To everyone who says Cryptic is doomed, you all know it's false. They'll make a new IP, the game will be hype like never before, people will buy it, the game will fail....and the cycle continues.
A lot of people tend to buy in the hype, just reading these forums is proof enough.
There's a new "WoW-Killer" every month....I mean really...
While i am not going to disagree with the basis of your post. I think this particular game form this particular company has pretty much put a stake in cryptics heart. Will other companys hype the heck out of a bad product? sure they will and we will probably fall for it like this one but i dont think cryptic will have very many followers of future games after this. And will STO fail as in servers getting shut down not likely but it will limp along without becoming what it could have become. Plain money grab thats all it was.
As someone who really enjoys Champions and plays everyday, I can admit that most of the people who quit did so rationally because of flaws they saw in the game. But, the much larger group of people who diss CO without having played it are partly a product of Cryptic's poor public relations at the time of launch. One of the things they did poorly with CO was to let the forums be over-run with negative rants. I am not talking about constructive criticism, or even venting frustration, I am talking about people who were just hanging out to spew negativity. Back then, Cryptic even tolerated talking about other games on the official forums, so one of the most popular thread topics was Aion. Look, I think STO is a bad game and I did my best to warn people not to buy it. But enough is enough, there are too many bored folks on the internet who just enjoy furiously arguing about games, the arguing becomes a hobby in itself, and at that point I don't think official forums should put up with it. Constructive criticism and frustrated rants are one thing, but people who hang out just to feed on the upset emotions of others will get no sympathy from me when their threads are closed.
Only a very insecure MMO developer would silence people for talking about other games in their forums. The insecure developer fears that their player base will move on to the competition.
In this case, it is a legitimate fear because of how poorly done CO is. Start a CO thread on the City of Heroes forums, the mods don't care. You might even have a developer post in your thread.
To everyone who says Cryptic is doomed, you all know it's false. They'll make a new IP, the game will be hype like never before, people will buy it, the game will fail....and the cycle continues.
A lot of people tend to buy in the hype, just reading these forums is proof enough.
There's a new "WoW-Killer" every month....I mean really...
4 games with a combined population of 200,000 subscribers isn't nearly as good as one game with 200,000 subscribers. It's funny how Cryptic/Atari hasn't figured this out yet. Eventually they'll hit a wall where they have too many games with too few subscribers.
the average thread that expresses ones negative beliefs about this game usually contain " OMFG THIS GAME SUCKS @$$" Can't totally blame them for getting rid of those threads.
Yes a lot of the threads getting deleted did contain those but the two I was reading the OP did not start out that way. it was the fanbois raging at them bringing up the I quit crap in them and then other fanboys pointing out the I quit crap in the thread would get the thread deleted.
Kind of funny to watch the fanboys go to extreme lengths to quell any opposition.
Could you post some proof?
I'm sure you are not a bald faced liar, but just posting something without proof is heresay.
To be honest, less posts from people who rush through a few week old game expecting massive content at endgame is good.
We need to weed the stupid folks out somehow, and it is illegal to just kill them.
the average thread that expresses ones negative beliefs about this game usually contain " OMFG THIS GAME SUCKS @$$" Can't totally blame them for getting rid of those threads.
Yes a lot of the threads getting deleted did contain those but the two I was reading the OP did not start out that way. it was the fanbois raging at them bringing up the I quit crap in them and then other fanboys pointing out the I quit crap in the thread would get the thread deleted.
Kind of funny to watch the fanboys go to extreme lengths to quell any opposition.
Could you post some proof?
I'm sure you are not a bald faced liar, but just posting something without proof is heresay.
To be honest, less posts from people who rush through a few week old game expecting massive content at endgame is good.
We need to weed the stupid folks out somehow, and it is illegal to just kill them.
They were deleted not closed so getting proof is impossible. So you will have to watch the forums for yourself or take my word for it.
Yes they are deleting critism threads now-just saw two of them dissapear. i know they own there forums but they are getting kind of heavy handed.
And don't dare disagree with someone. I was warned about my "trolling" when I disagreed with someone.
Hah. I was warned for "not making reasonable arguments" when someone trolled ME and I posted "sorry, I'm not responding to your trolling, I'm done here".
It was my thread and I was arguing against RMTs lol.
Yes they are deleting critism threads now-just saw two of them dissapear. i know they own there forums but they are getting kind of heavy handed.
And don't dare disagree with someone. I was warned about my "trolling" when I disagreed with someone.
Hah. I was warned for "not making reasonable arguments" when someone trolled ME and I posted "sorry, I'm not responding to your trolling, I'm done here".
It was my thread and I was arguing against RMTs lol.
haha. This is rediculous and it exists everywhere, even at This word troll is over-used and inappropriately applied most of the time.
About the topic of Mods deleting criticism threads, fanboy trolls have been given a pass as opposed to opposition trolls because having an 'opinion' that is considered positive, or 'quoting' a positive post and personalizing your response in support, even if the positive comments are considered misplaced and repeatedly remarked on by some, is considered acceptable while having an opinion that is considered negative (in opposition) and remarked about continuously, even when you quote someone and personalize your response in opposition, is considered "trolling" by some warped loose definition.
So if I remarked that your opinion is good and support my remarks, I'm free to troll with that position extendedly. But if I say your opinion sucks and support my remarks extendedly, I’m banned or the post is deleted.
So here'smy opinion; i think your opinion sucks if your opinion of trolling is as retarded/lopsided as to think that there should be one form of moderation behavior for a positive and repeated remarked upon position in support of a positive post, while you think that non-supportive and non-positive posts about a subject, while repeatedly remarked about and posted about in opposition, is considered trolling.
The more mature wont want to get the last word in, but as with a product such as STO, it has disenfranchised so many, misled so many, been considered such a horrific disappointment by so many, that I dont remember when the last time I saw so much outrage over a gaming product before; maybe SWG. And these people need to run their course, as the popularity of the game will, and let the chips fall where they may.
It is completely within Cryptic's right as the provider of the forums to delete any posts they feel are unconstructive or negative towards other users, their employees, their company, or their products.
However, in the situation of negative reviews of the game or the "Atari Incident", they are showing a lack of ability to sooth their own customers or allow them a means to vent their frustrations.
In whole, they are acting like children which is nothing new to MMOs or the internet in general.
BUT they'll definitely dip some but this game is no where near what Age of Conan was at launch.
Age of Conan now is arguably one of the best MMOs on the market. Especially for PvP.
If you're looking for another EVE though look no further. That game has already launched and is called EVE.
Two different types of games but both are fun and decent imho.
Star Trek doesn't suffer from the major problems that Age of Conan did but it does suffer from being released WAY too soon.
It will however recover a lot faster then AoC and will be a lot more polished and developed in content the next few months.
Most of the people blasting it haven't played the game or don't really understand it enough due to lack of personal experienced or knowledge about the game.
Happens to a lot of MMOs when launched recently....
The other batch are Star Trek fanatics who expect the impossible and would not be satisfied no matter who was making the MMO.
STO is not an A+ in my book more like a B- or a C+.
Cryptic overextended themselves doing Champions Online and Star Trek at the same time.
It's certainly not a terrible game and the Space PvP is very fun.
They just need some more time to work on the product before it becomes a solid B.
First, let me clarify and qualify everything I am about to say with the following:
I am in no way defending, condoning, or otherwise supporting Cryptic or Atari regarding their actions in last weekend's fiasco or the public relations debacle they have created with their ill-advised actions. They created the problem and they are going to have to suffer the consequences - which I personally hope are damaging enough to the company, in every possible sense of the word, that other companies take note of so that nothing like this ever happens again.
That being said, there is a stickied thread on their forums (which may or may not be closed by now, I have not checked) for people to respond directly to this issue. Their community staff was very clear in that thread that any and all other threads addressing the issue would be closed and/or deleted and all posters would be redirected to that single stickied thread. Call it fascism, call it censorship, call it what we will, but they own those boards and they grant folks the privilege - not the right - to have access to post on them in much the same way that grants the privilege, not the right to post here or our respective guilds grant the privilege and not the right to post on our respective guild sites.
In point of fact, I posted two times in the stickied thread on the STO boards. The first post was to express my displeasure with the situation and to say that there's no way Atari/Cryptic would ever get my money, even if I liked the game (which, after playing a ten day trial because my friend begged me every day for hours, I finally caved...the game did not impress me even a little bit. The graphics in space are very nice, and the character customization is impressive - those are the only two good points I can note about the game. Gameplay was clunky at best, irritating at worst). The second post was to quote a "fanboi" and to disagree - vehemently - with him and to tell him that if he truly believed what his post seemed to indicate, then he was a fool. Neither post was deleted, nor was I banned. Neither post contained swearing or cursing, though both did contain strong opinions worded in such a manner as to leave very little doubt what my feelings were - though neither post directly attacked any other players, nor did either post directly attack Cryptic or Atari - they simply made known my feelings and opinions regarding what appeared to be a highly unethical and possibly illegal business practice.
It is not what you say, but how you say it, where you say it, and at whom it is directed that makes the difference. Also, those boards belong to that company, so, really, whether we like it or not, they really can do what they want: their playground, their rules.
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
BUT they'll definitely dip some but this game is no where near what Age of Conan was at launch. Age of Conan now is arguably one of the best MMOs on the market. Especially for PvP.
If you're looking for another EVE though look no further. That game has already launched and is called EVE. Two different types of games but both are fun and decent imho.
Star Trek doesn't suffer from the major problems that Age of Conan did but it does suffer from being released WAY too soon. It will however recover a lot faster then AoC and will be a lot more polished and developed in content the next few months. What makes you think so? People said the same about CO. They were almost 3 weeks late on the first raid episode for this game.
Most of the people blasting it haven't played the game or don't really understand it enough due to lack of personal experienced or knowledge about the game. Proof? You almost sound like one guy on the forums that kept claiming most of the critics didn't even play the game when anyone with an above room temperature IQ knows that you can't post on their forums without a subscription. Happens to a lot of MMOs when launched recently.... The other batch are Star Trek fanatics who expect the impossible and would not be satisfied no matter who was making the MMO. On this, we can agree. This doesn't excuse Cryptic for turning the IP into a shallow pewpew game.
STO is not an A+ in my book more like a B- or a C+.
Cryptic overextended themselves doing Champions Online and Star Trek at the same time. It's certainly not a terrible game and the Space PvP is very fun. They just need some more time to work on the product before it becomes a solid B.
I'm not going to argue with you over your opinion on either AoC or this game, but please don't pull BS out of your behind and pass it off as fact.
Yes they are deleting critism threads now-just saw two of them dissapear. i know they own there forums but they are getting kind of heavy handed.
This shouldn't surprise you. They did the same thing on CO. At the end of the day, Cryptic is simply not a good developer. They keep turning out unfinished junk. Doesn't mean you can't still have fun for a while, but eventually people will see the games are horrible and will move on.
It is not what you say, but how you say it, where you say it, and at whom it is directed that makes the difference. Also, those boards belong to that company, so, really, whether we like it or not, they really can do what they want: their playground, their rules.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Yea, its out of control now. They are locking all kinds of threads. Too little to late. The words out now. Containment on their forums is the best move but intsead they push unhappy campers out into the wider internet. I really wonder how long this company will last?
The best move would have been to do right by there customers. But that seems to be too much to ask from this company.
Thats the problem, you think that YOU know best. They can not wave a wand and make everyone happy, it's all about balancing the numbers.
It is not what you say, but how you say it, where you say it, and at whom it is directed that makes the difference. Also, those boards belong to that company, so, really, whether we like it or not, they really can do what they want: their playground, their rules.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Well it's a problem when the playground empties out and you run out of people to ban which means... you've run out of players. Most the people on the forums are customers. Cryptic seems to have forgotten they are dealing with the hands that feed them not random strangers.
parrotpholk-Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better.
It is not what you say, but how you say it, where you say it, and at whom it is directed that makes the difference. Also, those boards belong to that company, so, really, whether we like it or not, they really can do what they want: their playground, their rules.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Well it's a problem when the playground empties out and you run out of people to ban which means... you've run out of players. Most the people on the forums are customers. Cryptic seems to have forgotten they are dealing with the hands that feed them not random strangers.
Indeed. I do not disagree with you. But if Cryptic/Atari wishes to run their own ship aground, that is their decision to make, is it not?
Any dog can bite the hand that feeds them so long as they understand that the consequence of such an action is that they will be euthanized.
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
Yea, its out of control now. They are locking all kinds of threads. Too little to late. The words out now. Containment on their forums is the best move but intsead they push unhappy campers out into the wider internet. I really wonder how long this company will last?
The best move would have been to do right by there customers. But that seems to be too much to ask from this company.
Thats the problem, you think that YOU know best. They can not wave a wand and make everyone happy, it's all about balancing the numbers.
cant argue with the logic of your statment but i do have to say they better wave some type of wand because i does not take a rocket scientist to see that their is a major exodus going on.
Yes they are deleting critism threads now-just saw two of them dissapear. i know they own there forums but they are getting kind of heavy handed.
You wanna talk about heavy handed? They banned me for a day for telling someone to shut up. I didn't even curse.
I got banned off for a day for telling someone that exact same thing. Rules are rules and when you break forum rules it happens. I think i've been banned a few times off these boards for telling people they are dumb, stupid, idiots, or anything along that list of insults or nonsense such as shut up would be. It sucks, but hey it happens.
Yes they are deleting critism threads now-just saw two of them dissapear. i know they own there forums but they are getting kind of heavy handed.
And don't dare disagree with someone. I was warned about my "trolling" when I disagreed with someone.
Hah. I was warned for "not making reasonable arguments" when someone trolled ME and I posted "sorry, I'm not responding to your trolling, I'm done here".
It was my thread and I was arguing against RMTs lol.
haha. This is rediculous and it exists everywhere, even at This word troll is over-used and inappropriately applied most of the time.
About the topic of Mods deleting criticism threads, fanboy trolls have been given a pass as opposed to opposition trolls because having an 'opinion' that is considered positive, or 'quoting' a positive post and personalizing your response in support, even if the positive comments are considered misplaced and repeatedly remarked on by some, is considered acceptable while having an opinion that is considered negative (in opposition) and remarked about continuously, even when you quote someone and personalize your response in opposition, is considered "trolling" by some warped loose definition.
So if I remarked that your opinion is good and support my remarks, I'm free to troll with that position extendedly. But if I say your opinion sucks and support my remarks extendedly, I’m banned or the post is deleted.
So here'smy opinion; i think your opinion sucks if your opinion of trolling is as retarded/lopsided as to think that there should be one form of moderation behavior for a positive and repeated remarked upon position in support of a positive post, while you think that non-supportive and non-positive posts about a subject, while repeatedly remarked about and posted about in opposition, is considered trolling.
The more mature wont want to get the last word in, but as with a product such as STO, it has disenfranchised so many, misled so many, been considered such a horrific disappointment by so many, that I dont remember when the last time I saw so much outrage over a gaming product before; maybe SWG. And these people need to run their course, as the popularity of the game will, and let the chips fall where they may.
Well, when someone responds to my arguments against RMTs calling them "twisted rants", when they make perfect sense and quote examples of use, that's trolling. When I say "sorry, I'm not dealing with your trolling", and get warned for "not making reasonable arguments" it's true that I'm not making a reasonable argument.
Because there's nothing reasonable I can say back to having my points of view called "twisted rants". Especially by a guy with a goat head for an avatar.Who happens to be a real buddy of the forum mods, dev buttkisser, first beta group, etc. Not that I'm saying that had anything to do with it. Or that providing real world examples of how RMTs negatively affect the game experience did either.
So, I guess my case doesn't fit your criteria above. Therefore, your opinion isn't really applicable to the situation.
It is not what you say, but how you say it, where you say it, and at whom it is directed that makes the difference. Also, those boards belong to that company, so, really, whether we like it or not, they really can do what they want: their playground, their rules.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Then I totally wish NCSoft would have put out COX 2 Now, with DC Universe incoming, I doubt there will be enough market left.
Yes they are deleting critism threads now-just saw two of them dissapear. i know they own there forums but they are getting kind of heavy handed.
Did hitler respawn in the states?
Thinking of maybe leaving this forum if people are not allowed to give critism towards games. Because then what would be the point of having a forum? Or maybe they just write good about those games which they get payed from for adverts.
I think you can have as many criticism threads as you want. The problem is that some forum posters aren't clear on what constructive criticism is and just plain trolling and flaming.
In the end it starts becoming more about vendetta and less about pointing out the major issues of a game. Which of course is a disservice to the players because if a game does have issues then it needs to be talked about.
My thought is that if one wants to do a criticism thread or post they should just put it as if they were talking to their boss or their ceo or someone who you generally have to curb your tongue when talking to them.
An explanation of any game's shortcomings is of great value. But pages and pages of rants and attacks just doesn't do anyone any good, will get deleted and then people won't be informed of the particular game's issues.
The most intelligent point I've read on these forums so far .
Correct me if I am mistaken. Didn't Cryptic or Atari have a thread specifically for criticism or more of a complaining thread about everything going wrong? Even if they didn't, they messed up big tim and deserve what is coming.
They did and the thread got to 200 pages but then the new community manager Phoxe came in and said and I quote "This thread has served it's purpose" and closed it. Which is typical cleanup PR for a lot of angry customers.
I would give you a guest pass to SWOTR, but then I wouldn't be able to find a way to live with myself afterwards....
It is not what you say, but how you say it, where you say it, and at whom it is directed that makes the difference. Also, those boards belong to that company, so, really, whether we like it or not, they really can do what they want: their playground, their rules.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Then I totally wish NCSoft would have put out COX 2 Now, with DC Universe incoming, I doubt there will be enough market left.
I don't think they'll have to release CoX 2. They'll just keep upgrading the game until it is completely unrecognizable from the original.
While i am not going to disagree with the basis of your post. I think this particular game form this particular company has pretty much put a stake in cryptics heart. Will other companys hype the heck out of a bad product? sure they will and we will probably fall for it like this one but i dont think cryptic will have very many followers of future games after this. And will STO fail as in servers getting shut down not likely but it will limp along without becoming what it could have become. Plain money grab thats all it was.
Only a very insecure MMO developer would silence people for talking about other games in their forums. The insecure developer fears that their player base will move on to the competition.
In this case, it is a legitimate fear because of how poorly done CO is. Start a CO thread on the City of Heroes forums, the mods don't care. You might even have a developer post in your thread.
4 games with a combined population of 200,000 subscribers isn't nearly as good as one game with 200,000 subscribers. It's funny how Cryptic/Atari hasn't figured this out yet. Eventually they'll hit a wall where they have too many games with too few subscribers.
Yes a lot of the threads getting deleted did contain those but the two I was reading the OP did not start out that way. it was the fanbois raging at them bringing up the I quit crap in them and then other fanboys pointing out the I quit crap in the thread would get the thread deleted.
Kind of funny to watch the fanboys go to extreme lengths to quell any opposition.
Could you post some proof?
I'm sure you are not a bald faced liar, but just posting something without proof is heresay.
To be honest, less posts from people who rush through a few week old game expecting massive content at endgame is good.
We need to weed the stupid folks out somehow, and it is illegal to just kill them.
Yes a lot of the threads getting deleted did contain those but the two I was reading the OP did not start out that way. it was the fanbois raging at them bringing up the I quit crap in them and then other fanboys pointing out the I quit crap in the thread would get the thread deleted.
Kind of funny to watch the fanboys go to extreme lengths to quell any opposition.
Could you post some proof?
I'm sure you are not a bald faced liar, but just posting something without proof is heresay.
To be honest, less posts from people who rush through a few week old game expecting massive content at endgame is good.
We need to weed the stupid folks out somehow, and it is illegal to just kill them.
They were deleted not closed so getting proof is impossible. So you will have to watch the forums for yourself or take my word for it.
And don't dare disagree with someone. I was warned about my "trolling" when I disagreed with someone.
Hah. I was warned for "not making reasonable arguments" when someone trolled ME and I posted "sorry, I'm not responding to your trolling, I'm done here".
It was my thread and I was arguing against RMTs lol.
And don't dare disagree with someone. I was warned about my "trolling" when I disagreed with someone.
Hah. I was warned for "not making reasonable arguments" when someone trolled ME and I posted "sorry, I'm not responding to your trolling, I'm done here".
It was my thread and I was arguing against RMTs lol.
haha. This is rediculous and it exists everywhere, even at This word troll is over-used and inappropriately applied most of the time.
About the topic of Mods deleting criticism threads, fanboy trolls have been given a pass as opposed to opposition trolls because having an 'opinion' that is considered positive, or 'quoting' a positive post and personalizing your response in support, even if the positive comments are considered misplaced and repeatedly remarked on by some, is considered acceptable while having an opinion that is considered negative (in opposition) and remarked about continuously, even when you quote someone and personalize your response in opposition, is considered "trolling" by some warped loose definition.
So if I remarked that your opinion is good and support my remarks, I'm free to troll with that position extendedly. But if I say your opinion sucks and support my remarks extendedly, I’m banned or the post is deleted.
So here'smy opinion; i think your opinion sucks if your opinion of trolling is as retarded/lopsided as to think that there should be one form of moderation behavior for a positive and repeated remarked upon position in support of a positive post, while you think that non-supportive and non-positive posts about a subject, while repeatedly remarked about and posted about in opposition, is considered trolling.
The more mature wont want to get the last word in, but as with a product such as STO, it has disenfranchised so many, misled so many, been considered such a horrific disappointment by so many, that I dont remember when the last time I saw so much outrage over a gaming product before; maybe SWG. And these people need to run their course, as the popularity of the game will, and let the chips fall where they may.
It is completely within Cryptic's right as the provider of the forums to delete any posts they feel are unconstructive or negative towards other users, their employees, their company, or their products.
However, in the situation of negative reviews of the game or the "Atari Incident", they are showing a lack of ability to sooth their own customers or allow them a means to vent their frustrations.
In whole, they are acting like children which is nothing new to MMOs or the internet in general.
A little note:
#30 up from #32 yesterday
Highest: #19 on 2010-02-03
BUT they'll definitely dip some but this game is no where near what Age of Conan was at launch.
Age of Conan now is arguably one of the best MMOs on the market. Especially for PvP.
If you're looking for another EVE though look no further. That game has already launched and is called EVE.
Two different types of games but both are fun and decent imho.
Star Trek doesn't suffer from the major problems that Age of Conan did but it does suffer from being released WAY too soon.
It will however recover a lot faster then AoC and will be a lot more polished and developed in content the next few months.
Most of the people blasting it haven't played the game or don't really understand it enough due to lack of personal experienced or knowledge about the game.
Happens to a lot of MMOs when launched recently....
The other batch are Star Trek fanatics who expect the impossible and would not be satisfied no matter who was making the MMO.
STO is not an A+ in my book more like a B- or a C+.
Cryptic overextended themselves doing Champions Online and Star Trek at the same time.
It's certainly not a terrible game and the Space PvP is very fun.
They just need some more time to work on the product before it becomes a solid B.
First, let me clarify and qualify everything I am about to say with the following:
I am in no way defending, condoning, or otherwise supporting Cryptic or Atari regarding their actions in last weekend's fiasco or the public relations debacle they have created with their ill-advised actions. They created the problem and they are going to have to suffer the consequences - which I personally hope are damaging enough to the company, in every possible sense of the word, that other companies take note of so that nothing like this ever happens again.
That being said, there is a stickied thread on their forums (which may or may not be closed by now, I have not checked) for people to respond directly to this issue. Their community staff was very clear in that thread that any and all other threads addressing the issue would be closed and/or deleted and all posters would be redirected to that single stickied thread. Call it fascism, call it censorship, call it what we will, but they own those boards and they grant folks the privilege - not the right - to have access to post on them in much the same way that grants the privilege, not the right to post here or our respective guilds grant the privilege and not the right to post on our respective guild sites.
In point of fact, I posted two times in the stickied thread on the STO boards. The first post was to express my displeasure with the situation and to say that there's no way Atari/Cryptic would ever get my money, even if I liked the game (which, after playing a ten day trial because my friend begged me every day for hours, I finally caved...the game did not impress me even a little bit. The graphics in space are very nice, and the character customization is impressive - those are the only two good points I can note about the game. Gameplay was clunky at best, irritating at worst). The second post was to quote a "fanboi" and to disagree - vehemently - with him and to tell him that if he truly believed what his post seemed to indicate, then he was a fool. Neither post was deleted, nor was I banned. Neither post contained swearing or cursing, though both did contain strong opinions worded in such a manner as to leave very little doubt what my feelings were - though neither post directly attacked any other players, nor did either post directly attack Cryptic or Atari - they simply made known my feelings and opinions regarding what appeared to be a highly unethical and possibly illegal business practice.
It is not what you say, but how you say it, where you say it, and at whom it is directed that makes the difference. Also, those boards belong to that company, so, really, whether we like it or not, they really can do what they want: their playground, their rules.
Edited for spelling
Firebrand Art
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
I'm not going to argue with you over your opinion on either AoC or this game, but please don't pull BS out of your behind and pass it off as fact.
This shouldn't surprise you. They did the same thing on CO. At the end of the day, Cryptic is simply not a good developer. They keep turning out unfinished junk. Doesn't mean you can't still have fun for a while, but eventually people will see the games are horrible and will move on.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
The best move would have been to do right by there customers. But that seems to be too much to ask from this company.
Thats the problem, you think that YOU know best. They can not wave a wand and make everyone happy, it's all about balancing the numbers.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Well it's a problem when the playground empties out and you run out of people to ban which means... you've run out of players. Most the people on the forums are customers. Cryptic seems to have forgotten they are dealing with the hands that feed them not random strangers.
parrotpholk-Because we all know the miracle patch fairy shows up the night before release and sprinkles magic dust on the server to make it allllll better.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Well it's a problem when the playground empties out and you run out of people to ban which means... you've run out of players. Most the people on the forums are customers. Cryptic seems to have forgotten they are dealing with the hands that feed them not random strangers.
Indeed. I do not disagree with you. But if Cryptic/Atari wishes to run their own ship aground, that is their decision to make, is it not?
Any dog can bite the hand that feeds them so long as they understand that the consequence of such an action is that they will be euthanized.
Firebrand Art
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
The best move would have been to do right by there customers. But that seems to be too much to ask from this company.
Thats the problem, you think that YOU know best. They can not wave a wand and make everyone happy, it's all about balancing the numbers.
cant argue with the logic of your statment but i do have to say they better wave some type of wand because i does not take a rocket scientist to see that their is a major exodus going on.
You wanna talk about heavy handed? They banned me for a day for telling someone to shut up. I didn't even curse.
I got banned off for a day for telling someone that exact same thing. Rules are rules and when you break forum rules it happens. I think i've been banned a few times off these boards for telling people they are dumb, stupid, idiots, or anything along that list of insults or nonsense such as shut up would be. It sucks, but hey it happens.
And don't dare disagree with someone. I was warned about my "trolling" when I disagreed with someone.
Hah. I was warned for "not making reasonable arguments" when someone trolled ME and I posted "sorry, I'm not responding to your trolling, I'm done here".
It was my thread and I was arguing against RMTs lol.
haha. This is rediculous and it exists everywhere, even at This word troll is over-used and inappropriately applied most of the time.
About the topic of Mods deleting criticism threads, fanboy trolls have been given a pass as opposed to opposition trolls because having an 'opinion' that is considered positive, or 'quoting' a positive post and personalizing your response in support, even if the positive comments are considered misplaced and repeatedly remarked on by some, is considered acceptable while having an opinion that is considered negative (in opposition) and remarked about continuously, even when you quote someone and personalize your response in opposition, is considered "trolling" by some warped loose definition.
So if I remarked that your opinion is good and support my remarks, I'm free to troll with that position extendedly. But if I say your opinion sucks and support my remarks extendedly, I’m banned or the post is deleted.
So here'smy opinion; i think your opinion sucks if your opinion of trolling is as retarded/lopsided as to think that there should be one form of moderation behavior for a positive and repeated remarked upon position in support of a positive post, while you think that non-supportive and non-positive posts about a subject, while repeatedly remarked about and posted about in opposition, is considered trolling.
The more mature wont want to get the last word in, but as with a product such as STO, it has disenfranchised so many, misled so many, been considered such a horrific disappointment by so many, that I dont remember when the last time I saw so much outrage over a gaming product before; maybe SWG. And these people need to run their course, as the popularity of the game will, and let the chips fall where they may.
Well, when someone responds to my arguments against RMTs calling them "twisted rants", when they make perfect sense and quote examples of use, that's trolling. When I say "sorry, I'm not dealing with your trolling", and get warned for "not making reasonable arguments" it's true that I'm not making a reasonable argument.
Because there's nothing reasonable I can say back to having my points of view called "twisted rants". Especially by a guy with a goat head for an avatar.Who happens to be a real buddy of the forum mods, dev buttkisser, first beta group, etc. Not that I'm saying that had anything to do with it. Or that providing real world examples of how RMTs negatively affect the game experience did either.
So, I guess my case doesn't fit your criteria above. Therefore, your opinion isn't really applicable to the situation.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Then I totally wish NCSoft would have put out COX 2 Now, with DC Universe incoming, I doubt there will be enough market left.
Did hitler respawn in the states?
Thinking of maybe leaving this forum if people are not allowed to give critism towards games. Because then what would be the point of having a forum? Or maybe they just write good about those games which they get payed from for adverts.
I think you can have as many criticism threads as you want. The problem is that some forum posters aren't clear on what constructive criticism is and just plain trolling and flaming.
In the end it starts becoming more about vendetta and less about pointing out the major issues of a game. Which of course is a disservice to the players because if a game does have issues then it needs to be talked about.
My thought is that if one wants to do a criticism thread or post they should just put it as if they were talking to their boss or their ceo or someone who you generally have to curb your tongue when talking to them.
An explanation of any game's shortcomings is of great value. But pages and pages of rants and attacks just doesn't do anyone any good, will get deleted and then people won't be informed of the particular game's issues.
The most intelligent point I've read on these forums so far .
They did and the thread got to 200 pages but then the new community manager Phoxe came in and said and I quote "This thread has served it's purpose" and closed it. Which is typical cleanup PR for a lot of angry customers.
I would give you a guest pass to SWOTR, but then I wouldn't be able to find a way to live with myself afterwards....
i have a policy after buying hundred of BAD games. if they will not let me try the game for free for at least 2 weeks,i will not buy it.
this 1 month free when you buy the game is just a way to get cash for a bad game.i rather they give a 2 week trial and no free month.
Nifa summed it up nicely. How about we save our righteous indignation for issues that really deserve it? Cryptic lost all their best people when NCSoft bought CoX from them. The best devs stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. The Cryptic of 5 years ago is no more. And so I am not surprised that CO and STO are just hollow shells of what they should have been.
Then I totally wish NCSoft would have put out COX 2 Now, with DC Universe incoming, I doubt there will be enough market left.
I don't think they'll have to release CoX 2. They'll just keep upgrading the game until it is completely unrecognizable from the original.
I noticed the same pattern regarding criticism to abusive F2P games.
Threads deleted. Temporary ban with "negative trolling" arbitrary justification.
"This is the end, my only friend, is the end" sings song.