World of Warcraft is nothing more than a redundant grind for gear. The minute you realize that its all pointless (cause you'll do it all over again in 4mos), is the minute your eyes are opened and you make a post like the OP, hehe. How long it takes for each person to realize this depends on how easily amused the are. Some people will follow the carrot forever.
But yeah, I agree with what someone else said in relation to the music industry. That once you get tired of all the "mainstream" crap, you start looking for "indie music"...cause that's where all the good stuff is.
I'm sorry? Can you tell me any other MMO that doesn't dangle the carrot in front of you, even if it is not gear (which almost all themeparks are). In some games, it's extra alternative advancement points. Other games, it's more skill points for other skills you had not learned. Other games, it's points for pvp that allows you to get items too.
All games are pointless. Think about that for a second. It's what you make of a certain game that makes it fun. Every single game has a carrot for you to follow, some a little easier to follow, others are hidden by certain "mechanics" to make it seem different.
now, Im not gonna blizzard bash...because I like em. But, when have they EVER taken a real chance before? Lets review shall we:
Warcraft Series : completely based around a game they were making for Warhammer. Down to the last detail, really.
Well I disagree with you in this point.
See, gamesworkshop used the influence (in some cases just copied) of some books like Solomon Kane (Robert E. Howard) and turned it into a table top game. Along the years Warhammer became an unique lore.
The same happened with Warcraft they turned something similar into a video game... sure Warhammer was an influence but along the years Warcraft became an unique lore and very different than Warhammer, at that time Warcraft was not a certain success. If we take a deep view on Warhammer and Warcraft they are indeed very distinct lores.
Warhammer (tabletop and rpg) aquired some very interesting details along the years, but its premise is by no means original and taking by the fact that Warhammer video games never reach the level of success of all Warcraft games it is easy to realize that is a lot more on Warcraft than just a copy of Warhammer.
After 5 years, the end is near for me.. There is basically nothing left to do, other then "work" to get a raid going, which I loathe.. The lack of end game content and purpose, other then ICC, is gone.. If I do one more daily of "threat/cit" I'm going to puke.. Other then the chore in finding an ICC raid run (ID system limits your options), the only other options of character advancement is doing the random daily to upgrade pieces of armor with frost emblems.. At the current rate of earning frost emblems to upgrade select pieces will take over a month PER items.. HELL, by the time I get close to being geared up for the Lich King, the expansion will be released (6 months down the road).. So why should I pay $15 a month to do random frost daily dungeon? The ONLY way I see myself staying is IF Blizz increases the frost emblem earning rate.. Example: ICC 5man on regular drop triumph emblems, so why not increase the drop of heroic ICC 5mans to FROST.. This would serve 2 problems.. 1) help people get geared up before the expansion comes out.. 2) gives an incentive for people to want to do dungeons like heroic HoR.. At this point in time the new ICC 5 man serve very little purpose.. How long did it take before the content became old news? Add a reason for people to KEEP doing them..
Take a break and wait for Cataclysm That's pretty much what I do when I get bored. I just wait for new expansion/patch content and go back. now I have to ask you, goblin or worgen?
But yeah, I agree with what someone else said in relation to the music industry. That once you get tired of all the "mainstream" crap, you start looking for "indie music"...cause that's where all the good stuff is."
Just to clarify some points, we are talking about Music and Game industries, right? So we are talking about product, not pure art.
When we talk about Porkofiev, Mahler, Wagner, Khachaturian and some pure folklore examples on music we will be talking about art expression, but as we are talking about POP music and games ( and this include indy bands) we are talking about the mix between expression and production (yes there is production into indy bands aswell).
Beatles and Pink Floyd generated more money at its time than "Miley Cyrus". Examples of really a sucessful music industry are limited to the 60s, 70s, 80s and the beginning of 90s.
We have another detail, there is a massive marketing related to pop music, there is no marketing and support related to indy bands. The same does not happen with video games, there is oriented marketing to all games. Sure some games have more marketing, but in the game industry this not always results on success and popularity as it happens in the today's music industry.
What people call "indy" games like EvE and Darkfall are games that still have a LOT of money and people working on it, sure less money than World of Warcraft had/has but it has NOTHING to do with a real indy band or musician expressing its music without financial support.
Another point, games are entertaining and interactive products, sure that have some artistic details on its music, visuals and lore but they need to be functional while music needs to be expressive.
World of Warcraft is by no means an example of a decadent game industry it is an example how a polished and well done game can be a long term success.
After 5 years, the end is near for me.. There is basically nothing left to do, other then "work" to get a raid going, which I loathe.. The lack of end game content and purpose, other then ICC, is gone.. If I do one more daily of "threat/cit" I'm going to puke.. Other then the chore in finding an ICC raid run (ID system limits your options), the only other options of character advancement is doing the random daily to upgrade pieces of armor with frost emblems.. At the current rate of earning frost emblems to upgrade select pieces will take over a month PER items.. HELL, by the time I get close to being geared up for the Lich King, the expansion will be released (6 months down the road).. So why should I pay $15 a month to do random frost daily dungeon? The ONLY way I see myself staying is IF Blizz increases the frost emblem earning rate.. Example: ICC 5man on regular drop triumph emblems, so why not increase the drop of heroic ICC 5mans to FROST.. This would serve 2 problems.. 1) help people get geared up before the expansion comes out.. 2) gives an incentive for people to want to do dungeons like heroic HoR.. At this point in time the new ICC 5 man serve very little purpose.. How long did it take before the content became old news? Add a reason for people to KEEP doing them..
Well they did make the game "easier" but what you want is them to give you all your T10 gear like they did with T9. You really don't want to put any effort in the game sounds like. Maybe it is time for you to move on. But if you are getting bored with the game and hate waiting around for frost badges make an alt to kill the time or play something different. Good luck on your journey
Wrong.. I don't want gear.. In fact I have been quite vocal about Blizzards gear carrot chasing mechanics.. BC was a good expansion for the most part.. but WoTLK was not in my opinion.. Each patch since then has been like treading water.. I'm done swimming hoping things will get better.. My fault for giving them the benefit of the doubt.. I want a perpetual persistent world where being horde or alliance makes a difference.. I want zones, equest. etc etc.. NEW CLASSES to level from 1-80.. And Cataclysm looks like epic failure IMO
OH MY GOD, you couldn't be finished with WoW there is no way you could be. Have you done all the achievements? leveled every class to 80? geared each class with the top tiet or pvp armor or even both? maxed out all professions? played both sides and max out those classes? I feel you havent played WoW or even came close to be bored with it yet. I feel you are just one of those people that have maxed a main then complain because you are bored now. I think you better look a little deeper into WoW, also when next expansion comes out you will get to do all the stuff i said over again. To complete an MMO is to truly be with it until it is no longer available to be played. When th e company finally pulls the plug. True sign of a dedicated MMO'er.
You are either very good at sarcasm or are a lunatic lol
OH MY GOD, you couldn't be finished with WoW there is no way you could be. Have you done all the achievements? leveled every class to 80? geared each class with the top tiet or pvp armor or even both? maxed out all professions? played both sides and max out those classes? I feel you havent played WoW or even came close to be bored with it yet. I feel you are just one of those people that have maxed a main then complain because you are bored now. I think you better look a little deeper into WoW, also when next expansion comes out you will get to do all the stuff i said over again. To complete an MMO is to truly be with it until it is no longer available to be played. When th e company finally pulls the plug. True sign of a dedicated MMO'er.
OH MY GOD, you couldn't be finished with WoW there is no way you could be. Have you done all the achievements? leveled every class to 80? geared each class with the top tiet or pvp armor or even both? maxed out all professions? played both sides and max out those classes? I feel you havent played WoW or even came close to be bored with it yet. I feel you are just one of those people that have maxed a main then complain because you are bored now. I think you better look a little deeper into WoW, also when next expansion comes out you will get to do all the stuff i said over again. To complete an MMO is to truly be with it until it is no longer available to be played. When th e company finally pulls the plug. True sign of a dedicated MMO'er.
I would like to think this is rife with sarcasm.
Because, honestly...I've leveled only 3 classes to 80, and have 70-75s of every other class besides pallies (25) and shamans (29 twink), and though I played for 5 years, not rushing at all...I was pretty well bored a year ago, even though I just left a few months ago.
And yes...I have one character that has done MOST of the achievements, other than the near impossible ones. Trust don't NEED to go back through all that more than maybe ONCE without realizing it's the same thing over and over and over.
All i am getting from this, is that " i am too lazy to find a raiding guild and i will only stay if Blizzard give me my welfare epics quicker..."
Then I guess you have a reading comprehension issue.. I loathe "raiding" end game.. I love the small guild I'm in now, but WE ALL are getting tired of WoW.. We avoid raiding guilds like the plague.. For us when we started playing, the fun was about exploring, questing and having fun in 5mans.. It was NEVER about raids, but the game is changing with each expansion and patch.. This game is quickly turning into "World of Guildcraft".. or "World of Raidcraft".. whichever you prefer..
All i am getting from this, is that " i am too lazy to find a raiding guild and i will only stay if Blizzard give me my welfare epics quicker..."
Then I guess you have a reading comprehension issue.. I loathe "raiding" end game.. I love the small guild I'm in now, but WE ALL are getting tired of WoW.. We avoid raiding guilds like the plague.. For us when we started playing, the fun was about exploring, questing and having fun in 5mans.. It was NEVER about raids, but the game is changing with each expansion and patch.. This game is quickly turning into "World of Guildcraft".. or "World of Raidcraft".. whichever you prefer..
Its always been Raidcraft and in reality they have reduced what raiding use to be.
Hell before MC came out the regular dungeons were 15-10 man dungeons (considered a raid today)
This game has been played out for years already. I have quit and come back several times because of the total disaster other games turned out to be. The stunning lack of content and the way they try and drag it out has pretty much put an end to my interest as well. PVP is dead even bliz has had to admit they can't balance pvp anymore. The PvE content is so minimal it just doesn't seem worth the effort anymore. Every patch they just hand out all the gear you just spent 6 months getting then they make the next set of pve content even more of a forced time sink. Opening 2 new bosses every few weeks is just sad. It's basically admitting that they gave up making the game any kind of challenge and they just want to put up roadblocks to keep you playing until the next minimal content patch.
Then when you read about how they plan to completely dumb down all the stats and the expansion will mostly be stuff thrown on to the old original zones you really have to ask yourself if this is even worth paying for. This game has survived as long as it has mostly because all the competition has been such a failure. They really haven't had to do much and bliz is focused on other projects. At this point I'd probably get as much entertainment playing warcraft 3 or diablo. Don't get me wrong I love blizzard games; I have played many of them and I plan to play SC3 and D2 if they ever release them. I just can't see paying a monthly fee for something that is just clearly in maintain mode without really much effort being put into it anymore.
World of Warcraft is nothing more than a redundant grind for gear. The minute you realize that its all pointless (cause you'll do it all over again in 4mos), is the minute your eyes are opened and you make a post like the OP, hehe. How long it takes for each person to realize this depends on how easily amused the are. Some people will follow the carrot forever.
But yeah, I agree with what someone else said in relation to the music industry. That once you get tired of all the "mainstream" crap, you start looking for "indie music"...cause that's where all the good stuff is.
this might be the stupidest thing said here. correlation between this and music is almost ridiculous.
Enormous amounts of ppl tried other MMOS and then they come back. Why? Is it because that games are better? or because wow is better? or community? or virtual friends? or for whatever reason. ppl r delusional.they always want their game above others. and that why r u having this conversation.. its all matter of taste and preferences.
my mmos is better. no mine is. you suck ass, mine is far better..
Feeling burned out after 5 years is quite normal, most people these days get burned out of the same MMO's after 6 months - 1 year. So rather than bash on the game you spent the past 5 years of cheap entertainment with, why not take a break from the game? Go play something else for awhile, or do something other than gaming. Often times that'll get you refreshed, and you may appreciate the game more after seeing what other games are like. If you choose to do something other than gaming, you often realize how boring that other game called Real Life is, and how expensive it is. Most importantly, you realize how repetitive it is, just like how you feel ingame.
But yeah, I agree with what someone else said in relation to the music industry. That once you get tired of all the "mainstream" crap, you start looking for "indie music"...cause that's where all the good stuff is.
this might be the stupidest thing said here. correlation between this and music is almost ridiculous.
Yes, the correlation between mmorpgs and music industry is a weak and flawed argument as I already commented before...
...This would serve 2 problems.. 1) help people get geared up before the expansion comes out...
Blizz doesn't want you to be geared before the expansion so that you will play MORE to get what you need to raid new content. The hard core raiders will rush thru the new content anyways, but Blizz makes it more challenging for the average player to keep them coming back. Its very frustrating to me too, but smart on Blizzards part.
Originally posted by Azey Originally posted by Rydeson ...This would serve 2 problems.. 1) help people get geared up before the expansion comes out...
Blizz doesn't want you to be geared before the expansion so that you will play MORE to get what you need to raid new content. The hard core raiders will rush thru the new content anyways, but Blizz makes it more challenging for the average player to keep them coming back. Its very frustrating to me too, but smart on Blizzards part. Quite true, there is a pattern of release and nerf for casual players.
But my worry is that for more than a year now i can't figure out why Blizzard is keep doing weird moves. Like the new races/classes combos and several changes on the upcoming cataclysm. It's like they are testing us for blizzard's next mmo :P
It's still the most polished well made game out right now. Just because you have experienced all the content doesn't really mean anything in terms of the quality of the game. For you it is done, for others the fun is just beginning, w00t!
Dont become a burned out WoW hater like the majority of peeps on this site. Remember the good times and walk away... ready yourself for the next Blizzard MMO.
Haha. Ready ourselves for a MMO we dont know what is or if we will like it. Good one. WoW is old and repetative and keeps making the same mistakes over and over, that is deserves to be hated upon, which is why so many people dislike WoW. Didnt you ever hear the saying If you got haters, you're doing something right? Or even Kat Williams, if you got some haters, get some more damn haters. Learn the rules of the game, or dont bother pointing out nonsense.
What the hell are you talking about? "Learn the rules of the game, or don't bother pointing out nonsense"? Go troll elsewhere
Well like someone say here , be greatfull you last it 5 years others like myself quit after TBC and as time goes by i read more and more how easy this game has become , and like another person say , don't be a hater and just remember how great this game was at some point , all i can say its this , WoW its a great game has a ton of LORE that made me play since i was a warcraft fan but then lil by lil the game became just to easy and repeatable so thats when i stop playing this amazing game and i left after i hit lvl 70 and did some arenas and dailys , so the game gelt like it was a job and not a game to have fun anyways try to find some new MMO or single player game there is alot out there just need to spend some time .
R.I.P (High Warlord Blackblood lvl70 UD Warlock)(Earthen Ring US)
I really wish Blizzard had taken a different path with Warcraft . After 5 years I finally gave up the game because it became obvious to me that it was going to get even more easy . I think the path is pretty much mapped out now and the game will never offer the kind of challenge that I require from a game . Would love to still be playing it but playing it as it once was . I don't think the graphics are that bad considering the age of the game . It was a wise choice to go for the cartoony style because that does'nt age quite so quickly . I like the fact it still plays well on my old PC but I think the future of the mmo genre will be eventually on some future console .
My problem with WoW, which seems to be common for most MMO's that are being developed is the structure they choose.. What is it with devs constantly making games that look like pyramids? What I mean by this comparison is that so many games start players off in a broad and vast base that offers numerous choices.. It is this that captures a subscriber to the game, but as time goes on and patches and expansions are added.. the upper tier becomes smaller and smaller.. hence pyramid..
Why always build up? when you can do just as good as building out.. Just look at the philosophy of cities.. Cities will always expand OUT, before building up.. However, the reality of loot driven, minimizing cost structure forces devs to cut back each new layer, that leads to building the pyramid.. Sadly there comes to the point that you can't truly build it any higher and people like myself are done standing on top wondering what and where to we go from here?
Recently just started WoW for the first time. I've been playing F2P MMO's for quite a while, and now I've finally got an income again, I decided to try out P2P ones, see how they compare kind of thing.
WoW is... how to say it... polished? Compared to others I've played, it's very smooth while playing. I'm going to stick with it for a while, see how it plays out for me.
I know you all probably know this already, and have just grown to hate it. Well, how was it first time you played? enjoy much? I think you did cos you stuck with it till "the end".
Anyway, just my little bit... am trying to post more is all.
I'm sorry? Can you tell me any other MMO that doesn't dangle the carrot in front of you, even if it is not gear (which almost all themeparks are). In some games, it's extra alternative advancement points. Other games, it's more skill points for other skills you had not learned. Other games, it's points for pvp that allows you to get items too.
All games are pointless. Think about that for a second. It's what you make of a certain game that makes it fun. Every single game has a carrot for you to follow, some a little easier to follow, others are hidden by certain "mechanics" to make it seem different.
Well I disagree with you in this point.
See, gamesworkshop used the influence (in some cases just copied) of some books like Solomon Kane (Robert E. Howard) and turned it into a table top game. Along the years Warhammer became an unique lore.
The same happened with Warcraft they turned something similar into a video game... sure Warhammer was an influence but along the years Warcraft became an unique lore and very different than Warhammer, at that time Warcraft was not a certain success. If we take a deep view on Warhammer and Warcraft they are indeed very distinct lores.
Warhammer (tabletop and rpg) aquired some very interesting details along the years, but its premise is by no means original and taking by the fact that Warhammer video games never reach the level of success of all Warcraft games it is easy to realize that is a lot more on Warcraft than just a copy of Warhammer.
Take a break and wait for Cataclysm That's pretty much what I do when I get bored. I just wait for new expansion/patch content and go back. now I have to ask you, goblin or worgen?
"Originally posted by disownation.
But yeah, I agree with what someone else said in relation to the music industry. That once you get tired of all the "mainstream" crap, you start looking for "indie music"...cause that's where all the good stuff is."
Just to clarify some points, we are talking about Music and Game industries, right? So we are talking about product, not pure art.
When we talk about Porkofiev, Mahler, Wagner, Khachaturian and some pure folklore examples on music we will be talking about art expression, but as we are talking about POP music and games ( and this include indy bands) we are talking about the mix between expression and production (yes there is production into indy bands aswell).
Beatles and Pink Floyd generated more money at its time than "Miley Cyrus". Examples of really a sucessful music industry are limited to the 60s, 70s, 80s and the beginning of 90s.
We have another detail, there is a massive marketing related to pop music, there is no marketing and support related to indy bands. The same does not happen with video games, there is oriented marketing to all games. Sure some games have more marketing, but in the game industry this not always results on success and popularity as it happens in the today's music industry.
What people call "indy" games like EvE and Darkfall are games that still have a LOT of money and people working on it, sure less money than World of Warcraft had/has but it has NOTHING to do with a real indy band or musician expressing its music without financial support.
Another point, games are entertaining and interactive products, sure that have some artistic details on its music, visuals and lore but they need to be functional while music needs to be expressive.
World of Warcraft is by no means an example of a decadent game industry it is an example how a polished and well done game can be a long term success.
Well they did make the game "easier" but what you want is them to give you all your T10 gear like they did with T9. You really don't want to put any effort in the game sounds like. Maybe it is time for you to move on. But if you are getting bored with the game and hate waiting around for frost badges make an alt to kill the time or play something different. Good luck on your journey
Wrong.. I don't want gear.. In fact I have been quite vocal about Blizzards gear carrot chasing mechanics.. BC was a good expansion for the most part.. but WoTLK was not in my opinion.. Each patch since then has been like treading water.. I'm done swimming hoping things will get better.. My fault for giving them the benefit of the doubt.. I want a perpetual persistent world where being horde or alliance makes a difference.. I want zones, equest. etc etc.. NEW CLASSES to level from 1-80.. And Cataclysm looks like epic failure IMO
You are either very good at sarcasm or are a lunatic lol
I really really hope this is sarcasm.
And if so then it is very very good. forgot there is the new expansion around the corner which Blizzard made just for people like you.
New content for another year woot!!!!!!
In 1 year time I bet we gonna see the same thread once again.............
I would like to think this is rife with sarcasm.
Because, honestly...I've leveled only 3 classes to 80, and have 70-75s of every other class besides pallies (25) and shamans (29 twink), and though I played for 5 years, not rushing at all...I was pretty well bored a year ago, even though I just left a few months ago.
And yes...I have one character that has done MOST of the achievements, other than the near impossible ones. Trust don't NEED to go back through all that more than maybe ONCE without realizing it's the same thing over and over and over.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
All i am getting from this, is that " i am too lazy to find a raiding guild and i will only stay if Blizzard give me my welfare epics quicker..."
Then I guess you have a reading comprehension issue.. I loathe "raiding" end game.. I love the small guild I'm in now, but WE ALL are getting tired of WoW.. We avoid raiding guilds like the plague.. For us when we started playing, the fun was about exploring, questing and having fun in 5mans.. It was NEVER about raids, but the game is changing with each expansion and patch.. This game is quickly turning into "World of Guildcraft".. or "World of Raidcraft".. whichever you prefer..
Then I guess you have a reading comprehension issue.. I loathe "raiding" end game.. I love the small guild I'm in now, but WE ALL are getting tired of WoW.. We avoid raiding guilds like the plague.. For us when we started playing, the fun was about exploring, questing and having fun in 5mans.. It was NEVER about raids, but the game is changing with each expansion and patch.. This game is quickly turning into "World of Guildcraft".. or "World of Raidcraft".. whichever you prefer..
Its always been Raidcraft and in reality they have reduced what raiding use to be.
Hell before MC came out the regular dungeons were 15-10 man dungeons (considered a raid today)
A 10 man ICC takes 1 hr or less to do just the first wing. it's not even a time dump anymore.
This game has been played out for years already. I have quit and come back several times because of the total disaster other games turned out to be. The stunning lack of content and the way they try and drag it out has pretty much put an end to my interest as well. PVP is dead even bliz has had to admit they can't balance pvp anymore. The PvE content is so minimal it just doesn't seem worth the effort anymore. Every patch they just hand out all the gear you just spent 6 months getting then they make the next set of pve content even more of a forced time sink. Opening 2 new bosses every few weeks is just sad. It's basically admitting that they gave up making the game any kind of challenge and they just want to put up roadblocks to keep you playing until the next minimal content patch.
Then when you read about how they plan to completely dumb down all the stats and the expansion will mostly be stuff thrown on to the old original zones you really have to ask yourself if this is even worth paying for. This game has survived as long as it has mostly because all the competition has been such a failure. They really haven't had to do much and bliz is focused on other projects. At this point I'd probably get as much entertainment playing warcraft 3 or diablo. Don't get me wrong I love blizzard games; I have played many of them and I plan to play SC3 and D2 if they ever release them. I just can't see paying a monthly fee for something that is just clearly in maintain mode without really much effort being put into it anymore.
this might be the stupidest thing said here. correlation between this and music is almost ridiculous.
Enormous amounts of ppl tried other MMOS and then they come back. Why? Is it because that games are better? or because wow is better? or community? or virtual friends? or for whatever reason. ppl r delusional.they always want their game above others. and that why r u having this conversation.. its all matter of taste and preferences.
my mmos is better. no mine is. you suck ass, mine is far better..
who gives a fuck. just play ur game.
stupidity in mmo world is enormous.
Feeling burned out after 5 years is quite normal, most people these days get burned out of the same MMO's after 6 months - 1 year. So rather than bash on the game you spent the past 5 years of cheap entertainment with, why not take a break from the game? Go play something else for awhile, or do something other than gaming. Often times that'll get you refreshed, and you may appreciate the game more after seeing what other games are like. If you choose to do something other than gaming, you often realize how boring that other game called Real Life is, and how expensive it is. Most importantly, you realize how repetitive it is, just like how you feel ingame.
this might be the stupidest thing said here. correlation between this and music is almost ridiculous.
Yes, the correlation between mmorpgs and music industry is a weak and flawed argument as I already commented before...
Blizz doesn't want you to be geared before the expansion so that you will play MORE to get what you need to raid new content. The hard core raiders will rush thru the new content anyways, but Blizz makes it more challenging for the average player to keep them coming back. Its very frustrating to me too, but smart on Blizzards part. for simple class guides
Blizz doesn't want you to be geared before the expansion so that you will play MORE to get what you need to raid new content. The hard core raiders will rush thru the new content anyways, but Blizz makes it more challenging for the average player to keep them coming back. Its very frustrating to me too, but smart on Blizzards part.
Quite true, there is a pattern of release and nerf for casual players.
But my worry is that for more than a year now i can't figure out why Blizzard is keep doing weird moves. Like the new races/classes combos and several changes on the upcoming cataclysm. It's like they are testing us for blizzard's next mmo :P Supporter
It's still the most polished well made game out right now. Just because you have experienced all the content doesn't really mean anything in terms of the quality of the game. For you it is done, for others the fun is just beginning, w00t!
What the hell are you talking about? "Learn the rules of the game, or don't bother pointing out nonsense"? Go troll elsewhere
A witty saying proves nothing.
Well like someone say here , be greatfull you last it 5 years others like myself quit after TBC and as time goes by i read more and more how easy this game has become , and like another person say , don't be a hater and just remember how great this game was at some point , all i can say its this , WoW its a great game has a ton of LORE that made me play since i was a warcraft fan but then lil by lil the game became just to easy and repeatable so thats when i stop playing this amazing game and i left after i hit lvl 70 and did some arenas and dailys , so the game gelt like it was a job and not a game to have fun anyways try to find some new MMO or single player game there is alot out there just need to spend some time .
R.I.P (High Warlord Blackblood lvl70 UD Warlock)(Earthen Ring US)
I really wish Blizzard had taken a different path with Warcraft . After 5 years I finally gave up the game because it became obvious to me that it was going to get even more easy . I think the path is pretty much mapped out now and the game will never offer the kind of challenge that I require from a game . Would love to still be playing it but playing it as it once was . I don't think the graphics are that bad considering the age of the game . It was a wise choice to go for the cartoony style because that does'nt age quite so quickly . I like the fact it still plays well on my old PC but I think the future of the mmo genre will be eventually on some future console .
My problem with WoW, which seems to be common for most MMO's that are being developed is the structure they choose.. What is it with devs constantly making games that look like pyramids? What I mean by this comparison is that so many games start players off in a broad and vast base that offers numerous choices.. It is this that captures a subscriber to the game, but as time goes on and patches and expansions are added.. the upper tier becomes smaller and smaller.. hence pyramid..
Why always build up? when you can do just as good as building out.. Just look at the philosophy of cities.. Cities will always expand OUT, before building up.. However, the reality of loot driven, minimizing cost structure forces devs to cut back each new layer, that leads to building the pyramid.. Sadly there comes to the point that you can't truly build it any higher and people like myself are done standing on top wondering what and where to we go from here?
Recently just started WoW for the first time. I've been playing F2P MMO's for quite a while, and now I've finally got an income again, I decided to try out P2P ones, see how they compare kind of thing.
WoW is... how to say it... polished? Compared to others I've played, it's very smooth while playing. I'm going to stick with it for a while, see how it plays out for me.
I know you all probably know this already, and have just grown to hate it. Well, how was it first time you played? enjoy much? I think you did cos you stuck with it till "the end".
Anyway, just my little bit... am trying to post more is all.
- Ross