage due to the auto-adjusting aim.
Just google "mouse and keyboard support for console games" and you can probably find alot of forums full of people flaming each other on their opinion for or against it.
I really don't see it happening unless they follow a similar model as UT3 or completely segregate PC and console players to their own servers.
I believe it's been stated by CCP personnel that Dust514 will NOT go to PC unless and until they can find a foolproof way to secure it against hacking, give the cough metagaming cough that occurs in eve online, this is a good thing, as Dust514 will have at least some effects on Sov in systems with solid planets.
F2P/P2P excellent thread.
Now if they could only slam this together with EVE we would have one hell of a game on our hands.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Good luck with that... There is no such thing as a client side "hack proof" system. Things like hackshield, xisign, and gameguard are pathetic jokes. The best security is server side, and even thats not fool proof. I suspect they are not going to go to PC, but are being vague so as not to alienate their PC player base. They would also have to have two separate servers for console and PC versions, and that is totally against their single shard ideology.
I find this to be an ingenious idea. Imagine corporations being able to hire out entire groups of mercenaries.
And, just wondering, as I haven't played EVE myself, can the planets themselves currently be contested for? If not, then I can see how DUST 514 would come into play...